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Big if true
Total dem meltdown vid:
Literally anyone, the Titanic had better coordination in it's final hours.
Newsome imo, i'm going to need a refresher how much jewpac loves him
They probably will, but I think it hardly matters. Sawpping the incumbent president for someone else months before the election looks just as bad if not worse than running Biden.
Voting is rigged though. None of this matters
it does matter because they want us watching for a reason, the subliminals
idk man.
but at this point the democrats could run a big ol yellow school bus and get more support.

joe biden just openly demonstrated to the world, that hes "not there". The lights are on, but nobodies home. he can talk, but it doesnt make sense. he stutters adn slurs his words, cant form compound thoughts, he barely shuffled on and off the stage. it was bad man, really bad.
Biden speaks like a geriatric and has the energy of a sloth, but he was coherent. The thing is, politics isn't just about being coherent. Trump is also coherent but he still has great youthful composure, unlike Biden. Trump also looks like a normal old man, unlike Joe "plastic surgery diva" Biden.
Anyway, Dems want to replace Biden with Newsom who is also a superficial plastic surgery addict buffoon.
I don't care I am still voting Trump
that would actually be a massive hit to trump, cali fags and libs across the nation are familiar with him and hes already on the shortlist for future dem nominee
>Who are they going to swap him for
Either the DNC is running (((Newsom))), or they are setting (((Trump))) up for wartime president
It's too fucking late. If that was the plan they needed to do it a lot earlier. Filing date has passed in six states with a bunch more due to close within weeks.
Yes it's rigged of course, but there's zero chance they can rig it for Biden convincingly now. Not that they did in 2020, but it was convincing enough for a large portion of the country. Which is why they'll replace Biden with anyone, so they can rig it again convincingly.
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there's a groundswell
turning into a tsunami
they're making noises
he's goin' overboard

who are they bringing in though?
I believed this for the last 3 years. This is different
califags fucking HATE him.
They tried recalling him, he somehow got voted back in, and they're trying to do it again.
They still have to build consensus. If everyone knows its rigged the system collapses quicker.
Newsom recall was huge.
No way he stayed legally.

Newsom is Illuminati / Jesuit.
Trump is Scottish rite (Jewish)

Ummmm Californians despise him, that’s why they’re running Biden again
They cant
Biden won the primaries, they cant just put him away, thats not how it works
And Biden knows everyone hates the press, so he doesn t give a fuck what they say
I think the jews want trump and they're going to bust american currency while he's president along with a war in the middle east likely iran and allies vs anglos.
Nobody but Hillary is job ready in the D camp. California looks like a mess to the rest of the country and Newsom looks like a smarmy insurance salesman. Gretchen, no way in hell. Jeffries ha. Hillary is all they have. That's it. Joe should have chosen her in 2020. Big mistake.
Didn't watch. Didn't want to watch. But Hillary is the only thing saving this bacon.
So was the Titanic, before it hit an ice(((berg))).
You don't understand how it works. The primaries don't matter. The party can nominate whoever they want at the convention regardless of the primaries.
>biden won the primaries
No Muhammed. He RIGGED the primaries by shutting down any and all opposition.
They changed laws for the 2020 election, no reason to think they wouldn't again. Hell, they tried legal tricks to remove trump from ballots this time around already.
It's all bullshit theater anyway, they're both golems playing parts to keep us watching and picking teams. If your vote mattered they wouldn't let you. I just wanted to point out the inconsistency of your logic.
he didn't complete a single sentence, he trailed off into unintelligible mumbling, and ended every answer on a different subject. he was exactly the opposite of coherent
he didn't even talk about any of his plans other than something about lead pipes. this was by far the worst debate performance for any presidential candidate ever. we watched a historic fumble tonight, his entire career has ended in the span of a couple hours
Martin Armstrong predicted this would happen over two weeks ago
digits and they tap pharrell
Is that a nautical pun about rigging or am I missing the joke?
What Rush would be doing tomorrow would be pitting democrats against the media explaining that biden is a great democrat and the media is trying to disenfranchise democratic voters by getting rid of their guy.
It doesn't matter because USA is a Jewish economic zone not a country so a President is not actually required to run the economic zone
people have been talking about this since the debates were announced like 2 months ago, gigasatan
It says right in his infographic deadline for independent candidates. The two parties are good to go.
>muh mohammed
go fuck yourself, pancho
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miss you rush my man. brilliant as always
It's saying that the Titanic was supposed to sink as a plan by JP Morgan and the jews so they could kill off the opposition to the Fed and pass it the following year. Oh and also commit insurance fraud as it was really the hastily repaired Olympic, due to a prior incident with the HMS Hawke.
Exactly. And none of their upstarts can change it.
This. It's like watching Apple or Google's events and realizing it's not for the customers but rather the investors.
Kneecapped is an understatement. Biden just got ass raped along with the democrat party.

