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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Thank you miners

Previously, on Salt Mining General... >>472411428

Go forth and be the salt of the earth
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MSNBC is the only salt mine I need unironically.
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Liberals are so out of touch. Biden has been shitting his pants in public for like a year. This should be no surprise.
I was owning smarmy libs on Reddit. Whey did they stop leftists from having our fun bullying stuck up libs?
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This is what happens when you control all the propaganda and huff your own farts for years straight
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kek look at them
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The panic has officially hit every reddit board
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>politics doesn't work that way
Yeah' it's run by kikes. It's an illusion of choice.
These topkek copiums though lol.
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they are freaking out on destinys subreddit, its an site wide coping.
i got site doesnt exist.
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Has our boy commented yet?
You're in an alternate dimension, look for the red ball and avoid the Golgothan.
My bad, try this link which is the share link
Bernie has been silent so far.
>Their smiles, gone.
The salt miningis pathetic to anyone that was around the first time. Desperate chasing the the high you will never get back.
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Joy Reid does not even look like the same species next to them. Its so uncanny.
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kek got one in the last thread seething
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Joy Reid told people in florida during hurricane ian to "worry more about global warming"
She's never been anything approaching human.
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Resetera (Mostly Europeans forum)
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>shitting his pants in public
Yeah there's wide speculation on the sound at 5:17:30 in this link
Which you can see here: https://vocaroo.com/15MGpEOtbGgB
I'd highly recommend looking up discourse about it and finding some shock from the other side as I've heard there are people talking about it
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Holy shit.
it cant be real
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At this rate they'll lose so much ad revenue they may have to cut jannies' salaries.
I love this one, look at the amount of time that passed between his last two tweets. he was completely enraptured
That is how tariffs work and how Jefferson funded the entire country.
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Just a heads up, I hope none of you are using your real accounts because we can figure out who viewed which posts and coorelated the ones posted here just saying...
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>its real
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oh no! not the reddit karma!
Also note that Democrats were almost entirely pro-tariff during the Reagan era, back when Democrats pretended to be for the white working class.
Probably Biden too but I can't be arsed to look up his votes and neither can he.
Oh god, I've got a wife and kid that depend on me bringing home the reddit gold every week. What have we done?
How can they be so easily deceived? I genuinely do not get it
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guys its a 4d chess mastermind play
>we meant to fuck up 4 months before election.
this is a good theory
I'm surprised he didn't delete the old post
I, for one, Trust the Plan.
Ya know, If they hadn't been so vindictive against Trump and his supporters, I don't think Trump runs again and they could keep or ditch Biden as they saw fit.
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Evil Jews. How someone can be so filled with hate is beyond me.
>banning is next
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Oh no, not my reddit faggot karma, whatever will I do?

Haha, fucking loser.
Damn that's funny, you gotta hate when the enemy is funny.
This is the correct answer.
These kikes really are all on suicide watch, their god moloch will not be happy about this
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>oh no bros anything but my reddit karma!
do these people live in reality?
I really find this so strange.
Clips like these exists but the media 100% ignores it.
If it were Trump, it would be on the news 24/7 for years.
I have administered one (1) downvote
I think this is true but it won't work. They are so desperate for a hail mary that everyone center and right has gone from fearing the democrat establishment to laughing at their ineptness.
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>they think you will mourn the loss of your fake account karma.
They are really this insulated?
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This is no laughing matter folx
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What's the deal with this saltmine stuff? Did Biden make a fool out of himself in a debate or what?
>a cold
>in july
damn you climate change!
Wouldn't it be Trump who sharted? Biden's mic was muted.
Maybe? Or just as likely there is no "The Plan," they don't know what the fuck to do, and just said "fuck it, maybe he won't implode" because they knew backing out would be a surefire fuckup.
Was that the shittiest debate in US history or what
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so they have someone in mind. who is it Killary?
Oh, so NOW they're acknowledging he's incompetent and has dementia.
thought they just said all humiliating videos of him were AI? lol
nah it means that the shitting was so loud that it could be heard at the other end.
some say that trump resisted the urge to laugh at that moment while biden looked ashamed.
Having -1000 karma or whatever on Reddit should be considered a badge of honor

That is the single faggiest thing I've ever seen. Not even watching Barack blow Michelle is a gay as that post.

