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Joe Biden performed at the exact same level as he always does, when he makes any public appearances or speeches.

The exact same.

The only change is the way that the explainers, pundits, and other media personalities are telling you to think about what you just saw, in the debates.

If anything, this should lay bare just what the media establishment is. How corrupt they are. How slimy.
100% true. Now convince 300 million normie retard cattle.
This country is beyond fucked
I'm going to tell the nigger cattle that we've been saying this for 5 years, but they will still insist that this is a new development.
This is significantly worse than he has ever been when the spotlight has been on him for an extended period of time. Each individual Dementia Joe moment is easy to right off and mentally disregard, you can't just do that with 90 minutes of debate.
He was forgetting what he was trying to say and drawing a blank on one of the very first questions. He couldn't even argue against Roe vs Wade effectively and that's an easy issue for Democrats
Why does it seem like we live in parallel worlds with people?
It feels surreal at times, doesn't it?
Is this the way its always been?
There's nothing for him to argue against though.
Kicking it back to the states actually ensures the preservation of abortion as an institution.
If it were to remain a federal issue it could be banned nationwide at any time.
Women are fucking retarded.
I agree.
Usually, the moderators or
" journalists " doing the interviews of Joe Biden swoop in and rescue him.
But they didn't do it this time.
Why? What's changed?
>if biden lost the debate, the 50+ threads in the catalog wouldn’t be necessary
>Is this the way its always been?
same as it ever was
Normies are entirely trusting of anything they view as an authority. Somehow mainstream corporate news has filled this role. They truly are livestock. Do manage your expectations of them.
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>ensures the preservation of abortion as an institution.
>kikes missing out on tons of sacrifices to the demons they worship
>shit's been going downhill rapidly since roe v wade was repealed

no one wants to worship your canaanite demons anymore, kike

deal with it
>Women are fucking retarded.
It is a states rights issue. Like so many other of these kinds of quarrels that people have with one another about current events.
If only Americans would spend some time learning about civics, we would be a much more peaceable nation.
Any American who doesn't know the basic tenets of the United States Constitution is a retard.
thats what i said, that 9/10 times hes fucking barely half way there mentally
Keep in mind they had a time delay window of 2 minutes.
2 minutes to clean it up.
That is a long time, in live television.
Imagine the kinds of fuck ups we weren't allowed to view.
Trump fumbled destroying Biden on the first question. He has to link the flood of illegals with increasing rents. It’s just supply and demand, that’s working for Farage.
Yea, they just want to replace him with some trooned out mutt. Most Americans are cattle so this is basically the first time they've ever seen biden as unfit for office. They had to be told by the experts for their eyes to perceive it. What a joke.
You are very clearly responding to someone who is on the same side of the aisle as you and only pointed out the glaring tactical flaw in the democrat approach to the issue.
>Joe Biden performed at the exact same level as he always does, when he makes any public appearances or speeches.
the american people dont watch the vast majority of those appearances, they only tune into the big ones like this.
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There is a big difference akshually

They're forced to see how he is in actual human interaction

Last 4 years he was just talking to (not with) his lugenpresse, and various others who went easy on him

it's like dems are the nigger from They Live who didn't want to put on the glasses. now they were forced to put them on
Shut the fuck up christnigger. I hope your wife and daughter get raped and tortured to death by a nigger who's mother wasn't allowed to abort it.
He actually did good tonight, I was impressed, it’s funny libs are saying he’s fucked, because tonight is his best performance yet.
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Just say it. Biden has been a great president.
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stay salty
yes but this is the first time anybody actually tried listening to him
even now they're still trying to pretend that trump is some rambling schizo hobo because they're absolutely divorced from reality
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>You are very clearly responding to someone who is on the same side of the aisle as you

>Shut the fuck up christnigger. I hope your wife and daughter get raped and tortured to death by a nigger who's mother wasn't allowed to abort it.

