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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What are the pundits saying?
Who won?
I won.
The Jews
Pundits all agree that Biden won.
>What are the pundits saying?
It's joever
Biden really shows he's inept and got obliterated.
the idea that you can just start another thread
anyone who wants to watch some 2016 tier panicking CNN is freaking out on air about biden
Trump won.
Your mom
kill kikes
>CNN Just called biden Incoherent

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rfk won
Trump won with a landslide without needing to try.
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Which one has a bigger dick?

They are both the same thing, just different lies. So this is all that matters.
American elections cannot be taken seriously. The Golf part killed it
Shut the fuck up Biden could hardly speak. He sounds like he's about to shit his pants and fall asleep on stage.
Jews won
Anyone who says Biden won is delusional. Even if you agree with him politically, he did horrible. He seemed like he was having trouble staying awake and he could barely speak above a whisper. His health has clearly declined since last year.
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When will the polls update? Tomorrow?
what the fuck is wrong with their audio? it's like there's a drum echo/reverb going on in the background.
I am glad we could get this over with and officially pave the way for Michelle Obama's presidency. It is her turn.
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per cnn
>it's fucking JOEVER
>come back from break
>Biden starts stroking
>Trump says some stuff
>"and now we're cutting to commentary"
wtf just happened?
CNN is the most butthurt I've maybe ever witnessed. Even they're pissed off at how Biden preformed.
Joe Biden is getting a knife in the back.
>one of these mfs is going to jail
>the other one is probly on his way to the emergency room as we speak
this country is FUCKED
Israel, Russia and China
Biden is literally so incapable that the media is admitting it
racism is against the board rules, retard
this is senior abuse
What the FUCK is on David Axelrod's suit?
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trump 900%
this is what I wanted to see lmfao, how the left is reacting
>Media already starting with the COLD COPE
It’s over.
kek is anyone watching the post-debate CNN stream? the commentators are saying that democrats are phoning her crying
Uh, sweetie? You realize this is bad for Trump, right?

>replace him with a younger, more popular candidate
>Dem poll numbers shoot up
>Trump loses in November
wait….there was a debate tonight? why?
Literally everyone lost. Fuck the pundits and "analysts".
Is pundit actually a job title? Pundits should get regularly thrown into the wood chipper.
I forgot about it and only caught the tail end. What little I saw was pretty sad and pathetic for Biden. Did he progressively get that bad or did he start off that bad? Wew. I almost don't want to go back and watch because the last few minutes I saw before CNN clearly shut it down were kind of sad.
lmao cnn is based.
CNN is literally shitting their pants over Biden's performance, all they can say about Trump is he lied.
Biden had a bad time and people were probably freaking out.
biden won.
the more anti-climactic ending to a debate I have ever seen
like they just shut it down
h-he was just sick

CNN talking heads in meltdown
Holy moly...
Who is replacing biden is the real question
I am guessing its going to be newsom
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don't worry bros I got this
>even fucking CCN unironically shitting on Biden
LMFAO that's how you know it's fucking over for him
CNN is on our side??? Did the timelines switch? Huh?
>CNN is doomposting
>Reddit cares more that trump is allowed to run than anything
>Twitter is exploding with people who just saw biden speak live for the first time since 2020
>Betting odds jumped double didgit in trumps favor 45 minutes in
Pundits hinting that biden is going to need to step down at this rate
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they are muting out the crying (they are outside lol)
yeah its hilarious
Well bros it seems the Jews want us to vote for Trump, what shall we do?
>CNN commentary
>ambulance in the background
Biden is going to the hospital like a slab of meat
That was their closing statements.

democrats sacrificed their leader on live tv
CNN is unironically calling for Biden to step down. This is remarkable
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What is trump’s stance on hmofa?
No, it's "news contributor" or "opinion analyst"
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I bet some people are contemplating suicide as we speak. What a night boys.
These are fucking hilarious.
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Going with this.
Trump got verbally decimated by a corpse
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Brainrot Joe lost to a fat orange vatnik with small hands.
pathetic for democrats.
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>he has a cold!
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Remember like that time Trump was President and didn't start wars and noone took land from Ukraine or elsewhere while he was formally a President? lol
CNN is declaring that Biden should step down lol. It was that bad.

