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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Social Media Censorship
Joe Potato is a National Security Misinformation/Disinformation cheap fake campaign
sauce? (screenshot? im not on reddit)
go back
Glowies are in full force tonight. Top comments on YouTube are all Biden supporters. The replies to these comments are rep
CCP owns Reddit, Trump hates China. Simple as.
Leftists were owning smarmy liberals too much.
Years of "nooooo he's fine fuck these lying chuds", then when corpse Biden embarrasses himself in front of the whole world, they shut it down.
You'll NEVER get acknowledgement from commies. Learn the lesson boys. desu.
Eglin Airforce Base is working crazy overtime over there on Reddit right now
Your spam here is also part of it.
they only way they can function is to hide the truth, ignore reality, cheat, just look at the press secretary
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The time has come to summon Kek once more.
idk why don't you fuck off back there and ask them s-hoy-boy
i'm pretty sure reddit is an american company, muttoid.
Why was it even allowed?
Tencent has equity in it. Pretty sure canada is a chinese company
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Here's what I don't understand... if all of this is planned theater and a show... why do they act so erratic and unhinged?
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no problem everything is fine I don't even know what you're talking about
Yes we own Canada and we will nuke your niggers as well hahahah fuck fuck yofu
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Reddit is broken.
Do yourself a favor. Take a look at Reddit on archive.org around 2016 and especially in 2020.

Every day there would be anti-Trump botting and measures allowed by Reddit and their moderators. You can see for yourself. From subtle ant-right posts to all-out spamming the front page with nonsense, all to paint Trump in a bad light.
who is reddit?
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I had to look to see if it was the same Biden from the State of the Union address.
Didn't hear much about that Biden.
This Biden though...
I don't think they own the majority share. Unlike American corpos owning tiktok
you have to go back
Seems like there is a lot more activity than we've had in a long time, so maybe it's glowies or tourists or oldfags checking back in.

I just got auto-banned for typing retarded in /politics.
Funny how many tourists here insist they don't use reddit but always come and report what's going on with it over here.
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it's for our freedom and democracy, go- i mean guys
Just because it's part of the plan doesn't mean all the actors are happy with the changing roles

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