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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!
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'Hanker bread!
It's pretty funny that you act like russia is winning yet all the footage I'm seeing is russians getting destroyed. Explain that
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All the faggots claiming Russia is an older civilization than Ukraine and that Ukrainians are Russians and that Lenin created Ukraine need to get educated and read Yuri Shilov.
This book is available in English.
Russia Imperial Army Victory March Kiev 2027

imagine if jannies would do their job
like deleting these threads? Yeah, I wish they would
>3 more years to win
>Trust the plan
It's very lovely knowing they try so hard to convince us that ukranians are real and not just manipulated russians.
Traitors deserve the rope.
I denounce the talmud and the kikes of muttmerica
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This is different than last year.Now Russia actually took out the majority of power plants not just mess with the substations.
During the winter a large part of ukraine are going to be in almost permanently without electricity.
Their ever more limited logistics will now have to be used to transport generators and fuel to the front, then Russia will target their fuel storage and railway infrastructure.
Also economy and civilian morale will go to absolute shit.
The ovyir is fast approaching.
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Germany's totally cucked.
muttmerica did nothing wrong. we want what's best for you. don't you want leafs genocided? we'll do that. trust the plan
There'd be nothing funnier than the US invading Canada so diaspora hohols end up in a war anyways.
Russia is anti white, russia loves niggers, russia loves chinks. Russia is globohomo but less gay. Chabad kikes own kiketin.
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The Putin got drip
Somebody post the list
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what stage of cope is this?
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terminal phase
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It looks the training was good and effective to keep slaughering vatniks
I don't think they'll be able to top premature culmination.
Man oh man.
I can't wait for the collapse and the coping.
My ideal dream is for the US to collapse and NATO to disband so I can go butcher albanians :)
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The point when the smart goys affiliated with ZOG in the borderlands are bribing border guards to get out with their loot.
Why did Russia get obliterated in Vovchansk? Are they retarded or something?
Never going to happen.
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Arestovich in Russia's ongoing breakthroughs near Toretsk direction, he says 6 whole Ukrainian battalions refused to follow orders and ran away:
The Russian army is low on supplies and completely incompetent. Ukrainians were on the defensive and Russia's military tactic is sending waves and waves of soldiers until the Ukrainians run out of ammo. This time, Ukraine did not run out of ammo.
But memeflags keep insisting Ukraine is winning.
>completely incompetent.
It has always been incompetent from day one
Arestovich is salty and throwing shade on Ukraine because his political career aint work out, u cant trust anything he says. If Ukrainians really ran away, Russia would be capturing territory left and right but they get stuck in every village.
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good evening sirs
FAB-3000 on kiev, when?
Arostovich is ironically a FSB glownigger, but Ukraine can't kill him due to optics
Peru isn't a real country. They have more llamas than people.
Bro. The majority of Ukranians are not the Scythians. Literally almost every other nationality in westerb Europe has Scythian DNA Slavs are Parthians. I have explained this hundreds of times the majority of the population in Ukraine are Indo-Iranian slavs or Turkics not Indo-European Scythians. This unitonically means that Slavs have a high chance of being Aryan than western Europeans because their ancestors lived in Central Asia for at least 3000 years before the migration back into Europe.
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we need a FAB-one million on every city right now
Man the cope is hard today. I wish I found it funny but I know it's some deformed kike that was nepotism hired to shill, or some pajeet or some other form of incompetent sub human
Anyway THD TKD
Ah yes the great country of ukraine in 1914 right here, for some reason some of it's called "Poland"
So true my fellow tranny faggot retard. Russia is fighting with shovels and will collapse in 2 weeks. Just ignore the Frontline, ok? Let's just dilate instead
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Here's a different kind of drip
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Ukrainian forces in Krasnogorovka predict the town will fall to the Russians soon. The positions deteriorate by the hour.
Ah yes the great country of "united states" in 1775 right here, for some reason some of it have french names
RUSI's latest analysis is grim


They state if zog fully invests in Ukraine to a hiterho unseen level then Russian success can be blunted in 2024 and stalled in 2025.
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th...thats plamsa right...right?
Living in russia is dangerous af and I have lots of data to back this up

