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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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haven't been watching. Is BIden 404'ing?
It’s Joever
It just keeps getting worse
Yeah he might go catatonic
Which site is that from?
holy based he earned my vote
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I hope American get a good president, they have suffered hard years under Joe's mandate
Where are you getting the percentage from?
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5 minutes in his brain broke and he never recovered
So bet on Biden if you want to win big. Got it.
uhh newsom is blowing up goys..
>kike bitch: “are those terms acceptable to you?”
>lying retarded fat orange faggot: “no”
kek trump is gonna draft all you miganiggers
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Kween Obama picking up steam
website broke
betting sites mean absolutely fuckall
this isn't me being a dem shill either, brexit was behind on the betting site until results were being released
can somebody give me the summary of the debate?
Trump with a Reagan like landslide
biden is as close to a walking corpse as hes ever been
trump gets a little confused and distracted too much, but hes actually coherent.
lmao fuck off Biden is clearly winning the debate. He lost his train of thought briefly early on and since then he's been the only one answering questions coherently
Trump is in perfect form. It's like Joe Biden is on a meat hook in a freezer and Trump is just throwing haymakers with perfect grace, no one has ever seen grace such as this some might say. Perfect, beautiful punches at Joe's frozen, stinky corpse
biden has far better answers but you just know the media will be 90% about his hoarse voice and blank resting face
he is looking perkier lately though, and the jan 6th question hasn't been very good for trump kek
Biden started off very weakly and seemed senile for the first 8-10 minutes. After that he's been much stronger and is actually answering questions while Trump is taking his allotted time to say nothing like he always does
Is there a way I can bet on neither as an American
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bet michelle obama to win the DNC nomination
Do you idiots understand how bookies make money?
dems unironically voted for this guy in their primary lol
>still behind faggin mcgavin
Oh hes picking up steam alright, from his nigger hog between his legs.
whats the shareblue going rate these days?
i-it's real
Website is down
It's coming up and down. Idk if it's too many people trying to get on or it's getting shut down intentionally
>you might as well get Newsom in because at least the deep state doesn't have to prep with bunch of drugs everytime he goes out in public

Is this so damn hard?
>He lost his train of thought briefly early on
Zero, they got replaced by ChatGPT bots
He's shitting all over the stage.
Biden losing so hard the site had to be nuked
why would you bet on a rigged game?
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kek what, he's been stumbling and pissing himself this entire time
he hasn't had a single coherent answer to a single question
I actually feel distrust that the high ranking officials in our country thought they could hide how bad things had gotten. He's fucking senile and looks checked out, repeating himself and mistaking things. dems need to admit shit is on fire and change course on candidate
>newsom doubling support in just a couple hours
it's pretty weird how jan 6th keeps being shilled as if they want to turn it into a national holiday.
overthrowing governments was the intention of the founding fathers. if they were around, they would hang all the politicians by force.
but now people are being trained in real time to not even think about it.
Nice wig, Barrack lmfao
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Most Americans have a 5th-grader understanding of history and government.
All according to plan. Biden was never supposed to win, it's why the debates came before the convention. Any time Trump savages Biden becomes irrelevant as soon as the DNC chooses a new candidate. Anything else Trump says - especially any gaffes - are kept, because the Republicans are stuck with Trump.
The American public is seeing that he has dementia. The PED cocktail didn’t help. He’s fucking done. They’ll announce that he’s stepping down and Harris is taking over within a matter of days.
Checked, but who would they even bring out that stands a chance?

Newsom? California is a laughingstock to all but the most hardcore leftists.

Kamala? Less likable than Shillary.

Big Mike? Buttedgeedge?
bidens wiping truumps ass
just you wait
fucking trumptards
hes done.
The only person less fit to face Trump in a debate than Biden is fucking Kalama.
No idea. Someone charismatic, and not Michelle since she doesn't want the job.

Media seems to be seeding the idea that there's a lot of voters that don't like either Trump or Biden. RFK hasn't won this supposed group, but he's not magnetic enough.
Biden did really badly and embarrassed not only himself but the entire country. Not even the normies will be ridin with Biden tomorrow

