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Everyone has a price, so what's yours?
25 Million.
rubles or dollars?
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Can't use money in death.
>25 million Roubles is 290,000 American dollars
nice sanction proof economy there guys.
The promise to freely loot and maraud
Unironically any pussy.
But she has to eat a bowl of raw eggs in front of me and enjoy them
do you really need a washing machine that badly?
>But she has to eat a bowl of raw eggs in front of me and enjoy them
ALL of them?
All of Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Bezos, Koch, Sackler and Musks family fortune
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>Everyone has a price, so what's yours?
I was already there on the front lines last year, faggot. Was looking at Russian troops at the edge of a large field.
5 million, sent to my family, and I'd do it
Every single one
None, would love to see the old farts sending Europeans to fight Europeans fight in the trenches, though.
about 6 million.
299kilos of .999 fine Au. Per year. Physical delivery. Also, access to 50 cal rifles, 100,000 RDs.
6 million dead kikes.
Enough to buy all the nukes and launch them all
300 pounds of gold.
how did you make it out alive?
didn't mean to undercut you, just didn't read the thread first.
my price is likewise assuming a single tour, for whatever glowie is compiling this data.
>Everyone has a price, so what's yours?

I hate the jews so much that I can't be paid off.
If your price isn't you life, than you CAN be bought.
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He wasnt a conscript so his training was valued and he was treated like a million dollar tank(in other words no where near the front or the FPV drones.) You are only seeing people who do not want to fight in this war getting blown the fuck up. Conscription is a real mutherfucker. Get ready for that draft. I hope we stop the draft dead in its tracks and they are forced to reconsider the war.

https://suno.com/song/3e1d8bba-e23e-4c96-9220-a6a6c45d987e <-Molded From Mud

>What’s the path when all roads are blocked? Taught to kneel, but we stand, unshocked. If progress is a locked gate, we’ll smash the lock, dictate our fate, It might not be too late. No yield, no bend, no breaking backs for the scraps they send, If love and respect are off the table, we overturn, disrupt, and disable.
Rise from the ashes, a phoenix enraged, script our chapter, end the stage,..
>Everyone has a price
I don't. You could offer me literally all the money on the planet and I wouldn't go. I'd most likely die, making the money meaningless.
Dollars. Half a million per citizen, that is what the GWOT cost ($8 Trillion/330 Million or so by the time the war ended which means about 17-25k a year per citizen), so I would like a 1000 fold increase in the cost I am owed.
I don't give a fuck about money, I never have.
right now? million of €
once my pops are dead and I trash my gf and frens relationship? just the ticket and the weaponry
5 milly after tax
The Ruble has hardly changed since February 2022 you dumbfuck. You don’t understand why central banks like Russia’s set their currencies at like 1:80 compared to the U$. One of the main reasons is to avoid trade deficits (the US had a HUGE trade deficit until Trump and now has one of about 1 trillion U$ annually.
Russia purposely sets the Ruble to about 1:80 compared to the dollar so exports are cheaper (and they sell more) and imports are more expensive (they consume less international goods) meaning their trade balance is net positive.
ALL the gold in government possession currently. Non-negotiable. Half up front, half after I come back or I die and it all goes to my family. Then my family becomes the defacto leaders of the nation and they create my anti-semetic agenda with the monetary means to do so. TKD.
trade deficits are a measure of the profit of the trade
>ALL the gold in government possession currently.
>he doesn't know
If they give me an orgy with 5 busty asian milfs and I might go
that's cute, he went to check on his dead buddy
probably didn't want to die alone
5,000 oz of physical gold, upfront payment.
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>asian milfs
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Since I got enough money I wouldn't know what to do with any more of it except invest it. My price therefore wouldn't be money, rather privileged conditions. I would insist on a high rank, at least Lieutenant Colonel, and serve at the cozy general staff and of course: on Russia's side! Can OP arrange for this?
>How Much Money Would Convince (You) To Fight In Ukraine?
I'll do it for $6M/yr for life, plus the legal right to kill anyone I want forever after.
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You are a stupid dumbfuck and yes ad hominem is permitted vs stupid dumbfucks. I just explained it very neatly. The US had a trade deficit of about 1 TRILLION U$ in 2022. Bear in mind that the entire US empire and the U$ rest on the petrodollar, you can do that kind of shit when your currency is used to do global oil trade and oil is king but that is no longer the case. The U$ is basically a high risk currency at this point, not because it is unstable but because it is at risk of losing a lot of its value very suddenly.
I wouldn't stop at washing machine.
you sound like an insufferable narcissist, and also a coping poorfag
wow more ukronazis executing russian pow war crimes
trade deficts are a measure of the profit of the trade dude. They're not a bad thing at all. The US has run huge trade deficits with Japan and Germany for decades and decades and is still much richer than either. Japan has a per capita GDP on par with Puerto Rico and Germany with West Virgina
GDP is fake and gay. You’re one stupid cunt if you think West Virginia and Puerto Rico is wealthier than Germany and Japan.
And you sound just mad.
Nothing I’m not dying for kikes simple as
> controlled by a Zionist cuck who along with a jewish oligarchy all hate and want to genocide Europeans
>controlled by a kike and SHARTmerican kikes who also hate Europeans and also wants to genocide them
no u
they are though and it's funny. UK is poorer than any US state and by far.
I would turn down a trillion dollars, I will not sell my soul to jews.
Virgin White women. Pay up-front.
Then I frag my officers & desert
But I’m Irish. So I guess we’re richer than all you poorfags
Let's be real, you would do it for just a billion dollars. Fuck, you would do it for 10 million.
Not a billion not a trillion. It's not worth dying I can't take the money with me.
Same for the vaccine.
You couldn't pay me any amount of money to do it.
You'd have to threaten my children's lives and convince me if I don't do these things they will be killed and that's about the only way.
85 Trillion USD
no lmao. Tax havens have wildly distorted GDPs due to corporate registrations. You're a funny potato nigger though. Thanks for the kek
1 billion, seems like death is guaranteed no matter which side you're fighting on. If I had to choose i'd say on the Ukrainian side because they're forced to be more conservative with their manpower and they can't just throw it away in human wave attacks like the Russians.
It’s almost as if GDP isn’t an accurate measurement of wealth. 20 past 1 in the morning and I’m trying to spoon feed this dopey yank. You wouldn’t happen to be brown by any chance would you. Would explain your stupidity
they cant afford, but really theyll just say no lol
what is an accurate measurement of wealth then? living in your ancestral enemy's country on welfare?
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Probably already said but,
Eliminate or at the very least expel the Jew permanently.
Give me that somehow and you’d see me happily in uniform ready to fight and die for my country.