They’re stuck with Joe now. This is the ultimate chess move. No matter what they do. Or what candidate they pick to replace him. Or if they 25th him and put Kamala in. It’s check mate whatever they do. Hope anons are ready for the storm. The attacks will intensify.
any examples? I haven't seen that
They keep doing the same things over and over and are probably suprised so few ever caught on.

Sinking of the Lusitania to false flag us into WW1
They can’t change it without bullets flying.
I think this is being way overthought.
Their actual "plan" was to unironically indict Trump and convict him and go
>see, see, look! Orange man really IS bad
>the party for law and order would never elect a FELON
That was it. That was their plan. Not dragging this corpse over the finish line legitimately. His numbers with the black population alone killed any shot of Biden being reelected, even without the debate. These people are fucking stupid and only think one step ahead and have no grounding in the reality of the population.
I bet Feinstein's family had something to do with Newsome staying.d884j
Well, then they'll have to cheat again to get Newsom into the white house. He's only popular in the deep blue parts of Caliwali.
As much as I can't stand (((them))) I do agree with their assessment of most humans being cattle.
Newsom will never be elected President.
Go easy on the venerable Joe Biden anons. He has a cold. He’s being tested for COVID.
Don't care, SVT
i remember ramzpaul talking about it on his daily show right after they announced the cnn debate, if you can find that date you could scrub through those and they should be on rumble, however he was reading something from twitter so it was out there elsewhere too
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>All according to plan
They plan to change out Biden for some one more likeable in the last two-three months before election day.
It'll be someone with decent charisma and not well known, but probably connected. This way, they can push an "Anyone but Trump" campaign and not enough time for debates for anyone to actually get educated.
Who ever the Dems pick will be on script to promise very enticing reforms just to get as many votes as possible.
Obviously they will be broken and things will continue to get worse.
My faith in normoids waking up is degrading.
he had this blank thousand yard gaze at the end of every question like he was waiting for the trigger from the hosts to wake up again
Independent candidates
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Ohio is the only state that's a real problem. The Democrats are holding a special virtual convention a few weeks before the physical convention so they can get their nominee on the ballot in Ohio, whose deadline is before the physical convention. That means if they want it to be someone other than Biden and they want to be on the ballot in Ohio, they have to decide on who it will be before the physical convention.
>they knee capped him
Yeah, they kneecapped him with the cunning strategy of "Let Joe Biden speak on national television uninterrupted"

Should put Hilary in there. She’ll be at the helm when the entire ship capsizes. It’ll be funny watching her freak out and shift blame.
Its not so much a coup, they are betting that they can weather this storm and attack trump worse before October. They are willing to take a 15 point drop for a month and win it back with student loan promises or some other gay shit. Biden will win. Thats why these debates will happen so early.
The funniest part of their panic over Biden looking like a senile old man is that they're still ok with him serving out the rest of his term.
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they were clearly giving Biden one last chance to somehow appear coherent on TV with enough time to replace him if he couldn't somehow pull off a miracle
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biden was only popular because he had the obama "hope & change" taint, newwho?

