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...it's almost like it was designed to be the worst possible form of government.
no that honour goes to MMP like Germany and NZ have
more like it was corrupted to the core
I do not think you are interpreting my words the way I intended
>Designed to be great
>was then corrupted into the worst possible thing that even strawmen are better
>how could a government structured in such a way that there is no centralized power be infiltrated and corrupted from within so severely that no one man could ever wield the power to change it... become corrupted to the very core?
It was too naive, depending upon people being educated and having the nation's best interests at heart.
You stupid fucking faggots. What form of government do you twinkle toed commie cocksuckers endorse?
na, you just started letting the shitskins and jews in.
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Timocracy with modern feudalism.
>It was too naive, depending upon people being educated and having the nation's best interests at heart.
George Washington understood exactly the precarious nature of such a government and tried to warn the future generations about it.
It was a risk.
Found the retard.
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I don't think they were ever real like people and likely something pulled out of a jews ass ala Walt Disney.
Timocracy is not a form of government, it's a philosophy.

Give me an example of a Dictatorship/Kingdom/Theocracy that the American States should model themselves after.

you weren't supposed to let catholics in
Wow, I thought the other guy was a fucking cretin.
True, but in turn he inadvertently laid the groundwork down for the federal overreach that has royally fucked us in the long run.
It's a shame how all of this has turned out.
Chat is this world cooked?
He wasn't a Jew, but you are a dumb motherfucker.
Then move, retard.
This. Did you think Jefferson was lying when he said the tree of liberty needed to be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants? Freedom is a constant battle every generation must fight. Also, you can blame FDR and the SCOTUS for expanding the powers/scope of the executive branch.
It only made some sense for a country that needed to be technically united but was so big that people literally had to govern themselves. At the federal level it was always mega-garbage, but mass-media made the constitution entirely obsolete.

I just wonder what the U.S. would've been like under some autocrat or Emperor who didn't have the meekness and stagnancy that ruined America.
Every system beyond primal warlordism started off as some form of philosophy. >>472400659
Cry me a river, i value survival and endurance far more than comfort and convenience.
You should lose all rights for having a take this braindead.
Never judge a philosophy by its abuse.
Fuck your gay ass platitudes. When great ideas on paper turn to shit in application, they need to be thrown out. We cant afford to have our paradigm go extinct for the sake of idealistic faggots.
It worked pretty well when the country was 90% white.
Our government was not setup to be abused by jews and niggers, the people in charge should have some morals and they don’t.
Posting in an ebin feuntard thread
Then by that standard we need to throw out all ideas. Everything goes to shit, the trick is how well it resists shit and adapts to new shit compared to how every other idea.
That was never.
Nah, it went to shit pretty soon. "A disease of the public mind" by thomas flemming outlines how fucked this system was from the start.
Shut up kike.
Yes, a lot of ideas need to be thrown and their advocates need to be liquidated.
That's why i support feudalism and autocracy.
Confirmed, cooked and prison
I fucking hate the constitution. This country won’t get better until people realize that our government is inherently liberal and designed to fuck is over. There’s nothing conservative about allowing people to engage in whatever degeneracy they want, so long as they’re the majority opinion.
It was made for ANGLO SAXON PROTESTANTS, and maybe some other North Europeans/Germans. Not you ellis island catholic shitters and so forth.
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No, it is simply ripening up to make way for true beauty.
It’s almost like they were all freemasons.
They only thing they are guilty of is not foreseeing that in the future Congress might get lazy and delegate authority to entities like Federal Agencies.
Puritans were part of the nail in America's coffin. Their elite holier than thou mindset fucked this country.
I hate them on a level that Id take a million krauts or retarded potato niggers over a single puritan any day of the week.