Oh what a pleasant dream…
But alas the goy know better and you glowboys couldnt possibly fathom the lengths I’ll go to avoid fighting in your kike proxy colonies.
Fucking kek.

Side note. Buds a cop in downtown Toronto, with all the Ukrainian refugees coming in and most of them being women and children (husbands fighting) there's been a spike in cheap Ukrainian prostitutes. He's had to arrest hookers who hear up Ukrainian hookers for lower the price. Who says that there's no upside to war.
>If I had to choose i'd say on the Ukrainian side because they're forced to be more conservative with their manpower and they can't just throw it away in human wave attacks like the Russians
lol believing this
I see evidence of it daily. This is the most documented war in human history. If you're not looking at the proof then that's your problem memeflag.
>human wave attacks
Holy shit you’re cut off buddy,
No more punchbowl for youuu
Yeah that's the narrative being pushed in our faggot centric MSM. They're all kike owned or kike bootlickers
>I see evidence daily.
>Two platoons are now human waves
True leaf faggot. Christ I hate you civilians more than afghan rag heads.
Go back to your shithole country shitskin.
she's really angry and it's funny
wtf? Ukrainian women are hot and I just came into a lot of money and I've been perusing Leolist and mongering a bit in the past couple months but I have yet to find a Ukie. Where are they? Leo list in Toronto is just full of overpriced fat white women
If it gets to the point where they are thinking about sending Americans we should just use nukes. I can help point to places on the map to nuke, but I don't think they really need me for that.
I know right. Tranny ziggers always seethe at the truth.
> Yo-yo P-Pajeet
Christ even your attempts at insult is faggot tier
He woke up.
the truth hurts them most of all. I mean just look how hard she's seething now>>472381787
i'm not wrong though am i ;)
I'd kill hohols for free.
Who's seethingb? You reply to me and quote me wtf ?
you are
200 virgins in the age 18-20. I want one each day, after that i’m writing a book about hot the virgin vagina differs from girls to girls. After that i’m ready to fight.
Ah so you want me to deny it and do a back n forth thing ? First time eh
incel detected
25 Million CAD paid up front (or half up front half after if they think I would not perform or desert)
Ok hohol you win I'm a seething like tranny who's also a paki nogger hybrid. Thank God I'm not a hohol though
don't pay me money. but guarantee me that I will have a role in the erasure of jewry and jews from earth. fulfill that and I'd be glad to risk my life in ukraine

