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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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There have been some pretty solid ones floating around today
it will be fake and gay and nothing ever happens
>I love Israel!

>don’t listen to him! I love Israel even more !!!!
Joe Biden dies of a meth/uppers cocktail induced heart attack on live tv . But then gets swapped with a double
Trump is going to be replaced with a masked opperative, Trump was already executed for treason in gitmo, Patriots in control.
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realistically this is what will happen.
I'm big into stroking my small white cock to BLACKED and BLACKEDRAW pornographs.
<I stopped covid!
>No I stopped covid!
Ayo what’s up then white boy
CNN moderator giving in to the temptation of fucking with Trump’s mic in order to irritate him.
I’m not watching or going along with this blatant rigged debate. Avoiding all clips of it too.
You don't know shit.
< this is trumps recession
>no I’m inheriting bidens recession
< am not
> are too
< am not
The muting will happen during the 2 minute delay.
Alright, sooo it looks like Mark Normand might actually be gay based on what he said on a recent appearance on Howie's podcast
Oh I’m recording it for the express purpose of removing cnns logo and hosting it in Mexico where my provider doesn’t give a fuck about your (((dmca)))

I’m not even watching it.

Overlay in iMovie, remove their logo, rip in handbrake and publish
Cope brownoid
Israel is a white ally
Show BBC.
I get coffee, a nice meal, sit down, watch a masked man larping as bide, cnn aka ccp persecute and sabotage the actual United States President... the whole world will watch the blunt lying of an illegitimate regime.
Militaries and analysts, nations and people world wide will watch, they will watch another nail in the coffin of US.

Now, the illegitimate regime may give Trump some breaks, that's to give hope to the people and the world snd especially trick Russia that if they hold on, just a bit longer sanity may return to save civilization... all this to buy time, prepare to steal, cheat, lie, persecute, destroy... indiscriminately Everyone starting with US itself, and even tricking their own military into pacification either via fear of civil war if they act or that sanity will come if they just let wait, just wait as your nation and people get destroyed then the world.

That's what's up.
nigger shut up
I’d love to introduce you to my BBC but it uhm, it um

It lives in Canada!!!! I am not gay!!!!
Fippity Bippity
As soon as trump brings up biden being unfit to stand trial, theyll mute him
What you just said, honkey??
Just remember that as the world watches and they have and will, the consecuences will not be understood yet even by the perps themselves, just like last time!

And the consecuences will be catastrophic, in folds more catastrophic then in the past.
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I would vote for Joe Biden if he actually did that. I vote for who makes me lol more, and right now I'm not
They will argue over who loves israel the most trump will day that biden has not done enough for them after oct 7th and biden will call him an antisemite and talk about the decades he has been in office where he has supported israel every step of the way.
Trump's gonna go scooby doo and pull the mask off Biden to show who's really been meddling with the kids
Trump is done. Biden may die on the spot, he will still win.
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Biden given the questions ahead of time, like how hillary was 8 years ago or how it came out he was given questions ahead of time for news conferences already.

Asymmetric questions given to Trump and Biden, they won't be the same questions.

Half of the time trump says anything it will be taken 100% literally and not as a turn of phrase, where the "moderators" will attempt to gang bang him, saying "acktually blah blah blah" and use that to eat up his time on the mic (no they won't give it back to him).

Like the last debate, wikipedia articles will be edited in real time to try and make whatever Trump is talking about look bad. Remember when he talked about the proud boys, by the next morning 4 different partisan articles that all referenced each other incestuously were created, then cited on wikipedia to turn the proud boys wikipedia page into some kind of nazi-hysteria nonsense.
People still buy this kayfabe?
no one cares
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Reading all of these horrible spam replies and comparing them to the Obama McCain threads from 2014 is fucking depressing.

