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What percentage of the American population is fluent in math and where can I as an American who is not good at math at all learn from basic to advanced math?
learn to dev crypto, that's basically applied math in a very useful capacity

the math-math is not more than 8th grade really but code is literally math in a very useful format
5% at most
There’s a few good books you might want to consider. Try doing an internet search.
Math is jewish pseudoscience. They only teach it so you can be good obedient accountants and number crunchers.

The only branch of math that even remotely matters is Euclidean geometry.
And probably most of that 5% intellectual elite serve and are hired by the (((rich elite))). Assuming that 5% figure is realistic.

So many useless retards walking around, especially niggers.
You’re a faggot. Read a book.
I have. Math is a jewish trick, and has been for thousands of years. It describes nothing real in the universe. It is only good for measurements, and all math beyond arithmetic is a scam. (((Calculus))) is literally just jewish kabbalah shit that Newton thought was real in his mind.
You would be better served learning grammar.
To elaborate, mathematics is based on epistemological assumptions. The assumption that the material world of the senses is the only thing there is. This is the atheist materialist conception of the universe.
Math claims to deal in "eternal truths" that exist outside of our material plane. But this creates more philosophical problems than it answers, the main one being how the eternal logos of mathematics is able to explain the reality of a changing reality. This is a big elephant in the room, and scientists have no answer for this, and hope you don't think too much about it.
Short version, the reality we live in is some gay hellscape created by the demiurge. True mathematics and truth exists, we just don't have access to it. Not yet at least.
>where can I as an American who is not good at math at all
no such thing, you just haven't tried hard enough yet
Read Precalculus by Stitz and Zeiger. It is available free online. Covers algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. Best book on the subjects.
Then read Calculus - Infinitisimal Approach by Keisler, and any time its unclear or confusing, cross reference Calculus volume 1 and 2 by Apostol.
All available free online ask /sci/ if you need help finding them
Tell me how the eternal unchanging logos of mathematics is able to describe changing physical reality. I assume you have an answer for this, and don't just blindly believe in the power of mathematics because your jew masters told you it's important?
>not good at math
What do you mean by this? Tell us exactly where you're at.
>(((Calculus))) is literally just jewish kabbalah shit that Newton thought was real in his mind.
so are you claiming that the derivative of a parabola is not a straight line?
Read any math textbook written before 1970 or any math textbook written by an engineering professor before 2010, no one on the internet will give you as much as basic knowledge back when whites were in charge
It doesn't matter. It means nothing. Calculus started to answer motion problems because they were jew merchants and wanted to maximize fast ships so they can go maximize their shekel intake.
Calculus explains things, but like all branches of math breaks down and stops explaining tangible things in reality. And things that cannot be represented with tangible visible examples are objectively not real, despite what jews tell you.
>muh abstract objects are logically sound, therefore they are real
Fuck off
Karl Saxon's math course.
I will give you three options to rocket boost your understanding of Mathematics. Please remember though. Math is a powerful tool. A weapon, and a vocation. If you use it too often, it may blind you to more ethical concerns like "Should you" instead of "Could you". That being said. You are a man. You should be figuring this out.

Option One:
College Degrees.
Online courses.

Option Two:
Autodidact. Some people are scarily adept at Math and can in fact simply obliterate others in the subject without a degree. Rare as these are, don't bother unless you are going to "Good Will Hunting" a motherfucker on impact. These people can usually pick up on everything intuitively and are some of the most dangerous sons of guns on the planet since the inception of bullets.



Option Three:
Other books and set college courses can provide niche understandings on certain topics like Cohomology or Applied Mathematics. Usually what the government is up to is what is allowed be published but independent thought is preferable for an individual who appreciates their freedom and civil liberties, besides, these courses are usually incomprehensible unless you have experience with beginners Math and starting courses. To save yourself the embarrassment of coming into a class like this, train up either through online courses and then come barrelling through like a well armored tank. Professors rarely see that coming.

Principals are more important than powers. Always remember that. Learn the origin of your words. What does the word Mathematics even mean? Where does it come from. Sometimes a tree cannot spawn unless you have the seed for it.
Aside from that. If you get very, VERY good. Be wary of those who want or need you for their machinations.

That said. Good luck.