Most of yall western ziggers wouldn‘t survive a day living in russia
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globomuttzoghomo empire is bogged down in 5 unwinnable conflicts now. They are getting sucked down further into ook(ook-ook-ook)rayeen. In order to pay for all this, they need to print money. This creates hyperinflation. In order to fight hyperinflation they need to raise interest rates. This impoverishes their goyim cattle, but the government cannot do anything because money is flowing out of the country: every dollar sent to ook-rayeen is a dollar not given to a diverse goy to be spent on Nike shoes. Impoverished goyim cattle grows upset and wants to riot. The next big happening will be after the november election when brutal BLM pogroms start. Get your popcorn ready.
No one is trying to claim the US is some ancient country.
yeah american as a nationality didnt exist just like ukrainian didnt exist until 1917, the jew lenin wanted to give the western russian goys a sense of local pride
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Oh, no, not the vaunted british intelligence thinktank. They've been so right thus far.
didnt your country used to love killing mudslimes? Why are you now supporting mudslimes and chinks against orthodox people

Did they brain rape you or something
>the jew lenin wanted to give the western russian goys a sense of local pride
That's a nice way to say he was fighting "Great Russian chauvinism"
why so many niggers and chinks support russia? My theory: they think they will get a russia wife because of supporting them.
Honestly the new movies completely lack the dedication and vision if the original movies. Some how the original trilogy looks better and with less special effects than the newer movies.
The creation of the so called united states was just a french and a spaniard psy op to make them deny they were british and hate their beloved king)
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Just 12 easy payments of $800B to temporarily slow down the Ruslimchink Empire's march westward
unironically russia has been the best kebab remover especially in syria, and they buckbroke the chechens so hard that they are puppets now
That's British pounds in the article.
It's 1.05 Trillion dollars.
fuck the crown and its jewish owners
(i wish they didnt win in 1812)
No they wont.
Fuck the kremlin and its jewish owners
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>why why why
>you are brown/chinese
>russia is jewish
>[insert horrible english]
hello jeet shills and welcome to the thread
Gonna derail you a bit, but what about scythians? I didn't know they made up a bit of europeans.
>It's 1.05 Trillion dollars.
i feel like maybe there might possibly be something better to spend that money on
Dude when I see videos of muttmerican zoglings kill eachother I cry laugh.
I saw a 10 year old girl stab her brother to death and hollared screaming laughing.
A country so corrupt and diseased their parents can't even instill a basic sense of moraliy lol.
A blondie gets raped by a somali in goymoney and the parents can just seethe, a swecuck girl gets killed and her family can just place a rose or go to jail for pointing out the mudslime.
Dude, what a wonderful time to be alive.
They fuck with us and God punishes them, a good time indeed :)
It's a South Korean official source being quoted by a South Korean TV station that got quoted by Reuters and Kweef post.
No norks in Ukraine, unfortunately.
>BLM pogroms start

The zog empire needs white people for now for their great war where they hope to establish a thousand year globohomo imperium.
Then after that they plan to finish what they started and purge white people.

Look how they changed their recruitment propaganda from diversity faggotry to white men doing cool shit in the army.
i'd be genuinely interested to see how nork infantry is kitted and i bet they are actually gung ho as fuck to finally be going to a war after 60 years of arming up
Also it's all fully deserved, they did it to themselves lol.
In croatia more pajeets than croats in some coastal cities/towns. God, I love this.
biden didn't poop this is not a kamensky.
lol i triggered the MI6 nigger, the Kremlin is in Moscow here we have the White House
They don't need them for their war, they need to appeas the nigger and the jew and the tranny and the poo.
They gotta always appease them lol.
I love watching them suffer, it is a passion of mine.
I shit you not that's 3k for every American.
That's how much Ukraine wants.
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same brother
>chechens so hard that they are puppets now
Other way around. Just look how much power they have, especially Kadyrovs clan. I still fail to see why is it based to use muslims and african mercs against white people
They first deploy engineers and logistics team for behind the contact line duty.
If it succeeds then they might go for active combat units.
I'm honestly impressed how buck broken the shills are. All their methods are now aimed at low information, low intelligence posters. I miss when the shills raised interesting points for me to research and understand. Russia's medium range artillery shortage was the last one, and I'm pretty sure that anon wasn't even a shill, just another logistics autist like me.
Its not like they stop appeasing their niggers and poos, they just stop some of their oppression towards whites, temporarily.They hope this temporary relief will make white people patriotic again and willing to die for their country that hates them.
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>orthodox people
Judeo-Satanists in Ukranda outlawed Orthodoxy and constantly take over and destroy Orthodox temples and monasteries.
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>just another logistics autist like me.
Is ALT an acronym for acquiring lead time? As in time needed to aquire base materials? Picrel
I would literally do it for free.
A bolt action and a camp to just shoot 'em.
Fuck I'd make a youtube channel where I use them instead of ballistic gel.
they got them bad bitches in rome total war that fuck up your archers and shit
Why won't russians do something about them drones?
Yes. Scythians are Indo-Europeans who stayed in the North Caucuses post Indo-European migration into west Europe.Yes there are still original indo-europeans in North Caucasia BUT they are a minority now because of subsequent migrations. Namely the Indo-Iranians, Turks and Asiatics
Same except gypsies.
Hell I'd run a snuff site where you could vote the execution style used.
Only way Arestovich is still alive now in Monaco is if he has powerful backers and friends.
I'll make a random claim for you. Ukraine could win this war right now if they simply walked around in cardboard boxes like the metal gear solid protagonists because cardboard boxes offer good protection against explosives.
I see a lot of russian shelling of orthodox churches, thats for sure. Seems pretty satanic to me.
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>Ukraine can't kill him due to optics
its never based which is why the US is gay as fuck for hiring them as cops
As a Raytheon shareholder, I approve of this message.
Interesting. Thanks.
You spelt "US military industrial complex" wrong.
Need a couple months of training in Russian language and command protocols
Muslim is a religious term. You can be a white Muslim like the. Chechens are or ever a Jewish Turk like the Khazars are.