I hate all of you stupid niggers (or more realistically kikes) who ruin this place on purpose.
The mic will only be on when it's their turn to speak, so donny won't be able to shout over Biden like the dumb orange nigger he is.
>muh elekshin fraud
Actual proof, not just the rantings of a 70 year old spoiled brat?
>shills for fat orange retard
>gets laughed at for having the mind of child
>"Bibi is a bad little man, a bad little man. He wants to kill all those children. You know what I say? I say we dissolve Israel. We'll get rid of it. Bye bye Israel."
>Microphones are blown out as the crowd erupts into applause for Mr. Trump
>CNN panic cuts to a commercial
>It's completely tone-deaf Israeli propaganda that's endorsing Trump
>The commercials shift a few times as the control room tries to perform damage control.
>Each panicked switch is just another Israeli propaganda production provided to the network by AIPAC minders
>Finally, a Charmin commercial plays
>It's too late
>He really was willing to do anything
>He's won
Where did I endorse either candidate in my post you fucking moron? Go cry under your cuckdome.
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I predict Trump will say the word "shark" at some point during the debate. In fact I bet $10 on it.
If he says shark, I win $100.
Cmon baby
Shark! Shark! Shark!
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it will go exactly like pic rel
Both candidates are dogshit what is there to seriously put any thought into. This country is a joke
i hope this happens that would be really fucking cool actually. CLown world would take off once and for all
>"Bibi is a bad little man, a bad little man. He wants to kill all those children. You know what I say? I say we dissolve Israel. We'll get rid of it. Bye bye Israel."
Trump would NEVER say this. If anything, he will dedicate some time to slurping Israeli balls. His entire family is Jewish. His inner circle has always been jews; Roy Cohn, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Jared Kushner ...
Wake up, rube.
this fuckin guy gets it
I can't imagine anyone watching this debate for any reason other than the bitchfit Zion Don will throw because he can't yell over Father Time.
There will be supercuts of his tears and clenched fists all over the internet on Monday. I'll just wait.
Your wrong
biden's would be
>If niggers don't love me they ain't niggers
Joe Biden is going to fuck Donald Trmp's pussy raw on live television.
Biden is hopped on meth, yells and does his Angry Old Man for the first half of the debate and slowly comes off his high and starts mumbling and possibly shits himself on stage. Trump's mic gets cut off a lot, which ironically allows Biden to ramble incoherently uninterrupted for the majority of the evening. CNN bans Livestream of the debate by commenters on YouTube so only a few old Boomers actually see it live. CNN declares Biden the winner and nobody actually gives a shit and it has little to no effect on the actual election.
I’m gonna watch it because I want an excuse to stay home and enjoy some solitude
Analysis complete ... 0 lies detected
Beep boop
Biden and Trump will have gay sex during the 2 minute delay. Look for stray blobs of semen after a jump cut by CNN.
You could just watch The Outlaw Josie Wales instead. Maybe have a scotch. Maybe shoot a stray dog after midnight. Have fun, anon.
>expecting a 400 year old man to have the fortitude ...

Maybe that Camp David Baby's Blood (TM) is extra good this year.
Joe Biden could shower on stage live with his grandchildren assfucking all of them then shoot Trump in the face live on CNN and not lose any voters.
He loves that line.
lure the stray dog into the back of the truck and then drop him off at the local country club neighborhood where all the jew live.
Biden will overdose, CNN will cut the feed, and a new challenger will appear.
Insane adderall-fueled hyperpartisan boomer-babble.
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Didn't that orange retarded guy say something similar about himself? You know, because he's fucking stupid?
Now do Donny.
My dog just died I don’t want to here the dead dog edgelord bullshit right now anon. I’ve been sober for 9 months I don’t want to fuck that up and I don’t watch western movies even clit Eastwood ones
I have $1000 on Biden dies on stage and $1000 on Trump gets arrested for it and leaves in handcuffs.
Hence the 2 minute delay
This. I'm pre-gaming a burger & fries. And have some tendies & ranch for the main event. God bless America!
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Digits reveal the architect of this calamity.
Instead of pardoning Julian Assange and Edward Snowden he elected to pardon his daughter's jew husband's father and some nigger honor roll student who made music about killing White pipo.
Trump's team should have insisted that hot-swapping was against the rules in this debate.
It's not going to be LIVE though, it'll be "live" after a 3 minute delay... giving CNN enough time to cut anything particularly damaging. Convenient that there will be no witnesses...er, no studio audience, allowed!
Damn anon, cover your pussy; nobody wants to see that!!
>anything particularly damaging.
As if it could be worse.
Ten bucks says Biden shits his pants
Trump should pull out of the debate. It would outrage the establishment
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CNN is going to blur Joe's face.
They're hosing out his tattered old colon right now to avoid just such a calamity.
I'll bet he shits himself 3 times before they even get him on stage. It's a method of control, and also to get attention while KJP wipes him clean.
Joe is not based enough to do that.
Jeb shows up and kills Trump and Biden.
>man showers with his teen daughter
>not based enough
the whole family are real American Heroes.
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poo poo pee pee

