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Previous: >>472395607
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

Who's winning.
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>putin's terms are not acceptable
Poccnr's doomsday is coming
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I am
Now fuck off, loser
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Is this comfy?
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How much money does a Mutt Marine make these days?

Just now I saw a negress dyke, retired Marine, frivolously spend 1200 USD worth of TikTok gifts to some blond thot, just to defeat some Chinese musician on a 32x winning streak.
And the Mutts still lost in the end. With a ton of seething.
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Welcome to thread, enjoy your stay.
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l'anon francais
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Hey, how are you doing?8
Half of their last monthly salary before they retired for the rest of their life.
how would trump end the war in ukraine?
C'est finite
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Good morning sirs
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ello fren
thanks for baking
>how are you doing?
alive and comfy, can't really complain
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So there are 0 hohol threads in the catalogue because all the shills were moved to defend biden for whatever happened in that debate
Didn't see it, don't care.
There are a few russian threads but due to the heavy spamming about the debate these threads are very diluted but the numbers seem to be average for the hour.
I am going to sleep now. I will see whatever happened to biden in that debate in the morning. Old fart probably shat himself or something

Ask shitskin general /sg/ veterans how he humiliated them
Going to war with Gina instead
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>half of the active duty salary
Dayuuum Now I understand the seething a bit better.
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Awake and alive, I spent some time in yhe garden with my cat.
>Entire presidential candidate debate boils down to two senile cunts trying to show off who is more proficient at sucking kike and nigger cocks
The absolute state of North America.
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>I spent some time in yhe garden with my cat.
peak comfy
I wish to have a garden one day
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Evening, sirs
Anything happen?
True, your people should leave the degenerate USA
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He wants to bring both sides to negotiations by threatening to cut funding to Zelensky if he doesn't do it and increase funding to Zelensky if Russia doesn't do it.
I think I’ll stay out from outer pol for a time, catalogue is filled with debates
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I wouldn't not talk my beaner fren
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>Good morning
No you
There were lots of threads about the Trump/Boden debate although I wasn't paying attention.
a sign to shift up the timetable on retaking the north
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good ebening reimufren
first off I would like to wish reimu swift recovery from her accident
>Anything happen?
biden sharded and farded
also shameless reposting of my summary:
good morning frens
I made A couple of posts on the Syrian Missile Force on /chip/ if anyone is interested
And good night... z z z Z
Try to remember where did you see as many flies as on this zigger? That's right! On a shit!
Zigger is the same as turd, that's proven by Animal Planet

as for smo, "wsio rawno" as usual, kek
>32 posts in
I think more than a couple
That's why I said North America and not muttland
Our female PM is getting the top foreign representative position for the EU commission.
Her entire PM career was destroying our economy, giving free gibs to ukraine and bitching at everyone. And now she has used our money to buy this position behind closed doors meetings.
She will get another fat pension.
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I live next to bush so there are lots of animals around, sometimes they eat our plants.
Good morning my brother from the East
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the summary is what I've linked (14 posts)
I baked the bread, in addition to interacting with the anons there (slow morning)
>sometimes they eat our plants.
any possible protective measures?
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Morning anon.
North America ends at the Rio Grande for all intents and purposes.
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If monke can't protect crimea from ukrainian nazis then what was the whole point of this bullshit that started in 2014?
TRD (Total refinery death)
TAAD (Total Anti Air death)
TBD (Total beach death)
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It doesn't interest me in the slightest, though I'm sure normies will come out of the woodworks over two senile fucks competing over who can suck circumcised jew cocks harder and faster.

Henlo Syriafren, great to hear from you again
>first off I would like to wish reimu swift recovery from her accident
Unfortunately health care is never subsidised in Gensokyo but Reimu is a well-trained doctor and always gets what she wants one way or another
>I made A couple of posts on the Syrian Missile Force on /chip/ if anyone is interested
Will check it out, thanks fr
>I made A couple of posts on the Syrian Missile Force on /chip/ if anyone is interested
It's not ''your economy''
You are a migrant.
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And so the Queen of NAFO shall reign a thousand years more.
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>sableh cake carton
>abu haidar
>25th SF
I'm thinking zased
>but Reimu is a well-trained doctor and always gets what she wants one way or another
A fellow medfag?
great things are to be learned from her
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Balts should be allowed to raze their russian V column population. You enjoy comfort of this place but still work for the russian shithole that your parents crawled from.
Honestly, one in the back of the head for each of you.
Ungrateful little russian turds
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I've seen people use wire cages, we have some greenhouses to keep nice plants in. Some plants like parsley and nasturtium spread all over the garden and don't seem to be eaten too much.
>daughter of a rich banker who created and headed the ruling party replaces him and then makes a career in federal politics by taking FM job
boy do I love nepotism in Russ… h-h-hold on, I’ve just been told that this story transpired in EU
what a great legacy success story
Properly walks on the side of the road.
Repairs broken things when it can.

