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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How do we save the human race by letting only smart people breed and sterilize the useless retarded masses?
Who would you trust to manage this? Your government?
Why do you assume they are smart? The ugliness and the glasses?
They're smart because they manage a state of the art biolab
>start a business with daddy's money and hire other people to do the work while they (((manage))) it
So you want nothing but jews and their "intelligence" to continue? wtf, man

IQ regresses to the mean. Worse when you try to collect intelligent people any institution you build will instead collect agreeable obedient people who are just good at obeying instructions. Its why college has gone to shit.

So does China kek.
Couples where both are intelligent usually do not do well. The optimum is one intelligent and one attractive.
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>elite couples
a homosexual and a lesbian both having the gay gene and passing it to their offspring larping as tradcucks saviours of the white race. Why glowniggers only hire LGBTs? is this a psyop or just two retards?
>Wearing thick, black-rimmed circular framed turbojew glasses

Elites are largely degenerate retards, btw.
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>and sterilize the useless retarded masses?

endocrine disruptor environmental chemicals

smart people breeding just breeds dysgenic autistics, what we need are aryan eugenics breeding camps selected for physique not intellect
If they were breeding to save mankind, he wouldn't be standing next to his mother.
Also, there would be at least 6 kids.
>useless retarded masses
FYI, you're talking about yourself.
I have a degree from MIT
>>Wearing thick, black-rimmed circular framed turbojew glasses
>Elites are largely degenerate retards, btw.

The smart people would end up sterilizing the useless retarded masses anyways.
People who need braces and glasses shouldn't breed.
They had an appearance at Ed Dutton's show, but I didn't care to watch it(desu he is boring, back in the stone age when he did the show with M. Woodley it was more interesting), the whole story seems to be them trying to spin a podcast tho.
THey probably already solved it with the vax, so now only the smart people who didn't take it and their workforce (3rd world immigrants) will be able to breed
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>aryan eugenics breeding camps selected for physique not intellect

What about both? Hopefully soon the average guy will look like picrel.
I would appreciate it if you didn't endeavor to prove my point. This is not at all a refutation of the statement made.
Little secret for ya.
Hard bread, hard jerky during childhood. Enjoy your well developed mandibles.
To a point but society needs lower iq maintenance and service workers that will be happy with their lot in life.
These fucking nerds are fucking based. Glasses mommy is hot and breedable, and dude says the amish are the great white hope of repopulating the earth due to based morals, excellent genetics, and high birth rates.

He also claims that people who are refusing to breed, and who are chemically castrating themselves due to gender dysphoria are self-removing themselves from the gene pool and this is a good thing. They shouldn't breed anyways.

These two dorky genius billionaires are single-handedly trying to create a white ethnostate.
They are both reasonably attractive. I would breed glasses mommy.
IQ is not enough, you also need to take into account everything else. Height, strength, athleticism, good teeth, attractiveness, personality/behavioral traits, resistance to disease, propensity for genetic diseases and psychiatric disorders, etc.
High IQ doesn’t guarantee success. East Asian countries have the highest IQs but didn’t create superior civilisations to white westerners, and many are worse (at least not until we became jew infested).

Ethnic cohesion is the single greatest resource of a society. It is implicit trust and stability. It cannot be beaten by IQ or anything else.
no need. The retarded masses are already sterilizing themselves by taking hormones and chopping their reproductive organs off.
That old bag looks 40+. Enjoy the autistic children.
That bitch needs IVF to reproduce, absolutely dysgenic, and they cope hard about it
>get lucky in life
>This must be all thanks to ME, my superior genes must be passed on
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autistic run-on style sentence structure OP... start with yourself
>he literally want to bring to the world genetic slaves
You are evil. And in a high IQ society everything is automated and almost free. Service and maintenance would be minimal and voluntary work. But we are fucked by dysgenics and overpopulation. Assisted suicide should be legal.
An AI with access to wireless microchip kill switches could cull us correctly, but it would probably not spare many people.
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Both of them are LGBTs, all their children will have the gay gene. They most likely are glownigers
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>but didn’t create superior civilisations to white westerners
Japan was unironically superior than the west in many ways (still is). But of course IQ is just one old intelligence metric, nowadays they know what genes causes geniuses
unironically sounds like a great way to destroy it
wow based based based
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Yet that dork will never wet his prick with a vagina and will likely die cranking his shaft to produce a sperm sample, ala Idiocracy.
That chick looks like 50
I hesitate to even use the word chick, should be hen
its a man
That reminds me. There is a propaganda picture from the Third Reich that shows Akademikerfamilien (academic families) having 1.8 children, German families having 2.2 children and Asoziale (asocials) having 4 children.


The supposed pro-natalist token 'weird-couple' that has been splashed across the U.S./U.K. press in ironic publicity drive, turn out to be ....... (...wait for it ...) ....EXPORING THEIR JEWINESS!!!!!

They look like the couple from idiocracy lmao
>they watched mike judge's movie and decided maybe it's time to have a kid after all
These two are IQ Nationalists and not racist enough. They need to be more racist. It's not enough to breed. Billions must die.
They're deep state distraction propaganda, I do believe.
Their miserable demoralizing videos aren't going to persuade anyone to get married and raise a family.
They're bought and paid for bullshitters. Otherwise they wouldn't have been given the MSM publicity they have had.

These two are fucking retards. The dude is a closet homo with a woman's voice who reads Wikipedia articles. She thinks she's being a magnanimous trad wife by letting him talk over her. They both exude an air of smugness at having "figured it out."

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