how did the guac King not qualify for this debate?
Everything made out of Hollywood/from the west is jewish trash including your Clint eastwood movies
(((They))) are scared of Jeb!, so keeping out of the media. He is a SERIOUS contender for 2024.
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youre a fucking madman dude you chalk laying mf'er
Why would he say shark? What a weird option for a bet. I'll bet he won't say it because the only way it would come up would be to call Biden a shark but that doesn't fit the pathetic, feeble old man narrative

Not watching

thanks to AI voice over, Biden will be flawless..
> every-time they pan to Trump or Zoom out on Biden, while Biden is talking.. it'll be BIDEN AI VOICE OVER.
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mmmkay guy
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Roughly midway through the debate there will be some technical issues, after a couple minutes everything is back to normal but Trump is unusually nervous and reserved. Some viewers will believe that biden looks and sounds different but the camera never lingers on him after.
>"Mr. Trump, you've said before that you want to kill all Ukrainians by pulling the plug on their funding and handing their country over to Putler. Are you a Russian asset?"
>"Well I—"
>"I'm sorry, we're going to cut you off right there for disinformation. Moving on..."

Expect exactly this.
CNN is going to kill both candidates and install Michelle Obama as Grand Pubah of the Clown World Empire.
digits and the President has one of his "freezing moments"; and stands silent for the 2 minutes he's given to answer a question
If Biden actually did this I would vote for him.
Kek, this. Maybe one or both of them will also shit their pants, but that's about it when it comes to what to expect.
I wonder what cocktail of drugs they're pumping biden full of before the debate to make him look not senile.
CNN will be holding his hand the whole way, don't worry.
Both of you are white 23 year olds
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It's all just a farce you dummies. It doesn't matter who is the prezzie. Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.
They would in an instant if they could. Is CNN moderating the debate? Lol, why would Trump agree to that? Or has it gotten better since Zucker was rousted?
>Israel will get 10 times more money from me
Trump: I will liquidate every single Americans checking and savings account and give it ALL to ISRAEL! And will enact martial law and round up anyone who refuses to become a noahide slave to the state of Israel!

Trump and Biden: "I will allow anyone and everyone from around the world to invade our country!"
Kek I read that in 2l2t voice
You cheapen the experience of lurking because you are medicore
if I were the Bolsheviks I'd want Trump to win this one. the money printing bubble pops right after he takes office -WHOOPS!
nothing could be better for them. he can't do shit with the millions strong bureaucracy and the kakistocracy of the judicial branch and justice system. military? jews and faggots.
he loses at every turn and they blame him for everything. perfect set up. make the election as close as possible but let Trump win.
>joe biden stutters and calls Trump a conflicted felon
>joe biden cites various misleading numbers to suggest he's doing good.

>Trump says how he will be the best president for israel
>democrat voters refuse to accept the fact that Trump objectively wins the debate.

>remote controlled fly lands on Trump's head
>that orange retarded guy
Kek, you can't even say his name it upsets you so much, what a faggot, just kys dude, you aren't cut out for living
>Trump is bad!
>Biden is bad!
repeat for an hour
that's probably Whoopi Goldstein I heard she posts here now.
They can't let Biden's people in because then they'd have to let Trump's, and they'll just act like a bunch of niggers.
Punished Jeb! timeline
So fucking hype
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Answer the question, Shekelstein.
add in the moderator cutting off Trump every time and yeah pretty much that's every debate in history though
Boomers can't die soon enough. I hate their retarded, disgusting, robot asses. Death to boomers. Kill old men. FUCKING END THEM
God dammit anons. Where is everyone watching this and a place to comment. Leave link or your a nigger.
Shut up, jew.
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The future is chocolate.
>All money for Israel plus liquidating all Americans accounts and giving to Israel!

