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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: dumper.webm (982 KB, 1280x720)
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in USA?
thats from brasil you retarded faggot
but, that will become a common scene in USA now that the 3rd world has flooded the border
WTF was that crime? A robbery-gone-wrong or a targeted hit of the buff guy?
A hit, down in S. America.
Why do you watch this shit?
What's wrong with you?
a hit, they were looking for specific people obv and didnt want to rack up any unnecessary extras
oh look a tourist
Typical Mexicans. When Trump gets reelected he better build that fucking wall.
he has never been on 4chan before (pre 2022, 4chan)
>in USA

the shooters would be black, this is clearly a developed country
The US is a turd-world shithole
its already common here. been happening since the 80s
Just remember that Biden has been like this even four years ago and he still beat Trump, despite Trump being empowered by a massive wave of support. Democrats hate trump more than they hate the poor governance of democrats.

Now that everyone knows Trump is a lame duck who did not imprison Clinton or do anything about her, didn't build a wall, didn't bring jobs back to America, and only sucked Jewish cock, the support for Trump has waned significantly.

Trump is likely to lose, and Biden is likely to win.

If you think the cope of democrats defending Biden right now is bad, you /pol/tards about about to experience a multifold amount of cope after Biden wins.
>become a common scene in USA now
It's been a common fuckin scene in the USA for centuries, everywhere else COPIED the USA.
Joe Biden is sharper than you.
>who did not imprison Clinton
He didn't say he would. He said if he was in charge of making laws in the country that she would be in prison. There is a difference...
>didn't build a wall
He built a wall, it just wasn't good enough. We need to be able to kill illegals chopping through the wall.
>didn't bring jobs back to America
Except, he did and he also started charging China tariffs for all the shit we were importing making some business prefer to stay in the country.
>after Biden wins
Biden never won.
File: 7266382.webm (631 KB, 274x270)
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This is the USA in New York.
You Macacos seem to be fun around, like a jovial version of russians
That and thick booty Brazilians..
what did he hit him with , and it goes without saying stay away from niggers brandishing random objects
>be american
>get bonked
Fucking Spetz Nas at it again.
>Be nigger
>Be biological weapon/hazard
>Be loved by jews
isn’t that Mexico? kinda humane killing comparatively
were any humans harmed in that webm? was nog vs White or nog vs mystery-meat??
How can someone live in such a country ?
That's some Russian mafia shit

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