but wait
>You are very clearly responding to someone who is on the same side of the aisle as you

lel, y'all r dumb as fuck
These faggoty christcuck insults don't land to anyone who doesn't read your gay jewish fairy tales.
I remember seeing a video of some democrat politician from Virginia describing how an abortion of a 9 month to term baby would go. He talked about delivering the baby and taking it to a quiet comfortable room until the doctors and mother decided if they want to go through with the abortion, and if so, how the baby would then be " aborted ".
Does anyone recall this video or the name of the politician?
I searched for it but, ofc, it seems like something that would be scrubbed from the internet, it being an election year.
Learn how IDs work you retarded nigger.
>>472419399 isn't me
>start shit
>guy hits back
>see he was always my enemy!

You're braindead.
Nobody watches the news so they could hide it until now. He could have had a great performance on a good day but it's a roll of the dice.
>These faggoty christcuck insults don't land to anyone
>ENORMOUSLY fanny-enflamed


>delivering the baby and taking it to a quiet comfortable room until the doctors and mother decided if they want to go through with the abortion

that's not how it works

wow i didn't even link to you in that post, nor was i talking about you

but now, i'm ignoring you
His entire personality is worshipping a jew and getting mad about jews and niggers removing themselves from the gene pool so yeah, he's not playing with a full deck.
>has to make shit up


He was about 50% worse than normal though I do agree this seems like a disproportionate freakout by the dems to suddenly cannibalize him like this.
I almost feel bad for him.
>exact same
This is his first debate after trying to save a few children in Gaza. Now, he's a Palestinian traitor and the Jews that run the media want him out
>Would come across to a jury as a frail forgetful old man
You will never be a real israelite, groomer.
>i didn't even link to you in that post
This conversation is mind numbing. You're an actual nigger who wants abortion banned so you can have more half siblings lmao.
You also quoted two different posters, lol. What a dumbass.
i never claimed to be retard
>Is this the way its always been?
No, people are more siloed than before with the social media. With TV and radio there was generally a kosher narrative or two, now people are all over the place since they can just choose their truth. Even /pol/ is biased to some degree, but the difference is everybody has a voice here and people seem to generally strive towards truth
>You also quoted two different posters
>because i was talking to two different posters

you sure showed me, kike
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Do you think they are all mostly oblivious retards, or do you think that they all see what Biden is, but they are such conformists that they just didn't want to be the first of their herds to say it out loud?
Now that they got permission to be honest about Biden, I think their circuits might fry.
I totally see it. So many people are just reveling in the catharsis of seeing Biden properly called out, but all of it happening right now in unison feels so artificial and coordinated.
>but all of it happening right now in unison feels so artificial and coordinated.

his failure was organic

deal with it
Nobody believes you actually dislike jews. You weird christkike pedos find this place somehow and see everyone hating on kikes for legit reasons and come up with crazy bullshit to try to fit in.
>jews want to kill JEWISH AND BLACK BABIES!!!!
>they don't worship christ!!!!
>they're CANAANITES!!!!
Shit is so inorganic kek.
>Nobody believes you actually dislike jews

uh.. ok
No, he was legitimately worse than ever before. Weirdly he seemed to get slightly more coherent in the middle.
>has to put words in my mouth
>make up lies
>no proof

Its as if they operate on an inversion from the rest of us.
Honestly, I find it baffling.
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>Its as if they operate on an inversion from the rest of us.

literally how it's ALWAYS been
Just be yourself, freak. This anti-semite LARP isn't working for you.
I said you were quoting someone on the same side of the aisle as you, pointing at another guy insulting you is not rebuttal to that point. It's obvious at this point you've realised you made an ass of yourself and are now transitioning to trolling in an attempt to save face by pretending that was your goal all along. It won't work, we all know you're just a moron.
if enough people say it, it will be true. demonrat theory of truth.
Isn't it too late to replace Biden with anyone that has not filed in every state their intention to run?
And the ones that did are complete dog turds.
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Just say it. You don't have to mean it. It doesn't have to be true. Just say it anyway.
The Democrats, ladies and gents.
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>you literally CAN'T HATE KIKES, GOY
>i don't believe it!

