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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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i dont care if its throwing away my vote at this point
fuck zion don fuck biden fuck niggers fuck jannies and fuck you
He is also a cuck for Israel.
we dont really have an option in that department sadly.
at least hes anti blackrock
>Won't even name the people who killed his family
Cucked and no refunds vaxx nigger
hasnt he literally said the cia killed jfk
>voting for what you believe in
Once I heard this lie as a kid I knew it was all fake and gay
> My Israeli cuck is best Israeli

But Biden said he would end our fentanyl debt and I believe him.
Most modern Israelis are white passing. That is all the matters to me
When it comes to zionist and goyim.. it's the lesser of evils.
Because the jewish cabal have pr*ts by the balls. All pr*ts bow to their sheisty masters. The pr*t god isn't the man above, it's the k*ke rubbing his shekels together.
He thinks chemicals makes people transgender and wants to put forth official scientific investigation into the causes of it, which makes me, as a tranny, honestly feel he has the most sane position on the issue.
in all seriousness, why isnt rfk the /pol/ meme vote like ron paul was?
is it just because all the election boomers that showed up in 2016 never left?
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Biden Niggers Tongue My Anus RFK 24
Dead internet. Nobody real is left, just astroturfers. If you ain't for RFK, you ain't a real /pol/tard.
He is
>He thinks chemicals makes people transgender
Is that not how it works? Weren't trannies complaining about not having access to their chemicals?
Rfk for fucking president
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He's a negrophilic Zionist libtard but you guys love him because uhh...??
Im liking his responses on his debate, i dont agree with everything he has to say but he's clearly the most in touch with reality.
So who's the lesser evil?
the only thing i dont agree with him on is the gun thing (that he wouldnt get passed if he was elected anyway)
Based shill
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He is the best choice for America, he at least acknowledges the housing issue, and big companies buying up and renting out all the fucking houses and land. I'd still take Trump over Biden any given day, life was good when Trump was President.
only thing i know about this guy is he's fucking larry david's tv wife.
ron paul was a once in a century politician.
what the fuck he just said he was going to stop the surveillance state
hes never said it that bluntly before right?
not pharma tho
One of the biggest complaints I see about him is that he "believes in crazy conspiracies". Well no shit the CIA offed half the men in his family.
Been voting third party since 2012. Welcome
This is the answer fuck both of them RFK all the way
no fuck you bud
fuck you riht in ur butt
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Big dick energy
The only way to throw away your vote is to vote for someone just because you think they're going to win anyways
Kidding me?
Fucker said mean things!!
>cucks for jews and cia
wow such a maverick!
Sure but they will never let Wet Dreams Jr. in since he dared to be critical of the Trump vax. Americans just don't have that love honesty and truth and only care about what is trendy at the moment rather than what is true. Fuck America and American swine.
The only thing keeping me from voting RFK is his abortion stance. 100% legal abortions up to BIRTH is not a morally defensible position. Honestly it just shows you that RFK is controlled opposition for Trump; the abortion stance means no MAGA will vote for him.
Everyone he is against is Jew HQ:
big pharma
the CIA
bill gates

and utilizing covid as a plan to instigate totalitarian censorship

He may say nice things about Jews but who doesn't. Either he hasn't connected 100% of the dots yet (but he will) or he has but he can't say it for obvious reasons.
he's a kikeservant too, he gets the rope too, i am done with this nigger bullshit, all kikes and kikeservants are dead niggers walking
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Based and have a bump also fuck jannies
I am imagine Dems are going to run their outsider now. Since he's independently running, they will likely make it official.
>VP is a google whore
>pro israel
>pro deep state
outside of vaccine shit why should we care about this clown again?
I remember him sounding like a heavy smoker during Rogan but I'm watching his "debate" thing now and he sounds like a total faggot. What happened?
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>RFK Jr had an outside chance before he stumped for satan

America was great country, but it have a problem: social, economic and
It's not just a meme that the CIA is on this website, they are. All the time, every day. Because as autistic as you think these people are, this place is a "center of influence" and the smooth brained masses can be controlled with well-placed comments.

RFK reminds people that the US spends more money than anyone on journalism around the world, to control them. He reminds people of the activity of the CIA manipulating the minds of citizens, turning weapons which were designed to control foreign nations on the American people.

That's why he is a threat. That's why the CIA is here NOW, using comments to manipulate you.
Its pretty obvious those in high power positions didn't like the left hesitating on giving isreal support while the right is tripping over itself to suck hard on thier cock. Its a smart move by them to stop helping biden and let trump win to cause more division/conflict to make us easier to control as nation while ensuring full finical support. Hats off to them, everyone here will fall for it.
if it were up to me i would just have the us invade pakistan, fix the problem, force a two state solution with an open border, stop giving israel money, and set up a joint police state for a couple years
sos una gorda jaja
>ultraniggerfaggot bidencuck seethe thread
yeah, I can edge to this
RFK has my vote, god bless his voice sounds better than Joe now
Seems like a fascist. O'Mussolini.
Honestly not voting for him unless I start seeing him win big in blue states.