>M-m-me too! I agree!
It's a CNN debate, doesn't start for a few hours yet
Fellow niggers, when is this debate happening? Spoonfeed me in the format: "x hours and y minutes from now"
Best case scenario, really. Trump dies a martyr and Biden discredits the establishment Democratic Party for a generation.
I don't think he understand that because he was on All In Podcast and said that it was Biden was exclusively caused inflation right as Joey took office which is willfully dishonest because inflation does not work like that as complex systems require time for changes and/or consequences to proliferate throughout the entire machine from point A to point Z. Donnie helped cause that inflation just as much as Joey both through money printing.
Two jews in neighboring cubicles
Where can I stream and watch it?
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Yeah, Trump said something about shooting someone on fifth avenue and people still voting for him and he's right, I'd definitely vote for him if he did that. Now why don't you prove you're not a jew by saying something derogatory about jews. I don't care if you "denounce the talmud" you're all liars and you're allowed to lie to the goyim, I want you to post something a jew never would post, it has to be harmful to jews image, I'll start
not gonna lie it's going to be fun watching these senile out-of-touch men go at each other. Too bad CNN is going to cuck both of them with this mic moderation (obviously they will cuck DJT more out of their retarded spite)
That said, trump 2024
>Where is everyone watching this and a place to comment.
On youtube it'll be CNN or Fox or any live feed it'll come up with a search.
At 9pm Eastern
8pm Central
7pm Mountain
6pm Pacific
Or in about 2 and half hours from now
Fucking faggot amerimutts, why did you schedule the debate at 21:00? I'm not staying awake until 3 AM to watch that shit.
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At this point, it's just embarrassing.
Biden will get flustered and will need the question to be repeated, his answer will still trail off into anecdotes.
Trump will make a wild claim and back it up with an impossible promise, something new that will shock, probably off the cuff too.
>it's just embarrassing.
Yea the state of the world, our economy, the non mental state of our president is all embarrassing.
And the time with Trump glows in comparison except for all the burning of liberal utopias Soros paid homeless meth heads to do with Antifa brand debit cards.
That's not about jews, moishe, prove you're not a jew before you get another (you)

bait, retards, or cops, call it
Israel did 9/11 by tricking dumb arabs to fly planes into buildings they had already rigged to explode.
Interest over 1% is usury.
Jesus was an okay guy.
I enjoy hard work; like picking peas.
You should only be paid what you have earned.
Israel is not a legitimate State, and has further delegitmized itself every day since its corrupt inception.
Dana Bash was married to the chief of staff of the CIA who helped put together the "51 Intelligence Officials" letter so Joe Biden could deflect to it during the debate in 2020. She is a moderator for tonight's debate, lol.
I’ve been saying this all day, thank you.
fpbp much yelling

just fyi palestine is a less legitimate state than pissrael
I accept, so do you actually like Biden or just hate Trump that much?
Biden is going to be so aderalled out that he will have a heart attack and die on stage.
Yes, all things within Israel's grasp are pozzed travesties.
You see the shit going on with Israel and Russia today? That's no coincidence. If things go bad and Biden starts to bomb they will pull him off stage under pretense of the wars escalating and he is needed asap. The plan then is switch him at the DNC and justify it with needing someone with enough stamina to endure the possibility of wartime for the next 8 years. Yes they are really going to play the WW3 card.
>Biden given the questions ahead of time
Won't matter because he won't understand them.
Tonight we make bets on whether the sitting president of the united states of america poops his pants on live primetime tv. What a world.
based, always comforting to find actual humans here with skills in critical thinking
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You're not seeing reality for what it is, mate.
show bussy
Your wins in the bets are wierd.
I hate Trump. I hate what he has done to political discourse. I hate his attitude, his nepotism, his whining, his double standards, his hypocrisy, his adultery, his frauds, his CONSTANT LYING. I hate his fucking makeup and lifts, I hate his ugly bucktoothed children, his gold-plated nigger taste, his lack of intelligence, his lack of charisma, his lack of knowledge, his arrogance, on and on,

But most of all, I hate what he has done to people who I used to love and respect who chose easy answers and a scapegoat over careful consideration and critical thought.

