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>twas planned beforehand
Trump will be the wartime president
adam green predicted this
Why? He CRUSHED Little Donny.
well yeah no one will fight the chinks for sleepy joe lol
blah blah blah everything will go back to normal tommorow Trump will still lose.
its 100% planned the astroturfing is so obvious
This, Donny is too orange, getting oranger by the day, and has too small hands to win again.
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They want Trump to win so white men will be patriotic and die for Israel. No one will die for Israel under Biden.
Joe biden is the padre.
Of course they planned it, it was a debate it was a sociological experiment. It could only be his handling of Israel that would make the puppet masters decide it was time to replace the current empty husk.
I like this music.
Lebanon and Iran are dangerous terrorist states. You've gotta do what you've gotta do.
The kikes made a deal with Trump in exchange for Israel backing
gay as fuck
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Where's CNN's stance that Biden should be replaced? I'm hearing this parroted by people and on CNN's website I don't see anything of the sort. I've seen they called it a poor performance, and highlighted negative comments from democrats, but not CNN calling for his replacement.
The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that it was planned... years ago.
Everyone's seen Biden swirling the drain...
But now he has a reason to quit, and in doing so captures a lot of hate in the process
Leaving the left befuddled yet unified in the replacement
Which is probably going to be Gavin Nuisance.
You mean Palestinian
>Why? He CRUSHED Little Donny.
Whatever happened to Ron Perlman, anyway? I haven't heard anything about him in a few years now.
Who? Never heard of her.
You should’ve watched the post debate coverage
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>Where's CNN's stance that Biden should be replaced?
>It's almost like it was planned the night beforehand.
Yes, it is swift for all the lib networks to suddenly agree, unless they all had a plan of action for the debates
The point was always for him to leave due to cognitive decline. Biden was a fall guy for the real power brokers that had him installed. Now they can blame everything they've done on his cognitive decline.
If you stuck around for the post debate commentary, they were all talking about how they were getting texts from high ranking democrats about how they were concerned they'd lose their own seat with Biden on the ballot and discussing that Biden would have to volunteer to drop out of the race in order for a new Democrat to be on the ballot. ABC and NBC were saying the same things. To say they were "calling" for his replacement is a bit misleading, but they were basically stopping just short of "calling" for his replacement.

Kamala Harris did interviews on CNN and ABC and just said "he had a slow start but a strong end" but was otherwise sticking to the talking points.
It must be a months long process to register a presidential candidate in every state though. Do they have the time?
naw her blood sacrifice powers expired
its newsoms turn
he would sit down with putin and negotiate tho, biden would not
she's right, it's absolutely insane that even CNN isn't supporting him, they got something planned for sure

Say it with me

Not my problem
this is the first time since 2016 that there has been meme energy on this level. and its not the maga energy, its the trainwreck biden energy.

im gonna enjoy these next 4 months to see how assblasted the dems will get over having a literal hospice care patient as their nominee

The problem with this idea is that if it's all "planned" than why would the democrats dig themselves a hole so they have to try to make up ground following a terrible debate? Why miss months of campaigning for the guy they actually want to win?

This isn't the sign of a "plan" this is a sign of a lack of the plan. There was no plan for Biden bombing and being unfit for the job. The achilles heel of any good conspiracy is the assumption that a group of people are smart and calculated. The world we live in is almost always the opposite.
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Trump won on Oct 7th. When the zionists realized that their diversity army actually hates them far more than conservative whites, Zion Don got rigged back in.
i would imagine the Party is registered in every state already, only people running independent have to go through those hurdles
Yes. He would end thr Ukraine shit and start a war in the middle east.
I imagine they projected more support and less casualties if they draw America into just 1 front at a time
Yeah, it's the only silver lining, Trump is now unequivocally in their pocket unfortunately.
Gavin Newsome???
Yup, Joe's only job, and it was clear from what he had remembered, was to attempt to assassinate Trump over Jan 6th. Now they will try to switch, and because most people vote on short-term emotions and fear, and because they are going to stuff ballots in Georgia again, they're thinking they can win.

