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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration, and let me tell you: people are freaking the fuck out. They recognize Biden got absolutely Trumped in that debate. Imagine the Pentagon on Defcon 2; that's what it looks like here. I don't think his chances are existent anymore. I've even heard of Biden being forced to step down and Kamala or Pete running in his place.
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Damn I don't care. Still voting Joe
I am a mid ranking staffer in the Trump campaign, and let me tell you: people are freaking the fuck out. They recognize Trump got absolutely Bidened in that debate. Imagine the Pentagon on Defcon 2; that's what it looks like here. I don't think his chances are existent anymore. I've even heard of Trump being forced to step down and Nikki or DeSantis running in his place.

but THE IDEA spam filter
I am a mid ranking staffer in the RFKjr campaign, and let me tell you: people are freaking the fuck out. They recognize RFKjr got absolutely Jill Stein’ed in that debate. Imagine the Pentagon on Defcon 2; that's what it looks like here. I don't think his chances are existent anymore. I've even heard of RKFjr being forced to step down and the brain worm running in his place
You're a larper but I'll bite
Why did you guys even agree to a debate?
He had a better chance just saying no
Imagine the Chinese and Russian security analysts watching that debate and trying to figure out when or whether to escalate to the military.
>Do the Americans still have control of their military assets? What game are they playing? What moves are they trying to make us take by demonstrating this shit show on the world stage?
You can't vote, AI bot.
they probably consider it some kind of 5D chess mind game
you live in your parents basement fag
>mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration
Checks out
I'm too low level to know the real reason but I've heard two theories
(1) He was forced into it to make him look retarded and he'll be replaced on that basis
(2) He was going to be told the questions beforehand and have a teleprompter but Trump shut it down somehow
That's the proper spelling?
Holy based
>That's the proper spelling?
Lol, you're right, I thought it was existant and just googled it, I'm gonna disappear from this thread now
2024 finally got fun
>I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration

No the fuck you're not HAHAHA
>they probably consider it some kind of 5D chess mind game
I prefer to believe that, somewhere, a foreign intelligence analyst just fired a worried glance at his peers. And a bead of sweat formed on his brow as he considered the potential consequences of informing his superiors that something strange was transpiring on the US presidential debate stage.
Those don't seem like acceptable options because the "extreme left" is being targeted at the moment for cancel culture. The only opponent Dems could possibly run for this election is RFK, but I doubt that will happen. Everyone is tired of the censorship. There is, however, a chance if they start targeting the anti-semitic bills in the states and highlight that as a form of cancel culture, but I seriously doubt they would go that route because they need donor money.
Good. The Dems deserve it for installing an ancient senile puppet like Biden.
I guess all the speed they shot him up with didn't work this time. The mumbling stuttering old prick.
im voting for pete butigeg because we need a president who sucks cock and eats ass and gets fucked in his ass with cocks and eats cum
It probably is. This whole clown show is controlled by the CIA. Appear weak when you are strong

President is just an honorary title just like kings nowadays. They don’t do shit.
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Did'ya hear this? Pete Butigeg says he's running his political platform on two simple policies: Suckin 'n Fuckin'.
in all serious we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes
We already knew you fags were lying about Biden's cognitive ability, now the normies know you're a bunch of faggot liars.
haha, I would have bet money 6 months ago one of these two would have had a major medical issue by now

based and redpilld
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>I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration, and let me tell you: people are freaking the fuck out. They recognize Biden got absolutely Trumped in that debate.
If you were any sort of staffer for Biden you would know the REAL Joe Biden has not been seen since late summer 2021, every time you see "biden" its a body double. There are WAYYYY too many differences for someone who is close to him to not be able to pick up on. The person on the debate stage tonight was a double, and was being told what to say and all of the pauses, brain freezes, slip ups, and stumbles were all on purpose.
>Kamala or Pete running
Oh God, please let this happen!
They were planning on letting joe spin out faggot
>I've even heard of Biden being forced to step down and Kamala or Pete running in his place.
Almost like that was the plan all along, like many people said. sleepy joe only existed because they know they couldn't get a whore into the presidential seat unless she's VP. She will assume the presidency then the campaign will be #HerTurn and go into overdrive about how heckin wholesome and poggers it is that we'll have a waymn president.

