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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The jews have decided Trump will be the next president
wtf I love jew now
t. miga
Of course. They need American troops for their war in Lebanon. What are they supposed to do? Use Jewish soldiers?
Good. I am Indian and love Israel
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marines are already on their way, heading with the roosevelt csg
they are scheduled to rotate into the middle east... from the pacific
intention is plain
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Honestly, he won.

Yes - he had a little senior moment- but senior citizens have wisdom. Joe knows how to run the country and he says he will tax the billionaires 24%.

Trump is just lying and lying. Trump does seem to have a lot of energy but it is malicious and dirty, slimy energy. Joe's a real guy from Scranton with a stutter and he's got my vote for sure!!! I'd rather have a real guy who is super smart but gets nervous and loses his train of thought than a sleazy slimy traitor.
Pretty sure Biden’s senile brain has decided Trump will be the next president

The devil you know is you know..... the thing, stares at microphone ashamedly,

C'mon Joe, no need to shame yourself, you're doing the best an 80 year old can do

I doubt it. Remember that 20K DNC e-mails were just wiped from wikileaks as part of the Julian Assange settlement.

Enter Hillary Clinton and WWIII.

Screencap this.
They must have pithead Joe right before he went on stage.
Nah he's definitely got some kind of brain issue. Those glossy empty eyes I've seen it multiple times with family and friends. He belongs in a wheel chair with a bag to piss and shit in. But still voting for him. Fuck jews.
Is Kennedy /ourcandidate/ now?
he's a complete shithead but an angel compared to the uniparty
Why is it that we think that dirtbags are the only people we can elect President to fix things? Can't we just elect Hitler and get it over with? Its coming whether we like it or not.
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So it seems
So it seems
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Looks like we’ve got a class Omega containment breach.
Literally nobody in this current government will properly tax billionaires since billionaires are the ones who fund them.
suckers & losers
>suckers & losers
suckers & losers
>suckers & losers
I started the summon Kek thread earlier. Seems as though it was successful. I can feel more energy on cuckchan now. It feels like it's healing.
that must be why every media outlet and think tank is doing damage control right now
I honestly think this is the case.
It's not so much that they think Trump will suck more Jewish cock. He will, but Biden would get on his knees all the same when push comes to shove.
No, I think the real reason is that they are scared that Israel, and Jews at large, will lose its support amongst right wing Americans. You have people like Tucker Carlson calling out AIPAC and Jewish influence. The right wing online space, even the boomer facebook corners of it, are becoming more sceptical of Jewish influence by the day. If Trump loses this election, that is the end of his career as leader of the populist right. The movement becomes leaderless, and in that vacuum more radical ideas are sure to flourish.
By allowing Trump to win they keep him as the focal point of the so called dissident right for another 4 years. And those 4 years will have reverberating effects. It will keep the gen x and early millennial right wing future players closer to neocon centre, and give them time to groom potential future leaders of the movement that will toe the line for Israel. A Trump Presidency could in effect delay the inevitable right wing turn against Israel for a decade or more.
We finally hold some political leverage against the Jews. It sucks that they will be able to use Trump to keep ZOG in power for longer, but at least we will get some stuff in return. Reducing illegal immigration is pivotal. Demographics are destiny after all. At least it looks like they are willing to give us that to save their own skin.
good, still voting Trump you jew faggot
I'm storming the capital for joe!

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