Train the Militia. Win or lose, Nobody should feel like they'll lose their Rights if the wrong guy gets in.
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>“Our only hope is that he bows out, we have a brokered convention, or dies,” another donor and Presidential advisor said. “Otherwise we are fucking dead.”
I can't imagine the logistics are a concern considering you can just hire people who do that kind of thing for a living. Not hard for political parties to navigate the system when it's effectively the system they built.
> It's almost like this was planned.

YEAH. Y'think that's why they scheduled the debate in June? They knew they were going to change Biden out leading into the convention. It would only be if Biden was candidate after the convention that they'd be actually worried, but that ain't happening.
I couldn't think of anyone that I would hate to be president more, so it will probably be him.
Kikes realize the left has run out of gas for them and they are now switching back to the right
There will be a Jewish attack on dissident right wingers unlike anything seen before in Trump's 2nd term and Trump will be at the head of it
Yea that really shows that trump is the real deal….pfffffthahahahajajajaahaha.
the media has been tested the waters a few months ago about how dumb and senile biden is.
Two weeks
Because democrats don’t have any good ideas, it’s all feel feel fluff and robbing taxpayers, were you asleep when they didn’t campaign in 2020 and sleepy joe was in his basement? Goddamn your people are fucking dumb.
Keep lying you fucking kike. That cunt moderator asked trump point blank if he would allow Putin to keep the territory he annexed so far and trumps answer was NO.

Trump is the war time president.
Get ready for the draft retard.
Hildawg gotta get her adrenochrome somehere.
Kenyan troops invade Haiti just in time for the campaign.
The dems push ZOG's social policies, and the republicans push ZOG's geopolitical policies. After October 5th or whatever the date those yids started getting bombed, ZOG switched their gears toward the right again in order to protect Israel.
I bring it up because Robert Barnes retweeted someone who was explaining the process and the time it takes. The guy was saying that at best they have a few weeks if they want to make the switch because all the ballots have to be finalised and printed too, so it seemed to go beyond just filling out a few forms. The other issue I also heard people talk about is that the money raised for the Biden presidential campaign can't be transferred to a replacement candidate so any replacement would have a very short time to fund raise.
Anyway, it's all clownworld now and nobody seems bothered about following rules so it may be moot.
we're not making it to November 2024.
global total economic-financial collapse prior to September
you are witnessing a controlled demolition of a global hegemon
Trump was destroyed, he barely survived desu
It's pretty obvious.
They think Trump will be better for Israel.
Trump's ego and desire to be President again will ensure he is the goodest of goys.
this is what I've been saying, white men will die for Trump
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They’re not dangerous to me, only to Israel which I give negative fucks about.
Here's the cnn panel after the debate. It's ten minutes of throwing Joe under the bus. They're done with him.

>planned before hand

everything is planned before hand
The democrats aren't in charge. The CIA is, and they have been since 1963. We can really only hope that they're competent.
I doubt her base will be safe from griefers in Minecraft if this happens.
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>When the zionists realized that their diversity army actually hates them far more than conservative whites
>They still want to genocide western white men
So just to be clear, this theory only works if we assume the jews are retarded, right? Trying to delete your only remaining allies on the entire planet when you're a tiny minority is not a coherent plan. It's suicide.
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>So just to be clear, this theory only works if we assume the jews are retarded, right?
Its literally in their own words, shmuel
True but whos goign to replace him? In their limitless stupidity, the democrats never even considered to build up a proper candidate against Trump. They actually believed they could stop Trump with kangaroo courts and media bashing. He is going to win and Im going to bet on it with 1000 Euros.
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poor Nate's hairline can't handle that rematch
Called it months ago. They'll ask him to step down, he'll refuse, they'll threaten him, he'll refuse, so they'll find some way to forcibly remove him or have him killed and call it a natural death. Dems might be about to assassinate a sitting president to "save democracy."
There won’t be negotiation with Putin.
Or xi.

Whites won’t fight for Biden, but they might enter the meat if trump tells them too, which is what they are counting on.