Drumpf lied like 500 times and didn't answer anything and it didn't matter because he was debating a corpse.
Cnn are ripping Biden holy shiiiit
>text my mother about the debate
>mom: guess biden spent too much time carrying his golf bag
kek based mom
did i mishear, or did biden say he was going to nuke russia if they took ukraine?
>go to cnn
>they're all saying joe did horrible
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CSPAN is the best stream to watch the 'after party' for because it is all the dumbest fucking people in the country calling in as the host tries to keep them sentient and sapient.
>"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance
front page updates CNN
Ableism is against the board rules, Amazonian Monke man.
I think literally everyone just turned pro-Trump
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Where is the salt thread? I need to laugh at leftoids
Former Trump supporter here, not gonna lie it's hilarious watching him crash and burn but seriously though we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes
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Nobody won. We all lost.
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a fucking convict won
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>who won?
not america, that's for sure
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LMFAO CCN knows it's over.
CNN is literally openly discussing how Biden needs to immediately step down, right now.

Trump destroyed Biden.
hey donald, ill donate $10,000 if you call him Brandon
Trump: bet!
No no its way better than that they haven't even brought up the cold on CNN they are straight up flipping out. The only cope they have is DONALD TRUMP IS A LIAR!
>the IDEA
They miscalculated the Biden's dosage, he was really tailing off at the end kek
Absolutely, now we see why they didn't want him there
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Even CNN saying bidens cooked lmfao
someone please for the love of god post the original
for fucking van jones to call for him to not run is actually insane, he's about to fucking CRY
Time to prime Hillary
It's her turn
Is it too late to replace a candidate? Michelle Obama 2024?
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The golf debate was surreal. I felt like I was in a bad comedy movie for a second
The fuck we did.
Biden was a drooling idiot, and still managed to wipe the floor with Dotard Donnie.
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>If biden will allow us
nigger on cnn talking about removing biden
HOLY shit kek
This is the sober truth.
CNN is dunking on Biden lmao
What is America? Nothing
it's not like Trump even had to do much to win. Biden's time in White House speaks for itself
Trump won by default since Biden died 6 years ago and nobody told him, and while I love Trump holy fuck I wish that nigga would answer a question once in a while.
So they can replace Joe Biden with someone else who won't have to campaign against Trump for nearly as long maybe? CNN talking about "a different way forward" and "stepping aside" right now.
It was a truly pathetic display out of Biden. They're so mad he failed they cant contain themselves.
number one
number two
please don't disparage the black vote
thank you
To be fair for someone with biden's level of health that's huge, that's something that could literally put him in the hospital. Pray for a japanese cold.
I hope Biden's butt's been wiped, he lost the debate by a mile. The retard even tried to claim the economy was good right now. For who? Larry Fink?

Each one is talking saying he should drop out
The most pathetic debate in decades.
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post-debate stream is fucking kino
No, it's actually not. Another candidate can be nominated at the convention.
CNN know trump won lmfao, this is hilarious
You can't put premium gas in a Model T.
>they start arguing about golf when people are getting financially ruined by inflation
Lmao rich niggas
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Biden's odds are plummeting.
Van Jones has always been a sack of shit. Nobody on the left likes that fucking nigger.
that's all trump talked about and it clearly worked
I'm feeling that 2016 energy come back. This is beautiful.

‘Looks and Sounds Ancient’: Biden’s Appearance Roasted Minutes Into CNN Debate with Trump