>t. Cavalier Southryn Bvll
The constitutional protections were circumvented, and extra-governmental, extra-constitutional agencies became de facto leaders
>Don't tax my tea
>taxs his peoples whiskey instead
it was, by their own admission, made for white Christians. It is no coincidence that the decline of the US and the decrease of the white majority is practically a straight line
These are literal unironic traitors. Treachery begets treachery. Don't start crying now.
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the checks and balances they didn't account for was it needs a moral and educated society, but both of those metrics have failed because cultural subversion is the perfect counter.
You people are insufferable. Tracing our problems back to the 17th century is a privilege that should only be allowed to the very wise. Anyone claiming that 21st century America is a Calvinist state should be institutionalized.
No, it was the best form. Then they erased the part about voting rights belonging to white men only.
It was literally gigabased until we didn't intervene in Russia in 1919, WW1 was a mistake, we were supposed to be fighting in Asia for white Russia if we had any sense
>...it's almost like it was designed to be the worst possible form of government.

Correct. It was always meant to be a tangled mess, making it difficult for the corrupt to capture the nation.
>it's almost like it was designed to be the worst possible form of government.
No one follows the constitution.
Good grief, biden's gibbering again...
Bunch of merchants were mad about the british tea trade, that started our form of gov.

Which totally explains why our gov does nothing for regular people, only business interest. It's our form of gov.
Fuck off. They designed a government better than any other, put in as many safeguards as they could and let it roll. I'm sure they knew it wouldn't last, but they did the best they could.
Tell me you know nothing without saying you know nothing.
The people were given every single tool they needed to stomp out the corruption. They traded those tools for shekels and comfort. Dont blame the system of government for a weak gullible people.
It was fine until Jews started adding amendments.
>sucking off authorities
you're a traitor to the species
They never anticipated we’d let niggers and women vote. That’s their biggest mistake
You should respect civilians and not rat them.
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I never claimed such you facetious cunt. Now we are in a secularist profressive society that is a direct result of Puritan cancer.
You actual fucking retard lmao, they thought the people (goys) were too stupid for self rule so they intentionally limited the people’s influence
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>Import the 3rd world
>It becomes the 3rd world
Holy cope. Imagine living in this country and not understanding what the founding fathers want. This country has slowly been rotting since the introduction of the federal reserve. The problem is that the punishment for traitors is death yet the country is run by them. Every official including the president is bought by a foreign country.
In before the cope of
>hurr slavery
>hurr they fucked slaves
They did the best with what they could in their time. The U.S. went from a nation of strong minded patriotic men who wanted to be free of tyranny to being ran by tyrants. Bring back the guillotine and public hangings. Punish pedophiles and child trafficking with death and repel foreign invaders with death.
Tl;dr Fuck off shitskins we're full
>...it's almost like it was designed to be the worst possible form of government.
... except for all the other ones
If i would be a dictator i would do that but only to certain people.
The current system is so far removed from how it was designed to work that if the founders were resurrected, they would immediately start committing acts of violence against the government.
>""founding fathers"" rig the creation of the constitution by making sure all of the reasonable and intelligent American leaders at the time can't attend
>Mislead the public as to the powers and extent of the committee formed to ammend the articles of confederation, instead flagrantly overstep your authority and impose a government on people without any democratic process
>Literally board up the windows to prevent any spies, the one journalist who was there and took notes is never allowed to release his summary
>Proceed to squash any legitimate complaint or rebellion from that moment on while directly favoring (((big business))) for financial gain, marginalize and silence all of the real American founding fathers who dissent
>Original committee didn't even want a bill of rights and fought to keep it out of the constitution, had to be amended in later
George Washington was a fucking snake and so were all of his ball licker friends. Their entire idea of "liberty" was an exclusively upper class one that revolved around owning property, actual citizens and revolutionary war soldiers were completely fucked and left unpaid. Traitors from the very start ran this country. Don't look into fucking Hamilton's jewish roots either, he went to jewish schools as a child and it was a collection of jewish merchants that paid for his trip to the USA. The boston tea party was literally just an attempt at destroying his business competition under the guise of a revolutionary act, he was working with dutch pirates and wanted to influence the price of tea. Snakes and kike worshippers.

