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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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i really hope /pol/ doesn't seriously think this orange golem is going to do anything based and this is all for the memes, but chances are some of you really don't remember 2017-2020 and how White genocide accelerated more than under obongo nigger.
No he's still Zion Don and nothing will change regardless of the election, we're just enjoying the tears of leftwing retarded faggots who are being brought back to reality.
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if he's elected I'm moving to Greenland
this is blumpf, I know cause you don't find the image if you search for drumpf.
this shit is so cringe and retarded
>we own the libs by embracing racial suicide!
No, it’s 100% kike shills and tourists posting all these threads. No one on this board on any given day in any non dedicated trump thread still supports him. Even people like spic Fuentes stopped supporting him. The whole catalog tonight is astroturfed shills.
It was funny for like 6 months after the first election. The fact that people still say this shit shows how juvenile the population is
wow i am now voting for the democrats!!

This is a kike
>we’re cheering for Israel and Zionist billionaires to own da libtards
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>4 moar years
4 moar years
>4 moar years
4 moar years
>4 moar years
4 moar years
>4 moar years
4 moar years
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WRONG, we're voting HARDER this time.
MIGA 2024
Nah, that shit's hilarious. Blumpf, I mean.
Go back to redd*t you whinging bitch, oh wait, tranny mods locked the fucking comments sitewide. Kill yourself
Every one of you niggers who says that is a full-on Qoomer, but is embarrassed to say it. Just admit you're trusting the plan, and think we'll all see when he keeps his promises THIS TIME, and then arrests Tom Hanks and unveils the medbeds that cure all boomer ailments.
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if Zion Don wins, you MIGAs will clap and cheer for him as he gives everything to Israel and pardons Jewish crooks again
>we’re winning!! MAGA!
They want Zion Don to win to placate you fags and get him to push endless support for Israel so that you guys will cheer and argue why it’s a good thing now that your Red Team is winning again. Do MIGAtards enjoy being predictable goyim useful idiots?
They’re clearly setting the stage for a Zion Don win and you clowns don’t realize that’s the play they’ve been planning to make since Biden didn’t “support Israel hard enough” . Nothing will actually improve under Trump, he won’t do jackshit for the people who voted for him, just like the first time around.
The fact that they banned /r/The_Donald doesn't make you any less plebbitors.
>for the memes
There are no memes though. Just reposts of old ones and horrible boomer jokes from fox news. 2016 was the last time anyone was ever going to get genuinely excited for kosher politics.
>shills resurrected an 8 year old meme for this debate
You should kys immediately.
Have you not seen "let's go Brandon" and "don't care, still voting Trump"? The meme magics flowing stronger than ever.

We're so back.
You actually believe all the people criticizing Zion Don are “shills”? Damn, you guys are so delusional when you step out of your pro-Trump echo chambers like /ptg/. Most of this board has been anti-ZionDon for a long time now, after the disappointment of his first term. These people aren’t shills, they’re people who voted for him and realized they got conned and let down from all his false campaign promises.
Do it faggot
>White genocide
I don't fucking care. Touch grass and quit larping.
You just convinced me to not vote and disavow nationalism.
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So all you care about is muh lost taxes for jewish billionaires, more endless money for Israel? Because that’s what you get with Trump. Do you MIGGERS even have any core beliefs or principles other than “whatever Trump says = good”?
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>I don't fucking care

Not surprising muttoid lol.
>These people aren’t shills, they’re people who voted for him and realized they got conned and let down from all his false campaign promises.
The thing is, anybody who claims to be pro-White and anti-jewish and voted for Trump in 2016 is only slightly less retarded than the current herd of pedes.

The facts were all out there then too, and it was clear for everyone to see. You just had ecelebs like Mike Enoch claiming Trump was really a fascist, and Eric Striker writing deranged articles for the Daily Stormer on 2016 about Sheldon Adelson only pretending to donate to his campaign.

