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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>check any reddit thread from 1hr ago or less
>x # comments
>no comments
big if true, short their publicly traded stock
They are looking into this unplanned tech bug they say
r3dd1t has always been a highly moderated groupthink project
election interference early this time I see
Yep to protect bideshit and his whole zionidt jeeish talmudic baby fucking russian agent adl bani shit zoa zionidt and your cia communist Marxist old toddler fucking simps
Shut it down goy
r/the_donald tourists need to leave
Get ready for a 2016 rerun!
oy vey these tech issues oy vey
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>Don actually killed plebbit
first 404'ing 4chan, then shutting off with 500, 502 and 505 rumble, now reddit comments blocked off?

Yeah this shit's kikes doing.
Comments are down because of their terrible outsourced engineering team, not a conspiracy https://www.redditstatus.com/
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Because of Ghislaine


Well what a coinkey dink there bud
>site wide
fake news
tested on r/linux
Chinks seething, shut it down.
Suck my peen
Care to explain all of the fake bot threads that are made while commenting and threadmaking is down?
The site is still working fine using old.reddit.com, but everyone here are braindead zoomer phoneposters and doesn't know that
No it is not, Chaim.
I'm literally using it normally right now
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Biden shit his pants live:
Remember when Democrats used to be accountable? Tomorrow they’ll project by saying 4chan went down even though it didn’t.
imo now, ddos due to robot blocking
Are you making these blatantly incorrect posts for archival purposes? Years down the line you can point at your own post and say that this was the truth.
Reminder. It's not a vote for a president. It's a vote for a dictator. Democracy dies in November. Democrats willed it into existence. There will be retribution btw. We will cease reddit data centers. We will track down every last single redditor and put them in reeducation camps.

Alea jacta est
>Reddit implodes alongside Biden's presidency

Kek, shitlibs on suicide watch
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This thread is updating perfectly fine, you are a retarded zoomer wondering why the app isn't working

It's so fucking Joever that not even the postal service nor all the cemeteries in America can turn things around.
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smart move npcs will forget the debate by tomorrow
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Sorry to burst your bubble chuds but it's a burst water main. Better luck next time.
I sorted by newest and there are 2 posts made in the past half hour. Are you an idiot or just pretending?
Never!!! 8 years to INFINITY!!!!
Only losers use reddit lol
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Goddamn insane
>Jews want Trump so badly they're shutting down reddit to keep people from talking bad about Trump's opposition
kike shills will still insist that Trump is "the jewish candidate" only on /pol/
>reddit shutting everything down? Unremarkable. If you care you're gay

Who do you think you're fooling?
Why do you care? You can just have the same discussion here. Its a non issue.
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all right the jannies have things under control.

reddit comments are now appearing for me.
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posting in epic bread
True, having all your children marry into jewry is definitely 1488, my Aryan brother
I clearly remember page 27, paragraph 3 of Mein Kampf: "A true Volkisch cock had never been so wet until it conquered a sandnigger pussy"
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And the most ironic part is a bunch of them are here while its down shilling for glownigger reddit
I think he might be half right. This one subreddit seems to have fewer problems than the rest of the stie, though they acknowledge that there is a problem even in the post he linked.
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iudea delenda est
agreed, they all work for Trump campaign anyway, fake organics
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basically boomers and retards
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See like this is a plebbitfag. theyre pretty easy to identify. most of them are on multiple SSRIs and benzos so they have a faggy way of speaking
pretty convenient
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>Read about it on Wikipedia for instance

>the rise of the third reich
There will be retribution.
the jews are SCARED

this weekend at bernies kike puppet bullshit scam was so obvious even the average cnn viewing goycattle thought trump looked better
Go back and you fucking stay there, redditard. I do not need updates about the consistency of the cum you fart out.
they love free speech and open discussion so much, they only had to shut down the whole website

this should be the most telling sign, a wake up call, and a death knell for it all, but you know those retards will accept whatever fake story about it being a glitch and go right back to their niggerfaggotry
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You won't do shit, and you know it sf I know it
shit is sus as the niggers say
Based tamers enjoyer
/r/Conservative is the lowest IQ sub on the entire site. It's a server crash
jews want trump to win retard
Immmma deboooonk
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Holy fuck the incoming/present salt is gonna season my food for YEARS lmao
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no they didn't

also stop pretending this shit is some big win for Trumpets, all they will gain is only more Jewish cum

