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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How come Brazilians be so proud of their country?
It's called coping
>sharty posting
memeflag D&C thread
That is 100% not accurate and Brazilians are probably the people to shit-talk brazil the absolute most .
>How come Brazilians be so proud of their country?
you only had conversation NPCs? any 100 IQ brazilian absolute hates this place. if I was swiss of course I would just chill and never know who's the fucking president when I can just enjoy a 1st world country with low crime, low corruption, etc
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Brazilians are literally monkeys.
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Switzerland is living proof that whiteoids are actually suicidal in their DNA.

>literal best country in the world by any metric
>bred out by Albanians in two generations
when you can't leave it you cope with it and shame people for telling the truth that this country sucks by calling them with "mutt-syndrome" (?) as if it would improve the country somewhat
they're not even good at that
I hate this country and I want to die.
>of a non-homogenous country
It's called banter, anon. Anons banter as if they like the countries they were born at when they hate them.

I think "stray dog syndrome" works better here.
this anon gets it.
also OP is a 1PBTID faggot
show your flag you lowest bidder bargain bin shill.
Whites are cucks that only want to work for one master and pay taxes for the other
Brazillian trucks are cool.
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>How come Brazilians be so proud of their country?
Because of Ayton Senna and football.
Because third worlders think we can vote for someone to become first world.
they are not
the first opportunity they fly away
they most cannot leave or cannot profit in an human environment
there is so many cases, the most die hard proud nationalist, are the first to leave the ship
i have triple-citizenship, i stay because i thrive on their and mine stupidity, everyday is comedy show, a surreal one, it is like to live in a magic land an alternative worlds where beasts, monkeys, and all kind of creatures live together and pretend to be in unity, speaking - and if you dig on the surface of the sounds, there is about no meaning it just monkey sounds - something out of Star War Movies universe or Tolken's novels.
Kek. This pic is 100% accurate.
Complacency. It's just an accident waiting to happen.
It’s accurate but for different reasons. Switzerland is a semi-direct democracy, the people choose the laws that get enacted through constant referendums, their politicians barely have any power and their “president” changes every year.
Brazil is a presidential republic where politicians hold all the power and presidents are like 10th century overlords with absolute power over everybody.

Compare Switzerland with the rest of the “developed” western world and the meme would still be correct.
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Pajeets (who are inferior to niggers btw) are the worst example of this
this meme is really stupid
All of these people have wieners, don't they?
swissland doesnt have a president theyre ruled by a faceless committee
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Brazil itself the best country in the world.
The problem are the brazilian people, culture and government.
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I wanted so much to win the lottery, and live in Switzerland.
Apples and oranges, take that shit to Reddit.
They got some great surfers there
third worlders be like nationalist for their counrty then cry and moan when you deport them back to their counrty
Every brazillian I know hates Brazil lmao
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this reminds me of when obama was (illegitimate) president and diversity hire of the united states of america.

I heard of him in 2016 and the time before that I remember hearing about that nigger was when he was first running as barack "Husein" obama, and everyone was wondering why a black bastard with the name of the guy we just killed in iraq, for unknown reasons, was even being considered for president.
no one cares what india does with their own land.
Slavs, Turks, Balkaners, Arabs, Persians, Indians, etc.

All like this.
But would die to enter the EU or the US.

Its called barbarism.
Brazil was a paradise before the republic. NEVER let masons (jews) fuck with your empire.
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Is all /pol/ hate for brazilians simple envy?
>posting 'rty images on profane dog website
those tattoos are grounz for my crime your honor
>Napoleon invades Portugal
>Pedro escorted by British ship to Rio de Janeiro
>British freemasons have bright idea to set up a banana emporium

Brazil is born.
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