>just keeps changing the explanation
>doesn't even bother to show any proof this is true

Haha, that's exactly when I read "abortion as an institution."

(why are kikes so obsessed with child sacrifice. Wait I know the answer: it's because they're very clearly satanic)
I watch the National news several times a week and I think an important thing to keep in mind is they hardly ever show Joe Biden. They talk about him, sure. And they may even have a video of him waving. But if they have a sound bite, it’s usually no more than a couple of seconds long. It’s night and day to the last administration where every single night had Trumps face plastered in Tv talking about something or doing something.

So yeah, even if you watch the nightly news, you’re not used to seeing more than a glimpse of Biden. But he was on display for two hours and the publix definitely noticed. Why the media has done such a 180 is beyond me though. I guess it’s just too obvious. There’s nothing to fix in post and not many ways to spin this to look good. Can’t say it was fake or AI or some foreign interference. It was their network under their rules.
obviously planned in advance.
Every reply further cements the fact that you're a kike lover. Keep it going.
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>why are kikes so obsessed with child sacrifice.
because they wordship neolithic demons

and sacrificing children to these demons, gives them power in return

watch that oprah episode from the late 80's with the admitted jewish lady who escaped a family who does exactly this
Nah he's a lot worse than he was 4 years ago. He can't even speak anymore, and they can no longer tell you not to believe your lying eyes.
Watching CNN
>now we know that the Whitehouse has been covering for biden and everything out of there has been lies
Like they haven't been part of it the whole time
>This anti-semite LARP isn't working for you.

>Every reply further cements the fact that you're a kike lover.

hello? are you there? has the tay-sachs atrophied your brain?

too stupid to talk coherently huh

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It's overmumblemurmerbumblestumble
>confirms he loves kikes
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The drugs they have him on makes him last an hour, at least it did in 2020. Watch the debates from that year. He's gotten much worse.
I'm certain the reason for the commercial break was to top him off around the one hour mark, but it didn't work that well. The only thing that happened was his eyes got wider.
Tophet anon is fucking bizarre dude. One night be made back to back threads and posted over 100 times in each about how pagans were the real jews because their ships looked Phoenician or some shit lmao. He never posts without going on unhinged rants about tophets. Dude would've been locked in a padded room before Reagan closed the looney bins.
>that's not how it works
It was a video of a democrat politician from Virginia.
He was describing how gently the baby would be handled and how comfortable it would be made to feel, until the mother and doctors decided if they wanted to to " abort " it. How it would be taken to another room to await the decision, and then be " aborted " or not.
A governor, if I recall, doing an interview and telling how an abortion of a baby at 9 months gestation would happen.
He seemed to think that what he described would be received well.
He was a white guy, and had thinning hair.
I wish I could recall his name or who the interview was with. The video appears to have been scrubbed from the internet.
It was probably about 8 years or so ago that I saw it.
Oh. I haven't been following any of that stuff. What did he do to save children? Why be mad at him for something like that?
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>gets all uncomfortible
>feels "icky"
>when someone rightfully accuses jews of being child murderers

tell me, why do jews use a
>greek word
for what they say the germans did in the 1940's?
Since Biden is already in the habit of repeating fake quotes attributed to Trump it would be nice if this could get a reference in the next debate
>when someone rightfully accuses jews of being child murderers
Nobody cares if kikes kill their own kids but you. Everyone else wants kikes to kill more of their kids so they stop existing. Like I said you're bizarre as fuck dude. Demented little goblin.
Yes, I think you are 100% on this.
It feels like a moment where people can say, " See! I told you there is something wrong with that guy! Finally, validation! "
But, as you imply, its best to be wary. It seems as if this is some kind of a set up.
And since it is being done by our corrupt media apparatus, you can bet it is not our best interests they've got in mind.
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>Nobody cares if kikes kill their own kids but you
quite the contrary schlomo

