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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Humiliation Ritual
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Confirmed via trips
They walked him up there after getting him detoxed on uppers so they can swap this dud out with superdelegates.

Bidens lips dont move when he talks.

Yeah, for us. This retard probably thinks he actually won the presidency and saved democracy or something.
It was so obvious that he was concentrating on listening to an ear piece while Trump was talking. Once he even put his hand on his ear to adjust to listen better. He blatantly messed it up even after having an ear piece and all questions before hand.
Checked I'm feeling humiliated
>Biden: the rich can pay off the debt
>Trump: migrants killed goyim i really do care about for real
I think Trump should pay taxes. Sorry, boomers who think they can save Ukraine.
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He lost his voice
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He looked like he was opioids every time he wasn't talking.
CNN is tearing Bidens asshole apart right now. They are shredding him worse than I've ever seen fox do.
They cannot win without major fraud. Is this setting up for 2028 somehow?

I just cannot see how they can get out of this, but I know that they have to have some plan.

"Humiliation ritual" really is the best take though I think, since this is jothing less than a spiritual moment for America.
You get what you fucking deserve.
The only people being humiliated are Americans who pay for them to be lead by them.
Same goes for us as well.
RFK Jr is going to be our president
That’s my president
Somebody needs to compile all the nam flashbacks and add the sound of silence over em while the color gradually fades into greyness
its because the jews know with trump they secure money and weapons. theyve got him by the balls and hell doneverything he says
i agree with this 100%
our choices are a convicted felon who refuses to answer any questions, and a guy whose brain can't communicate to the other parts of his body anymore
what a fucking world
We are so back.
Donald Trump Will Win And Make America Great Again!
Check 'em
Praise Kek
2016 vibes
All day
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Demon possessed man coming undone
He blatantly had an ear piece on in the last debates too.
There were various time frames where it was in plain sight if you paused it.
Praise be to Jesus and Mary
Biden won the debate easily. He laid out a vision. A goal. A future that Americans can get behind.

Trump was angry, conpiratorial, and deluded.

This debate told us nothing new. It just further proved that Biden is the right choice.
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Consensus on Gab a few months back was the jews decided to put Trump back in for the war with Iran.
End 2 party partisan politics. Reunite Church with state. Christ is king
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Christ is King!
wtf I used to like Trump but we cant let this man get the nuclear codes

i didnt watch. was it bad for biden? did he seem dementia
You're fucking insane and retarded
Poor guy. I feel bad for him.
BUT why? Is Biden actually based? Why are they doing it?
The solution is theocracy for Christians and religious Christian fundamentalism. Unite church with state for Christians. Christ is king
People down not want "the right choice", people don't want a plan for our future. You're a fucking moron.
People want Trump.
>kanye west album cover
isnt that the nigger that talks about how much he loves jewish pornography and also wants to open his own pornography studio and also race mixes and has a very long list of degeneracy?
You need Jesus to win. Christ is king
Joey B holds up arms shipments to Israel, and the media turns on him. Trump 3rd Temple will be the greatest temple
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The problem is the American constitution. The constitution says Judaism is equal to Christianity. The only valid religion is Christianity. You never win with freemasonry
Again I will say, you are insane and retarded. If I had the authority I'd have you shot by a squad of rifles. You're everything wrong with the world.
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End the white supremacy. We need a black Pope
"My Kingdom is not of this world"
- Jesus
Earthly politics can never be reconciled with Christianity and you cannot legislate faith and salvation, these come from the heart.
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after all that evil he allowed
after all that evil he participated in

