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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I'm tired of this cope.
The average white person stands against everything Hitler stood for. This is true now and it was true then.
White people are a bunch of greedy, lazy, cowardly individualists.
They don't care about each other. They don't care about their children.
They love this Jewish world. They love Jewish media. They love Jewish vices. They love Jews.
Hitler's message could have been delivered to them in the most honest or even steelmanned way possible and they still would've hated it.
Germans liked him because they weren't starving anymore. That's it. That's the idealism of the average white person.
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>what is social engineering
The real reason is that Hitler was working for the kikes all along and that's why hall of cost never happened but the genocide of white peoples of Europe did. Everyone claiming otherwise is a kike. Fuck off rabbi.
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>picrel; the thread
These responses are garbage.
/pol/ is fucking retarded now.
We don't care
>White people are a bunch of greedy, lazy, cowardly individualists.
>They don't care about each other. They don't care about their children.
>They love this Jewish world. They love Jewish media. They love Jewish vices. They love Jews.
Nope that's just white societies infected with the Christian mind virus. They worship a victim god of course they love jewish values.
If white people have been like that for 2,000 years then they're like that.
Except current society is atheistic and not Christian and when Europe was Christian it reached its peak.
It's almost like you're a lying jew always attacking Christianity because it stands in the way of NWO.
Most people are descendants of peasants and have been psyopped with cuckianity and liberalism from birth to make them into the perfect pacified slaves. 99% of people have innate slave morality and will just side with whatever person makes sure they do not starve.
Go and get shot by a cop, Schwartze
The average white person is barely less retarded than the average shit skin.
Western society reached its peak post enlightenment when Europeans realized the bible was jewish folklore.
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Your straw man arguments probably work better on a different website.
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tldr didn’t read your tranifesto but Carl the cuck and aids skrillex will never not make me laugh
>The average white person stands against everything Hitler stood for.

>uses a color to discribe a race.
>pretends like the average joe knows who hitler even was outside of what deals he meade with aliens on the """""""((((((history)))))""""""" channel..

low effort thread
Here's what WW2 was about.
>Great depression
>Jewish stock market collapsed
>Americans poor without work
>Stupid, ignorant, can't build their own economy without jews
>Most American men just sit around with no purpose in life and resent the prosperity of Germany and Japan
>America poor
>Germany rebuilds society
>Japan rebuild economy
>Jealous Americans see Germany's/Japan's success.
>America stops trading with Germany/Japan
>America embargos Japan for invasion of China
>Germany knows the allies will form a new triple pact like WW1
>On ticking time clock
>Western powers France Britain break non aggression pact with Germany by protecting Poland
>France and Britain waging war against Germany for expanding east into Poland
>Germany defeats Poland, France, Belgium, Netherlands
>Controls entire continent of Europe
>Britain refuses peace(doesn't want peace)
>Jews use propaganda to drag Americans who resent Germans for their success into war
>Americans arm for war
>Pearl harbor is the excuse but really want to kill Germans like WW1
>Support Britain and wage unofficial naval warfare against Germany
>Start to wage war against Japan
>War time economy growing
>American economy no longer in depression
>Booming war industry that supports civilian living standards
>Germany invades the soviet union
>America and Britain attack Europe
>Triple pact like WW1(Russia. America, Britain)
>WW2 is officially on
>American resources and finished goods support the soviet union
>Soviet union pushes America back
>China pushes japan with supplies from America
>American economy super strong but loaning materials and resources to other major powers
>America is rich
>Soviet Russia, Britain and America destroy Europe
>Loot Europe
>Move on next to Japan
>Loot Japan

End results.
British empire bankrupt
French empire crushed
America world super power with "allies"
Soviet union largest empire in the world 1 billion slave workers
China destroyed
Whites destroyed
Or maybe hitler just isn't that amazing? Perhaps some people even opposed hitler's megalomania and warmongering?
Have you tried not being a FUCKING WHYTE MALE.
Ah yes, nothing like the factory chimney and WW slaughter. Absolute peak of western world.
Who are you trying to fool, kike?
American does not equal all whites, Americans have always been retarded and spiritually semetic. Look into the pilgrims, they were the original kike-LARPing “retvrn to our Jewish rootz” Christian’s.
America is all whites now. Stop idolizing the trash that is europe.
None of that is Christian though
ooga booga death to america and its evil lying mouth, and its' muh free speech.
muh white muh brown muh blablablobllo.
Kill all americans who lie, simple as, the final solution to the american problem. Murder every single one regardless race or age or sex.
Here's the little retard glowies who sit on 4chan for 10 years and do anti euro agitation whilst screeching of muh free speech. Muh hitler muh holochaust nobody cares shitmerican. Just eat shit and die you fat retard lying roach trash.
Hitler was amazing you should listen to his speeches. There's a reason Hitler could form legions. The national socialist workers party was the largest political organization in the world at the height of its power. What defeated Germany was not idealism but mass production. The triple alliance like WW1. An alliance of necessity not any shared goals or ideals. That is to say without the entire industrial world uniting to destroy Germany, fascism wins easily. It is no contest.

