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saw a 350 post reply thread on this image

there's some things a lot of people seem confused on
truth is:
>the torah is only the first 5 books of the bible
>the bible including the old testament originally were written in greek
>the tanakh is the complete hebrew bible, of which wasn't produced until after the 1000AD
>the talmud negates the torah and tanakh with the words written inside
>jews worship and study the talmud which stems from the tradition of the elders
>the tradition of the elders is what it was called during the time of Jesus
>Jesus denied the jews who followed the tradition of the elders (talmud) as even being his same genetic stock
>that's because the chosen people of the bible never practiced the talmud or jewish religion, they followed the greek text within the old testament, or just called the testament at the time

funniest one of them all
>the old testament doesn't have the word jew until after the 11th book in which the book says that the actual chosen (never jews) were at war with the jews
>jews were never the chosen people in the bible
>and even the ones that were pretending to be chosen had Jesus BTFO them to their face calling them satanist larpers from a different genetic line

>jews hate Jesus and the bible and their worship is far from it
Tell me something I don't know
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I denounce the Torah

Christ is King of the Jews
>denounce Talmud
>NO! denounce Torah!
>NOONONO! denounce Quran!

I denounce any and all sand based theology. I worship at the altar of blonde haired blue eyed Jesus.
poop doesn't taste as good as it looks
how would you even know this

The Torah isn't Jewish, it's abrahamic, the Jews are a corrupted and race mixed branch from the seed of abraham, hence why they follow the Talmud and hate the Torah.
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Torah is actually the code for our universe
It was found, not written
Genesis 1:1 contains instructions how to read said language

Look up meru foundation
The funniest part is when people use the terms semitic or semite not even knowing the entire concept of that classification is meaningless
Semite is derived from Shemite, Shemite was someone who descended from Shem

But what's funny is Shem wasn't a Jew, he wasn't ever called a Jew, Shem wasn't even a Hebrew, the Hebrews got their name from Eber
On top of all that Shem didn't even speak Hebrew or any language that could be classified as semitic, he likely spoke the language passed down from his father Noah who spoke a pre-flood language

So Hebrew nor Jew would ever have been classified as Shemite or semite, or the other way around
And since Jesus said Jews didn't descend from Israel or Judah then the Jews wouldn't have been a Shemite in any capacity even if Shemite had something to do with the Hebrews or Judah's descendants which none are related

It's a completely made up term which Jews perpetuate to hide behind and people here all use it and think it's real or even an insult
See >>472358600
Another one of the people who don't even understand the words they use as insults
Plenty of summerfags and kikes. No surprise on the replies.

Well duh Galilee isn't a desert
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denouncing the torah is denouncing 5 books of which the word jew is never written in
Jesus wasn't a jew by either ancestry or religion and spoke out against the jews calling them satanist and larping as chosen

you regurgitate things you don't understand because it's a catchy slogan
you're what's called a sloganeer, someone who repeats slogans
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Christcucks and Kikes fighting over who's gets to LARP as some stupid desert tribe which got its shit pushed in by all its neighbors and had a dysfunctional relationship with its own made up deity.
>google when jews show up in the Bible
>it’s 2 Kings
>The book of kings isn’t even in the Torah. The torah is Gen-Deut
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>The modern word jew is not in the Bible, therefore jews did not exist back then
The modern name Jesus is not in the Bible either, so Jesus is actually made up.
Jesus H. Christ
>the torah is only the first 5 books of the bible
Sort of, the Torah was incorporated into the Christian Bible
>everything else
>quoting his own post as a reference
off to reddit with you, wizardtits
This argument is stupid. It's like saying americans don't have british heritage because the word american does not exist in the Magna Carta.

I presume it's not even in the constitution or declaration of independence so there: Modern americans have nothing to do with the united-statesians of 1776.
>denouncing the torah is denouncing 5 books of which the word jew is never written in
yeah it's still a jewish book, fuckwit.
i denounce the talmud, torah, bible, tanakh, quran, every jewish/abrahamic poison.

there's no misconception. people know what they're denouncing. the only one confused here is you.
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literally the word jew isn't in the bible until the 11th book and the actual chosen (white people) are at war with the jews
and you're right the letter j didn't exist at the time either which is why many different words were translated into jew which made the text lose all nuance

judean was translated into jew
iewes was translated into jew
idumaean was translated into jew
and judahite was translated into jew

jews were only judean as in they lived within judea
they were not descendants of judah (as Jesus also mentions) and were not the judahites
they were the idumaeans who lived in edom and were conquered by judahites, after some years those iduamaeans killed the judahites but kept calling themselves citizens of judea, or judeans
that's why jews are called jews, not because they were from judah, but because they lived within judea

it's like being an american and then 2 thousand years later people assume you're an original american instead of one of the brown shitskins who replaced us
>Jesus wasn't a jew by either ancestry or religion
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>the only one confused here is you.
nope I just read an entire 350 post thread were none of this was mentioned, literally none of you understand this which is why you even to this very post claim the torah is a jewish book when it never was lol

in fact you'll find that jews just inverted the text within the bible in order to make up their jewish faith
judaism didn't come about until 300ad btw, long after christianity
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he wasn't which is why you can't formulate an argument against it

