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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Suggested Reading:https://www.biblegateway.com/
Suggested Listening:[YouTube] 24/7 KJV Audio Bible LIVE - New Testament (embed)

Matthew 16:25- For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it

>Nigel Farage 'dismayed' at 'reprehensible' comments from Reform campaigners
>Tube passenger, 101, is dragged along platform and seriously injured when their coat is caught in train doors on Northern Line
>Tories slam Reform for campaigner's 'vile' slurs about Rishi Sunak and migrants
>Royal Mail delivered my Christmas cards… during a heatwave
>Managers who silence whistleblowers ‘will never work in NHS again’, vows Streeting
>From fears to regrets, an emotional Keir Starmer reveals what drives him
>Tear down the Blue Wall,' Ed Davey urges London and commuter belt voters
>Orthodox Anglicans set out their positions on Church of England's same-sex blessing plans
Very good speaker
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this guy is the worst and he should go away forever
One of them is wearing a red tie, the other is wearing a blue tie. I really like it when the director gets all meta like that. One of them having a wavy flag lapel and the other straight and professional is a rally cool flourish. The way Trump, a man who fails on friendliness, is wearing a blue suit, a colour which conveys friendliness and trustability is cool too. Then you have Biden in a black suit to convey power and authority but it doesn't work because he has no power or authority to amplify, in fact the black only amplifies the negative power and authority he projects.

Trump is looking a bit sweaty though, I think his make up is going to start running soon.
I’ve laughed out loud on a few occasions thus far despite trump being a degenerate bourgeois
kys paedophile
Labour's campaign is losing steam isn't it
>number one
>number three
I didn't have sex with a pornstar number 1
Had to laugh when talking about Hamas, Joe said, First we are going to train the hostages. Kek
Is there something political going on in the UK around now?
Starmer needs to focus more on his toolmaker daddy
Kys paedo
But Hitler DID had some good ideas
Go take a rope, put it around your neck, and hang yourself from the nearest tree you disgusting CP posting faggot nonce paedophile.
I didn't realise how demented dementia joe is until now. Thought it was just a joke. Poor lad needs to be in a home.
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kys paedophile.
The Autobahn was great. Gassing all the kikes was top tier. Pinning the value of the currency to an hour's labour was strange and perhaps in hindsight did indicate that Hitler's long term plan required conquering the whole world.
i am winning
Diaper change break
you posted CP
because you are paedophile.
with a CP collection
kill yourself immediately you VPN faggot CP posting paedo
/britfeel/'s gone to sleep, are the nice lads still up?
Weird time to go to adverts. Maybe there was something to that Q larp after all.
Best flags in the world
>Pinning the value of the currency to an hour's labour was strange and perhaps in hindsight did indicate that Hitler's long term plan required conquering the whole world.
this didn't happen
yes lad
Where can I see this debate?
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cnn youtube
on the livestream
>As of 2019, Anderson has been banned from more than 30 countries, including every English-speaking developed country other than the United States (his home country); and most English-speaking African countries
Where's the Hakenkreuz?
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>the fact of the matter is that James is the worst poster in the history of this general. And quite frankly, this shouldn’t even be up for debate. He brings up CP, which has been totally debunked, because he has nothing else he can run on… because he’s a loser.
The fact of the matter is you are an actual paedophile, who has posted CP before because you are an actual paedo. And you should kys immediately you sick SOB. Fucking sick faggot. Hope you die CP posting paedophile.
boatwogs r taking bame jobs
that will be the argument here soon
not even taking r jobs
immigrants stealing immigrants jobs
>This government-issued money wasn't backed by gold, but it was backed by something of real value. It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, "for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced." The workers then spent the Certificates on other goods and services, creating more jobs for more people.
Close enough.
My gran died yesterday.
I really don't give a fuck about america but she told me to go explore the world.
I never did because I was taking care of her, but now I wanna do it, where do I start.
I'd rather just bike around and use tents and shit, but I have more than enough for hotels ect
Starting from Scotland
>He's lying. It's all a lie
sounds like a faggot Jap CP poster.
denying facts.
do the camino
It's one of THESE late night chats again is it?