neverending story of the betting markets wasting money on her the past 8 years. wtf is going on in people's heads
fake polls
rigged polls.
what's he saying?
Funny how they all say they don’t want the job until it’s offered to them.
>Any time Trump savages Biden becomes irrelevant as soon as the DNC chooses a new candidate
This would make the DNC look weak as fuck; it would be a tacit admission that nobody's been at the wheel the last four years. They're in a catch-22 here.
That won’t work, because he’s on the Ohio ballet now.
They automatically lose an entire state.
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It's Joever
Nah that move doesn't save them. It could end up worse desu if they try to swap him out.
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biden lost before he said anything
a literal zombie
If Biden just stuttered like an idiot while saying nothing, that would have been a better performance for him. Biden was actively picking the worst issues to focus on anytime he had an easy lay-up. Abortion comes up, Trump says something along the lines of "It's good for the states to decide. I personally think exceptions should be made for things like rape, but some people disagree with me". Biden's response was to... deflect to immigration, the one thing Trump always crushes with his base. Foreign policy, Biden doesn't talk about the CHIPS Act, Ukraine, or anything like that; he instead gets into it about Iran, the one place where Trump went harder than him. On the question of age, Biden decides the best course of action is to specifically highlight that Trump is YOUNGER than him. Biden committed suicide by Trump.
Nice screenshot and no source
I didn't watch it, CNN had their latest update being democrats freaking out.

If you're big brain conspiratorial I could see this being a ploy to get biden to step out, but Harris remains the issue. It amazes me how much arrogance constantly fucks the democrats over. Hillary, Ginsburg, Biden. Like you expect Trump to be arrogant, it works for him, but for nobody else does it work and they keep fucking doing it.

The problem was the stupidity of Karris. He had a few competent black women he could have chosen but one of them I remember was law and order associated so toxic to durr base. So instead they went with the worst kind of law and order candidate - someone like Biden who was all gung ho in the past but now is trying to reorient as a progressive. Biden just did the trump strategy of pick a VP so unappealing they can't coup d'etat him out of office.

And now when the VP actually matters he can't do shit. I think the one smart move would be to pick a darker black woman than Harris. Yeah that kind of identity politics sucks but as a strategic move it's perfect. Find a black woman who isn't abhorrent like Harris - harris can't cry racism because she's darker, harris can't cry sexism because she's a woman. Harris is a california rep so biden doesn't lose a state.
Whose vote would this impact? You have retard brain from watching too much tv.
Based America.
I hope to God Biden still wins just to drive home how fake and gay this system really is
>t. not participating in this (((democracy)))
biden: "we beat medicare"
trump: "he's right he did beat medicare... beat it to death"
Debate is over right there.
Trump knows how to be arrogant because he says the things that voters want to hear.
Democrats say the things rich donors and upper middle class urban liberals want to hear.
They argued about who is better at gold
Don't you know it's THE IDEA??!?!?
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Fake as fuck

This is reality.
Someone do a meme of CNN throwing Biden under the bus.
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>bull trap
Whatever drug cocktail they gave him, it couldn't wake the walking dead.
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Bribem slipped and fell into the Twilight Zone only to fail to recover. kek
kek after this 'debate' it should be
lol sure thing bud
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I love how they always use the worst photos of Trump.

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Make it double
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Was Tapper talking about Trump's chances of winning after the debate?
all they have to do is rig the vote in like 3 swing states and it wont matter, the masses are still completely retarded and dont realize that biden will be the warmongerer, fucking terrifying
2:43am update
they are going to have a golf competition to determine the better president
Their grip on our media and our npc's collective oversocialized minds is honestly impressive. This is why it's crucial you remain steadfast in your opinions. The moment you question yourself, they've already got their hooks into you.
There's going to be riots either way, isn't there? This is going to be intense.
after the election is stolen two times in a row? there fucking better be
you would be retarded not to buy some RFK right now
She's at 4% which means they're charging $0.04 per $1 payout conditional that she wins. That's 25:1 odds. Obviously it'll never happen but putting a $20 down for a potential $500 payout is tempting to even some rational people.
jover's witnesses
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Trump stomped Biden so hard even the hardcore Democrats are not even trying to deny it. That's a first
Kek its funny seeing all the redditors itt
Trump wasn't even that good, but Biden just repeatedly raped himself up the ass. He made a face like he shit his diaper about every 45 seconds. Democrats are panicking.
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Show me your war face
Nobody likes Mike Buttplug
He's less popular than Kamala
Biden cant really rely on college aged voters or minorities anymore, he may have a shot with blue collar UAW worker sorts but even they would stay home if the Dems appeared that far gone
DNC is dropping biden and replacing him with (possibly with Big Mike). announcement was planned for the DNC convention in Chicago, but now it might happen earlier. screenshot this
So they're gonna be forced to rig it right? Like there's just no way for them to win it fair and square
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sorry discord trannies, reality is reality. get ready for Dr President Trump's remaining 2 terms.
the gun he took from the people?
>not full Jeb!
hey glowniggers you better start whistleblowing NOW or your families are gonna have to blow my whistle right before i make them suffer if you get my drift.
im gonna make them suck my dick then beat the shit out of them you faggots.
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History will repeat itself at this rate
i mean it's what they did last time. they hardly care. if they're brazen enough they'll do it ignoring the obviously negative optics. they'll just replace Biden with Kamala AFTER they rig it. if they want to at least keep up the masquerade they'll replace him now and act surprised when they rig it for them.