You’re mistaking Muslim for Arab who are an ethnic group from Arabia.

Muslim is just a follower of Islam. Islam was founded in Arabia but they are not the same.

All Arabs are Muslims but not all Muslims are Arabs.
Yes, good intuition anon.
You'd think they'd settle for the 2 Trillion from the F-35 program + the fucking littoral class ships + all the orders from Europe but nah. Gotta keep grinding.
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same, norks are nuts, i think they'll do great
in crazy battles like bakhmut the church will be the only thing still standing lol
Meeting Wall Street quarterly targets is hell
Not if the Godless Ukranians have their way.
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kosovo is just a outpost of globohomo it's not going to last much longer.
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Ruskies are getting good at this
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And how is this based exactly?
What about all the shelled churches? Already forgot the killing of priests, or did you just refused to watch those news or something
50KT nuke would renovate Camp Bondsteel nicely
i want to browse the internet there
Dipping into strategic copium reserves
You're on 4chan so you're effectively there already
i only heard of pigkraine doing that but im not that involved in this shit so post it
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So we won a football match against the burgers in the american football championship and it seems they are seething hard on /sp/ about it. They seethe will possibly spread around /pol/ but it's unlikely.
We will see.
Shill activity seems to be around the average for this hour in general.
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>No Odessa sign
>No Kiev sign
>Killing 5th columnists that were going to surrender Ukraine for monke in 3 days
There are signs stacked behind the ones they showed.
Make it so I don't have to cross two borders to get to Odessa thanks.
so many people could be alive right now but the jews wouldnt have made 500 billion dollars on goyim death
I mean white Muslims would likely give protections to other white muslims before brown muslims. White Sharia and all that. I dunno. I’m not super well versed in Islam but I doubt white muslims would give preference to non-white muslims over other white muslims.
4chan is easily the best website ever
Sorry, twitter/ISW screencaps and 'no u' is all the remaining budget can pay for
Can somebody post that webm where its a compilation of gay sex in Russian army?
>Dumb khokhols refuse give Donbass autonomy so will lose their entire country and one million dead instead
Khokhol genius at play
Monke wanted to turn Ukraine into another Aleppo and let Chechen BVLLS rape women had they not resisted
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That's not what your chink masters believe
ISIS extremists turned Aleppo into Aleppo just as Bandera extremists are turning Ukraine into a dying scrap heap.
>i only heard of pigkraine doing that
thats your problem right there. Whats the point, you have already made up your mind. Good luck with your coping about how the chinks are the greatest ally
>Even chinks get their maths wrong one in a thousand times
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>No more Mr. Nice guy! Russia is changing tactics and is now beginning to level Ukrainian cities instead of risking the lives of advancing Russian soldiers clearing building to building.

>This footage is from Chasov Yar today where Ukrainian positions were detected.

Should've been the primary tactic since day 1, but on barracks and other military installments tbqh.
>US funded group turns place they live into utter shit to own American enemy.
Wow that never happened before!
Finns threw away their neutrality and allied with the USA. An incompetent and fatal move.
ISIS didn't have an BBC air force like poccnr
That chinks works for the CCP, why would Beijing allow him to say monke is going to lose for a western magazine?
Trump is a long nosed jew
they already used altered names in their reports. names like Jan, Thomas, Sven, Kevin...
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Here's the webm with sound. Someone catbox and add to main rentry plz.