who cares, I'm just gonna outsource my job to some indians.
you talk more like a chink with that low asian verbal IQ desu
In this war I would only ever fight for Russia. My country is occupied by satanic forces.
Nations have no play in this, it's God vs the Devil in this one. So I'm sitting this out and if I have any say I'll seek a settlement.
I'm not a traitor so I will not fight my deluded countrymen.
>trade deficts are a measure of the profit of the trade dude
Hahaaaa….goodness. So let me explain it to you: The US sells something and makes profit. China then sells the US something and makes profit. Unfortunately it’s not like both sides profit, as you assume, but it is so that China’s profit is larger than that of the US in terms of mutual trade, meaning more money leaves the US and goes into China than the other way around. Now it’s not just China that does this, and the deficit you’re accruing annually isn’t some little dipshit sum, it’s close to 1 TRILLION U$ annually, and its why China is thriving while you’re nosediving.
>Everyone has a price
No they don't. I will never commit violence for any amount of money because that's evil. Unironically simple as.
Kek make up your mind nigger am I a chunk or a poo ? Stop being a cock tease
About three fifty
>Everyone has a price
Typical American reasoning.
You couldn't buy me for all the money in the world.
if China was making more profit from the trade, they'd have the deficit. Sorry but you're looking at it backwards.
I don't care what kind of shitskin you are bro. Doesn't matter to me at all.
what about your sister?
American education on display here.
>me, I'm going to live
Fuck off
about tree fiddy
Lets say I buy $20 of American X and ship to China where I sell it for $40. I then use that $40 to buy Chink Y, which I ship back to the USA and sell for $80. The customs office records this as a $60 "trade deficit" ($20 worth of goods were exported, while $80 were imported). But the objective reality is that a ship left the USA with $20 of cargo and returned with $80 worth, and this is a $60 net profit...the exact same as what is recorded as a "defecit" in the customs book. Trade deficits are in fact a measure of the PROFIT of the trade.

You have no rebuttal to this.
I believe the holocaust happened. But it's just one mass killing among many throughout the 20th century, let alone all of human history. Since it's just one of many, it doesn't deserve the status it has. If one is going to be treated with religious awe, that honor belongs to any of the mass killings perpetrated by the communists simply on death toll alone.
Can't spend money when you're dead
This isn't afghan or Iraq
This is an actual army with equal or superior weaponry
And without a doubt a larger and more well supplied force

'military contractors' would be fools to go to Ukraine
6 billion dollars, 6 billion pounds, 6 billion euro, 600 billion ruble, 600 billion yuan, 600 billion won, and 600 billion zen.
All together. Not seperately. In direct cash.
I would then instantly buy my way out of the war and go live a comfy life wherever I wanted.
if paid in quality cunnies, maybe
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>Everyone has a price
No. Feel free to actually try, i love the look on mammon-worshippers faces when they realize they're dealing with the incorruptible.
>so what's yours?

6 million jews
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Lithium Ion Battery pollution by the United States/Mossad

The average lithium ion battery in the regular size drones are 500 grams (about 1 pound) & the small drone's lithium ion battery is no less than 100 grams

The Zionist Occupied United States is blowing up 1500-3000 drones per day in the land Russia is taking back from Zionist occupied Ukraine. This is resulting in about 3.15 metric tons of lithium pollution per week being strewn about the Earth. Which is 163.6 metric tons of lithium & other polluting material on the ground per year

These batteries also contain cobalt, nickel, & other substances used in the battery's construction, which are also being dumped on the Earth & are also highly toxic to life