still couldn't appease the
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Americans only use their 2nd amendment to gun down innocent school children and shoot defenseless animals in the woods. Never tyrants or pedophile movie producers. The only weapon I need is my Holy Rosary. Demons fear the Holy Rosary
If it was a humiliation ritual, then why couldn't Donald deliver the goods?
Christian leadership for Christians. All of the world's problems stem from Europeans abandoning Jesus Christ at the protestant reformation
>but I'm on the good side
Remember this night the next time someone morally grandstands about some bullshit for good goy points. They will absolutely eat their own for survival the second they think it's needed. You can't give these people an inch and no amount of capitulation or support makes you safe.
Kamala is on CNN making a fool of herself again
this man speaks the Truth
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MSM Dems are saying it's joever, but Redditors are unironically saying Joe won, and anything else is Russian disinformation.
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Bullshit. Biden is just a document signer. Having him in power is basically putting the CIA in charge. Trump actually has a sliver of agency, even if those around him are uncooperative. He could screw things up for them if he wanted.
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Well, if our Jewish overlords can bring gas back to <$2 a gallon and reduce my weekly grocery bill, then so mote it be.
Nope in hell luther
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Jews are loyal to eachother unlike the most revolting sight before God, traitor to Christ and his own people: the white anglo saxon protestant.
Protestants are judas
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Show flag. Protestants are the malignancy that needs amputation
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>admits jews are part hittite

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That poster is Jonathan Black, one of the most pro-Jewish, anti-White people on this board.
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Anglos are much worse than jews. Simple as
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If you're not Catholic you don't count. Praise be to Jesus and Mary
Got a big brain take for you to consider.

This is supposed to be him at the top of his game. If he's this bad at an event that's been hyped for months, imagine what he's actually like now on a day to day basis in the Whitehouse and what he'll be like a couple of years from now.
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yeah, he's pretty easy to spot

everyone can see the pubes growing out of your head from their screens, jonathan

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Step out of Jonathan Black's way or get stepped on. He's Christ's instrument. Jesus Christ is the son of God
>speaks about himself in the third person

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White American cops dont just defend and protect the satanic pedophile elite. They organize and participate
AIPAC donated $15 million for a primary in NYC that no one outside of the district would have cared about.
You need Jesus to win. Christ is king
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Fuck off with this gay schizo religious faggotry and post some funny joever memes.
>fagmerican calling others fag
Death be to globohomo USA. Jesus Christ is the son of God
amen, looks like even leafs get redeemed
>d&c kike
>you need Christ
>but you can't be protestant

you're a retard
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For the faggots and DNC.
Ave Maria. Viva Cristo Rey. May God bless you in Jesus name

do you know why they had to?

because bowman made a safe seat a tossup, they are funding this guy to beat the R. They wouldnt have had to but Mr Fire Alarm was terrible.
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Do not worry about jews. Roman Catholics are your main enemy. Jews are soft compared to us. We will wipe you clean off the face of the earth in Jesus name. Christ is king
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Christ is King is a pilpul confession. Christ has the definition of King inside of it, so it's true no matter of whom they are speaking. Jesus is King, Jesus is Christ, these are confessions. But even the demons were said to know his rank.
wouldn't be surprised if biden just randomly died at this point. i knew he was bad but not this bad
Democracy is a freemason scheme. Reunite Church with state. Christ is king
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nope just a random guy Swede cuck
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The american constitution says Judaism is equal to Christianity. Can you denounce the American constitution? I denounce the American constitution
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For any Eurofags and Cucknadians here: MSNBC is the shitlib equivalent of Fox News, in the sense that it's cable news political propaganda for clueless Boomers – only left wing, instead of neocon ala Fox.
If they're saying it's joever, it's just that – joever.
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>Do not worry about jews.

ok kikerino
Holy shit, what's with all of the annoying fucking samefags posting this gay religious schizo shit?
Biden looked particularly deranged during this debate.
Honestly this is what should’ve happened the first time but trump wouldn’t shut the fuck up and let Biden dig his grave
Worst debate performance of all time.
This was like Nixon-Kennedy on crack
Trump won the election tonight
Anglo americans slaughtered 50m Europeans last century. George Patton and Douglas MacArthur were not jews. You are much worse than jews. Hail Mary mother of Christ
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For America. Since the day Biden has been installed.
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We are all one in Jesus, my brother. The cosmic truth is that we are all samefagging
[Remember that time Donald Trump was president?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=630ba723029a4)

Notice the time stamps on these posts. They're old.

