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"Will you deport every undocumented immigrant in America and how?"

Mass deportation is literally the only reason I'm voting for this faggot. He dodged the question entirely.
Why didnt he do it the first time?
You're a fucking retard for believing anything he says. He didn't back up his promises in the 1st term, what made you think a 2nd term would be different?
If Trump says he'll do something, it means he definitely won't do it.
He gave us a preview of this Pilpul Tactic in the Tim Pool interview.
>ever thinking it was going to happen
this.. and of all the things he FOR SURE will not do, it's mass deportations

Dodging implies it is deliberate. He is just ranting and repeating the same low iq bullshit he always does.
>Mass deportation is literally the only reason I'm voting for this faggot

He moved the embassy to Jerusalem. That is one promise kept.
fuck you faggot. my in laws are undocumented and if they get deported, your subhuman fascist bootlicking ass isn't getting away scot free
Trump just avoided the Jan 6 question. when followed up he straight up lied completely
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the discord tranny commie fascist neocon shitlib marxist maoist trotskyist anarchist biden shills are AFRAID

nobody believes you
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>oh boy, he'll do it for sure this time!
Fake news, I didn't say that, I never once said I would lock up Hillary Clinton, nope, not me. The wall? Too much opposition! Too many bad guys in the way, but we fought the good fight, we put up a hell of a fence, I'll tell you that much. Look, deporting people is hard, especially when everyone is an American, okay, it's hard, it'll take a lot more than four years to clean this mess up.
I believe in chain remigration, get on the cattle-car, faggot.
Who dodged the question, Trump or Biden?

Because it was a trick question, how. Legislation. Policy. It will have pushback by Congress. The question was on illegal workers with jobs and American spouses will you deport them. Trip question. The debate the format causes repetition of former questions.

As far as the debate goes Biden is all over the place and Trump repeats former responses. More is Mud being flinging and blamr. Your fault no your fault. It's a mess.

However the facts are it's a disaster getting worse. Has gotten worse.

How will it improve? The pendulum swings by design or it remains heading into greater uncertainty.

Any uncertainty has become mass effect under Biden. The most conflict on the Planet cutrently direct and indirectly where more nation's are involved in war. Apart from in direct war. These are everywhere. The highest inflation in modern history with the costs increasing. The most illegal immigration in Global history increasing. The most debt ridden economies in global history running at the highest debts.

How does it improve today?
Why is Biden flooding the country with them you fucking redditors.
Biden isn't even on the table. I expect more commitment from Trump.
Mass deportation is widely popular right now, why not embrace it?
Lol I'll kill you if say shit like this in real life
You won't do shit
cnn anchor already answered you retard
"even those that have work"
how many times do I need to tell yall how lucky you are for having spics with some much knowledge on concrete, plumbing and roofing?
Deport them all and america falls into ruin
he's dodging every question because he has no policy
Best president for pissrael
He's going to barely deport and import h1b street shitters
get out.
They both have the same fucking agenda but they need to make it like they're different. It's not that complicated. They need to make you retards believe your vote heckin matters
i didnt say i would do shit you retard, and even if that was the case i could know you out hands only you little basement dwelling pussy.

if you put a fascist government, who do you think they go after right away that might challenge them? RETARDS LIKE YOU. Its not going to be the guys YOU WANT in power you FUCKING ILLITERATE RETARD. And only a fascist government has the power to mass deport.
your dick is like 2 inches and raw from compulsive masturbation. you aint doing shit pussy. this is my country and belongs to my 5 children. not subhuman pussy faggots like u that the founders wouldve despised

No. That wasn't a question. He said he'd deport illegals his power as president where Biden has flooded millions in. However there are possibly certain exceptions. There are some provisions that take certain legislature passed by Congress. Trump can easily motion policy. Yes a number will be deported. What happens to the exception asked. Long term workers with American spouses. Legislation. Sometimes a process.

Any debate shouldn't have so many rules and provide better formats. If it breaks down policy into economy border conflict welfare taxes. Leaving longer answers on its segments over more debates while focusing on certain relevant issues. Instead of that. No time effectively. It becomes a case of back n forth and nothing decisive. Until you have to take it at face value.

Any result. It's your vote. What does it get.