Reddit is an abomination.

Wait until they experience actual karma. I'm here for it.
Checked. Thank you for your service anons.
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She stands out so much I can't pay attention to what the man next to her is saying.
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Bros I want to thank you all for voting this into office.

Look forward to seeing you drafted into Trump's Ukrainian war. Gunna be big beautiful.
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ok memeflag
Top kek what losers these people are.

Biden was a real moron tonight. I would feel bad but his party likes to murder babies and thinks it can kidnap my kid to troon him out, so they can all go to hell forever.
>Bombs Russkies
>Bombs ChiComs
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For about a week after October 7th all the BBC porn, fag enabling, and race baiting threads were gone. It was nice.
>Wow, you're the grand champion! I saw you fight against the grey prince! Can I... follow you around?
It was so bad it's impossible to spin in his favor.
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no it was really more like 30 hours and then they had all the pajeet shill scabs reassigned in high gear. thanks anyway but i've been here all along paying my own attention

>memeflags. subversion. censorship. fraud. mimicry. showbiz. porn. transgenderism. diaspora. replacement. globohomo. desecration. catastrophic hubris.
>cool it with the antisemitism, right? of course that's who i must be talking about. it certainly was the way of things for a long time, there's no denying. you knew exactly who was "behind this post." but something changed in 2023, around the same time israel showed signs of internal kvetching with protests and dissent. the /pol/ catalog took a quality dive that was hard to ignore. it was distinctly more stupid and tiresome than normal. more infested with memeflags than ever before. an environment relapsed into ruin, echoing the most dismal of times, stinking with the ignorant pollution of unlurked, scripted posers.
>what had happened was, the jews commissioned a new halfwit rookie shill mercenary army to cover for them. the show must go on, you see, no matter how poorly. /pol/ can't be allowed to relax just because the jidf's turnover increases. not when there's a widely available resource even cheaper than AI, and even more irritating for its absolute lack of standards. so they tapped into a vast worldwide population of eager servants much more affordable, obedient and disposable than anything israel could ever muster from its own ranks. now everywhere you go, you will be up to your nostrils in these corny, shameless wannabes
Somebody who can shoop stuff really needs to do laineyball as Trump walking away from Biden fallen over on the plane stairs.
well they're not wrong KEK
>This man should be home sniffing his grandkids.
That mf'er high af on copium.
I love everyone blaming the DNC, after ignoring conservatives who were saying it for years. Some don't even care that millions voted for Biden two primaries in a row, even when he ran unopposed.
when has "as long as I can remember" become "tonight"?
Kek that’s wild
shut up pleb, fuck you
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Imagine unironically typing that and then not immediately killing yourself
He said the line!
>most important election of our lives
He literally talked about his desire to end the ukranian war and how it should have never had happened are you fucking retarded

did you even pay attention to the debate
The photo is a lie, the news article is a lie.
Therefore, the only proper response is to laugh, which I did.