CNN is saying JOE should step down lmao
It's really JOEVER
this. the final redpill /pol/ needs to take is anarchism (you know, like 4chan used to be about)
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CNN literally likes Trump now, the bias was nearly non existent. Fox news has fucked over Trump way worse. Also bidens AI remote controlled psyche was lagging but performing slightly better, its a shame his brain is tarded
who gives a fuck, this was a meaningless debate that won't change anything. it's only june, everyone will forget about this by election day.
I hate trump and biden both but watching cnn meltdown is worth sitting through the debate.
2016 tier meltdown
biden won.
It's heavy leaning they want someone else damn. Might be why they did this so early?
He easily had the most coherent response from that CNN team
Trump won easily. That said, I don't believe there are people who still "aren't sure" who to vote for and wanted to use this debate as a deciding factor in it.
>trump lied
Biden lied constantly, he even brought up that Insulin thing something Trump implemented Biden repealed and then reimplemented.
Biden WON
Trumpchuds BTFO!
the only way debates can ever be useful again is for it not to be televised, or for all debaters to wear paper bags over their heads
Jews won
evil lying idiot vs a guy with actual dementia

who fucking cares who wins? they suck — just focus on your own career and get your own food on the table
the idea of being banned for hating super predators is complete malarkey you loser sucker
damn dude i really tried to go in impartial. some negatives for trump were dodging the deportation question and waffling the ukraine/russia thing, and of course just flat out sucking israeli cock. but biden really fucked this up. many times just saying the opposite of what he should, saying something that helps trump, saying random shit, mumbling, just awful.
CNN is coping right now. It’s almost like 2016 election night panel vibes
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Oh man I can't wait to see liberals at work tomorrow
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>2016 tier meltdown
nah man, it's so much worse
even though Trump had good lines and made memes in the 2016 debates, this is genuine PANIC
Trump could've won by just not talking
Biden lost by talking
not even worth a thread
took a while but I finally get it, this place too is basically over
>that's all trump talked about
The fuck? Trump spent most of his time lying about his time in office.
Did we watch the same debate?
Would be a win for a country. Just because I want Trump to win doesn't mean I don't want a much better candidate in if he loses. Biden's presidency has unironically financially fucked me in the ass
Nah they're trying to tee it up for Michelle to step in to salvage their chances. It was planned
Van jones just called for Biden to step down. Holy shit
>Biden really bombed tonight
>what can we do?
>you know the drill...
>jan 6?
>stormy daniels?
>nah? come on...
>my nigga
I thought Biden did well, but CNN are throwing him under the bus in the post debate analysis... so they really do want to switch candidates? Who are they going to pull?
America lost.
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Trump won so bigly holy shit kek.

Really is
they want to make sure that they get a chance to tell ppl what to think
ny entire dad said both were pathetic. trump disregarded important questions and attack biden excesssively, and biden stumbled so much it was borderline incomprehensible gibberish
gavin newscum
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>do nothing, win
And he was almost crying.
I more meant the election night meltdown when they realized trump won
Someone unfreeze Hildawg and get her a cocktail
They were supposed to be giving great closing statements, but they were too retarded to do so.
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We need a salt/cope thread.
the Jews are flipping on their shabos goy
This was an unmitigated disaster overall.
We're fucked.
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Amen. Maybe democracy was a mistake all along.
Even if Biden crapped his pants and Trump started masturbating, both shills will claim and praise each of these two old men for their victory. They are both Zionists and only the kikes will win.
they haven't said a single positive thing about his performance.
the biggest positive for him is trump acted like an asshole.
>I thought Biden did well
Are you a certifiable fucking retard?
I did not have sex with that porn star
>no democrats in the spin room
yeah because they're all chugging hemlock
If CNN is doing this instead of providing cover, then this is scripted and has been for a while. Simple as, there are no surprises.
Cbs is being rough as hell on him too.
Writings on the wall
Its gunna be trump
It's glorious >>472409804
This is the only time I have been happy watching CNN. Their tears are fucking delicious!
Biden was fucking slaughtered. It was almost painful to watch...almost.
>Who won?
Not us.
will we have another HWNDU?
And by the way
Biden sleeps with Dr Disrespect
Holy fuck, they are legit panicing
how often does part of your dad say something? which parts do you speak too?
see this is the problem, let me educate you, zoomer

"focusing on your (own) career" and "getting food on the table" entail caring about politics because the monetary system is a political one. What you need to do is STOP working, buy AMMO and supplies, and start planning to fight, flee, or establish yourself somewhere else. The system IS the problem. Putting horse blinders on so you can contribute to it but willfully ignorant is not a solution
Trump did better but he could have BTFO'd Biden. Instead he rambled about BS and repeated cuckservative talking points.
This should have been a massacre but Trump's own ego and stupidity made him his own worst enemy.
we got a dog
Biden looked and sounded awful. Trump sounded like Trump. Big defeat for Biden, Trump will win again in November unless someone assassinates him. Going to be another 4 years of leftist seething.

