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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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my "apolitical" default liberal relatives who try to avoid knowing about anything that stopped talking to me after I refused to get vaccinated started talking to me again after watching the debate

they're wondering what else I'm right about

sent them pic related as a reply
I think it was too big of a red pill to start with
idk, I think the holocaust happened
You didn't give enough context
Pivot to banks, everyone hates banks, and then connect it to jews and media and academia and pharmacy and everything else demonic in the world
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if by holocaust you mean Jews being forced to do manual labor in a resort complete with sports amenities & a swimming pool then yeah it happened for sure.
>idk, I think the holocaust happened

And it was really funny.
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sm more like this
Retard. Have u met a German person?
Its one of the more obvious Jew lies.
Kek, what a bunch of irrational drivel.
The way I’ve been framing it to friends and family is by asking three questions

Were there WMDs in Iraq?
Was Osama bin Ladin caught in Afghanistan?
Was a US navy ship attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin?

If the answer to all of those questions is no then why should we take 80 year old propaganda as truth?
Imagine coping like this
like going outside?
Yeah the fact that the federal reserve isn't federal, and we are owned by the interest rate slave system of a private company, is a start
The federal reserve board is nominated by the president and elected by the senate. It is a private charter much like earlier national banks
My "Jews" folder always is growing.
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Why should we deny that the Holocaust happened? Shouldn’t we be proud of it?
if the holocaust didnt happen then literally what is the point of national socialism? to put Jews in cozy summer camps with swimming pools and amenities while German workers slave away for 12+ hours a day in the arms factories and their sons are sent to die en masse? so rothschilds can be captured and released without facing any consequences? the holocaust is like the one good thing Hitler supposedly did
>”the Nazis were the good guys”
>I think it was too big of a red pill

Holy fuck dude, use some lube. You need like 40 layers of primer with normies, and you used 0.
proud that they use a fictional event to guilt trip whites into agreeing with being replaced by shitskins all over the world?
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I hope you find some peace
whew there it is. jews swam in luxurious swimming pools and had the time of their lives, meanwhile german families were under under strict rationing, hours in factories increased dramatically and germans were worked to the bone with no union support, and millions of german boys were sent to their deaths

hail Hitler!
>proud that they use a fictional event to guilt trip whites into agreeing with being replaced by shitskins all over the world?

So? They would use a different event or incident to antagonize us. The Holocaust changes nothing. Stop being a pussy.
Why would you put pride in an alleged genocide that ended with more Jews and then codifying power over the west?

OP you should’ve pushed about the terrors of the soviets as allies in WWII and how they treated Christian’s. That’s starting to get mainstream attention
Who's "we", clown? I don't work for the illegitimate american government.
Damn look at how the nahtzees gassed all the flesh off their bones!
just say shalom
we all know anyway
What's wrong with this photo? They're a bit malnourished and dressed in rags, but they're prisoners during a war. This isn't the worst treatment in the world.
I view Holocaust believers as being morally reprehensible.
>Who's "we", clown? I don't work for the illegitimate american government.

If this is an attempted refutation of my argument, you have severely underestimated your intellectual capabilities.

Lurk moar, retard.
its russian propaganda and anyone pushing it should be considered a traitor
They were starved while doing physical labor and killed indiscriminately
the majority of civilized western society views you as morally reprehensible. I win
It's actually selected by AIPAC and nominated by Blackrock.
Eglin Air Force Base.
The majority of civilized western society took the vaxx.
That's a delousing chamber at majdanek, which is probably the most retarded of the current cannon death camps. It supposedly had multiple gas chambers, one of which had a big glass window, and the death toll plummeted more than Auschwitz's.
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Starved? How? By the allies blocking food and supplies. They don’t even lie or hide about that part. There’s a fucking commiepedia page about it, ffs
Why the meme flag?
Also that does seem like a big jump. You could've started with foreign (Israeli) influence in politics and worked backwards from there. Why do Jews have such influence, is it limited to politics? Is it the israelis or do more Jews feel more loyalty to their own and their country then the USA? How did they go from being persecuted to being so powerful? Where did they even come from?
Also a fun one for later down the line when you get to WWII maybe, if Jews are white why was the holocaust treated like a unique ethinic cleansing?
Finkelstein argues a interesting point it happened but not the way the are telling us and others have a misused the legacy of it. Not to mention how pre 1968 the survivors were shunned.
Perhaps after listening to the camp orchestra's performance of Beethoven's Concerto violin concerto in the theatre.
Maybe it was a... a... A DEATH ORCHESTRA
hahaha you jew
The idea that the Third Reich took better care of the Jews than its Germanic citizens is absurd. That would legitimately make the Reich a shill to the kikes.
>took better care
a pool is a pool its not that impressive , why couldn't you have a pool in a work camp?
you need to do more research

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