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If trump wins there will be mass suicides
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>trans, queer, disabled
>my rights are hanging in the balance

What rights do trans, queer and disabled people have that normal, healthy people not have? Which rights do they currently posses that republicans are going to take away?
that's a bot post
>trans, queer, disabled
Classic retard faggot.
Is weird how Trump is the most openly LGBT Republican president ever and these retards actually believe this because of tranny backlash
this person is really overestimating the social impact of p2025

it's just pnac but from the heritage foundation directly this time. we'll get some spicy new neocons to to bomb the middle east and some lip service conservatism at home
so how would trump endanger them? not giving them free tranny drugs?
Just like they will move to canada....
Can someone post the video of Trump promising to kill all the queers?
>I'm trans, queer
He'll rope if Trump loses too, it'll just take a bit longer.
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Why wait?
>[Trump] wants genocide of the queers
Where do they come up with this? What has Trump said or done to make him believe this? Can he explain why it didn't happen during his first term?
I'm baffled.
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the tonight's debate. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Biden to have a second tern and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well among black people???? This is so fucked
That would be cool. I was hoping that Trump's vaccine killed everyone but me. I never took it. Too bad it was a dud just like the rest of his last presidency.
We could only pray that the agents of sodom that helped destroy our great civilisation are totally destroyed.
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>trans, queer and disabled
That border fence was a massive dud, Biden just sold it to china to make shells for putin

Good. Let them die. They're all mentally ill.
I didn’t need extra incentive to vote for Trump but thanks!
Every woman I know that took it has been having problems with their periods, and every man I know that took it has been coming into a very bad case of dementia.

Keep in mind these are normal people and they mostly took it for jobs or whatever. My mom flew out and visited me for two weeks and my step dad started to think there were demons in the house and he was posessed and shit. Normally a very stable guy Ive known for 19 years now.
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These 'people' are mentally ill and they get trapped by propaganda much easier, they're extremely indoctrinated and should be send to mental asylums.
They're a danger for the public.
It was going to kill itself anyway, blaming it on trump is just a easy way out for it.
thats it I am illegally voting twice for trump
>I'm trans
There is a 41% chance this person An Heroes no matter who wins.
To anyone who would seriously consider killing themselves over this, I say this: Do it, bitch!
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Sure, just like all those people who said "I'M MOVING TO CANADA IF TRUMP WINS FUCK THE USA" back before the 2016 election (spoilers: they didn't.) Nobody actually does anything, they're just going to have their temper tantrum and keep on keeping on.
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One of the rare times I wish I had a reddit accout so I could tell this faggot to go ahead and do it KEK
Kek. That's your post don't lie. Nice suicide bait Anon. Well played.
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I hope he ends it before then.
If only what they feared was real. Now that would be a true paradise.
>trans, queer and disabled
holy fuck, why even bother going on at this point
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False promises
what the fuck is this uncanny valley shit
kill it with fire
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>wants to genocide faggots
Kek, where do they come up with this stuff?
Hope they livestream it.
Wow its just like 2016 bros hahahaah
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right? i didn't want that during the first trump term but i sure as fuck do now.
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Get in the fucking car
We've got to get the hell out of here
How long have you had this pasta in the pantry?
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kek good one OP
That fag is just finding excuses for his destiny.
Its not his own actions that out him on speedway to rope, but 2 geriatric men who talked for hour or 2
You know these fags always lie, why do you believe them?
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Yeah just like all the blacks that said they emigrate if Trump won. You really think these retards have enough conviction to do anything at all other than crying on reddit?
>they won't do shit
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Are we getting open season on trannies? Let's fucking go!
mean tweets are worse than genocide
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I was already voting for Trump, but I like how they close the deal.
oh you're getting open season on us indeed. make it quick in painless for me yeah?
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I guess picrel was correct
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>I'm trans, queer, and disabled
Why did xer write the same thing 3 times?
didn't these fags moved somewhere else already?
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>He wants the genocide of queers
>reverts to suicide
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Fuck off ESL cunt
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>trans, queer, disabled
>I'm killing myself
oh, how exciting!
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Like pottery
dang. how about quick and painful?
And all i wanted was a pepsi
wtf i love trump now
I'm failing to see the downside of Trump winning here
Now apply those "forms of genocide" to white people.
Biden supporters are litteraly on suicide watch lol
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Why are they SO AFRAID of an orange stooge who did absolutely nothing? None of his promises, nothing for white people, he was a huge fuckoff nothing.
Plebbit glowies are even lazier than our glowies.
my kind outnumber yours in your own capital faggot.
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>My rights are hanging in the balance between two white [sic] men

According to the OP's plebbit posts, she is a White German teenage girl who identifies as male. Surely she considers herself a White male too? Apparently not.

More than that, though, this user is:
>A teenager
>Suicidal - this is not her first post about wanting to kill herself


There are no normal redditors.
This dude wanted to kill himself anyways, he was just waiting for a "righteous" excuse. Because he's too much of a pussy to even kill himself.