The Judahite historian Josephus recorded that when the Edomite King Herod came to power he:
1) Put to death the entire Israelite/Judahite ruling council (Ant. XIV.9:4).
2) Had the 45 “principled men” of the Hasmonean (Israelite/Judahite) priesthood killed (Ant.XV 1:2)
3) Killed the King of Judah John Hyrcanus II (Ant. XV 6:4)

According to Julius Africanus (Eusebius' Historia Ecclesiae 7:13), Herod destroyed the ALL the genealogical records of the Judahites, killed the King of the Israelites/Judahites, the High Priest, the priests and the entire governing body of The Kingdom of Judah. He replaced it with his own temple and priests and genealogy.
This was in 35 BC. 107 years before the 2nd temple was destroyed, Edomites and thier King Herod had taken over the country and changed the genealogy and replaced the Entire priesthood with Edomites. It became a Client state of Rome in 37BC and Herod (the Edomite) was proclaimed King by Rome.

Judea is and was never The Kingdom of Judah and it is and never was part of Israel.

Jesus was a Judahite (Member of the Israelite Tribe of Judah) but not a Judean - Citizen of Judea (Edom, Samaria, and the Former Kingdom of Judah).
Jesus was a citizen of Galilee.

So Jesus was a Galilean Judahite.
or a Galilean Israelite of the tribe of Judah
not an ((Edomite (Cannanite of the Tribe of Esau) Judean)) - Jew

this is why Jesus said to the jews they aren't from the house of israel or judah
>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judahites and are not, but are lying — I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.
>he still doesn't realize the entirety of the bible is jewish
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I denounce all fairy tales coming from sand people
you can't prove it was or is because it isn't
the tradition of the elders is what became judaism, it's a direct inversion of the text within the torah

since the time of Jesus the jews already were replaced by edomites who were pretending to be the line of judah and were practicing an entire different religion than the one in the old testament
this is specifically why Jesus spoke out against the jews and the jews killed him, Jesus said they weren't the chosen and said their faith was far from the text in the old testament
i see you have a lot of words there, but what's so hard to understand about the bible being a jewish work of fiction?
this retard bases his entire worldview on the ramblings of hooknosed inbred shitskins lmfao

thank you christfags for showing everyone in this board how retarded you are, please keep it up
>and were practicing an entire different religion than the one in the old testament
jews are still following all of those edicts to the t, to this day.
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the original chosen people, the israelites, have nothing to do with Jews
this is why Jesus a white israelite spoke out against the shitskin jews larping as chosen
this is what the bible says
and the old testament says the white israelites (no relation to jews) were at war with the jews and canaanites (jews have canaanite dna, thus couldn't be chosen)

all you've guys allowed jews to do is trick you into thinking all the text is the same from the same sources which they are not
nope see image >>472360055
jews are practicing an inversion of the bible and have been since before the birth of Jesus, which is even why Jesus speaks out against them calling them satanist and saying their faith is far from the faith of the actual chosen

jews followed the tradition of the elders from babylon at the time of Jesus which later became judaism
the old testament is an entirely different text which says the jews should be exterminated
>the israelites

all you've allowed jews to do is trick you into thinking all the texts are not from jews, which they are.
>jews are practicing an inversion of the bible
and i just got done telling you that they're still practicing all of those edicts to the t, to this day.
jesus was a jew his mother was a jew his father was a jew, his community was jewish they were all ethnically and religiously jewish following the torah and worshipping the same jewish god and living in a jewish province
we have the DNA evidence from the region and they were typically semitic, they were the same semites living in the east of the mediterraneanand jesus was still the lion of JUDAH and a direct descendant of jewish prophets and kings, do you know where jews come from or where the term jew comes from?

how retarded do you have to be to even attempt to deny this? no christian denies jesus' jewishness only complete imbeciles like you larping as antisemites while kissing the feet of semites
>mark 12:29-31
>Jesus answered, “The most important one says: ‘People of Israel, you have only one Lord and God. You must love him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.’ The second most important commandment says: ‘Love others as much as you love yourself.’ No other commandment is more important than these.”

>deuteronomy 6:4-5 (the torah)
>Listen, Israel! The Lord our God is the only true God!
>So love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength.