US is a sad joke
there is a massive amount of people butthurt about biden here tonight
makes sense
>they cheated in 2020
>surely this elections they won't
Lol, lmao even.
I dont even live in america retard
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>jews want Trump to win
Hahahaha the fucking coping and seething from redditfags tonight is next level
Kill Jewish slavery and usury.
I'll do exactly as Trump commands.
Biggest Trump donor at last election and this election is the Adelson family, who are donating on the basis of more land being taken in Israel
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As the other poster put, it's literally a French Jewish spy family that created and curated it until it was public. They still have control we can assume.
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lmao even
>Hahahaha the fucking coping and seething from redditfags tonight is next level

this is the truth

seems like you are coping just as much

sad American goy ...
I wouldn't know. you though ...
hahaha you believe in coincidences pretty hard huh?
you lil coincidence theorist
always theorizing 'its just a co-inky-dink'
shut your fucking mouth
you whore
shut your whore mouth
shut the fuck up
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they're probably afraid it's going to poison the AI model.
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I'll leave that chinamin to you. Have a Bangs on me japanon.
you are a jealous brown
the whole debate they only mentioned the October 7th attack twice and not a fucking word about Israel committing genocide in Palestine no wonder they had to hide the location and not bring people to the live debate cuz I knew they would get protested.

who are you riding with?
>genocide Joe
>donnie bone spurs
I knew those little faggots wouldn't take this well, xmfd
we're here forever
That says barq’s
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plebbitors get out reeeeeeeeee
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>This is how scary groups creep into a country, slowly but right in front of her eyes.
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It's actually kinda funny that this happens. Reddit is basically a commie country where admins and mods are the elite and users are the normal citizens. Citizens suck elites dicks in hopes for better life and good boy points like in real life and once shit hits the fan, the elite shuts everything down to drown the rebellion thats about to occur, like in real life.

The reddit pill is to realize its a failed commie country that the users if it was real country would hate and call a fascist country without seeing the irony that they live in one
>this level of damage control
Interesting how this troon doesn’t post screenshots.
holy fuck these people are too far gone. There is no hope for redemption. DO NOT REDEEM SAARS
Do you have some kind of mental disability? Comments are updating fine
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Biggest Biden donor is also a jew, and most jews want Biden to win. Aussie cuck really isn’t their best.
Says the frogposter lmao
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Let the hate flow through you and out of you. It's a beautiful magnificent river of hate you have there. I want to lay on shore and bask in its radiant effervescence.
kek nailed it
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You can tell from all the Android screenshots from third-worlder phoneposters that post here
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lmao you have no idea whats going on do you? how many mili vanilli grams of xanax have you ate tonight?
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Ah, because the issue was finally fixed half an hour ago (after most Americans went to sleep). The thread was made an hour ago.
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>scared as fuck
>*picrel, bottom left
>"Among ancient peoples in critically dangerous situations it was customary.. "
>start revving up those brazen bulls

law enforcement, three letter agencies etc., need to watch
for the next six months to see whether or not any of them suddenly have a newborn infant who just
>/r/Conservative is the lowest IQ sub on the entire site
Found the asstorn r/politics user LMAOOOO
/r/politics is also low IQ trash memeflaggot
See >>472425187
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that was my point
You are literally low IQ trash. Thats why the best job you can get is shillfag.
I'm just here to congratulate you on choosing the perfect pepe for this thread. Very well done.