Bluewater used to be rife with that but the 6k fine to a business for each illegal found employed put a stop to that when the audits ramped up.
He's posted CP. Fact.
He thinks he can say "debunked". Right.
he's a dangerous VPN faggot CP poster who thinks it's fucking funny to post CP. I hope he dies.
it's so obvious that he's reading of a prompter now
James is the worst poster in the history of Brit/pol/
You posted CP you fucking faggot nonce.
YOU are the worst poster
fucking CP posting VPN nigger.
show your real fucking flag you paedononce
sick cunt thinks its funny to post CP and call me "james". KYS paedo.
Just came. Darn shemales.
Getting pretty bored of porn desu.
Leave the fuckin island
I lost mine last year and regret putting so much effort into wageslaving instead of going to see her when I had the chance. I enjoyed our last interactions and we had one last good Christmas.

I just miss the funpostings.
Snopes says otherwise
You’re a disaster, James. You’re the worst poster in history.
I have no idea what that is, I'm almost scared to google it.
I just wanna fuck off for a while honestly
You are an actual Paedophile.
You think it's amusing to post CP.
You think calling me "James" negates the fact that you're a fucking paedo CP poster? you fucking faggot VPN nonce. KYS.
Why are SK and SA so high? Their flags suck. Mongolia should be on there.
I wonder if the whole religious idea of a final battle between good and evil is playing out in front of our eyes, it's just we never knew how to explain both sides are terrible but one side wants to keep everyone alive with the Inflation Reduction Act but only so they can keep noncing and living their power fantasies using normal people as unwitting slaves. Then the other side wants to kill everyone with global warming either because he doesn't understand the issue or because he's bitter about 9/11, I think that was the focus of a Punished Trump meme a while ago, or because he's bought and sold by religious nutters because he's also a paedophile.

Really it comes down to your own definition of good and evil.
My last interaction with her was putting on a Elvis movie called GI Blues, she snorted a little when wooden heart played.
I was too afraid to wake her up because I knew she hadn't eaten in at least a week, she died from a massive clot in her chest, never smoked none of that, took the jag and couldn't talk her out of it.
Anyhow what do you think East or West
Get trains up to somewhere nice in Scotland. I'm from South but I really want to see the highlands and landscapes one day.
>We're the most admired country in the world
I'm catholic mate, I don't think going about seeing Italy defiled is gonna put me in a better place honestly sorry
Nice bait
I'm going to send every bastard Scot to the gas chamber I swear to fucking god.
Joe probably has a poop button to press to call a break so that Trump doesnt complain live about the smell and humiliate Joe even more
I watched Goodfellas and The Dark Knight, she was 90 but found it fascinating.

I've never been on holiday on my own, let alone to Scotland, maybe someone will chime in and give you some ideas.
Yeah, what a thing to say.
tax you 3 times more than last year, and give you one third of it back by calling it a tax credit and asking you to consider it a benefit.
and by the way...

who does that sound like?
taking a page out of sunak's book?
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and he says that trump is a liar.
joe isn't coming off well tonight.
He keeps looking down, dont see trump looking down
lol how he just nignores the moderator
No when they went to ad break it was the first time Biden scored a hit in the whole debate.
>why haven't 40/44 of your former cabinet endorsed you, why hasn't your former vice president endorsed you
Then they cut to ads so Trump didn't have to respond to the only hard question he would have faced so far.
we bought dogs
He's writing stuff, they showed his hands earlier.
*geriatric voice*
>We're the United States of America god damnit!
I think it's not live and biden is partly AI for the cameras.
He probably has an ear piece in listening to all the right things to say.
"trump, will you bite on the socialized healthcare through addiction treatment question?"
I swear to god that the subtitles said what biden said before he said it. not lying.
theres a delay
There's always a delay on live TV of about 15 seconds in case something has to be censored or the stream has to be pulled.
the subs on YT are auto generated though.
I'm starting off by going camping in the highlands, I figure if I can get a good tent and set up there in winter I'm good anywhere.
Honestly my main worry is my direction. do I go West and get shot by niggers or do I go East and get my organs cut out by bugs.
I just want a good clean path through the world where people will say I wont be racist if I did but also not instantly get chopped up for kebab meat.
president's golf championship now
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How do you deal with family yelling at you for not earning enough to move out, and threatening to kick you out?

