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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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which religion is the most comprehensive and best guide to humanity, and why is it islam?
The obvious answer is Christianity. The acceptable answer is anything but islam.
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lmao sure

wrong try again. such a beta religion could never be from a real God
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Let's talk about islam. Why would you believe that a cult that worships a rock in the desert and a bisexual pedophile is going to fix modern problems?
what makes you think that a your jewed up religin that has given you a whore mother and a faggot father is better than islam? which gives us a proper family structure. virgin wives. everything better
But fucking young boys is a foundation of Islam.
Every muslim country is a shithole, any wealth they have comes from oil rather than ingenuity or labor.
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where does it say that in the quran? meanwhile christian and jewish countries have
>fag pride parades
>drag story hours
>abortion like its the olympics
>dog brothels
so blessed by God you say?
>which gives us a proper family structure
How is following the example of a bisexual pedophile from the 6th century going to build a proper family structure?
your mother's body count is more than more whole bloodlines. each and every female in my family married as a virgin. suck on that. islam wins

Every Country in the world derives it's power from the resources they happen to live on top of, there would be no West if Europe wasn't fertile and lush.

If North & South America never existed, then the West would be pathetically weak and the Ottoman Empire would reign supreme.
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Islam is the religion of death, and hell follows. Muhammad was 100% the false prophet of revelation that Jesus warned us would come nearly 600 years before Satan tried to reclaim a religion.

The second temple was destroyed and the abomination was set up in the holy place. Only 4 years left until 1335 days is up and the dome of the rock is rightfully desolated.
>where does it say that in the quran?
lol. What does it say about homosexuality in the Bible?

The more you attack me personally the more I will attack not you, but your cult and bisexual pedophile prophet. Also if you continue to attack me instead of my points then I will autograph torn pages of the koran and post them for you.
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Allah is Satan.
Blessed by the white man for inventing all the things that use oil and then building refineries and so on. Your society is dysfunctional and the only value you produce has nothing to do with you.
that image is bullshit because those are not arabic characters. you are just a pathetic dunning kruger
the fact of the matter is. ZERO islam countries have fag pride parades and EVERY christian country has it. it is the most zogged golem kiked dengen religion in existence no argument. imagine eating the flesh of christ drinking his blood and thinking you're holy LMFAO.

stop using algorithms and algebra then, created by muslims.
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They are Greek.
Islam is quite literally the religion that Jesus warned would cause many to be damned. I’m not attacking you, we want you to be unblinded.

And you can’t say… oh the Bible is corrupted, cause your prophet confirms it.
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Okay so he’s confirmed the Bible… and he says Allah blinds people so they can’t see?
it is you that is blind hilariously enough. you are just a product of dunning kruger.

ok answer these questions:

what is the body count of your mother, sister and wife? all of them for me personally and for all my cousins are ONE. can you or your whore religion ever manage that? nope.
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That’s interesting because the Bible… which he confirms… says the same thing about Satan. Curious?
current bible is jewish lies. as evidenced by your mother's very own body count. why is it that my mother's body count is closer to Maryam's than yours?
No need to start slinging insults… the prophet certainly didn’t want you to do that did he?

Now acknowledge the discrepancy.
You didn't answer my question. What does it say about homosexuality in the Bible? Also just because you call a country Christian doesn't mean it is. There are no Christian countries right now. There are only Christians in countries. So your cope is bull shit and you still worship a bisexual pedophile.
as much as i hate you kikes, at least you still believe in God. better than christfags 100% of the way. keep on going
you literally believe that god had sexual relations with a female,

you still havent told us your christian mother's body count. is it double digits or triple?
>Believe in My revelations WHICH CONFIRM your scriptures.
And what does the footnote say?
>This refers to the passages in the Torah and the Gospel that call for the worship of the One True God, doing what is good, and avoiding what is evil.
Yeah you two have a lot more in common than you do with Christian’s.
so cucktianity has failed. nice to know. why should anyone give a fuck about you then?
yes. you drink the blood of christ, eat his flesh and have whores for mothers and wives. i can see how we are different from you
bloodtheism aka national socialism.
My Christian mother’s body count is 1. Clearly your argument skills are very low level so I’m not going to bother casting pearls before swine.

Also you are clearly very under researched because no where in the Bible do we believe he had sexual relations?

So nvm, enjoy burning in hell with your prophet and his mother, my mother and family are saved by the blood of YHVH.

Good day.
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How did it fail? Do you expect us to kill everyone that doesn't agree with us? Do you think muhammad should have been killed for having sex with men?
>My Christian mother’s body count is 1
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A FUCKING LIAR. everyone knows thats fucking BULLSHIT. shes got more niggers in her than ive known people in my life. this is pol bitch everyones been here before you think you can fool us?
I see you fell for the internet programming. Maybe try touching some grass.
Islam is the fulfillment and the universalization of the Abrahamic covenant. It's the one true path.
Nations are arbitrary constructs. People unite organically on values. Not on blood.
your country liteally has fag pride parades. compare your mother's body count with mine. why is it so different?

listen son of prostitute, i dont blame you for your mother's choices. it was only because she was cucktian. sad many such cases
Islam is the religion of cognitive dissonance.
Yes. However muslims in the west are just larping. Just because you wear a hijab doesn't make you a real muslim.
islam states: there is ONE God.

No man can be God. Imagine thinking that god has intercouse with a woman to get a child. imagine thinking god used to shit himself and piss himself and died. pathetic blasphemers
Islam is aligning our hearts and minds with reality. Is reality dissonant? Or is it harmonious?
>˹He is the One˺ Who created seven heavens, one above the other. You will never see any imperfection in the creation of the Most Compassionate. So look again: do you see any flaws?
>Then look again and again—your sight will return frustrated and weary.
>real muslim
believing in ONE God makes you a muslim. if you dont practice the teachings, commit terrorism, do un muslim or anti muslim things, you are still a muslim but you will go to hell.
>t. too dumb for symbolism
Many such cases.
>each and every female in my family married as a virgin
Ahahaha, what a sad fiction. When I was a shitskin fucking lib, it was cake to get your women out of their hijabs for a 6ft White male.
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This implies God can’t be man. Maybe your God (Satan) can’t, but mine (The most high) absolutely can do whatever he wants.



Maybe start with these two. If you guys don’t have the attention span to watch and dig yourself out then I’ll assume you were meant to be damned as YHVH said you would be.

Love you brothers. Just try having an open mind. (you are blinded)
Dumb fuck who doesn't know shit
Every Muslim community is unique, and has its unique set of problems. It comes down mostly to the culture they're from. For example, UK Muslims are more religious but less accepting because South Asians, while French Muslims are more accepting but less religious because North Africans. However, there are now large enough communities of white Muslims that this no longer poses a problem.
i dont want to bully you sweden im only here for the mutts. but if you really want to become collateral damage then please let me know and i will unleash on you too

>whores dont exist in muslim countries
what a pathetic retard. criminals and SCUM exist everywhere. we are talking about OURSELVES. why is YOUR mother a whore and why is MINE not?
if your mother's body count is more than 1 then you can kindly shut the fuck up
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>It's the one true path.
That's exactly what I say every time I read this inspiring koran verse. See pic.

