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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Challenge opponent to debate.
>Rig it in your favor.
>Cheat by using notes.
>Get your ass kicked in front of millions anyways.
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to our enemies;
all your brandons are belong to us
the war is over, you lost, we're just bringing the normies up to speed.
Stop struggling, you'll only make it hurt more.
There was a moment he was staring off to the side and pointed to his ear. First thought was war piece and communicating with side panel
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Biden's handlers should be fired immediately for allowing Biden to participate in that debate. Biden is obviously unfit to be president. Trump was a rambling mess as usual but Biden was a goddamn shitshow. The media is in full damage control
I just woke up, I'm 12 minutes in. Biden nodded off on the stage, mumbled something about Covid, and said he 'beat Medicaid'. lmao, does it get worse than this?
If Trump just answered the questions then shut his goddamn mouth Biden would be put in an elderly home tonight. Trump is a goddamn moron for going on unrelated rambling fits after every question

The CNN analysis after the debate had Van Jones almost in tears effectively saying Biden needs to be replaced

Trump almost had a total victory
Reddit meme, reddit opinion.
>Trump is a goddamn moron for going on unrelated rambling fits after every question
So far it seems like he has to, because he has to answer their question and respond to Biden in the same one minute period. In the first few minutes he tried to respond to something Biden said, and they basically told him to stfu because they're going to ask him a question and he can do whatever he wants to with his minute. Maybe it gets worse as it goes on. I paused it, I'm only 19 minutes in. Biden just looks so fucking lost, it's worse than I thought. No memes, no jokes, not being hyperbolic. The guy is not there.
Trump is the king of unforced errors. As the debate goes on Trump endlessly rambles after questions. That gives Biden something to use against Trump later in the debate. All Trump had to do was shut his goddamn mouth after giving the answer and let Biden fold

kys nigger
Yeah and funny how dead this board was until this and now all the sudden it's a billion shill threads
You'll see, he is more and more obviously just ignoring the questions as it goes on. Even when they tell him he has time left and ask it again he just rambles about the same shit. Trump only looks coherent next to the train wreck that is Dementia Joe.
>Get called a Palestinian
After evaluating the content of the debate, I think Biden won the debate by a long shot. His policies were more concise to solving problems.
He only did bad because he had a cold and wasn't feeling well he'll do better in the next debate and put Trump in his place.
>kys nigger
Try to fit in harder summerfag.
2 more weeks
>Dementia Joe
I thought a lot of it was a meme because he stutters, and the media would love to take what he said out of context. But holy fucking shit, so far it seems like he's barely aware of where he is. I keep pausing it to post, but I'm curious to see how fucking lost he gets. I want to see where he's most mentally deteriorated.
>rambling mess
I thought he was actually more on point than he usually is. I was surprised by his restraint. I think that was Trump's plan. Don't take the bait because they were hoping he'd be Trump of the 2020 debates and to just let Biden talk which turned out to be brilliant because the cryptkeeper showed how far gone his brain is
Which policy?
The "content" of these debates is always bullshit
I'll take the bait but only because it made me laugh
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Election don't matter.
They both want to send you to die for ZOG.
>the cryptkeeper showed how far gone his brain is
He brought up the fact his illegals are raping our women thats gotta be the biggest unforced error ever in a presidential debate
Bait's not even funny mate.
I knew it was over when he said
>we have a 1000 trillionaires
And yet he will still win, the debate from 2020 and 2024 were nearly same. The whole usa elections are rigged to shit
>I want to see where he's most mentally deteriorated.
You already saw it, it was honestly worse at the beginning than at the end. He mellows out halfway through and gets a little more coherent. But this is the worst he has ever been, I'm honestly surprised Trump didn't just straight up start talking about Biden being such a horrible mess.
There is no way his staff put him out there without knowing this would happen.
Come on dude the questions didn't matter. "What are you going to do about the price of childcare" is a dumb question because the price of childcare is tied to the price of everything and so he kept talking about inflation. There was no point to answering those questions.
tinfoil time
I think they were experimenting with stimulants to keep him awake and some other cocktails for his cognitive functions and found out, as we saw the stimulants worked to keep him upright and awake the entire time but his brain is so far gone that if they went beyond what they gave him it likely would have triggered a stroke
He didn't have anything meaningful to say about inflation either. It was pure rambling about how Biden was terrible. Which he is, but Trump avoiding every question was shit in its own lesser way, especially him refusing to commit to deporting beaners.
>refusing to commit to deporting beaners
he's already committed to doing it, numerous times, it's on his campaign site, his ads, he says it every single rally he has
He says it to people who want to hear it, won't say it to anyone else. It's just typical politician shit.
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Democrats spend and spend it's just patently obvious. All spending is borrowing at a deficit and the federal reserve picks up that excess debt by printing money causing inflation.

He said he wants to lower taxes to bring business back and take in more revenue. If taxes are too high taxable revenue goes down (and in a globalized economy it is likely that what has been standard for 100 years is no longer true because governments must compete globally now).

He is for less taxes, more tariffs for blue collar work, and making money it doesn't take a genius to understand.
>Competant and powerful enough to "cheat" in elections riggingthem
>Unable to cheat in a live debate

Schizos again disprove their own worldview
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he'll do better next time.

These are just standard cuckservative talking points, no different from W or Romney.
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I am genuinely stunned, he had every possible advantage and he still managed to blow it.
Maybe they just let him blow it? Who knows?
That can't be real.
This is actually the real danger
>(((Ezra Cohen))) provoking enemies in to attacking
They literally cannot help themselves and will never stop until only they are the ones left
this is the cia jew who was gonna save the election in 2020 right?
>trust sessions

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