>back in my day I worked HARD 60 hour weeks!
Okay? I can't even get that many hours to work
>I had to BEG for work
I'm not allowed to beg, I don't even get told I was rejected from job applications, how many jobs rejected you?
>NONE, why don't you tell me HOW MANY jobs you've applied for this year?
I lost count, how many have you in your lifetime?
>TWO, and they were JOBS FOR LIFE
When did you buy your first house?
Y'know if there were no immigrants I'd have a better job, better pay, and a house...
But you keep saying how much you hate different races of people...
Okay... could I tell you how bad I have it at work and that I needed to go to a tribunal to get the pay I was owed? You do know your mate works there and is working illegal hours, right? Because they told you? And you told me that they told you?
>they don't do illegal things INTENTIONALLY, no business owner would, life is FAIR, and you SIGNED A CONTRACT
Contracts are above the law now?
You're siding with a company you haven't met that pays minimum wage over your flesh and blood... I'll never earn as much as you in my life...
Your pension isn't real...
>I PAID INTO IT MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!! I EARNED IT! Also FUCK NHS workers who LEAVE the country for better pay, they don't DESERVE it
>There's always a delay on live TV of about 15 seconds
They have delayed this by 2 minutes.
cut a finger off in front of them
>Russia would have never attacked if i was president
i believe this. really. Trump would have said cmon man. and Putin would have agreed.
>None of the courts while I was president agreed
wow shocking.
I'd say stick to Scotland.Night.
No one asked, paedo james
enjoying this debate
perks of being a pisshead
hang yourself you CP posting paedokike VPN nigger. do it. end it. rid the world of your noncing you disgusting pervert vpn nigger
this is comedy gold. two senile old men arguing about who is better at golf during a political debate
>Lets not be childish
>you're a child
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>you know MINING TOWNS?
Yeah, they're all on bennies
>when the mines closed some said they're miners and wouldn't do anything else!
Yeah, I just said that
>but some decided to LEARN SKILLS and BECOME FISHERMEN
Dead industry
They're gone
>SHUT UP, you just have to KEEP TRYING, it's all YOUR FAULT
Are you upset that your tax is paying for half the blacks in London to be in social housing because they don't have jobs, or the £8m a day on refugee hotels, or that refugees get council houses as soon as they're allowed to stay, which is 90% of them?
So you don't care about economic migrants?
>do YOU think your BROTHER is an ECONOMIC MIGRANT for taking that BETTER JOB?
That's fine? Dead man's boots, the person who took his old job is one less person competing with me for lesser jobs
>dead man's boots DON'T EXIST

And that's pretty much it. I don't understand how old fucks don't realise even fiat money is finite, resources are finite, jobs are finite... they really did grow up in a socialist paradise where cars grew on trees.
Yes they do go on Caribbean cruises yearly.
I think Putin is willing to work with Trump because Trump will give Putin secrets instead of money.
>I got 58 of 'em released for essentially nothing
Did essentially mean a list of names of CIA assets? I'm not sure on the timeline, just an idle thought. Trump taking out CIA capability and personnel via Russia doesn't really mean anything, there will be good and bad people in every organisation, we have no way of knowing whether he's purging the goodies or the baddies.
I too like fantasy arguments that i win
Oh and the one is an ex-nurse and wouldn't believe me about the limited doctor placements and the foreign national doctor quotas.
joe bidens mind works so fast he tries to say the entire sentence at once
true genius
I wish I won. The point was money, not who can spout the most reddit tier facts. So I lost.
>I think Putin is willing to work with Trump because Trump will give Putin secrets instead of money.
At least Trump and Putin spoke, met, shook hands, tried to understand each other. Trump would still talk to Putin. The ukraine war would never have happened if Trump was president in 2022. Biden still thinks the cold war is on. Reds under the bed.
I always win my fantasy arguments
skill issue
>I'd say stick to Scotland.Night.
I wish I could, I'm looking for something
I think Biden and Trump were evenly matched
i'll be voting for reform
He probably delegated a lot of the oration to his subconscious mind when he was younger, now his brain doesn't work properly so his subconscious pathways don't work properly and he never learned to speak through his conscious pathways.