>your country
Again my country isn't Christianity. So stop with that cope. Should muhammad be killed since he had sex with men?

>your mother's body count with mine.
I'm warning you to stick to the points and stop trying to make it personal. I have a torn koran page with your name on it you continue. I will be happy to post it for you and all to see.
A concrete symbol can only imply a departure from reality. Symbols are tools with limited uses cases. We limit ourselves even with language.
We embody the law. We don't seek to discuss the law. We listen and we obey.
Why do you keep posting this verse over and over again? I've posted the explanation before.
>In Islam, we have to act with certainty, even in seemingly mundane matters (as seemingly mundane matters - mere matters of protocol - end up having the most profound consequences). We can either rely on received wisdom we know to be true, or rely on our instincts. When we don't have a ready answer to a dilemma confirmed either by our minds or our hearts, we have to wait until a certain answer is made clear to us.
>To understand this, see how scripted and precise diplomatic relations are. A tiny mistake could have ramifications throughout history. Adab - the state of being well-composed - is thus indispensable as a Muslim. Certainty - absolute alignment with reality - is the only means to adab.
>seething about his mother's legendary body count
no surprises there. in any case that is what christianity provides you. a pope that is a degen fag. vatican with moloch statues. mothers with higher body counts than whole cities of muslims.

also Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not have sex with a man. disprove me.
>your mother
Typical low iq shitskin. Always something about "your mother".
Do you uphold the moral law?
so you dont disagree with my statement?

does your mother use condoms with strange men or only with your father?
Lol. Brainlet trying to have an intellectual discussion. How cute.
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god created muslims for target practice
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Interesting thread
Because over there it's considered an insult
That was a funny one my descendent of Hagar not in Christ.

So, you don’t uphold the moral law… and the prophet didn’t die for your sins…

Guess you are going to hell? You’re good with that?
You're pretty funny for a talking pig
This is the first time I posted it. I ripped it from this site though. Also the reason I post this verse is to get cope responses like yours. Anyone that isn't brainwashed sees the verse for what it is. muhammad is a shy boy that needs to fake a revelation to tell his followers to stop annoying him and that no one should marry his widows. Tell me again how this verse promotes the concept of only one GOD.
no one needs to die for my anything since i am solely responsible for my deeds. if i do good, i get heaven, if i do bad i go to hell. didnt need anyone to die for me. what kind of welfare blessing system do you cucks have? lmao
It's a Jewish ritual btw. Jesus is their scapegoat that carries their sins and then they drive it off a cliff
so jesus is their chicken?
God is fully just, you broke the moral law once, you go to hell. There is no “well maybe he’ll think I was a good person”

This proves how lost you are, no better than a new because you think your works will save you. THEY WONT.

> Ezekiel 18:4**: "Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sins, it shall die."

Ezekiel says if you sin, your soul dies. You aren’t going to deny the Torah prophet Ezekiel are you?

Only one man lived a sinless life, and he was God in the flesh because God so loved the world he came to save us, since we couldn’t. He is also the highest upholder of moral law, so if you sin once, you’re done.

Neither Jews not Islam seem to understand this.
My whole point is that intellectual discussion shouldn't be the basis of religion, as reality is not wholly encompassed by our minds. It's a waste of time. It's giving you a mansion whose key is on Mars. It's why Salafism failed.
Present obvious solutions to obvious problems. Keep your message simple and direct as reality is simple and direct.
When something is obvious to us, we don't need to wait for revelation. For something that isn't immediately clear, we wait for revelation. This is what it means to align our hearts with God. We only do what God permits us to do, and we refrain from acting when God has not instructed us to act. We are obedient only to God.
thats all bullshit by the way. i sincerely hope you snap out of your faggotry, have a look around at yourself and your women and realize islam is the truth. there's a reason your daughter will achieve a higher body count than my bloodline. its not even something i wish on you whether you believe it or not. and whatever the prophet XYZ said outside of the quran is most likely PERVERTED by the jews
Exactly. The Jews only use a chicken since Hadrian the Roman emperor destroyed their temple in the year 70

That's why they call him "lamb of god" as a euphemism for "our scapegoat that carries our sins"
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You should read through your post. You have some real mommy issues. Anyways I warned you. Just know that you are responsible for this.
People like you become Muslim the quickest.
You're looking for a reason not to become Muslim.
Which means you already realize it's the truth.
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islam is stupid
>desecrating the quran
you only tore the pages. is that truly the worst you can do? remember just one thing, it wasnt ME that wrote the quran. it was given to humanity by God Himself. you are simply desecrating His words. i hope i get front row seats when you're trying to explain your way out of that one LMFAO
>When something is obvious to us, we don't need to wait for revelation
But you need revelation for other obvious things like proper etiquette and muhammads desires like in the verse I posted.

>We are obedient only to God.
Well you're blindly obedient to the god that muhammad created. That's for sure.
>muh one God
koran: eternal or not eternal? think carefully before you answer
>denies Ezekiel and goes back to insulting my mother

Lol okay friend. You right. Have a good day. Just know currently, you will experience soul death in your current belief state. I don’t have a daughter. I have a blue eyed son who loves and worships YHVH.
eternal. didnt even need to think
if you and your son worship only God, you will experience heaven. if you worship jesus as a man, you will both go to hell and thats not my decision.
It seems that Pajeet faggot living in Turkey is asleep. Else this thread would have been archived long ago.
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>oh muhammed, women should cover themselves to save me embarrassment
>yea guys this is allah I agree with Omar no cap
oh ok so two eternal beings aka gods exist in Islam, thanks for playing.
Can't possibly be true. Islam isn't too different from Christianity.
quran is God's word. which is also eternal. it is not God itself. you're welcome for getting played
>it was given to humanity by God Himself
So God entered his creation to give us the koran?

> you are simply desecrating His words
No. You cause the words of a false prophet to be properly disposed of. I commend you for that. Would you you like me to dispose of another one? I had a ton of korans. The muslim's down the street keep giving koran's to me for free.
but only allah is eternal according to your religion so you can you have two separate eternal entities?
your next line is
>allah knows best
no God sent Jibrael.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH was legit. accomplished more than anyone in your race ever has while being completely illiterate. even after your bloodline has ended, his name will be on this planet.
Islam is vastly different
>Narrated Aisha

Not in practice.
when you argue semantics you admit you have no qualms about actual theological beliefs
Every religion best religion as long as it's followed, lead, managed by White Europeans.
no pajeets allowed
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>Make up a dumb story
>Attribute it to Muhammad's most shilled wife

And you get hundreds of thousands of "Narrated Aisha" lines.
Etiquette is one of three things established by this verse, none of which are obvious. The etiquette aspect can be divided into four parts:
1) Don't enter people's homes without being invited.
2) Attend to the invitation at the time you've been invited.
3) Don't linger once the purpose of the invitation has been completed.
4) The host should still remain considerate of his guests.
I've seen hundreds of cases in my own life where these rules are not followed. None of these rules are followed in the US.
They also set down rules for how leaders should behave: the leader should remain accessible, but this access shouldn't be abused.
In the US, the leader is not accessible to most people, and access to leaders is often abused by those who can afford to have access.
i think he's sick or something. havent seen him in a day or so
not semantics, this is important because saying you have two eternal dieties existent I believe that's a major sin in Islam.
I do worship only God, who came to forgive our sins by being the final blood sacrifice for our sins and dying on the cross. It is quite literally the opposite of what you and Jews and everyone else in the world thinks.