This land will have these pollutants seeping into the ground for 100+ years, & these are elements, so they NEVER break down&will forever seep into food&water sources. On the topic of water sources, the US has been EMPing drone attacks on the aircraft carriers too - dropping the aforementioned toxic chemicals right into the ocean

This Jewish thirst for blood needs to stop, especially in the killing of the European Master Races. The United States&Israel are well on the hook to clean up these toxic pollutants that are being freely dumped on the landscape. We love our European brethren from the Portugese Atlantic coast to the tip of the Bering Land Strait in Russia Pacific. Russophobia needs to stop&this permanent pollution of the land needs to stop

What did/does Ukraine stand to lose by surrendering? They have lost more now than anything the imagination could cook up had they surrendered right away; this is purely a jewish agenda to genocide European races one by one, just as Adolph Hitler stated in plain words. Westerners do not get to say "to defend their nation" because they are not even killing the people invading their border, who are from anywhere on the planet who bothers to show up. What did/does Ukraine stand to lose by surrendering?
why does russia want that land so bad then?
The united states won't stop attacking Russia - Russia has to attack back.
You better pay me in pounds of gold and silver and acres of land, because I'm not taking your shitty fucking fiat you bloated kike.
that's not what I asked, is it?
He turned 360 degrees and walked away.
Two million in crypto, license to wield arms anywhere and three child slaves
One quarter the price of a median home, I'm not fighting a war unless I'm getting a house to come back to out of the deal.
>The median sale price for semi-detached units edged up 3% on a year-over-year basis to $1,029,944 in Toronto
So like, a quarter million a year I guess.
Aerobomber is the real hero in this war.
your premise is invalid. whether russia wants the land or not, the ZoG of the USA has to stop attacking.

when zionist occupied Ukraine first attacked Russia in 2014 in a terrorist attack on civilians, the plan ALWAYS WAS to invade Russia, and that is still the plan.
How this is not war crime?
You have to be alive to spend it you dumbass recruiter shill. So it literally doesn't matter how much you offer.
He's not wrong. Germany is at best Bolivia tier.
The death is the only salvation. You are getting paid to be saved. It is based, just and awesome.
it is a war crime to kill people with fire. jews like zelensky know no bounds. look at the videos of them letting dogs eat palestinians alive........

Other thoughts:

1. Spread the word in Ukrainan telegram channels that if they want to survive they should surrender to the Russian army as they come through. Russia is taking lots&lots of prisoners,&they're safe behind enemy lines.

1.5 (((Zelensky))) is an illegitimate president since his term has expired, and he is a defacto usurper and dictator. There is plenty of opposition in Jewkraine, but he just kills everyone, like the jews did for that jew president in mexico.

2. i find it insane that europeans bitch about the mongoloids used as russia's soldiers, yet they continue to kill off ethnic russians, leaving nothing but mongol hordes&chinese to pour into europe, just like the arab spring&african hordes when the brits&french did the kike's bidding&took out khadaffi, who told them that he was the only thing holding back the savage african black hordes from europe............ you guys ate shit on that one,&the results are in - no more bullshiting&fudging the results.

3. The United States&Western Europe instigating the deaths of Russians in any capacity (no matter how many times people say the word "invader" or "occupier") gives Russia the right to nuke those places - without question&I hope they do to cleanse the world of that evil. It's worth any environmental disaster that occurs, including the death of every human&animal on earth&the earth itself.

4. it's all American
It's American boats
It's American drones
Navigated by Americans
Via American satellites
From American bases
Survey results of Ukrainians those who fled Ukraine:
Only 56% of Ukrainians living in Germany, Poland&the Czech Republic are interested in events&the situation in Ukraine. At the same time, half of the respondents believe that they will never return to Ukraine.

These are the results of a survey (https://t.me/ukraina_ru/200722) conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS).

A third of the emigrants surveyed directly stated that they are not interested in information about Ukraine at all,&11% chose the option "difficult to answer".

The KIIS concludes that such results indicate that a significant proportion of Ukrainian refugees are gradually losing touch with Ukraine.