Unironically who cares?
>math is jewish
>names a Christian anglo
>derivative of a parabola is not a straight line
Strictly speaking, it is not.
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Go back to Elea, Zeno.

>named Isaac
>wrote thousands of pages on the jewish kabbalah
>hook nose

>he's totally a based white man I swear!
Zeno will be vindicated. Motion is an illusion.
>basic to advanced math
Well, what do you mean by "basic" and "advanced" math? These terms don't mean the same thing to everyone.
I advise Spivak's calculus as an introduction to mathematical thought, proof and mindset, provided you have time to study it and aren't completely retarded relative to the profession.
Calculus was invented by two Protestant whites, an anglo and a german

Maybe you’re thinking of basic algebra that is used in calculus, things like Pythagoras theorem that was discovered 2,000 years before Judaism existed

I suspect you’re a mutt or a Jew yourself especially for making things up and trying to dissuade interest from the subject
Math degree here. Theoretical calculus was difficult/ proving the calculations involved in derivatives and integrals. understanding the why’s and wherefores of trigonometry too. An old greek dude delved into right triangles and founded functions that occur EVERYWHERE. Bretty good stuff, you boys.
>eternal logos of mathematics is able to explain the reality of a changing reality.
The reality itself does not change but rather changes occur within the reality. In any case, if you can describe change in natural language, then why can you not describe it mathematical language, which but a specialized restriction of the former.
Yo. Math be racist and shieeeeet. Cut out white man.
He studied the occult but he is not your kin and never will be
Introduction into trigonometric functions and logarithmic/exponentials as well as their inverses is peak mathematical enjoyment.
This would be fine, if it weren't for the fact math breaks down and becomes completely abstract. This would also be fine because it is logically sound. It's mathematically correct. But it is only mathematically correct within the framework. It works great to explain change and measurement, but if something is abstractly true but can't be represented physically, is it still true? I say it's not. This should tell you that math is correct because it describes our INTERPRETATION of reality, but it's not describing reality as it is. This is precisely why it breaks down. Just like how someone with 20/20 vision sees better than someone who is legally blind. I think there is some kind of logos and order to this universe, but I think the axioms and assumptions of math are extremely misguided.
Well you are free to publish your own axioms, measurements and theorems of the real world anon.
Working on it. But I'd rather keep that shit to myself.
khan academy
The concept of numbers is from perception, math is not innate, an infant is not born knowing even basic arithmetic

People born blind have no concept of darkness, If you could isolate a conscious and place it in absolute nothingness, no light no dark, no sound no matter, absolute nothing, it would never conceive abstract ideas, there would be nothing to count, the only thing you could be certain of is you exist
What the hell are you talking about. You’re saying some gay shit like their forces we can’t see that are pulling the strings of the universe and we’re all just puppets to some metaphysical being. That’s all well and good, in fact no one can disprove it. However it has nothing to do with math, math only deals with things that are measurable. If it is immeasurable than it isn’t math.
>but muh infinity
Limits. Mathematics are never concerned with what happens at infinity because it’s immeasurable, they just note what happens as a number gets closer to infinity
>But this creates more philosophical problems than it answers, the main one being how the eternal logos of mathematics is able to explain the reality of a changing reality.
There is a branch of mathematics that’s whole purpose was just to answer this question. It’s called calculus, the mathematics of change
>but if something is abstractly true but can't be represented physically, is it still true?
Must truth have a physical manifestation? (And manifestation, not representation, is what you mean.)

>This is precisely why it breaks down.
It doesn't break down. All mathematical results are consistent with each other.

