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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Ever since i got double moderna’d ive been absolutely fucking COOKED. I took it for my job and bc i didnt think it would be this bad. I really doubt i will make it past the next few years. My hurt hurts so bad and i have severe neuological issues. Its so fucking over for me
Rip in peace
Did he ever pay off his alimony?
You have schizophrenia.
no refunds
>this thread again
I'll say it every time.
Safe. And. Effective.
Smoke cigarettes it prevents the spikes binding to your cells and drink alcohol to thin your blood to prevent clotting
>estonian recommends smoking and drinking
Peak dr. Chud
>what if i try to jinx it

better chance than most detoxes but still laffable, 14 days it is
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so how badly did the doctors who gave you that shot gaslight you? does your family perpetually deny it's a vax injury?

does it feel like relief believing their bullshit? I want to understand why most vaxxies are in denial
Consider doing whatever you want since you are a deadman anyways. Escaping punishment by dying prematurely before kikes get their vengeance on you seems pretty based.
yes, with his youth
Everyone accepts that the vaxxed caused this as i was an elite athlete before i took them. Im not even 25 bro
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So, you get poisoned, and now you're dying, and you won't take someone with you to send a message? You're a pussy.
Dry fast. Yw

at least in terms of this you are lucky bro. many different stories out there, some get pushed into more vaxxes because they are in denial

I hope you are telling your story loudly somewhere
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kill jews for what they did to you while you can
its not like you have anything to lose at this point
Idk man probably gonna kms
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OP, since you are already fucked drop by the White House and I will fuck you in the ass and give you a fresh twenty dollar bill. If you are going to die anyway you might as well have my massive white dick of love up your ass. Uncle Joe
I’m fully vaxxed with 3 booster shots and I made my entire family get vaxxed.
Half of my family has dementia symptoms
Damn bro wtf?
How much are Republicans paying you to make these posts? Weird how literally billions of people got vaccinated and the only people with "adverse effects" are on /pol where everyone is rabidly antivax. What an amazing coincidence.
>My hurt hurts so bad
holy fuck, they injected him right in the hurt.

>not trusting dr. chud
It's almost like (((someone's))) pushing an agenda with these retarded threads
Become the moth flying into the flame. Suicide vests are a bit passé but I think a version that spreads a cloud mixture of scopolamine and some sort of stimulant would be an interesting application in a very crowded place and even more so if it’s possible to do it stealthily multiple times in different locations. Be creative. arson and infrastructure sabotage could be funny too, whoopsie there goes a train full of money for israel.

Everything needed to help many others in your situation is a simple twitter thread. Why not?

What was your field of sports?
Chlorine dioxide

dementia symptoms in what way, how did it start?

did you see that new paper from korea?

can you tell your story somewhere with more exposure?
I didn't take the jab but I got very fucked up as well, masks and PCR tests had graphene, not as bad as the vax but still fucked.

so who would be profiting from exposing the carnage a mandated medical product caused - and who would be profiting from you shills spreading doubt about the obvious?
you rocked in the mummy bro
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You know what must be done.
Well anon I hope your departure will be light and God will have mercy on you for taking the mark of the beast.
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Fuck this, I'm really sorry.

Had always been hoping US would get more into this game.

I hope you can enjoy watching the eurocup a bit too.
Get fucked you stupid bitch. We needed your racism in the future and you threw it all away for a fucking job. You could've always just neet maxed with parents you dumb little goy. But noooo you wanted to take the vax. Dumbass
>My hurt hurts so bad
Damn. Thought of getting your hurt surgically removed?
buddy, you are gullible. First you fell for the virus, then you fell for the anti vax shit. The whole purpose of the entire ordeal is to put you in a constant state of fear. The worst that can happen is you die.
captch: OWGG
How come the only vaxx deaths and vaxx problems are on Pol? My workplace has 3000+ people all vaxxed and nobody died. No issues or anything.

you've been making this retarded claim for 3 years shill, got to think of something new
Get help as soon as you can...


Try nattokinase, ivermectin and intermittent fasting
You'd be dead if it wasn't for forced memes.
This. You may scared but that means it’s working. You protected yourself and your community with the help of life saving, EAU medical countermeasures. We beat Rona, with your help of course, thank you for your service ser

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