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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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are you feeling that 2016 energy again?
I actually am, it's the first time I've felt that way in years.
hope he has that big dick energy in prison
trump should lose some weight and be fit like biden
No. Trump will win but the vibe is not at all the same. He's now the safe establishment candidate.
Kind of, but no one will be shocked or sad when Biden loses
No, the 2020 Ballot Stuffing and smuggness is still fresh.
You train the militia.
No, I’m just enjoying Biden’s loss. Doesn’t make me like trump.
so nothing will happen and trump will turn out to be just another deep state swamp agent just like in 2016?
Yes, but I fully expect to get cucked again
Trump the candidate >>>> Trump the president. I can only hope that he goes fully off his leash not having to worry about reelection
All the energy today is just laughing at Biden's gaffes, nothing to do with anything Trump said.
everything comes in cycles anon
the sun will rise again
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Hell yeah, motherfucker.
I hope you feel energetic when you get drafted to fight in Ukraine.
No. Him bashing Jeb and Hillary was fun. This is just sad.
>are you guys getting that MIGA feeling again are you feeling the LAW AND ORDER! Covfefe!

fucking morons
No. Trump wasted the 2016 energy. If Trump can keep his mouth shut and let Biden implode then 2024 can be more energetic than 2020. Trump has to shut his goddamn mouth and let Biden fall apart
Unironically yes, it feels like a fucking time machine.
I unironically am
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I just don't want to be disappointed again
There's also absolutely no patriotism among people under 30
Trump won
Cope, the wars as good as over

We've never been so back.
When trump gets elected…and he will.
He will send mutt golems to fight and die in Ukraine AND Israel.

Ugh, I can’t wait.
>He's now the safe establishment candidate.
you mean jewish puppet
Still feeling the 2021 energy when he told me to go home.
except this time the dems won't be surprised when they lose, and the media will be a bit easier on Trump.
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vibing to 2016-2020's song


Don't care, we'll also have record black unemployment and legal White replacement. We're so back.
no its dead

Wild, one debate and it's right back to 2016.
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Not really.
>left J6ers to rot in prison
>sucks zionist cock
>muh black voters
Anyone who still thinks he's the savior of the white race is retarded.
POTUS election is the biggest political red-herring in existence.
The cabinet has more power than the POTUS and has to be approved by the senate. Your vote for senator matters more than your vote for POTUS. And it doesn't because kikes just need to own 51 senators and they control the cabinet.
I don't care if I ever come down.
There is certainly a flood of life and energy in /pol/ that's been absent for awhile. Maybe oldfags are coming back, maybe shills and tourists are rushing in.
i thought i felt 2016 energy for a brief moment but then i realized it was 2021 energy. in other words it was OPERATION WARPSPEED vaxx rna clotting my arteries.
I hope he wins and everything but nothing will ever top 2016. It was a defining moments in all of our lives where you can look back on and point to as where society as a whole changed.
That's true and a good point, everything felt super-different that election.
it is not 2016 energy, but it is more than 2020, especially now since everyone realizes how shit Biden is

Englin tourists will always pretend this didn't happen.
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What are you MIGA faggots doing outside of your /ptg/ containment thread?
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guys do you remember when Trump would tweet every day? even at like 2am while being president?

I miss him so much you wouldn't believe
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lol Tucker owned your aussie fake news last night, must be hard taking so many Ls
Feels good.
There is a higher chance you end up in prison than Trump
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Feeling like catching some felony cases and a owing half a billion dollars for publicly molesting a woman LFG
This, I’m not feelin it and even some democrats are starting to root for him. It’s all fucked and it sucks.
Yes, the Trump Effect sequel was delayed for 4 years but it may be slated for Jan 2025:
someday you will grow up and realize that none of these men is ever going to do anything for you
>Nobody can substantiate her batshit claims
>are you excited again goyim
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Sharing and talking about this dumb thick zoomer latina whore with based maga anons celebrating tonight. Send age/race

jerstenz on kik or anoyzesy on disc
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Well, ngl, it's a rare opportunity to feel a little comfy.
The ukraine, anon - in the ukraine.
trump tweets woah remember those?
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no. trump had less energy than jeb.

just repeating bullshit over and over. yawn.
This is better energy than ever before. This is redemption energy. This is rising from the ashes energy.
No worry i dont play bingo with old people.
Still a puppet, still supports central banks.
You are niggercattle.

They will start the world war, crash the economy and genocide white men. You are still living in delusion, you are still asleep.
No. I just woke up. Funny enough, I was also asleep when trump was picked to be president and when I woke up the catalog looked kind of similar to how it looks now. But even if trump is the lesser of two evils here I'm just not feeling the energy. And I frankly just don't care what happens to shartmerica
>This is better energy than ever before. This is redemption energy. This is rising from the ashes energy.
Feels good man
It's not fun when media is basically making it easy for him. The best memes are forged in the toughest times
well hopefully they will make you lose your job and some leftist kill themselves but yea

I like my president to not do much same with congress.
he faces the toughest times this is what happenes when you perservere

dont take it for granted.
>I actually am
>none of these men
because it's not about electoral politics/elected office, someday you will grow up and learn that usgov is run by an *un*elected deep administrative state and shadow gov:
1. >>472162632
2. >>472162734

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