>leviticus 19:18 (also the torah)
> Don't be angry or try to take revenge. I am the Lord, and I command you to love others as much as you love yourself.
based Catholic bro.
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nope israelites were ethnically and religiously separate from the jews

neither adam, noah, abraham, isaac, nor jacob (israel) were ever called jew, none were ever known as jew, none practiced the religion of the jew
jew comes from judean, anyone living within judea
judea conquered edom, edomites from edom became judeans, citizens of judea
the edomites killed the descendants of judah and israel
the edomites kept the name judean, anyone living within judea was judean but not judahite

this is specifically why Jesus spoke out against the jews saying they didn't descend from either jacob (israel) or judah
>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me
>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judahites and are not, but are lying — I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.

those are the words of Jesus
even at the time of Jesus the israelites understood there was a group of people pretending to be chosen but were not
those pretenders are the jews

the jews were never israelites, never chosen, and hated Jesus when he mentioned it
the only difference is you fall for the jewish tricks while pretending to be above it all
>he wasn't which is why you can't formulate an argument against it
there isn't anything to argue, it's just a fact
the first pages of the new testament outline Jesus's ancestry to prove he is eligible to be called king of the jews, which he is
which you would know if you read the bible lol
The Torah is the law of Moses, Genesis through Duteronomy.
Pic related.
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doesn't apply to jews
jews are canaanites from edom (edomites) who took over ancient judea and killed the chosen and began to pretend to be them

this is what the bible says on jews (canaanites)
>Observe thou that which I command thee this day: behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.
>But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in all the lands you inhabit.
>But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves:
>For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
>Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;
>And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods.
>But shalt kill them with the edge of the sword, to wit, the Hethite, and the Amorrhite, and the Canaanite, the Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee:
But it looks bad already...
>nope israelites were ethnically and religiously separate from the jews
no, they weren't. pay attention ffs, you dumbass spic.
oh hi are u the turk?
Similar to what is presented in this...
The Torah is the first 5 books of the Bible. Denouncing that would denounce the Books of Moses. Nice try, Chaim. Satan is a master of deception and twisting the word of God. Just how he tempted Christ. Kenites are of the synagogue of satan and therefore do his work on earth. We see you

I denounce the talmud
Jesus Christ is King
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Jesus is King of Kings
and it was Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum
and iudaeorum was just judea and the inhabitants, anyone could be a citizen of judea
but again that was a title given to him by a roman, if you listen to the words of Jesus, he specifically denied the jews as being his sheep or even the descendants of judah let alone jacob (israel)

here's an easy pic for you to understand (hopefully)
might go over your head though
>christcuck is confused
>misreading the OP, begins lashing out at a fellow christcuck
>christcucks begin calling each other jews
>both parties agree that they're jewish
the absolute state of christcucks.
>TMW Jesus only gave 2 commandments in new testament.
Matthew 22:37-40
>shitskin is still talking
you're wrong
keep worshiping a jew
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Fill in blank, pls.
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notice how you never have any real arguments against the truth
and look
even the scottish wrote it into their declaration of independence almost a thousand years ago
it's something everyone used to understand, shame it was lost on you
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I'll let greek historians fill in the blank instead, as they did it already two thousand years ago

>"The western extremities of Judæa towards Casius are occupied by Idumæans(Edomites), and by the lake [Sirbonis], The Idumæans (Edomites) are Nabatæans (Caananite-Mixed Race), when driven from their country by sedition, they passed over to the Judaeans (The Kingdom of Judahites/Israelites), and adopted their customs.
-Strabo, Geography 16.2.34 (23 AD)

>They [Edomites] killed Hyrcanus four years later and then they kicked out all the Judahites from the Temple.
-- Josephus (Antiquities XV, 6, 1)
>jews were only judean as in they lived within judea
they were not descendants of judah (as Jesus also mentions) and were not the judahites
they were the idumaeans who lived in edom and were conquered by judahites, after some years those iduamaeans killed the judahites but kept calling themselves citizens of judea, or judeans
that's why jews are called jews, not because they were from judah, but because they lived within judea

Source on Idumeans killing judahites. And don't bring up bring up Antiquities of the Jews, it doesn't say anything about that.
>notice how you never have any real arguments against the truth
if you would post something that wasn't addressed literally thousands of times in the past, we could have a discussion.
but since you can't bring yourself to do that, you just get trolled instead.