Bears have the good form of autism.
True comrade, your people should abandon the degenerate estonian shithole in favor of trad russia
Good. FAB them there and FAB them in Kharkov.
Go back to the front line, kike. I fucking pray a land mine cripples you for the rest of your life so you can't scam people anymore

This bitch is insufferable.
First she was yapping about "I will never resign and keep my PM position till the end!" and now she's like "welp, gotta have a quick meeting of giving all the fuckups to another person and gotta go"
Not a single Estonian would vote for her party. Only the braindead (((Estonians))) outside of our country have been voting for that cunt, including the e-voting rigging.

I pray for the day when the war escalates into WW3 so I can carpet bomb your whole family alive. Your kikeri has ruined our economy and I will personally see for you and your people to be wiped off from this planed. You want to be razed? Fine!
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It's not your economy, russian parasite.
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Can't make this shit up. I wonder how Sanczez and Okinawanigger will defend this.
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good monging frens! it seems that while I was sleeping and having a dream about THD, Biden actually sharted on camera? Also something about Trump saying everyone except him "lost land to Russia". What kind of clownworld is this shit
How are you enjoying winter my friend? We have prime summer up here and I saw real life actual proper beaver for the first time the other day. Two of them! I wasn't wearing my phone so I couldn't take a picture.
>I've seen people use wire cages,
yeah, we even use em here as well in case some pesky kids want to ruin the plant
>Some plants like parsley and nasturtium spread all over the garden and don't seem to be eaten too much.
>everything I don't like is Russian
I will deport every single family member of yours to the front line and leave you for the last, kike.
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>everything is proceeding as I have foreseen
Too afraid to address me directly, little russian turd?
Your retarded way of thinking if better ID than your worthless passport. Or passport of the country that you pollute with your presence.
Topaz is part of the Chadov Yar efforts
looking forward for some azogite scalps on display
New baker needed.
>New baker needed.
New baker needed.
>New baker needed.
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>nooo, we are totally different from those soviet communazi ruzzian orcs, we have freedumb and democrazy and we are european, we would never have corruption or nepotism
>meanwhile corruption is written off as lobbying from (((think tanks))) and (((NGOs))) and industries remain owned by opportunistic kikes who bought up the country during the dissolution
Many such cases.

>Not a single Estonian would vote for her party. Only the braindead (((Estonians))) outside of our country have been voting for that cunt, including the e-voting rigging.
Those who would vote for her likely are in the reddit battalion in Ukraine.

Hello Kazakhbro
You're as worthless as your shitty meme flag, like a cheap whore trying to get attention. Your very existence is nothing but lying, stealing and running away like a mutt.
Including your deranged schizo mindset of denying reality proves your limited capabilities of accepting what comes next. You at the trenches of dead and rotting corpses.

