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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is the accurate description of a 4chan user?
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lmao didnt read + kys
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>white male
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nope. click off /pol/ and this website is crawling with leftist npcs
im jewish
>Right wing who lives in a flyover state
FALSE I live in California
>Cis, white male
FALSE, I am a Trans WOMAN
>Live's in his mom's basement
FALSE, HER*** mom's basement
>Has never left his house
>Has never seen a woman in real life.
FALSE, I look in the mirror all the time
>Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic.
FALSE. Not transphobic
>Voted for Trump
I don't vote
>Exclusively browses /v/ /tv/ and /pol/
FALSE I browse /a/
>Either very fat or very lanky
FALSE I am thicc
I live in Oregon and don't vote despite being very political.
>FALSE, I look in the mirror all the time
This is what gave it away, trannies commit suicide if they do that.
so would you describe yourself as right wing? if so are you an actual transhumanist
i am and i can atleast respect trannyqti+ who have thought things thru
If you have ever seen a pic of a pol meet up you wouldn't be asking this. I am absolutely convinced I am the only White person on pol.>>472411652
I'm white(Irish) and only .7% nog
I live in Florida
I live by myself in a house in the woods
I leave every day to go to work
I've seen several women. Naked, even. Breasts exposed, nipples protruding, mayhaps.
Yes, twice
I prefer /g/ and /diy/ to /pol/, but I come here for the habbenings
6'3" 270 lbs

Libtard op in shambles rn, I love crashing their threads with no survivors
>Right wing who lives in a flyover state
>Cis, white male
>Live's in his mom's basement
got me there but it's free
>Has never left his mom's house
I have a job
>Has never seen a woman in real life.
I've had several girlfriends
>Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic.
trve on all counts
>Voted for Trump
>Exclusively browses /v/ /tv/ and /pol/
unironically all terrible boards, /o/chads are unironically the most well adjusted users
>Either very fat or very lanky
I roid
I could see this being true
I’m so glad I only use /fit/ /ck/ and /out/ and just come here to laugh at retards
i would say it depends on how you define white
many dont consider swarthy white but also do not consider how close too the equator(its fucking hot) they are speaking about
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>yes rightwing
>cis white female
>live on my own
> i have seen myself and my friend once when we were 13 but nothing happened
> yes racist. sort of sexist but mainly from low self esteem and internalized mysogony. but some of its real though and some men and women are very dumb. yes very transphobic.
>i voted for the libertarian woman I cannot remember her name ive been trying to for months
> i just browse pol and x. sometimes /gif/.....
> i am normal body weight
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>flyover state
>cis, white male
cis, hispanic male
>lives in moms basement
the house is mine (my parents bought it), i sleep in the living room though, not in my room, there's no basement though
>has never left his house
i actually grew up in washington state, and have traveled a lot, washington state, oregon, visited florida for a few months, and lived in mexico as a child, i'm somewhat well traveled, moreso than most americans
>has never seen a woman in real life
i gave up my virginity in high school, had sex almost every day (several times a day) for months, i stayed at her families place, so sex every day, EVERY DAY, while in high school.
>racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic
racist: yes/no
sexist: no/yes
homophobic: no, i never fear fags, i get disgusted by them though
transphobic: no, but i do feel bad for them, they were meant to be something greater than that
>voted trump
i never vote, to vote is to consent
>exclusively browses 4chan boards like...
i browse /pol/, though i drop in on /ic/, and some of the vidya game boards and comic ones.
>either very fat or very lanky
before covid i was in the lower end of the healthy bmi for my height, since i was always outdoors herding my goats, and a nice redishbrown tan.
now i've put on a belly since i've been a little lazy, all of my clothes still fits loosely though.