Wait, you didn't think I was being unironic, right?
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jeff's baby daddy
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should change his handle to 'typing furiously with corn up my ass'
>Biden was never meant to appear in public media to discuss+defend his administration's policies, ever
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>same species
Because she isn’t
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This one is by far my favorite. surprised it hasnt been posted
sorry for doubting you chink san please do not take my dbz from me
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As an outsider who hasn't watched the debate i think there must be something behind it all. For years now everything about Biden has been so carefully curated that it's odd seeing them just drop the ball all of a sudden. It appears as if this has been done semi-intentionally, it was green-lit, and there must be something going on in the background. idk, it seems suspicious. As if this was preparing the grounds for Biden to resign, to give him an out, an exist strategy, and to replace him at the last minute with someone. TDH prophecy.
The Dark Horse. It hasn't been decided yet if you ask me, they're probably scrambling at this very moment.
Holy fuck, redditors are really that gay?
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>I revoke my upvote
They're pathetic, you can tell it's the only moment in their entire life during which they have any kind of "power".
I thought last election was the most important election of their times
while talking about erections
didn't they like to be cucked hard and in the anus??
like getting some trumpchad to rape their belief systems and trannydom into oblivion? doesn't that make them actually get off and say yesss donny daddy, punish my wife more with less niggerdick!!
>like, heck, I suppose they'd like the feeling of loss and helplessness, it's their thing right?
Cold? He looked like he has rigor mortis.
>Biden shits the bed far enough ahead of elections for Democrats to replace him
>They announce Ron Perlman for President out of nowhere
>The trust was so low that it circles back to extreme hype for the new saviour. Everyone rallies behind him
>At the next Debate: "Yo lil' Donnie!"
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he's a true amerikaner, he'll walk it off
>till he hits a 8degree incline
Did she really say this?
>[Biden] looks like he's barely surviving
>and I don't mean the debate I mean life!
lmao the kvetching
they want trump to win as he is comped and then they can blame the global depression and ww3 on him.
This joke and every .jpg on /pol/ fucking sucks.
oh yeah it did heheheh, on full letters, had gotten too many calls from plebs
How can these people look in a mirror?
someone needs to shop Trump in there with his big smile, setoff the useful idiots on the thread.
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kek, good bait. Pic unrel.
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It worked in the previous NZ election. The left leaning party was losing popularity and people had no faith in the leader - insert in a 30/40 yr old woman and boom they won the election. Several months seems like plenty for the democrats to get someone new and promote them
It just causes you to get automatically censored. In many places your posts will get automatically removed if your accounts 'karma' isnt high enough
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lol, who gives a fuck about Reddit karma?
I miss her. I hope she has a good life
The fuck is reddit karma?
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Glorious, you could delenda Carthago all over with that
>we finally beat medicare
kek everybody wins
Based. These threads are the true redpills.
You need to go back.
Jews are pissing themselves top kek
too funny these democrat retards really believed their own lies about biden's health
I hope that switch is placed just above shoulder height
>familiar with the situation
They planned this all along.
Considering Russia can't win a war against a much weaker nation then I don't any thing to worry about.
That purple haired faggot isn’t wrong.
She a Congoid from the Congo.
It does seem too coordinated. You can see an influx of specific 'ideas' in all these salt posts and all left leaning medias.
>we need to swap candidates
>Holy shit who knew Biden is demented
>*still shot of the 1000th 1000 mile stare as if it's new*

It's Hillary time, dawg
They are cultists, thats why they call Trump supporters cultists all the time.
>there must be something behind it all.
simple. the need for power.
Dem party elites conspired to put Biden in and that gave them access to power. Harris (who was also weak) was chosen because they could control her as well.

Focusing legal attacks on Trump ensured he would be the candidate (versus a younger GOP candidate who Biden would certainly lose against) and the assumption was Trump'd be so crippled they'd have no problem keeping Biden or Harris in place. It hasn't worked out like they planned, of course, but that was the idea.
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>>Their smiles, gone.

Donald and Joseph in Atlanta.
Joseph, his sails furled.
Donald, his smile wide.

they werent muting the mics because they wanted biden to argue with trump
lmao trust the plan
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what tranny-on-tranny subreddit are you reading, frenchy anon?
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>Lmao did you seatch "Biden nigga"
Well he got us there.
Occam's Razor: the elderly have good days and bad days. Biden camp was praying for a good day, deemed it an acceptable risk vs. dooming the party with a pull-out
>Occams Razor
A razor which is the property of Occam
they are jewish liberals. non-jewish liberals are now also antisemites in support of palestine.
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it would be funny if Trump selected Bernie as a running mate, so we actually have an NS party

captcha: 4 A J00
have my (You) glorious bastard.
That was my favorite part of the debate
>google search recommendations still suggesting hawk tuah
>ominously excluding the debate
Lmao it's over
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Here made a pic for you
guessing american?
Not quite,
they knew he was like this, they knew pulling the parachute and blowing the escape hatch was necessary.