Maybe I am just old now, but I couldn't stomach another 4 years like the last 4.
You clearly haven't visited over there. Most of the soldiers don't look anything resembling white. Meanwhile most Palestinians are the white that the mutts on here dream they could be
How about we all find a candidate that ISN'T cucked by Israel? Fuck RFKvetchneddy, Zion Don, Genocide Joe
you cant get a write in vote big enough
t. poor
I can't get past his fucked up voice and he's even more ZOGGEd than Trump or Biden
Leftists like Jill Stein or Cornel West are against zionism, mainstream rightwingers like Israel.
they also hate israel in the bad way.
>even more ZOGGEd than Trump or Biden

hes the only candidate I know of who is actively calling out pharma and blackrock.

hes also the only one who seems to focus on things that actually matter and affect working people. Everytime I have to hear about "muh abortion" or "muh gun rights" I wanna scream.
I voted Bernie and I'm voting RFK.
Let's be free from the bindings of holding entirely party-consistent beliefs
This, those people remind of the lifers in teh chair force that would guilt trip me for not wanting to stay in for 2 gorillian years and pledge my undying loyalty to them every shift. Just that flawed, "This is the way it is" half cocked philosophy.
I don't care I will never vote for another Zogger again no matter what the argument might be
RFK Jr and his vp are extremely pro-Zionist
everyone in the green party is cucked
What's our campaign slogan bros?

The remedy is Kennedy?
As long as it's not zionist enough to keep assassinating Iranians and almost starting WW3. I'm not looking to get drafted to some hot shithole for the explicit defense of kikes.
theres a difference in being pro israel and being pro israeli control over america
go back to slate with that dick energy of any kind.
Yeah the internet, and this website, have just changed. If we were in the same spot online we were in 2012 he'd be all over this place.
>there's a difference between being pro-cancer and pro-dying of cancer
No, there is not.
Imagine voting for a guy who said, IN A SWORN STATEMENT IN COURT, that he couldn't pay alimony to his ex-wife because of fucking "brain worms."

That's somehow much, MUCH worse.
i mean it in the sense of using israel as a western border to the middle east for trade route reasons.
>israel as a western border to the middle east for trade route reasons.
That is fucking retarded. You are either completely braindead or a jew (or both).
>If you ain't for RFK, you ain't a real /pol/tard.
ron paul would shit all over rfk's policies
i just dont want to give iran momentum in ww3
jew confirmed
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I think most non Evangelical Americans would support Iran in a war with Israel
>Ron Paul

What is it with autists and stroke victims?
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He is friends with Rabbi Shmuley.
ron paul is just a meme factory
rfk has brainrot
>They make me giggle.
This must have been very freeing for him
why are you so anti blackcock? what has it done to you?
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orthodox > buddhist > samaritans > gnostic > hindu > scientology > evangelical > catholic > church of england > jews
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lol, but why?
just stop caring, you weirdo
>theres a difference

See >>472425863
i cant read im black
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Sorry, goyeem... It's a (((two))) party $y$tem we offer you -- nothing else.
theres definitely a difference
all old people are pro israel.
the pro palestine retards are lesbians
Holy fuck lmao this is just cope because you know Biden is a lost cause.

You lost, kill yourself leftie faggot nigger.
i voted for trump last time
I love unintentionally hilarious AI!
...and now you're gonna vote for Brainworm McStrokie.
Jesus H. Christ. You just go for the biggest loser you can find, eh?
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its funny
kill yourself
>kill yourself
Get mercury poisoning.
>throwing away my vote
>by not vooting for one of the two parties
Anon, anyone who votes for those two parties are the ones throwing their vote away. Shouldn't feel bad in any way for not voting for either.
If we have to have someone politically left, I'd feel safer with him in the office and in charge of the nuclear football than the dimentia patient that's there now.
Please, if you're considering voting for Biden and just plain don't want to vote for Trump, vote RFK instead.
If you're considering voting for Trump, you should also vote for RFK instead.
>See, I can do that as well!
Okay, just gonna address the elephant in the room:

It's still hilarious that Republicans thought RFK Jr. was going to be the spoiler candidate for Biden... until they realized their retarded base actually believed the crap he was spouting thus drawing support from Trump, and did a complete 180 on him!

That will never NOT be funny to me.
Fuck you all; I'm out.
I'm not voting
So you're voting for the guy with a worm in his brain?
Rage harder, fed.

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