Yeah. I hate that motherfucker.
Interesting info.

But that is Muttmerica.
>love Israel

Biden has a 5-decade career (far longer than DJT) in the D.C. swamp of sucking Israel cock, never done anything else in his adult life he's the GOAT:
Lol, tranny.
Everybody loves Trump exactly and only because of the Trump Derangement Syndrome he causes in trannies like you.

You will never be a woman.
>24 pbtid
If you or someone you know is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, please talk to your doctor about treatment options. Not all forms of TDS may be fatal. Recovery is possible with the right treatment.
Classic nigger-brained migat response.
You're a fucking retard. I hope you die in a fire.
bottom don getting his bussy stretched
>Outlaw Josey Wales
Patrician taste, Anon
Biden is going to be amazingly on point and everyone is going to be really confused by it
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They’ll have him on the most insane cocktail of modern drugs to make him as lucid as possible. Then his heart will explode off camera and he’ll be replaced by the next double.
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Blatantly rigged corporate bullshit. Don't bother.
Thank you, anon.
lol that'd be the SHIT

max drama, max chaos
what indicates that he's a tranny?
looks to me like he's a free thinker with his own opinion, a rarity on /pol/
Both argue about who can drink the most jewjew cum
Biden's dentures are gonna pop out mid sentence.
Bet on it.
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there simply isn't enough Provigil for that to happen
So then liberals have trump derangement syndrome AND Biden derangement syndrome??
It was so funny when they tried to do that Dark Brandon heel turn with Biden after he flopped as a baby face. They really don't know what to do with this character but they keep pushing him.
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I dislike Joe Biden. I dislike what he has done to political discourse. I dislike his attitude, his nepotism, his whining, his double standards, his hypocrisy, his adultery, his frauds, his CONSTANT LYING. I dislike his makeup and lifts, I dislike his children, his gold-plated bad taste, his lack of intelligence, his lack of charisma, his lack of knowledge, his arrogance, on and on, But most of all, I dislike what he has done to people who I used to love and respect who chose easy answers and a scapegoat over careful consideration and critical thought. Yeah. I dislike that motherfucker.
So, who do they replace Biden with?
>Big Mike
>Gavin Nuisance
>Pete Bootybutt
Donny & Co. will be coked to the gills. It might actually be fun to watch, maybe with the sound off.
one of them is 100% crossing the stage to use the others mic.

i just hope their handlers convinced them both it was a good idea and they just end up trading podiums by mistake
I guess I can agree with that.
I still hate what democrats did with political discourse more.
Neither are useful to the american people.
And no one was using any critical thought who voted for mainstream political parties. So it's mostly a wash.
Have you considered the idea that biden is playing a "sicilian flu" act to prevent being prosecuted in the future? (Look it up (sicilian flu) if you dont know what I mean)

In this analysis it would make sense for him to be completely lucid, if only for a few hours, to gather votes
A debate between 2 jewish cocksuckers?
Oh my! Who will I ever vote for?
>looks to me like he's a free thinker with his own opinion, a rarity on /pol/

aaaaaaaand now you're going to get called a tranny, fag, or jew.

Rolling for Fag
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Kinda want to go to the bar to watch it since I'm in Trump central and the old farts get rowdy plus I expect they will both say the exact same things about shit that actually matter so it'll ultimately be moot (RIP).

Odds I get up and go, evens I stay here and jerk off.
Yeah, that's the way the nigger goes over here. Kek
Does anyone have the meme with Biden and Trump going back and forth about who loves niggers and israel more? I want to send it to some boomer friends
nice roll, have fun anon

I predict that I'm not gonna watch it.
Also: sage goes in all fields.
>sicilian flu
Lol. New term to me, though not a new concept.
He'd be a better actor than a Daniel Day-Lewis/Anthony Hopkins/George C. Scott turducken.
It honestly has some appeal. There is an argument that major networks will be shilling anti-israel all day every day because Trump is goin to suck them off so hard.
Now that's peak comedy while the world is ending.