I'm pretty sure Katja Kallas is being set up as a fall woman by being made head EU ambassador
>EU insiders know Ukraine is going to lose or call it quits
>need to save their diplomatic and political positions
>"Ok, we need a completely hostile diplomat to signal to the public how much we hate Russian, but it needs to be powerless invective because we probably need to get Russian raw resources back as soon as possible"
>"Anyone have any ideas on where we can get a completely powerless yet fully rhetorically hostile rube?"
>All eyes lock on Estonia on the giant map in the EU war room

Her role and purpose is to be a publicly anti-Russian face for the EU in the fallout of a lost war for Ukraine.
They have done these bombings many times before.
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Yeah but my favorite crack whore Sanna got a great job at an NGO that had State Department funding for that so it's fine.
May her nipples be forever perky.
>Today we will be chekcing out how many "people" are needed to stop anti-material rifle rounds. First up is the Black Arrow, a local production, hefty bitch by nature with a kick like a mule- not a real mule shqip don't get aroused. Vote in the comments or on my X.com poll on weather I should use the ptrsd or the beretta .50 cal next and as always LIKE FAVORITE AND SUBSCRIBE!
Yeah 4Chan is all right. You have factions on here. It’s more tribal compared to something like FB or Twitter. To that extent it’s way more free speech than any other forum or social media site. Over all though it’s becoming increasingly less relevent than it was in 2006. Less of a force for spreading ideas irl. I blame the Obama White House for it. They clearly targeted the site after the Scientology non-sense and the lead up to Anonymous and Occupy for fear of potential disemination of actual information. It seems like it’s gone from an agent of chaotic change into more of a free speech free for all with different tribes trying to argue their world views. This is just my view though. I didn’t join until 2018 when I got schooled onto it by people I knew personally though I had heard about it before.
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>they already used altered names in their reports. names like Jan, Thomas, Sven, Kevin...
Reminded me of this.
A man can dream...
no they haven't, Putin was too much of a cuck at the beginning thinking some military columns would scare the Ukrainians, instead they got even more motivated that the "invaders" are coming and got anti-tank weapons from the West. Kudos to the VDV for keeping Gostomel for that long time being surrounded by Ukrainian forces, but only recently we started seeing FAB sgetting some action.
it's always been the same, it's the only place where people with outsider perspectives can talk freely
you have a strange taste in pornography.
instead of cope cages russia should attach three tanks to the tank
Man. She’s probably giving sloppy top to a group of Raytheon lobbyists right now. Lucky fucks. She’s probably doing it on the board room table too.
>eggless instagram filter coping