“Well if I’m a (good) person surely he will save me”

You are lost.

This is an insult to God, because it implies he is not fully just and will not uphold the moral law and its punishments.
"White Europeans" are not special inherently, centuries of out reeding and culling of murderers have made them better, but the actual stock of Europeans ain't shit. Look how the Romans smoked the Germans. Only later did they become spectacular.
it's different, we don't kiss stones
Quran is not a deity.
quran is not a diety you retard

so you worship a man. who shit and pissed. and was inside a woman and came out of a vagina. imagine blaspheming so hard
You don't understand what the debate was about. It was asking what the justification for following the Qur'an should be. The answer settled upon is that it corresponds with reality, that it agrees with our fitrah, that it expresses the innate dispositions of our hearts and minds.
Mercy is not Justice, no?
Islam would be perfect if Mohammed named a fucking successor before dying.
You eat bread.
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muhammed just fondled beards and sucked tongues
Yesterday there was an anti-Islamic thread, 2 minutes after its creation he appeared as i stood in shock. Does that retard lie in wait 24/7 like he's being paid for it???
According to Shias he did, it's just Muhammad wasn't known to be surrounded by the smartest people (yet alone loyal)
Who are you to say what God can and cannot do?

Why can God not come as a Man? A humble man at that? What do you expect? Some being of all power to come down and force us to worship him? He doesn’t want that. He wants us to love him of our own accord. That’s why he died for our sins.
it is if it's eternal something only allah can be.
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and that's how bad compared to your current reality?
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There are plenty of relics Christians kiss.
It is, and what’s what Jesus Christ provided us. Because mercy isn’t a part of prisoner death sentencing due to sin.
because God is not a man. that is idol worship. God is God. if you want to worship a man. who used to shit. who used to piss. who used to vomit. who had a placenta and all that disgusting stuff. then you enjoy hell later on dont blame me
>no God sent Jibrael.
lol. So a demon that muhammad named jibrael gave muhammad the revelations and not God. So the koran is not the actual Word of God. Just a alleged second hand message.

>Prophet muhammad PissBUH was legit
nothing about the koran or his actions show that he was a legit prophet.

>his name will be on this planet
Yep as a champion for all pedo apologist everywhere throughout all time.
Justice is you getting what you deserve. Mercy is you getting better than you deserve.
I know I've been there, but it's not worshipped we don't go around it like arabic pagans either
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islamofascism will never take root in America or Europe.
You are correct, God is God, and because he is God, he has the power to incarnate as a man if he likes. Why is that so incomprehensible for your cognitively dissonant Islamic brain?
We are each of us his successors as viceregents of God. Amir al-Mu'mineen is literally he who is most fit to command the Muslims. Those who embody the core Islamic values of prayer, family, and science are to be the leaders of Muslims.
how do we know Paul wasnt the demon that you believe in?
What's wrong with doing a pubescent girl? "If there's hair on the muff, she's old enough" is a universal standard throughout history.
>muh bodily functions
oh grow up
so you're saying that god used to shit himself?
At the end of the day, both sides sincerely believe they follow Jesus's original teachings. So i don't know why you have to be on each others throats all the time. At worst you could view the other side as wrong and retarded, but with no evil intention. Not like we don't disagree among ourselves either...
It's weird to yourself your father. Jesus says to the moneychangers to get out of his fathers house.
no you grow up. but you wont
Yes. And God provides justice, and Jesus provides mercy.

Would a judge just let a murderer off because she thought he was a good person? No.

You fail to recognize that you are all wicked sinners. Your works will not save you and you don’t even know why you believe the religion you do.
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>Shitskin wants to lecture others on humanity
Kys desert dwelling faggot
>best guide to humanity
Remember isis, the true muslims. I recall
Some videos of them cutting children into pieces and force feeding the mothers.
Can’t really call that ”the best guid to humanity”
I'm not the one going "ew yucky" to normal bodily functions. that doesn't disprove God becoming man
actually you dont know what you believe in funnily enough. everyone is RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS. no one can die for anyone else. ripped off from harry potter
Kissing something isn't necessarily worship. Even if you kiss an actual idol, I wouldn't say you're worshipping it (and the risk in this case is that it might lead to worship). Worshipping something is seeing it as free of God's omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
yes or no: did god shit himself or not?
>1) Don't enter people's homes without being invited.
>2) Attend to the invitation at the time you've been invited.
>3) Don't linger once the purpose of the invitation has been completed.
>4) The host should still remain considerate of his guests.

All these things are obvious and no you needs to be told this. You left out the things that wouldn't be obvious to anyone and also established in this verse.

5) muhammad is a shy boy
6) don't marry muhammad's widows
I’m not at his throat. I have love for my 4chan think tank brothers and I don’t want you to be damned. Jesus offers you eternal life with him in a world where children can play with tigers while a lamb rests near by. He offers you forgiveness for your sins and escape from the wages of sin which are second death.

What does Allah offer you? He offers you death and hell.
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The question is simpler: which religion is truth?
Obviously christianity is the only true religion. Islam is a counterfeit, the devil is the ape of God after all. But we were warned: all those that deny that Christ is God in the flesh who came and sacrificed Himself so that we can be saved, *even if an angel presents a doctrine contrary to this* (funny that they stressed this particular line 600 years before the coming of Mohammed: even if an angel does it, we are to reject it, as any spirit that denies the crucifixion and resurrection of Our Lord is the spirit of antichrist.
>islam doesnt offer heaven
your brain on cucktianity
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And? We aren't allowed to marry nine year olds. But we ARE allowed to have wine, pictures, dogs or curtains with pictures of animals unlike pic rel.
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I 100% know what I believe in and who I believe in. I believe in Jesus Christ.

Yod He Vav He
Behold the hand, behold the nail.

Did your God cryptographically prove himself before he came? No?
did Jesus use the bathroom while here on earth? yea, probably did. but I don't pay it any more mind than thinking about all the other humans that do so too. it's not a disqualifier for God becoming man if anything it shows He was fully human
You have to of upheld the moral law to go to heaven. Do you see the predicament you are in now?
endless drunken orgies sounds lame and unimaginative
I was discussing the etiquette part - the first part of three - since that's what you mentioned. None of those things are obvious, and none of those things were established practice at the time. They're almost never followed even in our time. Most of us show up to our friends' homes without being invited, most of us stay there for as long as we want. We abuse any access we're given. We're not considerate of our friends. Now imagine we have unlimited access to leaders. We'd constantly abuse such access. Our concerns should be focused and limited.
>we are to reject it

That isn't even a coherent response but it is typical. lol
I seem to be doing good by Allah's standards.
Besides, i genuinely believe that i know what Jesus would want from me. So if i'm wrong shouldn't i be forgiven for an honest mistake?
Even if it was still a sin, why is that being a good person without necessarily believing in Jesus's divinity will land me in hell among criminals?
didnt answer my question.

did god shit himself or not? it is a simple YES or NO question. no need for excess words.

better than eating the flesh and drinking the blood of christ for all eternity
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Here's your "paradise", bro.
These Jihadi flags are so eloquent in their writings you would think they are all academic writers or it's the same 2-3 dudes all the time
as a baby? yea ...that's what babies do...
If you believe in what Jesus did, then you are a Christian, not a follower of Muhammad. Muhammad denies that Christ died on the cross and rose again, so if you believe Muhammad then no. You believe the false prophet over what Jesus’ direct disciples said he did.