Freemasons, too, if you needed another reason to hate them, since freemasonry is just kabbalah for goyim and jews use it as a recruitment ground for low IQ whites willing to play ball if it means they can be in a sekrit club. America never stood a fucking chance.
>I didn't explicitly claim that, but I effectively claim it.
Genius post. The American people were extraordinarily great by and historical standard and there were a million chances to turn things around before the FDR coup in the 30s. Puritan rule would be an improvement in every way.
It was designed to become the perfect vehicle for corruption. Similar to the internet, started off as the ultimate freedom of information tool and then transformed into the ultimate vehicle of brainwashing kids.
What even is your argument anyway? That Puritans having high moral standards inevitably leads to sanctimonious behavior? Ridiculous, elaborate or fuck off.
Thank you
Now you are catching on
Still Voting Trump though, its not like this sham is going away so might as well vote for the keks
Voting is the only way out. The American Republic is an extraordinarily stable system.
>Representative democracy
>Peaceful transfer of power
>Give people the power to make real change in their country

What would you prefer exactly? Some kind of theocracy?
For tyrants, Yea.
Its designed that way checks and balances Masonic in nature and worthless
Despite all of the experience and knowledge you should have acquired by now, you speak like a callow youth. Systems that try too hard to avoid strongmen are the ones that make their rise inevitable. Being as static as the Venetian republic or as dysfunctional as the Roman is not something to boast about.
I am an unironic tradcath crusader LARPer and I can say with complete confidence that anyone using "Masonic" as a pejorative is a glownigger. The memeflag is just the cherry on top.
freedom diabeetus dog bress
America is done. I have to do whatever it takes to escape before the election.

Looking at Argentina right now, but are there any other countries that will survive America's collapse? Europe is out of the question, between the Muslims and Russia it is fucked. Likewise with Australia and the China situation.

~350k USD savings
Graduate degree in Material Science and Engineering from a very respected university
10 years in the field
The founding fathers did an exceptional job with the information they had at the time.
Two 80 year olds running for office would be bat shit insane to them, if there were historical examples of it I'm sure they would have put an age limit of 65 at max.
So long, spic.
They said women couldn’t vote. How hard was that to understand.
well you should be able to go wherever you goddamn like then, plenty of savings and a desirable degree