if they're willing to do that to their own children

imagine what they'd do to YOURS
>not the poster im replying to tho
>he's a kike
No anon. If you watched 4 of his 15 minute interviews smashed together it would come off even worse. Everyone that knows, knows. This was a soft coup by the liberal media, and the funny thing is literally everyone predicted they would turn on him like this.
>if they're willing to do that to their own children
>imagine what they'd do to YOURS
Kikes can't do anything to anyone else's kids if they kill all their own and cease to exist. Maybe don't let rabbis around your kids dude. No White people who aren't retarded are getting their kids sacrificed by kikes. Sorry.
Nah, he looks like this a lot but in the 2020 debates he was surprisingly alert, probably on a lot of drugs that he can't take anymore or something. This is absolutely his worst debate performance of his life.
The decline is real. Those drugs used to work, and you could tell when he was on em.
You just can't have a normal human conversation with tophet anon because he's subhuman. Try to talk to this guy about something topical or his hobbies. Good fucking luck. Imagine what his mother deals with.
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>Kikes can't do anything to anyone else's kids

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>You just can't have a normal human conversation with tophet anon because he's subhuman
>im a lousy canaanite retard that gets butthurt when the tophet comes up because i can only respond with
>but can never prove shit

interesting. tell me about your
You'd be a shit parent whose kid would end up like that. Never breed, retard.
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I think so? But with the modern day democrats we've got, who knows what tricks they've got up their wizard and warlock's sleeves. Policy, law and decorum don't seem to be respected by them, anymore.
Just look at this post. Have you ever seen a human on this board write like this?
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the subject of jews being child murdering demon worshippers seems to rub you the wrong way, fren

care to talk about it?
>since i can't prove shit
>i'll just criticize how he

Thanks for not breeding, you're making the White race stronger.

Thanks for not breeding, you're making the White race stronger
the whole point of this debate was to be able to replace Biden. They have obviously known that Biden is practically an invalid, he was just an easy figurehead while people like Obama actually ran the show. Now, since Biden is too far gone to even be a figurehead, they have to have a valid reason to give the public to replace him. This debate gave them that reason.
> :'(
> It was their network under their rules.
I was confused as to why Trump went along with all of Biden's weird rules, and didn't insist on any rules, himself.
This makes sense though.
Thanks you for your service.
>Joe Biden performed at the exact same level
Yeah, the "utter shit" level.
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wtf is going on
trump is the (((chosen one)))
That picture is what Biden was seeing at tonight's debate hopped up on meds.
This pic is somehow less off putting than the Trump and Biden eat spaghetti together one.
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The difference lied in the expressions.
Vocal wise, yeah, he was the same he always has been.
But never before has there been this many dead-faced gazes into the void.
>tell me, why do jews use a
>>greek word
>for what they say the germans did in the 1940's?
Jews had their canon that was written on scrolls translated from (((hebrew))) to Koine Greek by scholars at the library of Alexandria. The new testament was written in Koine Greek. This was so that jews could dupe the goyim with their new sect of judaism. Have you ever actually researched anything instead of asking retarded gotcha questions about a topic you don't understand?
>Is this the way its always been?
no, it wasn't possible up until modern times, because we live in easier, softer times where dumber and weaker people can not just survive but "thrive"

your modern day liberal who knows nothing real or concrete could never have existed prior by it's very nature of not being able to provide for itself or be self-sufficient in any way

when i call liberals "subhumans", i truly and really mean it, because they are a regressive subclade among every race
they possess the necessary hereditary tools to deal with the world today, otherwise they simply wouldn't exist, but they are actively choosing to work against nature and the natural order
they are programming their genes to cope and lie to themselves about losses, and as i type this, there's only 1 race in the world that has a strong hereditary connection to paranoid delusions and schizophrenia

liberals are morphing into jews before your very eyes
CNN disagrees with your dumb ass:
>doesn't give any actual proof
>this is what happened

ok, what does

and tell me how it's applicable to being
>doesn't do any research
>this never happened because I'm a lazy retard who has to be spoonfed
>gets triggered by pixels acting as an avatar for a piece of cloth
The burnt offering was probably the alleged ovens and pyres you nutcase.
>assertions made without proof
>can be dismissed without proof

bye kike
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Biden had this face but more exaggerated in the 2020 debates when Trump said,
" And we caught 'em all ", about catching criminal deeds of the democrats.
Kind of like picrel
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>The burnt offering
a burnt offering.. wow
because the holocaust of wwii was about burning jews into dust

oh wait..