>realizes he called a fellow christcuck a jew
>instead of correcting himself, doubles down by calling the guy that pointed it out a jew
is everyone a jew these days, anon?
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you appear to still be confused, maybe I can word it simpler for you

the word jew didn't exist, it's a combination of many different words including edomite, judean, judahite, and more
being a judean doesn't make you a judahite
Jesus rejected the jews as descendants of israel, thus they weren't from judah
but since they lived in judea they were called jew cause we translate both judean, judahite, and more into jew today
israel was chosen, never judah
the chosen would be known by the name of isaac not judah, thus isaac sons became saxons

jesus was an israelite through the tribe of judah
israelites were never called jews
hebrews were never called jews
only jews were called jews and that is after esau's descendants, named edomites, took over judea and killed or expelled the judahites

a better example is "americans", living in america makes you an american, but it doesn't make you the same racial white stock that founded this nation

and lastly, king of the jews was a title given to Jesus by a random roman officer, to which Jesus basically replied if you say so because the roman was calling him king of the judeans (anyone living in judea) and not even king of the judahites, or israelites, which would have been more accurate

and again Jesus denied the jews to their face as being from the house of israel or judah
>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judahites and are not, but are lying — I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.
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Many words were translated into Jew, including Judahite, Judean, Edomite, Ioudaios, Idumaen, and all nuance is lost when these words are all translated into jew because each word has a different meaning entirely.
The ACTUAL (most used) word used in the Bible for "Jew" is Ioudaios (Judeans) or Ioudaiosmos (Judism)
ALL are translated since 1850ish as Jew. The translations today are incorrect 100%

Ioudaiosmos is actually translated as having a root of "to IMITATE a Judean (which should be Judahite)" (citizen of the Kingdom of Judah).

Now that is actually incorrect by Strongs Concordence. The were not imitating the people of the newly formed country of Judea.
Judea was formed in 35BC by Anitpater the Edomite and his son Heord after they killed the last Judahite King and all the priests and Sanhedrin.
They were imitating the Judahites (Isrealites of the Tribe of Judah) that had lived in the former Kingdon of Judah prior to 35BC..

But what does the word Idumaean actually mean? Where can we find it outside of the Bible?
Well King Herod,
was the King of the Juedens "Jews" during the life of Christ and had a father named,
Antipater the Idumaean

So what does Idumaean mean?

It means Edomite.. Just like Wikipedia says.
That's why Jesus said to them that they are not of the house of Israel and they are those who calls themselves Judean but are not and instead are the synagogue of Satan.
spamming christcuck discord drivel isn't an argument
all the shit you posted is MEANINGLESS, jesus was a semite AND a jew and jews are semites with no meaningful difference from other semites besided maybe religious customs which jesus shared with other jews
there is not a single church in the world that denies this, you are a fucking imbecile worshipping your own enemy keep it up it's thanks to christcuck copefags like you that I woke up from this brainwashing
keep posting your retardation I'm sure it's gonna convince tons of people that a jewish rabbi born to a jewish family a jewish mother and a jewish father in a jewish province that worshipped a jewish god and followed the traditions of jews and their ancestors that was described as having brown skin and eyes and hair was actually a nordic aryan
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nope jesus was an israelite who spoke out against the people you call semites today as not his same racial stock
they are not and were not even the same at the time of Jesus let alone ever and it was exlpained to you in great detail how you're wrong

We all know jews subvert nations. They always have and they always will.
What people don't know is the Jews most powerful form of subversion which is language.
If you change the definition of a word, then for ever after you change the narrative.

A Judahite was a member of the Israelite Tribe of Judah.
A Judean was a citizen of the Canaanite country named for Esau - Edom, Samaria and Judea after 35BC
An Edomite was from the Tribe of Esau and lived in Judea, which was part of the Roman Provence of Judea.
A Jew is the descendant of these Edomites. This is why they called themselves Judeans. Because Edom Became part of Judea in 35 BC.
Jews were never Israelites, Hebrews or Judahites. Some were citizens of a new country formed in 35 BC by Rome.

A Gentile is not a non Jew
A Goy is not a non Jew

Jesus was neither a Judean nor an Edomite, so there is no way Jesus could be called a Jew.
Jesus was a Galilean by nationality and a Judahite as Bloodline.

Jews were Judeans by nationality and Edomites as a Bloodline.

Just like a Nigerian in England may be English as a Nationality and Nigerian as a Bloodline.

Jews change words, it is their greatest subversion. Be wise. Learn their tricks.
>you appear to still be confused, maybe I can word it simpler for you
oh, sweet.
nah, this word is more than 6 letters long. try again, faggot.
Not seeing anything in there about idumaeans becoming pharisaic jews.
According to Antiquities of the Jews the Pharisees were already a thing before Idumea was conquered.
What is your proof that Herod's supposed idumaean heritage means he gave a fuck about Idumaeans instead of simply power?
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see >>472362704
hero was idumaean as were the people that took over ancient judea and began larping as chosen

even jews still brag about their edomite heritage
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Why does Jesus say the Jews are sons of the devil when according to you they are sons of Esau?
>even jews still brag about their edomite heritage

>blah blah blah

all levantine semites with no real difference between them you fucking retard and jesus was one of them, worshipping the jewish god and learning from jewish rabbis which makes him a turbo jew more jewish than most jews today
what does identity mean?
>Manifesto of World Jewish Federation