They probably planned to do it post election but figurehead joe was getting really hard to justify for a second term so they pulled the plug on his life support early.
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>I'm too low level to know the real reason but I've heard two theories
>(1) He was forced into it to make him look retarded and he'll be replaced on that basis
>(2) He was going to be told the questions beforehand and have a teleprompter

it wouldnt matter, everything you are seeing is absolute rehearsed theatre, all of this is fake and gay to extremes that should not be possible. There are at least 3 facial surgery body doubles, and additional mask wearers. These people are PRETENDING to be Joe Biden, there is no possible way if you were a staffer that you could not see this. I saw this instantly in early 2020 when they started showing PedoPeter in the basement, its clearly NOT Joe Biden its multiple doubles. ALL of 2020 all you saw was doubles. The first time you saw the REAL Joe Biden in 2020 was in mid december in the blue suit with walking boot after the "dog trip" accident. The fake inauguration was done with a double and filmed over 3 days of "rehearsals" and edited together to look like a real inauguration. The early part of 2021 had the REAL Biden mixed in with doubles at different appearances, but since late summer 2021, its been ALL doubles. The REAL Biden has been completely AWOL.
If you were a REAL staffer you would know this.
This is the absolute most lame ride at the amusement park, i want off this ride and i want my money back.
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>im voting for pete butigeg because we need a president who sucks cock and eats ass and gets fucked in his ass with cocks and eats cum

They have been propping him up for quite a while, his turn is certainly cumming.
Ole Peter Booty'Dredge
Insider here. Let me tell you OP is a faggot.
Bidenbros... this cant be the end right? I mean he hasnt even had a chanve yet
Kamehameha is the least popular person in government so she's a washout, and nobody likes Pete Bootyfag. It's Joever.
It's time. Set the goose loose
I'm a few floors / stories below the Biden headquarters.
People have been jumping out of windows like you would never believe these last few minutes. What is happening?!?!

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ok but I am a high ranking staffer in the Biden administration tho
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>a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration
And other retarded things you should never admit to anyone
>Almost like that was the plan all along
Non American here. Doesn't the sitting president automatically get the nomination? They would have to remove him with a medical competency check or something right? Or push him down some stairs.

It's Joever
Suck my dick faggot
My dad is a mid ranking staffer in the Nintendo administration, and let me tell you: people are freaking the fuck out. They recognize Nintendo got absolutely Trumped in that debate. Imagine the Pentagon on Defcon 2; that's what it looks like here. I don't think his chances are existent anymore. I've even heard of Nintendo being forced to step down and sega or Sony running in its place.
>Somewhere some chinese operative is intensely counting the amounts of uhs and ums from biden to decipher a super hidden morse code
Cornpop BTFO
What do you know about Seth Rich?
still voting for biden.
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trump brought up the ukraine quid pro quo statement biden made, and biden looked scared lol
he knows full well that was exactly the crime they accused trump of
>I've even heard of Biden being forced to step down and Kamala or Pete running in his place.
Time to replace the giver of penis with takers of penis.
My dad works at America and he says we can't let him get the Nuclear codes. Investigating

Fake but I believe it
Yeah? And I’m Nattily Wood floating on shore.
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He’s a real dynamo.
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Based. Nothing is on the level kid.
I’m still ridin with Biden bros
My dad is a nuclear code and he says Biden is made of cheese.
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Manchurian 1.0 is still seen as a success.
>I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration
You could have said you are a faggot, it would have saved a lot of characters.
C'mon man, put some more effort into your LARP.
the obvious question that everyone should be asking is, if Biden is so obviously incompetent or that there's multiple body-doubles of him, who the fuck is running the country?
this is what i don't get. if the average person can see biden is incompetent, then so can all the CEO's and boards of directors in all of America's businesses. there's no fucking way biden as is would be allowed anywhere near the levers of actual power.
so who the fuck is actually running the country???
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>ok but I am a high ranking staffer in the Biden administration tho

you gained some weight?
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>Based. Nothing is on the level kid.
I'm ridin'
Who is the campaign manager for the Biden campaign, he/she/it is blowing it. It's your job to prep Biden for the debate. He didn't. Biden supposedly caught a cold on your watch. Biden was low energy, give him a fucking Xanax or benadryl, this shit is amateur hour.
it was time for the pendulum to swing back
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>Manchurian 1.0 is still seen as a success.