I know you are upset at the fall of the American system but at this point you don't even have a meaningful say in who you will be looted by.
You are completely without peaceful political means.
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Trump will be utterly destroyed.
They will mute him and fact check him for 90% of his speaking time while never interrupting biden.
It's up top
Would work out for him if scotus rules on that immunity thing.
there is going to be a 2 minute delay, we are going to see only what the establishment wants us to see
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Joe Biden will have a terrible gaffe which causes him to be pulled from the Democratic ticket to clear the way for Hilldawg v Trump 2024
I hope he’s so mad he poos a vein. But I doubt it. It’s a joke.
There’s no way thyre that stupid. Hilary is political poison. They preferred a senile old pedo over her.
so sick of these old jew dick sucking boomer fucks they should just have a duel in Nevada tomorrow like politicians did in the good ol days
>We must not jump the shark, America!
kek probably true but I do think this will be the event that causes Biden to be pulled from the ticket
The craziest patients I've ever seen were convinced everyone else was crazy and/or there was a conspiracy against them that included EVERYONE else.
The call is coming from inside the house, anon.
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Got it thanks
The plan is to get Trump elected because we’re finally on the downturn. They’ll blame it on him. Other world leaders are doing the same.
underrated post
You know you can do that faster if you select the text then hit ctrl+c to copy, and ctrl+v to paste. Oh, and you're a stupid cunt.
That’s describe liberals pretty well who all think Nazis run the media etc.
The funny thing is he would CANNOT get prosecuted for for this due to Presidential immunity.
Well I do agree that Trump is going to win. Though wouldn't that make Hilldawg a great opponent?
Yes it's poison if you want her to win, but it's perfect if Trump is the real pick.
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30% of the debate will be about Israel, money and the jews. That's a given.
>>472373554 Portugal flag

Study the post directly beneath (You)rs

1. >>472162632
2. >>472162734
Kek. Perhaps. thanks for your take
Enjoy your evening sir
Trump will manage to make a minor ass out of himself and Biden will stumble in to a narrow victory. NO one will change their mind on how they're gonna vote.
>who all think Nazis run the media
You're getting your memes confused. Magats are Nazis, Israel are Nazis, Mass Media is for old people- no longer lit or bussin'. Nobody under 40 gives a fuck about msnbc/cnn/etc.
I think if they wanted the least participation in an election ever, they would do that.
So 2 more hours or what? Nobody can answer me when this shitshow is going to take place
Cody is wild. Thx for the tweet OP
It's just a short story. I doubt anything exciting will happen at the debate beyond a couple of old guys mumbling towards a camera.
That is clearly what you did when you posted this slop in the thread. Hot off of Discord in time for the debate.
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All those people who bet on Obama are going to feel silly when he calls him "Obamna" instead.
Trump is controlled opposition or a useful idiot. Biden is an ancient neocon who was NEVER presidential material. (((They))) don't care who wins, because (((they))) win either way.
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A man in a gorilla suit will run up onto the stage and shout that the country should vote for him instead of these decrepit geriatric Jew worshippers before being tackled and taxed by secret service. Immediately after, a massive grassroots movement across the country and on online spaces will have people clamoring to vote for gorilla man.
This is actually pretty good.
Trump has an aura that casts a buff on other Republican politicians and his supporters even if he does almost nothing.
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>"I'd vote for him!"
>another low-effort reflexive response
Are you so medicated you can't even have an original thought? Did mommy get you diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, and autism because you acted like a feral gorilla baby at 13 and kept rubbing your crotch at the grocery store?
Don't talk to me, subhuman. You deserve to eat from my outhouse.
I'm 100% dedicated to the cause.
> I want gay sex FOR Namibia
> I want gay sex IN Namibia
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Rookie mistake: "shart" doesn't count.
The only low-effort here is you, shill. I am killing it in this thread with my witty observations and insightful remarks,
WWE is so fucking fake and gay it hurts.
Who fucking cares?
You're just a self-hating Basketball American with nothing better to do with his non-rape time.
Entire thing will be A.I generated. Remember - they are always at least a decade ahead technology wise than they let on to the public
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Yeah, it'll be fun. My right leg is injured so I can't drive, which means I'll get a ride and have free reign to get really fucked up and eat a lot of wings with the special cajun dry rub seasoning.
Friend of mine opened a tailor shop and just shipped like 150 pairs of jeans to you guys.
>I’m not watching or going along with this blatant rigged debate. Avoiding all clips of it too.
Ok, Rabbi. Shalom
9 PM Eastern
(one-and-a-half hours from now)

