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Salt Mining:>>472411428
For those just joining us https://thetvapp.to/tv/cnn-live-stream/
CNN is liveseething and kamala is being buried in real time by anderson cooper
>kamala completely dodges the question "is the biden we saw on stage what you see every day"?
she's just spewing talking points lmfao, how sad
We’re so fucked
KWAB that was so specifically dodged that its going to be used for the next month at least.
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>CNN and the Dems right now
>literally all they have to cling onto is roe v wade
Even if they tried to do a national ban, it would get shot down. It's a STATE issue you faggots.
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Biden looked great.
Hunter sisters how will we ever recover?
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>mfw I'm still ridin' with Biden
This is great lads
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>was just sent back to states legally
it's so stupid
What happened? Why are people talking about Biden resigning? Was he really that bad or just the usual exaggeration? I missed the debate.
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Biden won.
holy shit
>they shouldn't have hidden Kamala!
>does no one like her? is she a complete bitch? yes but still come on!
The schadenfreude I feel is stunning.
They hardly talked about Israel.
90% of the time Biden looked like a fucking corpse.
So, I had to go out and do something while the debate was going on. How bad of a disaster was it for Trump and Biden? Which old codger seemed a fuck ton more senile?
>Was he really that bad or just the usual exaggeration?
He was standard Biden, it's just everyone noticed this time.
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/monarchy/ will reign again
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Dude was literally malfunctioning and rebooting on stage.
Bidens lips dont move when he talks.
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Trump was pathetic and loves jews and niggers more than anyone as usual but biden was a corpse walking more than usual. CNN is openly talking about how it was elderly abuse to put him out there.
They're both wearing ear pieces and the debate is scripted.
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Biden won his permanent vacation. They switching him, always was the plan for this early ass debate before the DNC convention l, all by design
People finally got to see the real Biden at 9PM being forced to stand up for 2 hours and he's a bumbling old man that wanted to go to bed.
Someone needs to transcribe Joe's word soup from this evening.
HAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHA reddit is completely fucking locked down
Republican and chud total victory and vindication. Never thought I'd be with the journalists cheering for Trump but God bless America do Americans love a winner
Usually, at least from what I've noticed, for these big deal political events Biden is somewhat competent. It's the worst I've ever seen him. The first 30 minutes were terrible, the middle was ok, and the end was terrible.
He stumbled, rambled, and couldn't talk the entire time. You could see Trump was trying not to continue talking about how bad he was but he couldn't help himself a few times.
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They should be scared
biden's body language looked defeated and low energy
he was stuttering and forgetting things
trump was on point and answered every question with ease

