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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why isn't it happening? My life is so shit. I cannot go on. I really need it to happen, everyone keeps acting like it's going to happen, all world leaders keep threatening and warning of a happening. All finance people keep saying that everything is getting worse and worse but nothing ever happens. Please, a happening is the only hope I have left, I'm so tired. Please happen.
dude do you think the world is gonna just up and gather around to grant you your wishes just because it's your birthday or something?
I don't know what else to do.
Dw fren, israel unironically has less than five years left and the entire world is getting redpilled on the JQ. It’ll take time but the trend is looking really good.
im sorry man but nothing is gonna happen your life is gonna be garbage until you do something about it

either you accept it and live how you are or you do something about it
you are right, thanks anon
You thought two weeks was over? Oh no my friend. You gotta wait two more weeks before you wait two weeks, and then you wait 2 more.
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it's already happening. someone is diddling a kid right now. like legit they're diddling kids and paying money for it
I feel the same. I just wish society would collapse. I am looking out my window right now and the weather is beautiful but I don't want to go for a walk because society is out there. I just want to be able to be alone outside but there are people everywhere. I feel a pull toward my bed to just relax and probably fall asleep for a bit. I can't continue living this way. I want to escape this system but there is no escape.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me! :)
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
All is one in Christ.
This luminous hell wants to kill both Body and Spirit, but neither will die here, for I will live forever with my God Jesus Christ.
I love only you God Jesus Christ.
fix your life.
finally get a healthy romantic relationship.
start a family.
build your home.
become happy.

only then will life think your getting to cocky and will finally happen the happening.
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are you talking about AGI? Well be patient, neet utopia gets closer every day
Agree. Bumping this to bump another "destiny" shill thread to the bottom of the catalogue
Things are always happening all the time, I would recommend a habit of prayer.
>Hey guys, you might know some shit but your ass better delegate to a jew or else
Fuck you, kikelite
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Happeningfags, when will they ever learn?
>Please, a happening is the only hope I have left, I'm so tired. Please happen.
I can relate.

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