And it all started with the British empires power plays in Europe to keep Germany down. Without Britain the chain reaction of WW2 never takes place. That's where the jewish question comes into play . Jews influencing Britain to destroy colonial empires in order to take over the world from white people.

The British empire no longer exists
The French empire no longer exists.

Hitler had nothing against the British and French. Yet they attacked Germany anyway.
usa is the trash usa was always trash, usa was always a blight, usa did never do anything correct, americans have always been liars frauds wrong about everything. And evil anti euro scum and cockroaches.
When americans die of diseases, fentanyl, tornados, any reason it is cause of celebration.
Talk is cheap, I prefer to judge people by actions. Someone who murders white people by millions and saves kikes doesn't really fit my definition of an amazing person.
Hitler did not want war in the west. Germany had a non aggression pact with France and Britain. Then Britain formed an alliance with Poland. Poles are not white they are slavic.

If you are to judge someone you look at the British and their divide and rule power plays that blew up right in their faces.
>Hitler was amazing
No not really. He made terrible decisions that ruined his nation and ended up killing himself like a troon. He's a warning about letting statist demagogues march your people into ruin.
Sorry anon but europe is weak and dead trash now. Maybe the rising islamic civilization of europe will breathe some life into it.
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You are lambasting the loser for losing that is all. Hitler made all the right decisions against impossible odds. He made peace with the west. Attacked the east. The west attacked Germany anyway.

Meanwhile what do you do? You allow jews to dominate your life. America is not a European nation but capitalism is jewish. You think simping for your inferiors is superior than fighting for dominance?

What does that make you? A slave.
Yes, your contribution has added greatly to the measurable level of retardation
Hitler lost on purpose
Listen I don't give a fuck what alliances Hitler had before he broke them, all I need to judge him is the fact that hall of coast is fake and genocide of whites isn't.
>slavs aren't white
How's the weather in Tel Aviv, rabbi?
Strongest nations are Russia and China. You are blind. And America has caused these 2 civilizations to unite in order to protect each other. By destroying Europe you have empowered the east. And using China to defeat the USSR was only a temporary victory. America can't run wild in the middle east any longer. America will be forced out of the Asia pacific next. Ukraine is losing. Israel is fighting its own wars now. International trade is being disrupted by the Houthis.

Where is America? This big strong America you speak of? Doing nothing. Afraid with indecision.
Yes I'm rightfully criticizing the foul whose led his people to ruin while you fantasize about what might have been had only hitler and his clique of idiots and degenerates been far more capable men. Theres little about hitler to idolize today and theres certainly little that any white who was not a german to like about hitler in the 1940s when hitler waged war upon most of the white world.
well explain
Read Mein Kampf. Slavs are not white. You should care because like i said Germany, France and Britain had a non aggression pact. 2 days after Germany signed a non aggression pact with the USSR Britain signed a blinding alliance with Poland.