Friendly reminder that Gavin Newsom is a psychopathic tyrant who destroyed California with senseless lockdowns while dining at French Laundry. Vid rel.

i see what you did there!
Biden knocked it out of the park tonight. He was a warrior poet. I actually wept at the beauty.
Your Cheeto has expired. Tick tock.
he's (((their))) favourite and jewish cum dribbles out of the corners of his mouth every time he speaks
>the 6 states past the deadline include New York, Texas, Illinois and North Carolina
yeah it'd be one thing if it was Wyoming, Idaho, etc but you're not winning without those states
A shift in foreign influence
this, remember 2016 and how they made trump look like an outsider fighting the establishment? that was all planned as well
voting means literally nothing
zion don/bibi 2024!
But why do democrats care about rules? Merrick Garland will ignore any and all charges. Just ignore those rules.
I agree. Its really about optics, they need plausible deniability so people don't flip the table.
its all fake and going according to plan. they need trump since this israel shit is kicking off. he supports israel because the jews have him by the balls and the people support trump. they need all the support they can get. so theyre taking to trump. in 2028 theyll be right back on track with newsome
jesus fucking christ, people...
the real question everyone should be asking is who the fuck has been running the country for the last 3.5 years if biden is so obviously incompetent.
there's no fucking way all of Wall St's CEO's, presidents, and boards of directors would have all allowed biden to be anywhere near the levers of actual power.
so who the fuck has been running things since biden took office?
Yep. Need more goys to fight israel's war for them.
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His AIPAC guy
they're going to replace trump too when he gets sent to prison. it's going to be a double coup
Tee hee hee! Biden has literally been plagiarizing Newsom's policies and forever discrediting them! You're totally and completely fucked because Newsom will literally do nothing different from Biden!
are you really this stupid? Obama obviously.
doesn't matter; you think Cali would pick Trump over Newsom?
check the banner of twitter
Biden literally proves on stage why they adopted lawfare to discredit Trump. The judge will declare a mistrial doofus.
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yep, best thing you can do rn is unironically not vote
>w-why are the goyim not voting???
>are we illegitimate?
>they goyim needs to punch to pillow....OR ELSE
The israel lobby controls both parties. They're displeased with the underwhelming support the Biden admin has provided Israel in the Hamas conflict. So they're shifting their support back to Trump who has openly stated he'll resume unconditional support for Israel.
When Trump is re-elected, US will resume supplying weapons to Israel who will use it to take over the rest of Gaza so that a two state solution will no longer be possible.
Democratic zionists will also have an 'out' to blame the republicans and wash their hands of the ensuing carnage, even though it's what they want also.
"We would have prevented genocide but our candidate lost! Oops!".
Must be hard to run a state when your statesmen are constantly winning billy dollar lottos you get to tax.
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>2 hours ago he was a strong leader.
Jews. Same as under Trump. Obama is a lazy nigger who also had Jews running things.
no more stupid than the people who think this debate was anything other than theatre.
Newsome or Big Mike. Those are the only 2 headliners that would be quick to pump up.
They may want a want face to cast their black magic. It could go either way, pound for pound Big Mike has the advantage, but Newsome doesnt scare suburban moms.
2 hours ago (((they))) were telling the sheep that biden was a strong leader
obviously, he was never a strong leader
why do you think CA votes matter?
CA is gone bro. its just waiting on the rest of the nation to make a move because its no-win situation. We have no solution. There's a handful of counties that can reasonably keep their county governments conservative but we can't outvote the fraud happening in the big cities.
California is red on legal votes, not that it matters, the red side is playing theater too, and the role of California in the theater is to be a democrat shithole and conceal the real function that it is a socialist scam ridden jewish racketeering scam.
If they ain't deporting illegals, reducing inflation and eliminating ev mandates (and they aren't/won't) you're fucked because Biden and his inability to even try to persuade people had forever discredited the dems policies!
Too late for that, Paletstine is now recognized as a nation by the UN they voted on it.
he was coherent? maybe half of the time if you strained hard. the other half of the time even when trying to decipher his words, he kept mixing them up as if they were being read from a political dyslexic soup
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28 year old aides. Those women in the picture trying to stop the photos when Joe was on the steps of that random place. Speaker Johnson said Joe told him something he signed was a study when it was actually policy being implemented and Joe had no idea it wasn't just a study. They're shoving stuff in front of him telling him it's something it's not and they should be tried for treason. Joe best tee up Hillary as his running mate, for KJP and send Harris off to her dream job somewhere else. This party is cooked. The entire party.
He had an earpiece.
Couldn’t stop him from shitting his pants though you can hear it at the 5:17 mark. Watch his face for confirmation
The classic blunder, like a ground war in Russia (in the winter), and a duel to the death with a Sicilian
I’ve been telling exactly this. Jews in Biden’s close circle are sabotaging his campaign
Yes, nothing like some old cocksucker speaking much too fast with zero pauses and flat tone. Watching biden was like watching a nigger have to read aloud in school.
i would like to see them try
would a civil war start if biden got 100 million votes?
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If that happened in another country we'd be dropping bombs on them in the name of democracy.
Maybe but it appears they want Trump now
I dont know how they buy off Kamala. Shes so unpopular it cant be her, but they cant have someone else jump in line past a strong black woman
Michelle Obama 2024?
He said woman.
trans women? i mean it's their thing now
fuck yeah jan 6 times ten
There's a current recall attempt. I think we're also 48th in literacy. Most of the people that left here were Trump voters.