So no. Jesus knowing your heart won’t help you, because you denied him in your heart. That is if you trust and believe muhammed, if you don’t… then you aren’t a follower of Islam. Simple as.
All religions are bad.
>better than eating the flesh and drinking the blood of christ for all eternity
"taste and see that the Lord is good"
enjoy hell. you are beyond saving. if you die with these beliefs, no one can save you. not even jesus. saddest part is how close you are to actually achieving heaven. guess its just a cautionary tale for the rest of us how God may bless some in wealth, fortune but not in the hereafter. sad indeed
And to answer your second question, it’s because you are not a good person. Your version of justice lacks compares to God. That’s the whole point, we literally all sinned and failed to uphold the moral law, so he was going to have to kill all of us. THAT IS PRECISELY WHY HE CAME AS A MAN, so he could fulfill the moral law and give us a way to where he doesn’t have to kill us.

You are not a good person and I am not a good person. The difference between us is that I know I’m not, you still think you are. And that is what will damn you.
if I'm sent to hell it won't be because I acknowledged that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, I will pray for you
Islam is shit tier because there is no evidence it does good.
Empiric facts could at least make a case for the church doing various social services. Christians freed slaves and so forth.

Why did pisslam do?

Christianity is the enemy. But it has a track record at least. You have nothing but shit.
Jannah in Islam is the perfected version of reality. In Islam, our focus is on minimizing pain. Only through struggle can we minimize struggle. Only through accepting pain can we overcome pain. Jannah is the Garden in which the fruit of our efforts are laid before us.
I will concede though I dont agree that said etiquette isn't obvious. We just can't ignore the main point of the verse. One, muhammad is shy. That is why the verse was "revealed" to him in the first place. Two, don't marry muhammad's widows. That would not be obvious to anyone until shy muhammad was given his "revelation." This has nothing to do with tawhid. Which isn't obvious because there are numerous places in the koran that talks about there only being one God.
not only will you be sent to hell for those blaspheming beliefs, but so will all your ancestors that have passed and your descendants.

go take a long hard look at your son. if you want the best for him i would suggest reading the quran yourself a couple of times over.
Nice word mumbo

Have you upheld the moral law?
You certainly haven’t ever broken any of the 10 commandments given to Moses have you? You understand you are going to hell if you have broken even one?
Islam is laughable. A true joke.
btw even in the Old Testament, long before the coming of Christ, it was predicted that the seed of Ismael would be a wild race that would follow a false doctrine until the end of days near, as part of a curse.
This anon gets it. He can’t go to hell because he knows Jesus came to forgive his sins as God in the flesh.
only going to hell if God doesn't forgive you. and He will forgive you if you repent with an honest heart. dont need a cheerleader on a side to accrue God's benefit
I've read the koran the Gospel is much preferable. I don't need to be reminded about how competent and merciful God is every few verses, it's evident from the Bible reading
>he knows
you mean he BELIEVES. already wrong. are you all 18 or something?
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Can confirm.
Ishmael and Esau generations bring about the end.
New thread
>I've read the koran
and YET you cant even spell it properly. i thought lying was a sin. did jesus take that hit for you too?
I'll take romanization for $500 alex
Unless you call upon Jesus Christ who specifically said he will forgive your sins and sits at the right hand of the father, your sins will not be forgiven. If you expect the Father to forgive your sins, then you will be damned. I hope you consider these things with your heart. Your religion is filled with hypocrisy.

> For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our Lord

Nah we know. You are the one that *thinks* Allah will forgive your sins. Will he?
nobody that has read it will ever use that spelling.
Christianity is objectively the absolute Truth.
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islam is trash and all muslim children need to be burned alive
>we know
so your system is not based on faith but on knowledge? ive seen retarded people before but none such as this. why do such people enter my thread? you specifically are not allowed to post again here. if you are a decent person you will kindly fuck off
your first argument was that it's not spelled that way, which was proven wrong, and you're about to be wrong again because I have read it. ok, full disclaimer I'm only like three quarters if the way through so yea, technically haven't read the whole thing. it still is really poorly written and not compelling to me in the slightest.
Shyness requires a deeper explanation of the root حيي. In Arabic, shyness is connected to life. Shyness - subjecting our desires to a higher truth - is how we come alive. We should be shy, humble, modest, and meek. Islam doesn't reject any aspect of existence. Islam seeks to put everything in its proper place, within its proper limits, with neither excess nor deficiency. Shyness - the arousal of our modesty - must also be accepted. Shyness is nothing to be shy about.
it is not spelled that way. prove me wrong. put a picture of your copy which will simultaneously prove you are reading it and that the "koran" spelling was used.
What is knowledge but a higher level of faith?

> My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children
i told you to get out. adults and non retards are talking. this is my thread and you are encroaching on private property
Why do you make stupid statements like that. Even though the koran is a jumbled mess that is not organized in the stupidest way possible, I have read the complete koran. It's not's not a long book.

>shyness requires a deeper explanation
lol. I'm screen caping your response. Priceless. Also you ignored no one being able to marry muhammads widows.
you havent. that much is obvious. which translation? timestamp with your quran now.
You want me to leave because I reveal your circular false logic every time.

It’s funny because you deny Christ because he was a “man” but your entire religion was written by that same very thing? A man.

So I’ll say it again. Islam is the religion of death, and hell follows. Every person who calls on the name of Allah will be damned into the lake of fire for eternity. Muhammad is THE false prophet and any one who follows him WILL experience second death.
This post illustrates how blind your kind really is. You can only judge matters from a very carnal perspective. Hence you think the ultimate heavenly pleasure must be carnal.

Also you are the one that puts limits on what God can do.
It's just arianism 2.0
did you see my screenshot? do you understand what romanization means?
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A religion that combines some aspects of Christianity and Islam would be the best. Praying once at dinner, going to church every Sunday, daytime fasting for a month, no drugs, no porn, being kind, being generous, and a built-in social structure (monogamy, man and woman only (dadt about gays). Jesus humanizes God, so include him.
furthermore I use the online https://quran.com/en
mostly I got a free copy from one of those dawah people it's on the floor somewhere

>which translation?
Sahih International, Pickthall and a few others.

> timestamp with your Koran now.
Nigger we live in modern times. https://corpus.quran.com/
Islam is the only Abrahamic religion I respect
It makes much more sense than the Christian trinity doctrine
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Islam cannot be based when it is anti zionist.
no i asked you to leave because you are beyond retarded. even worse than cow dung eating jeets. im sad that you are father to a son and hope his mother with the extremely high body count has a better head on her neck.