Now why would Britain do this? In order to create WW2 to destroy Germany.
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he was so popular he had people in countries he was at war with fanboying for him
it's a historical fact that america had to be tricked into attacking germany, twice
Catering to people that are is fundamentally Christian.
we are all united in our retardation
Hitler did not wage war against the west he attacked the east. After Germany invaded the east the west attacked Germany.
>Strongest nations are Russia and China.
lol, lmao even.
>Hitler did not wage war against the west
Yes he did and he was a fool to do so.
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Adolfin...lost on porpoise?
He did not. Germany attacked Poland(east) and Britain and France declared war on Germany.
Shit thread made by a fag
Why would an alliance with Poland lead to war between Germany and Britain? It's only possible if Germany wanted war from the very beginning.
They murdered whites and saved kikes. Germany's war was financed by Rotshilds. The outcome of the war is the creation of Israel and decades of muh antisemitism card. And Hitler escaped to Argentina where he married a negress.
Only jews revere Hitler. He is their greatest hero. That's why they paint swastikas on walls. It's their holy symbol.
And all that will be defended by (((You))), a jew, that claims whites aren't white as a D&C tactic that I've seen thousands of times from you vermin. You're a kike. An actual jew. Your nose is large and your foreskin is missing.
This is the last post I made in response to you, you filthy kike.
I disagree with some of Hitler's aryan theory (he was vindicated by modern archeology on some points) and I prefer a more Anglo system of government but that's really all we part ways on. The people who defeated Nazi Germany held identical views on the realities of race that I have though. Make of that what you will.
Russia has a massive military industrial complex many times larger than America. And it is only growing. As is China's yet at a much slower rate. Just because these countries spend less on their military is not a metric to judge them by their raw production. Artillery, drones, guns and soldiers. Russia has it all.
And hitler knew they would do so when he attacked their polish ally and he did so anyway. And yes hitler declared war on the US as well. Hitler was retard. His feminine emotional rhetoric at campaign rallies didn't no translate into effective statecraft. He should have remained some political figurehead to rally the base and leave the decision making to his betters.
>Russia has a massive military industrial complex many times larger than America.
lol no
1 Originally as a communist, he understood what socialism was, yes by gene he saw the exploitation of the White man around the 1920s and was a soldier in the German Empire IN WW1, in the weimar he saw exactly the collapse of the German people and knew it was due to the treachery by those who werent fully German, slavic ancestry from the collapsed WW1 eastern original barbarossa front and jews that were in Germany and entered from it, there was a communist revolution right after the collapse in 1918, through the years with this knowledge he acknowledged the war to destroy those Germany was against, non Christians and semites, of course, Christianity is in the White Realm, which would begin to question his integrity.
>Read Mein Kampf. Slavs are not white.
Poles were considered Aryan until Germany invaded them, then they retconned them as Untermensch
Honestly all true
Whites allowed this to happen
There were numerous times when they should have realized they digging their own graves even way back to the American Civil war for American whites.
The final nail was Brown v board and the forced integration should have led to a 2nd civil war.
2 there is speculation Hitler himself was jewish and was communist on purpose, in vienna he lived near communist unknowingly but could have been on purpose. he went to many communists funerals and evem had a jewish doctor.
Old jewish trick. Pretend to be ally when you're busy destroying one nation, once you're done with them, it's time for the ally.
3 One of the main causes to him losing on purpose was fhe failure to exert science immediately, Germany was the leading nation in Science in the 1920s and 1930s, jet engine was perfected, atomic science, perfected full auto machine guns, laser and radio,
Nonsense. Israel was created after WW1. Your post is all revisionist nonsense.
Hitler knew since he had a non aggression pact with Russia France and Britain couldn't stop him. Hitler only declared war on America after America unofficially declared war on Germany by supporting Britain and embargoing Germany. America should've remained neutral.
They do. Russia is out producing America and Ukraine is losing the war. Also North Korea has joined Russia and will be sending in construction battalions to build in annexed areas. Furthermore Russia, Iran, China are collectively outproducing NATO. You've awoken a beast in the east.
No. Poles have always been minorities in either Germany or Russia.
Fuck, bros...
I would have called you a faggot or a Jew not long ago for saying this and would have regarded your post as a half-assed blackpill attempt, but you're right. I've spent enough time working in a vast majority-white state and have been around other whites long enough to know that they are, in fact, greedy, lazy, cowardly individualists as you put it. They do love Jewish vices, media, and this inherently Jewish world we live in now. And the worst part about it is that they know this and will hardly ever do anything to change their ways unless they choose to lead a life of asceticism.
We are at a point in our industrialized, Jewish world where the white man hardly if ever has any drive or desire to do anything beyond satisfying his biological desires, vices, or need for sedation.

It's over. It's actually fucking over. I hate this world so much. There's nothing left for us to do at this point. We're not going to see a cultural renaissance or revolt in our lifetime because we've grown too accustomed to our truly sinful way of living. The conditions simply aren't right for anything to happen.
even if nazis won there would be too much infiltration and subversion. fascism takes too much force and people are prone to backslide. the war was not over jews, the holocaust bs didnt come out until the 1970s, and boomer soldiers were shocked at the dead jews in camps, so there was no knowledge beforehand. it was a war over empire. nobody even cared until pearl habor, and then they bait and switched and started war with germany
4 they were equal to modern warfare against the world, but this is where it begins, he failed to put any of these on the frontline,
(((2jH1bTDy))) is a chabadnik zigger.
I read about this a bit. The reason why jet engines were not immediately incorporated into aircraft was because of overheating issues. The propeller aircraft were more reliable and the speed of the jet aircraft didn't make up for the fact. Until a reliable jet engine was developed it could not be placed into mass production. Also an entirely new type of aircraft material needed to be developed to accommodate these high speeds while being light and strong enough. The technology to produce aluminum aircraft was not there in 1939.
>No, white people were not "tricked" into hating Hitler.
You are correct. They are just uninformed about the world and how it really works, if they knew that they would love Hitler.