She'll eventually livestream her own MAID
Dude we could do a collab lmao.
>Hey guys, so Romania bro and me are doing a collab, he sent me 30 gypsies of varying sizes and ages for me to try out.
Bro, you can't just do that.
If you dial it up to 11 immediately and don't dial it down you'll set a "level" they have to match. Keep the heat low, never show your true power, keep some tricks in reserve.
20th month where russia has no more ammo to spend btw.
Yeah. I dunno why I talk here though. These people don’t usually listen.
i listen, mil phanley
Yeah that's what the KKK is based on.
They say they don't know exactly who it was but they're lying. They were called the Sakai first and that turned into Saxon. It's the English.
china #1 btw
Evening, chug, what's the news on the front? Any gains?
they don't have straight sex in croatia, so it's pretty normal by their standards.
Sometimes i forget how actually retarded you diversity hires are. You've just proven his fucking point.
Fuck off NATO kike you could be on fire and wouldn't believe you until you were char broiled
I already have a name for an episode.
"Copper strikes back. Gypsies vs 9mm hollow points".
"New way to steal copper. Results might shock you!"
Why so angry about history?
She's a used up post-wall whore, but still wud
>bce ce
These faggots of your's couldn't even clear a weapons jam under fire. Not something that can be taught in a few weeks.
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Anon… I…. Thank You…I am humbled.
That book is Yakubian-tier nonsense. The Ukrainians of today have 0 to do with the people who lived there thousands of years ago. Literal WE WUZ KANGS shit
>Diversity hires
I agree Ukraine will capture Crimea this time. For sure. An unnamed source told me this.
Many migrated to Europa and became Goth and Visgoth people, some sacked Rome, some settled in Spain. Old history is always fascinating, like this 1000-800BC golden ceremonial hats
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this hats
And you're losing to this. Hilarious, is it not?
Everything Shilov talks about is backed by archaeological or historical research. Shilov studied extensive ancient sites.
>Arrata-Ukrainian civilization
First of all, the image on the cover is Cucuteni-Trypillia culture, which initially started on Romanian territory.
Secondly, Arrata refers to a fucking land in Sumerian myths that has quite literally no proof of existing.
The entire book claims that "an unknown civilization" conveniently has its history written in a fucking cave in Ukraine and is the actual source of the proto-indo-european language and civilization in general.
Yakubian alternative history is quite literally less retarded than that.
They kicked you put of Kiev, kharkiv and Kherson, and are on their way to make crimea an economic liability for le monke
You have to remember that there are a lot of lurkers here. I rarely post, mainly lurk. The reason I am saying this is, just because you post something good and no one replies, doesn't mean you aren't being heard or having an effect on people. This can be a seemingly lonely place if you sincerely post what you think is the truth.
Looks like a royal butt plug
I read all posts even if I rant only on half of them.
Don't worry.
Damn, why can't they kick out ziggers out of tokmak, which is defended by force-drafted drunken mobiks armed with shovels, when they've kicked VEEDEEVEE from kyif?
Goodwill gesture perhaps?
Even if this "unknown civilization" existed, it's dead and long gone. Nothing but dust and old pots. Ukrainians saying they're related is like our own hand-sanitizer chugging natives here who find dusty old bones and whine "MUH ANCESTORS"
We all saw the video, It used to be posted her so many times...
I'll admit I never really don't the ancient study of the european people. I'm too much of a rootless cosmopolitan, to my loss.
>Hercules, Apollo and Ghengis Khan are Ukrainians, also Ukrainian language is from Venus
they pull - and sadly believe - this shit since more than a decade
>No Lisbon
>No Anchorage
Yup, would suck your big turkish inbreed dick for sure Sergeju.
Kyiv should be named Queef. It's slang for pussy fart.
>Rootless cosmopolitan
Are you from Toronto
i hate kikes
Russians are Hyperboreans as was written by herodotus and others such as streetshitters in veddic texts seething about their overlords.
All over. I guess I lied. Big town lad, but from all over western Canada.
Because both the HATO and your chinksect Masters have agreed you are going to lose like krautcucks in ww1
wait till you hear about the out of Kyiv (Kiev) theory.
>chug a Dr Pepper
>do a kick flip 360
>come to a screeching halt in front of Zelensky
>belch QUEEEEF in his face
The man who brought down an empire
You are taking credit for something that is not yours. Yes, Romanian people are ancient too but so are Ukrainians. Its not just what was found in some cave in Ukraine, but it has been found all over the world. Shilov collected a lot of this evidence. I am guessing you are a Russian hiding in Romania from the draft?
So a goodwillgesture from our esteemed partners, got it.
What about bachmutt? Why can't people who've beaten VEEDEEVEE kick out bunch of convicts armed with spoons? It was way before dogovornyachok with pinya.
kek i need more of these troll science memes for my collection
This website has a ton of European history they accidentally stumbled into that they would prefer you don't know. It links to alot of other sites so just enjoy the ride.
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>Half the summer almost done
>Not a single interesting happening on the field
2024 is turning into a fucking cucked piece of shit year.
Everybody is outdoing to cuck each other on how much they can deescalate and do nothing but talk. Everybody is a fucking pussy except the fucking Houthis

Some fucking 3rd century arabic niggers in the most impoverished shithole in the world who have been at war since their inception have done more to international trade than every other country on earth combined

Once the first little bit of temperature goes below 60, everybody is going to go back into their hidey holes and it'll be another year of fucking nothing until the next Summer