Trump the "secret White nationalist" was more detached from reality than Qanon. At least those retarded boomers could point to posts they really thought came from Trump, and people in Trump's sphere would lead them on. MIGA "racists" would just make things up, and never be thrown a bone by Roger Stone or Gen. Flynn.
You're trying to appeal to a demographic who are easily entertained by pretend wrestling, sportsball, and sportsball politics Red vs Blue edition.

'We owned the Conservatives by electing a dementia patient who can't remember the day of the week'
'We owned the Libs by electing an orange man with a wig who tried to poison us with shots'

It's like watching two children see which one can do the dumbest thing before one them gets run over in traffic.

Remember folks: It's not too late to take the Trump/Biden poison shot to 'own the other side' or whatever.

Robbers Cave is so fucking dumb.
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You should realize that this has been the only talking point you guys ever bring, because you don't really know anything about American right-wingers, so it doesn't really work anymore.
But voting - especially for someone who wants more immigration - is disavowing nationalism?

Why not just drop the facade? Accept that you're fine with a brown county, as long as it loves Israel, the constitution, and Martin Luther King, and is led by the guy you like who says funny things?
How exactly did trump accelerate white genocide more than obama? Genuine question

Ofc he cucked out with jews and giving money to niggers but id like to know hwaht he was doing with white genocide? He was 1000x better then biden who is legit importing millions of non whites
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fuck you kike
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I hope Israel kills all of the Palestinians, especially the kids.
piss off mate. You voted Obama and Biden and have the end of you dick cut
Get a grip my friends, the West is long since lost and fully in the clutches of Jews with no non-violent avenues of escape, just let us have a little moment of entertainment before we have to return to the reality of our situation.
another Biden voter I see
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>trusting the plan
The guy only has 4 years if he manages to win, that's not enough time to make any difference for Whites, it's all just entertainment this time around.
You're only proving my point, kike.

Just like immigration, zionism and nationalism are incompatible.
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IDF can bulldoze the buildings and the people at the same time, since it's all trash.
That's where you're wrong. He's going to make lots of differences for Whites, at least by making demographics even worse with more non-White immigration. We'll also probably see more First Step Act type legislation that keeps violent nigger criminals out of prison.

But, by all means, keep LARPing about owning the libs.
Thanks for confirming all the pro trump posts on here are kikes (I already knew)
Average (((trump supporter)))
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Some of your heckin based Muslim freedom fighters groveling before execution.
They are very open about being Zionist kikes aren't they.
My guy you're missing the point, it doesn't matter who wins here, the outcome you're describing will be the exact same either way. I'm just looking to get a few laughs along the way while a group of people who are a nuisance with their vaccine worship and climate change psychosis are forced to eat shit.
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Elections really do have consequences.
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It's very funny how even the slightest pushback on trumpshills sends them into a vortex of yiddish screeching about Palestinians and Iranians. The mask doesn't really staybon very well, probably because their noses are so big.
You can go into any PTG thread over the last 5 years and ask them how they feel about Iran and they’ll start salivating about killing them. Ptg is and always has been a kike thread
You guys pretend to be white nationalists who would gladly kill non-whites, but when you see dead Palestinians, you get really offended.
Thanks for proving all Trump support here is just an Isralie shill operation. Pro-tip: You're supposed to keep the mask on Schlomo.
Lol I hope Zion Don wins so he drafts the autistic Wignats and he sends them overseas to go fight and throw their lives away for Israel. Only fair.
This 100x
This is a kike
The MIGAtard reveals his true thoughts at last
You MIGAs go full mask-off when you get mad and show how much you guys suck Zionist cocks
This is a kike
This is a kike (very obvious)
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What you're effectively advocating for is jacking off while your wife fucks a nigger, because "at least get to cum".

You're also suggesting that leftists are so much worse than the pedes, when, in reality, they're just the other side of the shekel - equally contemptible.

Look at you, you're complaining about vaccines while celebrating the guy behind Operation Warpspeed.
>To be pro-white is to be a psychopath who wants to kill people of other races.