(((Zelensky is not Ukrainian, he is Jewish)))

(((Zelensky))) responded with this to say:

Dear Goyim,
That'll be $60 billion (plus tip) & just 2 more weeks,
and we *will* be getting those assests inside Russia, including their massive gold reserves, uranium mines, and those massive gold and diamond supplies.
Voldymyr Zelensky
Illegitmate President of Ukraine | Isn't even Ukrainian, but Jewish
1-800-THE-PROTOCOLS x911
Remote-Anywhere But Ukraine (there's a war there) | ADL.com
Bread basket, oil fields, and trillions worth of rare earth minerals. There is also the New Khazaria project to consider and globohomo trying to coverup their money laundering and pedo deals there.
I asked why they want it so badly if what you said is true and it's horribly contaminated. Why are you incapable of answering?
You get 72 virgins when you die. But you have to die for Allah.
well the one thing Russia lacks is enough oil, minerals, and land. Once they have more of that, they'll finally be rich instead of a poor shithole.
>I asked why they want it so badly if what you said is true and it's horribly contaminated
>why they want it so badly

how do you know they're not simply trying to stop the attack from the US? you have to explain that before we can move on in the conversation.

you're teetering on triggering my "this guy is too stupid to talk to" button.
war crime is only if you lose the war.
The only reason Russia is poor is due to oligarchs(Jews). The same is true for corruption there(also Jews). Thanks to Siberia warming up they have an absolute shit load of resources and land becoming easier to access than ever. Don't believe the bullshit about reunification. Putin is a staunch antinationalist and won a special prize from the WEF itself. He is hardcore globohomo.
Russian side; FREE

Ukranian side; 5 teenagers virgin girls 1 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser 500k $
because both Putin and Lavrov said they want all the 4 oblasts they "annexed" in September 2022 before peace negotiations can begin. Why do they want that contaminated land anon?
fucking virgin teenage girls is the best. You know it...
>How Much Money Would Convince (You) To Fight In Ukraine?

No amount. It's a WWI-tier clusterfuck, now with murder drones.
They have not even capture them yet. Not entirely. They can not do it. soon RF will be out of soldiers. hundreds of rf soldiers die every day. More than 250 000 dead .
they probably want it to plug a geographic vulnerability which they've been invaded through for the past 4-500 years.

Russia forewent undergoing this security operation until zionist occupied ukraine committed the first act of aggression in a terrorist attack on Russia in 2014

explain why anyone should listen to an illegal usurper who is illegally occupying the presidency of a land in which he is not of the same ethnicity?
A trad Virgin waifu with full pater familias rights granted to me by the state
900 Trillion Dollars
Look at all the filth and misery and suffering. And what for?
For the well being of the ruling class of the state. Not worth it.
The national state is dead. Nation is a made up propaganda, aimed to make you willingly sacrifice your own wellbeing and life for the benefit of the ruling class of the state.
but why do they want all that horribly contaminated land with all the problems you mentioned? is it worth 1000s of Russians?
Training for the average infantry soldier is useless and pointless in the present war. It is waste of money and resources. Training is completely irrelevant .
This is like saying snipers using injured soldiers as bait is a war crime.

No one gives a fuck when a war happens. That shit is for movies. That's the reason you have to stop a war BEFORE it happens or you will end up getting droned or sniped in a video for /pol/ and /gif/ to laugh at.
this anon gets it
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I have learned to live without money or on as little as possible. I don't need money... I need purchasing power. Now fuck off... Best thing that ever happened to the world is the destruction of Ukraine.
>they probably want it to plug a geographic vulnerability which they've been invaded through for the past 4-500 years.
How could my separated body parts even spend any money?
well the same applies to Ukraine ceteris paribus then
it's probably not worth letting the zionists get it. especially when you have nukes in case resources get thin.

israel and NYC are likely to get nuked, which is a great idea. all of france should be nuked, taiwan, silicon valley, all of texas, chicago.

why would the US want those places if they're contaminated with nuclear radiation from a nuke they shot down? the united states needs to back out of ukraine and just give russia what they came for. there is no reason to genocide the ukrainians who want to be russian
It will come time in your life when you will regret not going to die in the war in Ukraine. You will see...
i thought they're Nazis? now they're zionists?
nazis are the zionists. why you think they were gathering all the jews in camps?
To ship them all ton the newly created jewish land , to Israel.
Nazis and Hitler created Israel.
NAZI means
NAtional ZIonists
Damn, why do you hate Somalia so much?
you mean like this?
I would fight in any war with the promise of a white or jap loli wife
Government recruiters will go bankrupt long before they could satisfy anyone's financial desires.