They will just lie or false flag like every goddam war the us has fought in and every rage pent up maga retard will be calling for heads of vatnicks to Iranians to chinks in the name of trump.
Yeah this is a fucking moronic plan if real. Nonwhites will NEVER feel guilt over the holocaust, and white guilt is not the only source of jewish power. The infiltration of Christianity by jewish pastors plays a bigger part
Yeah almost all the callers into C-SPAN agreed post debate they weren't sure who to vote for but if they didn't vote Biden they'd literally die
Not retardation as much as fear and butthurt over getting slapped around by Europeans since the days of Rome until the end of World War 2. They've been planning to kill of Europeans for a long time, but they're only now realizing that Europeans actually hate them less than all the brown people they imported into European countries.
Making a habit of pissing and shitting on your hands and not washing them is not good for your health. Especially with the elderly.
It is structurally impossible for the democrats to replace Joe with anyone other than Kamala. It is Jover for the God Damned democrats.
Cool, so this means Biden will win. We already knew since elections are fraud. Its not like they care that they are running the country into the ground. That's the entire point!
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Consider the following.
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This is why they are switching to pajeets aka Trump's student visa green card scheme
Pajeets worship kikes as everything they wish they were and hate muzzies so they will be ardent Zionists
They hate whites too, the perfect slaves for the Jews
I'm in one of the most conservative states and no one fucking cares about dying for Israel, even retarded army brats are smart enough to try to get as many tours to soaplands before they start trying to ship them off to Ukraine. Trump has made it exceptionally clear he does not want war, obviously the kikes want a world where they have over 10000 goyim slaves each, let's see what happens because I cannot imagine a single American giving a fuck about the meat grinder.

We would rather the whole world succumb to nuclear warfare than let bug people skitter around our land and if the actual power in the American government was ever truly threatened we also have yellowstone's cork we can pop. Fuck off.
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so, is this payback for biden withholding one single shipment of bombs to israel ?
Twitter board
People were saying that right up to Pearl Harbor.

Never underestimate how easy it is to sway the retarded masses with the right nudge.
really makes you think
>This isn't the sign of a "plan" this is a sign of a lack of the plan.
No, this is a sign that you remain happily entertained by the circus they have put in front of you. You still imagine that
is a thing and so think that there is any kind of panic or anything going out of control.

>The achilles heel of any good conspiracy is the assumption that a group of people are smart and calculated.
These are career politicians and their benefactors who move millions of dollars around like pocket change, assassinate their opponents whenever they think it is the right call, and can and have enforced sweeping mandates and laws on the basis of such things like medical emergencies. This is after a Trump presidency, who promised to curb these abuses and yet did not a single thing in his entire tenure except to calm the masses. Hell, he did objectively pass an anti-gun law didn't he?

But after knowing all of that, you think that you are smarter and more competent than them, because they *look* like they have deep goncern on their faces today. I would advise you to consider there is such a thing as "acting classes".
CNN surprisingly called her out on it then ended the interview
CNN decides the candidate? Didn't know that was a thing. Scranton Joe isn't going anywhere.
They've been telling the entire world Joe is fine. He's great. It's lies. He's our guy. What a whiplash. A Republican isn't defeating Biden. His own party is imploding. They are blaming him but they foisted him up as a god, said he was the voice of reason, he's a friendly old grampa. Now the chickens aren't wearing the red glasses and can see.
This would be genius tbf

>run clearly senile candidate
>keep him largely out of the spotlight until debate time
>absolute disaster
>assume that >50% of voters are either middle grounders who don't like Trump but just hate Biden, or die-hard Dems who are now on pooicide watch
>at their darkest hour, swap out demented old man for Experienced Centre-Left Candidate who says all the right shit for a few months
>Dems squeak another win
>Trump support wanes, he doesn't run as an old man in 2028

Absolutely devilish manouvere if true
>this is a fucking moronic plan if real.

It's like, half-real. The lesson a lot of Jews took from World War II was that being a <2% minority in a 98% white country wasn't safe, because at any moment white people could become Nazis and start rounding them up. So in the spirit of "never again," they became obsessive advocates for all minority rights and pushed hard everywhere they went for those countries to become thoroughly multicultural, figuring that a country that's 15% this, 20% that, 10% another thing, 8% various others, 45% white, and 2% Jewish all uniting together against the Jews would never happen.