Honestly I wish Ross Perot were still around because he would have won this shit in a walkaway. National/federal politics today is such a fucking disaster these days.
the panic is so funny
Man, even these paid dem shills are panicking, it's so joever
Where’s the plebbit salt?
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CNN admitting it was a car crash. Biden is gone.
Every fucking Biden sentence "THE IDEA THAT"
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two seniors in their 80s calling each other a liar and debating golf

wtf america
I also screenshotted this face. This was the moment I knew Biden was on his back foot and would never catch up.
It was a shit show.

Biden inspired absolutely no confidence but managed to put Trump down decently well, but that also requires you to pay attention

Objectively Biden did better. Kept the record straight and pointed out all the fuck ups and lies

Popularly Trump did better as he had far more charisma and passion
I don't think a single person in the country will change their mind because of the debate.
ww3 is starting
i think we deserve it at this point
kek he's losing it
I think so too. Like CNN is saying right now "Why would you put him out there?"

There's no logical reason to do it other than that. Anyone they replace him with will have a couple of things going for them. First just being initial excitement, and second being having to spend less time as Trump's adversary.
I bet the September debate doesn't even happen.
This. That was the worst debate I have ever seen. So much nigger worship so much jew dick sucking a senile old faggot and a lying con artist and too many pozzed ads. I hate this country so much it’s unreal
Somewhat concerning if the machine and those controlling it are gearing up for replacement
Nah I'm pretty sure kikes won
CNN took my substance quote. PAY ME DAMN IT
dude, they're all shabbos goys
>Tiedrich salt
To put this in perspective, dropping from 36.1% to 26.6% means you lost OVER 25% of your voterbase in the last 24 hours. The 9.5% is just overall.

For every biden voter according to this poll, there are 2.4 Trump voters
Biden looked on the verge of tears whenever Trump was talking.
I doubt it was because of what Trump was saying, I think Biden 100% believes his shit, but he was either crying or trying desperately to remember his script.
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>muh roe v wade
>muh ucrane
>muh isnotrael
>muh nato
>muh january 6th
>muh you are a felon
>muh no your son is a felon
>muh black "families"
>muh black income
>muh climate change
>muh childcare
>muh chyna
>muh opioids
>muh computah cheeps
The DNC will kill Joe won't they
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>I thought Biden did well
You're retarded.
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Based. Fuck all non-Whites to death
>largest deportation program in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD
Are knives gonna come out for Biden, or is it too late to replace? Either way, the panic is fucking massive
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Did anyone else think Joe looked like the tequila worm from Poltergeist 2? Picrel
Yep. Out of everything I've seen tonight I would vote RFK
Trump did a good thing by holding back. Now Liberals can't use "muh deranged fascist" argument when he was the most stable coherent not-mad man on stage.
>The candidacy has fallen
new chudjak just dropped
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All according to plan. Headlines are coming out. Biden will be replaced by a fat black jewish lesbian
It was a shit show. I wish Trump could be more articulate about the references he makes, such as the "Afghanistan disaster" and "the laptop" stuff. But overall, Trump did a decent job at messaging, I think the non-political people would be scratching their heads about some of the topics and references, but he was at least understandable.
Biden... All he did was attack Trump on personal and legal issues, then when asked on topics of policy, he just blamed Trump, very incoherently at that.
Trump took the W, Biden looked like an old retard that stared into space at times and maybe shit himself. What a disaster for lefties.

no one wins a debate moron. it's not a boxing match.
A debate?
I recall seeing a one sided slaughter.