this was fucking bad for biden. really bad. played right into the senile old man framing
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>where is the vice president?
t. Inner city Milwaukee residents
It's definitely seemed like AI and they weren't actually in the same room.
It's fake shit. They CGI over biden so he doesn't look completely retarded.
Bidens lips dont move when he talks.
does anyone have a timestamp for biden saying women are getting raped by their sisters
>somehow is even further gone than trump and biden
truly impressive
Unironically who the Dems need to back. Cut the cord on the Pfizer ad revenue and save themselves.
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It's like they already lost kek
Dude. It was bad. The "sleepy Joe" memes come to life. Every criticism of Biden you can think of was on display tonight. He was rambling about blacks and Charlottesville during unrelated questions and forgetting what to say. He kept looking down and having his mouth open like he was drooling
He looked terrible and was incoherent. The only time he had any pep was fact-checking Trump.
if Trump made him his VP, they'd win 45 states.
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>fresh salt still incoming
The only way to save face is for Biden to naturally expire so he can be replaced as soon as possible.
also, why the fuck is she in LA? shouldn't she be in DC?
It's some fuckery or another.
>Biden campaign ads in the commercial break
He won by being not invited
Not just me who can’t get shit to load. Seething cucks.
Now imagine what he's actually like off camera given that this was his big opportunity to prove shrump wrong.
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>A fucking ad for biden during the commercial break
>After this shitshow
Imagine being CNN right now
I don't know who coached him or what but somehow Trump learned to STFU and let Joe shit his own pants.
Tuned into Tim Pools stream for a few minutes and he showed the video of Biden bragging about how he fired the Ukrainian prosecutor. That lit up the difference in his cognition so hard in just a few short years. Holy shit this has been hilarious.
Donald Trump is a great man if he loses again the world might as well cease to exist
Damn Erin Burnet still looks sexy as hell
Lol they are seriously going to pull a draft after Trump wins
They know there won't be too many more of those to air.
I'm convinced this was all planned
>Earliest debate in history
>2 months to official nomination
>Biden looks like a corpse
>Democrats immediately turn on him publicly and aggressively
All this to set up a brokered convention where the nomination goes to somebody else
Yeah she can get it
I might transcribe the whole thing tomorrow for the lols if I'm feeling energetic enough
I think he probably wants to look calm and collected to combat all the Dictator smears they send his way.
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They gonna make him a martyr, AI told them to take him out and blame Trump supporters after they incarcerate Trump next month, it's all simulated in advance
my personal favorite moments were WE HAD H2O and when trump said " I wont say it but..[says it anyway].. but I wont say that"
The cocks she needs to suck are on the west coast
>trump made 30 false claims
>biden made 9 false claims
kek cnn can't stop shitting on biden
did anyone else catch what trump said about palestine? i feel like nobody noticed it
They’ve deleted the entire debate thread kek.
>who's the head jew-nigger in charge?
“Go in and finish the job”
Wait what, I missed that can you clarify?
nobody cares about sand niggers in god's chosen lands
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oh fuck, CNN is doing this!
Struggle to believe that abortion is a real election issue in the US
I bailed when they both started bragging about who had done more for the blacks, was the last hour as bad as the first half hour?
Drumpf finally got the memo that people don’t like him talking over the shitter
basically just said it wouldn't have happened if he was president
This is the delicious part where democrats turn on each other and accuse biden detractors of being concern trolls.
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Too early to call.
The weighty arguments presented by these two titans of politics .. sheesh. I'll need time to mull this one over. Such clearly articulated visions etc and stuff. It's exhausting. Given me a new appreciation to the YT grifters that comprise my usual evening viewing diet.

Fentanyl, for example.
Trump: we've got a special dog
Biden: we need the fentanol machine, we need the machine, we need the machine
it unironically has been for 60 years
This is insane. I can’t believe this happened.
you have the right to control your own body
also, take this vaxxx or become an outcast in society
Possible. They did COVID in his term as a necessity, and they probably realized that they could dump their wetworks on his administration and keep their hands clean.
Occam's razor says that they wanted this singular debate as early as possible while he was still lucid
Except they fucked up and it turns out he wasn't lucid after all
I didn't watch it.
Is there a compilation of all the Biden flops?
The muted mics actually helped trump ironically
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trump at one point said biden was a very bad palestinian
ye but it's 90 minutes long.
What you stupid retards don't understand is that Biden is PROVEN and has SUBSTANCE as a president, unlike that smelly AIDS ridden alley cat Donald J Drumpt
The routinely (as in every single election) take roe versus wade out of context. It didn't legalise abortion, it legalised elective abortion.
Not even CNN or MSNBC can say Biden won. It was that bad. They are talking about replacing him.
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>It's like they already lost kek
They are throwing in the towel unexpectedly hard. lel
Ding ding ding
Yep, all by design, the Roger Stone predictioed switch from along time ago is now all but confirmed
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>doesn't debunk the very fine people whopper
Daniel Dale is a DNC operative.
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I wish Trump touched on this more, Biden literally tried to mandate forcing you to get a shot in order to work and it's been basically memory holed.
Kek we are fucked. This was like watching a senile old man get his daily jello taken by a slightly less senile old man at a nursing home
Each of the these octogenarians were able to double-back on a point before arguing the main point of their questions like they were spry Grecian orators. They have ear glownigger ear pieces. The show is scripted and edited.
My pet theory is they roll out Mitt Romney... as a Democrat. No one hates Trump quite like he does.
After watching the meltdown on CNN afterwards, this wouldn’t surprise me. They have to have something planned here. No way they flip the script on Biden this hard without having a plan B.
The Onion is the only news agency with integrity and I'll say that with my FUCKING chest
So fucking typical that Biden wasn't asked if he'd accept the election outcome, even though it was the democrat party that refused to accept 2016 and claimed that Trump was an illegitimate president.
No. They used it on Biden constantly throughout the debate because Biden kept interrupting.
And try to explain this:
Bidens lips dont move when he talks.
He also claimed they'd reduced immigration in there.
Can't believe they let things that look like that on TV as authority figures
god she is so offputting to look at
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Biden fucks Dr Kid Toucher
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>Biden never called blacks superpredators?
I am happy but it does feel deliberate. Harris apparently pushed for the debate. They want old Joe out.
I think Trump winning this debate may have just prevented a nuclear attack on American soil
It was probably a decision point for a lot of them
Case 1 - Biden is still lucid and they can sell him to the public
Case 2 - Biden is not lucid and they still have time to replace him without looking like they're panicked too much
He slipped and said "stop Israel" at the end, very weird. That's the first time he's implied that they should have been actively impeded. It's a little late to be trying to throw out dog whistles though
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They don't have to.
And / Or maybe it's a potential albatross.