In any case topically it's a bigger problem today. It hasn't gotten better in the current presidency.it needs something decisive. Deportation most would elect. Or who knows? It's a bigger issue.
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No biden is better because he lets blinken do whatever he wants.

Trump is a glowie, but biden is a senile puppet for anthony blinken.

We have a jewish president.
he deported like 300 in his term and those were mostly violent murderers that already had arrest orders out.
you think hes going to deport all 10 million of them plus all of those that walked in in the past year asking for asylum and have court dates and all?
Why are they talking about "Black jobs" and "Hispanic jobs" but not White jobs?

Why haven't White people been mentioned a single time in this debate?

They've talked more about women killing their babies than acknowledged the existence of White people
>Who's going to clean your toilets Mr Trump
Bait but fuck you also
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If Trump says he’ll do something, that means he will suck Israel’s dick
he will win but he won't deport shit lmfao you're an idiot
forget it bro,no american candidate is ever gonna say anything against inmigrants from now on,they are such a large part of the population at this point it would be political suicide to do so
White women are a lock for dems and white men are a lock for republicans
no point
Dude, nobody Is going to Mass deport people ok
Keep dreaming or coping but USA Is fucking death, you Will become the heckin meeting pot
because he's not going to deport. he's going to make them 'legal'.
>Why are they talking about "Black jobs" and "Hispanic jobs" but not White jobs?
Because affirmative action/diversity means certain jobs are reserved for non-white groups. Trump and Biden both support that idea. "White jobs" isn't a thing.
Every question was dodged by both sides
To build up anticipation for the next term duh
not if you mass deport/kill them
When he gets elected he’s going to draft you so you can die in Ukraine lol. Get ready miganigger.
Buzz word faggot
They have to go back
if i were an illegal immigrant i would zero worries about trump becoming president
I don't give a shit. Illegals are all afraid of him.
>He dodged the question entirely.
He's already answered it. They are all going back.
Are you serious? Have you actually watched anything?
Trump said, we are going to start the largest deportation operation in history.
they are replacing whites with shitskins silly
Fool me once
An illegal in Florida voted for Trump
>>472409824 >>472394750
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>He dodged the question entirely.
oh you're just now catching on are you?
too late mcfly, we are going to have biff for prez.
there's no such thing as an illegal cuban in florida, they all get amnesty for voting republican
yeah and marco rubio is a commie. they protect their own, fuck white people i guess.
This. He will say whatever it takes to win and that’s all he cares about. He’s just a businessman and a fraud, and I supported him the first time. He won’t do shit.
DeSantis let it happen tho you mong. He's the governor, why didn't he stop this?
illegals are cheap hard labor, which minor businesses need, but idk if it's overshadowed by the violence, homelessness, etc. hard to say what is more valuable to appeal to
You need a budget to do shit.
If Trump asks you, a Democrat gov, for $6 bln dollars for 4 years, and you give him $0 , NOTHING .
Then don't expect anything to get done.
And expect 100 million niggers and browns .
Positive interpretation: Doesn't want to alienate the average voter, he can just do it once he's elected.

Negative interpretation: He doesn't want to promise it because he's not going to do it.

Meat interpretation: we expect even the guy on our own "side" to lie to us in the course of a campaign because they can't talk to us without talking to the "other side" simultaneously.
I tried 15 minutes but Biden was too cringe to listen to. Holy shit he has no idea, USA is a big joke atm
nobody is buying anything from the businesses anymore though
>my inlaws
>you better not
>...i wish a nigga would
Fucking lmao dog
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>why didn't he stop this?
total mystery.
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Zion Don won't mass deport. He'll serve the kikes just like he did on his first term. He cares more about Israel and the kikes than America and Americans. The swamp wasn't drained, the wall wasn't built and Hillary wasn't put in prison. It's not even funny how gullible you are.
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poo faggot
Maybe that's why he wants the Indians...
It definitely feels like the talking points are from another universe. I feel like I could've heard mostly the same debate back in the 90s which makes it completely disconnected from reality.
Trumph est dogshlpigh mothlrr flucker gg
>He dodged the question entirely.
Which was quite savvy. Operation Wetback 2.0 would be compromised if they found out about it.
Kill yourself. No one gives a fuck about your worthless brown ass in the USA.
Donald Trump just got away with raping another man on national television.
Get these fucking Tourists out of our country!