>has fag pride parades
>drag story hours
>"you are the one thats blind!!@!@"
sure thing belgium lmao

definitely not read the quran. if its on the floor somewhere then take a picture and prove it.
Death to moon worshipping child fuckers
>God lets Jesus do things only He can
>allows people to worship Jesus
>600 years later...
yea...makes a lot of sense
satanism is best
>god who is eternal died!!
>dont think about it it just happened also he is 3 not 1 very diverse and progressive god where godhood is a spectrum happy pride!!
lol. You haven't read the koran. If you had. You wouldn't be a muslim/pedo. Post a pic of your koran with my trip code to prove that you even own koran.
You asked me to leave because that little voice in your head that is keeping you trapped realizes I’m probably one of its biggest threats in this thread. I routinely tested in the 99th percentile on state testing and ACT, I trust the Holy Spirit will empower my son the same. His Christian mother agrees with me because she is a good wife who submits.

Do you really want to experience the second death? Say yes and I will leave your thread.
It does, because the word in English doesn't have the same connotations as the word in Arabic. The words are different, and they're each related to a different set of words.
The prohibition on marrying the wives of the Prophet SAAW was made in response to the desire of one of his companions to marry one of the wives of the Prophet SAAW after his death. Given that his wives had to constantly speak with strangers, the situation was untenable. They would never be act as Mothers of the Believers, spreading the shari'ah among the womenfolk of Madinah, if this were to happen. This prohibition allowed them to remain active in guiding the people in matters of shari'ah. The wives of the Prophet SAAW thus became among the most prolific of hadith narrators, and the most established authorities in matters of fiqh.
have you seen my flag? every paki muslim has read the quran before he was 10.

no i have never asked anyone to leave my thread in the 10 years ive made threads here. you are literally the first. its the biggest dishonor where im from to kick someone out of your house, and a bigger dishonor to not leave.
it is a stinky turd
grow up.
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shut the fuck up you ugly little muslim loser
ITT one seething triggered inbred goatfucking shitskin
Keep following your bisexual pedophile bro kek, you will never be white, you will never be more than 55 IQ, you will never not be inbred
Say it anon.
“I am a sinner. Because I am a sinner, my JUST and RIGHTEOUS father will put my soul to death as he promises us he will by the Old Testament prophets.”

Say it and I’ll leave anon.
That’s what you believe if you believe Judaism or Islam.
Maybe it is for you. But since humanity is very diverse outside of the middle East it likely isn't the best religion in this way.
shut the fuck up ranjeesh go eat a cow turd

you are a sinner and you and your children will taste hellfire. that is not my decision to make and if it were up to me i would not have put you there. but here we are
Psude fag videos. They're debunked
1. Ezekiel 18:4 - "The soul who sins shall die."
2. Ezekiel 18:20 - "The soul who sins shall die."
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hey, allah know best :)
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>spelled quran
>also put jesus name on floor blaspheming not only against the actual God but also against the false god he believes in
>still related to unchastes, like every christian is
>It does
Don't care. I'm not brainwashed bro.

> marry one of the wives of the Prophet SAAW after his death
lol. So what? This was standard and in that time a show of love and compassion. To be a widow during that eras was like being homeless without welfare systems or food banks. muhammad was an unbelievable cruel person for making his widows unmarriable. Some of them succeeded despite muhammads actions and some even led armies against other muslims. That's neat as well.
Then why didn't the Americas produce a European level civilisation? We didn't just live on a good bit of land. We were stronger than our competitors. Hence you were pushed out of the southeast of Europe and Spain. And then we fucked an entire new people (Hispanics) into existence. We have weakened due to dysgenics but if Iran and Turkey's birthrates are anything to go by Islam isn't far behind in dropping fertility.
It’s not your decision to make. Unfortunately you are the only one who will be in the lake of fire. Maybe you can ask your prophet why he lied to you when you see him there.

I will be in my new and glorious body with my other Christian brothers and sisters praising the lamb who is worthy for what he did for us during the millennial reign.

> After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes
Islam has nothing to do with the Middle East. Most Muslims aren't even Middle Eastern, and the modern Middle Easts bears little resemblance to 6th century societies of the Hijaz.
If you pick up the Qur'an and read it, there's no way to tell where it's from. Its message could have come from anywhere. Which is why its message applies everywhere.
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did your dad molest you when you were a kid
So what? Post a pic of your koran to prove that you have read it. This is the standard that you stupidly set. If you can't do it then you shouldn't expect other to.
my decision to make, however, is to kick you out of MY thread. imagine telling foreigners to get out of your country but you cant even get out of their threads.

face it: christianity is such a boring snore inducing droolsville of a religion that you will try and squat in gigachad and based islam threads. seethe dilate tranny

no that was your mom that molested me and i think she also molested my driver
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>blessed by God
There are plenty of other countries that have oil and are not massive shithole deserts.
Reminder if you sin even once and are not a follower of a Jesus Christ you will be sent to hell on judgement day.
it's a scrap piece of paper it's not like a Bible or something
>i have the book therefore ive read it

have you seen your flag? i would believe literally any other flag if they made a claim of reading any extended texts longer than a menu
Oh that’s your decision to make? Okay go ahead and kick me out then…. Oh wait… you can’t make that decision either.

4chan is a Christian board.
Your prophet married a kindergartner and fucked a third grader.
And to add to snorevill religion qualifiers… you guys literally circle around a pagan cube. Talk about idol worship.
Again stop with the cope. I don't care which shithole you live in. You made the standard that you need to show a picture of a physical copy of a Koran to prove that you have read it. Well we are waiting for you to live up to your standards. See my flag. That means that I have read the koran. That's all the evidence I need.
why do Muslims follow tribalism then? Saudi Arabia is literally named after the Saud tribe of Najd. most Muslim leaders claim descent from Muhammed through the Quraysh tribe
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you definitely sound molested, i bet your imam had a go at your little ass
The Mothers of the Believers obviously weren't going to be left to die. They're not ordinary widows. They remained extremely well-cared-for all their lives.
Aisha RA didn't lead any army. She was present in a battle as she wanted quick, decisive justice for the death of the previous caliph. It's also the action she regretted the most in life. For the rest of her life, she did what she was meant to do: teach.
This is also a strange objection coming from someone who believes in the perpetual virginity of Mary. Was God cruel for not allowing Mary PBUH to marry in the even harsher environment of Roman Palestine, which wasn't exactly peaceful and prosperous at the time?
no one believes you. open the book and show us the condition. i will bet it is brand spanking new
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Muzzshit your hurting real bad huh?
Your prophet married a kindergartner and fucked a third grader. No other argument is necessary. A religion of pedophiles and goat fuckers.

This guy would absolutely wreck you Satan worshippers. I’d pay money to see you in a livestream with Sam.

come on pajeet if you're in england at least learn some basic english
shrekt hard

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By Allah you take that back!

I’ll actually try watching yours if you actually try watching mine.
Little known fact, Sunnis and Shiites argue over if it is proper to fuck a female goat’s vagina or a male goat’s asshole. The Sunnis are the female goat supporters, as it’s a metaphor for the prophet’s adolescent wife, piss be upon him.
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do your parents know what an ugly little loser their son is
Islam doesn't abolish tribes. It only says that affiliation by values comes before affiliation by tribe. The maintenance of tribal lineages are among the best guarantees of consultative government. Attempting to eliminate tribal affiliation is one of the clearest markers of despotism. Tribal affiliation is why the resource-rich countries of the Gulf are relatively well-managed, while other resource-rich countries with just as much in resources - Nigeria and Venezuela or even Russia - are notoriously corrupt.
>The Mothers of the Believers obviously weren't going to be left to die.
That isn't obvious. The standard at that time made is very not obvious.