you could walk right into ireland but then you'd have to join the natives in actually fighting for your country since they're on the path to destruction too.
If there was anything the Founders were blindsided by it was simply underestimating the pace of change in the 19th century. People thought the west would take centuries to settle, if you would have told them women would vote in a matter of decades they'd be incredulous. The class of landed gentlemen Hamilton thought would rule (and thus keep America a thoroughly traditional society, despite all the liberal rhetoric) were sidelined faster than anyone could have imagined.
they got rid of the wigs and the "congrefs" f
This is actually true. The founding fathers were rich landowners and monopoly runners, the only ones around at that time.
The real redpill is that under the British the tea tax was actually lesser than what it was under American control, but a few American industry owners wanted control solely for their own sake. They never gave a fuck about the people until they needed soldiers, and modeled much of the government off of the British economic serfdom they escaped from. This time, they were the rich ones.
It's designed to limit the power of government as much as possible. It's not supposed to be efficient. Political gridlock is by design. But humans want to be ruled by authoritarians so gradually it's breaking down.
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What the fuck are you talking about?
It was fine when the country was mostly white protestant farmers, they had no way of anticipating the rise of mega corporations or cities, housing millions of shitskins
Timmyocracy? I'ma bout to take over yo shit yt boi.
It’s ideal when limited to land owning white men.
No it wouldnt, puritan altruism was what spearheaded every bit of prpgressuve cancer that has steadily eroded and transformed this nation into the degenerate cesspit it is today. Emanicaption, industrialization, equality, suffrage, federal overreach, and even the eventual embrace of radical secularism all directly stims from Puritan ideals and their movements.
Yes, Puritan elitists with grand ideas for situations they have no experience in combined with their self righteous impulse to force their ill founded ideals on the rest of us has royally fucked this nation. Theyre absolute scum and the predecessors of the modern day urban elitists that are killing the west today.
a monarchy basically is that, you’re just a retard who doesn’t understand how it works
Timmyocracy is when you have a government that is always open to hostile takeover by blacks
Should’ve had it down in writing. Same with racial rules.
They should be the Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Northern European Paganism parties instead
The Founding Fathers did not have to deal with female voters, nigger voters, and spic voters
Or deal with uneducated cattle being allowed to vote either. Any democratically based system goes to shit when your population lacks education and interest in the collective wellfare of their society.
Pleb, I don't about boomer corn farmers voting for the zionist who gives them the most subsidies. It was made to basically be a dictatorship, with a dictator who would get shot if he fucked around. It's amazing how far it has been warped
MMP is based, with Winnie we have so much shit like a proper covid enquiry. If we had Americas system it would be only Labour vs National and anyone who doesn't love immigrants can fuck off
How many of the founding fathers got a student loan for a good goy degree?
They said not to have a 2 party system THOUGH
To some people, freedom means the freedom to con people.
You're in the same population that lacks education.
You think you're part of it but you ain't
That's not what I meant you faceitous cocksucker.
Landowners (most of which were educated) were the primary voters in this nation early on. Now that we've let every fuckhead that can fog a mirror vote we've gotten to the miserable state we currently enjoy. Including a state that allows an education system as fucked as ours is, to thrive and continue to corrupt of society.
as a kakistocrat, i am happily agreeing with you.
Blow me faggot, im no phd holder yet I am confidently more informed on current affairs and historical precdents than 99% of the fat retards in this country.
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sonotori da!
The federal government should be reduced to its base responsibilities and nothing more.
We have a federal government that has amassed too much power. States rights should take precedent to federal government laws and federal government should only be able to make laws sparingly.
We're in this mess today because "anti-authoritarianism" became the ruling ideology after WWII which included a rejection of all metaphysics and morality. The Puritans were the precise opposite of what we have now, you're a moron. The system we have now is your best friend.
That’s when the government needs to step in which it has done historically.
Laissez-faire and invisible hand aren’t the answer, but neither is over regulation.
Men do not live forever. They did the best they could with the tools they had with their limited time on Earth. It is your fault for not being responsible and upholding their legacy to a higher standard.
It sounds like that's what you meant. Landowners means your dad had land. If you really want to vet people something like the test required for citizenship would make more sense. Maybe doing a short course in the history, ethics and challenges of the USA, just making an effort.

You guys ever notice how once yids get involved in something, people start to blame *the thing* and not the funny hats?

jews defile everything they touch.
That's the most retarded shit ive read all day. The Puritans empowering the federal government to grossly overstep their bound and become the moral arbiter of this nation is what fucked us and opened the door for the miserable state we endure today.
This didnt spontaneously spawn in the wake of ww2, this march has been underway for a long time.
Universal suffrage was a mistake.
The people who pay next to nothing in federal taxes should have no say in budget items.
You're retarded cattle and thats what the 0.1% would see you as
>The real redpill is that under the British the tea tax was actually lesser than what it was under American control, but a few American industry owners wanted control solely for their own sake.
Wow, look, an actual drooling imbecile who hasn't read a single book and is completely ignorant of the most obvious yet important facts in his country's history: that Independence was fought for to pave the way for American expansion.
>That's the most retarded shit ive read all day
That's because you're a fuentard and you don't do any reading. All I did was describe what all major figures of the 20th century explicitly stated their ideology was, and it was only possible because of the FDR coup. Of course you can trace any event back centuries, but that was the tipping point to bring us to where we are now.
>The Puritans empowering the federal government
What the hell are you talking about? Do you think Hamilton, Lincoln, and FDR were Calvinists?
>They said not to have a 2 party system THOUGH
It was never meant to entertain Parties. That's the primary problem.
The Anti-Federalists were right about LITERALLY everything. But of course Hamilton's (((Federalism))) won. America, as the founders intended it to be, unironically died in 1788/1789. We have been some jew slave colony ever since.
only landowners were allowed to vote in the USAs early days the founders could have never foreseen that a woman or a nigger would would be given voting rights. the idea of something so insane ever being proposed would have been laughed at.
And it's interesting how people naturally think of it as just Biden vs Trump instead of the reality of 2 enormous self-serving parties
when it was a Constitutional Republic, it worked for The People.
Now that its a socialized corporatist tyrannical police state, it sucks ass and only works for kikes.
Manifest destiny is what makes this continent so great and yet people seethe at the fact we control all of North America because of their identity politics feel threatened?