You got a pdf of that, or are you simply trusting that this pasta is legit?
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esau mixed with canaanites, canaanites descend from canaan mixing with kennites
kennites were descendants of cain thus satan
Wat are you trying to say? Joos are white?
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whites are chosen, jews were never chosen, in fact they descend from a race mixer named esau who was cursed and hated by God for his race mixing
>And Esau was a designing and deceitful man, one who hunted after the hearts of men and inveigled them, and Esau was a valiant man in the field, and in the course of time went as usual to hunt; and he came as far as the field of Seir, the same is Edom.
>I have loved you,’” says the LORD. But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ ‘Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’ the LORD says. ‘Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.
>And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
>Then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and directed him, “You must not take a wife from the Canaanite women."
>Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite: Which were a agrief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.
>Esau marries Hittite (Canaanite) wives to the sorrow of his parents.
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also the prophecy on jews (descendants of esau)

>In that day, declares the Lord, I will destroy the wise men of Edom, those of understanding hiding in the mountains of Esau will not be spared.
>And Esau's mighty men shall be dismayed and terrified, and everyone in Esau’s mountains will be cut down in the slaughter.
>Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever.
>On the day you stood aloof while strangers carried off his wealth and foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were like one of them.
>You Edomites chose to gloat over your brother in the day of his misfortune, to rejoice over the people of Jacob in the day of their destruction, and would boast much in the day of their trouble.
>You Edomites chose to march through the gates of my people in the day of their disaster, to gloat over them in their calamity in the day of their disaster, to seize their wealth in the day of their disaster.
>You Edomites chose to wait at the crossroads to cut down their fugitives, hand over their survivors in the days of their trouble.

>The day of the Lord is near for all nations.
>As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.
>Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually; they will drink and drink and be as if they had never been.
>But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance.
>Jacob will be a fire and Joseph a flame; Esau will be stubble, and the house of Esau will devour themselves.
>There will be no survivors of the house of Esau.
>The Lord has spoken.
Didn't read, but your meme should be "Denounce the Quran" instead of the Torah, as the latter is part of the Bible with the NT.
By posting below me, you denounce the torah and promise to never be a christgolem.

28% of the Bible's new testament was written by an actual mohel (Apostle Paul):

Founding fathers of Christianity (Jesus, John the Baptist) are called Rabbi's throughout the bible:

Foreskin Sacrifices
God of the bible required the sacrifice of baby's foreskins for thousands of years:
David wields the power of 200 foreskins to marry King Saul's daughter:
Rabbi Jesus' foreskin was sacrificed when he was 8 days old:
Foreskin sacrifices cause a long list of medical complications:
Foreskin sacrifices cause baby brains to not return to their baseline:

Rabbi Christ Enforces an Israel First Policy
He sends out his 12 Apostles to heal the sick and cleanse lepers, tells them not to go to gentiles, but go rather to Israelis:

Genocide of Innocents
For God so loved the world he killed everybody in a flood:

Rabbi Christ celebrates the gentile Passover genocide with feasts:

The bible authorizes Israelis to use predatory lending tactics on Gentiles - just like the Talmud:
poor OP has made an OP so confounding, he gets attacked by all his fellow christcucks for it. >>472364046
the absolute state of christcucks. everyone but jew-worshippers understood what OP was attempting to say.
>Whites are chosen
So whites are joos?
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the chosen are not and never were jews
Why Christ? A Chabadnik will say this same thing while omitting Jesus. They believe in "the Christ" or whatever, but not Jesus Christ.

So, do you mean Jesus Christ?
say it a fifteenth time, it might come true.
>Esau Edom is modern jewry

Could'nt find this quote in the text. Found some stuff about jews thinking Rome and Christianity being Esau-Edom
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I'm just delivering the truth of what the bible is about without a jewish filter applied which is the only version of it you know (and repeat on behalf of the jews lol)
when christians understand that jews are from esau, the state of israel is actually the state of edom, and jews are the literal genetic line of satan due to race mixing from cain to canaan to esau and are to be exterminated as is commanded in the bible then our people (the actual chosen) can experience freedom from them
yes used by talmudist, do you keep seeing that line?
those talmudist are the same edomites who took over ancient judea which Jesus was speaking out against, the same genetic line that is esau, from the state of edom, thus jews are esau edom, and those talmudist are inverting the text as they always do (they lack creativity)
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The patrilineage is still of Esau though, not of Satan. Also the Pentateuch says you're not allowed to hate on Edomites because they are your brothers. Did Jesus not know about this?
>(and repeat on behalf of the jews lol)
the irony runs thick here.
But your pasta implies a literal quote. That's false advertisement.
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that's not what that line says that's just a modern mistranslation which anyone can easily find was a mistranslation
the correct translation was not to abhor a syrian which at the time was a genetic stock the same as israelites (white)
yeah it is ironic isn't it
you go around and perpetuate a jewish rendition of the text while pretending you're above it all

tell me
why wouldn't you want the correct understanding of the text perpetuated
is it because jews would be seen as the enemy group within the bible that are to be exterminated? does that cause you great fear so you must run some sort of campaign to push people away from this truth?
I'm starting to get the impression that communicating with humans via thousand year-old books prone to translation-errors is not a good way of doing it.