Your worthless infinity print paper dollars are meaningless to me.
He larped on 4chin to impress the cool kids
Mercenaries don't go on sucide missions.
The complete destruction of the federal reserve, Blackrock and Vanguard and all involved put on a uninhabited island to fend for themselves for the rest of their lives.
Money is everything. Money is the meaning of life.
Get rich or die trying!
>Everyone has a price, so what's yours?
I working on industrial controls, instrumentation, motor drives, etc. I would work for the military as a technical contractor for a handsome retainer, provided I was allowed to have a certain amount of lifestyle/personal time to myself.
My price, is that Israel is wiped off the map. Then I would consider it.
I’d kill Russians for free
however much money the powers that be have
not for me to gain, but for them to lose
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You'd die for sure Especially if you fought with the Russians. Droned to death.
A million and a year to enjoy it, that means not being arrested for breaking simple community guidelines.
Justice reform in america. Border security. Actually. No. Just nuh uh.
None Russia's advancing meaning it's only a matter of time before I would be killed or maimed

What's the point of the money if I'm not alive or don't have any limbs to enjoy it
The things I want are intangible.

My price:
>A virgin woman to deflower
>My own house
>A better career
Your own men kill you. One thing we don't want to do after war is go through trials and be witnesses for shit. Your better off dead with a lie to the family about serving honorably.
tree fiddy
10 mil USD tax free and I get to choose the side I fight for
Not 1 penny more not 1 penny less I ALSO WANT EXACTLY 6 MILLION
Depends on which side, I'd fight for Rusich for minimum wage and some pussy.
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This might be too hard for you to follow but yes there's nazis in Ukraine (not that I think that nazis or hitler did anything wrong)

Yes also jew zionists are the ones behind jewkraine, somehow they are all fighting on the same side for globohomo now (pic related)
Best they can do is minimum wage and getting your cheeks clapper by higher-ups before getting your legs and arms blown up by a FPV drone and be forced to see Hungary being conquered by Romania without the possibility to do anything about it
Do you understand that currencies don't have to follow the dollar for their value? Do you think that every currency is ~1:1 with the dollar you absolute fucking moron?
Holy fucking shit, people like you are the reason I'm fine with the idea of a nuclear war.
Nothing less than $100 million, plus that in Gold and a paid off house upon my return. Oh and I refuse to do anything except be a drone operator from the backlines
what the fuck do you even care about hungary at this point, shitjeet?
I pray for them instead. When you die fighting for Christ it's called martyrdom. This life is just an audition for eternity. Christ is king
Saint Ladislaus of Hungary pray for us
how much does a real life metal gear cost?
No, my life is invaluable to me you dumb, fat nigger jew golem.
that in his left hand is supposed to be a heart>
looks like the apple of eden from assassins creed
What's that called?
A tonntine?
>the lucky survivor will be paid a lump sum
What about if the pussy had been filled with other's male's cum? This is latent faggotry.
86kg in gold, it's as much I weight
fiat money is worthless in long run
they do not die for Christ. They die for the russian state.The polit- economical order of RF has notjing to do with Christ's order of how to live on earth.
if you wired 10 mill directly to my family so they can have it even if I died I would consider it
actually your gold is worthless. Try to go to the bakery and buy bread with your gold.
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I'd put in a formal request for one of these
Money? No. But allow me to impregnate a dozen attractive eastern european women and I will consider it.
what is this?
A vaginal douche?
to allow you?
this is slave mentality.
Real men rape women.
Beta cuckolds beg women for consent.
Neo Nazis are larpers and would've been purged by the NSDAP, the guys in Ukraine are neo Nazis that maintain positive relations with they're Jewish financers and as a result never target Jews with their pogroms either
None, fuck kikes and Jewkraine.
a girlfriend
a big titty gf
War for jews? My price is 500tons of 24k gold bars, delivered up front, no hutzpah, no bullshit, and a Vtuber waifu.
>actually your gold is worthless. Try to go to the bakery and buy bread with your gold.

you think they wouldn't give you a bread for golden coin? xD
Hehe, you're a fucking moron, pal.