Nothing can stop CUM as long as we all work together. Panama canal. The great worm wall eradicating screw worm North of Panama.

I want a president that unifies our 3 regions together for supremacy.

Turn Mexico into the real deep south.
Roman Republic Larp and you all fell for it.
The founding fathers themselves were trying to throw off the supposed yoke of the British monarchy to replace it with government by a landed aristocracy. They then got themselves cast by the wayside when that landed aristocracy of Washington and Jefferson etc was replaced by the middle classes of Lincoln after the destruction of the old south in the American civil war. They themselves were chucked in the trash after FDR implemented communism for the workers in his new deal less than a century later. And now finally you’ve all been binned after the J’s took control of your country in the 60s culminating in the assassination of JFK and the 1965 race act. You are now governed by Moshe or his stooge Shaniqua and before long you will be governed by literal computers on an algorithm.

All true authority descends from God through Christ and the Holy Catholic Church via Peter’s successor who is the Pope. The only stable society is one where the monarch reigns in a sort of symbiotic relationship with the Pope, who himself - unlike all Pope’s since Vatican 2 which was itself caused by the Masonic influences of the French and American Revolution - should obey true doctrine and uphold the faith.

Essentially the American experiment was always doomed to fail. You threw off your King. Then you slaughtered your aristocrats. Then you sold out your middle class betters. Finally you stopped even bothering with the working class. You now exist soley as a vessel of Satan in implementing global communism and the destruction of the white race. This is the nature of things when you abandon God and instead worship liberty.

For reference, England is just as bad, although the British empire was obviously in every single regard infinitely superior to the American empire we have now, which is so gay it would make even the most degenerate faggot of Roman Emperors blush.
It was too optimistic.
>only landowners were allowed to vote in the USAs early days the founders could have never foreseen that a woman or a nigger would would be given voting rights.

