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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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A frozen volcano island that's the cleanest and safest country on earth. Literal ethnostate that's avoided by most thanks to it's harsh climate.
Right looks very nice. If that's a man, your mother will die in her sleep.
dont they all literally live in 1 building
the government has a website that tracks the family history of every citizen to avoid inbreeding lol, how do you guys would fix the low population of first settlers/genetic diversity?
6/10 at best
Marrying your 3rd or 4th cousin is optimal, might be part of the reason they haven't been destroyed by race cuckery in fact. Their lack of (((diversity))) is a good thing.
they seem to be well mannered, but there are also problems with cuck behaviour. i saw a documentary about the educational system there and it is not looking good. globohomo got to them good. more diversity and trannies incoming.
Built for BBC
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Icelanders are all ugly even if blonde and blue eyed

a white woman should look like this

cant say if their men are bad or not, I am not fit to judge men looks
The climate isn't harsh, it's the same as southern New York. I've been there a half dozen times and used to really like it. Girls get married sooner and also blimp up pretty early, the fattest Scandinavians for sure.
i do have a big beautiful cock, thanks for confirming
Right looks like my sister
>Icelanders are all ugly even if blonde and blue eyed
Finns are uglier, I'm Finlandssvensk and literal every Swede in Finland talks about how ugly you guys are. The little ugly servant race.
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Post the picture of what Icelands first rabbi plans for the country.
>I'm Finlandssvensk

Why did yo moved to USA
You have to think in the grand scheme of things
>Whites are seen as the most beautiful people on earth
>Nordic women are seen as the most beautiful people in Europe
(Surveys & dating data confirms both of these)
>"X country among the Nordics has the best looking, other Nordics aren't even close" etc. is arguing subjective top 0.5% vs 0.4%
But then again it's all subjective, as some 'people' even here think that Asians are the most beautiful people on earth :')
Don't they all have herpes?
yes, iceland is a small community where you really cant avoid that

it became a problem in 1920s
there was no herpes before that
When we use "did", the next verb goes in present tense
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>put a bunch of japs on an isolated island
>global cultural powerhouse
>robotic innovation
>advanced technology everywhere
>pretigious universities

>put a bunch of nordics on an isolated island
>everyone is a gay hippy
>genuinely nothing happens there
Please leave them alone.
When they get attention, the kikes will try to culturally enrich them with autistic screeching.
I thought you speak only Spanish
Isn't that the country where women thought everything would collapse if all of them went on strike and nothing happened?
>0.5% 0.4%
0.16% apparently, oops
It's probably more likely that you have it than that you don't have it at this point no matter where you're from
it's incredibly benign and the chance that you actually see someone have visible symptoms of it is low as fuck
inhabiting iceland began in the year 1100 (900 years ago) it was literally devoid of mammalian life until humans came by viking ships

it was just a huge sea bird resort island (huge as in much larger than other islands nearby that region)

for most of their time spent there, they have been eating fish since there was nothing to hunt on land, no animals

a century after the initial founding of Iceland they had bring sheep, pigs, cows from Norway

as a side note, since there was no land mammals originally, there wasnt any predators either so no wolf, bear etc.
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They are too white and too sheltered. They are like the Eloi waiting for the Morloks to eat them. 100% liberal retards from never having to interact with a non-white for over a thousand years.
ONE nigger with AIDS infected 17 women there causing the AIDS rate to increase by over 500% in one year. I bet every one of those 17 women is STILL a liberal fucktard.

they're actually irish not nordic
the one on the left is a bit of a shame, but the one on the right is so fucking ugly thay i'm glad she got aids, they're both most likely kikeworshipping cuckstains though
>no one can judge me but the jewish "god"
nah nigger, i can and WILL and DO judge you
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>Why did yo moved to USA
I have all 3 passports, American, Swedish, and Finnish. My dad moved here from Sweden for better business conditions.
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I had a good time while I was there. People are friendly, willing to be patient as you both try to speak whatever language you both speak other than whatever franken-langugage Icelandic might be. I have a thick southern drawl and I'm pretty sure by the end of the night we were all speaking the same language.
Name of the girl on the right?

They have a lack of external DNA problem.
I can solve this.
>put a bunch of japs on an isolated island in 14000 BC
>over thirteen thousand years later they're exact same

>put a bunch of nordics on an isolated island in 1100
>less than a thousand years later they are among the top 10 richest countries per capita
Didn't something like half of the female population get std's after a single nigger went to their shitty island?
I knew one international student bitch from Iceland at a university in Georgia.
She was like an unchained beast in her debauchery and lust for cock. She fucking hated Iceland and had black dudes running train on her ass lmao.
I wonder how much she contributed if she ever went back to Iceland.
All Icelandic male genes were initially Central Norwegian (city of Trondheim) but this was 900 years ago

All Icelandic women were Irish travelers caught from South Ireland by viking ships 900 years ago

So they were 50/50 Irish traveler + Norwegian

But as far as I know only for the first century of Iceland they were capturing the Eirean

Surely after this practice had stopped, the rest of the female gene pool would come from nearby Faroe Island (this is small pool to take from and it was even smaller 750 years ago) and maybe women came from Norway during the years 1200 to 1700

After the year 1700 Iceland was cut from rest of the world for nearly 200 years. Mainland Europeans forgot they existed and Iceland forgot Europe existed. But then modern technology was used to discover them again in early 1900s.

Today, the language closest to Iceland is Faroese island language. Faroe island is geographically inbetween Iceland and Great Britain.
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I would give them a few ounces of fine wiener.
it wasnt HPV, it was AIDS
It concerned maybe 200 females?

that was some great black bull
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>the one on the right is so fucking ugly
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I've been to Iceland, it's FAAAAR from an ethnostate, I was very taken back. Reykjavik, is a small town (not a city) and half the employees were "diverse". You even saw that outside the main town.

Chicks r hot tho and their whisky (FLOKI in the sherry cask) is damn good. Eat the hose n whale, don't b a pussy.
>emplyees are diverse

yes the government plans to make Icelanders unemployed and encourage strangers to do the jobs
Isn't most "diversity" coming to Iceland from Poland?
no, Poland brings in electircian, plumbers, welders, construction guyse, thats all men and thats all in the fields where you dont actually see them working most of the time since you would not be in a construction site but being doing whatever it is you do in Reykjavik

but the waiters, food makers, night club workers etc. are all black (American? Jamaican? or maybe Afrifcans from English speaking African country)
Iceland isn’t an ethnostate. The very first people you see when landing in Keflavik will be black.
it was an ethnostate up until 1970s
Middle East, in appearance. Didn't give a fuck to ask. Sand nigger n all. I'd b cooler w Polish.

Been to Poland too, great food (awesome doughnuts n dumplings [pierogis], gravy = bacon grease) but no "hot" chicks however really good average looking chicks. LOTS of JEW influence there, esp in Wrocław
Keep my countries name out of your drunk mongol mouth
>Believe HIV is a thing
>Don't understand how it works anyway
You're not into women anyway, so what are you whining for?
Saved me the trouble......
Poland learned their food from Germans though, they didnt invent anything by themselves

But it turns out they are even better than Germans in making the German products, at least on average
scandicuck will bow before finomongolian uberman. Also aint like half of your women has hiv from fucking niggers?
350 thousand people live in Iceland
124 million people live in Japan.
Icelandic woman are hot but the island is quite small, let them stay as intact as possible. if you are going to fuck one of them please wear a condom, we need to preserve them

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