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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I'm #withher
i kek'd
she's like a villain from horror movie who can't die, just keeps getting back up to haunt you
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Somehow Hillary returned
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It's over
>She's gonna lose AGAIN
please let it happen. Oh god. please.
This is their third time trying this shit. Why is it so incredibly important for Hillary to be president? Was getting cucked by a fat jew broad the ultimate humiliation ritual?
If they ran Biden I might just stay home but if they pull hilldog or big Mike in, I’m voting orange man. Go for dems.
At this point it wouldn’t even surprise me. Of course we need a full circle villain showdown with months of forced Marvel memes.

I figured trump winning was a coin flip now I’m convinced it is inevitable. Imagine the tears and entertainment we have in store for us. Amazing,
i shill for the hill... where my hilldawgs at?
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she licks vagina and wears frazzledrip

>The name written on her forehead was a mystery:
>babylon the great
>the mother of prostitutes
>and of the abominations of the earth.
>I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.
Rev 17:5-6
Sauce article? I want to laugh some more.
I miss the poorly made share blue memes for hillary when they were attempting to persuade people here. Holy fuck 2016 was such a good election. The salt was unbelievable.
One of the most hated politicians of all time.
A bold move for sure.
Your vocabulary seems to be stuck in 2016 too kek
She's so unlikable though. She may be more coherent than biden but most people are disgusted by the sight of her regardless if political beliefs.
What the fuck else should I call it nigger? Fucking zoom zoom faggot.
Newsom is literally right there. He has the pedigree, he has the looks and the charm. why do the Dems insist on running only the most decrepit,hateful candidates?
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You blew your shot like Monica blew your husband. She spit, you swallowed. Hard. Life's a bitch, and so is Hillary Clinton.
she really leaned into the jowly jigsaw lookalike face the last 10 years
>Oh, Drumpfy...
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This is much better.
What an ugly bitch
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nope. there's literally no way. she lost to trump already and obama hates the cunt. it won't be hilary.
Somehow.. Hillary returned.
like a side of beef
simple fact is people dont want to die for america under Biden. A strong "nationalist" leader like Trump will convince many more inbred ill educated young men to die for Israel at least thats what the jews are hoping.
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Once a soul is sold, only the hole remains...
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pretty convenient WIKILEAKS just deleted all the PODESTA-CLINTON Emails.
It's amazing. Ive literally never heard of this guy before tonight, and now I'm hearing his name cohencidentally a LOT.

Newsom is part of the family..
Nancy Pelosi's nephew
>Your vocabulary seems to be stuck in 2016 too
youve never herd of the motherfucking state of california?
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>mutt can only parse irl events through the lens of hollywood
many such cases
I would vote for her over Trump in a heart beat. Trump is just too pro israel.
Seethe kike
Is anything more kino then the villain losing in the first movie and coming back in the third? I think not
You can't make this shit up. Even Democrats can't be so retarded as to replace the man that beat Trump with the woman who couldn't. Can they? Please /pol/ quit posting these threads, my sides hurt from laughing.
unironically yes.
hillary hates niggers and called them superpredators while trump sucked them off and gave them gorillions of free dollars
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Since 2016 I have had two serious girlfriends and broken up with both of them and I will NEVER vote for a woman to have any political power whatsoever.
Would you support a Trump/Clinton administration?
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>Newsom is part of the family..
>Nancy Pelosi's nephew
This. Making Trump seem appealing was the goal and it's working. They knew how Biden would perform
Why can these people just fucking die already of natural causes instead of being a nuisance to everyone else on earth? Holy shit, just go away, nobody likes you!

trump has an advantage against women
trump struggles far more with retards
id vote for any woman if it means nukes fly sooner
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Jesus fucking Christ pick literally Any Gen Xer, stop with the same 10 boomer retards. They're almost 60 it'll be fine, they're old enough to be geezer vote friendly now
>he has the looks and the charm
of a 90s kids movie villain
more like #sheWithers
gen X will never be allowed to lead anything, deal with it
history will call them the wasted generation
Clinton-Harris 2024 let's goooooooo
she got that frazzle drip desu
>Bunch of drug addled faggots whose nihilism is only out matched by their utter fucking uselessness
>Wasted generation
You got that right chief
>Hawk tuah.
Round two! Match!
>Newsom is literally right there. He has the pedigree, he has the looks and the charm. why do the Dems insist on running only the most decrepit,hateful candidates?
all of America hates California
Democratic party recruiting from the old folks home.
Are you fucking kidding? Newsom is a goddamn autocrat. Fuck him.
Everyone knows he turned Cali into a shithole. He is the epitome of failed demoshart policies. Even democrats know this.
>A bruja has appeared
I actually would welcome this decrepit cunt back in the race

for reasons
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I wonder how her health is these days.
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These fucks really want to speedrun ww3 right?
Jesus Christ how new are you faggot?
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this guy gets it
they will replace biden right before electins so there cant be any pools done any predictions
all that in order to create aprereance that she can win
and then they will steal election AGAIN HAHAHAHA
Something about the whore of babylon
So I'm assuming Trump vs Biden debate didn't go so well for Biden even in their own turf?
dont they train their young, why another oldtimer?
yass kween
Is dragging the same old farts out into the public every few years a political practical joke they do?

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