and changing that was the beginning of the end for the USA
I want a "President" who uses Mexico as a dumping group for all the swarthy filth inhabiting this fine country.
The government of today is nothing like the government the founders outlined.
Allowing women the vote killed our constitutional republic. Women’s suffrage in 1920 turned us into a democracy overnight. We ceased being a republic in practice while men became ruled by their natural inferiors using a ballot box. It was worse than a communist revolution from men’s perspective.
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I'm not OP but your just naive. As a Christian you should honestly know by now that America was created to be the Modern Day Babylon and that the agents instructed to bring about that design were the freemasons whether they were aware of that fact or not with the likelihood being latter. I mean for crying out loud our capitol's layout is perfectly in the shape of a broken pentagram from aerial view. Like how obvious and in your face do they need to make it for you to understand do they need spell out Satan in the sky?
Puritanism itself is innately linked to capitalism. See Weber on the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. Capitalism being fundamentally Jewish in nature and repugnant to the flourishing of the higher types of human spirit. Good post btw, I would respond in more detail but I just wrote a long post above this one
Retarded racial caste based shit is why poojets are the way they are.
You clearly have a very impressionable mind and are easily impressed by 80IQ conspiratorial information, much more so than reading anything of substance. I have no doubt the Founders may have been demonically influenced, as we all are, but unfortunately if you disagree with my arguments you will have to actually confront them instead of conjuring up mind-numbingly stupid posts like this.
Any state based on the notion of “liberty” as its founding principal will eventually have universal suffrage as an inevitability. The fact that the founding fathers couldn’t see that is by definition retarded. By what argument could “liberty” be denied to the great mass of the population when it was “a truth held to be self evident, that all mean are created equal…etc”
You are aware that you will be deported, yes? There will be no racial caste system in America, obviously, so I have no clue why you're bringing this up. I just want you back where you belong, so that America can belong to Americans, or "white people" as you call us.
I'm white, and you should kill yourself. No the Jews aren't why you're not successful. You're a lazy piece of shit whod rather bitch about the Jews than get a foot up.
And you guys pushed it in every place of the world, my country included.
That would be epic, for sure.
I mean, they faked the moon landings.
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Yes it was literally designed by satanic Masons to cement sodomy child killing and filth it didn't become this way through degenerating it was always meant to be this way
It was great until Jews ruined it
A kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.
The word is derived from two Greek words, kakistos (worst) and kratos (rule), with a literal meaning of government by the worst people.
You're making it way too obvious who you are when you make multiple posts like this in one thread. AF is a sad joke.
>Jews ruined it
New england ruined it
They expected Americans would update the constitution regularly and evolve the government as time went on. They never anticipated America would refuse to update the constitution at all then wonder why everything is going to shit. Thomas Jefferson explicitly said to throw the constitution out every 19 years and rewrite it, so it never gets out of date, but everyone ignores that probably because muh second amendment

>Every constitution then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right.
>Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
The country was subverted day 1 by financial interests and foreign investment
it was the best it just didn't last very long, 100-200 years aint bad though
the modern american government has almost nothing in common with the old one
Most of the issues with America would be solved if you regularly updated your system of government. Update FPTP to ranked choice or preferential would extend its life by 100 years alone. Get rid of the electoral college, which is ridiculously antiquated. Make voting a public holiday and run it on Saturdays. It's probably not saveable by now though
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>when freemasons found a country
we were created to be goylem for zog
khazarians infected it, they have with everything
>put a khazi in it and make it gay and lame
It was designed to create friction through the three branches. This keeps political sentiment from rapidly flipping absolutely everything from election to election causing massive instability.
the intended form of government was quite good, although fragile in the sense that it depended on a strong and freedom minded citizenry. this was true in the beginning, since everyone here literally valued their freedom over whatever their life was before. the problem is that most of the global population doesn't think this way, so as the u.s. began to normalize back to the global norm, they demanded big government, and things fell apart.

it's just like the internet. when 5-10% of the population was on the internet it was great, whereas at 90-100% it sucks.
>get rid of the electoral college
the US would instantly collapse
But in reality the Judicial branch is appointed by the other two. So it can't actually serve as a "check and balance".
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It was designed for the 13 colonies, not 50 states of mutts.
That's why the senate was supposed to be a bunch of appointed judges that maybe even served for like like the supreme court
The biggest problem with America is they never defined an aristocracy.
The aristocracy is a "natural role" that exists in society. If the nation doesn't provide one, other entities will fill that void.
In America's case that is business interests, financial interests, foreign interests. Those people spend a lot of money in elections, and can get what they want out of the system, but not one of them cares about the people of the nation. In fact the people are treated sort of as disposable economic entities, able to be traded out and replaced if need be. It's not a real "nation" it's more like a bidding war for the right to profit off this particular group of workers, who have no identity of their own.
nigger there's an aristocracy and they won the civil war
Yeah but it is appointed rarely, comparable to a monarchy or aristocracy. You can't just rip out justices and appoint new ones every election.
America's constitutional republic system is extremely good at maintaining stability. It was designed to allow for democracy while avoiding many of its flaws.