They have to drop biden after this.
If he had any chance of winning before the debate, he sure as hell doesn't now.
A literal fucking potato would poll higher than him at this point.
>CNN is fact-checking Biden
They really want him out, huh?
I have to prepare to leave
or prepare for war

good luck guys
CNN is skullfucking the dems right now for putting joe out there fucking hell.
Yo mane this nigga GAY
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It's so beautiful
Biden fucks with Dr Disrespect
Trump dodged almost everything until it was asked again. He wanted to sound like a meme and make soundbytes that would trend but it's no where near as organic as 2016 because he completely avoided the issues to do it. Things will trend but it will be about both of them looking bad. They both looked and sounded retarded
That's what got me. Why lie about something that so obviously happened? Trump will fucking lie about anything!
They are installing Big Mike during the convention.
Seems scripted. But maybe they overlayed their cards and are stuck with a literal retard
>Objectively Biden did better.

we can all see straight through you, lol
>We should pray for our President. This family has a lot of explaining to do.
Is this bluster genuine, or was it part of the narrative shift?
It started at bad and very quickly went downhill from there
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Biden fucking sucks at golf and Trump fucking owns him. Imagine being a senile old man and saying carry your own caddy. Biden couldnt even carry his own shit for 2 holes without dying.
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Biden is a leme tell you
1 he isn't even saying anything
2 you don't go in with just don't do it
3 trump said the troops are big ol cock sucker's
2 I save the economy
whats this bs about 41 larurets saying trump was the worst president. I feel like ive never heard a bigger bs statement in my life and its coming out of arguably someone who could be a contender for that title
>CNN Anchor: I'm worried about the President, i'm praying for Biden.

oh shit its fucked for leftists isn't it?
CNN has fully jumped ship. It is Joever. He must drop out of the race.
>Kate. Shut the fuck up.
wtf was biden talking about when he said trump allowed al qaeda terrorists to cross the border?
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I just found it Creepy and Awe inspiring that it appeared than not only was Joe amped up up a cocktail of nutropics and amphetamines, but when he snapped into "Creepy dead shark eyes" mode.
I think all that "Practicing" was really them inserting Joe with hypnotic recall triggers so they could just whisper in his earpiece
>Hazelnut sunflower 75 joe...Angry but reserved..
Either that or he's been neural net wired for the last 2 years..
it really was like a switch.
I wanna hear the Biden earpiece audio leaks.
Fucking kek CNN
This was all set up to replace Biden. Why else do a debate before the convention?
The candidacy has fallen.
Billions must replace Biden as Democrat presidential candidate.
he has to be replaced by then, its impossible he is not
probably let him serve out his term and just float the new candidate at the debate
Good summation. Honestly shocked Trump didn't mention Ashley Biden's diary that was confirmed in court, where she said Biden molested her in the shower as a child.
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It’s over
>I think Biden 100% believes his shit

don't be naive, they are both crooked, clearly dodging questions and giving half truths
It's insane
in what kind of fucked up world are you living
60% of biden talking time was incoherent and unintelligible it was sad really
you had to be a professional in speech impediment to understand the whole thing
to deny Biden mental state is pure fucking insanity at this point
>real time fact checking
dnc walked into a minefield, completely unforced
Fucking boomers, man.
Fucking boomers.
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>going from person to person just shitting on biden and then throwing in one "muh trump is a liar" line to balance it out
kek god damn jews must be freaking out in both factions.
>two old men rambling incoherently, one looks like he's about to drop dead any second
>arguing about post-birth abortions, golf and literally "no u"ing each other about who was the worst president ever-ever
Question for burgers, seriously now. How did things get this bad? In the old days I feel like both of these guys would have been dead by now to make sure they don't make your country into an absolute laughingstock or accidentally nuke someone.
>the candidacy has fallen
>I’m worried for the president
>we should pray for the president

Holy fuck. I didn’t see any of the debate I got watch it now.
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This is more entertaining than the debate
sticky is archived, thank you guys for dropping by
it really is delicious
There are no issues asides from being on the brink of ww3, no control of the border (too many beaners), and inflation. He said what people are concerned about.
>wait….there was a debate tonight?
You would have known this if you pulled your head out of your ass long enough to breathe fresh air. It's been scheduled for 2 or 3 months.
Actually a reasonable question, I admit. To which I don't have an answer.
It was like watching someone’s dementia grandpa be beaten by niggers in the nursing home it was actually sad to see