>The Jews control everyone
>Biden isn't playing ball

yeah stopped reading right there, your schizo brain doesn't even recognize the logical fallacy you laid as a foundation.
the UN never matters, all that ever matters is if the US recognizes it or not.

fuck Palestine. were gonna sit back and let Israel zap em out of existence like Carthage.
Are you fucking retarded?

>Biden hesitates on aid
>tries to be lukewarm to appease brownoid lefties
>Israel makes him get up there so they can get rid of him

get it now?
absolutely they did.
consider, why was the debate held this early?
there was no plausible explanation ever given.
we now see the obvious reason.
you're all laughing, but Trump walked into a trap here.
his team should have questioned the odd debate offer, coming from a campaign that earlier was talking about not having any, but his pride probably got the better of him.
all he had to do is refuse on the grounds that CNN is unfair to him and wait until it was too late to replace Biden and he wins.
but now he could very easily lose to Bernie, Hillary, or Newsom.
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((they))) support Trump you retarded fuckface.
She's a whore. You pay a whore to go away when you're done with them. She knows the drill.
why the fuck did (((they))) rig for biden in 2020? such a retarded move

yeah this was obvious

a anon poster her said the same thing

Obama is leading coup
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If the dems wanna win just nominate a witty black man again

Americans love biggers they worship them as gods. Americans wouldnt give a shit about gas prices or kids getting raped if they could worship the mighty melanin and atone for their sins at the ballott box
Hillary, Bernie, and Newsom were already rejected in the primary election.
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British bantz as always are top notch.
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They needed the wars
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>he somehow got voted back in
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if the jews controlled him then he wouldn't deviate from their requests.
Yeah. Why would they keep him around after the shit he's been trying to pull with Israel? I'm pretty sure he's just the fall guy at this point and whoever was pulling the strings is just going to get away with it.
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My sentiments exactly
Zog team blue is no longer useful to (((TPTB))) so they're switching to Zog team red...BidenAI ended up being defective. So it's on its way out. Same with Trudeau in cucknadia. They're going to have to resort to all out fascism now instead of having window dressing, in order to compete with China and Russia more thoroughly. It's "existential" but really it's just existential to the continued existence of the (((stock & derivatives markets))).