>Those who would vote for her likely are in the reddit battalion in Ukraine.
I fucking wish
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howdy fren. have you seen hoholina recently?
Notice how the shills are almost entirely absent.
They are melting down because of the presidential debate. My sides.
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Did anyone watch the potato debate? I have wait in America. top kek.
why even react to some debates? I mean who cares
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What do /chug/gies think about the theory that this whole shitshow was a media "coup" to replace Biden with some other Dem?
This was the most ineteresting part of the debate
>Trump: "I would talk to Putin and end the war. I will even end the war before I become president. But Putin's conditions are unacceptable to me."
Just watch a few minutes of it and you'll understand.
barking of a coward
If you can't get a raise you should get a proper job or get your mental health issues checked. Big Pharma definitely have the right subscription for you
If they choose someone else, and Trump wins by a landslide
They have no one to replace him with. And I doubt they can even do it legally.
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Last post from her it looks like was more than two weeks ago
As seen she is immediately trolled by Mario. I haven't seen 2banan since about that time either but I've been away from the threads recently.
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I did watch a few minutes or more, but almost everything Biden said was ineligible. What a clownshow clusterfuck. Do you have a timestamp where he shat himself?
did they draft her?
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I personally hope Biden wins. Their administration is so retarded and endlessly doubles down. They are perfectly cooking the American Empire. They are losing and can do nothing about it. If Trump wins his administration might actually do something different and actually not retarded which will slow the decay of their corrupt empire.
Biden is done after this debate, every independent voter who saw him are now saying he is definitely not fit to become president again.
>media "coup" to replace Biden?
yes, biden wasn't all that out of the ordinary
by the way, the ass is much better that way, when the pants are thick and not semi-transparent, yet tight-fitting
thats what I thought too. but maybe Trump would end the war in ukraine? Or will he be a total american exceptionalism retard?
Trump will stop helping Ukraine if they don’t give Odessa. Our elephant
He will end the war in Ukraine, after destroying vatnik invaders first
>Trump: "I would talk to Putin and end the war. I will even end the war before I become president. But Putin's conditions are unacceptable to me."
Trump knows Putin asked for too little so he's adding Odessa Kiev and 5 more oblasts in return for Romania getting Bukovina and Hungary getting Transcarpatia.
Truly the art of the deal.
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thats true, but it goes against my prompting and makes them semi transparent. probably because the pants gym thots wear also are
>b-barking like a coward
next time come forth a bit more seriously. You don't have to appease your imaginary bf like a worthless bitch
This poor fucker was eaten alive by flies, left by "comrades"
End fitting a russian shit.
I hope those 2 cheky ruski cunts that still aren't ashamed enough to pull down their flags will replace him.
1. Getting paid
2. Mental health issues

One these statements is true
It's not even faint.
>Also something about Trump saying everyone except him "lost land to Russia". What kind of clownworld is this shit

under bush russia invaded georgia
under obama russia invaded ukraine
under biden russia invaded ukraine

he's not wrong
I hate the obama/biden duo so fucking much it's unreal
only about the last part though, but ukraine is a commie invention and belongs to russia, hungary and polan anyway
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I hope not, but in the chance that 2banan also got drafted it would make for quite the story if they ran into each other on the battlefield.
It vastly depends on rank and training pay is different from active duty, active duty is different from reserves, etc.
That's why everyone gets pissed when promotions are slow and wants a unit that promotes fast while they're in the military, it's the same as a promotion for civilians at their job.
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Nobody gave a shit about biden even prior to this term. They just rigged the election. Or did everyone just forget that that happened?
Trump is very zogged, but he is not that retarded. I believe he will continue the war but he will bitchslap Zelensky and he will stop the terror attacks on the russian civillians (crocus, church shooting, crimea beach attack) because he will see that they only encourage and exalt the russians.
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>incoherent memeflag screeching
What did he mean by this?
they gave a shit about him, because he was Obama's VP!, and everybody helped the faggot to cheat in 2020, now they are throwing the senile retard under the bus
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what the heck, they even cut out, accidentally switching to a wide shot only to cut out to Trump closeup
Why is ****'s victory at the debate a defeat for Putin? We explain on cards. (don't forget to insert the winner's last name and delete this line)
Definitely a newfag paid to shill here
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>2Bro raping a random hoholina on the battlefields
>"Fuck you, I didnt want this! I miss my hoholina!"
>"Get your hands off me! I wanted my first time to be with my vile vatnik 2B!"
>Both snap into realization
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anyone still here ?
Winter has been alright, there's been a few cold nights and some rainy days.
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What's your excuse /chug/?
Shiet, JIDF has overall better shill quality than these dollar store memeflags.
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everyone replying to memeflags so 90% of the thread is hidden. I think thats enough clownworld frierens for now. Have a good day everyone
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thanks for bread
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Hey i haven't been on here in a while. Who is the UN shill ?
Nasturtium has a peppery taste so maybe they don't like it.
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do you really need to ask?
It's called negotiations you absolute $5 clown. I really can't believe how you are making this out to perrmoha. Of course Trump won't say he'll accept Putins terms in a presidential debate. All talks about "negotiations" is bad news for the fans of borders-of-1991
An actual hohol.
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I want to believe this is canonically what is happening as we speak in the /chug/ lore
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>Trump will save us comrades)))
>trust the Z plan
It's the same bullshit cope /sg/ was trying to pull out in 2016 when some were pointing out he was going to be bad for them actually
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I haven't been paying attention to shills.
I saw a vid from weeb union where he claims in Kharkov hohols have 30k men vs Russia 6k is that possible ?
I guess Trump said bad about Putin latest proposal. That means war will continue
It's possible, but it's probably lower as the Ukrainian brigades aren't at full power.
Russia has troops in reserve that aren't committed to the fixing operation there.
G'day /chug/
Feeling sick today
Did anyone watch Blumpf vs Joepedo? Did they have a debate on what to do in Hrukraine?
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It's not going to be 30k, it's 15-20k at best because that's all Ukraine could muster.
Russians have comitted ~5-10k troops in the Kharkov op and still have ~30k in reserve.