Again popularly Trump won.
If you want this as a contest Trump won
If you take it as a debate Biden won
>Mom jokes
Pretty obvious now the plan is to give Biden the boot. But for who?
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There's no way they wouldn't spend this time saving face if it wasn't planned. It's CNN. Everything about them is being the planned and coordinated image of liberalism. If they're throwing him under the bus, they had decided to do so far before the debate.
Trump spunded and acted as expected, but it is clear he prepared to talk about his convictions and january 6th. Biden completely flopped because he was trying to hold his energy for the Jan 6th and convictions, but go surprised by Trump. Very fucking bad debate for Biden
it's okay anon, better late than never. the individual is what matters. statism was never a solution. Even if you value a strong community, it is derived from fulfilled individuals seeking purpose, acting mutually.
>th-third party...





Oh I'm so fucking glad I stuck around for this. Its why I linked it here and in the sticky. I can't believe they are still livestreaming this seethe on youtube.
That's not what I saw.
That's the face of a man who can't believe the BS he's hearing.
I don't understand why Trump doesn't just tell the viewers to look at store prices and rent prices.

That literally is slam dunk, you want more of that? Vote Biden. It's really that shrimple. Biden can't really explain away that.
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thats whats up tubes
ugly girl
Comparing their close statements to the closing statements during the British BBC leader debate is pretty interesting. Biden and Trump just insult each other for a few minutes instead of going through their policies again
Martin Armstrong has been predicting this, it has been kind of eerie to see things play out the way he says step by step
They both had their grey moments but Trump scored more points than Biden did while Biden's only accomplishment was zoning out for the eventual tiktoks that will clown his stupid old man face. Biden couldn't even keep his mouth closed for about 75% of the show.
There were a couple times he pulled this snarky sideways grin where he didn't look like the cryptkeeper... but then he held it for like 30 seconds just creepily staring into the camera. It was something else.
My love for Suisei knew no bounds
Trumps best moment was Ukraine for me. Entire generations of ukrainians are dying for a war that is unwinnable short of total world war, the best action is to reach a peace agreement that is gonna give Russia the edge its the only way, how can europeans accept that much death from their people if I was ukrainians i'd be begging for the war to end even if I ended up on russian side of the border
US Civil War 2 confirmed
biden was completely unintelligible while trump just made insane shit up. they were both dogshit

you're fucken retarded my guy. They don't pay you enough. Get back to your panic station, this tactic won't work, lol
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I won.

Some of the best live comedy I’ve ever seen, haven’t had laughs this good in a while. Fucking amazing lmao
I thought biden was going to "die" from covid or something and kamala was going to take over in year 1 but she was so hated that they didn't pull the trigger. Now? Holy fucking shit no idea. This is crazy.
>he had far more charisma and passion
>did nothing but lie

Yeah, no.
First time in a presidential debate that they both debated their golf play. Unreal that Biden would even get into the my swing is better than your swing
i switched to cnn just to see how they would spin this debate, but they're throwing biden under the bus. How fair the debate was and this post coverage confirms that cnn is hell bent on killing the biden ticket so they at least have a small chance of winning with someone else
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We are so fucking back.
I think it is time for another Kennedy to be president.
>People have a very positive opinion of [Trump] for a lot of good reasons
-CNN just now

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You feel that boys? We're back in the Trump timeline.
both side want to hide their agenda the more they can
it's pretty much the same agenda anyway
>CNN on our side
They're on biden side lol. The very first thing I heard after trump's closing stayement is he lied a lot lmao and the stream ended while some nigger was talking how trump lied a lot. Lmao all these kike biased analysts.
Your hillbilly larp sounds cool but I’d rather stick with STEM and not end up in a trailer park. If you’re smart enough you can make a living under any administration.
Trump I'd say was dodging questions, Biden was more like missing answers.
I should add the only one that has any real sway and push right now is Newsom but its too early.
No, and we all knew this going in,.
He was glitching by the second question.
the problem is that the "presidential debate" isn't and has never been a real debate, it is TV spectacle to see who does well under pressure. Biden flopped hard while Trump bullied him
Why (((they))) let Biden re-candidate himself?
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final card, with no bingo tonight
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“The candidacy has fallen”. Glowniggers are promoting these talking heads to prepare our anuses for a swap in the democratic candidate at the last minute.
no I like ours and think we should keep him. He is doing great.
Kek yeah. Every fucking sentence
At least Biden didn't shit his pants on stage. I guess that's a win.

