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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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They are the biggest losers tonight. Biden has always been their puppet, but they stretched him too far. They gambled he could keep it together until November. Now he can't, now he isn't, and now they have no good choices. Trump is going to win unless they literally kill him, but doing that would cause more problems for them than it solves.

They are very close to being forced to act openly, but the minute they do that they're exposed, and consequences will flow from that. And when I say "openly," I mean in a way that makes 2020 look subtle.
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Based take.
>Dominion never happened
They dont make bets unless they have stake in both fighters.
wtf you talking about
Trump is literally their guy
he had the chance to spill beans on JFK and 9/11 but took a huge pass
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ANONS: shills are going to dial up these talking points to unbefore seen levels in order to turn you against trump and leave you with nothing. you can EASILY shoot down ANY shill by making him tell you who he thinks you should elect. they can then only:

A. not answer (exposed useless shitposter)
B. list someone with no hope of winning (again, useless)
C. admit they are DNC shills (won't happen)

The only correct answer is Trump. Nothing else is remotely possible or helpful.
It's glowver
If Trump doesn’t shut down the intelligence agencies in his second term, he will be a failure in my book.

You have to do it, Donald. Do it for Kennedy. Finish what he started.
you gay nigga fuck off
The debate was very well done and practically unbiased. Fantastic work.

>Having said...
It still felt... lacking though. idk. Time to take some Polls!
Kennedy's mention of a power "...so entrenched..." was from Wilson. This has been ongoing long before then. WW1 sealed the deal for financial control on the ENTIRE world. Things have been breaking down ever since for that organization.
Real MAGA has never been tried before.
CIA Insider here, they are incensed, they called us all in the moment the debate was over, it doesn't look good for us at all
why are you retard mutts in here still shilling trump?in 2016 it made sense because of the meme and he said some based things and promises (of which he fullfilled none) but now that everyone has seen his true colours,why???
You're joking right? Trump or Biden doesn't matter, we are fucked. The best is to absolutely HOPE for them miracle that Zion don isn't as compromised as he obviously appears.
There's no way out now.

Collapse is coming.
You're not going to win WWIII. The US will be lucky to make it out of 2025 with a functional federal government.

It's time to flee, motherfuckers
total lack of better things to do the only sportsball on is baseball and its too WHITE for poltards so we have this
Anyway, I need to head back into the shadows for a while.

It's been nice.

Remember what I told Hollywood about the 17 year olds... and say hi to Jim Carrey for me
>Collapse is coming
I agree memeflag
none of us are making it to November 2024
total global economic-financial collapse prior to September in my estimation
They're just going to have Byebye do an emotional "Win it for me and the country" torch-passing to some big human aborter.
We'll see what happen.

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