>They remained extremely well-cared-for all their lives.
That is despite muhammad and his evil dictates.

>t's also the action she regretted the most in life.
I'm sure she would have felt differently and the history would have been written differently if Aisha's faction had won. You might even be worshiping her right now instead of muhammad.

>who believes in the perpetual virginity of Mary.
Barking up the wrong tree there. You should ask before you assume. I guess you couldn't have make your coping point though. No Mary was not a perpetual virgin. Jesus even made sure that his mother was cared for before he was crucified.
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None. Religion must not meddle with politics, with real issues i.e.
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go eat a cow dung ranjeesh

>watching youtube videos
im not a loser like you, i have a think called a life which is ticking away every second and i wont waste it on fucking jewtube ads

no but your mom does
Mudslime goat fuckers
Sure, yet every single nation that follows it, without exeption, is a dehumanized shithole full of misery and petty hate.
Go get fucked and take that sandshit mind cancer with you.
Also google contradictiond in islam. Comprehensive, massive kek
Pedophile faggots
>dehumanized shithole full of misery and petty hate
ive been to england. its literally worse than pakistan
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you have no life except for seething here you ugly little muslim loser
>he doesn’t have time to better learn the word of God

Yeah… you’re not gonna make it friend.
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That sounds racist as fuck
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and you are in my thread seething, why dont you go back to india?

i'll make it to heaven and that's all that matters. i'll be sure to think about you when im there... NOT. enjoy your jewtube vidoes
If we assume that all the Muslims would abandon caring for the Mothers of the Believers for some reason, there is still zakah which was available for all Muslims, and there were also state pensions established for the companions of the Prophet SAAW. Rest assured, the ones who survived all lived comfortable retirements, far in excess of what they received during the lifetime of the Prophet SAAW, when they were all struggling to survive.
Aisha RA didn't have a faction. She wasn't preaching a different Islam. She wanted justice for the assassination of Uthman RA. Furthermore, she was on the side that later assumed the caliphate, i.e. the Umayyads. So, her side did eventually win.
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I knew a Muslim girl in highschool who asked about 5 boys out including me, then she finally settled for a short jeet. Who fucked her. She's now in an arranged marriage. The man who married her thinks she was a virgin. Your wife ain't no virgin sorry bro.
You literally are not going to heaven though currently. Only believers of Jesus Christ are going to heaven.

Have you ever looked at a woman with lust?
What about took something that wasn’t yours?
Disrespected your parents?
The list goes on and on.

How many times are you going to insult the MOST HIGH by acting like he will turn a blind eye and ruin his reputation for you? A little brown man who doesn’t even have the time to further study his word.

You are delusional. I pissed you off to the point of wanting to kick me out because you know what I speak is fact.
Lol what a out of touch retard, go chant Surah Fatiha.
paki guys dont arrange marry girls in england tho lol. its all about getting them from back home where their seals havent been broken. as far as the jeets go they are just perpetually cucked.
good thing my entry in heaven isnt based on your decision. but as far as the rules go (didnt make em) it seems like it is you and your children that will go to hell. pity.
Islam is all about aligning ourselves with nature. Our love for our families is natural. Our concern for our kin is natural. Who better to care for your mother than you? Who better to address the concerns of your community than your community? Islam leaves everyone to their own devices, except if they are in genuine need of help.
This is why Islam is firmly against usury and centralization. Usury funnels your money away to the center, as does centralized government. Feed yourself and govern yourself. Ask for help if you need help. Islam believes the free market should be absolutely free. Notice that the Gulf monarchies also have zero taxes.
This was diluted from the time of the Abbasids due to their adopting Persian and Byzantine administrative models, but it remained the case in the deserts of Arabia. It still does, and it remains the greatest obstacle to Gulf monarchs consolidating power in their respective domains.
i bet some indian men had a go at your little ass too
you mean you wish or desire. because you are a faggot
See that’s the thing, I’m not saying it’s my decision. I’m saying it’s God’s decision and he already deemed you a failure and sent help. You are basically saying…. “Nah God… im too good for that help… id like you to judge me based on your old system”

And God is like “I literally sent you help why don’t you want it?”

And you’re like “cause I’m a good person”

Enjoy hell anon.
>If we assume that all the Muslims would abandon
How would anyone at that time know what muslims would or wouldn't do? the cult was brand new.

> zakah
lol. Again this was at the beginning of the cult. By the time muhammad died there was no reliable safety net provide by the muslim version of welfare. Also zakah only works if you have muslims that have the money and are willing to actually give it to those in need. If this system was established by muhammad and we look at the result today. We can safely say that zakah doesn't help the majority of muslim today and probably even less so shortly after muhammads death from eating poison.
fpbp, fuck pisslam and their faggot prophet
atheist capitalist larping as a christian
yes thats actually all that matters. if you are better than you are shit or not. and how well you follow God's guidance aka Shariah and how much you avoid evils like human worship and other forms of degenerate demonic idolatry
>other forms of degenerate demonic idolatry
Like worshiping black stones in the desert.
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paki women are massive whores bro
i think muslims go to hell
its funny because christianity is the religion thats actually a cult now. eats flesh drinks blood. women with body counts higher than the popualation of christ's region, moloch statues in vatican. list goes on
thats jeets stealing the wifi from pakistan.
Once again, you are confused.

You can’t “kindof follow his law”

You either follow it, or you don’t. It is cut and clear. God already sent you Jesus who is willing to save you if you simply admit he is the Christ and that you are actually a BAD person who was going to be UNSAVED because you did NOT follow the law 100%

This is your brain on Islam.

The exact reason why you think you will be saved, is why you will not be saved.

And here I am, trying to help you escape that… and you told me to leave… shame on you anon.
The whole premise is that Islam is the Victorious Party, the only path that will overcome all false paths. You're saying they should be allowed to marry because Islam might have disappeared right after his death. If that were the case, I'm sure they wouldn't care about remarriage. There would be no Islam to worry about.
Zakah always existed and still exists. It's a massive threat to existing governments, which is why they try to distort the purpose of zakah as much as possible. Zakah is meant to be collected and spent locally within the catchment area of a masjid. Imagine 2.5% of the liquid wealth of your community going to the local church every year, being spent on local projects. That's 1.67 trillion dollars being spent for Christians by Christians completely outside the domain of the government individually by each church community. Every community could essentially run itself, having no need of the government whatsoever.
nope you think that some MAN will save you. lmao i'd rather trust the only and only OG God. you believe in a simple run of the mill average man all you want.
Cope mudslime goatfucker. You sand people fuck goats, make your wives dress like ghosts, beat them, and stone people
Islam is for retards, I will not submit to it, I have conceded everything I was willing to concede and then some to understand you have dealt with the same internal corruption as Christians have, but that being said, your religion is nothing, and if you don't want to cooperate toward something useful then I don't want your business. I am also not your fucking cattle nor your handlers
So did you do your hajj yet? What is it like to worship a big black rock in the desert? I would like to go someday. I like the part where you get to throw rocks at the pillars/walls. I used to pitch in college. I could show you muslims a thing or two about how to throw gas.
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goat fucking happened in denmark and your country. our wives we can beat them if we want what are you going to do about it?
It measures relative interest. All it means is that Pakistanis look at a less diverse selection of porn.
You can test it out by looking at niche topics in any subject area. They'll be higher in more socialized regions.
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bet some indian men had a go at your mum too
He (God) came as Jesus to save you.