He is a byproduct of operation paperclip
His mother was a CIA asset used to seduce and gain intel and control high certain "people"
His grandmother is none other than.....
His grandfather is..... yep you guessed it...
>"I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration"
>"Biden got absolutely Trumped"
Nice larp, Bradley. I think the pizza pockets are melting down in the microwave
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>the obvious question that everyone should be asking is, if Biden is so obviously incompetent or that there's multiple body-doubles of him, who the fuck is running the country?
>this is what i don't get. if the average person can see biden is incompetent, then so can all the CEO's and boards of directors in all of America's businesses. there's no fucking way biden as is would be allowed anywhere near the levers of actual power.
>so who the fuck is actually running the country???

The Kikes in Kontrol
The puppeteers
This country IS NOT run by the president
This country is run by the Jews in power
The president is told what to do, where to stand, what to say, and obeys the puppeteers or he'd JFK'd
You feel me?
>it wouldnt matter, everything you are seeing is absolute rehearsed theatre, all of this is fake and gay to extremes that should not be possible. T
I'm still waiting for an explanation for the Biden scrum outdoors where he visually clips through one of the media mics.
Not even Biden is riding with Biden anymore. He is a potato.
>I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration
Show axewound.
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>if Trump and the Jews paid taxes, the debt would be paid off
I trust this plan.
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>I'm still waiting for an explanation for the Biden scrum outdoors where he visually clips through one of the media mics.
that is called a green screen
If you watch closely, i noticed this the first time i watched it before i ever saw the hand thru the mic
Watch how fast he is moving toward the camera, in relation to how fast his legs are swinging and how much of a stride he is taking
He is walking in place, in front of a green screen, yet they make him look like he is walking 8mph as he walks up to the mics. You can easily tell its a green screen because the hand goes thru the mic.
This was an edited 3d computer generation using a full scale 3d model of a person (biden puppet) and a putting them into a previously recorded event
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>I'm still waiting for an explanation for the Biden scrum outdoors where he visually clips through one of the media mics.

I have videos showing how they did this with Zelensky, this using hollywood 3d modeling software to completley 3d scan a person and be bale to digitally put them into any screen recording. This is how they were doing the videos at first showing Zelensky walking the streets of towns in Ukraine when he was WAY away in Israel and Europe.
or something close to that
which means everyone getting emotionally invested in biden winning/losing and getting worked up about the debate is being a fucking moron and doing the (((controllers))) work for them.
everyone who hates the ZOG should be loudly asking who has actually been running things for the last several years and stop playing into the (((media narrative))) that biden is actually in charge of anything, or that elections matter.
nuke israel today, those are my thoughts on your shit thread
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>everyone who hates the ZOG should be loudly asking who has actually been running things for the last several years and stop playing into the (((media narrative))) that biden is actually in charge of anything, or that elections matter.

The Kikes in Kontrol had some things they needed to happen. These things were supposed to slowly progress under Clinton and we were not supposed to hit such a bumpy ride it was supposed to be a slow progression.
Trump winning 2016 ruined their plans, so when they got completley back in power they had to fast track a bunch of shit and degeneracy. The JewNited States of JewMerica needs to be the shining symbol of "democracy" to be a leader for all other countries to follow. How else are starving ethopians going to become gay and trans if the Jews in power dont show it happening all over the JewSA?
I don't think most people wanted to watch these geezers talk at cameras, you can probably just flash cut it however you want
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My dad works for Nintendo and it's Joever
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kek't to the max
i am going home lads, been here at work far too long. Need some sleep.