Jesus Christ... I took a 6+ month break from /pol/ and couldn't resist coming here to see what kind of chatter you guys would be buzzing about in lieu of the debate and here's one of my memes staring me right in the face. Fuck man, you've made my night, anon. This isn't the first time I've seen one of my memes unexpectedly; I made a photoshop of a gay man wearing a "trans kids are sexy" shirt that got fact-checked on at least 3 different news sites. Hell, I've even got a Hitler pepe edit I made on /b/ back in like 2009 at the top of ADL's webpage on Pepe the Frog.

I really wish I got paid for this shit, because I'm a one man propaganda machine. Hey intelligence agencies, give me a job already!
An “enlightened centrist”, eh?
jewish civil war, get into banking and marry a jewess if you want your "vote" to count
not reading that redditspaced kike manifesto. kys retard
Nope, there's just a lot of high quality political subs that aren't /r/politics or /r/conservative. Those subs are the reddit equivalent of /b/
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oh shit, we dancing on jewish graves now?
(((They))) are once again temporarily supporting Trump out of desperation because their Golems have turned on them on the left. Trump should pick Sanders for VP, shut down ALL immigration, deport prolifically without comment, ban sale of real estate to foreign interests, bring high tech manufacturing home, incarcerate employers of illegals, start shooting down and sinking any Russian/Chinese planes/boats that violate any territory that we want. What Ivan and Chang gonna do? America should become a self sufficient Uber bully and maintain global stability until we figure out how to colonize the solar system. Also get rid of all hints of DEI without mercy. (((They))) have no choice but to support this at this point if they want to survive.
kek wait sorry I read it I thought you were the other guy at first
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>Nope, there's just a lot of high quality political subs
Stopped reading there, redditfaggot.
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>They are looking into this unplanned tech bug they say
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Im guessing this is also you. If so youre work has been appreciated

LMAO, I was about to be like "How DARE you insult a meme monarch such as myself!"
I see preditors commenting shit as usual, guess the habbening is no more
wait, are you saying you want a dictator? what happens when trump does something you don't like and you have no ability to stop him?

That's not mine, but I appreciate it. I'd dump my OC folder but it's on another drive. I made some pretty enduring horrorshit on /x/ that keeps popping up over the past 15 years now, too. I am trying not to give my energy to political endeavors or social media in general much these days but it's a constant battle.

blowing your own trumpet is very homosexual but I enjoyed `thrift store mustiness' so keep banging that drum, faggot.
I like it here, I'm gonna stay. How do I get 4chan gold?
Lies; I can still post and no I won't say where. Get your ass into bed
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Someone created an AI bot that makes them like this week but for me, its the hand-crafted memes
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all jews and their lackeys pushing subversion need to be publicly executed by state appointed executioners.

everything about these kikes is a lie, all this Saturnalia bullshit is also an outrageous lie designed to give the impression space is actually real because the kikes can't afford for the US taxpayers to realise NASA is a multi-trillion dollar jewish boondoggle.

nothing gets outside the firmament of this realm, nothing.
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could see this happening
>They are looking into this unplanned tech bug they say
Can't have any post-debate wrong think posted. The US has truly become the USSR, with fags.
>Biden shit his pants live. LMAO!
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Reddit is better than this website by miles.

The upvote system lets you see the best content first and filters out the rest.

4chan is just an endless stream of shit by comparison.

You probably all come here because you couldn't get any upvotes with your r*cist trash content.

As we speak I have 3 different posts on the front page of their respective subreddits, bringing me many thousands of upvotes each hour.

Feels good to be a successful Redditor and not an outcast like you bunch of chuds.
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How do people not notice how fucking astroturfed the DNC is? It must be exhausting having to do this kind of fuckery 24/7, day in, day out. You don't need the whole smoke and mirror circus facade if you're honest in your convictions.