they needed to do it early, before the convention, they needed to do it publicly and they needed consensus to override Joe's vote, it needed to be unambiguous and also not damning of the party.
They have successfully pinned the tail on the Joe.

they needed to completely erase the old programming.

they've met their goals
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LMFAO what a fag
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Oh no I'm shaking
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>ok but who is still voting for Joe Biden now
These people seem to forget that Biden being the candidate has nothing to do with him being popular with the public, because he isn't.
Biden paid his dues with the party, he was a faithful little soldier, he took the bribes meant to enforce his loyalty, he let them abuse and corrupt his kids. Biden is the perfect DNC agent, and they have to reward him, or else all the other will lose faith in the party and become much less loyal and willing.
Gavin Newsom
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oh no
noo whatever will we do??
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Yo Das Riiiiiiiii
What a bunch of fags
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>If Trump wins I'm killing myself
This image will never not be funny.

>Says he hates Reddit.
>Obvious Reddit-spacing
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Found the undercover faggot.
Why didn't R*ddit turn their karmas into NFT's?
Be forewarned, the attach on joe, by the left was completely coordinated. This is the earliest debate, just in time to pick a replacement next month at the dnc convention. The "dems are panicking" statement from all the talking heads seemed 1000% preplanned. They wanted joever out, for him to step on his dick on stage. You cannot tell me this pant shitting dementia patient hasnt been fucking up for years and now.. NOW, the media calls him out with such negative wording? It's to get the base coordinated and not riled up when they push him down the stairs if he doesnt step down.

The funny part, the dems that are just now clutching their collective pearls, thinking or saying aloud, that joe is a problem. This guy has been this fucking back since the obummer era.
>What's the deal with this saltmine stuff? Did Biden make a fool out of himself in a debate or what?
He's a senile old man approaching dementia, puppeted by jews("advisors" if you're a normie) and special interest corporations to keep legalized corruption alive so that Israel and big businesses can keep using US taxpayer money a s kickbacks to bribe american politicians so that the system stays broken and exploitable.
Trump is not that different in terms of policies but he's more truthful and upfront about it.
The main difference in terms of policy is that Joe wants bigger federal government while Trump wants a smaller one.
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i can only assume its like this
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>Obsession with fake numbers
More like this
She's appropriating my hair color.
Biden, his children turned away
Zelensky, his sail unfurled
Putin, his fist closed
Media is owned and controlled by pedophile jews.
Redditors are far worse than the worst stereotypes on here, the stereotypes are based on the redditors of 2016, these ones are something else
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Call the cyber police I don't give a fuck
What is half of zero doe?
Sounds like a great way to spend your time and energy piss wizard.
I avoid your shitty site like it's reddit

>basically a room full of "don't care, still voting for Biden"
CNN is a joke.
>Oh no what if Trump brings free education and healthcare while bringing back US manufacturing and jobs!
>That’s fascism!
What are their values?
What would really get the salt flowing is that if everyone started saying that if Trump gets into power, he is going to start the draft on women to die in israel and ukraine.

Not only would it be the wake up call for men?
It would be the end of women rule forever.
That would be the turning point.
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>Biden's pants, at the 2024 D-Day Ceremony
Plenty of reddit mods get paid well. Its not like 4ch, where the shills are the only ones harvesting cash. That cliche does not work when applied to them entire. Reddit mods *can* apparently be less pathetic that 4ch ones.
Holy fuck, this should be a banner
AIDS Clapton is upset.
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>reposting garbage memes
Oh none of us forget that sign anon.
But we either have a slim chance of avoiding ww3 (trump) or just balls to the wall jump into that shallow pool head first (Biden).
We know we’re fucked. They know, without us they’re fucked.
It’s a matter of taking everything you can get back before you say “not good enough, not dying for your wars”.
why is there semen on his tongue?
Yeah I got banned recently after making a new account because when talking about speakers I mentioned a set I have. Apparently that’s bragging and is against the rules even though I was comparing the stats saying I think his set up will be really good for the money.