I'm predicting that he will not be the nominee.
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>cnn headline: dnc says "we have a problem"
He's guilty of everything they've accused Trump of.
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Donald Trump jr's fianceé ex husband is going to replace Joe.
gay post
For anyone that missed the debate, this is really the highlight of it

I like the thing in politics where the go to is to blame someone for what you yourself are doing glowy

Yeah but compared to Joe who was basically drooling how can you even compare charisma

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This was already probably the last presidential election for awhile in 2024, didn't know we were speedrunning the civil war shit kek
I’ve never seen a party cannibalize its champion like this
was there a single question about homos and alphabet people? is there world healing?
Just in time for you to go die for isreal make sure you join the military for him
>they're all shitting on Biden
He's 100% going to pull out and they're going to put big Mike or someone in they think can win.
Yeah, go vote for Brainworms McStroke.
That's a MUCH better choice....
There is no more ukraine. The country is of the people that inhabitant. Ukraine people were genocided for political gain.

Eventually migrants will take over once it's over. But that isn't ukraine. Uktraine, the spirit of, is gone, forever. Dead.
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Maybe but there's also the fact that Biden has no fuckin idea what he's hearing, he isn't lucid. That was the moment Biden started conceding time to trail off and half-reply to petty shit when he should have been replying and making points. Trump managed to argue AND to make points on things where Biden just trailed off too many times because he wanted to clap back. Foolish.
Ok best of luck in Ukraine or wherever that is idk what gypsy or Belgian flag that is but good luck. Godspeed bro.
>Did he progressively get that bad or did he start off that bad?
He actually started getting better throughout the debate. The beginning was way worse. Biden said some pretty weird shit that didn’t make any sense at all. Trump wasn’t great either but in comparison he won without question.
>just put another normal democrat in and trump wouldn't have won the night
Do CNN niggers really?
It isn't. Try actually reading the rules next time. There actually is a rule he broke just now
michael obama is coming to town
Relegated to debate #2
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makes sense. with trump you have the first convicted president and the second president to have non consecutive terms. makes higher rating's
>>472411331 8 pbtid coping and seething

See (this is (You)) >>472410816
Bidens unironically gone.
Newsom is the only one "ready" but he needs more time for them to "fix him up" for the media.
Trump was a fucking pussy during the debate. When asked about deporting millions he just rambled away. very disappointing coming from the guy /pol/ claimed would come back as hitler 2.0
CNN setting up a switch for Newsome or Big Mike
"Trump was spouting utter nonsense, but at least I could understand the words spewing from his mouth."

Holy fuck, the bar is SO fucking low.
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they asked what they could do for the niggers, that's about it
Fresh baked

hillbilly larp? I'm not talking about moving to appalachia to start eating boiled possum, i'm talking about abandoning or at least drastically reworking the monetary system altogether. it's clear industrialism is a failed experiment. the state only props that up. if you're interested in STEM then continue to pursue that, but the very notion of "making a living" has to go. we have more than enough resources for everyone to stay alive and not starve or freeze to death in the streets over paying good goyim rent or mortgage or buying food that's priced out of affordability.
I am feeling the energy come back to us boys. Maga
Apparent jncontinence/medical situation. Not urination but trump did talk about his cognitive tests and his golfing.
I was telling my mom the other night it’s too late for them to pick someone else I don’t think they will pick someone else but after that I wouldn’t be surprised
all Trump needs to do is be himself because Biden being himself or pretending to be a statesmen flops
So same time next week then?
Trump being coherent is gonna help him out a lot. The dems fucked up
>CNN just has a full half circle of people alternating shitting on biden and the dems for putting him out there
link again in case somehow any of you are not watching seethe.flv live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5__92MWNbw
>Objectively Biden did better.
Nigger, even CNN is giving up LIVE, and they get paid for running propaganda.
They’re shitting on Kamela too
>survive another trump term
>currently barreling toward WWIII under Biden
I HATE these "people"
>t. verification not required
"Kate... Kate...."
New thread