[Remember that time the Zion Don never locked up Hillary?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=630bc8c795e95)

[Remember that time Zion Don granted 400k visas for white collar foreigners instead of employing Americans at those jobs thus further marginalizing the ethnic American master race?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=630b954e91f9d)

[Remember that time the Zion Don complied with Jewish protocol and offered niggers a half trillion of ethnic Americans' money to purchase votes instead of student loan forgiveness because (((banksters)))](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=635044bba853f)

[Remember that time Zion Don threatened to kill any whites in America who wanted to kill Jews?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=630baadb6793b)

[Remember that time Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to carry out terrorist attacks in America and Europe if they didn't assist in the genocide of Palestinians?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=657bdf76a5c28)

[Member that time the Zion Don said "Israel literally owned congress, and it was so powerful, and today it's almost the opposite ... Israel had such power, and rightfully, over congress" in an attempt to invoke white guilt to give Israel more power yet?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=645400e44b7b2)

[Remember that time the Zion Don tried using taxpayer money to purchase negro votes?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=63042258ee831)

[Remember that time Trump flew half way across the world to save 3 thieving niggers from justice?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=62df45ccd0066)

[Remember that time the Zion Don pretended he was drowning in the pussy by pretending to be his agent and saying all the women call him and he has 4 girlfriends?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=63042ea5abb35)
Biden knocked it out of the park tonight. He was a warrior poet. I actually wept at the beauty.
Your Cheeto has expired. Tick tock.
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he sucked at the debate but I don't give a shit

[Remember that time The Zion Don turned down money for our brethren in Poland until they gave Jews Polish land?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=630929245430d)

[Remember that time the Zion Don tried proving he loves nigger by fucking a nigger?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=63042e238503b)

[Remember that time Zion Don got raided by the FBI and didn't even bring up his dear friend Jeffery Epstein's client list that the FBI has been ignoring?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=631d6d2e0ff2a)

[Remember that time the Zion Don registered as a democrat for 30+ years?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=630430f84ed3d)

[Remember that time the Zion Don told the the January 6th people that "they will pay" for fighting back against the fraudulent election and threw them in prison?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6304248ae5fe9)

[Remember that time the Zion Don was dear friends with (((Jeffrey Epstein))) his entire life and aware of his pedophilic activity and didn't say anything even as Epstein was in prison on trial for it?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6304610f862c9)

[Remember that time Zion Don gave Israel $38 billion dollars of taxpayer money instead of investing in America?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=630a2bf264f7d)

[Remember That Time The Zion Don Was Running For President In 2024 And Never Even Mentioned The Second Large Jewish Child Sex Trafficking Operation Uncovered In The USA, Similar To How He Never Mentioned His Dear Friend Jeffery Epstein's Child Sex Industry?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=659e65f52c437)

[Remember that time the Zion Don was in cahoots with his dear friend Jeffrey Epstein and alluded to his pedophile behavior with "It is even said that [Esptein] likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=65b03ba55890b)
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[Member that time the Zion Don said to "take the guns first, due process second"](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=644f584b421fd)

[Remember that time the Zion Don pretended to have a problem with Jewish owners of big tech for 4 years then did nothing, and then (((they))) defrauded the presidential election of the United States in a high profile manner?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6323968980283)

[Remember that time the Zion Don set up a hip propaganda outlet for the kids called Q anon and he told you to trust the plan?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=63043b9018f7d)

[Remember the mentally impared followers of the totally-not-donald-trump-ran Q tard propaganda outlet?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6312816af3558)

[Remember that time the Zion Don covered for his dear friend Epstein and his known pedophile buddy Prince Andrew by pretending to be unaware of the world's most egregious pedophile ring, as president of USA?](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=658fdd1fc113d)

Pepe Farm remembers.
>why are kikes slimey backstabbers with no principles who will betray you the moment it becomes convient for them?

is that really a question?