> but I think the axioms and assumptions of math are extremely misguided.
What should they be? The best approaches we have are ZF(C) Set Theory and Category Theory, together with First-Order Logic. What's wrong with any of these? True, there's some controversy over AoC and LEM, but I think those controversies are largely Jewish pilpul.
It has everything to do with math. You think you are intelligent and smart because you read jew-approved math books. You should have been reading Plotinus and esoteric spiritual texts instead before having the hubris to claim you know what kind of truths can be obtained. There are deep contradictions and problems with math and physics that scientists straight up can't answer, and hope you don't too much pesky meddling and thinking about. Just get back to your math book so you can be a productive worker and make more money for Mr. Shekelstein.
What is basic math to you? I’m assuming algebra? If you’re there just move straight to calculus and learn until you get to calculus 3. With that tou can move on to pretty much anything that interests you. If you’re into computers learn discreet math and cryptography. Idk what math is needed for other fields
>Mathematics are never concerned with what happens at infinity because it’s immeasurable
Are you sure about this?
Let’s say what you’re saying is true and Mr shekelberg created calculus to screw you over specifically. And then what? What he created isn’t a lie, it’s provable and useful. If a caveman 50000 years ago discovered numbers just to pull one over on another caveman I don’t give a fuck. If what he said is logical, then it will always be logical that’s most beautiful thing about math. The derivative of x will always be 1 no matter where you are in the world, or even universe
>The derivative of x will always be 1
I think I know what you mean, but you've stated it very, very sloppily.
But that's the problem I have. It's describing a reality, just not THE reality. Math is describing the Matrix wall code, not the real universe beyond it. This is way too esoteric a view and I'm aware it sounds schizo to most people, but I've experienced too much weird shit to blindly put faith that we have it all figured out and the mathematical system we have is the "highest form" that math can take. Also, I have the view that if true knowledge about reality was known, the elites would never reveal that shit to the public. You wouldn't be able to buy it in a book in Amazon. It would be in a vault in the Vatican. Math is true, but I see it as like a lower level truth. It's useful and serves a function, but I don't particular care about truths, I want to know The Truth with a capital T. Call me stubborn.
I learned math in school. Sometimes math is taught in school.
you're kinda spergy but yes, this is obvious.
see "strange loops" by Hofstadter and his analogy between consciousness and godel's incompleteness theorem
I’m just an undergrad so no. I just know what one of my college professor said. But it made sense to me because math is just a language humans use to understand the universe. If you’re able to capture something in math it would cease to be immeasurable and become a known quantity.
You seem to demand that for mathematics to be sound it must describe all reality. This is no more reasonable than to demand that the culinary arts explain engine repair.
Math is hard to talk about I’m no professor
That was the original conception of math though. It split off from philosophy when the Greek philosophers realized there needed to be a branch of knowledge that explained truth as is, rather than just gay bickering over politics and ethics. If math doesn't describe base reality, then what's the point?
I'm not picking on you. But let's get this right. The derivative of the function f:R -> R defined by f(x) = x is the function f':R -> R defined by f'(x) = 1. (And this, too, is a tiny bit sloppy, but not even many mathematicians will notice it.)
Literally math.com
Well I believe you, I personally believe that there are different universes with different laws of physics. However if no one can prove it that’s not really science it’s become a religion. For now math is the best thing we got to understand studf
>It doesn't matter. It means nothing. Calculus started to answer motion problems because they were jew merchants and wanted to maximize fast ships so they can go maximize their shekel intake.
And yet they're rich so it worked. You're a fucking shill!
It's the abstraction that matters. Strictly speaking, all mathematical statements are meaningless. This is what makes it such a powerful tool for investigation specific aspects of material reality. You decide which physical objects or phenomena you wish to study; you then isolate (abstract) the properties of interest (not necessarily all such properties of the objects or phenomena). Define these properties via existing mathematical language or extend the latter to describe the former.
>Math degree here.
Applied or pure math? Do you have a PhD?
If you agree that we aren't in the highest level of reality, then hear my argument out that empirical knowledge is superior to rational knowledge.
Rational knowledge is obviously superior, but if we are living in an "incomplete" plane of reality, then all rational knowledge must be met with skepticism and seen as suspect. I think that if any ultimate truth will be found in the universe that has been presented to us, it will come in the form of chemistry or electromagnetism, or some branch of hands-on science that involves using the material tools we have been given in order to transcend the material prison.
Yeah, you're a kike trying to steal Newton from us. Die in a fire KIKE! Isaac Newton was EUROPEAN! NOT Jewish!
Anyone who has studied math for longer than 10 minutes should be on Team Leibniz. Anyone who sides with Newton just tells me "Oh yeah, that guy's opinion can be immediately disregarded."
Being an intellectual puts you on some "lists" especially according to the commies who like to execute the non-Jewish intelligentsia of nations.
Dirty* commies
the rigid linear timeline strict cause-and-effect paradigm can only take you so far. but math worshipers are materialist hylics anyway so they are fine with only going that far.
everything nontrivial in the Lean proof assistant uses LEM and thus classical logic. they are fine with being completely disconnected from reality
>The product rule and chain rule,[22] the notions of higher derivatives and Taylor series,[23] and of analytic functions[24] were used by Isaac Newton in an idiosyncratic notation which he applied to solve problems of mathematical physics. In his works, Newton rephrased his ideas to suit the mathematical idiom of the time, replacing calculations with infinitesimals by equivalent geometrical arguments which were considered beyond reproach. He used the methods of calculus to solve the problem of planetary motion, the shape of the surface of a rotating fluid, the oblateness of the earth, the motion of a weight sliding on a cycloid, and many other problems discussed in his Principia Mathematica (1687). In other work, he developed series expansions for functions, including fractional and irrational powers, and it was clear that he understood the principles of the Taylor series. He did not publish all these discoveries, and at this time infinitesimal methods were still considered disreputable.[25]