Trump did close with a comment about the Palestinians are 'tearing the country apart with their riots'.

was pretty flat to be quite honest desu
CNN was very balanced this time. I highly suspect the elite wants Trump in there to kill all the Palestinians
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The truly terrifying realization people are having is who the fuck is actually in charge
>they need to finish the job
She's going down with him so it's hard to imagine this is some clever backstab

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Listen Jack. Morals of an alley cat. MALARKEY!!
You could also see the acceleration of conflicts around the world.
Salt miners grab your shovels. We are needed.
this. Its unbelievably doubtful that the democratic party has someone who is willing to beat trump and also take the heat on the upcoming world conflicts
LOL They're panicking

>a cold causes someone to stare off in space and speak about lead pipes
Clinton? Clinton era, methinks. Maybe Biden was superpredator enjoyer adjacent.
>this might be the last debate
oh shit CNN is hearing something
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could someone please let me know some highlights? i missed the debate due to a fucking migraine headache
Fucking lol
yeah.. and also, everyone is preparing for obvious Trump victory and none of them want to be sued or jackhammered by a so-called fascist Trump
Not a single mention of guns.
Biden also said he didn't want his neices/nephews growing in a racial jungle at the same timeframe.
lmao this comment makes me wonder if we're just gonna have another Bush 2.0 run but just delayed by 4 years
Can someone explain to me why CNN is hosting a debate in July? Isn't the standard 3 Presidential Debates and a VP Debate in the fall?
>CNN was very balanced this time.
Is that why they asked trump 3 times if he would accept the election but not once of biden?
Is that why you can hear biden asking to respond but bidens lips dont move on tv?
They were decelerating it anyway mang, Lloyd Austin had private talks with Belousev over the week for the first time in years. Even the Rat King of Kiev is talking down the war.
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>no bro its a cold
pretty much settled desu
Brain surgery.
Brain worm.
Pick your starting American Pokémon.
Christ man, how bad did Biden fuck up for them to jump ship? Did he shit himself while sniffing a kid on stage or something?
That was Hillary
chat is this real?
i hope they all kill themselves
>onion says something funny for first time ever
>i don't like that
>cnn trying to corner rubio on if he's vp asking if he'll move if picked as vp
Kamala looks like a wine aunt and it gets me hard as fuck
I'm good at detecting fake vibes and this whole thing feels very jewish. entire media establishment agreeing in unison and suddenly pushing the message that biden is a disaster.
The highlight seems to be the post debate reaction. Biden looked like he was barely holding on with meds in his system.
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"It's small, Joe, you can't deny that, look at it people, listen to the people they're all saying it's too small"
End of quote. Repeat the line.
Biden literally dogwalked over Trump. Trump couldn't answer 1 question and kept pivoting to his insane border rhetoric. He couldn't even out one liner Biden. "Morals of an Alley Cat" - how will Trump recover.
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biden reminds me of the old dude in poltergeist 2
Roger Stone is saying Big Mike/Hillary
He had a raspy voice the entire night, rambled and mumbled 90% of the time he spoke, couldn't follow a coherent thought to its conclusion, and next to Trump who was doing his normal shit looked so much more in decline and pathetic.
Their mid 2000s election "coverage" is fucking hilarious. Its sad they chased off all their talent.
Based noticer. Everything feels like WWE these days.
I could out smoke Kamala in a pot aroma huffing competition
I just love her like that
>(((David bernSTEIN)))
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Joe Biden would have had a better debate had he died 5 minutes before it started instead of dragging it out for 90 minutes.
how'd it go? how bad did trump get mogged
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How bad would the democratic meltdown be when this guy Biden inevitably loses to Drumpf?
Did Biden really think that saying Trump bangs porn stars would make Trump look bad?
>and the next question comes from... the see eye ay
how do you think she got to power? that's what she does
she probably fucks amazingly and gives the best head
Bro America is absolutely fucked. You've got 2 ancient candidates that should be retired, one is senile and barely functioning, and should probably be in palliative care. The other just wants to retire and play golf and fuck his trophy wife but has to keep coming out of retirement because apparently no one else is capable of running America.