We cant expect the president to deliver, all of us 80 million+ just have to pick a day and time and get it over with.
Fact is 100% deportation overnight would be an abject economic disaster for the US. Just being viewed as the anti immigration candidate, building the wall and supporting border patrol is a big move
>based SUPER PAC version
lol saved
How about mass deportation of jews
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>abject economic disaster
amazing phrasology. too bad so sad, the pain is coming. the bandaid must be ripped off. it is time. if you care about "money" you're basically a jew. congrats on playing their game, (You) lose.
didnt build lower deportation than obama yeah keep dreaming faggot.
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Victory lap
It's almost like our economy is propped up by an unsustainable amount of reliance on illegal immigration. Kick the door in and the whole thing falls apart. Time for a reset. You can't keep trading a fake economy - which isn't even good - at the expense of our culture.
Trump literally did not answer a single question tonight except the Climate question. Everything else he deflected to Biden and Afghanistan. Literally all Biden had to do was fact check Trump but the retard is too senile to even do that lol
We only ever get to vote between two people and neither of them are ever perfect. Trump is better than Biden.
>America loses Europe, Asia and the Empire by 2028

kek, gg
Faggots acting like he didn't close down the border. Always conveniently forgetful.
>reeee he did nothing
literally all in your heads
Every elite fucking loves mass immigration regardless of legality.
He did. He already stated he would have the biggest deportation program ever. What do you want him to do, start deporting them right now? He spent the entire debate railing about illegals and saying they need to go.
>Because it was a trick question, how. Legislation. Policy. It will have pushback by Congress. The question was on illegal workers with jobs and American spouses will you deport them. Trip question.

Yeah Trump did the best thing by dodging it.
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The US hasn't even dealt with bird flu, the imminent crop failures, AI, the Houthis, or Iran yet.

Quit your jobs and start enjoying life. It's fucking over.
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Thanks bro, I need this hopium.
He's going to give them green cards. Trump is based like that.
Fpbp and thispilled
dodging the question is the name of the game in 'debates'
He dodged nearly every question because he would get caught up in his own lies if he answered them.
That guy literally looks like he's retarded
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No shit anon
>expecting Chump to do anything for a non-jew (I’m presuming) like you
They opened up detention camps on the border, jailed the kids in them from infants all the way to late teens, and deported the adults. Family separation was extremely effective, people stopped flooding the border, that's what you have to do short of death.

The child rape by DEA contractors was just a bonus
This desu
Lol you're going to be the punching-bad of a Christo-judiac fascism because you're a stupid brown monkey
At least I won't be the only one who suffers
I didn’t watch it since I was at the gym, but with all the back and forth in posts, which is true? Will he actually deport them, or is it just fluff that congress will block again to keep wages down?
and this was going to be a subplot in Deus Ex that they cut because it seemed too ridiculous.
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Unless you’re a significant member of the jew cabal, the jew rat king, if you would

He attempted with building up a better ICE.

However, a stimulus bill was passed which made it so catch-and-release would be more prevalent. (They sneak this shit all the time in, and the senate/house only have a few hours to read thousands of pages).

So if they catch someone, they'll likely have to release.

Also in the same bill, was that if the person was supporting another in the country, whom is legal and no matter what age and if is family, then they could stay.

So it didn't really matter at the end of the day.G2N
He literally cannot do that. There is 0 chance. It would cost so much money, would be immediately ruled unconstitutional, would be WILDLY politically unpopular with his billionaire buddies and his jewish handlers, etc.
Since he's the presumptive candidate, let's hope this is the usual move to the center to appear less scary to undecideds.
Well you see, the plan is to replace the pesky White Americans who are entitled and uppity with TRUE AMERICANStm who will take a 13% annual interest rate on their home loans or enjoy the fruits of UBI in a nigger-cattle surveillance state
The problem is the Congress has to work on this to, and you know what those faggots are like. I'd go to bat for Trump anyday, but faggot republicans? I can't pretend to have confidence.

What move to the center? People on the center and the right are in alignment on the immigrant issue.
He literally can do that
There’s a 1% chance
It would not be unconstitutional to send people back across the border
The logistical issue is we have no fucking idea where to send them since we don’t know where they come from
If we just put them in Mexico, they’ll hop the fence again
Yeah I'm not voting for him. Not gonna deport the illegals. Gonna kill the palestinians for Israel.
Sorry, he's a shitty option and a cope
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TRUMP 2024
You know how fucking popular it would be? He's supposed to be a populist
We literally already have it with the mexicans who stayed after the mexican american war and mexicans who immigranted to the USA LEGALLY.