>In Nazi Germany, the Aryan certificate/passport (German: Ariernachweis) was a document which certified that a person was a member of the presumed Aryan race. Beginning in April 1933, it was required from all employees and officials in the public sector, including education, according to the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. It was also a primary requirement to become a Reich citizen for those who were of German or related blood (Aryan) and wanted to become Reich citizens after the Nuremberg Laws were passed in 1935. A "Swede or an Englishman, a Frenchman or Czech, a Pole or Italian" was considered to be related, that is, "Aryan".[1][2][3]
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Hitler was multi culturalist, loved muslims and blacks and imprisoned gays, of course white people hate him. He's like the anti-thesis of white culture.
Wikipedia is not a source.
Until 1948 it was a Palestinian protectorate of... Britain, which Germany curiously had war with. It was populated by Palestinians and jews started immigrating. Only in 1948 actual Israel was created. You lying kike. There was no "jewish country" before 1948.
Nope. Hitler was an anti semite and white supremacist.
thats because hitler took his ideas about eugenics and racism from america. it was actually himmler who visited sweden and came back to germany and raved about the swedish and wanted everyone to have blonde hair and blue eyes. he also created the ss waffen that was the hardcore battalion and demanded they look a certain way and be at least 5'11 and nordic looking i believe
>white supremacist
Fake American BS. White supremacy is a slave owner movement created by the north american democratic party aka the KKK. It's not German and has no reason to exist in Europe because there was no widespread use of black slaves to maintain "superiority" over.
Okay "pan german" but you know what i mean. it's the same thing.
Then why do the Jews making hundreds of Hitler documentaries? They could bury him and erase his legacy, but they secretly love him. It's their kink. Every Jewess I've fucked secretly wants to be dominated by an Aryan Chad like myself.
There are lots of socialists that are white right now. I don't follow your argument.
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I'll just leave this here
>The average white person stands against everything Hitler stood for
The average person has no idea what Hitler stood for.
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>Extract from an ancestral passport (proof of Aryan ancestry) of the "Reich Association of Civil Registrars of Germany (RDSD)", 31st edition (with death certificates), Verlag für Standesamtswesen GmbH Berlin SW 61
>Since, according to the results of racial theory, the German people, in addition to the determining influence of the Nordic race, also contains, to a lesser and mathematically incalculable extent, other more or less related racial components, which are also the building blocks of the European neighboring peoples, the term Aryan (deviating from linguistics!) was chosen for this overarching term for the totality of the races contained in the German people, and thus the German and the blood closely related to it were combined into a racial unity. The term "German or related blood" has exactly the same scope in the Reich Citizenship Law. / Aryan descent (= "German-blooded") is therefore that person who is free of any foreign racial blood, seen from the perspective of the German people. The blood of Jews and Gypsies living in European settlement areas, of the Asian and African races and of the indigenous peoples of Australia and America (Indians) is considered foreign here, while an Englishman or Swede, a Frenchman or Czech, a Pole or Italian, for example, if he himself is free of such foreign blood, must be considered related, i.e. Aryan, whether he lives in his homeland, in East Asia or America, or whether he is a citizen of the United States of America or a South American free state. It goes without saying that, for example, for the purpose of marriage, a German national, a girl of pure German descent, is closer to us than another Aryan of more distant racial kinship. In any case, it is the duty and responsibility of the individual to provide proof of his Aryan descent in accordance with the regulations applicable to him, in many cases also with regard to his spouse.
you seem to be in good company
>everything Hitler stood for.
Such as? Elaborate.
1 Originally as a communist, he understood what socialism was, yes by gene he saw the exploitation of the White man around the 1920s and was a soldier in the German Empire IN WW1

2 In the weimar he saw exactly the collapse of the German people and knew it was due to the treachery by those who werent fully German, slavic ancestry from the collapsed WW1 eastern original barbarossa front and jews that were in Germany and entered from it, there was a communist revolution right after the collapse in 1918
3 Through the years with this knowledge he acknowledged the war to destroy those Germany was against, non Christians and semites, of course, Christianity is in the White Realm, which would begin to question his integrity.