Is there any good reason God thinks the Israelites of c. 1400-600 BC are the only ones who deserve to read his word plainly and simply in the original?
>yeah it is ironic isn't it

tell me, why wouldn't you want the correct understanding of the bible? is it because you're afraid to find out that you've been shilling for jews this entire time?
the original greek is the same as it was
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jews are the line of esau in the bible
esau mixed with canaanites and canaan mixed with kenites and thus were the line of cain/satan
since jews are the descendants of esau that makes them the amalek
the amalek are commanded by God to be exterminated
thus knowing these truths the jews would be the enemy of christians and Jesus

and Jesus says
>But as for those my enemies, who would not have me reign over them, bring them hither, and kill them before me
so why would you deny bringing the jews before Christ to kill them? are you scared of this outcome for some reason?
i heard you the first 4 fucking times, shitskin.
i could give a fuck what cope translation your e-pastor provides you with.
The Talmud is literally just thousand and thousands of paragraphs of jews trying to debate the technicality of the torah.

Its literally the same shit as if you took the entirety of the warhammer 40k general on /tg/ and put into a book, Its just retards debating over Rules and written vs Rules as intended from god.
all abrahamic religions are inherently flawed because their entire shtick is putting 100% of your trust and morals in a text written by highly superstitious people 1000's of years ago in a big game of telephone he-said she-said.

People who need to book to tell them how to be a good person are severely lacking in that inate sense of good and evil others have. Their connection to god and the universe is sullied by the verbal twistings of fellow men. Luckily most don't use it to justify suffering or needless holy wars, but it still happens on the regular.
fuck scripture based religions. They are genuinely the worst possible choice outside of being evil on purpose.
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speaking of
here's a good one who delivers it well
What do you make of the passage in the New Testament that says Jews were the chosen people?
>The Old Testament was originally written in greek

You've proven yourself too smart up till now to think this. Or do you genuinely believe all the gazillion english translations are flawed (have you talked to KJV-onlyists about this?), but the Septuagint is perfect, simply because the people who compiled it say it is?
sorry, you're getting kind of boring desu
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>the bible including the old testament originally were written in gree
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here The oldest complete Hebrew bible is the Lenigrad Codex from 1008 AD
(The KJV used this text and later copies)(24 Books)(Written by Talmudic Jewish Scribes)

Every single Old Testament before that is in Greek and/or Aramaic.
ok retard I'll bite
how do you explain moses being jewish
maybe next time, shlomo
He’s literally not. Levites aren’t of the tribe of Judah by definition
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moses wasn't jewish in fact moses descended from the tribe of levi
moses also wasn't called a jew see >>472359933
why do you not agree with me? since jews are the line of esau that makes them the group of people christians were commanded to destroy and leave none remaining
why do you fear this?
I dont know what any of that jew shit means
but how do you explain abraham being jewish?
>the bible including the old testament originally were written in greek
the claim that the lxx wasnt a translation is new
>>the old testament doesn't have the word jew until after the 11th book in which the book says that the actual chosen (never jews) were at war with the jews
in the kjv, jews first appears in the wars between judah and syria in 2Ki the 12th book when the king of judah asks the king of assyria for aid in fighting the kings of israel and syria. there is war between judah and israel because previously israel had recognized the son of saul as king but judah had recognized david, and after solomons death jeroboam got the rest of israel to rebel against the rehoboam son of solomon
>>jews were never the chosen people in the bible
well the judahites were, under the sons of david
>>and even the ones that were pretending to be chosen had Jesus BTFO them to their face calling them satanist larpers from a different genetic line
because after the babylonian captivity in which the nobles of judah were slain, which is Gods nice way to deal with problems like america has now, judea was eventually ruled by herod the idumean and pharisaism was an edomite attempt at ostentatious holiness to prove theyre the real israelites. meanwhile the jewish clergy were into this sadducee atheistic philosophy
abraham was born long before judah was lol
>oy vey why do you not agree with me
because at least 3 lineages of white people would exist.
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israelites were the ones chosen not judahites
and Jesus came for the lost sheep of the house of israel
the lost sheep were the 12 tribes dispersed into europe
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all descendants of white europeans are the chosen lost sheep of israel (jacob)

>As they migrated across Europe they had became “scattered abroad”, “lost” and ‘hidden’ among the nations. Becoming known over time by new names including the Khumri, Sacae, Cimmerians, Scythians, Goths, Picts, Scots, Viking, Angles, Jutes, Celts, Saxons and Normans. All different names for the Israelites, linked together by the black Obelisk of Shalmaneser in Babylon, the Behistun Rock in Persia and other monuments, all confirmed by many historians including Herodotus, Pliny, Ptolemy, Josephus and Turner.