Fucking banned for that. Thin skin does not even begin to describe the people that thrive in the reddit space. I wasn't even trying to get political. Half the site is NSFW now and overflowing with cfnm and pegging bullshit. They really are a bunch of pathetic excuses of human beings. I’m glad I can’t maintain the illusion to even last 1 comment.
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Go the fuck back and fucking kill yourself you fucking nigger.
Hahaha get fucked aids clapton
Are we supposed to know or even care who these twitterfags are? Is that how it works for you zoomers? You need to know 'what everyone else thinks' before you can have 'your own' opinion?
lol those arent the kind of things you build if you fear sea level rise...

remind me, where did obama build a house again?
>This was funny when they made fun of the other guy!
The faggot leftists will, eventually, have to realize there's humor outside of "DRUMPF!" jokes
seems like some have forgotten
next I'm trying nuclear gets I'm calling for Australia to get nuked, worse than Polish flags on here
SWEET, Trump btfo that other jew asskisser so hard I don't even need to vote!

somehow biden didnt get the most votes in history, more than trump got the most votes in history, and biden didnt even win in 2016.

like when will people ask "how did this guy even win the first time?"
>Israeli bots kvetching on reddit
How do they program their bots with jewish personalities?
me reading that post

its wild cuz like the only population in the world that has decreased for the last 20 years is white americans, literally the overall population, not percentage, there are less white americans today than 20 years ago.

some people say this, and dems literally clap and cheer.

but in their minds, trump is straight up going to murder every beaner, arab, and queer on the planet. mind you, beaners arabs, and queers are growing 50% every year.

like its such an insane fantasy world they live in. all they have ever done is win, yet they act like eternal victims.

nobody even gave a fuck about trannies until they started targeting children. like wtf.
You start with a human and take away honour and long-term predictive abilities.
That’s NZ though. Big difference in population, demographics, and organizational/electoral reqs. This shit is overrrrrr.
>Proud Steam Deck owner
Is this the nu boomer signature?
I literally just spit out my coffee laughing at this you fucker.
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wow... kikes are vicious motherfuckers. god i hope they keep overplaying their dainty little hands
So this is the final form of Dark Brandon....
I kneel.
The hyperbolic way these people speak is fucking infuriating. Its so unanimous among leftists that i question if these people are even real posters sometimes. But i see it on my own goybook feed where people exclaim absolutely ridiculous shit over nothing.
Very clever. lol. Its funny how we'll never be able to tell when bots fully takeover because most of you are just meme-regurgitating bots already. At least AI bots will have cognitive capabilities, that might actually be an improvement!
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He has a 33 in his name. He's probably a freemason of some repute. That's not a level easily reached.
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what about this png, buttfuck?
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for you anon
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gamefaqs yesterday
The Onion's still got it sometimes
my fucking sides
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I thought predditors were against fascist censorship? Just kidding, they're all deluded kid raping shit bags & DNC shills.
That's a wet shart if I ever heard one. It's so audible I feel like I need to change my own underwear
hey remember that time gamefaqs bullied a girl into suicide?
Hahah wow I don't believe I've seen them this angry in a loooong time.

One of my favorite things is watching the beliefs of religious fanatics shatter. People in the liberal cult went into this debate actually thinking that Biden is fine, he can go four more years, he will wipe the floor the felonious Trump.