Numerology anons.

They’re telling you what’s going to happen
The fortified immigrant voters will make sure this election is very close i doubt we'll see anything like that
I don't feel so good, Bunkersisters...
i went to private school. so, im at least 8th grader's understanding.
Put 30k on Biden. please rigg the election biden.
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Only if Dems run Walz
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Why lie?
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So did joe
Who’s “up goys”?
One officer cannot save this nation.
You The People were given a Mandate to Train The Militia.
>Trained Militia, being NECESSARY...
polls are accurate suddenly?
well at least it would give a good look at the insanity that they represent.

At 81 and 78, there is a very real possibility that neither would see out the whole term. So we need a good military mind for a VP pick by both parties for when it is time to do the needful and smash the Commies in 2027.
TZD and Ching Chong Ping Pong Ship no froat rong!
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this is exactly like Democrats wanted, they will replace Biden at the last minute and people will just vote for him as a "thank god".
there will be no time for anyone to compare him with trump, together with standard election cheating the election can then be made to look legit.
Trump is gonna get Epstein’d hard. Dems have no other alternative now.
You kidding me? Muh EPIC FEMALE PRESIDENT CANDIDATE is going to get the entire hole vote by virtue of having a hole.
>entire hole
Nah they will get college and minority women, which didnt work for Clinton
Fucking hell...
indiana is strongly republican
I live in Indianapolis which is one of two blue cities and black dudes love Trump here
Obama swung Indiana first term but that was a fluke and it will never happen again (before that it was Kennedy in 64)
Biden: Girls get raped by their sisters
Biden on abortion: Girls are getting killed by migrants
So what you’re saying is to put everything on Biden because his odds are so bad that when he steals it I’ll make millions?
you goldfish brains don't learn. I bet the reason elections are every 4 years is because it takes 3 for average american to reset their brain loop
I fucking hate New Mexico so much. Make it it's own country then immediately bomb the fuck out of them.
Based, if there's anyone who could push the country into widespread political violence it's Gov. Bateman.
For a board that claims to know it all they certainly don't put their money where their mouth is (most people). Plus isn't predictit working on stock market logic or something? If you think it's going to get even better or worse for a certain candidate you can hedge that in advance (i.e the next debate) and cash out
The trees are smiling
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No one cares about RFK at all. Not even after Biden shit the bed in front of a billion people. Imagine how pathetic he must feel right now. lol.
forgot the key. the green flatline is of course RFK.
No one can understand what the fuck he is saying. Always sounds like he’s about to cry
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I'd like to feel bad for him, but he deserves the humiliation.
>obama above harris
fucking kek
Wartime president
Except for SHITfornia and SHIT York. Those places are beyond recovering. CA is a pretty big place and as long as you avoid the big cities it's not bad, but how the hell does anyone live in New York nowadays, holy shit.
or you could short trump because you think he is too high and going to dump a few cents, make money that way. suddenly the lower options buying to increase are a good option too. I wouldn't buy biden for a win though unless you think hes going to miraculously make ground.
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Biden is +500 to win the presidential race now. lmao insane, hes doomed.
redpill me on why washington dc gets electorates despite not being a state
>wisconsin blue
Weird conclusion to draw, Trump overperformed the Wisconsin polling aggregate by 6 points in both 2016 and 2020 and he's currently leading in it, if anything he should win it by a much larger margin than MI and PA.
Apparently they weren't allowed to vote until the 1960s so I guess it gets a special exception for that and because it's the capital.
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Kamala crashing.
Just remember that four years ago, Biden was polled lower than Trump and this caused Democrats to vote more and Republicans to have overconfidence and vote less.

It's the same play book. Psychologically, people fear more from loss than they have pleasure from gains.
Trump obliterated Biden in that debate. Biden needs to retire. It's over for him. Just listening to their voices, Trumps was strong and decisive and Biden's was the cryptkeeper wheeze of the soon departed.
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>one spews nothing but bullshit, but in a mildly charismatic way
>the other sounds like he crawled out of the ground
truly the best America has to offer
at least I live in the sticks that gets ignored by everybody
*windows 98 shut down sound*
It is easier to ask forgiveness then permission
what website even is this
He's used to getting fed lines via his earpiece and his handlers decided tonight was the time to rugpull him.
Because of the Twenty-third Amendment.

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