Nothing to do with shekel intake. You're just retarded.
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you can't learn math, either you born with math genes or you don't. Take the blackpill, stop coping. We are slaves for the GENETICALLY SUPERIOR elites. The only way out is suicide, and that is why assisted suicide is illegal. The STEM elites want you wagecucking for them.
Shut up kike!
lol good meme but chess isn't even g-loaded (i.e., it's weakly correlated with IQ and chess skill doesn't transfer to other domains). it really is just memorizing positions and having an autistic savant brain structure that can encode such positions and compress them using the rules.
but yes, the average IQ of STEM majors is 130. 125 at the very minimum. anyone can look up an IQ percentile calculator and see that instantly excludes literally 95% of the population
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I got as far as programming Bezier Curves but that was about it
Yeah idk what that means really. I see the prime symbol ' but I thought that had to do with geometry.
Tell me more. What programming language do you use?
>I’m just an undergrad so no. I just know what one of my college professor said.
Again, I'm not picking on you--it's admirable that you're pursuing a math degree and I hope for your success. Sometimes professors oversimplify concepts to undergrads for any number of reasons, some good, others not. With that said, if you write things like "immeasurable" some people are going to think about Measure Theory. Moreover, what do you mean by infinity? The undergrad calc sequence lives in Euclidean balls, and there's no infinity there.
Doing a graphics project in Visual Studio and had to use a few Beziers for some complex curves. Had to calculate the control points. It was a total pain in the ass.
We all learn basic arithmetic in public school, 90% of Americans are educated in public schools that are funded and directed by the state. Then algebra, trig, calculus. Anything beyond that is undergraduate and graduate, and the USA has the top universities in the world.

Wealthy zionist politicans in Washington, like the wealthy zionist bankers on Wall Street, are often unaffected by the policies that neglect or harm public education.

Many of that 10% pay for expensive private schools, boarding schools, that feed into Ivy Leagues by connections. These rich politicians don't care about our schools, all they care about is a dollar sign.
Where can I learn what you do? Any books?
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>it really is just memorizing positions and having an autistic savant brain structure that can encode such positions and compress them using the rules.
which is genetic and those abilities do transfer to other domains
IQ is just a good but very old test for intelligence, nowadays genetics allow a way superior understanding of intelligence and genius and what genes cause it
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It's just notation. Writing f:X -> Y means that f is a function whose domain is X and codomain is Y. The domain, loosely speaking, is all the stuff that can be input into f; the codomain, all the stuff output from f. In the above example, the domain and codomain are the same, R, i.e., the set of real numbers (actually, the Euclidean line). The notation f(x) = x means f takes in x and returns x. If instead we had f(x) = x^2, this would mean f takes in x and returns the square of x. The prime symbol here just means the derivative of f (but there's other standard ways to write this, e.g. df/dx).
They get rich by embezzling tax payer money too. The parasites.
brilliant.com is pretty good in my experience
no nigga chess specifically does not transfer to other domains because it's a perfect information game and it's too neat. too linear and organized. they literally can't think outside the box, it's why stockfish mogs them. chess is pussy shit. math ability is by far the most g-loaded talent that has the biggest transfer to all other useful problem-solving forms
If both the domain and domain are the same set then is it even a function? It seems like that is a function that does nothing to manipulate the domain.
I saw this thread and wanted to take the opportunity to ask what I should teach to my younger sister, she's 7 but I don't want her to be taught math decided by the government. She's got arithmetic so far but I need trusted sources that I can teach her with.
Calculus is not usually taught at American high schools, except for AP Calculus. And the quality of instruction varies greatly from school to school. I don't think most states require anything beyond algebra or business math, and certainly not geometry, logic, and trigonometry.
not chess, but the genes that allow you to play at that level also allow you to be good at math. But if they don't pursue math and only play chess of course they won't be good at math. But they have the potential to be good at math. Having photographic memory helps in math a lot. Some chess players played against many opponents blindfolded, that ability alone helps a lot in math. But of course wasting those genes in playing chess is retarded
I would consider you "fluent in math" if you could understand a textbook in Analysis. Given the state of the USA, I'm going to put that at 0.01% at best.
trust me, if she has good math genetics and access to the Internet literally nothing will be able to stop her, save some sudden severe brain injury. khan academy is fine up to calc 1. after that if she's a genius she can do art of problem solving or the autistic /sci/ books or math stackexchange. dw bro
If the Soviet Union was good for one thing, it was mathematics education. You can probably find something here for children.
Percentage of Americans? Judging from high school I'd say about 10% are math gods, 30% math competent, 60% just straight retarded. This 60% bracket is why America is in the dumps
The domain isn't manipulated. The things in the domain are acted on.