I thought biden was talking about a handicap sticker in his car. Didn't understand what they meant by driving.
CNN is le centrist network. They can't shill for the left like MSNBC or be retards like fox news
Oh don't get it twisted. Trump is a jewloving faggot who should hang from a tree next to biden, but watching cnn cry and seethe real time is fantastic.
that anon last week was right
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why is this guy all wet?

pls someone help Im baffled
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They clearly shut it down
Quit your jobs and enjoy the time you have left. 2025 is going to sting.
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let's hear what she has to say
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>Biden's camp writes the debate rules
>biggest winner of the night is Gavin Newsom
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Bread is too expensive and this circus is asinine
incredibly based
he said they were going to try and find a replacement for Biden, specifically Hillary. This was over two weeks ago
Now CNN and Democrats already turning to wanting to replace Biden.
Billions and billions and millions of billions?
She's less liked than biden
holy shidd
i think this is shaping up to be the most terrible debate performance in the history of this country
we watched history tonight
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the jew knows it's coming
>Oy vey da anti semites are winning its literally annaduh shoah
>CNN admits the fine people hoax is a hoax
Hoooooly shit
things are so thoroughly topsy turvy i'm fully agreeing with a tripfag with a communist memeflag

Trump appeared to have lost his love for America. The only good thing he said tonight was that we didn't stop Israel and it was horrible
They finished the thing. They had to studder and twist to have anything pro biden to say.
that’s how you get Kameltoe Harris nobody fucking wants her.
Even the niggers don’t want her. Even the squad don’t want her.
It's obvious the dems are gonna dump biden in the nursing home where he belongs, but who do they replace him with?
Newsome, Mike Obama? This "election" will be a disaster either way. Kek
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Les fucking gooooo
They're lining up for Gavin Newsome aka Nancy Pelosi's nephew but want him to be a last minute candidate so not enough shit is dug up about him in time.
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they are unironically saying it was elder abuse and that he needs to step aside holy shit hahahahaha
this is a fucking hit job on Biden to get him to step aside, the question is who are they going to replace him with?
Good thing it was a debate, then... and not a fucking popularity contest.
However, people are so fucking brain broke, they think this IS a popularity contest.
I also thought Biden did well. Insofar that he did better than Trump and didn't punt on every other question
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>he prepared to talk about his convictions and january 6th
Oh God... that's what "Trump prepared" looks like?
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I got you bro. Enjoy~
Trump most definitely brought up radical left when it comes to abortion.
999/1,000 California expats know how big of a fucktard Newsom is.
Watching Biden makes me sad, he should be retired playing golf and spending time with his Grandkids, unironically elder abuse + humiliation ritual. Wouldn't the democrats have a better chance of winning if he stepped down and they put a younger candidate forward? Why the hell are they doing this?
The live is gone. I thought Kamala Harris was speaking?
>al gore 2024

Biden sundowning again live
Who's this affirmitive action ape?
New thread last call

They knew better than to let her ass talk
CNN is literally tripping over each other trying to talk over every other person on their panel about how bad biden did LMAO
it's fucking over for him
They don't have anyone else. Bernie is old, Newsome is a faggot, RFK is too anti-establishment.
Are you fucking retarded bro? Sure, Trump looked like a childish asshat but Biden literally couldn’t speak.
An actual idiot
Its already july you dumbass nigger
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Yes you did...Did you forget Biden forgot who HE was several times?
This pasta is the reason jews hate trump. Bc trump has nonverbal iq and jews dont.
>Just give it to Russia.
Fuck you, Tucker.
Clown World, my dude.

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