Trump won't even deport anyone, which is the worst part about it. Nothing will actually get fixed, they just got sick of Zog Team blue getting uppity with the Pro-Palestine protests. They wandered off the plantation that they got placed into post-death of Sir Fentanyl Floyd. Macron is gone too, AFD in Germany. They have a jew in charge of mexico now after 34 assassinations just to ensure the coke and fentanyl money keeps flowing.
Newsome is fucking Pelosi's nephew. She called some people and the votes appeared.
There’s a script with Trump’s name on it and it’s called the presidency 2024. The 2024 election production is brought to you by all the Big Jews who own all of the important news outlets. Stay tuned goyim!
This. They fell behind as soon as they got Biden into office. That's the moment they needed to stop caring what the population thinks and feels. Then it was back to Tribeca/Hamptons, back to Martha's Vineyard,
Cali hasnt mattered for electing R presidents since fucking reagan. They dont give a fuck about appealing to cali voters.
Trump will lead US to unpopular war in Israel. Then, when it is oll over, and Trump leaves the WH, everyone can pretend the problem went away with Trump.
(((They))) win again. And will get away with it.
directly on the countertop
Damn that's impressive.
It's too late to change him out, lol.
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>Thinking they didn't want Killary
The sinking of the TPP told me everything I needed to know that it was unplanned. The next 7 years after 2017 is the reaction to get that fat orange nigger on their plantation
I fear it was very effective and the end result is the same as your point
>There appears only one way through and it is really not comfy
haha running with this are we? i want to see you fags tear each other to pieces over who replaces joe, it's going to make you look even weaker and dumber than you make yourselves look already
>Zionist are the only kikes, or players, in the game
You are like a little baby
>the decrepit retard gets replaced as the candidate for the most office in the world
Oh no, what a terrible tragedy.
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Running with what nigger?
An honest assessment of reality?
Do you even know what the TPP was? How it was the end all be all of the globohomo agenda? It was the literal end of any pretense of national sovereignty
But hey, yeah bro I am totally a shill. And there is a master plan for everything and it's totally all controlled and the top dogs are all in alignment and not vying desperately to climb the shit mountain and shove the other oligarchs into the mud. Every cunt parasite is on the same page and there is absolutely no dissenting top to bottom because of how honorable those fellas are
Fucking 80IQ niggers I swear
california doesnt have tax on the lotto. dont get me wrong, the numbers say its rigged for cali wali. but idk the angle on it. the feds collect the same tax on it no matter what. whole thing is probably fake and gay
even normoids will understand that Biden has been in this state for years and they should have done something sooner

even though the average normie is a sheep, sheep hate waking up to the fact that they've had the wool pulled over their eyes and that's what biden's mental state being on full display is
they won't vote for trump, but they'll cope by not voting at all. shoehorning in some new candidate wont change that
TPP would have ended the entire US forever.
Exactly. It's the one thing I will give to trump credit for. It honestly made his entire presidency worth while for that alone
>TPP would have ended the entire US forever.
I'm retarded on these things. What was so bad about it?
I can believe this but i have no idea what faction pulled this off. how's pelosi taking this?
>jews wanted trump to win
too obvious, there has to be something else. aren't there obama cronies who hate israel?
gavin newsom will be an even harder sell because california
Michelle Obama
It's been the plan all along so Obama could have his fourth term as president.
He is a crypto and satanist
The UK can run an entirely election start to finish in a month but in the US they can't print ballots without 5 month's notice?
>or they are setting (((Trump))) up for wartime president
that's what i've been saying. They want troops on the ground in lebenon fighting hezbollah and iranian revolutionary guard, and trump is the man to deliver that.
Correct 50 parliaments them one big one
He is a satanit freemaosn just buttigieg
That was explosives
They forced a second break in the terms of the debate so he could fucking get shot up with more adrenochrome and meth. He couldn't make it 8 fucking minutes before being my dead grandpa.

How will Joe (dead 18 year old intern with crushed skull under his desk) Scarborough eat this much crow though?
"sorry our candidate has holes in his brain here's some guy we dredged up to replace him" doesn't exactly inspire the voter with confidence
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I remember as a boy when Eisenhower attended the inauguration of his successor to the presidency, JFK and everyone was commenting on how old and sickly he looked next to the young and robust younger man. It was the handing over of power from the WWI generation to the WWII generation.

Ike was 70 that day. JFK was 43.

Hillary is 78, Biden is 81, and Trump is 76 right now

They need some young people in there. This is getting ridiculous. Both Biden and Hillary have pooped themselves they're so old.
You'll have to look it up if you want the details, but the worst part of it was signing over national sovereignty to corporations that can sue governments if they get fucked over by any law or regulation. I.e., something the US does to other countries on behalf of corporations, done to itself.
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US coprorations have supremeacy within the US and the broader TPP sphere though. It will work out more in their favor than not and they know it, that's why they pushed for it. Just a further vassalization of America's """allies"""
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the deck was literally rigged against Trump. Biden rules. CNN moderation. Except Biden came out bumbling like a retard and even they couldn't hide it.

Literally self immolation by the retard.
I don't know, part of me wants Biden to win for the US to collapse, but the logical part of my brain says Trump is good for business (and us, as a major trade partner).

Plus I want to see punished Trump fuck people up with executive powers as payback for the lawfare bullshit.
Both will be a disaster.