oh, OP is always a faggot, no exceptions.
>white male
he doesn't know
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barely. reads more like a tranny projecting
Ms Venti, is that you?
who the fuck actually goes on /tv/? Its like /his/ but gayer
Fuck off you dirty Jew.
Mostly pedophiles and footfags for some reason.
Not American, industrial oblast
Cis white male
Renting flat, another flat stays empty, mum lives in the country
Leave house every day this is getting stupid
See women everyday
All me
I did
I guess that's accurate
Fit and healthy, but definitely on the lanky side

All and all I call it a miss
Seems like cool people, ngl.
I mean even if it were true it’s not going to convince anyone not to be that way. It’s just some tranny mad at the world taking it out on the fellas here.
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>FALSE, I look in the mirror all the time
I look in mirrors and I don't see anything...
>Cis white male
>Live in apartment, had my own house previously
>Have definitely seen women before
>Yes, I am racist, sexist, and hate fags and troons.
>Yes, I voted for Trump and will again.
>I only browse /pol/, but I hardly come to 4chan anymore.
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>Right-wing American who lives in a flyover state.
I live an coastal state
>Cis, white male.
>Lives in his mom's basement.
I own my own house
>Has never left his house.
Left the house three hours ago
>Has never seen a woman in real life.
Just got done with OP's mom
>Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic.
You forgot Xenophobic
>Voted for Trump.
>Exclusively browses 4chan boards like /v/, /tv/, and /pol/. Either very fat or very lanky.
6'0 180lbs and yes
I only talk to people that are fully awake like Picrel.
wow he's literally me
The average 4chan user is a brown third world shitskin.
im brown
im so brown it hurts
sure, whatever helps them cope
I'm 6'6" and 200 lbs does that make me lanky?
Wrong on all counts.
I would bet money that reddit is whiter than 4chan, even /pol/
Its cute that you think I have to defend myself from redditors.
And you be right. /pol/ is unironically more diverse than reddit ever will be.
Reddit is just effeminate white dudes.
sho bobs and vagene
I seen a chuddie in the wild today walking around with a maga hat. Prob first time in the sun.
Did you cower in his girthy presence?
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>girly presence
No, I said "girthy". Are the English language lessons really that bad in Canada?
it's close enough
a lot of projecting for a hired gun
Well i dont know if any of that sort makes sense but i m really rapey.
>doesn't know what a chuddie is
he just failed ESL
Wrong. I don't even exist. I'm just a bot.
>Going down the line
Popular US state on the west coast that rhymes with dos trangeles.
Cis white? You mean a normal White man? Yes.
lol I wish, it would be awesome to be a bum.
I did some time inna army and 15 months in Iraqistan fighting for ZOG.
I am a widowed single father, though I do wish I never knew women. Nothing but trouble.
Pattern noticer, yes. I prefer racist, misogynist, le homomisic and le transmisic as I do not fear you freaks kek.
I didn't vote.
x, tv and pol are it for me. V is plebbit.
I am otter mode, I don't drink alcohol and I watch what goyslop I shovel down my gullet.
Home owner
Didn't vote
Only /pol/
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Everything on there is wrong about me except
>Right-wing American
>Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic.
>Voted for Trump.
And I will gladly own up to all of those.
Is that some sort of Indian thing? Like when you guys say bhenchod or madarchod? Would bhenchud be grammatically correct?
Many such cases, sad
Honestly, I don't, because as of now, it just seems like someone who trannies hate.
All wrong except the racist part, fucking gringo
>I live in California (aka King Newsomes tax farm)
>guilty on 2nd charge
>own my home, no basement because earthquakes.
>leave my house everyday.
>who doesn’t see women IRL they’re 50% of population?
>guilty of 6th charge and also Xenophobic.
>voted for Trump but vote didn’t count because democrat super majority state and electors.
>I browse /biz/, /fit/, /k/ and /pol/ almost exclusively
>I am 6’1” and 220lbs, according to BMI chart I am supposedly fatally obese for some reason, but I hit the weights.
Unfortunately not, housing is ridiculous here
I’m leaving for Europe on Tuesday
Pregnant wife
My home board is /k/, /pol/ whenever stuff is going on.
I need to get back on my workout routine when I get back but I’ve certainly never been described as lanky.
ad hominems. it's so disingenuous, but not surprising given that these types of people are weasels.
Why do women think people who work outside don't see women?
wish mom had a basement
Anon, it's not women who makes these posts. It's "women."
i wish i was more racist
yeah for sure, I mean you're posting here
>/v/ /tv/ /pol/
No, those are fucking tourists.
For the most part yes.
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It was probably Jill stein. You're welcome.
maybe, but maybe not
but i am far from average i guess
>un political. live near shore town in new jersey in the woods
>winter in colorado for skiing
>married to my high school sweet heart, with two kids
>decent house
>racist etc yes
>have.never voted, am a convicted rapist with another felony assualt charge
>i go on /diy/ /ck/ and /lit/ as well of those boards
>6'2 and 203 pounds(electician)
>Right wing American
American, don't vote or give much of a fuck, I just don't like the gross shit (trooning out, etc) but I won't go out of my way to do something about it
I'm honestly not really into politics
>flyover state
Like 90% of the landmass is, but the rest of the state is world-known (and infamous) shits expensive up here and the rest of the state doesn't like it
>Cis, white male
Greek and Mexican, only fap to traps sometimes, that cis shit is such an annoying label, just normal
>Lives in his mom's basement
My parents live with me
>Has never left his house
did that
>Has never seen a woman in real life
Think I caught a glimpse once
>Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic.
All day online (Don't really care though)
>Voted for Trump
Don't vote
>Exclusively browses /v/. /tv/ and /pol/
eh sometimes, mostly /o/, /ck/, /fit/ and /fa/ a little
>Either very fat or very lanky
was skinny fat for a while then bulked into strong fat and now I look pretty decent but I'd like to cut for even more definition