You're projecting again kike.
Would you kill the Muslims invading your country? No, because you're not really a white nationalist.
Why are we even talking about Palestinians? What does that have to do with trump’s 2016 platform he sold us on? He is supposed to be deporting Mexicans and arresting swamp rats. That’s why he was elected.

You kikes are so solipsistic that it’s impossible for you not to out yourselves.
I'm so glad that brown kikes like you are in control of thee MIGA movement.

White-passing Ashkenazis are smart enough to hide their noses.
How would you get rid of the non-whites in your country? Pro tip: You guys say elections are fake, so there are no legal options on the table.
This is a kike
Because you brought up Israel while pretending to be a white nationalist. If you were uncomfortable with dead Palestinians, it would prove you're not a white nationalist.
>What you're effectively advocating for is jacking off while your wife fucks a nigger, because "at least get to cum".
LMFAO this is a crude yet accurate way to explain Zion Don supporters
The best way would be to prevent them from coming here in the first place, which is why I want Palestinians to stay in Palestine.
Conseevstards unironically make shit way worse for whites while proving lip service and liberals actually do more for whites while trash taking them, Zionist democracy is deranged
Killing children is bad form and an activity reserved for sub-humans, which is why White nationalists and/or supremacists are correct in their opinions that non-Whites should be expelled or destroyed.
I'm literally only here for the memes and shitposting. I don't give a shit what you guys do with your politics. I just find your shitflinging fucking hilarious.
>So there are no legal options on the table
Ok, just kill them all
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Trump's in big trouble this time.
When was White codified, aspie? Is there a specific law that states specific skull structure, phenotype, DNA, genetics, ancestry, culture, language, religion, allegiance, etc that makes up "muh Whiteness"? An Anglo-Celtic person is the same "Whiteness" identity and allegiance as an Italian or Russian? You autistic Wignats reduce human differences just like your leftard counterparts.
Cope harder nigger, still voting Trump, biden will never step down, lmao
I'd get rid of you Jews and then I'd be able to control my own immigration policy.
But jews are the problem in the first place. Killing jews should be our first priority
How would you remove the ones who are already in your country? A white nationalist who has never thought about this before? The real Palestinians were Greek and the Arabs arrived much later, but you would know that.
>itt lefties seething
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>Yayyyy Jujucum!
Trump wont even say "white people," nor talk about America's future as of whites have any part in it.
Yeah, massively increasing the cost of living with record numbers of inflation while advocating for endless brown hordes to emigrate is just so wonderful for whites.
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They're really going all out
Why do all these liberals and shills not support Israel? It’s pissing me off. Trump loves Israel and so do I.
>You're a lefty unless you support Zion Don
Ok kike
All sorts of non-whites, but you only care about one.
Jews will never, ever be White.
I also noted this, but that's to be expected, he's made it pretty clear already he's a servant of Zion.
The shills are out in force tonight. It’s funny as much as people like you pretend to be racist or liberal and diverse, 4chan is truely the most diverse place on the internet.
You don't have an answer because you're not a white nationalist. You hate Trump and maybe Israel, but that's it.
Real white nationalists support Palestine. They lost their country because of massive immigration of Jews just like we did.
You're a brown jew, and you're wrong across the board. The White Nationalist position has always been to side with the Palestinians in their struggle against the jews - literally every single significant pro-White figure held this position.

It's a win/win. Muslims stay in the Middle East, and you guys die.

And, as far as Trump, you can't claim to be a White nationalist if you're supporting somebody who wants to staple greencards to to two-year degrees. But, in your case, as a kike, you can't even claim to be White.
When you boil it down there's basically only one plausible option to remove non-Whites which is to load them onto trains and displace them to concentration camps within a bordering vassal state. Even if you ignore completely Nazi Germany this is what America would have to do, sending the unwanted to holding grounds in Mexico to be deported to the final country of origin. Because of the costs involved in sending back so many people across the globe the holding grounds may be treated as just temporary prisons that become a permanent solution.

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