...and that makes it ok for illegal aliens to kill and rape too!
>im a huge kike
>a liar
>a pussy
>and do this same shit
>every thread i post in

ok kikerino
for him, or us?
Even Trump admitted he fucked that one up by interrupting Biden way too many times.

came to see the cope after trumps lazy loss to an asmr sleepy zombie and wasnt disappointed, keep it up ESLs, shills and 2016 rapefugees
Shut up lefty.
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No need for anti semitism with your kind alive in this world breathing oxygen. Death be to globohomo USA. Jesus Christ is the son of God
I thought Biden did above expectations tonight, I was expecting much worse. It wasnt good, but it wasnt bad enough to change any minds either.
I'm not a big religious guy but I feel like if jews (and therefore normies also) suddenly start supporting Trump that will prove he's the antichrist.
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>No need for anti semitism

get a load of this canaanite
>Objective: Survive
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>muh Epstein
You mean the same Epstein that shitlibs spent the past five years defending and claiming it's an antisemetic conspiracy theory to joke about his "suicide"?
The same child trafficking you claim doesn't exist?
Fuck off.
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So be pro Christ and worship Jesus Christ
>muh jews
Jews can't even beat hamas. You need Jesus to win. Christ is king of the Jews and Gentiles
anyone got a link to malarkeyjak getting dogwalked off the stage after it ended by his wife?
Jews just need to be evangelized and proselytized properly. Jews make marvelous Roman Catholic converts and priests just look at Peter Sabbath
He was ok. There's only so much you can do to defend this pozzed, nigger infested administration
People want hope.
People want hope that gas prices will go down, that grocery prices will drop, that they can afford the things they need and don't need like they did 5 years ago.
People want hope.
Trump is giving the most hope.
these look yu gi oh cards
Hopefully jew loser Reince Priebus gets his wish and Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Witmer are waiting for the call when Joe gives up the ghost. They'd take down The Don with just a few weeks left in the campaign.
Have you ever thought that possibly Trump may be out Jewing the Jews? Maybe he's shystier than the shystiest, shyster.
>enough about jews

ok, how do you feel about protestants?


>mfw he didn't go after the proud boy...
The discourse going into this debate was that if Biden made one (1) mistake in speaking his campaign would be in trouble because it would prove people's fears. So I was nervous and intrigued to see how this debate would turn out because whoever you are seeing someone high profile embarrass themselves is big. I was not expecting this. I knew from the campaign videos that Biden wasn't as sharp as 2020 but this was like a nightmare or anxiety dream come to life. I can't believe they would let a man that old do that on national TV with the world watching. I could barely watch.
does anyone have the pic of him looking really sad from the last debate? i love that one
The first 5 seconds he started talking, I knew it was over. It's pretty crazy how much he declined. Go back to even 2020 and he looks and sounds like a completely different person
>I'm a six handicap
>I'm an eight handicap
>"I know your swing, Joe"
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Protestants are the malignancy that needs amputation

the zion don was dear friends with the most egregious child sex trafficker and pedophile in the history of the world, jewish jeffery epstein, who is likely happily living his life out in israel. well, not so happy now since Islam is expelling jews from Pissrael llololololol

in case you guys need a list of links and can't send the raw videos here is a list I made compiling the discovery of the Jewish Child Sex Trafficking Tunnels under the synagogue in NYC:


Notice the baby strollers and the baby car seats in the GIF.

Here is another large archive of Israel's war crimes in an easy copy and paste format

Faggot deserves it.
He is a terrible human who has done terrible things.
The jewess can also be saved and make sensational Roman Catholic converts and zealots just look at mother Miriam
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but what about jews
>Biden having dementia is a Jewish conspiracy
He gave them the 2000 lb bombs already, nothing is being held up.
more like