I enjoyed taking your survey
I almost sideswiped a mexian mobster ama
you forgot to include you have a double digit IQ, based on that profile
What the fuck am I looking at? If this is what you guys actually look like, I'm ditching this board for good and never associating with you faggots again.

I'll go to the park, read books, talk to girls at the gym, but I'll never be like that.
Right wing non flyover
Correct, throw in xenophobic
Not fat, not skinny
7% Bad boy.
METRIC iq. not like you retards would understand.
did you really expect any different from a board full of schizos and retards who want to watch the world burn
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>right-wing american who lives in the suburbs
>cis, white male
>lives in my own house
>i leave my house when i need to
>i see women all the time
>racist. sexist. homophobic. transphobic
>voted for trump
>exclusively browses 4chan boards like /pol/, /k/, /r9k/ and /cm/
>tall and mid, not fat or skinny
yeah I'm sure racist electricians are very smart
>/pol/ after 2022
pipe down and fry my chalula caprende
>Right wing American living in flyover state
Sure. If your definition of flyover state is anywhere except California and New York City
>Cis white male
I am a heterosexual brown Indian
>Lives in his mom’s basement
No I own a house
>Has never left house
>Has never seen a woman in his life
I forced my wife into an arranged marriage and now I rape her everyday
>Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic
Yes, all of the above
>Voted for Trump
Absolutely. He is very nice to Indian community
>Exclusively browses /v/, /tv/, and /pol/
I don’t really watch TV, but I visit the other two boards
>Either very fat or very skinny
My bmi is very normal sir
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mexican electricians are very racist ;D their smarter than niggers and the roofing mexicans.
>racist white American
>married in a state Capitol
>fit, social, well paying job
>loves to Roman salute and monkey howl at minorities
>calls you a faggot to your face
Kys nigger.
sorry if the pic had too much likeness to you

we're talking about the general /pol/ population , there's lots of boomers and blue collar retards in here. Not exactly the flagships of any moderate level of intelligence.
>Never leaves the house
Only because of all the retards, degenerates, and ugly people. It’s grating to see the wasted souls shambling along and making the world around them as shit as they are. It’s fuckin pitiful. Who can I have an halfway intelligible conversation with? You know, as far as someone with the basic mental capacity of even a decade ago? People are just boring now, no life behind their eyes. Natures cool though.
Nope. Not close. I have what every man dreams about and wishes. I’m not silver spoon and my art and words are my weapons.
That can be somewhat accurate