We all delegate some speech to our subconscious in normal everyday life, it's why the "brain hack" where giving a trivial reason to jump the queue works when people are on autopilot, put politicians do it a lot because it frees their mind to think ahead to what they want to say next.
I think Trump came off better tbqh.
Joe looked like a bumbling idiot.
Trump was sharp, on point, didn't fumble or mix up his words. At times you could almost see the loading screen for Biden's brain.
6 became 8 several seconds later. Kek.
neuroscience expert here:

Nuclear war or global warming. Interesting choice, so global warming is large amounts of suffering for everyone, but nuclear war is huge amounts of suffering for some and low-moderate amounts of suffering for most. The immediate term deaths are about the same in both cases, most will die from starvation as crops become ungrowable or untransportable.

Communism vs capitalism but instead of assigning wealth you're assigning suffering.
haha yeah biden was cringe then.
like when he said everyone loves america.
Check cnn stream
Democrats are on fire they're saying. Some are thinking if they should go white house and get him to step down
Go back last get mins started from then
It's best not to be confrontational about these things, they're old and telling them you can't get a well paid job because the country is fucked conflicts with the ideas they get from the BBC. It would be better if you just tell them that they're right, and you are sorry and that you are trying.
You're creeping up the gas list with every post wee man.
totally winning lads
People who watch this piss me off, especially when they deny the concept of calling borders racist.

Britain's parliament will be the most diverse, you really expect a parliament of jeets and nigs to stop the boats, fuck you labour
Scotland in winter is a cunt never mind camping in it in winter. People even uderestimate it in summer. I can hardly sleep with those Coastie cunts flying out every night looking for lost cunts or cunts who got themselves stranded when weather changed. Do a winter in the Lake District first
>Robb id
I always liked this scene where robb admits he'd lose in a duel, immense humility in the face of the great sacrifice of his men
also how catlyn doesn't sperg and tell him what to do but lets him think for himself

I'm watching it now it seems they're all saying it was bad for biden.
totally cringe lads
I thought Biden did better
think my brothers gf is cheating on him, how do i catch her out?
3 strawberry daquiris and a go pro in the foliage
7:30pm sir ed davey interviewed by nick Robinson
8:00pm nigel farage and Adrian Ramsey
>It would be better if you just tell them that they're right, and you are sorry and that you are trying.
They're quite aggressive and pushy. Even if they didn't hurt my pride, I'd struggle to say "I'm trying" because in their opinion I'm not. They even think I should go out and volunteer... no I don't know what that has to do with making money.

I'm not autistic, if I was I'd probably be so frustrated by their worldview I'd have done something like plant TNT around their home in Minecraft.
walk in on her having sex and take pics
Asians are just like echoes of the japanese
Most of the BAMES in this country cant speak fucking english yet they are gonna vote in BAMES who might be able to speak english but know fuck all about politics or parliamentary procedure yet some will end up in the Labour cabinet and some more will end up in it once they get rid of Starmer. its so bad that Lammy is gonna look like the sharpest tooll in the box compared to the BAME circus thats coming our way. Hopefully it will prompt people to take to the streets and take our country back the way we should have when they started fucking us with their phooney brexit deals that they rammed through while hiding behind their Convid 19 lie
>conflicts with the ideas they get from the BBC
Oh wait, I just remembered.
"Go volunteer because it'll teach you about people and how the world works and you'll make cancer patients smile"
They probably do get all their worldly ideas from the BBC. All they ever watch are the property developing shows, the repair shop and tipping point. And get as angry as a child on an xbox when I walk in, interrupting their shows they can pause.
I remember when I started my first internship i doomposted about how hard it was to get a job and realised how deluded people are
>oh you can't be picky for your first job
like I was sat fighting off job offers
this was in a hyper left wing office too
people are fucking retahds
as soon as starmer gets elected
put your money on lammy for next PM
fill your boots
like printing money
quantitative easing if u like
Overall the yank debate was lacklustre and forgettable. After watching it nobody could vote for Biden in good conscience, the poor man was in visible physical distress struggling to breathe during his mic-off periods.
Harhar. Quit lying namefag.
It doesn't really matter if you're right or if they're wrong, that is an autistic way to look at it.
>Even if they didn't hurt my pride
Pride comes before the fall, yes your grandparents may be wrong about some of it, but are you completely flawless?
i was head hunted by nasa
turned them down
bunch of faggots
fffak me it's 4am.
i have to be up in 3 hrs .
fortunately i can go back to bed 2 hours after that but still. faaak.
Are you a woman or a black?
I've had several periods of unemployment in my life