It is already pretty impressive as it is. Consider that this is the technology at a consumer level. Whatever the government has at their disposal is going to be nearly seamless.
CNN will live deep fake the debate.
No audience allowed
No press allowed
Only cnn staff allowed
Time delay
And it only takes one special camera
Vid related.
Pol exposed Hillary’s debate teleprompter hidden in her podium. And her ear piece.
We will do it again and expose all cnn shenanigans.

>cnn aka CIA persecute and sabotage the actual United States President
Good guess, actually. Fixed.
Yup. They almost certainly have realistic video A.I. look for minor glitching.
Usual CIA-pedia crap.
checked and Fuck Off with (You)r tracking 'si=' bullshi
Thank you very much for the spoonfeed + stream link
Kek, good on him.
Great minds think alike. I have some chicken ready and brioche buns; I cant believe how easy it is to make something better than Mcdonalds/kfc.

I will admit I am a sucker for the mc Chicken sauce. You can use this product to come very close. I don't know about a US alternative
Add some powdered sugar, onion powder, and a bit of actual mayonnaise

and get well anon bless you
I’m going to watch it because it is a blatant rigged debate.
Are you stupid or something?
What are the chances President Trump records the entire debate with audio and video to show CNN feeding him answers and editing out his mental lapses and glitches?
>Biden will overdose, CNN will cut the feed,
Hunter is gonna slip ole dad some crack to wake him up. Joe will start stuttering and threatening everyone calling them a pony soldier while his relieves his bowels and croaks over ded. This is why they have a delay. Trump will say "Die for the cause you non maga basterd" and Hunter will be scouring the carpet for the coke daddy spilt. Obama will be rushed on start and start stuttering "Look what the Maga people did to the president!" Michelle will flip out and wag her dingdong at the cameras while making monkey speak. CNN will cut to a nonbinary tampon commercial. All the while Trump will be displaying his concern for the events unfolding.
We have the documents!
I'm not even voting this November, but there's no way that more than 20% of the country actually supports Biden. There's just no fucking way.
Good luck against France. I'd shill my buddy, but ain't nobody wants to be associated with this board in any capacity so I'll probably see you on /sp/ tomorrow.
>ask Biden question
>ask trump same question
>Biden is now wearing different clothes
>Predictions for tonight’s debate?
Joe's going to be so hopped up on Aderall he's going to karate chop Trump on his orange head, and the crowd will cheer ironically. Total shitfest incoming, cringe off the hook.

You didnt hate him before 2016. You were TOLD by mass media to hate him. SHEEP.

Btw Hillary had all those traits, but you sure love the cunt
If this were still the 1990s, SNL would actually make a hilarious even-handed skit about this debate afterwards. I just watched an old SNL episode from like 1998 and Rudy Giuliani was the guest host and he was lauded as a hero. The cast and audience loved him. He also did a pretty good job in the skits he was in. Amazing how times change.
It's going to be carefully managed stagecraft. You won't see any flubs from Biden, unless the real plan is to purposely show a flub so they have an obvious excuse to push to replace him by the convention. Does anyone really think Biden will get any hard questions or doesn't already have the questions or hasn't already recorded some b-roll footage from a mock stage in his prep hangar? They'll just cut to the b-roll of Biden they shot this past week while he was "prepping". Who is going to say anything? Trump? He can't. CNN employees? They won't, and maybe they sign NDAs or something anyway. As I understand it, any other reporters have to watch a tv feed across the street from the actual debate, so they won't know, either.
Total Joe Victory
I just read the other day that Newsom is flying out there to do narrative control after the debate. Yup, he's gonna be their go-to guy.
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The TRS guys turned out to be pieces of shit, but I still like the old Sven "Moonman" song.