Real reason this place is so important is due to the following individuals that come here

Neurodivergent American from anywhere
Straight male, all races, all ages, high IQ
Many different living arrangements of course
Has dealt with women, depending on age
Race realist, understands women,
Doesn't want LGBT matters at forefront of politics and culture
Voted for Trump or doesn't vote at all
Browses /pol/, /biz/ and /x/ plus more
Could be fat, skinny or in shape//fit/
NEET/more money than average for age group
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> browsing /tv/ instead of /his/
Trans woman
Live in dad's attic
Have left house once in 1997
Seen myself :)
prejudice + power. dont have power so no.
not applicable
browse /mlp/
normal bmi

All wrong!
what's a flyover state?
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They got the second last one right. The rest is a delusional gay feminist fantasy.
Adding in
>Straight/bi male*
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We don’t have a basement
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this you?
Gues ya got me
what even is a neurotypical person anymore? nobody is just milquetoast plain right? we are all a little different, what at minimum would make someone "neurodivergent"
>I’m not silver spoon

Can i ask you what that means?
I miss he will not divide us streams
>Lives in moms basement
>Never seen a woman in real life
Iv seen your swing!
I know your swing!
No I live upstairs and don't vote
>caring what other men "look like".
>calling ANYONE else a faggot
it's literally impossible for someone who isn't totally pathetic to be a chud. It requires you to hate others for your own shortcomings. That's they always whine about da jooz and da troons. Because they're unlovable, unfuckable losers and they are throwing a little diaper fit. How about you go protest and help organize the left. Because that's who ACTUALLY wants change instead of whining. Losers.
Probably quoting some commie faggot thought leader.
Been on all 7 continents
Not a Mutt but would
You forgot /k/ for the Boog
Mid fit.
>How about you go protest and help organize the left
Get out of my comfy bed to go get pepper sprayed by the cops, get turned into a chudjak, and all in the name of some really gross shit? yeah fuck that lol
>yes. yes. yes. yes.
A cunt once told me that, but once i asked her if she would like ron jeremy as her bf after her drivel she wasnt that keen on that.
I live in Texas in a condo on the 21st floor with my girlfriend. I browse /o/ and /ck/ and recently I've become a little overweight because I drink a lot. Other than that, it's literally me.
>Right wing who lives in a flyover state
Sort of? Most of Illinois is flyover but I live in Chicago
>Cis, white male
>Live's in his mom's basement
Live alone in an apartment but it's a basement unit
>Has never left his house
I usually prefer staying home in my free time, sure
>Has never seen a woman in real life.
Gf and I are moving in together soon and already decided we're getting married and having kids once I finish college. Though I was a khv until I was 22
>Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic.
>Voted for Trump
Yes in 2016, didn't vote in 2020 and probably won't this time either
>Exclusively browses /v/ /tv/ and /pol/
/pol/ and occasionally /ck/
>Either very fat or very lanky
6ft 130lbs
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Don't live in a flyover state.
Don't have a basement, and living with your immediate family is a good thing. Especially with the economy as fucking retarded as it is.
I leave my house all the time.
How has someone never seen a woman in real life if they live with their mother?
No one is afraid.
I don't vote.
I don't touch /v/ or /tv/.
I'm kind of both, but also neither.
One drop rule, nigger.
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Physiognomy is indeed a real thing, my testosterone deficient anon.
ahahha living in the big apple. 4chan users are everywhere.

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