They have to literally LIE. Almost as if they exist purely as an antithesis to truth itself. It's fucking bonkers.
Trust the science.
The left exist in a constant state of cognitive dissonance, it's why so many of them are mentally ill.
Then it should be out of business tomorrow. But dumb people will still show up.
Biden's whole cabinet is kikes, you ridiculous faggot.
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when have any person had the ability to stop a president?
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Made me look.
Had to leave immediately.
Looks like a mobile site on PC...
reddit never ceases to amaze
>166 replies of

/pol/ is dead
redddit is in full damage control
Humiliation ritual followed by ritual sacrifice. Gee, I wonder who could be behind this?
That means redditors are feeling reality, probubly it began with the economic impact... the rest was like a dam that gave in flooding everything!
But even those with money and good economic and even social balance will feel the colective subconscious because our society is sick and out of balance.

The usual void fillers wont work and propaganda even with comforts aka basic needs meet wont do!
Strange behaviour will ensure, because there can be no content out of balance, or stability or ways to hold the fort without it falling!
It will come like a strange fog, spread quick and affect everyone, they wont understand it, it operates on a level even goverment will not be able to control it.

It's why I recommend big clean up, something to unite us, like open justice and removal of dirty rags.
Lighting the mood with justice and heroism and actual solutions vs total loss.
Will any of them survive the night?
so your argument that reddit is better than 4chan is that a bunch of morons who are easily radicalized are rewarded for making their radicalized posts with upvoting but 4channers giving you their real takes (wrong or right) is bad because it's a bad take whether it's honest or not. I wanna ask if you were one of those people who still needs to intake oxygen orally but I think I know the answer.
You should go back
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>hey guis does ur reddit le update????
Kill yourself.
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You’re a coward if you don’t have this badge of honor
>put them in reeducation camps.
Kill them, their genes are not wanted.
Jews don't care who win as long as they bow before the kike wall
They tried pulling out of the debate last time too, didn't they?
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For anyone that doesn't yet know, Ghislaine's father Robert Maxwell is also PERSONALLY the creator of modern for-profit journal """science""".
You're dead, weeb
You're never getting your anime nazi larp hangout site back ever again! So fuck off already.
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is that John Stewart in lipstick & earrings?
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already did faggot, you're here forever and you WILL become NAZI.
You mean like Biden is doing right now?
preddit has been botted since it's foundatoin

It gets major traffic from Eglin AFB in the FL panhandle

Where they have Mossad and F-35s
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AAAAHAHAHAHAHHA the plebbit cope is on point
You need to re-elect Joe... Please...
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Multiple times. Clearing all cookies and using a browser that randomises your fingerprint is a good way to make a new account but im trying to figure out how to get new IP addresses every time you make another account thats both free and not time consuming (i.e. no cell tower proxy cause $$$ or resetting router cause time). This would let you mass create new accounts to jump to once another gets banned and ensures one ban doesnt get all the others banned.
more info about this family? Never heard this name before
>there are redditors on pol
go back to /k/
imagine having a name pronounced jizzlane. she was even named for a whore upon birth. the jew really is destined for the shit pile.
>read about it on wikipedia for instance
you're almost a decade too late
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we have never been so back
why didn't you embed it?
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I decided to take a peak over the wall and even they are shaking lol
is "democray" some allusion I don't get, or is it a manifestation of illiteracy from the part of the author?
gem miner anon
>nothing gets outside the firmament of this realm, nothing.
based and flat-pilled. Also:

Space is fake
Nuked don't exist
Earth is flat
Evolution is a lie
Dinosaurs never existed
Just like /pol/, but for a different target audience
This picture always cracks me the fuck up because it was taken in my hometown. That’s the gazebo at woodland park in Lexington, KY
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>Who is in charge ?
Such a mystery.
Just like /pol/? Are you retarded?
>as the literal shit thread is still up
It's not polite to ask such creatures that
Man, I really miss fishing for downdoots
Then be there and fuck off you shit cancer.
Yes, /pol/ is also a highly moderated groupthink project.
Threads about 'unwanted' topics get 404'd and deleted all the time, certain topics, viewpoints and agendas are being pushed very deliberately, while others are actively being suppressed. Lots of social engineering going on here.
If you are unable to see this and think /pol/ is the absolute embodiment of freedom of speech because you can say nigger here without being banned, you must be quite naive
>and think /pol/ is the absolute embodiment of freedom of speech
No one said that you stupid fucking faggot, but it's clearly not like reddit. If it was as bad as you said your comments would be auto hidden but the truth is you especially have nothing of value to say.
>but it's clearly not like reddit.
It is very much like reddit in the sense that it serves the general purpose of being a highly moderated and controlled groupthink project aligning with the interests and agendas of those entities who coordinate the various social engineering programs that are taking place. Both sites are meant to steer the opinions of its visitors towards certain directions, which vary a lot between the two, because they are both tailored towards a different target audience/personality type. The fact that there is a higher threshold for the censorship that occurs here vs the censorship on reddit, or there being gore and porn here, or you being able to say 'Jews r bad' without being banned, does not negate or invalidate the previous point I made.

What do you think the daily re-occurring bot threads and bot posts are for?
Maybe that Mexican isn't so bad after all

If you didn't tell us I wouldn't even have noticed. You have to go back
And mossad agent
There's no larp. Like leftists, you're just riding the coattails of a dying civilization and hiding being cops. You're worse than a leftist.
It's not just as moderated so it's not just the same, the existence of bots or spam or people trying to influence doesn't change that.
It's been like this for almost ten years now. They're never leaving and this board is never going back to what it was. It's just another webspace for rightoid messaging and deradicalization.
Comment by: [deleted]

An updoot to you kind sirs.


Edit 2: I'm just a nobody, I can't believe this reply has gotten so much traction.

Edit 3: Please stop doxxing my wife's second boyfriend, he's a needless victim of what I believed to be a nuanced take of the debate. Our polycule will NOT be mangled in the grips of f*scists!

Edit 4: Well, y'all got what you wanted. BOTH of my wife's boyfriends are blowing her and my phone up asking who emailed their employers about us.

My 12 year-old daughter, who is a very proud mixed race trans* athlete, is crying, locked in the bathroom, and all she keeps telling me is that I'm a joke and my entire life is a joke. She's embarrassed of me.

My wife is taking a drive to cool her head. I'm thinking of deleting my account entirely.

Congratulations, bigots. But no matter what you do or say, you're on the wrong side of history. Trans* BIPOC women's rights, ACAB, black lives matter, I stand with Palestine, Slava Ukraina.
We might have been arguing different points then, I agree that it is far less moderated than reddit (but not completely unmoderated and censorship still occurs), however I see both reddit and /pol/ as groupthink projects used for social engineering
disagree. i loved reddit when i was a girl and i still like it now that im them. simple as
miriam adelson is trumps top donor and a rabid zio sorceress who gifted him $100 million last month after hearing his pitch on israel destroying palestine and lebanon
That's crazy shit. She helped Epstein bring in young teens and did all that...

The ruling class... you see, they're fucked in the head.
Oh its you again.
Deworm yourself you faggot loser.
Projecting German. Standard.
Wow. The presidential debate shook them up THAT bad, huh?
A VPN? That'll get you at least 20 sockpuppets for like $9/month.
Like a sore thumb
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>caring about deaddit

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Democracy is the single worst thing that ever happened to the human race, so the sooner democracy dies, the better.
Well, he ain't wrong. Unlike reddit tho, here you can say niggerfaggot and not get permabanned.
not only is the adelson family trump's top donor but trump freed jonathan pollard, most damaging spy in american history, and flew the fat stringy haired motherfucker to bibi land on adelson's private jet.

trump doesn't have to worry about reelection this term so he will let the nwo seize all the "prophecy" lands and take shape for 2030.

you will probably live to see trump retire and play golf in israel and chase his grandchildren around the olive trees or maybe those will be spectres of palestinian children, either way trump did his best and that's what matters
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Reddit is better than this website by miles

The upvote system lets you see the best content first and filters out the rest.