Within the first 5 minutes their view of reality collapsed. By the end of the debate they must have been in shock. I can only imagine the rollercoaster of despair they went through watching the man they love make a complete fool of himself for the whole world to see. This really is both the worst and best election year in the history of the country.
What forum hasn't done that?
We always wish Trumpenstein could be as evil as these people claim he is.
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> biden is far too alive ...
Are they sure about that one?
Raping children, unlimited niggers and other assorted shitskins, gibs for said niggers and shitskins, plus single mothers get (((free))) everything and anyone right of mao get vanned
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post a pic of the woman they used. i bet she had big milk

anyway that shit won't work here. big mike wouldn't survive the scrutiny and gavin gruesome doesn't want to destroy his 2028 run
>Reddit karma
I will continue to make accounts and take shits on your boards for as long as it is amusing. Also imagine being such a buck broken bitch that you care what random fucks on the internet think of you.
>trump refuses to even say white people
>trump focusing on blacks, latins, and jews
>"oh no white dictatorship!"
fucking retards.
Many are ignoring the obvious defeat. Brains wrecked. They're still riding with Biden. This should be encouraged whenever encountered. Agree that Biden just had an off night and he's fine.
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They would find that little girl in the vid and run her out to all the talkshows and shit talking about how orange man tweaked her little nips on cam
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And here I thought that faggot cohost couldn't get any gayer looking than during the 2016 meltdown.
As if that matters to leftoids.
They could literally run anyone else and give them biden's script and they'll act like it's the second coming of the Messiah
vote blue no matter who, remember?
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What is reddit karma?
Mommy save us!
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If only you knew how good things are going to be.
oh fo sho
Chinese communist social credit system.
Team Blue No Matter Who - they actually say this with pride. There is no nuance or personal principles associated with 'team sports politics' - it's simply red ball vs blue ball. Biden (imo) is going to be replaced and they're going to back the fuck out of whoever it is, like it's the second coming. My hope is that everyone's head is so deep in the sand that they just hope for the best with the blue ball they got now.
Can't even read this shit nigger
t. phone nigger looks fine on my computer faggot.
lmao did she finally dump her Trump wig?
25!? as in pikachu's pokedex number!!?? :0000
Remove the "m" from the end of the url when you open that image, phonenigger
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Lol trump locked up the black vote
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That's hilarious, having Blacks as the de facto representatives of grug realism.
404s nigger
These gay niggas are such drama queens.
They respect the Man, but not as much as they love the gibs.
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resetera, home of the absolute dumbest motherfucker leftists on the internet, has been handling it really well!
Bit of an over-exaggeration, don't you think?
new edition just dropped
Barely scratches the surface but is technically accurate.
make this timeline happen
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I missed libs saying their kid (who mysteriously made it from the dumpster at planned parenthood) said some shit.
That post could have just as easily been made in 2015 and the only different would be the date. These people are delusional.

I wish Trump was 10% of what they think he is.
Change it to .png then, newfag
meant how is lil donnie doing from your favorite neanderthal caveman perlman
He did so poorly that any scenario where they think Biden "won" they have to add concessions. Grim.
I am nobody
Jesus Christ, imagine being this fucking hysterical over the presidential election.
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Is this the new
>I'm moving to Canada if droomph wins
that's gotta be a shart troll or one of us I don't believe anyone can actually be this retarded
that's like fancy pink himalayan salt
>everything will be over
>we'll be marched to the gulags
yah just like from 2016-2020
if fucking only
the drama of these troons is unreal
it offsets your carbon footprint
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I made one for you

>I just had a man have sex with me.

Ask him if he got a reach around?

They are lying anon. They want a thing to be true and simply cope psychological to allow for what they want it. Last night however they were forced to stare into Bidens hallow confused face everytime Trump got to speak. They were forced to internalize the truth and more importantly know the rest of the country saw it also. Thats what breaks the wall. They know looking the other way wont help.
>>472470866 (Checked)
If only.
It's literally over here so even the troons have figured out they might as well take the final ack.
I mean on the upside the government will ack them with MAID here.

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