My favorite hoholism I saw was the claim that Snake Island was where Alexander the Great's burial site was. The claim was they were about to unearth it but the pesky russian's stopped them.
This is exagerrated but there is truth in many of these things, the archaeology does not lie.
to be honest, analbanians are keeping quiet and minding their own business. the real question becomes, "Should" you:?
Silence, hohol.
As equally retarded as "we build the pyramids ones"
Poisoning the well. Vatniks come up with ridiculous claims and try to mix them up with actual research proved history to make Ukrainians look without credibility to their claims.
I dunno. The migration pattern and archeology doesn’t add up for that. I do think Saxons were Indos but Indo-Europeans and not Indo-Iranians. If I had to wager Sakains are likely Cossaks/Eastern Slavs. Saka was the eastern most Indo sub culture. This means that with migration patterns they were likely the last BACK INTO europe when the turks moved out of the Tarim Basin. The Sakaians would have been their neighbors in Central Asia and so would have been pushed out by the Turks first but they would have run into rival tribes moving west who they themselves would have displaced. There is also the possibility that they someone remained in Parthia and any blonde haired blue eyed people in Khazakstan or Northern Iran are their descenendants. These would then be Turkinized slavs basically.
>So a goodwillgesture from our esteemed partners
It's gonna be great how you will all scream and cope you were betrayed by everybody when you lose
Would Best Korea start a PMC to send to Russia or would they just straight up send their own troops?
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Turns out Asian fever is because I wanted to reconnect to my ancestors (there's no genetic link to the bones tho)
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Theyve literally found pyramids that predate Egyptian ones in Luhansk. And you wonder why Luhansk was one of the first Russian targets? The Russians wanted to destroy the evidence.
I remember how i screamed and coped when western armour showed up on red square, just like our stunning and brave sisters from /k/ prophetised.
Korea isn't sending anything to Russia. Kim Jong Un isn't as foolish as Putin to send his soldiers to be annihilated by the thousands.
Mark my words, there will be NO North Korean soldiers fighting in Ukraine .
kek there's no way you're toeing the line on this meme Zawg.
niggers are actually hohols who soaked up the rays of middle earth n shieeeeeet. dey be da missing DNA from nigeria n shieeeeet
I am not sure, the juche nomenklatura needs money and food and they don't mind if their people are sent to the grinder
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Your despair isn't enough for me. I want you to get excited about peace talks just for them to result in nothing
Try protecting crimea from missiles and cheap drones first
Retards like you are what ruin history. Revisionists who spew lies and attempt to use it for political means.
They would be leaving themselves open for South Korea to finally solve the issue and take over. Kim is not going to take that risk for Putin.
Yeah and then the Ark of the Covenant is in Zhytomyr and the Garden of Eden was actually somewhere near Lvov.
Even Yggdrasil was in Ukraine, somewhere near Chasiyv Yar, but more importantly, Atlantis, or, in its original spelling, Atl'antiyys. It's near Sevastopol, which is why Russia won't give it up.
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are these pyramids in the room with us right now?
>according to le experts ackshually its fake n shieeeet
Our esteemed partners send volley of rockets onto unprotected crimea, and all they manage is 5 dead people, while some dagestani churkas do much more damage with semi-auto in one evening.
Are you sure this is a good reason to celebrate glorious peremoha?
theoretically, what would a greater ukraine look like? would they even lean westward? would they even need the west?
No man it’s real. I have a thing for turkic looking women. I’m as indo-caucasian as you can get but it’s like deep down in my psyche I find turkic and pechneg looking women exotic and sexy. Like a Sarmatian warrior outside of Samarkand trying to score an exotic lady to bring back to my ranch land in North Lazygia for my harem. It’s a legitimate thing with people who have indo-blood.
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>Atlantis, or, in its original spelling, Atl'antiyys. It's near Sevastopol, which is why Russia won't give it up.

fucking kek
it's gonna dissolve into little poland and poland will annex the carcass of what was once called ukraine. Bessarabia returns to it's rightful people as does the hungarian part. All is well in the world.
I'm afraid(not really) that by the end of unwar there'd be more banderites in new ukraine, than poolaks.
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Those dead people were caused by your own air defense missiles debris
Make Bilhorod Cetatea Albă again.
Makes enough sense for me!
Never the less, the first mentioning in written history is as Kievan Rus, the Novgorod Rus second stronghold they created, and you can see the word Rus in it.
About this ancient archaeological finds, everything to preserve that as 'their history' had to be to remain a neutral country and not elect this kike goon as president and tell the IWF to go fuck themself in late summer of 2013 when they demanded agricultural land and privatisation for their loan and take the Russian loan - wait - they actually did that, and then the coup happened.....
I'm sure you've seen the dozens of shopped images of the supposed "ukraine of old" where it owned half of the Caucasus and the steppes despite no historical evidence.
So superiour western rockets fired in volley on unprotected crimea can't penetrate imaginary defences, am i understanding your cope correctly, sister?
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It’s amazing how life on the Great Plains in the US is similar to life on the Euasian Steppe. If you lived here you’d get it.