What I liked about Drumpf was his foreign policy mainly, as he amusingly fucked with the EU, and by extension NATO, but I don't think he was good for America.
I think it’s all an act to justify not trying him for all of the massive corruption. Like the mob boss who walked around everywhere in a bathrobe talking to himself to look crazy.
While it may have been true at the time, it would've opened the door for essentially a coup down the line, when other corpos gain more leverage. It's not a natural law that US corporations will forever be the biggest. It's short-term thinking at its finest.
I would really like them to run Hillary again. But any candidate like Trudeau/Macron would be great. A young dynamic leftist or a strong POC women. I don't think the US is ripe enough for a trans president, but fingers crossed it'll happen in 2032!
Team hillary 3.0 in full effect.
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Newsome is a 100% guaranteed Trump win. Biden is quite literally the best worst option
This. Trump is a communist antigun provaxx pro lockdown, pro zionist pro Ukrainian, pro immigration not a single issue he's in disagreement with the jews on, not a single one, he's their guy
He was great for America, the Trump years were the first years in my generation's life that we started to get our feet under ourselves.
it will be that peedy buttnigget because he's obviously a glowing zog faggot quite literally and they like their humiliation rituals. will probably have a bunch of troops for press secretary defense secretary and do handjobs on twitch while doing the state of the union. trust the plan
bernie would win because the party is retarded progressive now
it tries to pretend it isn't but it hates israel
idk why they can't face the music
Interesting. That's the opinion I have of him regarding foreign policy, too.
EU's was always America's Bitch, and for the first time in a long time they were forced to rely on their own abilities. Then when Biden got into the saddle, the status quo got reinstated albeit in a more disfunctional state.
> jews hav Him by the balls
Such a cope. israel is beholden to Trump, and B¡bi is terrified of Trump 2.0 because nutteryahOo must capitulate, all israel must capitulate, the rabbis have blessed Him years ago, and they cannot control Him as they have every other president.
Trump is beholden to NO ONE except Jesus the Christ and the ONLY president to say “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” on National TV. Trump is Cyrus the Great, the only other non Jew they have EVER called “King of Kings” - they have owned America for so long, they were not used or even remotely liked trumps leadership because they couldn’t control Him.
All you have to do is compare the token and symbolic gestures Trump gave them, compared to any real or tangible objects - Trump knows exactly what kind of beasts they are, and His lip service is tongue in cheek, He has dealt with them His entire life and doesn’t like them and especially bibi’s backstabbing - netanyahu was literally the first to call up biden’s body double and congratulate on the election (((win)))
Did you all forget the way the Jews around Trump SEETHED when He held His press conference after taking out Al Bagdhadi of (((ISIS)))?
The same way they SEETHED when He took out Sulemani?
Never forget that things in the international arena are not what (((they))) have led you to belive (pic related)
With Trump, israel is brought to heel.
> saving Israel for last

Liberation of Iran, the Land of Aryans from bullshit shia islam would allow Iran maximum potential to succeed and become THE powerhouse of the Middle East, which is something the jews absolutely do not want, as it would expose their parasitic state and completely crumble what remains of their golden triangle of power that was dismantled under Trump’s first term. Israel is hanging by a thread, and Trump’s global initiatives against sex trafficking and chld rape explicitly targeted israel (and jeffy n jizzy) israel is THE cesspool of trafficking
> since biden took office
Body doubles
> j-j-just DONT VOTE!!
na, I’m sticking with Trump, because I know gas will go down, inflation will go down, and America will return to prosperity – if I allow the Democrats to continue another four years, I will be on the street, unable to afford anything
So, they replaced him with a retarded senile double?
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Trump was unironically good but only because he's not a Democrat. Trump's an old school Christian American. The dems have gone full communist and they don't worship God they worship niggers and trannies and faggots. The USA that's best for the world is a god-fearing Christian country. Not a bunch of faggots doing each other up the bum in the senate.

Remember this guy. This is the modern democrat. He didn't even serve prison time for this. Because the democrats think this is fine.
If it's been washed and sanitized what's the problem?
It would not surprise me if they psy-oped him but let's face it, he set himself up so meltdown was going to happen anyway.

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