Fucking insane.

I love Trump but I wish this Trump/DEMRETARD era would end and America would elect someone under the age of 70
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was he doped out of his skull?
sorry to inform you, CNN and MSNBC are both displeased
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Reddit hiding all comments on left wing news articles bashing Biden. Total lockdown!
All we can do at this point is laugh and treat it like a football game
Trump only made himself look stupid per usual. Biden was a catastrophe.

They also argued about the same dumb bullshit for the past 8 years.
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This sheboon’s hairline starts on her fucking crown
>it's dat boi!
that was absolutely fucking brutal. joe legit seems on death's door
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>Reddit has fallen.
CNN has determined that Biden is senile now rather than 4 years ago
>some highlights
>Obligatory pandering to niggers section
>Obligatory pandering to junkies section
>Muh abortion
>Muh J6
>Muh Afghanistan
>Muh Ukraine
>Muh Palestine
>Muh Israel
>Muh sex with porn stars
>Muh six handicap
>CNN gets the nod to shit on Biden post debate
That's about it
Biden and Trump are pretty much the last of the pre-boomer era politicians who are still running for president. We'll fully enter the boomer era soon.
Wait a few minutes fren fuck that mail it’s 11pm
They haven't got the memo yet that this is all preplanned staged to switch out Biden, kek
they kind of have to go full bore right now because they spent the last 4 years saying biden was a machine in peak physical and mental condition.
even the g7 they were shilling the 'doctored' footage of him wandering around. now they have to all fall in line or they look like lying fucking retards.
if they act like this is a big shock they can breeze past it.
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for me it's Dick Van Dyke
Jk it's an eight handicap
Ayy niggas, anyone notice the CNN afterparty where Biden's explain away cold suddenly was gone when he was addressing his fans and North Carolina?
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>Ditch Biden.
This panic is what they get for sticking behind a senile demented pants-shitter.
Leaf blower man got her on the way into the office
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Just finished watching.
Fucking hell, JoePaedo looked like the night of the living dead there.
Any talking heads praising Biden's performance?
I think it was around the 20 minute mark
My assumption is he had to have been to even be as coherent as he was. If he was it didn't help much. He was able to counter a few of Trumps statements, but it was just the lies from 2020 all over again.
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Youth, youth,
Spring of beauty,
In Fascism is the salvation
Of our freedom.
Every advertisment should be "her" doing basketball drills and shooting hook shots
oh. seems gay
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we stepped into a new timeline tonight. can you feel it anon?
just think, millions on the west coast are just about to sit down and watch a reairing for the first time. betting markets about to 504
Yeah, funny how everyone has been saying that for the past 4 years and it's been obvious.
You know the fix is in when the IMMEDIATELY turn on him.
After in-depth analysis debating experts confirmed Biden won, Dump and his voters are just too stupid to realize it.
About to start watching it on youtube. Is there any sort of copium that Biden might have won or was it an undisputed victory for Trump?
i hate the corrupt faggots that wormed this brained damaged old fuck into the white house
They're trying to lock everything down.
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Thought you guys were full of shit, they really did, someone tell the redditards its too late, we watched the debate and so did the whole world.

>a raspy voice the entire night

and that after they piped it through an sophisticated set of filters and enhancers
I've heard from an insider that his voice, untreated, sounded like, “One great blooming, buzzing confusion” and “fiendish buzzing… like the drone of some loathsome, gigantic insect ponderously shaped into the articulate speech of an alien species”
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A great debate, or the greatest debate of all time?
Biden literally sounds like he can’t talk and needs to be in an old folks home, this is just a completely apolitical observation ignoring everything else. He’s fucked
Every witty comment is an indictment of me.