That being said, the idea that only congress can put bills forward to the senate, and not the public, now that the internet exists, seems outdated. I would trust the public to put forward bills online in semiannual periods more so than I would trust the house of reps to not promote their own aristocratic interests. Thomas Hobbes made a point of arguing that representative democracy is just aristocracy with extra steps.
it's anti democracy designed by a bunch of slave owners desu

not surprising it devolves into unlimited corporate donations and two party
The WASP coalition was a ruthless business elite, it wasn't like the European nobility.
The reason an Aristocracy is better is simply because they give a damn about the people, since their power and influence derives directly from the nation. They grew up with those people, identify with them.
But what we have now is a group of jews, saudi royals, banking and business interests, who give 0 fucks about the people, ruling the country for their own interests. American are not even a "people" they're just consumers that can be fattened up for profit, who gives a fuck about them anyway.
but the appointments are for life. so the judges arent beholden
>You can't just rip out justices and appoint new ones every election.
a better system would have the judges choosing their own replacements, which can be only overturned by a huge supermajority of the senate.
their intention was solid it was just steadily corrupted over time and the constitution wasn't nearly as explicit and absolute as it needed to be
humans are unfit to govern themselves so the government needs to be as lethargic as possible while guaranteeing citizens basic rights that neither their representatives, the courts, nor their neighbors can take away from them(not even democratically)
the decay really accelerated once congress started delegating authority to unelected agencies to bypass its own inertia
Thomas Jefferson saw all this coming in 1789 which is why he wanted the 19 year rule

> It might be indeed if every form of government were so perfectly contrived that the will of the majority could always be obtained fairly and without impediment. But this is true of no form. The people cannot assemble themselves. Their representation is unequal and vicious. Various checks are opposed to every legislative proposition. Factions get possession of the public councils. Bribery corrupts them. Personal interests lead them astray from the general interests of their constituents: and other impediments arise so as to prove to every practical man that a law of limited duration is much more manageable than one which needs a repeal.
The founding fathers were a product of their time and correct for their time. Times changes, and the needs and wants of people change too.
Well then the public would be left out democratically. You would have to hope that the supreme court doesn't just become an aristocracy ruled by internal special interests, favors, corruption, etc.
The founders literally said we don't know what the future holds, don't deify us, change the constitution radically if needed, and nobody listened. I'm trying to find the original quote now. It's funny how people did the exact opposite of what they asked for
>give a damn about the people
Jefferson foresaw a party based on illegal immigration to ethnically replace the other party as a political strategy?
>and the Holy Catholic Church via Peter’s successor who is the Pope.
stopped reading right there
If it's not hereditary, sure.
You see it all the time on the local level, how certain community members rise to prominence and leadership within the community. That's the process right there.
aristocrats are instantly bought off, this was actually Hamilton's plan with the central bank and treasury.
>All true authority descends from God through Christ
Stopped reading right there
sure. In Jefferson's time the big hullaballoo was over German immigration.
Large swaths of America were being populated by Germans, who didn't speak English. Ben Franklin wanted it all shut down so he could have a pure Anglo-Saxon continent. Jefferson was suggesting ideas such as breaking up the ethnic German enclaves so they would be forced to learn the host language and assimilate. Eventually they took Franklin's advice and shut down German immigration in large numbers for the next 100 years or so. Although there are still German-speaking communities that lasted all the way until WW2
Lmao that makes two of us>>472424282
But that's just the thing, they aren't. Aristocracy is one of the biggest troubles the jews had with the European system, because they were unable to move into it since it was based mostly around bloodlines. They had no path to power.
In a democratic system, they just buy the elections, they literally just rule the system. Since they have the money of course. That's why they're hellbent on exporting "democracy" to places like Iran, because that's just a code word for "jewish rule"
....except for all the others
did anybody maybe, think about not letting them in?
The US was founded as a country for immigrants. 12 million migrants came through Ellis Island

>Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
The reason the journey through Ellis Island is so storied and so publicized is because jews were the ones coming in. In fact that quote on the Statue of Liberty was written by a jew.
I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt with God and Jesus but the catholic church? what a faggot
But also gave them the right to own guns? The greatest of all equalizers?
>It's funny how people did the exact opposite of what they asked for
literally everything Washington warned of in his farewell speech has come to pass
>The US was founded as a country for immigrants

There's no record of any of the irish and wops (and germs) in the US coming here legally. In actuality, from the limited research I've done into it it seems like it was a scheme to collect a percentage of the fares from the captains that dumped them on the docks
The only reason the country is as successful as it is, is because of those Germans and Irish
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The problem with that?

