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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Nearly impossible to argue against.
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God protestantism is shit
This is a kike. Kike thread
Protestantism owes its existence to Catholic fuck-ups
Already spotted the nick the spic followers.
I don’t know how this meme caught on when you can just look up statistics and see this isn’t true
Feel free to ignore as usual and keep shilling the suicide cult of atheism though, people are seeing through it
I don't really care about America, but in Europe these groups should be violently and radically opposed to what's going on. Why have they kept their heads down?
What have atheists been doing? Let’s not avoid the question, because that’s the idea you’re trying to shill here. You’re attacking what is statistically the largest anti immigrant voting bloc left… for what exactly? If you want to get them to wake up and mobilise, do that. Seething at them until they turn into atheists who are 80% likely to be pro open borders isn’t fixing anything, it’s making the problem worse. It’s not as if there’s any based larpagans doing anything either. Tell me which group is doing anything about it and i’ll support them. You don’t actually give a shit about that though, you hate christians and you’re here to shill against them at all costs.
There’s hope for thar 32% of dems. There are probably just dems from being confused on economics.
I don't actively hate Christians or Christianity, but it IS semitic in origin, and historically speaking it very much did act like a cult of personality for centuries.
"Anti-immigration bloc?" Are you kidding? Even if that was true, and democracy did have an actual impact on the policies of European countries (it fucking doesn't), the amount of Christians that still exist in the West are greatly overshadowed by the sheer amount of people who openly accept immigration, they're not a large voting bloc by volume.

Christians have ceded ground to and openly endorsed leftist policies, every church openly displays a pride flag. The very philosophy of Christianity is pacifistic and submissive by nature.
If you want to free Europe, we must free ourselves of ALL semitic influence.
Enlightenment done a number
christ cucks are fucking DUMB

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