Train the militia.
Media is trying to cope by saying that Trump lied too much, so the winner is CNN.
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It's over
I don't think Trump has ever driven a car in his life, Biden challenged him to a car race while Trump said it should be a golf showdown
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you woudl think from a strategic perspective the republican wanted that debate to go much better for biden. You wouldnt imagine they would want the democrats to go defcon 9 and replace biden.
Trump was going maybe a bit too hard for biden to at least look a modicum of good
Every angry comment is an indictment of you.
Train the militia.

be ready to start watching these threads to distract yourself from the two mediocre zombies mumbling nonsense and bullshit
CNN is priming it's viewers for the switch of Biden for someone eise. What does that tell you?
He sounded weak and tired. Normally that is how Biden sounds at all the minor events because they don't shoot him up with drugs, but for the big events like the SotU he sounds reasonably better. I'm still in shock they let him go up on a big stage like that. Maybe his condition has progressed far enough where it no longer matters what they do. He's just old as hell, he's old enough where he could die any day and it wouldn't be surprising to anybody.
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Holy shit he is still alive?
Age is practically irrelevant. I was hanging out with my 100 year old friend at the casino last night. He kept up with us past midnight
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It has never been more Joever
>for me it's Dick Van Dyke
I bet that triggered at least one stupid faggot.
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ah so that's where Chris Wallace has been
Trump is the first step
This is the only way they could force Biden out. Public humiliation so obvious that even his puppet masters realize they need a new puppet.
They argued about who did more for niggers, they argued about who would do more for Israel, they argued about tax policy, and they argued about who's better at golf
There ya go
Hopefully jew loser Reince Priebus gets his wish and Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Witmer are waiting for the call when Joe gives up the ghost. They'd take down The Don with just a few weeks left in the campaign.
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malarkey bros...
i'm more concerned that 33% thought biden won than anything

how the fuck can anyone watch that and have a third of them think that biden wasn't a total disaster?
Who cares if he lies biden sounds like a fucking corpse, I’d rather a liar be president than some fucking mummy
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Trump said he wants the rest of the world to foot the bill, making the American dollar worthless. Common businessman scam saying
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KEK, not even horribly the biased CNN polls can save Biden this time
They really need to go with something harder like pcp next time.
>tfw no 100 year old friend to throw money around with at the tables
My life is now a little bit worse for knowing this.
Made a meme for the debate. Let me know what you guys think. Shit was an absolute stomp

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look up the American literacy rate, lmao.
your friend doesn't have one of the world's most stressful jobs, probably
tell him i said what's up
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Biden emphasising how important various permutations of incest can be was particularly enlightening.
The way to push this on Democrats is to concern troll the shit out of them. Use their own tactics against them. Don't insult Biden or attack him, voice it as deep concern for his well-being and question the fairness of forcing an aging man losing his cognitive faculties to remain president.
in most polls there's a baseline of usually around 35% to 45% which is simply just party line voters
the fact Biden drops below that in so many polls about so many different things is crazy
that means even his own supporters don't like him/his policy

>greatest debate of all time
No that is reserved for Fetterman vs Oz
never trumpers mostly, even chris wallace said the 33% people are smoking crack
Guys what are you all talking about? Clearly the whole debate was nothing but a CHEAPFAKE!
All the shit Hunter could inject himself with and his dad looks and sounds like he might drop dead out of nowhere
>all white people and some nonwhites thought trump won
>the rest of the nonwhites thought biden won
that's what you're reading
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He solved the debt crisis.
Biden has conditioned the american public to believe the background administration does all the work anyway. Nobody cares what any of these candidates say anymore they just want someone who can fire off enough neurons to finish sentences
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Hiring necromancers wouldn't even be enough to keep Biden going into another debate
2007-08 was peak Onion. I stopped watching around 2012 when I noticed the coverage wasn't as good.
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>Biden challenged him to a car
It's good to know they take things like the possibility of a nuclear war seriously.
I wish d2 necro's were this cool and just not a shitty sorceress
It was just his usual hyperbole.
I want her to tell me how racist sexist and homophobic or whatever I am while she rides me
Not going to happen.
Biden needs to step aside (he won't)
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>I know your swing.
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It's undisputed, cannot be topped
And biden can barely finish sentences, which is insane. This guy needs to be replaced or trump will win again
Fyi, the Democrats pushed for this debate and are going so mercilessly hard on Biden rn through their mouthpieces like CNN because they're trying to push him out of the race.
I've seen people being like "wow I can't believe CNN is actually being honest about how bad he did." Yeah, it's part of the plan. Biden was set up.
Neither did well but Biden was a wreck. I had a serious moment where I wished I hadn’t quit drinking.
Anyone notice how CNN pivoted to Trump campaign ads now?
what build is this called?
he lost so bad it's hard to even make convincing bait.
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They've assembled the whole crew of faggots blacks and women.
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Best moment
Who is saveing the post commentary and compare the before and after

My favorite quote was in the first 15 min

Tr*mp , "why dont you just talk with them, Br*ndon".