4 there is speculation Hitler himself was jewish and was communist on purpose, in vienna he lived near communist unknowingly but could have been on purpose
5 He went to many communists funerals and evem had a jewish doctor. One of the main causes to him losing on purpose was the failure to exert science immediately,

6 Germany was the leading nation in Science in the 1920s and 1930s, jet engine was perfected, atomic science, perfected full auto machine guns, laser and radio, they were equal to modern warfare against the world
Nigger bot is that you? :)
You got your timeline mixed up. America joined WW1 on the pretext the Zionists in Britain and Germany would get the USA involved in the war. That is the great stab in the back that Hitler talked about.
That's not a source. You need actual documentation and proof. Original Mein Kampfs still exist. That's a source. I want hard evidence.
>You need actual documentation
like the countless surviving copies of Aryan passports?
I just quoted from one
this is wrong on so many levels the vast majority of people on earth especially WHites and that includes in the USA, supported hitler
well apparently even the shortest bit of text of the rest i cant say,,wont let me
>They love Jews.
the NPCs did, until you took your mask off. it was a strange play and it seems to have backfired.
Fuck Hitler.

Motherfucker tried to give Transilvania to the steppe bunnies, because of that Marshal Antonescu lost all support and got shot like a dog and the man was doing what might be the greatest service to my country in recent times - killing gyps en masse. If he could have finished his project we'd be so much better off.

So yeah, fuck Hilter.
Yes. it means German blooded people living in those countries are Aryan no matter what their nationality is.
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"German blood" is defined there as a mix of Nordic and other elements; those other peoples (including Poles) are considered part of or compatible with those other elements.
Yeah but look at the facts in proper context. Only around 3% of poles could be Germanized. Not saying these passes didn't exist but most didn't qualify.
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Na, his spirit lives forever...
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Hitler did nothing wrong.
He threw 0 trannies out of helicopters
Once again, that's the position they took after they had already started killing them
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According to you.
They planned to always kill them.
I still don't understand this sentiment, considering what the Bible says about Jews. God's chosen and such, with Jesus being a Jew and everything...
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A2hm8aDidn't he say something about his spirit 'rising from the grave'?
You obviously have not read the entire Bible or even most of it
>But why did he lead them out of Egypt etc
God always knew that the Jews would betray Him.
I don't know why he gave them so many chances, but perhaps it was just to show how worthless they are.
The average white is a self-hating cuck faggot. he was tricked, psyopped, brainwashed, browbeaten, and threatened into holding this irrational position where he feels no in-group preference, and instead advocates for the interests of others groups, to the point of self-detriment. Sometimes just advocates for things that are destructive to whites, with no benefit to anyone, “because we deserve it”. Hitler was the antithesis of the self-hating white. So yeah, the average white WAS tricked into hating Hitler and the Nazis.
Only leftists who are no longer our racial brethren but our foremost enemies
White leftists need to be branded though I guess since most of them end up trooning out thats good enough
>The average white person stands against everything Hitler stood for
which is what, Kike-bro?
tranny raid
stream your suicide.
Have a bump fren
so you are standing against protection of animals and nature, against beautiful art and traditional painting, against proper architecture and free housing for your people, against summer camps and educating the youth in useful skills, against protecting your people and uplifting your community, against honor and virtue, against taking pride in being useful to your people and not just corporations, against exploitation and slavery of your people, etc.
you sure you are thinking this through buddy, i mean mam?
*against fighting the exploitation and slavery of your people
America has poor leadership and a corrupted government. Reforms are necessary as in Europe. That's all.
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>The average white person stands against everything Hitler stood for.
>who OP thinks "white people" are
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What a smile..... Something most of your fags have been exhausted 'of'

100% demoralized....

Most of you are the fucking problem, but fail to see it... By no means am I saying, I'm not part.. but do better, do better...
White people stand against all of those things
I held on until around 2022-23. The problem is people don't leave you the fuck alone.
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Daily reminder that (((they))) hate your guts
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He's a genuine ladies man...
>No fucks given...
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If you only had a fraction of his swagger....
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You just don't smile like that...

That's ur problem....

What is happy...?
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What is love??

Something the Zionistnkike took away from you?

ZoG got you down?

Not this man..... Look at that smile.... You wish you could smile like that. Top fucking kek
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I'm gonna throw you a bone, retard.

What if I told you that every native people in the world acts like White people do, in their own countries?

Niggers, chinks, and sandniggers are actually more welcoming and friendly on average by far than immigrants in White countries are. Maybe a little less yes, but that's because they are less developed and have lower IQ's, and aren't as subjected to Jewish propaganda.

It all comes down the fact that multiracial and multicultural countries inherently breeds conflict and hate. White people aren't more naive, lazy or greedy, in fact they're less naive, greedy and lazy than other races.

It's not hopeless and you're a faggot for making a blackpill thread.

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