>dementia is jewish
This POS goes to nigger colleges and tells them that they're being victimized by imaginary White supremacy, then those niggers go out and actually murder White people, and he's silent on it.
I don't give a shit if he's being humiliated. He deserves to be humiliated. He's a sociopath and a disgrace.
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Cool starry bra.
checked go back and look at the debates from 2016 and see the fear in the eyes of jeb and hillary. what would you call the look in joe's eyes? dementia?
Trump won
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what, you don't go to nigger colleges?
where else do you get gorilla pussy?
555 don't count, it's how the fake phone numbers start in the movies.
I wonder how bad the deep state is torturing Biden right now.
They probably locked his bathroom from the inside leading to massive confusion
no it was the time phone number
>at the tone, the time will be
This, have no mercy for those who would have none for you.
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The rabbi outs himself
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Jews were never baptized so thus did not betray Jesus. Jews are just pharisees and can be saved like Paul. The enemy is Europeans who abandoned and betrayed Jesus. Hebrews 6:4
...for a nation.
Do not worry about jews when your own race hates you the most. Simple as. Jesus Christ is the son of God
Evangelical or Catholic?
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Redditors are flipping their shit.
>The enemy is Europeans
Whose enemy, Jonathan?
It's weird seeing the left/democrats turning to "NEITHER OF THEM ARE FIT TO BE OUR PRESIDENT!!" even this debate couldn't hold up their lies they've resorted to attacking both of them now
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What matters is the sincerity in the faith in Jesus. The Roman Catholic Church is the church Jesus Christ founded with saint Peter. Catholic is tops.
The enemy in this religious Christian holy war to destroy non Christian white gentiles who abandoned and betrayed Jesus
The enemy is white bourgeois scum who abandoned and betrayed Jesus
>Joey B holds up arms shipments to Israel
You understand this was bullshit to try and win back every female in America right?
Thank you for clarifying. The Catholic church is waging a "holy" war against Whites who refuse the Judaic world order.
>Jews were never baptized so thus did not betray Jesus.
>tell romans to crucify jesus
>no but goy it's cool
>they weren't baptized

Emily a cute
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>Do not worry about jews
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You got to Sneed it to believe it.
Hittites were an elite class of whites that subjugated the native semitic peoples
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Yes. Do not worry about jews. Roman Catholics are your main enemy. We hate you more than jews do. Praise be to Jesus and Mary
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>Do not worry about jews
Roman Catholics are your main enemy. Crank open the border Joe Biden. Let the love of Christ pour in. America will be Roman Catholic. Praise be to Jesus and Mary
I promise you Catholics hate you more than jews do. I promise you. I love Jesus. Christ is king
Open those gates Mr President. Let the love of Christ shine through. America will be Roman Catholic. Hail Mary mother of Christ
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>Roman Catholics are your main enemy.
not so much

>ew goy
>don't worry about jews

damn ur retarded

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Jews are servants of the jesuits. Jesuits are clearly pulling the plug on zionism. Robots can do lawyer work now. Thanks for the memories jews.
This is like the flat earth spam. Sliding something.
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Watch the Jews give Biden the presidency again, like last time.
Vote for Joe Biden. He's a solid Catholic family man who's feeding millions of weary Roman Catholics pouring into America. America will be Roman Catholic. Hail Mary mother of Christ
I agree with you but stop spamming
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oh right never mind you’re some atheist falseflagging lmfao. joe biden is pro abortion, no catholic is voting for that or shilling it

they're gunna do the 'people just wanted to vote for someone not cheeto hitler man' except with someone else this time because sleepy biden has overstayed his usefulness to the circus
Christ is King. stop the idolatry.
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I'm the most anti-semitic man alive. But Biden having sundowners is not a kike conspiracy
How does he go several minutes at a time without blinking?
I'm responding to (you)s spam is not that. I don't need your permission to do anything anglo. I'm not one of your Hindu simps.
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The Protestants get the jesuits they deserve. Only Catholics can and have destroyed the jesuits
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>Rabbi Yosef Berger, who oversees King David's Tomb in Jerusalem, has drawn an intriguing connection between former President Donald Trump and King David. According to Rabbi Berger, this link may herald unfolding biblical prophecy1. During Trump's election campaign, an event was organized in the Old City of Jerusalem on his behalf, held at an unlikely catering hall overlooking the Temple Mount. Unbeknownst to the organizers, this site was directly above the actual burial place of King David. Rabbi Berger believes that this event established Trump's connection with King David, ultimately contributing to his victory. In Hebrew numerology (Gematria), "Donald Trump" equals 424, the same value as "Moshiach ben David" (Messiah from the house of David)1.
Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/28/2024
(1) Rabbi Links Trump to King David, Says He Is Preparing the Way for .... https://www.christianpost.com/voices/rabbi-links-trump-to-king-david-says-he-is-preparing-the-way-for-messiah.html.
(2) Why These Jewish Mystics Think God Helped Trump Win - The Forward. https://forward.com/news/354530/why-these-jewish-mystics-think-god-helped-trump-win/.
(3) Controversy over new tunnel under David's Tomb - Israel News. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/256458.
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Clones don’t have an inner monologue.
The rapture nears!
>donald trump linked to king david