Graduation 1 was 9 months of hell because i'd no idea what to expect
I got a shitty job and wangled that into getting a second degree
Second degree ended with the pandemic and i was unemployed for another 9 months
got a shitty job, wangled that into a better job
and then a better job
Couldn't hack the job, unemployed for 9 months and here we are getting another shitty job
Hey where did the CP posting Jap faggot go ?
i mean it's 12 pm there. He's totally a real Jap isn't he. Not an actual CP posting faggot nonce on a VPN that went to bed, in runcorn.
a black woman
i built stonehenge
seems a bit unethical, but still this girl is definitely taking the piss. she lives in our flat and hasnt come home at this time after finishing work. she is almost certainly being schmoozed by a colleague. my brother just takes this behavior on the chin but she is defo a slag.
he just dmed me on my 4chan account he said he is having sex with ur mother
>"But, if we drill into the detail, 32% of British Indians said they would vote Conservative - 12% higher than the general population. This is a good reminder that there is a huge variation in voting trends among communities."

No, This is a good reminder that there is a stinky pajeet in Downing Street. The tory party was broken and fragmented already and now the Pajeets are responsible for another chunk ripped from it. Foreigners should never have been allowed into any council, government, any role in healthcare from supervisor upwards, police or aour armed forces. This has destroyed our country
Not gonna watch that bollocks.
what I mean by my last post is that you should work towards being friendly with your family, since it seems like they are supporting you, getting caught up in being 'right' isn't really doing you or them any favours. Also they are right that you should get a job if you are not being constructive with your time, although I know it's difficult to find one that's decent.
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Future Environmental Sectary.
you finally post on your real flag then CP posting paedo
Satan is the scatterer and the accuser
At least our glowniggers make politics funny. We've always had better writers than the yanks.
when was the last time u washed ur cock lad?
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Now that we know Trump will win, you limey fucks need to pay your NATO debts. Pay debts plz.
From what ive seen of footage from the house of commons, hes been rather quiet. You will know he is jockeying for positiuon if he starts drifting back to his old shouty ways. A nigger in No10 will be the straw that breaks Britain. They have been warming us up for the big one with cunts like Sunak, Khan & Humza Yousless. Sunak wont win his place in No10 democratically and neither could Lammy. The only way a nigger goes in is by doing same thing the 1922 Comimtee did to put in Sunak and put him in between elections. London wouldnt even have that Shaun Bailey as a mayor and the asians wont want Lammy. They will want either one of their own or a spineless white cunt they can push around
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Back taxes on the tea plus interest or fuck off.
i've got an art deco spray thing that you use for plants
i spray it up in the air or on my face when i feel sad
microdosing a cold shower
i sprayed it on my gooch about 8 hours ago
please. we pay more than our required amount.
go ask goymoney to pay their fair share. We're always you're lackies that have to actually be the brains behind the operation. You're just the hired muscle.
I was saying your gif made me laugh you bloody peasant.
i've listened to him on lbc
he says he was only shouty cause he was a backbencher and it didn't matter
now he says he's changed his mind about everything
he's more quiet cause he's getting more serious
must be up in 3 hours.
crack open another beer or pass out
wat do
In pounds not dollars and we have a deal?
>the brains behind the operation
Last time I saw London it looked worse than Los Angeles

crack it
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bet you vote Reform
Time for a surveilance operation to catch the cheating bitch out or at least confirm your suspicions are wrong. With mates equipped with mobile phones, you can cover her route home from work. Get them taking viddy for evidence and reg number of any cars she gets into.
>Last time I saw London it looked worse than Los Angeles
got me there. good job i'm not a londonfag then.
also, doubt. I've been to LA. couldn't wait to leave tbqh. Same for SF. The only place that was actually nice in your country was Colorado. The rest of your country is full of niggers and spics. Like us with jeets and pakis. Cityslickers deserve to get nuked.
I thought this was one of them lotus eater guys
It would be funny to own the yanks by memeing Farage in to number 10.