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Why is the 'L' backwards?
19 minutes from now
He took that pic in a mirror......Duhhhh
Pretty sure it's 1 hour and 19(17) minutes from now
mass media has turned into a gigantic indoctrination assembly line.
(yes it was bad even back in the 80s and 90s but nothing compared to now, look also for example at John Stewart/Stephen Colbert in the mid-2000s and then post-2019... who even knows what it's like to be a resident of NYC today compared to pre-9/11)
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Nailed it
Fucking lmao
Try to keep up, anon.
> Trump? He can't.

Why can’t trump say if he shows up to the debate and Biden is missing, then later a debate with him and Biden shows up?
They aren’t sending their best.
Q: If elected, each of you would be a second term president. What would you expect to accomplish in a second term that you did not accomplish in your first term?

T: Yes, second term president, second term...you know they say that the second term is always better than the first term, always better. First term is okay, but second term is always better, many people say that, many people, a lot of good people say that. My first term was good, could have been a lot better, but it was good, people were happy during my first term, very happy, Americans have never been happier than they were in my first term. I spoke to a man at one of my rallies, a lot of people come to my rallies, tens of thousands of people, the most people ever, anyway I spoke to a man and he told me, Mr. President, I have never been happier than I was during your first term, never happier, that's what he said, he said that...

B: Okay well, first, ah, there are two thing...ah...ahhh...John Adams once said that, your first term is all about rahrgabbazzle..rahggah...raggah...but your second term has to be about...uh...uhhhh..............okay, well, enough of that. Anyway, we accomplished a lot in my first term as senator...uhh...we...passed the...uh...uh...benefitted all Americans...and we took the chains off of black people, and women...and...well, you know what we did (waving hand). (Freezes for thirty seconds)

Listener goes to medicine cabinet, swallows thirty sleeping pills, tapes plastic bag over head.
follow that up with Yentl and you've got quite a movie night.
The CIA has a heart attack kill-switch. But they won't do anything to Biden. It would ruin their presidency.

Trump needs to break their toys but he won't because he's too nice and milquetoast.
>Swoops in to save face
Thanks comrade - CCP good, America Bad
dang that was quick lol
came here to say this
It was the fakest of times, it was the gayest of times
Trump: Nigger

Biden: Nigger

Trump: NO U

Biden: NO U

Biden wins.
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Prediction: trump loses
who will suck nigger & jew dick harder
The word is that both of these individuals suck jew dick, so what's the point.
>I hate what he has done to people who I used to love and respect who chose easy answers and a scapegoat over careful consideration and critical thought.

Nigger: explain to me what other options those people have got. I used to read about the 1930's in Germany and the take on it was always that hurr durr the German people got sucked into authoritarianism because they are followers and they were suckered by a silver-tongued devil. Now that we are approaching Weimar levels here in 'murica I understand it a lot better. At some point the rational choice became, "Okay, this guy is going to take my freedom, but he is going to free this country from the grip of the living demons who have got it. I will vote for him and worry about the rest later."

I heard an old Jewish guy once say, "Trump is no Hitler. Hitler had a lot more substance." And that's true. Trump isn't even Huey Long and in fact Trump once claimed to be a "Popularist", one more piece of evidence that he never read a book in his entire life. But explain to me what good "careful consideration and critical thought" are going to do anyone these days. We have two choices, that is it. Both are slaves of Israel but one has better policies than the other, and I am voting for that guy. If Hitler were running we would have a much more viable choice, but he isn't.
yeah boi the israel question is gonna be a real one
you a jew,
nah nigger, you a jew.
Months later "a jew wins election!",
fucking mutts lmfao
fippy bippy
I been living under a rock didn't all liberals push Trump to go to jail why is he back up on stage?
Is it legal to post that?
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It's was recorded months ago and AI was used to smooth out Biden's worst moments.
Biden will have an aneurysm.
Luke Skywalker will burn the herpes off of Michael Rappaport's face.
Ron Perlman will huff Robert DeNiro's wop gas and milk his nipples.
Cap this.
I'm sorry, but for me it is Uruguay vs Bolivia. Still voting Trump though.
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.

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