Doci ce i nase vreme momci. Ne brini.
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Your "best" air defense systems are being used to shot down cheap drones ))
So no rockets were fired that day, sister, only drones?
kikes did a number on them. i don't doubt it.
judeosoc can't survive without funding though, it'll fizzle out along with the country. can't be an ultranationalist without a nation and all.
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>Not a single interesting happening on the field
I hate faggots like you who are obsessed with "nothing ever happens" and need a constant stream of dopamine. I'll just remind you that the Avdeevka "Pipe Cleaners" happened. I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about, however, because you are a fucking tourist.
So it's windy, very cold winters, hot summers, long drive to get anywhere, and very flat?
Sounds real exciting, Phil.
Avdiivka was like 6 million 2 weks ago
All you ever did, you did it by yourself. Starting with aligning with turks, followed by going under stalingrad, followed by building democracy, and now culminated with what you have now.
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Da mostly, they test your garbage using cheap drones first and later use the HATO weapons to burn your shit in crimea
wild shit will be revealed unto you.
Studying your ancestors is the most vile anti-semetic thing on the planet that one could do
Damn, and 72 hours ago you were celebrating how americans can bomb pussia with their best rockets and cuckler wont do shit. Truly amusing, what bullshit you can come up with.
What did he mean by posting this?
Hello chuggers.

I love you
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I still believe it, and that's the reason i believe your shithole is doomed if Trump wins again
These niggers change script on a daily basis. Hell, they change it by the hour. Hard to tell if they even like Ukraine or whatever and just spread nonsense for the hell of it.
Whats a good place to start? Mainly Irish with a good dose of norwegian, and a bit of scot. Begin with the Scythians?
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Are you really stupid enough to compare RUMOD strategy at the start of the war (when UMPKs did not even exist) with what they are doing now? Really? Why are you so retarded, VPN faggot?
>4 months ago even according to wikifaggots
After which came the explosive Russian advance as buck-broken UA lines could not contain the girth of the BRC.
And now we have a brand new front in Kharkeeeef with a potential for a new-new front in Sumy.
I'm sure you were just joking, but I'm sore about this dumb topic. It's like some faggots ITT only think something happens when a catbox video clip is listed in the OP posts.
>they think burnt grass means the installation was destroyed
No refunds!
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>Starting with aligning with turks
lmao what?
>followed by going under stalingrad
bolshevism was a kike scam, who wouldn't.
>followed by building democracy
also a kike scam, you know what it looks like
>culminated with what you have now.
a rootless kike scam.
Ofcourse there are gigantic problems that require genocidal solutions, but alas. our hands our tied.
why do you namefag?
yes do it. mostly pre-alexandrian is what i recommend.
Nothing ever happens. Russia is reconquering lands just to lose them again before the century ends. Look at their fertility rates. Do you feel it? Do you feel the world begging for world war 3? Do you feel the huge amounts of pain and misery we must endure before this world is liveable??
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Bro you are too mutted to have any real "ancestry" any more. Just be happy that you are white-ish.
If you really want to get anti-semitic then start by reading about the Disputation of Paris.
Nice cock, bro
Yeah. Romania is interesting. When the Romanians as we know them today first moved to the region (Circa 1300 AD) they are recorded by Hungarian and Turkish sources as claiming to be “the shepherds of the Romans.” This is where some of the name Romanian comes from. They basically claimed to be related to Romans in the region BUT they only “Romans” who would have been in the region at this time (1300 AD) would have been the Byzantine Greeks where were the only people besides the Pope who were still activly going by collective group name “Romans” Even in the time of the Rus in Eastern Europe and the Levant if you were to say you were Roman you would be equated with a Byzantine Greek and not an Italian Peninsula Roman. This leads me to believe that the Romanians had contact and racial ties with the Byzantines. This would mean they are likeky Greco-Bactrians and then also called their Byzantine kinsmen romans.
ok tell me what we dindu.
i will sit down and hear you out.
Just did
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> The 11th Hobbyhorsing Championship ended in Finland
>More than 1,800 people of different ages from several countries took part in it.
My network changes my ID all the time because the service is bad out here and it gives mena different IP when I connect so I name fag so people know they’re talking to the same person. I know it’s looked down on but I use it for it’s intended purpose.
It's very possible. It's interesting you brought up the Iranians connection to Slavs when Celts also have connections to Kurds, and all 3 groups are connected by similarities of language to Dravidians. I'll pull up the PDF for that when I get the chance but maybe there's some answers to all of our questions in this. This is a Freemason version of the Bible I found on the archives, but many of the pages are blurred out. If someone here knew how to unblur them maybe we'd find what they're hiding.
>Picture from the book
biden just called belarus a NATO country lmao
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ok then i disagree,
In the debate right now, Biden just said 500,000 Ukrainians have been killed. He let it slip
>people know they’re talking to the same person.
That works for Facebook but here it's the idea that's important. And spicy memes.
No he didn't retard he was talking about Russians fucking kill your self
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Trump says Putin's terms are unacceptable, Total Hohol Death will continue
He meant Russian casualties, which is obviously made up
understandable have a nice day
are you updating your numbers because of what Biden said? lawl
will Biden drop dead or will they have a fist fight?!
Let's agree, that we should've saved you from horrors of bolshevism by genociding your filthy nation alongside with germans and piggers.
I first thought those were straws and wondered by Buhanochka was drinking brains all of a sudden. Keketh.
More like will he stay awake for the whole debate or start slurring?
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ah, a kike. ofcourse.
go back
presidency should be decided by bare knuckle boxing
Best Korea will probably send engineering, logistics and command observation troops to Russia.
Trump is demonstrably more alert and on the ball,