> Archeology has solved two of the greatest archeological problems — first, what happened to the hundreds of thousands of Israelites who disappeared south of the Caucasus? And second — what was the origin of the Cimmerians and the mysterious nomadic tribes known as “Scythians” who “suddenly” appeared north of the Caucasus – both at the same time in history? They were one and the same people — they were Israelites.

>In 1723, the French church scholar and Huguenot refugee, Dr. Jacques Abbadie, wrote a book titled, ‘The Triumph of Providence’ in which he stated, "Unless the ten tribes of Israel are flown into the air, or sunk into the earth, they must be those ten Gothic tribes that entered Europe in the fifth century BC..."
>What is truly fascinating is that as the House of Israel passed from history having been taken captive by the Assyrians in the seventh century BC and resettled in northern Persia south of the Caucasus Mountains, the Celts and Scythians (Saxons) suddenly burst into recorded history coming from the same direction the Israelites had been settled!
>how do you explain Abraham being part of the people who are defined as being descended from his great grandson?
ngmi, bait-san
Looks very Greek to me
that's the lenningrad codex, the first hebrew bible, 1008 AD
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you'd want something older like the greek text
ITT: Retarded christcucks try to cope with the fact that they worship a jew from a jew book of jewish fairy tales stolen and mistranslated from older fairy tales, and their entire belief system is a lie. Everything from "muh morals" (as if picking up a book makes you morally good despite all evidence to the contrary, with priests raping boys and stealing money, etc.) to heaven and hell, which are totally broken and unbalanced and aren't even mentioned in the original texts. They don't get the angels right, they don't get the modern translations right, they don't even fucking use their jew messiah's real name. They changed it to Jesus so it seems less Muslim-adjacent, so they can cope with belonging to a middle-eastern, blood magic death sacrifice cult propped up by centuries of slaughter and genocide. Christcucks are basically muslims. That's the hilarious part.
Oh and guess what their defense to this damning series of facts is-
They'll call you names. Yes, seriously.
I denounce the Torah
I denounce the Talmud
I denounce the New Testament
I denounce jesus
I denounce the Quran
I denounce muhammad
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>truth is some BS I read online on muhjesus.com
Neck yourself, I hope your entire family gets cancer and you die of gonorrhea, retarded christkike nonhuman
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>I worship at the altar of blonde haired blue eyed Jesus.

That's the historical Jewsus.
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Jesus wasn't a jew by ancestry or religion
Why not go even older than that?
Why would you start a thread with an image completely against the retarded shit you're saying? You are dumb as shit, typical for a Jew worshipper
>the torah is only the first 5 books of the bible
Yes, there's also Kibhna and Mishna(didn't look these words up, prophets and the other part, fuck it, whatever), the other two parts of Tanakh or "the Old Testament". But you only need to say "denounce Torah" because as you said it is the first part, the foundation. Without it there isn't the rest that is built on it
>the bible including the old testament originally were written in greek
I don't know what to even say to this
>the talmud negates the torah and tanakh with the words written inside
>commentaries on Torah negate Torah
That sounds like blasphemy
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yeah it's interesting I guess, it's not the invented modern hebrew jews use either way and it's just a blessing and doesn't fully match or align with any biblical text
>Yes, there's also Kibhna and Mishna
That’s kikeshit. The other parts of the Tanakh (it’s an acronym, by the way) are the Nevi’im and Ketuvim, probably messed up spelling but whatever
>That sounds like blasphemy
Are you implying it’s not?
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It's literally proto-Aramaic which is Phoenician you dumb mutt
I never said otherwise I just said it wasn't modern hebrew which was something jews invented fairly recently on this historical time table
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I love how a simple phase got the mossad agents to out themselves
I ask this same question every time you Jew worshippers talk this shit and you never have an answer
What would you call a man who
>was ritually mutilated at 8 days old
>taught Torah and the prophets in synagogues
>observed Sabbath, Passover, the Feast of Tabernacles and all the other Jew holidays
What type of man fits that description? To most people that's a Jew.
>the tanakh is the complete hebrew bible, of which wasn't produced until after the 1000AD
This is a blunt lie. The torah is the first part of the tanakh The torah is the first five books of the OT but the second section of the tanakh is something called the "nevi'im" and it includes Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Minor Prophets; 100% of which are shared with the Christian Old Testament. If they were never produced before 1000 AD, or are otherwise phony/false/unrelated to Christianity, why does the Christian Bible share them? Moreover, why does every Christian Bible scholar agree that even the latest book was produced no later than 800 AD?