Biden is not Biden, they have been using doubles for years.
This makes me think the REAL Biden likely got comped and controlled and 86'd along with many other Deep State operatives and this whole "thing" you are seeing is actually the cue plan playing out. Pulling the cords out of the switch board and wrecking this concert the DemonCrats have been having a party at for so long. The Red Team has cut the wires to the switch board of the Blue Team and we are seeing a power switch as the Red Team redpills all the Blue Teams NPCs
He's the creepiest god damned faggot I've ever seen.
My dad works for Nintendo
>I am a mid ranking Biden in the Biden administration, and let me tell you: Biden is freaking the fuck out. He recognizes Biden got absolutely Biden'd in that debate. Imagine the Bidengon on Bidencon 2; that's what it looks like here. I don't think his chances are existent anymore. I've even heard of Biden being forced to step down and Biden or Biden running in his place.
>I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration
My dad works at Nintendo
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>Kamala or Pete running in his place
It's over.
You know I am just travelling in Canada rightr now. I travel a lot for work

the other week i was out in Missouri and stopped by a bar in the evening. the TV was showing Biden's state of the union. I ordered a beer and had a seat and overheard some regular average american's talking. One of them was wiping sweat off his brow and nodded to the TV and said

"You know what, Joe is alright. He did lower the national money problem, he advocated against our enemies world wide, and by god old scranton joe's got my vote"

his friend sat back as if he was taking it all in and nodded in agreement. "hell, old joe ain't so bad, maybe america is gonna be alright"

the bartender grabbed the guy on the shoulder (friendly pat) and said.glad 2 hear it boys. ole joe won't let us down.
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Based, I made that gif from a Bitchute video. Most of my old bookmarks on the robot have been wiped off the platform. Kek.

There was some former KGB agent who predicted him exactly like 20 years before he was a thing. It’s almost like it’s all fake and gay.

I really think they have an organic robotoid/clone and the pants shitting and “dementia” is just the equivalent of a Chinese knock off.
I saw Joe Biden at the grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and sniffing my hair. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Corn Pops in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the Corn Pops and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each Corn Pop and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
my dad's a mid ranking staffer at nintendo
straighten yourself out a bit. It's nights like tonight that will have 40% of you in a corner fucking the other 40%. Nothing acts like more of a political aphrodisiac than very good or very bad news
same. for real.
fucking kek
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Listen here Jack, I’m gonna set you straight. I’ll say this only once so listen up fat. Back in my day we didn’t call it Covid whatever, we called it the “Shanghai Shivers”. Okay here’s the deal, Slick. I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol’ Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. He caught the “Shanghai Shivers” one year, and let me tell you, if Cornflake Jackson says, “It ain’t no thang” you can take that to the bank, Buckaroo. That’s how I know you are full of shit. I’d punch your daughter in the mouth.
my dads an alcoholic
lol i come to nu/pol/ and its gotten so bad its basically fucking yt comment section
Kill yourself
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>Why did you guys even agree to a debate?
Because when Trump challenged him he couldn't back out without most of the country turning on him there. You can't say how you'd curbstomp the other guy in a debate then refuse to hold one.
Keep in mind, for Biden to even attend it had to be:
>favorable venue
>favorable moderation
>muting microphones
>hosted by a handpicked group
The fact Biden fucked up this bad considering Trump visually was setting himself up to debate the moderator more than Biden from the shit in 2020. All Bidem had to do was make a vague statement then let CNN make his point for him.
Holy shit, I can totally see it. The way he's walking he could definitely be on a treadmill
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Admirable. I just want an alcoholic chug gf to winter with in an Albertan cabin. We could drunk snugglefuck in front of the wood stove while listening to AM radio.
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i told you to stop posting on /pol son.
biden will die quietly in his sleep. kamala will politely decline to run for reelection, newsom will step in.
This is America. These are our values. It’s who we are. Cum-infused shit-eating off of a dick like a popsicle is sacred and progressive.