>was probably
sure about that chaimy? you seem doubtful
Imagine not knowing about the Septuagint or that the new testament was originally written in Koine Greek lol. Typical American. Proud of your ignorance and stupidity and thinking you're superior for it.
This. I've seen this cycle many times already.
Medical competency check incoming. They need to create the support for it.
I’d like to hear people list what qualities he has that makes him “great”. They’re likely trying to let him off easy so the old man doesn’t pull a Brooks from Shawshank
>because the holocaust of wwii was about burning jews into dust
Yes that's what they allege happened during Aktion Reinhard kek. Are you fucking retarded?
Honestly, I couldn’t understand half of Joe’s words.
CNN - Biden's mostly articulate debate performance
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>imagine jews don't have a word they want the goyim to know about that they use to describe a

jews just vacillate between using hebrew and over to greek when they REALLY need to make a point, huh?

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In other words you have no argument and just need something to kvetch about for some pedophilic reason that nobody who isn't a nutcase will ever understand. Bye kike.
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do you understand now?
>Paris Hilton meme
You ok nutcase?

you're going to post proof at some point right?

I skimmed your linked video.
That one dork with the dork glasses claiming Trump came across as petty and small, is laughable.
Joe Biden kept getting worked up and actually called Trump a number of very nasty names. More than once.
Trump refrained. And Trump even said, " Stop behaving like children ". To which Biden replied, " You're a child! ".
It was telling. And uncomfortable to watch. I have been around dementia patients. Biden does behave like a dementia patient.
Maybe that is the reason the media gas suddenly started telling the truth about what they see in Biden? They are Americans, too. Maybe they got tired of having to lie for Biden all the time, at the expense of their own country.
Voters already selected Joe Biden in the primary election. According to the the MSM he did very well.
Proof of what? I already proved the kikes spoke Greek over two thousand years ago. I'm waiting on what your argument is. Be a big boy and use your words. We graduated from picture books a while ago sweetie.
>circular kikery
>profane kikery
>(((all talk)))
>no proof

>make an argument anon
Lol ok. Bye kike.
Dude lasted maybe 20 minutes before he started rambling. So yeah, about the same level, but most of his speeches are shorter than that.
How long do stimulants generally last when they've been used for years?
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His handlers are scum, sure. But his own wife putting a sick old elderly man through the stress and pressures that one must do, when in such a position as president? She ought to be prosecuted for elder abuse. There is no chance in hell that she can feign ignorance. She is his wife. She knows how sick he is behind closed doors.
>Maybe they got tired of having to lie for Biden all the time, at the expense of their own country.
Good one.
But seriously their real issue it that it's becoming unsustainable to maintain the illusion of democracy. As stupid as the average voter is, even they're going to start having doubts when the establishment is parading around an obvious brain-dead corpse claiming he is their democratically elected glorious leader.
The lie is becoming unsellable even to democrats who think Trump is Hitler.
They still have to actually go out on election day and vote for this guy as their leader with the knowledge of all his babbling and drooling, it's basically impossible to not feel like a cuck in that situation.
The soulless eyes of a Zionist.
The only old leader who was any good was Gladstone.
Never heard of him. Why do you like this guy so much?
So clearly the jewish media hates Biden. Does that mean he is /our/ candidate, the accelerationist's choice?
Accelerationists are total faglords, desu.
Fuck those guys.
drumpfph owns a lot of real estate

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