Fuck illegal immigrants.
Trump cucks on immigration, as per usual so his family isn't assassinated by cartels
He was elected in 2016 based on that pledge you dishonest jew.
he only had 4 years please understand
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Okay, that was fun. Now, time for summer 2024 and complete fucking chaos
Biden is legend.
Trump is faggot.
Liberals could of ended trump by allowing him a second term, however, in their ignorance, hubris, and insanity, planted a senile puppet whose gang has made shit worse.
Now trump can potentially do two more terms.
>we want more immigration but *legally*
>take the guns first - due process later
how is this faggot a serious contender
>entire world shuts down for the flu
>SEE he did something about the beaners!
disingenuous faggot
Because the other guy wants more immigration (illegal) and no guns at all (assault rifle ban).
Can you explain what Biden has done to make you say that?
He did, stop having the memory of a goldfish.
Why can’t we do what Qatar does and keep all the spics in their own settlements and just bus them in to do that stuff during the day? Then the fuck off to their own country once they get old
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Your undocumented inlaws will be sent back and you will cry bitch
I side with you believe me, but leftists being emotionally driven would probably go to war in a civil war type of sense against mass deportations. Leftists are batshit crazy but they are willing to put their life on the line for their batshit craziness.
Still voting Trump over Biden, you fagots make posts like that acting like we have anything to lose or gain from this election at all. It's bullshit.
>if they get deported
Ok we'll just kill them instead
because politicians on both sides don't want to fix the border crisis they just wanted it round so they could bitch about it and say it was their opponent's fault.
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Trump lost.
>Mass deportation is literally the only reason I'm voting for this faggot. He dodged the question entirely.
Take a guy that dodges the question over one that absolutely will not deport anyone.
Both would be on their second term, so Trump has nothing to lose by deporting, Biden has nothing to lose by promising to deport and not doing it.
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This dumbfuck ran an entire campaign on false promises and hype and did nothing but line his own pockets, consistently compromise national security, and shove a bunch of evangelicals who were kissing his ass on us because he was too lazy to curate people himself and the republicans are just using him as a rubber stamp for their theocracy dreams. He didn't even lock her up, that's literally the only thing half his base wanted.

We're absolutely fucked. This orange fuck is gonna win again. America is that retarded. The centrists that vote based on how alive the person looks instead of literally anything that matters will decide this. And he'll probably end up running his first year or two from prison.
Just disappointing to see the issue avoided even though it has pretty high support right now. Why not embrace it now and enhance its credibility in the public mind?
Jews never gave him the money he needed for it. we only got a fence, remember?
His policies appeal to the conservative and moderates, despite his actions
>, consistently compromise national security
When and where you lying fuck

Shills or braindamaged faggots, impossible to tell. That goes for your entire post.
We were deporting the criminal illegal aliens under Trump. That is the first step.
Biden actually stopped that his first week in office.
Just recently or at the time?

Actually he's got a whole page on this shit. Way more than just the documents being handled poorly. There's plenty of evidence of him blabbing secrets to whoever will listen and actively going back to mar a lago to hide top secret documents he wanted to keep longer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_disclosures_of_classified_information
damn seems ice missed one
Biden was so suave and cool for the whole debate, Trump just can't compete with that kind of rizz.
That's your argument? Really faggot. Not any of his actual international policy. Just rifting off of a FBI raid where they admitted to tampering with the documents before submitting to evidence. Come the fuck on. You are going to point to the most obvious political hitjob that everyone can see plain as day.
Actually he was building the wall (with several judges trying to stop him) and changed the "refugee" process to remaining in Mexico during adjudication. This caused the numbers to go down dramatically.
Maybe you weren't paying attention?
Pretty much the opposite of what you said.
What limits Trump are injunctions from federal judges and low-testosterone Republicans.
Which reminds me - have you had your testosterone checked?
>Not any of his actual international policy.
Nationalism itself is a non starter, but I digress.