My post is not spam. Here's an intentional dancing kirby

<('.'<) <(^.^)> (>',')>kjkh
homo neanderthalensis
Anyone else think the mic muting business actually helped Trump? Trump talking over other candidates was fun, but it did make him look a loose cannon. Now they made him seem more eloquent and professional.
I genuinely don’t think they are that competent
That 'insider' , infact several of them now have said Biden will be sacrificed
>he said the only one who wants to keep going is hamas, actually isreal is the one and you should let them go and let them finish the job he doesn't want to do it he's become like a palestinian but they don't like him becusae he's a very bad palestinian, he's a weak one.

damn i guess i misheard what he said, but still implies isreal is at fault if youre not a philosemite like trump is
fuck that dude. he scared the shit out of me when i was young. god is innn his holy tem-ple. fuck that dude.
oh without a doubt it did.
>Biden was set up
Jesus H. Christ. Put down the pipe, Sanchez.
who cares about CNN
MSNBC is where the DNC action is happening right now
People are getting shot in the back like Seth Rich on live TV
Why do nobodies think people give a shit what they have to say? This woman just fired off some thought to 3 people like it’s relevant
...and Jews.
Musn't forget the jooz.
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>Mr. President, you have 91 seconds left. Do you have anything else to add? Mr. President?
Fresh, head over when ready


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That honestly seemed like a NLP technique designed to fuck with a dementia patient.
>nose noticer
He was saying shit like “we defeated medicare” after babbling incomprehensibly for like 20 seconds. No this is not exaggeration.
>grunko no like ground rock for fire, ground rock fire make sky hot
>grunko think little grunko want be grunkette, that ok
They're trying to force biden out because they know he can't win (the amount of fraud needed would be too obvious)
They're doing this so blumpf doesn't win but biden isn't going to step down.
Lmao even
he calls it corn pop
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>what build is this called?
This >>472420865
On a side note, I love this big nigga like you wouldn't believe
It did help. Trump's debate performance in 2020 was full of self inflicted gunshot wounds from not letting Biden's dementia take root before before interupting him
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It was difficult to watch.
Worse yet, you're reading a screenshot of a "nobody" from X posted by a lesser nobody on /pol/.

We're fucked. Let's just all go to X since this website is nothing but screenshots of that place anyway....
Who is the ventrilaQuist speaking for biden when biden's lips don't move?
Bidens lips dont move when he talks.
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Sad! Jill Biden Leading Dementia Joe Off the Debate Stage After Getting Thumped by Trump

Demonrats asked for this, we could have an epic Trump/Bernie showdown but those clowns decided to run a literal sack of drooling potatoes against Trump and now they'll get exactly what they deserve.
>Earliest debate in history
- gives everyone time to forget
- now they drag out the old "comeback kid" narrative
I've seen this movie before.
The post debate speech by trump is absolutely killing it

...at least his wife was there.
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i'm voting for jim lahey
Yes, some of the less powerful factions haven't gotten the memo yet, kek
Biden won't be on the Ballot come November. He'll drop out by this time next week and the DNC will have a new candidate. Trump 2024!
>Fetterman is actually in smart clothing
This isn’t a real image.
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jesus christ lol
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Natalie is getting out the lotion to give a foot job.
I support this.

Funnily enough that's roughly the same amount of hardcore support the retarded fish man running my country has
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This CNN “public forum” is totally legit and not pre picked individuals to fit certain stereotypes hahahahaha
People are tired of Bidenomics
Or they are behaving in a way that won't spook the herd. Noticing is at an all time high, and I think they recognize how lazy they have become lately. Best to just go through the motions and the charade.
These people do exist.
this this this
Based Lovecraft bro
Absolutely this. And bobby would take it, because that combo is what would truly make America great again.
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A vote for Trump is a vote for israel
anti-Trump voters.

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