they're both talking bollocks, but I can't understand much of what Brandon is saying,
What, the fact that you disgust me makes me a kike?
Will the most loyal janisarry perhaps pull the card of "white race" now?
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The Yen is getting destroyed right now. The BoJ said the intervention point was 160.2, now it’s a full Yen above that. Wow.
this would be the funniest fight ever!

it's pretty obvious Trump would whip Boden.
Biden's gonna be pumped full of uppers to keep him awake and Trump will likely get cut off multiple times during the whole thing. It'll be a shitshow
biden admitted 500k lost ukranians
all stories of someone sending someone are madeup
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no, the fact that you mention everyone but kikes and scuff your nose at the bolshevik germanokike question.

anything else to add?
it's live now

Damn I got insta banned for using Bidens numbers. Yes. It will be 500k for now on
Yeah. Obviously Trump is not going to allow an adversary to take what they want. For starters the Dema won’t allow him. They’ll cry the Russian collusion nin-sense all over again. My guess is that best case scenario under a Trump presidency Trump will just withhold material support to Ukraine and give it to Israel. Worst case you’ll probably actually see some of money get to the front in the form of rations, ammo and equipment instead ALL of it being laundered like it is now.
No he didn't he said 500k dead Russians retard
if Trump kills Boden on stage does that make him the new President?
this debate is dumb. i rather watch a 3 hrs history lesson by putin.
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there are very similarities between many old languages around the worls, old german, arabic, old japanese, even south american ones
there's a book about it, the guy is interpreting everything is based on old german, I don't think so, but a relation between the old languages is very possible
use a translator for english
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It's going on right now and it's fairly civilized, all things considered. By which I mean: no audience, no reporters, no rebuttal-to-rebuttal, and mike will be killed immediately after time is up for you to speak.
Trump seems much less hyperbolic and much more focused which is appreciated. I think someone realized that he'd look like a monkey next to sleepy Joe if Trump came in with his 100% MAGA ENERGY.
I do like that Trump is getting some clapbacks at Joe though. Joe is in no way fast enough to think of any. Also why does it feel like Joe is reading from a teleprompter lmao?
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c'mon, Boden might have a stroke and die on stage, they might start fighting, this is comedy gold!
I already know what they’re going to do. There’s a reason they have the microphone cut offs. They’re going to cut off Trump and try to make him look like an idiot and make Biden look reserved. I’m not even watching it and I can already tell you that.
Hitler is literally a fucking kike puppet, that founded israel and provided them with weapons, money, and ideology, they follow step by step to this very fucking day, to the very fucking word. Or should i type about kikes nonstop, so shitskin retards on mongolian basketweaving forums wouldn't feel upset about their austiran drugged kike?
Following your next request, talmud is denounced, ass is wiped with it, and then the book is burned.
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>that founded israel and provided them with weapons, money, and ideology,
that's why the balfour declaration is in german an in the holy land instead of madagascar. you deepthroated a kike lie without gagging.
goes without saying that the only reason this lie stands is because your country too was once kiked up. do we start acknowledging that as well or is it just the other countries that need to be accountable 100/100 for kike tricks?

Hitler did nothing wrong
That's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. There's significantly less shit-slinging than usual.

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