You aren’t trusting him, you are trusting yourself and your own works. You are deceived and lost. You are trusting yourself to be able to perceive Gods will for you. He already told you his will for you (or atleast you got your prophets version of it) and you denied it.

You deny God.
Don't listen to him
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cope, your women love slutting it out
yes i trust myself. who else will be responsible for MY crimes and MY actions? someone else? thats not how it works child. i am responsible for MYSELF. i dont need jesus or anyone to take my sins. no thanks
A foreskin addict? What dose she do with them?
>ruin his reputation for you?

Christianity is all about inverting categories. You're literally ignoring God by ignoring reality, and then condemning anyone that doesn't do the same.
For you, what does it mean to not ignore God? Follow the Bible, with nothing to hold the Bible accountable to. You want to escape accountability for what you preach. Nothing more.
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that was obviously written by a jeet
I’m not deceived, he is. I’m trying to help him see the light so he doesn’t wake up to endless torture on the day of judgement.

Lol yes, literally someone else, who God sent and and lived a perfect life and died… for your sins… so he could not send you to hell. And you deny it.

You are the definition of a lost soul and that is because you put your trust in the false prophet.
didnt die. where's his body? and i never asked him to die for me in the first place. thanks but NO THANKS bucko!
Probably. Hindus are known to make fake accounts impersonating Muslims. They made two apps to defame Muslim women.
Israel was also recently caught impersonating Muslims, though they focus more on making Muslims look violent.
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Projection, you're a jew now?

We all know how much arabs and muslims love their beastiality.
He died and rose again, that’s why there is no body.
Jesus would slap you in the teeth
Fake quote. Here's a real quote:
>Ibn 'Abbas (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whoever you find doing as the people of Lot did (i.e. homosexuality), kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done, and if you find anyone having sexual intercourse with animal, kill him and kill the animal."
Christianity came before Islam? How can it invert something that came after? Your logic proves itself wrong.

I’m not condemning, I’m preaching how to be saved from condemnation. You “ignore” Christ, who is the Son of God.
yeah i can tell. they always go over the top. "foreskin addict".


>christianity is zombie, avengers, hairy potter fantasy now
Nah, he wouldn’t.

Sounds like you know more about Gods will than he does? Are you God?
god did not have sexual relations with a woman
>the only path that will overcome all false paths
Yes I dispute that. I think that is laughably naive. Especially when I see muslims talk about other religions. There are no other people on earth that are more ignorant and at the same time arrogant about the beliefs of other religions.

>You're saying they should be allowed to marry ...
Let me be clear. Every other muslim woman that is widowed or divorced gets to have another husband. The only widows that were not allowed to remarry were muhammads. It was wrong to make them and only them perpetual widows at a time when it was a death sentence to be a widow.

>disappeared right after his death
I only brought this point up because you were trying to pretend that it was obvious that muhammad's widows were going to be taken care of. It was not. They took care of themselves despite muhammad.

>Zakah always existed and still exists.
It's results of zakah are poor that is my point. It doesn't take care of anyone now or then regardless of your excuses. The rest of what you said is irrelevant and mostly cope.

Got to step out. Might be back later. We will see.
suck on them probably
are you?
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Like mudslimes give a fuck about the rules of the quran, you only chimp out if anyone insults it.
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cope loser
Saw this and had to address this laugh before I leave.

>god did not have sexual relations with a woman
Only muslims claim Christians believe this. Its wrong. It's funny because muslim believe that an angel blew into Mary's vagina. lol.
Islam - submission to God - is as old as Adam PBUH. Islam not only holds itself accountable to reality. Islam is the complete affirmation and embrace of reality.
With Christianity, you're not holding yourself accountable to anything. It's your way or the highway, just because. You're asserting without evidence, and what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
You can say that it's all an allegory. In that case, Christianity also loses its truth value. Something as simple as humans existing before 6,000 years destroys Christianity. With no literal Adam PBUH, there is no literal Original Sin, in which case there is no need for a sacrifice to atone for anyone's sin. You become an atheist with a story to tell. Why would we need your stories? We have reality to guide us to the truth.
whores exist in EVERY country retard. at least ours are pleasant on the eyes. yours are disgusting orcs. thats the punishment of worshipper cow dung
Correct. Finally we agree on something.
He did however, have the Holy Spirit implant mary (who was a virgin) with Jesus.


You’re not gonna try to tell me that God can do virgin births in animals but he can’t perform them on humans… uh oh anon… looks like you are putting limits on God again.
how does a father become a father? of the many men your mother met, how did your father come to become your father? what act did he do specifically?
It's in their country. That's in their country, not yours. All he's saying is that his culture corrupts good people. He's admitting his culture is garbage.
virgin birth is FATHERLESS birth. to be a father you must fuck the mother. there is no other way to become a father. you are a retard. father = penis in vagina of mother.

how did your father become your father?
Islam is a mafia. Not a religion. Abrahamic garbage totalitarianism.

Judaism for brainlets basically.
We're talking about Islam, not individual Muslims. We don't take individual Muslims as sources of guidance. Certainly not when they're deviating from both aql and naql, from both intellect and scripture.
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must feel so weird thinking paki women are pure and then seeing them like this
thats not a paki tho
All religions bend over to the jews. G-D is dead, Amalek and their cows are coming for the Jews.
Beg more for your death cult.

Muslim prolezityzing is just like your commercial mindset.

Same way you try to sell a camel is the same way you try to sell a miserable puny book written 200 years after the main goatfucker died.
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>why is it islam?
Stop being biased just because you live in an islamic shithole and like Pisslam doesn't mean everyone else will.

Religion is fake and gay, I'm agnostic.

Islam and Judaism are war cults hellbent on world domination. Christianity just makes people meek whilst worshipping a jew.

God is Godan/Wotan.

Dont associate him with the demon Allah/Elohim.
there are more muslims than europeans.
Look at this poor low level circular logic trying to say what God can and cannot do…

No other widows had special responsibilities. Only the wives of the Prophet SAAW had knowledge of the domestic shari'ah, i.e. how the Prophet SAAW behaved with his wives. Only they could clarify matters related to domestic fiqh.
Islam is a challenge to the state. Prayer is the rejection of the state's authority to dictate morality. Fasting is the rejection of a consumer society. Hajj destroys the ability of the state to regulate trade and information exchange. And zakah dispenses with the need for a state altogether.
All of these institutions have been subverted to some degree. Muslims are always fighting back to restore the ideal. As always, we talk about the ideal we strive toward: that of a free and moral community devoted only to God.
Quality equals quantity in the mudslime brain.

15 million Jews outweigh a 2 billion strong ummah.

Mudslimes will never be able to cope enough.