this video is what it's like being a bf
you're suffocatingly close and you can see all the flaws yet the person is still kino, yet you want to step back
Also G*rmans are a non factor, only non landlocked European nations can be Best Americas alleys, we will inherit the Portugal, English friendship because more coastline equal more shekels
>the Portugal
ranjit detected
do the needful sar.
Fuck u nigger KEK
k ranjit
don't forget to take "the portugal"
*head wobble*
>non landlocked
i went to the beach in germany once
We are gonna need a shit load of popcorn for whats coming
sar maam
have you turned the portugal on and off again sar maam?
Jay Slater obviously kidnapped, yet the royal navy hasn't blockaded casablanca
You're going to all the unbased states, Montana is great, Wyoming is better but nobody lives there because of the wind, if you like nature Northern Michigan, West Virginia, and New England are best
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Green tax max jew benefiting productive max tax tax genocide tax tax jews tax tax
based. montana was on the list. didn't make it.
i forgot i went to texas too. i liked texas. lots of spics tho.
Kys paedo
why would you bother stealing ceramic pots, not even worth anything
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>what's right doesn't matter, that's autistic
Seeing what's "right" is how you resolve disputes.
Autism prevents agreeing on "right".

>are you flawless?
>you should work towards being friendly
>you should get a job if you are not being constructive with your time
Thanks a lot mate. These two codgers are retarded and the one can't stay away from liquor.
Job's shit. "Not being constructive" fuck off.
Modern society's decided by government programs. Government's NHS gave them prosperity. Government's immigration is giving me poverty and a headache from the triple locked senile dolts. "Just walk dogs for money!"
Even me own mother thinks I'm a snob for sounding smarter than her thanks to my education. She resents me. She never stuck with hers and now look at her. She's rich. I'm poor.
Every time one of them complains about "Ugh the wokerati" or "Ugh Asians", if I ask if they're going to send a letter to our Conservative MP about it, I get an ugly look. It's like making the mistake that a man insulting his wife means you can insult her too without getting lamped.

Look in a mirror and neck yourself for me so I can take your job.
ah shut up you actual CP posting nonce VPN faggot.
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It will be great to have Farage in the nest of traitors known as the House of Commons.
Just as it will be when the GEOTUS is back where he belongs in the White House.
It would be as based as 2016 was.
island boys
Staten Island
the great variety of people
kys CP posting nonce VPN faggot child molesting nonce
A lot of those spics vote republican so they are tolerable, they are generational still do crime and whatnot though
>inb4 republicjew
It's far better than the alternative imo, it's all the new invasion spics that are ass blasting us
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James has never posted CP.
The "Jap" nonce has.
James won.
dago is an actual fucking padeo. and it's not funny. He thinks it is.
Imagine posting CP, and then trying to claim some moral highground, and when called out for being an actual fucking paedophile says
>no u
Don’t you have to be up in 2 hours to look at more CP you disgusting paedophile?
Bet you have vivid dreams about viewing CP while you’re asleep too
Christ, Paedo James, is there ever not a time where you aren’t actively viewing CP?

Bet even during deep sleep stage you manage to view CP
James dreams of CP
>paedononce VPN nigger keeps talking about CP
hmm lets see .
me : hasn't posted CP
you: has posted CP
you are an actual, not kidding, not laughing, not comfy actual fucking nonce paedo who has actually posted CP.
you fucking paedophile
nonces have to have a name or a unique flag
James learned how to lucid dream so he actively nonce minors in the dream world

What a freak this guy is
Wish I could pay him a visit in the dream world so I can whack the sick fuck
these are the same chords as kilamangiro by babyshambles

I'm not kidding he posted CP.
he disgusts me.
he thinks it's funny too.
who thinks posting CP is funny?
only him.
his defence?
>no u
James still melting down because he can't code?

He's so technologically illiterate that I bet, if he did watch CP, it's still in his device's cache.
I was right about everything.
Josh, dago, argie , 8 .
all the same CP posting nonce.
what a surprise.
duality of man
you have to always chord like
like the spanish guy in this video

They are theiving cunts. They are as bad as niggers. They try the being full of remorse only when caught, just like Visajeet here who got caught noncing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtTBwEbYVrQ
>techlet doesn't know how 4chan works and thinks everyone is the same person
>American mentioned
Feels good lads.