There are two points on the graph.
Point 1) The point of firearm ownership at which self defense is maximized against harm.
Point 2) The point of firearm ownership at which the public is defended against the government.

The problem is, these are not the same point.
The amount of gun ownership you'd need to match the ever-escalating power of the government, these days, would be crazy.
Pic related.
Basically you're trying to push the "gun window" over to the "freedom point" and it's obviously politically impossible. Not to mention rationally impossible

The solution? Divide the tasks.
Point 1 is achieved through personal firearm ownership.
Point 2 *should be* achieved through the milita. An organized, disicipled body of community members. They store weapons under tight lock and key. Because they are well regulated, they can be afforded the opportunity to possess a much higher caliber of weaponry. They're also highly organized and trained men who are actually useful in combat.

The government has done everything in their power to suppress your right to participate in a militia, but your right to own a firearm is well defended. Consider that.
Meanwhile conservatives continue to attempt the impossible task of dragging the *gun window* to the *freedom point* and making asses of themselves.
They brought the Irish in to feed the northern factories and win the Civil War for the union. Basically slave labor.
The Italians were being brought in later, with the jews, but that immigration was ended by the 1924 act that the jews still rant and rave about today.
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It worked really well until we turned from God.
Ah yes the micks, the worthless slaves to the aristocrats that dug useless canals and slapped together railroads at a premium that fell apart in a year that then returned to the inner cities and created the first gangs in US history. The ones that probably arrived in the US illegally
I was speaking more on the point of the founding fathers. That said, I do slightly disagree with you.
There are more civies than there are militants. Sorry I can't find the old pasta, but to paraphrase it 'Tanks cannot go door to door. F15s cannot break up civilian meetings. Drone controllers have families and addresses.'
We are as armed as we need to be to bring about change if we chose to. That's why the government and media are so hell bent on bringing about changes and damning those that are armed.
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>The US was founded as a country for European immigrants
Oh. It seems that I wasn't as awake as I thought I was.
the founding fathers probably expected americans to continue to fight corruption and tyranny with violence instead of cucking to it and sucking its dick immediately. oh boy were they wrong lmao.
"British-jew actors are in control"
-William Cavendish
All the original migrants were white dumbass
People from Tottenham control the world
Yes and anyone interested in this subject should read what the anti-federalists wrote
Okay OP... what government lasted longer???

Roman kingdom lasted 250 years
Roman republic lasted 700 years
Roman empire lasted 470 years

American republic (modeled after Rome) has lasted 260 years... so whose model is better???
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>I'm superior on account of my epidermis so let's bring slavery back
>I can be one of the ruling elite owning other human beings
Kiss my ass, psychotic turd. """People""" like you should be burned alive.
There is no perfect form of government, It should have always been God as our King, ruling from on high. All others fall due to the wickedness of man. There is no governmental structure with the ability to counter human wickedness.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
-John Adams
I was looking forward to your thoughts friendo.
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>germany forms, overthrows the monarchy, overthrows the republic, overthrows the totalitarian regime within 140 years
>france goes through 5 constitutions because they keep giving their gay president too much power
>half of europe gets overthrown by commie revolutionaries and the other half to fascism
>meanwhile the US is rocking the original government and turns into the strongest nation in human history
the evidence speaks for itself
gub gub retard take. democracy is the worst form imaginable, specifically when every retard, like yourself, is allowed to vote. mmp is one of the better solutions to the problem. local representatives make everything worse, but any form of proportional representation solves most of the problems democracy and republics have
>a party just gets exactly as many seats as they get votes
wow how horrible

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