better than being linked to the demon worshipper/builder of
>(((high places)))

Listen to the Israel portion of the debate, Biden siad he support Israel, BUT that he wants to liit civilians death.
Trump responded by saying that Biden is slowing down Israel effort.
1. Let Trump win and sink the economy, blame Trump then start promoting Newsom as the remedy. Install Newsom by 2028 by the latest to enact the 2030 plan

2. Swap out Joe for Newsom/Big Mike last minute. Crank up the TDS and steal that shit again

3.Take mercy on the public because record amount of people are about to snap and back off the mind fucking horseshit after nonstop insanity since 2016 (won't happen) they want you dead and gone within their lifetime. It's their goal, it invigorates them
very fascinating to see this happen in the era of perception management, a clear narrative shift of 180 degrees on the leader of the free world in under 3 hours
looks to me like they are deliberately starting to engender chaos. look for a false flag in two weeks or less followed by economic collapse and a new pandemic, possibly cyberattacks. it's Happening.
>but I know that they have to have some plan.
Half of them are senile, the other half are DEI.
There is nothing more sad than this mindset.
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Check that shit!
Praise Kek
Trump only pushes da joos for the sake of reelection and after screwing him over he is definitely never going to help them again citing "we need to help our own first"
biden made a poopie
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A lot of Dems wanted him gone before the debates because all of the polls show Trump winning and the corrupt trial gambit failed. After the debate there's no more room for argument. It's clear to all of them they have to replace Biden and fast. They just don't have any good candidates and the nation still hates Democrats for what they've done to our country.
>enact the 2030 plan
this shit is done. pay attention
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Seriously what was the plan for the Dems?
They must've known about Joe's mental incapacity for years now. They've been trying to pull the wool over the general public's eyes, surely they knew the truth themselves though? So they put Joe into this debate knowing he'd get murked, despite trying to cover up his mental abscence for years now. Why the change? Why did they let him win the primary?
Ok Hunter biden 2024
Trump is gonna win and suck jewish cock for 4 years. I'd like to thank Biden for all the laughs though, watching him try to talk, funniest shit ever


I think they're just pulling the plug mate. If they wanted him geeked up, he would be.
the only way theyre keeping that office is through another corona esque thing
guys if you want to get rid of this kike we wuzzing as a catholic just ask him to answer why jesus had earlthy brothers?

46 While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.

47 Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.

48 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?

49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!

50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

its shrimple
Biden didn't perform any worse than he usually does. It's an obvious media narrative, jews hate biden and want him gone.
I would tie her up and only let her finally cum after she has denounced the talmud, if you know what I mean.
If you didn't have Jewish overlords you wouldn't be paying for gas in the first place.
Biden's lips move like an old Clutch Cargo cartoon.
I finally see it
it was us who did it
He didn't agree to a drug test. This is him drugged up.
this is biden board bucko get the fuck in we have a jewish state to burn
Jew peasants are "oh shit" after the Hamas attack, and their elites are driving them in the "you can say the n-word and kick out muslims now" direction.
It is always the State and the Kikes, please stop making us the scapegoat for all the fucking social ills of the world... We're really tired of it...
Why would even bother getting a face lift at 80?
It just proves presidents are merely puppets and the real entities in control you don't get to chose
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Checked. Fatality.
help computer, stop the downloaden
They're choosing the only US president in my lifetime who never started a war to start a war they're guaranteed to lose? Why don't they use the current president if that's the case, he loves wars.
The majority of people on GAB are fucking retarded, sadly.

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