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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How do you help him win, /pol/?
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Round up all the memeflags into fun camps. Tightly concentrate their population into one area. Apply gas to area.
collaborate with general Grant and kick all Jews out for good
>kicks off illegal immigration from mexico/south america 200 years faster
illegal immigration doesn't happen when white men write the immigration laws
You accidentally put the Canadian flag in there
Send more money to Jews.
Give him some pepto bismol at the north anna river.
whos workin the fields then?
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In January 1864, the Confederate States is on the verge of losing the Civil War against the United States. Men with strange accents and oddly-mottled clothing approach Confederate General Robert E. Lee at the headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia. They demonstrate a rifle far superior to all other firearms of the time, operating on chemical and engineering principles that are unknown to Confederate military engineers. They offer to supply the Confederate Army with the rifles, which they refer to as AK-47s. The men, who call their organization "America Will Break" (or "AWB"), establish a base in Rivington in Nash County, North Carolina, along with offices in the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. The AWB continues to offer inexplicable intelligence and technology to the Confederacy, including nitroglycerine tablets for treating Lee's heart condition. Finally, Lee questions their leader, Andries Rhoodie, who provides Lee a partially true explanation. The men of AWB are Afrikaner Neo-Nazi ultra-nationalists from post-apartheid South Africa, having traveled back 150 years from the year 2014 to change the outcome of the Civil War.

Just choose the winning side right at the beginning. They even asked him.
tractors would have been invented 100 years sooner without cheap slave labor
Read 'Memoirs and Recollections' for starters.
M8 it wasn't until after ww2 that machines capable of harvesting cotton were perfected.
You don't. The South represented an aristocratic age, one to be replaced by the masses.
Tell him that his gentlemanly bullshit will cost him the war and he should either play on Sherman's terms or surrender earlier so the South doesn't get fucked as hard.
Picrel was a jew (Lee=Levi) who took a dive for the federal win. The war between the states was a psyop.
What does that even mean?
>false jew accusations
I miss the days when people had to actually offer proof when claiming that people were jewish instead of some speculative linguistic claim that ignores other origins.
If you can't look at his face and see the phenotype, I can't help you. Go cry to someone else.
South lost because of industrial capacity of the North as well as the North attacking civilians. If the South was willing to take similar actions very early in the war it was possible to win, if the South was unwilling because it violated their moral code then with knowledge of what was to come the sensible thing would be to surrender earlier(or not fight at all) to spare themselves both those acts and the worse parts of Reconstruction.
Give him AK-47s from the future.
Kill yourself.
only a jew would say that
'ere ya go, schmuck.

>See, some jews changed their name from Levi to Lee.
Sure, because Lee was an anglo name which is why they changed Levi to that to try to blend in, so no that's not proof. Proof would be his personal family lineage to demonstrate if he was an actual jew attempting to blend in or an anglo.
>Kill yourself.
And that's all you got - you just blew your whole load. You got nothin'.
What actions? Raiding into pennsylvania more and burning a amish few farms would have won the war? You're parroting tropes rather than practical advice. Sherman was a coward and cuck and achieved nothing without grant doing all the legwork first. The reason he was able to march around georgia is because for 3 years confederate armies had been bleed white at enormous cost to the union. Truth is had sherman or grant fought lee in 1862 instead of going out west they would have both gotten there asses handed to them far worse than little mac ever did.
>The reason he was able to march around georgia is because for 3 years confederate armies had been bleed white at enormous cost to the union.
But they effectively had near infinite troops because most of them were recent immigrants, without breaking their will to fight the South couldn't win as they couldn't match them industrially.
>Truth is had sherman or grant fought lee in 1862 instead of going out west they would have both gotten there asses handed to them far worse than little mac ever did.
Sure, but battles won don't equal a war won as we've seen repeatedly.
They nearly did break the unions will. the 1864 election was a lot closer than is admitted now. One more significant union setback dung the summer campaigning season would probably have seen lincolns admin defeated. Telling the confederates to loot and burn more is fine and all but they rarely had the opportunity and such actions like would only harden northern support for the war.
Slavey should be legal again
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Don't stop at Bull Run. Make it a real Civil War instead of a War Between the States. March on D.C. and hang Lincoln the faggot.
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how do you think?

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