You know regardless of how much the feminists, gays, and leftists seethe, it’s kind of really important, non-negotiable even, that the most powerful person in the world, in command of a nuclear superpower’s military, to not be someone who gets on his/her knees and sucks dick or gets fucked, and calls oneself all sorts of degrading names for another’s sexual pleasure. So this straight up precludes all women. It’s one reason we can never take them seriously: we know they suck dick and serve as cock-sleeves. And so when conditions are fucked with and made artificial to a ludicrous degree such that it allows a woman a “victory” over a man, it is extra humiliating. The feminists think this is a massive win, that men are finally intimidated and scared by an independent and strong woman, or whatever. Nah. It’s just humiliating for a natural heriarchy to be so inverted that it places above and/or in charge of you a human toilet who you can easily kill with one punch.

Dick sucking and cum drinking leaders are only a feature in clown-world. A paradigm not long for this world.
Your iD sells you out
But your post does the same
You glows glow like no other
Is this the best you got?
I still trip out over the stark contrast between being a kid and having this idea of adults as infallible, omniscient gods, and then growing up and realizing everybody is fucking retarded, to now realizing an old man with dementia has the power to start a nuclear war and half the country thinks this is a great idea and are even pushing in that direction. Holy fuck bro we are not gonna be ok.
No shit when you go from Immortan Joe to grandpa Joe it's a serious downgrade.
>Holy shit, I can totally see it. The way he's walking he could definitely be on a treadmill
It’s east to see the second you open the clip. The speed he’s moving versus the speed and stride he has don’t match. He’s walking on a treadmill or on a belt with green green behind him being recorded and that recording was super imposed into the microphone footage.
Finally an honest anon.
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This post has 2 more weeks energy
It was part of the plan midwit. They always intended to replace him.
They should have given biden some children to sniff before he went on stage. He is literally looks like picrel half the time.
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i respect this dream
based chaos agent
Fake and gay, neck yourself kike.
> Imagine the Chinese and Russian security analysts watching that debate and trying to figure out when or whether to escalate to the military.

“The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make us wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them we are missing” -- Gamal Abdel Nasser
I’m voting for Trump because he caused reddit to shut down
Please replace him with Kamala. It would cure my depression by laughing 24/7 until Trump's inauguration.
Biden has been away without leave??? He's gonna be dishonorably discharged for sure! Fucking retards on this site I swear to god
He did fine for an 81 year old man. They said he was great for a very long time. Just great. He's fabulous, vigorous, magnanimous, can handle anything. He's not old just experienced. Joe was Joe tonight. But they are all lying fraudsters.
Bullshit, everyone knew his status going into this.
Why couldn't they have a leader like Trudeau instead? What is wrong with these retards? Every single American politician seems to be very physically and mentally sick and old. Even the other candidates all seems like total invalids who'd get mogged by just the average Canadian.
Didn't he just get killed in the ukraine?
Same, fuck zion don
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>dog claw scars
>Trump shut it down somehow
why do you dumbass boomers always mix movie plots into your larps?
>The average jeet could mog Biden or Trump
The only chance they have is giving them e. coli
if you had been here more than one day, you would know why that question doesn't need to be asked
did he poop his pants or not?
This. I will be enjoying the salt mine here when Biden easily wins. Tick tok incels :)
>I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration...

Shut up, and get back to being Lady G's buttboy.
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Buttigieg is gay. He couldn't win his own election, let alone the presidency.
Newsom doesn't have the name recognition and everyone EVERYONE knows California is down bad.
Harris is historically unpopular and has tons of dirty laundry that everyone just ignores because she doesn't do anything right now.
Hillary is too old and still has her issues from last time.

We're down to what? Whitmer and Bernie? Bernie is the same age as Biden and has noticeably declined. Whitmer doesn't have the resume or the charisma.

underrated post
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Shockingly based
Those drugs won't work. They should just boost him with tons of nootropics and microdoses of shrooms and a perfect diet and exercise regimen. Basic shit anyone in the intelligence community does. Also they shouldn't run such an old puppet for president wtf is the point of that?
>Damn I don't care. Still voting Joe

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Please tell us about the drugs he took before the debate? It would be interesting to know how he is still going for these occasions.
When I say Canadian I don't include invaders or injuns in that term. Canadian means a white person living in Canada.
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bill clinton was president 30 years ago and is younger than both of them
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High level insider here, the plan is for Joe to "get sick" and die in mid September. Replacement candidate is not locked down yet.
The real questions

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