Why do Christians spend so much time and effort on lying about their relationship to Jews?

I denounce the talmud/torah/tanakh and any other Jewish writings of which I am not aware. Christians can't do that because most of their book is the tanakh. Pick up any Bible, MOST of the pages are the Old Testament. As always I encourage any doubters to fact check this with the internet or your pastor, they will agree with me.
HYPER based OP
Good job with this thread. You are a shining light on /pol/ my friend
>That’s kikeshit
Yeah, this is about Jew scripture.
>Nevi’im and Ketuvim
Oh, right. Could've looked them up but didn't care
>Are you implying it’s not?
What? No, saying that commentaries negate the text would be blasphemous. Commentaries are just expert opinion on the text. That's what Talmud is, expert opinion on scripture throughout the ages
Yeah, worshipping Jews is so le based!
I don't see how anyone could maintain that the Bible or Torah were originally written in Greek when the first recorded evidence of Yahweh worship were in Aramaic, and the Septuagint being a translation of an earlier text complete Bible.
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Jews changed their Old Testament, Justin Martyr observed this and wrote about it. He ended up traveling around and looking at the Tanakh in different jurisdictions. They were busy editing the Tanakh to remove references to Jesus Christ.
Nah you know whats based? making a thread where you come with more arguments than any of /pol/ dwellers in the last 5 months. I merely appreciate the effort. I'm not educated enough to agree or disagree on anything. Begone memeflag
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>Torah: do not lie with a man as you would a woman, it’s an abomination and you are to stone anyone who does it
>well, actually, an eight year old boy isn’t a man, so sodomizing him isn’t a sin
>you: I see no issue here
Let’s see your real flag, shall we?
NOW we’re talkin!
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jews adopted some holidays but that doesn't make them jewish, just the jews are larping as chosen, exactly as Jesus said
>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judahites and are not, but are lying — I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.
Lol what bullshit. This is literally nothing. There are no contemporary sources for the Bible outside the Septuagint. That's because Hebrew is made up and the Bible is just Jews ripping off Greek mystery cults
Christianity is only The New Testament.
Burn the torah. Burn the talmud. Burn the jews.
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>Burn the torah.
Bad goyim
we're going to another extreme, i see. good tactics mossad
>israelites (who are somehow vikings)
all of them are related somehow?

> rips out the old testament
Fixed your religion for you, OP.

Jews will seethe at this post.
>M. le Loyer's The Ten Lost Tribes, published in 1590, provided one of the earliest expressions of the belief that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic, and associated peoples are the direct descendants of the Old Testament Israelites. Anglo-Israelism has also been attributed to Francis Drake and King James VI and I, who believed he was the King of Israel

One proof that the House of Israel = Scythians and Cimmerians (White Men who where progenitors of the Saxons and Celts) is found in THE BEHISTUN ROCK INSCRIPTION , created by Darius the Great of Persia.
>The rock carries on its face an important cuneiform inscription of Darius Hystaspes (Darius the Great). This inscription, which was cut circa 516 B.C., records in three languages – Persian, Susian, and Babylonian. In the Persian and Susian versions one of these provinces is called Scythia, the root of which is, phonetically, Sak. In the Babylonian text this province is called “(matu) Gi-mi-ri”, translated “land of the Cimmerians.” Sir Henry Rawlinson, who first copied and translated the inscription – although not disposed firstly to identify these Gimiri with the Cimmerians (Kimmerii or Cumri) – was prepared to accept the probability of a connection between them. The Behistun Rock inscription establishes that the Sacae lived in the land of the Cimmerians (modern north-west Persia) and that they formed part of the agglomeration of peoples known to the ancients as Scythians (or Skythians or Skuths).”

>We have reasonable grounds for regarding the Gimirri, or Cimmerians, the Sacae of the Behistun Rock, along with the Beth-Khumree of Samaria, all being the same people or also known as the Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.”
-George Rawlinson, notes in his translation of History of Herodotus, Book VII, p. 378
Kill yourself newfag
>Jew worshipper can't answer a simple question
>quotes Jew scripture and defends baby mutilating instead
What would you call a man who fits that description?
>synagogue of Satan
When was there ever a good synagogue
Oh, fuck, I didn't even notice you've been posting WE WUZing bullshit. Kill yourself you slandering fuck
>Christianity is only The New Testament
Then what is Christ's teaching based on? What is it that he quotes constantly?
I denounce abraham, his people, and his teachings
Fuck jews, kikes, and neokikes
>clearly hasn't read or understood that chapter

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