Do you REALLY not see an issue about him giving out secrets to russians? Like he literally did that. It's documented. Remember this? https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/09/politics/russia-us-spy-extracted/index.html

The CIA got so spooked at what he said they extracted one of their top spies. Is that not a fucking national security blunder?
The only thing standing in his way is a stupid and lethargic public.
lol fucking redditniggers i swear
You sound pretty low IQ. Did you vote for Hillary?
Bro, linking CNN and referencing CIA is not going to convince anyone. Just quit now instead of emberassing yourself further. This entire story is baseless speculation going off the panic that Trump would EVER EVER consider that maybe working with Russians in mutual interest MUST be wrong. Fuck outa here.

Not my problem you're literally retarded and think hiding behind jew posting is a good cover for your retardation. There is a literal fucking barier.
>Dismissal of topics because they inconvenience your worldview
Okay homie
suck my dick kike and/or kikepawn
>and i still voted for him in 2016 to watch niggers flip cars and burn shit down
Trump personally would not be able to "lock up" Hillary, it was a chant at his rallues to acknowledge her constant fishy behavior. That would be up to the Justice Department.
I guess you missed the part where the head of the FBI exonerated her for mishandling classified information.
Obama Judges
It improves by voting out the elites who push Replacement migration, forever wars, etc.
He doesnt have a magic button that can miraculously remove 100 million illegal aliens, if he did that button would have been pushed long ago. His hands are tied but he will do whatever he can do. Thats alot better than welding the border gates open like the current group has done.
oh fuck wrong gay one i needed the sam hyde edit
kill yourself your meat is already fucking dead you just dont know it yet faggot
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Biden feel like a fever dream
Zion Don will do what's in Israel's best interest. He's made that clear. Deporting 0 people fits the bill.
>Why not embrace it now and enhance its credibility in the public mind?
He need the votes of the ones that need deporting. People have to see everything Trump does as overtures to the swing voters rather than the base.
The problem is the criteria.
I would say that any "refugee" who misses their court hearing immediately gets a court decision to remove.
The next question is "how" to find a refugee who has disappeared into the population.
You could tighten rules for employment and revoke work permits that Biden gave them.
Also you need to start putting the mayor's for Sanctuary Cities in jail and forcing police departments to bring in ICE in all cases involving obvious aliens.
It's a complicated process because Democrats have created Sanctuary Cities for at least 25 years and you have to reverse all those processes.
>believes Trump will deport
Damn you still falling for this? Republicans are the ones who want the spics here dummy.
Americans love illegal labor simply because it's cheap.
Americans need to start paying a fair wage for labor that involves native born.
That's right Goy.
Don't vote!!!
Go home and pretend you are dead.
So when President Eisenhower conducted "Operation Wetback" to get rid of illegal Mexicans - he was a fascist?
You forget that he’s got people from all fronts coming at him, scrutinizing everything he does, tries to get him impeached, etc, etc. if anything has proof that nothing can get done. Show me a president recently who has
The easiest thing is deport any illegal convicted of a crime. The problem is, for 25 years the Democrats declared "sanctuary cities" where the police are not allowed to notify ICE if they suspect someone they arrest as being illegal.
Sure. Why not?
it'd be easier to do it at the state level
What are you gonna do about faggot, Try to kill us? you'll get shot dead first attempt.

Don't you have other options. I have seen a third old man talking less shit.
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I guess you fantasize about gay blowjobs?
kek that's only how it works under Socialism. Under Fascism, we all team up against you.
Yeah obviously he was never going to do it. You should have learned that last time.
Fuck you cock sucker, traitors get the bullet first, ask anyone irl
Trump got rid of DEI within the federal government.
Biden brought it back.
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>Trump got rid of DEI within the federal government.
lmao no he didn't
Trump worships niggers
The Executive Office is not the king of the country, for better or worse.

...and it turns out that NARA sent those pallets to him.

NARA put the documents in pallets of personal effects. Then demanded that Trump come get his stuff. Then once this poison pill was in his custody they tipped the FBI off that there are classified documents inside.

It was always a setup so dumb shits like you would think it's the same as Joe Biden taking classified documents home as Senator and VP that don't entitle him to declassification and storing them in unsecured places across various properties.
>Pilpul Tactic
criminal uncivilized inhuman breed. All those times you made jokes im sure about our country, waving some other flag around, no respect for our customs, no honor. They deserve it

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