You seem familiar with programming? What does the following code do?

for( ; ; );

A function is a special type of relation. What's a relation? It's a set of ordered pairs. The first of each pair comes from a set, say X, the second, from Y. We write each pair as (x, y). A relation can be any subcollection of these pairs. A function, however, has one restriction: if (a, b) and (a, c) are both members of the function, then b = c. The intuition here is that every input has exactly one output.
>for( ; ; );
This is a for loop which contains an expression that either is true or false.

Do functions ever have more than one output? If not what it a "function"(or thing?) with multiple outputs called if not a function?
We're so retarded our educators say "maths" to keep up with newspeak.
>Having photographic memory helps in math a lot.
photographic memory has never been experimentally verified. you have:
(1) highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM). these people just keep obsessive diaries. some lady who claimed to have HSAM and said she sees a vivid movie of her life playing constantly was told to shut her eyes. she could not tell the researchers interviewing her what they were wearing (they were sitting right in front of her for a long time).
(2) autistic savant pseudo photographic memory like Stephen Wiltshire, who can recreate cityscapes with impressive (but not perfect) accuracy after a short helicopter ride from memory.

the only person I know who was good at math and had true photographic memory was John von Neumann. he could recite novels (ie, prose) years after reading them with no hesitation and translate them into different languages with no loss in speed.
what's most incredible about von Neumann is that, in addition to being a math genius and being able to recite prose, which could conceivably be compressed through conceptual understanding, he could recite phone book pages without the use of mnemonics. this is the only example in history of someone with average or better intelligence being able to losslessly compress completely random information with no pattern.
he was a jew and likely an alien or a fraud.

anyway, look up human mind information processing theory and cognitive load theory. photographic memory doesn't exist: one must encode and compress the information by meaningfully connecting it to his prior knowledge. math people just have an impossibly deep conceptual understanding and don't have to memorize anything because new info just becomes an obvious connection to their prior knowledge
Obviously this guy sucks at math
Does she have an interest in math? What are her needs? Don't force her beyond her ability, interest, and needs.

Most people will never need anything beyond arithmetic, algebra, geometry, logic, and trigonometry. Financial math and statistics will be useful to a few; calculus/ODEs/PDEs, for some scientists and engineers; and discrete math, for computer scientists. Nearly nobody besides mathematicians will require anything beyond this. There are exceptions, of course (some physicists will learn a little differential geometry or tensor analysis; some computer scientists, category theory).
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>This is a for loop which contains an expression that either is true or false.
What I meant is what does it do? Nothing. Yet it will compile and run (e.g., test it in jshell).