Plus Reddit lets you sort comments by popularity, that way I'm always guaranteed to see nothing but the best content, as chosen by the community.

Here's it's just "first come first serve" like some disgusting rural cafeteria. I want my web content catered and curated, thank you very much.

4chan is just an endless stream of shit by comparison.

You probably all come here because you're failed Redditors who couldn't get any upvotes with their r*cist trash content.

As we speak I have 3 different Reddit threads on the front page of their respective boards, bringing me many thousands of upvotes each hour.

Feels good to be a successful Redditor and not an outcast like you bunch of chuds.
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that was surprising given that cnn's tapper and dana bash are both tribe. but icymi trump called biden "a palestinian" on stage.
I think there may be to little time left for that.
>Trump should pick Sanders for VP,
sanders married into tribe hence her name and her father is a leading zio cuck. not only that but she looks like a lumbering pixar monster wearing a human costume
An unplanned tech bug the morning after the worst president in americas history gave a horrible debate performance and sounded and looked like he had both feet in the grave while doing it? Wow I'm shocked, another crazy coincidence.
Based OVA.
>Past Kenshin: Murdering young kid
>Present Kenshin: Goody good good
>Future Kenshin: weak sick man
>dems planned to use debate to oust biden
and january 6 was used by both sides to create trump's 2024 comeback right in time for greater israel's greatest land grab. also
>covid was oct/nov 2019
>hamas false flag on oct 7 2023

america is dunzo in 2030.
whats that jewish sub where its all just jews seething?
i obviously dont use reddit since i have no interest in being banned every time i comment
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democracy is an appeal to npcs
>Reddit is better than this website by miles
>The upvote system lets you see the best content first and filters out the rest.
>Plus Reddit lets you sort comments by popularity, that way I'm always guaranteed to see nothing but the best content, as chosen by the community.
>Here's it's just "first come first serve" like some disgusting rural cafeteria. I want my web content catered and curated, thank you very much.
>4chan is just an endless stream of shit by comparison.
>You probably all come here because you're failed Redditors who couldn't get any upvotes with their r*cist trash content.
>As we speak I have 3 different Reddit threads on the front page of their respective boards, bringing me many thousands of upvotes each hour.
>Feels good to be a successful Redditor and not an outcast like you bunch of chuds.
the jewish botnet vpn at eglin afb went down and the site is actually working as intended, meaning there are ~zero new posts or comments
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iudea delenda est
How are we still here and how is /pol/ still flooded with bots today then?
ahh yes
the good old coincidence
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>Browsing plebbit
>Chinese website realizes they were all in on the losing ideology of the USA.
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Stupid vpn shitskin, no one believes the drump god emperor propaganda after the kiked shitshow of his last presidency.
Oh no no no, reddit is soooo much worse.
Gentlemen, it is an honor to shitpost with you.
>the feds fuck themselves in one year

Biden is the Manchurian candidate
Trump is also the Manchurian candidate

Neither will hunt down redditors (they buy plastic) both will hunt down anons for posting true facts about jews.

Maybe also people who posted FBI crime stats.

If this happens it's going to be clownish

This is not true at all, so of course it has 250 replies
The Don not only killed Brandon in the debate, but he also managed ledditards locking down the site.
Delusional idiots now realizing years later the lights were on, but no one was home with Biden.
>Ghislaine Maxwell
Whos dad, Robert Maxwell, worked for british intelligence all his life?
true if big
this board never recovered from the trumptards
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>Communist, Marxist
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You niggers have no idea how great /pol/ was before 2016
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it got better
They didn't "cheat" in 2020 anymore than they have in every other election since WW2. that would imply that Trump was actually a threat to the system.
Its funny how many of the post debate, pro biden comments were calling Trump dementia Don. The classics like racist, felon, lair and so on are a reasonable defensive response. But how far removed from reality are you that this is what their perception/cope was?
Lurk Moar
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You must be thinking of Maxwell Smart
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lol. where the fuck does such retard exist?