My guess is that Russia is waiting for Kharkov to fill up with hohols to the brim and then send in everyone. It's gonna be the final nail in the AFU coffin.
This is what trump said regarding the 3 days SMO
>Monke terms for peace are retarded
>I made NATO countries pay more
>Europe should do more to support Ukraine
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Yeah i had a feeling i bet the AFU command is moving ghost brigades around at this point. Hohol command are very good at sending mobiks into urban killzones they cant resist
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They could have flanked Kupyansk with them instead of getting stuck at Kharkov. It's been so damn long since we got a proper encirclement in this gay war.
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wtf I love gogis now
Hello kikeshill, I'll trust your answer on Blumpf so here's another shekel for you to answer my question:
How did dementia Joe do on the Ukraine question if he gets re-elected?
The pre-trial chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has postponed its decision on issuing arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant, The Jerusalem Post reported.
Russia still has to play this smart. I'm also sick and tired of no big arrow offensives but long-grinds and attritional warfare yields results. The hohols are never ever standing back up and no Wunderwaffe will change that.
Maybe we'll get some bigger Russian thrusts in the summer.
>How did dementia Joe do on the Ukraine question if he gets re-elected?

mumble mumble
10% for me
hunter did nothing wrong, he is good nigger like my other son beatoooofiul who also rapes little girls
gimme more little girls
mumble mumble
The real problem in this webm is that not only you are alive, unfortunately most probably with an intact spine, 2 legs and 2 hands, but even able to post here. If this is not an enough proof of Russia's greatest defeat in its history I don't know what that is.
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Russian anons! Show me your war-face when you get drafted to fight in Ukraine for Putin!
Last time I read the news Bashar al Assad was still in power
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I hope so this war is boring to watch. I wonder where the offensive will be located ?
Funnily enough a grey eagle was shot down in Syria like yesterday
I think it will be a full-thrust into Kharkov.
funny you should mention it, I've just posted that
>verification not required
Assad is in power(begging the west to let him join them again) but with a destroyed and economically isolated shithole, aleppo is still in ruins after poccnr bombed it to death, great part of syria is still under american occupation extracting its natural resources because their allies are weak paper tigers who can't do anything an actual military power.
Was it worth it?
>Assas is in power(begging the west to let him join them again)
This is your brain on HRT and gooning to SHITTED.
>American flag banned
They really are under Russian influence
>Haha our operation failed and we couldn't coup Assad but we're stealing oil and letting jews keep Golan heights tho hahaha
How do you call this cope stage? It's not terminal but it sure as fuck is close to it
I call it "pigger forgot his meds".
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I wonder if they have enough troops to launch 2 to 3 offensive at once.
of course they can, both parties are private organisations and they can nominate whoever they want; the primaries are just a big joke, but you don't need to have primaries since a private organisation doesn't need public approval for stuff - of course it tries to get it in the end to get their guy in office, but the public doesn't choose the candidate they then vote for
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>>Haha our operation failed and we couldn't coup Assad but we're stealing oil and letting jews keep Golan heights tho hahaha
least likely.
Russia won't go on ww2 style offensives. They will stay mostly where they are - which is close to their borders, with very short supply lines and grind Ukraine untile there is little ukrainian soldiers left and then they'll just walk to the dnieper
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Don’t give it you’s
>spend 1200 USD worth of TikTok gifts to some blond thot

How much is it in real money?
The troops on the current contact-lines are fighting way too much to be able to conduct an offensive from there. Maybe if hohols start diverting even more to Kharkov once a full operation starts there.
Why? Russian high command hates surprise attacks basically. Tho I agree there should be a big arrow offensive into Sumy instead of Kharkov, it will be Kharkov.
So why didnt Putin just capture Kyiv at the start of the SMO? He clearly didnt want Russia to get locked in war he can't win nor retreat from so why not just get it done quick at the start? Russia was supposed to be 2nd military might in the world and equal to Nato but now Russia has become laughing stock and Putin needs to go beg in North Korea and China for support because Russia can't handle Ukraine.