LoL, may as well do it for free.
For whatever. I would just keep switching sides and trading false inflation for the lulz. But "they" probably already know that so not gonna happen anyways
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Daily reminder to remove the jew and dismantle this fake war, most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
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you wont be able to enjoy the fruits of your labour because you will be dead lmao. it doesnt matter how much they offer you, they know full well the meantgrinder isnt meant to be outlived.
what kind of explosive they have on these drones that are this powerful yet lightweight for a drone?! kinda fake
50k a month
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/pol/ does not fight real wars.
/pol/ fights meme wars.
There's no money in the world that would make me jump around mine fields whille some zoomie is about to drone my ass with a logitech controller.
1 trillion dollars and 2 months to spend it. I could fuck up a lot of shit with a trillion and buy some pretty good equipment to survive too. Maybe I'd just pay Putin half of it to stop the war, lol
>everyone has a price
Nah, not everyone. I'd never go, no matter what. In the worst case scenario I'd rather off myself before playing the role of a pawn for some globohomo.
What does this mean?
Are yiu saying that Russia ensures imports are made 1.8 times more expensive than exports? I'm not economically literate...
Duuurty norn ironer.
Please remain part of the UK. I get great humour watching your welfare pit bleeding the English dry.
give my two sisters 10 million dollars each and ill go fight your gay faggot war
> 100+ years
Wrong. They will use crops to extract the heavy metals, and dispose of them in European meals.
Food authorities will be complicit, just like medical authorities bury autoimmunity becoming symptomatic years after vaccination.
Like 90k/year+training+equipment
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200T and they should let me use it before i get mobilized
I'm just not going to do it.
I have been poor all my life, it's nothing to be afraid of.
This. Because the kikes won't pay anyway after the goy dies by drone.
Depends. If that would be some kind of rear duty - I'd do it for few millions $. I don't think I'd agree to kill people with drones tho' for any money - and I wouldn't AS HELL fight on the front, that is what I'm sure. It's certain death and I don't want to fight alongside people who praise Bandera and his butchers, wear SS-Galizien nazi symbols etc.

A home, land, gold and a woman. That is my price as it always has been through history
a billion, but first I'd need to find a trustworthy woman to put kids inside her womb and then set up a trustfund for them
My health has no price
Your family can.
50 million invested in SP100
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That's my price
You could spend a night in brothel for a gold coin in times of Roman Empire and you can do it today if you exchange it by any jeweler or pawn shop
draft bonus of 20k paid out after 6 month of active combat and monthly salary of 2600. the problem is the majority around 80% will not make it to the end of the 1st month. is this a jewish trick?
There is no amount because I know as foreigner they would send me to the front lines knowing I would die and then they wouldn't have to pay me.
At movie studio will the production occur? Will I have to join SAG first?
please note you forfeit any bonus money if in case you get wounded and not actively engage at the front in warfare. then you lose the rights to any payment as its stated in the tos. only active warfare will count and a 100k instant bonus to your name not transferable when you have been mortally wounded.
Save money and nuke russia already
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lol he thinks i want money
You couldn’t pay me all the money in the world to kill my fellow pravoslavs
Our lives are worth more than gold
Now retaking Constantinople, I’ll do it for free
(((DATA MINING))) but in the most pathetic form. wow, kikes.
280 roubles per day, a bag of potatoes and a basket of onions.
Lots of oxy. I'll just nod off somewhere and get fragged.
Would be a nice suicide assistance.
5 tonnes of gold
money lmao i wipe my ass with your money give me back a white Australia
You couldn't convince me to go fight even if I didn't get punished for scalping every recruiter who tried sending me.

get fucked jew
>this jew
>desperately trying to convince us we're not being robbed because the number is really big
lol. lmao even.