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hrry d shheeiit!
The Red pills about the draft and showing the war footage from ukraine did it!
Sounds like those poor air force cadets finally got a break.
/pol/ was never good. it always schizo spam and nigger dicks, but we were blessed with once in a lifetime back to back happenings culminating with trump' election. this board is so full of newfag cancer that they don't know that /pol/ created the donald let alone why. after that newfag zoomer cancer invaded and started pushing the alt right here, something /pol/ never endorsed or supported which basically ruined the board. then there was the shitskin invasion from /sg/
Remove kebab was all over the internet in 2012 lol
That image is one of the most redpilling pics in existence. That is literally what redditors look like. How could a person ever go back to being a redditor after seeing that?
>hugely fat white woman in spandex with black child
Lol lmao even
Normies are waking the fuck up! These smooth brains just got their first wrinkle.
holy fucking retarded ass nigger shit
no wonder the kikes have been subjugating you kikeworshipping fucking retards
get some texture to your brain, fuckwit
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>we probably have r*dditors tourists among us
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What really did it was the right saying they want biden since he is less of a Jew loving shill.
Then when the other side tried to fight back?
They could not.
They System32 Panicked.
There was a thread going on with a LOT of replies.
It was all about why both people talked about Israel, but not America in the same way..
Then it got real uncomfy as normies were wondering why Trump supporters suddenly want joe to win.
That's when threads got shut down hard.
They brought up the J.Q.
Then the Female draft if Biden wins.
It became a shit show after that.
I honestly wish Trump was the dictator they fear. Forced conscription to round up all trannies and traitors into gas chambers. Soiboys screaming as their Funko Pop collections get burned. Star Wars becomes enemy state media and punishable by hanging if viewed. Forced enslavement and degradation rituals of his political enemies. It’d be glorious
What the fuck do you mean, reddit is 99% comments.
have you not realized that they are hijacking the "jews bad train" ?
Chuds really are retarded arent they?
>not saying plebbit.
Where are you from nigga?
Anyone at MSM that goes against biden should be hacked mercilessly for being a traitor.
Time to cue up the RUSSIA is CNN now.
All the MSM outlets.
Let these DemoFags blow up their own shit.
Kek chuds won
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>As we speak I have 3 different Reddit threads on the front page of their respective boards,
>Reddit is better than this website by miles
so why are you here?
go back faggot
Literally oy vey shut it down
lives dont embed, embeds dont timestamp
r3ddit bans users for IMPLICATING Jews in *anything*
No they didn't, you fucking sod
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>The upvote system lets you see the best content first and filters out the rest.
I think you mean the gayest most pussified comment
doing the people's work, godspeed anon and bless you for your heroic deeds. Keep making memes friend!
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>wish Trump was the dictator they fear. Forced conscription
That's the only real plan he has.
Well, the only plan the CIA will give him.
Thanks to Biden, everyone knows about Jews.
And Jews can't stop losing under joe.
If Trump gets back in, it the end of the white race on planet earth.
Nothing to see here. Nope. Nosirree. Move along. Eyes forward. You in the back there, keep it moving..
What a cohencidence.
I really believe (((that)))
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>I think you mean the gayest most pussified comment
the algorithms are litterally feminism, nothing moar. An eternal echo chamber of barren vaginas
Conservatives arent real right wingers they love sucking kike dick and love niggers
bu hurr de hurr dur dur hurr hurr

enema what son lol

people suck though so whatever

good bait
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>they love sucking kike dick and love niggers
never forget lady maga.
Still going?
Proof niggers come in all shapes and colors....

They'll spread their faggotry to twitter next
miriam adelson refused to donate to trump during the primary
she is a johnny-come-lately
Meanwhile progressive democrats are still commies, racists, and partakers of the slavery party...aka democrats

Fuck you Lincoln was first GOP president, parties never switched, get fucked
No one really cares about isreal OR Palestine...

You both can get fucked

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