On a side note, why are Welsh people so swarthy? Their complexion is slightly closer to that of the American coon than it is to the English or Irish. Still closer to the average non-welsh bong color than they are to the British coon. You've got some jet black picaninnies.
ArgieJoshDago CP poster samefagging confirmed.
All the proof you need lads.
Right there.

did you actually think any different?
he comes in to defend his VPN larp "dago".
what a surprise.
Gotta be up early to clean those bogs innit mate
You're technologically illiterate lol
And can't code
yea laaaa
scran and stuff
josh is a good lad
james bad.

fucking CP posting faggot with multiple VPNs . what a nonce.
42 posts melting down because you're a paedophile who can't code?

chas and dave
post your hand with a timestamp.
you won't.
i will if you do.
prove to me you're not actually josh.
do it.
one time. do it.
you won't
because you can't.
because you'd have gay tats. wouldn't you. CP posting nonce.
>dago disappears
Notice how James doesn't address the fact that he can't code
It's because he can't code
Surprised? Think not
>i will if you do.
You will what?
youre just being a seethemong now
Josh only nonces over 16 year old girls tho
so technically legal
illegal when he posts pics tho
but he can't help it

i have this memorised
I knew she wasn’t English
Because she spoke it far too well
The grammar was goodly, the verbs as they should be
And the slang was bang on the bell
So as the language barrier clanged and banged
I couldn’t hear—hear or see
England, London, and Bow
Crumbled into the sea.
I'll post my white hand. that doesn't have gay josh astologichomo tats on it. You've never posted a timestamped hand and you never will. Because you're josh, dago, and 8. and you actually can't prove me wrong.
you disgusting CP posting nonce runcorn goblin
Paedo James is on the ropes
weird how some forren girls have better grammar
than actual anglos
Is it still schitzo hours?
You posted CP.
I didn't.
It took them weeks to mop up the blood
it's not funny is it
what happened at the bataclan it was a horrible terrible thing
we didn't play that badly
I really respect the fact you made shagging nip birds your whole personality. Most men go with football or homosexuality, but not you, you're unique.
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It's the last sun spot peak for.. big debate. Our Girl at Northampton University says this is it, the cold. Best moving tbqh. No point point making a point if you're sourroundingded by niggerrsz
Being a racist with yellow fever is way harder than anything the gays had to deal with
at least aids killed you
Why don't you post it first? You can't because you're actually josh? Explains the tech illiteracy
>installing a ram module is risky business
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inside you … a bun bun …
inside me … a bun bun …
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Josh: CP poster. Banned for it.
Dago: CP poster. Banned for it. Is also Josh.
Argie: VPN Josh larp, same person.
8: AI creation. Also Josh. Also Paedophile.
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Biden knocked it out of the park tonight. He was a warrior poet. I actually wept at the beauty.
Your Cheeto has expired. Tick tock.
So, josh is a paedophile and josh is james, james is a paedophile, right?
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That's your best mate gobbo
>I liked him because i found out his was an actual paedo.
kys josh paedo nonce.
Kys jamesjoshpaedononce you CP-viewing paedophile
What proof has james provided that he isn't actually josh?
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you could prove me wrong that you're not josh.
but you don't.
you take dago/josh arguments and use them against me. totally not sus at all.
Ok josh >>472418724
I think james is a homosexual paedophile
James is pube?
>Best flag in the world
>Doesn't include Nice Guy Nat Soc
What clown drew this up?
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no gay astrological gay tats
now you.
prove me wrong
you won't.
because you can't.
CP posting nonce.
Bro you're brown as fuck lmfao
as i suspected.
he won't
because he can't
because it would have gay astrological tats
James 1: paedojosh : 0
Dago mate, do I post timestamped hand and BTFO paedojames forever?
Your call
do it faggot.
you won't.
>dago mate
mates with a CP poster.
Bro why do you have a pakistani hand
Are you actually pakistani?
>sees white hand.
>pretends it's brown.
>still won't post his hand with a timestamp
i've done you. fucking paedophile. kys
Gonna post your 2023 stolen photo of a white hand, with no timestamp again?
That's not white lol
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>still no hand.
i've done him.
>still no hand.
there never will be either.
Dude I don't understand how the fuck can you call yourself white when you're literally cardboard brown (not me who says it but the colourpicker)
>still no hand.
hmm wonder why he won't post it.
maybe because it would have gay astrological josh tats.
hasn't posted a timestamped hand.
never will either.
i've done him.
Why is your skin cardboard brown?
i read a history of the opium war but it was written by a woman so i don't know what's true
>still no hand.
he'll keep at this forever.
and never post a hand. ever.
i don't even need to reply any more.
he will never post his hand and a timestamp.
not even once.
he could prove me wrong, but he doesn't.
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Allow me to weigh into this conversation by showing my cool tan lines
I'll post a timestamp if you admit you're pakistani alright mate?
post your hand. with a timestamp.
you won't .
why is that ?
My favourite part about the opium wars was how it all relied on manchus being fucked cunts
british were well aware if the han were ruling they'd be fucked
british committed many atrocities but could have done worse
it was all down to manchu leadership being unbelievably autistic and the benefits of lying
I wanna know why is your skin so fucking brown
I'd like to have sex with a woman of asian origin
He doesn't post his hand for one extremely simple reason. It would have gay homosexual astrological faggot tattoos on it. proving he's josh. he won't ever post his hand with a timestamp, because he can't.
i've done him.
>No, #E7A65F is not white. It's actually a shade of brown or amber color in hexadecimal notation.
goin to bed. the VPN faggot hasn't posted a hand.
i have. he hasn't . ask yourself why? because he's josh. and 8, and dago. and a CP posting faggot. He won't ever post a hand and a timestamp. because he can't absolutely BTFO hahah.
>still no hand.
omg wow what a surprise.
never will either will he.
obvious josh larp vpn nigger is obvious.
How old are you? Or do you work outside a lot?
37. mechanic. (cars)
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At least I'm actually white lmao
pretty hands
you're a paki though.
You're literally brown
no u.
i admit you're not josh though.
i was wrong.
you're not white though.
obvious brown skin.
Your hand is brown lol
fuck me i must be the first person to get him to post a timestamped hand.
you're a paki though. obvious brown skin.
Why the fuck is the welsh flag so low? It has a fuck mothering dragon on it.
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>obvious brown
brown skin.
joining in the lady doth protest too much tram