>Do functions ever have more than one output? If not what it a "function"(or thing?) with multiple outputs called if not a function?
Excellent questions! But I think you overlooked the answers in >>472426671. I can try to explain it differently if you wish.
She said she wanted to be an Engineer but didn't say what kind so I want her to to be good at math so she doesn't give up on that dream once she realizes what it entails. It is a bit of manipulation on my part since I just don't want to see her grow up into a slut.
No, the word "maths" is just British or Australian English.
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why are you confusing someone who clearly doesn't have a strong foundation in elementary algebra with this shit, cuh. you even seem to have malicious intent to confuse.
all humans are primarily visual learners. give him a good picture.
Listen to Terrance Howard over here.
Not in democrat run areas
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>von Neumann, einstein, feynman
all blue eyed mostly white. Here in argentina some jews are unironically whiter than "whites".
>photographic memory
its just a name, we know for fact that some people have better memory and its genetic, nowadays the elites know which are the genes that cause this ability, GMO humans do exist:
>Najdorf set world records for simultaneous blindfold chess. He played a record 40 opponents in 1943, and increased the record to 45 in 1947. This record stood until 2011.
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Advanced math is kabbalah. Jews obfuscated the curriculum in the 60s as soon as their kids got out of high school to keep smart gentiles from learning (Samuel Delaney describes this in his biography).

Pre-1960s textbooks are the best source for learning classic math, and computer source code for modern math.
That's admirable. In general, however, girls should be raised for motherhood, not careers. Realistically and unfortunately, she may need to support herself so you're wise to prepare her for that possibility.

She's seven, so she's not ready for algebra unless she has about a 175 IQ. But you can test the waters, of course. If and when she masters algebra, then she can move on to geometry and logic, and then trigonometry and possibly pre-calculus. If she's mastered these topics, she'll be prepared for college-level math.

I can't help with specific recommendations. You could look online at Christian, especially Catholic, homeschooling groups (even if you disagree with their theology). Many have very well designed curricula.
einstein was a fraud propped up by the jewish lugenpresse like a marvel superhero. he plagiarized lorentz. olinto de pretto is who discovered E= mc^2
captcha: G0Y
>some people have better memory
bro no there's no "memory gene." as I said, learn about cognitive load theory.
they gave chess GMs randomly generated board positions. these randomly generated positions were specially made such that it's impossible for them to occur with the normal rules of chess.
the GMs were not able to memorize these positions any better than normal people.
like I said, you CANNOT memorize random noise like where all the white pixels were on a screen of static, unless you're an autistic 60 IQ savant with a deleterious brain structure. that's lossless compression.
these GMs are able to memorize so many positions because they're literally doing compression by storing the git diff of the positions rather then the entire position. their compression algorithm relies on the constraints imposed by chess's rules.
rather THAN the entire position *
einstein also plagiarized poincare and hilbert
Hi lex
I explain things to others the way I prefer them explained to me. It's not born of malice. Indeed, I tried to give the intuition behind the concept. And it's that intuition which is most important.

Your picture is fine. But it introduces concepts (1-1, onto) that, while important, may confuse someone not familiar with the basic ideas. Those concepts are not usually introduce until a discrete math course or an "intro to proofs" course. Many students struggle with those topics even then.

> all humans are primarily visual learners. give him a good picture.
I disagree completely. Visual aids can be a useful tool, but they can also limit and deceive.

Wolfram Alpha doesn't just give you the answers to problems in symbolic form and graph them, it also shows all the step by step working and explains them even when it's transcendental equations, integrals etc.


It's like having the best tutor in the world for $6 a month.
are there any FOSS programs that show you how to solve integrals in similar detail? or some way to pirate wolframalpha or mathematica (assuming it can also show step-by-step solutions)?
Other anons mentioned Khan Academy. Another YouTuber I leaned on heavily in college was PatrickJMT. Several of the “For Dummies” books are good also. I used to have Calculus For Dummies, Linear Algebra For Dummies, and Differential Equations For Dummies. Good luck, OP.
You're not going to like my answer, but trust me: the only way to learn math is to struggle with it, by pen-and-paper. One of the best textbooks is by Swokowski. It is hardly used at all today, but it is very good, and you should be able to find a pdf of it (or a used copy) somewhere.
I'm aware that doing math requires doing a graph search in your head, and 95% of the population (me included) is hard capped by the number of nodes they can evaluate and branches they can prune per second. that's why I didn't major in STEM and picked one of those boring majors that guarantees a job and uses no math. maybe after I pass board exams I will try to learn for fun

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