And what makes it even more pathetic is Russia starting the conflict because Ukraine wanted to join EU and Russia and Putin showing how they felt so humiliated by it that they had to show the whole world why ex-soviet countries rushed to West instead of staying in Russia's sphere of influence.

Russia is a shithole country. Like Africa, Russia sits on vast natural resources and just like Africa, Russia stays poor shithole country. All Russia can do is kick and scream and try to drag everyone donw their level instead of improving itself from within. Germany and Japan, the loser countries of WW2 are now big economic powers because they learned from their mistakes. Russia only has false sense of superiority and victim complex.
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>simping to own the chinks
Just pathetic.
Do you use ChatGPT to generate these or do you come up with them on your own? Or are you coming up with these on le Discord.
>to the dnieper
And beyond, hopefully. Leaving Lwów area as a buffer puppet state, taking everything else. Land connection to transinistria and the entire black sea coast would be ebin.
I call them as I see them. Russia has been nation of cattle slaves since Mongols and Russia will stay nation of cattle slaves until it fixes its shit
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oh btw
>#Aleppo eastern countryside:
Commercial trucks entered from the “Abu Al-Zendin” crossing in the city of Al-Bab, which separates the areas controlled by the Syrian opposition and the areas controlled by the Damascus government in the eastern countryside of Aleppo. A short while ago, the local council in the city of Al-Bab announced the opening of the crossing yesterday. With the aim of improving the living conditions of the region’s residents and enhancing local economic activity, enabling merchants and business owners to use it to transport goods and commodities, as he put it.
>The opening of the Abu al-Zendin crossing is one of the fruits of the Syrian-Turkish dialogue and a natural result of the ongoing meetings. The opening of the crossing will not be the last result of the dialogue, and the Syrian-Turkish dialogue train will not stop unless all the wounds are healed and all the mistakes are corrected at the regional level and not at the crossing level.
>Congratulations to the Syrians on both banks.
>A trial opening of the Abu Al-Zendin crossing.. The crossing is the first of the Syrian-Turkish understandings. The crossing will contribute to alleviating the severity of the siege. It will play a major role in feeding the domestic and export market as well..
>The importance of the crossing lies in linking the regions of the country to each other. We are heading towards a different relationship with Türkiye
>The local council of the city of Azaz suddenly begins widening the road to the Shatt checkpoint west of the city in what appears to be preparation to open the Aleppo-Gaziantep highway
>Those affected by the opening of the Abu Zindin crossing are the Syrian Democratic Forces and those who support them. Rest assured, today the Abu Zindin crossing is opened and tomorrow the rest of the crossings will be opened.
the idlibstanis are seething beyond belief rn
ChatGPT 4.0 is infinitely more coherent.
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That sounded more like a nervous swallow than a braaap, anon.
A Pole being based?
Imagine not having the Israel, EU, and NATO flags filtered already. Wow, you're such a loser, anon!