Only makes sense to be eager to post hand if that shit is literally snow white
I respect him for the timestamp though.
he's not josh.
i admit i was wrong.
gonna lay off calling him josh now.
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It's ok
I'm still gonna call you a pakistani who can't code
I never said i could.
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I accept your concession
Sex but with women of asian persuasian
can you fix a laminar flow lamba sensor problem on a W12 ?
why not?
Also look at that fucking thick hair lmfao
Rashid status confirmed
>Thick hair
yes. I'm high-T.
imagine thinking hair on a man is .. le bad.
im just going to let you have this one because of my respect for your timestamp.
still confused why you like josh and dago though since they're actually paedophiles.
I don't like them? I've been shitting on josh since forever? Fucking retard lmfao
Also 8 isn't josh either. And neither is dago, btw.
Dago absolutely is him. How do you know he isn't. Why does he keep talking about him and licking his arse then? also he really did post CP. I didn't. Josh has been banned for it too, and the two are always in here together giving each other (yous)
and you called dago "mate" earlier. which is kinda odd ngl. How do you know 8 isnt? nobody has ever seen proof he even exists.
Robin Williams is that you?!
8 has posted multiple vocaroos, retard. Lurk moar.
r/ asian raceplay
i never listen to those. but that doesn't really prove anything does it.
how long have you been here. me? 2018. i admit thats probably newfag n all. i did come here before but never permanently since i was in other places besides /pol/
but voca proves nothing really. It doesn't mean it's him. And dago? what of him? why are you so sure he's not josh? Why does he constantly talk about him if it's not him?
Luna's journey
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A vote for Trump is a vote for israel
I just got a call from the Albo says he wants to talk some business
Said he knows one brother that knows one brother with a house with a load of bricks in
Wicked, now my mouth's watering and dribbling
He sent the address, now I'm grabbing my mask
He's home alone like Kevin
I'm plotted outside like Harry and Marv
How can you even trust your own words anymore? You were so sure I was josh lmfao.

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