15 million kikes beat 2 billion goatfuckers.
theres only ONE way to become a father you retard. penis in vagina. when your sperm meets your wifes eggs and you achieve conception, thats how you become a father.

if god conceived jesus miraculously, He did not father him. since by definition thats not fathering.
she is pure kashmiri sir
>devoted only to God.

Allah is not God.
God is Godan/Wotan.

Stop trying to compare your demon to our forebears deities.
You are the one asserting I have no evidence. You are the one that speaks English but probably has not read the Bible. You are the one making assertions.. I can confirm Jesus Christ is the truth as I have put effort into understanding all three abrahamic religions.
then why doesnt she has the kashmiri nose? looks european to me
>God has to follow human rules
Muslims aren't even meant to actively proselytize. The institution of dawah was established during the Abbasid period, mainly to solidify their authority over Islam.
Properly speaking, we're meant to order you around. Kaafir women don't get a choice whether they want to wear hijab and uphold modesty standards or not. They simply have to. Kaafir men don't get an option to drink or fornicate or intoxicate themselves. They're whipped if they try to.
The verses of the Qur'an are literally the signs of God. There's no deviation permitted from what God himself has commanded. We can't force you to accept Islam, only in the sense that we aren't allowed to welcome disloyal cretins into the fold of the most moral community raised from mankind, those responsible for upholding universal morality. Otherwise, we're obligated to force you to accept anything in Islam that doesn't directly relate to the ritual obligations of Islam.
Come here w your pisslam shit and alot of you and your whole family are going to die by genocide
So you’re saying God couldn’t make someone pregnant without a father?
How did Adam come to be? Who was his father? …. That’s right, the same and Jesus’ Father.
Never heard of Telegony.

Genocide the ummah. Hulagu Khan had the right idea.
so did god father adam too? and eve? who were their mothers? did god mother them too since they had no mothers?
Yeah, he would
>taqiyya would like a word with you.
Ask a fuckin catholic priest they know.

Satan and jesus are brothers
And now I have Mudslimes working at 4am begging me to come to their shop and buy their processed meat goyslop.
so by that logic god is adam's mother too. very diverse very pride. god damn denegerate westoids
Dont worry, if you come to the west we will just behead you
I've read the Bible word-by-word in both Greek and Hebrew. I've studied both the Septuagint and the Masoretic Text for the OT. I've read most apocrypha and the works of the Church Fathers, along with many other books on Christian theology and mysticism. After all of that, all I have is regret for wasting my time.
You say that Christianity is aligned with reality. Show me how it is. Show me how ignoring all of reality, and focusing completely on devotion to one man implies perfect alignment with reality. Prove Christianity without the Bible.
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Taqiyya is a Shia practice meant to protect them from other Muslims.
>Satan and jesus are brothers
You are dumb. Satan is not Lucifer and either way jesus and Lucifer are not brothers because neither are real and both names are invoked in the name of revolution for the common good
where is taqqiya in the quran?
> For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

Oh looks like God has more of your limits on him again anon. Obviously femininity is in God because he made it. Just like the ultra hyper based masculinity (that you don’t have) is in him too.
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thats not a paki either. i can tell by the hair
who was adam's mother? not to mention speaking of masculinity, you know you would be dead if we were having this conversation face to face, right?
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Flood thread with K9s.

K9s make mudslimes pissed off.
Their donkey prophet was afraid of them.
Why are you replying to some Indian literally posting porn? None of these people are Pakistani. They live in one of their countries, according to their culture, by their values.
And they're definitely not Muslims. They're not people you have to answer for.
Prove Islam without the Quran? What a dumb question.

How about neither of us use our religion. Let’s look at the Torah which came before both.
Here is Isaiah 53 describing the messiah. Tell me, who is he describing?

> 53 Who has believed our report?
And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,
And as a root out of dry ground.
He has no [a]form or [b]comeliness;
And when we see Him,
There is no [c]beauty that we should desire Him.
3 He is despised and [d]rejected by men,
A Man of [e]sorrows and acquainted with [f]grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.
4 Surely He has borne our [g]griefs
And carried our [h]sorrows;
Yet we [i]esteemed Him stricken,
[j]Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded[k] for our transgressions,
He was [l]bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes[m] we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the Lord [n]has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

Surely you and all your read knowledge can tell me who this refers to then?
nope i have a dog too
>you know you would be dead if we were having this conversation face to face, right?

You cant win by force what you cant win by brain mudslime goatfucker.

Jai Hind. SHANTI OM.
Death to Pakistan.
cow dung eater
Demon Allah is afraid of dogs.
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All mosques in India will be burned. Pakistan will sink in its own filth.

Shiva is going to dance atop mudslime corpses.
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id welcome you murdering me if I didn’t have my Son to raise in a God fearing home. I’ll die in my faith in Jesus and go to heaven and you will further break the moral law and confirm your spot in hell. Sounds great.
your women are whores mate lmao, ask your mum she knows
>Prove it without the Bible.
>Quotes the Bible.
For Isaiah 53, the Qur'an provides the best answer.
>Furthermore, the Jews assert, 'The Christians have no valid ground for their beliefs,' while the Christians assert, 'The Jews have no valid ground for their beliefs' - and both quote the divine writ! Even thus, like unto what they say, have [always] spoken those who were devoid of knowledge;' but it is God who will judge between them on Resurrection Day with regard to all on which they were wont to differ.
Simply look at what the Jews say about Isaiah 53. Look at why they reject your interpretation. Do this for all your supposed references to Jesus PBUH in the Tanakh, and you'll have no choice but to leave Christianity. I know, because I went through the same process myself.
Proving Islam without the Qur'an is easy. I can prove all of Islam starting from basic observable reality. You can't do the same with Christianity.
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>its literally worse than pakistan
Gee I wonder why.
God was Adam’s mother. And his father.
I know that’s hard for your tiny little brain to perceive.
i will just send you to God for blaspheming. is your son also jesus that you're capitalizing his letter? lmao
Rama and Krishna will be the new gods of Pakistan.

Nothing you can do.

You are going to pay for the Buddhas you bombed.
Hinduism is like a woman who had ten abortions claiming she had ten children.
>god was genderqueer
your brain on christianity
Hiduism is Aryavarta. The last remaining Aryan doctrine.

Islam is Saturn black cube worship.
This one is just begging people to mulch him. What kind of flowers do you want to feed, dear fren?
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Don't you mean his aunt?
That’s the Old Testament? So now you’re denying the prophets of the Torah?

I thought your prophet confirmed them?

Are you denying your prophet?
Or maybe you have cognitive dissonance because you have been decieved.
confirmed that they were true and their messages have been perverted
You told me Jesus would slap me in the teeth. I like dahlias.
I before E except after C. Did you learn language in a gutter full of masonic faggots?
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you wont do shit you ugly little muslim loser lmao
No, it isn't. You haven't studied anything from Hindu scripture. You have hope in it as an alternative to Christianity (unless you're an Indian immmigrant), but there's no hope for you there. Christian theology is false, but it goes a thousand times deeper than anything from Hinduism.
The only things Hindus are adept at is rewriting history. They'll take something written in the 10th century, 15th century, and 20th century, and say it's been there from the beginning.

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