Please face the wall.
shut the fuck up lampshade
Free state poofter
except the number in questio is a DEFICIT
a negative. a loss. Now shut the fuck up you common core addled retard.
Man whatever. I’m bored. Draft me.
1 rubel = 1 rubel
I will gladly cooperate in drafting people who openly endorse the prolongation of the war online.
6k a month, a house after the war is over and i get to keep my gun
That's a good way to die right there. The first one. Very compassionate, if that's the right word. Humane. It would be instant. The ones that would suck are the ones where they are first maimed by fragmentation/blast injury from the the shock wave, before a second finishing off. But the Ukrainians are efficient and not sadistic. They quickly finish them off. if possible. And the wounded can self nullify by rifle/gun or grenade, for instance. Better to die instant like that than slowly from cancer or something. Or some other horrible disease where you suffer over great duration of time before dying. Months. Years. Of course, you would want to get to live longer and then just die maximally quickly in your sleep with the minimal amount of suffering/distress. Sucks that putin started this war of aggression for the kikes. May russia quickly be repelled and defeated/disarmed, with the minimal amount of deaths/ injuries on both sides.
$275,000,000, taxless
You'll make over twice than that if you go there now and have a good level of fitness LOL
t. tietäjä
No Pussy, no Warfighting
It would have to be like $1billion because the odds are you would just die lmao
Like the reward would have to be so great to the point that if I somehow lived I could change the world in a real sense afterward with the money in the political sphere.
i'd want to impregnate 100 attractive 18 year old girls. no abortions allowed.
I want % of profits. Fuck you paper money, i want my share in everything we annex. Receiving some pocket meme money so some jew can get his third mountain of gold is stupid.
I could be offered the entire world and I still would not fight in a jewish war.
>The Petrodollar meme again
The US dollar isn't high risk because America and the US will still keep buying shit for some time.
The Petrodollar only exists as a way for other countries to get rid of dollars and the Saudis have always been open for trading in other currencies if those currencies were actually something they wanted.

Which most they don't.
1 billion, my parents will be sad but I am sure my brother will use them fairly.
I don't care enough about money to do it.

i think it's a bad situation in ukraine but expecting me to risk death for a country I have no connection to is unreasonable.

There is no amount. Sorry, Im just not gonna do it!
Literally everything that has monetary value, including all wealth of the future. I shall own everything
Looks like the second one was a one shot instant one as well.
It wasn’t a mass killing. Bombed supply lines and typhus killed about 200k. Why would the Nazis start killing perfectly good labor slaves when they have a manpower deficit? Doesn’t make any sense. You retards need to start critically thinking more.
Because that land is populated by Russians and you have no fucking right to make them move. Same as you have no fucking right to occupy Eastern Europe with bases and call us allies.
How do you even breathe lol? Theres no such thing as average infantry. They all specialize in something be it artillery, mortars, mechanics, sappers or signals. It requires a lot of training like every job in the civilian world, I mean if you want quality.
Rolling back women's rights, mandatory pair bonding in high-school, end to no fault divorce. I do not care personally if get a gf or wife, atleast I know I helped my fellow man.
The nature of Faustian deals negates and reverses any value in the perceived gain.
100k for a tour.
I would volunteer to kill Rusniggers but then my cat would miss me



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>How Much Money Would Convince (You) To Fight In Ukraine
>10 Billion.
Also you never said who I had to side with.
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- 500,000


>You are getting paid to be saved.
What the fuck is this GTA2?
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a few hours with you and your family
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No money, I want the jews out of my country, if you can't do that than I will not fight for you.
I would need every politician and fortune 500 VP teams to publicly denounce the talmud
dumbass nigger, no one even ordered you to do that and you did it on your own, kys
>t. former GWOT useful idiot
what good is green paper from the federal reserve doing us when jews are still in control of the money printer? they can just print themselves a trillion dollars but us goyim need to take shrapnel/bullets for some of their scraps?
>Can't use money in death

Death? after the funds hit my account, it's AWOL time for me. but sure, tell em they got me. I'll be in Thailand, ladyboying it up
let me impregnate your wife
starting to consider it just to get away from the wifes nagging
>How Much Money Would Convince (You) To Fight In Ukraine?
5000 toz of gold and 25,000 toz of silver. This would be to put boots on the ground and indiscriminately kill, not murder but kill.
>how much money would it take for you to get willingly blown up by a drone in 4-6 months.
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The complete and total destruction of the state of Israel and all of its people.
>Your first paycheck will get ready in two weeks
>You are dead after three days
Goyim always fall
5m sent straight to my family's bank accounté.
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One million dollars
death to zog

I am willing to die for Israel for free. I'm a good goyim.
>Everyone has a price

No, I hope for peace between Christian brothers

And justice against the godless zionist oppressor
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Then maybe we should give young people a chance to have a family first, before sending them to die in some shithole on the other side of the planet.
None. Modern warfare is demonic.

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