And to be fair, they're probably right about that. A country with an overwhelmingly dominant ethnic majority is a lot more likely to go full Nazi on them than a malformed blob of different ethnic groups, but there have been serious unintended consequences.
>Trump has made it exceptionally clear he does not want war
I mean that's what he says, but media clearly is de facto promoting trump at this point by not covering for biden as they used to. And we know who controls the media. So there's only one conclusion to draw from this.
This. There will be a massive red flag in Ukraine and in SEA which will prevent USA from using diplomacy and be forced to send more troops.. A precusor to WW3. They needed Trump to entice white men to join the draft. That is all there is to it. So don't be fooled. Jews still control everything.
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finally i have a name to search for
one of the few negresses i could fap to
>there's only one conclusion to draw from this
That the kikes want a world war? Holy fuck say it ain't so, it's not as if I didn't already state that as well as /pol/ for the last 2 decades. Still voting, still prepping, still networking kike. Even if you flip the table and throw a geopolitical tantrum you and your pale and diseased genetic freaks are going fucking no where except in the dirt.
that's a tiefling, right?
Hope Trump has a stroke and we're left with no good Jew cocksleeves to run things so things can spiral to a point of chaos at which someone who isn't a jewish condom can change things.
Jews are the answer to the Fermi Paradox
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And then they run another coup to replace a sitting President like the one they were going to run if Trump got in after the dems rigged election. This is just too good.

IF this does indeed happen it will be interesting to see who's watching this coup as it happens.
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I love how pro-save-Biden /pol/ suddenly is as of today.
something something child pedo adrenchrome, you dumb kike shill.
It's going to be hilarious when Biden refuses to step down. I bet he'll make them even madder than Trump does. Cry for me bitches
Strangely enough, this was the first Presidential debate held before the nominees were verified by their respective party. Weird innt?
Watching the american president shit himself on stage was fucking hilarious, watching you get fucking hammered in afghan and ukraine is hilarious. Why would we not want Biden?
They just want to replace him with hillary at this point.
I did expecf the CIA may wish to unleash an ISIS hit on the debate and rid themselves of of Biden and Trump, and get to declare martial law. They missed a trick here.
Oh no. They're going to mushroom cloud us oh god.
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listen lil donny saar
i am frying up some animal waste into hot crispy patties that i hand out on the street with brochures about my no-questions-asked wooden crate immigration company
how do you like that saar
>So just to be clear, this theory only works if we assume the jews are retarded, right?
They undermine countries they live in and import a population that hates them more than natives.
Yes, they are retarded.
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>CNN is for Biden
The fact that peoe think corporate/MSM doesn't love Trump after eight years of calling his lies "mispeaking" is kind of amusing.
That would be hil-arious.
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That is exactly what I bet on. Should have put more on but I’m a NEET
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This. The super-civilizational parasite lives.
They are Death, their god, Saturn, Shabbatai.
what does the w stand for?
>intermarried with italian women during the early roman period
did he mean romans living in italy or actual barbarians?
Wtf I love Bidenflation now! Flood me with immigrants or kill me in pointless wars Trump says he’s against?

Nah it is possible that Trump is actually just the best choice and Biden is a retard.
Yes, the President of the United States of America being bold enough to take a fat corn syrupy dump in his pants before his opponent, an audience of millions and the entire world was a stunning power move no single man on this green Earth could possibly recover from. You had to be there to smell how based Joe Biden was.
>at their darkest hour, swap out demented old man for Experienced Centre-Left Candidate who says all the right shit for a few months
That would be an absolute nightmare. They've already missed almost all the filing deadlines for state ballot access. The only way they could pull it off legally is drop Biden, have Kamala take the hot seat and nominate someone else and have Kamala step down after the election.
Julia will be mad about this. So will Hua Fang.
Or just have Kamala start taking the leaf for campaigning, with the unspoken truth being that Biden will step-down or otherwise be removed shortly after inauguration, allowing Kamala to take over. Problem is that not even Democrats actually like Kamala, as evidenced by her abysmal performance among Democrat voters when she ran for the Democrat nomination.
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That's a chocolate dipped white girl. She's definitely got a few honkeys in her bloodline.

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