At the current rate they will be grinding for a few more years. Hopefully the FAB's are getting lots of kills and speeding up this shit.
finally the georgians prove themselves christian again
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>Germany and Japan, the loser countries of WW2 are now big economic powers because they learned from their mistakes. Russia only has false sense of superiority and victim complex.
Americans helped them so many times, they dropped food for their starving serfs in the 90s, they helped them against commies who were about to start a civil war because they didn't accept the election results, gave them economic support, tried to integrate them into the western world, and dissarmed Ukraine, and those ungrateful vatniks never said thanks for once, but behaved like niggers do towards white people and had revanchism feelings against americans instead
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I hate Bosnians because they are Mudslimes, but they have based music. Vid rel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VZptfte-OM
Please tell me these are Romanians, ong
Reporting for Booty, sir. HUAH
because it convenient hohlomagnet attracting everything capable. instead of wade through them make them attack you and attack stripped center
Now you're doing it again! You're not supposed to talk like this. Are you having a breakdown?
Making Kurds seethe should become a tradition. Hunting them down should become a sport.
Comments on this?
Shillcons have been moblized and are suiciding new shills be mobilized with Trump Presidency should be better I hope
>we didn't need Syria anyway
>we won't need Ukraine anyway
They have a handbook of canned replies they copy-paste from.
Remember when they provided three quarters of Israeli oil imports?
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You have higher chance to get drafted to die for Putin than any Finn has chance to get drafted to fight Russia. When you do get drafted, remember to provide entertainment to zigger gore compilation
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The sandnigger alien is allowed to stay power to avoid a sectarian conflict in that shithole.
Ukraine is a different story, the day monke is removed, the 3 days special military operation ends and poccnr suffers a bankrupcy, and the only way to get out of it is to totally sell siberia to chinks
sure thing tough guy
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>grinding for a few more years
kek no
Ukraine is already out of men.
they can barely kidnap few hundred men every day now.
Your going to Iran or China lol will be cute DJI vids
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gm bros. ily...god bless russia and all ppl who support
>we didn't need Afghanistan anyway
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Look at him go!
Haha yeah. Isn't it funny how every single fucking US backed faction ends up working for Israel?
Dima said they have mobilized 5k men a day. Plus they can get women as well as if NATO sends there own army to logistics for the hohols to free up even more men.
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>we didn't need syria anyways
>loses global hegemony as a result
with the gradual settling of the northern front, we're getting closer to beginning to settle the north east.
gm bidenov sama
qt fräulein
Sure. Germany was wiped out by 1944 yet pushing through in 1945 was still slow and a pain in the ass
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off topic...but better than talking to a shill troon>>
i'm done. i denounce 3D women forever
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it's over...
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And 2 years later
gm chad bro. glory to asad. gods gift...lion of damaskus
>10 years and billions spent
>lost to Assad
It would be whataboutism if America collapsed 2 years laters as you did
*extracting resources from syria and making millions out of it
wow fren. what a picrel <3
you did this.
this is your fault.
>we are STRONK empire
>we even have N-I-G-G-E-R-S
>b-but it's okay to lose to Afghanistan because puzzia did it!!!1
drafted by force. it makes no sense. shoot the drafter or picrel will happen
Call me when america dissolves like your shithole did 1991
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Light a candle in the memory if this absolute legend personifying everything that is Ukraine
they are disarmed, like most people on the continent, except the swiss for some reason
>making millions out it
That barely cover the defense costs of the Red Sea operation for 1 month.
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Is Russia disrespected? Why doesn’t anyone think she is winning?
Call me when a Russian flagship gets chased out of the Red Sea by sandniggers.
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Sar, i hope it's not you
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Guess SHILLCON just got elevated ITT after that stunning debate performance.
>actually defending losing because puzzia did it
>b-but let me move the goalposts!!1
Half their blacksea feelt got sunk by a country with no navy
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tnx fren
>Black Sea still under Russian control
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no problem
>they are disarmed,
I do not buy this argument. and they get armed. forcefully.
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These shills can't even pretend they are from the UK. literally retards
>"It's okay that the US collapsed because Russia did so multiple times."
UNcuck logic btw
by the time they get armed, the draft officer is already a thousand miles away, with barrier troops between them and the mobling. the only way is to buy guns before the war, but they could get taken away for the "war effort" if they're registered and not just hidden in oil in a bag somewhere in the backyard under a flower
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>because Russia did so multiple times
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you armed now - just kill barrier troops then
imagine if ukraine had justified the war on the basis that this guy to embarrased to admit what had happened blamed a gang of russian men
the entire country being outraged on his behalf forcing their government to declare war and retaliate with deadly force

despite the russian men not being guilty and it just being him showing a glass jaw up his rectal cavity crushing it with his prison wallet
So it's discord then? Use ChatGPT, I know all of you are NEETs but at least it saves you time.
Russians have this inferior complex that shows when they get drunk. They keep asking if the others respect them and their inital thought is that they are not being respected. So Russians need that outsourced validation of being respected.
It definitely feels like something a hohol would write on kohlchan.
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I'm just dropping uncomfortable truths about Russia. Try deal with it or ignore it.
Now my pussyan comrades have only 2 paths to move forward after they collapse:

The german empire collapse path: Where the provisional goverment took control of the situation and killed left wing extremists, but had a shithole in total social decay
The russian empire collapse path: Where the provisional goverment failed to maintain order and was taken order by left wing extremists, and faced a very bloody civil war
>Dima said they have mobilized 5k men a day.
That's bullshit and DIma's just repeating Ukrainian propaganda, as usual.
Never trust anything Dima says. He's full of shit and probably works for Ukraine.
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>extracting resources from syria and making millions out of it
>pisses it away in 1 day
hohol cannot do that, they are #нepaбы so they cant help but to follow instructions of their unelected owners with perfect obedience. Fun fact: hohols necks are built such that they cannot look up, so they only know the sky is blue from TV and looking at their "flag"
so it not about lack of arms
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>"It's okay to shit myself because there's definitely at least one Russian who also shits himself."
- UNtard
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What shillcon is this, why can’t Russia win in its own thread, seems kinda unfair
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>kharkov already reintered
>kherson also reintered
>sumy regularly bombed to shit
>one fifth of ukraine lost
>russia took more in a day this year then ukraine managed to retake the whole of last year
>ukraine still artificial wannabe EUSSR soviet hellhole

that places russian man third
will farage kick out the eternal perker
it is about arms. but being unarmed is a consequence, not the cause. you're also unarmed just like them though
Only one fifth after 10 years of fighting?
You are from the country that shoves mortar shells up the asses of your own recruits.
Glass houses and all that.

Back to KC.
for those interested, keep eyes to Black Sea, big show today.
The only one getting raped is you, Pakinigger and your Discord friends.
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The HORROR of Putler's ILLEGAL tea and music
Their entire country is fucking retarded, should have been Ted Cruz.
So what if he's the zodiac killer, at least the man isn't a fucking retard.
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Guys, I think Shartinez quit the band.
The oppressive R*ZZian samovar
I feel so horrible!
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Gentlemen I have an announcement to make.




JANNIES (and by extension trannies)



That is all.
Jesus Christ, Balalaikas are fucking Putler himself!!!!
Lmfao. Based timeline if true.
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>Ukraine attacked the sixth oil depot in Russia by drone in a month
>Last night, an oil depot in Tambov region was targeted
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the one assigned to /chug/ got arrested for rape.
this is why he's been absent for a few days.
One Shartinez (the one with Japanese filenames) quit the shillgang after the copeoffensyiv failed to take Crimea before October.
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i knew he would see the light one day
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SARS how coming the Kahrkiv battle is not completed saaar is Russia loosing saaar why come they haev not entering kyiv saar
It's a nigger, isn't it?
Putler bloody bastard benchode bitch redeemed Kharkov gift card.
true but i would have preferred Ron Paul ran again

isnt that video from Serbia?
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Probably related to my nigga Denzel.
>US Army
>a nigger
It's pretty obvious?
sure, from serbia
you bezprizorny idiot
Moldova I think
shithole worse than Ukraine
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me on the right
What a clown on the left.
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So it's a choice between isolationism or stalling the collapse
I love how this graphic inpies that all those city are parts of Russia, cuz otherwise how could Russia lose them? Have a (you).
Dane flag no longer needs filtering?
And that the referendum was legitimate.
>extracts money to private pockets
>blows up taxpayer money
everything is of fine
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Biden will be replaced at the DNC convention in August. This is the reason why there was a debate so early in the race.... to show the Dems that Biden belongs in a hospice and not WH.
Never before in history has there been a debate before the convention.
My guess is that Newsom or Whitmer will be nominated to replace Biden.
so was it us or them who downed it
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well yes ukraine would struggle to take the luhansk and donetsk republics after only 8 years of fighting them

so it makes that ukraine lost a fifth their country in the first half year of the confluct seeing as where worn down after having wasted men and equipment on the donbass for nearly a decade
Not Harris?
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Trump talked about his desire to end the Ukraine war and how it should have had never happen

Today is a good day bros
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honestly the jewish ukraine shill that was on these threads for the last few weeks under my nations glorious flag DANNEBROG
was vomit inducing in his pussedness
Trump's idea of "peace" is to intimidate Russia
(It won't work)
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where bread
Welcome back.
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shall i emergency bake
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ill do eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
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you are welcome to do so
>Not Harris?
Everyone hates her.
>Transferred to Kharkov
I've given up trying to explain to midwits how assaulting that city with only a few thousand soldiers never was the intent. They are Russia parked outside and claim victory in stopping their 'assault'
And it's the same with newsom, he turned california into a shithole. A senile corpse is the best the DNC have to offer
>balalaika made from human skin
>samowar used for waterboarding
>I've given up trying to explain to midwits how assaulting that city with only a few thousand soldiers never was the intent.
I am sure narishkin tried to explain the same to monke first, but monke wanted victory at all costs
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obviously a judeo amerikan falseflag
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Literally who? Either way it’s lose for dem

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