Next Reddit post, please?
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Well, come November that redditor is killing himself because Donnie. . . might not like him?
You're getting trenbolone and forced labor
>ripple effect
if only they knew…
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they have right to groom kids, try that as White cis male
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>He wants the genocide of queers.
>anon upvotes every comment
Fucking hell
Woah a troon trying to get attention with suicide! Color me surprised.
>AND disabled
Shit, I’d kill myself too.
>trenbolone and forced labor
ill be polite let me stay :)
Holy shit the intentional omission of D) is fucking hilarious. The genital mutilation and hormones already do a fine job of enhancing sterility. So they're good there.
Don't kill yourself!

Live for the Trump Ukraine Draft baby!
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>punctuates but doesn't capitalise
You really are a bunch of inbred goat rapists.
I love a good ending
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>dwump runs for office
>gets elected
>doesn't do shit for four years
>libtards complaining about how he eats ice cream wrong or whatever the fuck

>trump runs for office again

Honestly these retards are amazing. They clearly got much more faith in the orange man than anyone here does.
I remember that pasta.
Good, reddit and /pol/ need to be cleansed
>If trump wins there will be mass suicides
Yes I witnessed covid and it's vaccination thing it was funny.
God I wish Trump wanted the genocide of queers
I thought they already moved to Canada?
Nobody has the right to narcissistically destroy their families by dishonoring their ancestors by being a freaky faggot loser.
Gotta love those people that have been convinced par political activists that the world is out against them. Regardless, xer won't do shit, like amm those celebrities threatening to move to Canada. They never do obviously, wouldn't want to be taxed on 90% of their income.
>mentally I'll person commits sudoku
Hmm, nothing of value was lost.
you said that in 2016
Lmao. God now I really want Trump to win. These weak faggots don’t deserve to be in the gene pool.
Obviously another trans mass shooter risk. Report to the local authorities.
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There's no way that post is real. If it is, he needs professional help.
couldn't they just leave the US instead? or is this more difficult than i am envisioning? if trump truly is as evil as xer purports them to be then they could even claim refugee status, surely? am i out of touch?
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I'm dyin' with biden. Fr no cap og drip drip
I want Biden to win because I fucking hate Israel but I admit that when Trump wins the libshit salt mining will be tippity top kek. But unfortunately we'll be the ones crying when the US invades Iran
When Trump lost we were no longer allowed to use them as living batteries for our nontendo fun systems (they pretty cool, not sure if australia has heard of them)
>trans, queer, disabled
sorry to say, but you're killing yourself even if Trump doesn't win.
guess i'll just have to kick off the total krieg before then
This post makes me hard. Ami gay bros?
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In a way I can understand
imagine thinking this is your salvation
I'm sorry burgerbros but it is in fact over
Ive never heard Trump say he wants to genocide the queers, where do these morons get this bullshit from. Trump does nothing but listen to Kushner and hes got nothing against queers.
trump is a liberal, however he is not 100% in line with globohomo who wants complete control
he then gets demonized and the braindead sheep just believes, while those on the other side actually think he will change anything
there is no political solution
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Damn America you always have the new tech before us.
>im moving to canada if Trump wins
>its the end of the world if Trump wins
>were all going to die if Trump wins
>Im killing myself if Trump wins
please trump win
I want to see a 2024 full of *ACKs
>I’m trans, queer and disabled
Apparently you’re a paranoid narcissist as well, don’t forget that.
This person was going to do it regardless.
Do libshits not realize they can leave the country? I had to white flight out of my home state because they fucking ruined it, they should know the same feeling. We are going ahead with agenda 2025, this place will be a "fascist state."
That's a shame
They don’t really know. They just repeat what they hear. “Trans, queer, and disabled” just means some fat faggot.
the US is the birthplace of woke ideology. Everywhere they go is objectively worse than the US, even under Trump.
Isn’t that why Anthony Bourdain killed himself?
>50 people upvoted

Well there’s 50 gone
>If trump wins there will be mass suicides
Make trump win.
This second round of Trump Derangement Syndrome is very perplexing. He was already president for 4 years and didn't enact total tranny genocide and concentration camps for non-whites. None of the insane fearmongering from the left turned out to be true. But this time it will be different? These people live in a delusional fantasy world of their own design.
>If trump wins there will be mass suicides
Here's to hope and the useful idiots.
>trans queer disabled
Does someone in a wheel chair really feel like chopping his dick off?
Hopefully he does the right thing
>>I'm trans, queer
>He'll rope if Trump loses too, it'll just take a bit longer.
47% ... I am betting your right.
>Where do they come up with this?
Delusions caused by a diet based on semen

Here is their cookbook.

> trans, queer and disabled
> Trump presidency is a fate worse than death
Why are Americans so dramatic?
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Oh no!
The real question is who cares? They've taken up a worldview that their problems are everyone else's responsibility to fix because it wasn't their choice to have them.
I could only imagine that someone could get crippled while trying to "detransify" themselves. Only 41% are successful, but there's bound to be failures.
His rights won’t be the only thing hanging.
What if I promise to dick him down on a regular basis.
If he wants to kill himself, wouldn't it be more useful for the democracy to volunteer to the Ukrainian army instead?
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survival of the fittest
>he wants to genocide the queers.
I fucking wish, it's going to be a while before we get someone that based in leadership.
>Trans, queer and disabled
Seems a bit redundant
>If Trump wins I'm going to anhero
Would've done that eventually anyway, faggot
fake post, yawn
Please, I can only get so erect
>If trump wins there will be mass suicides
Libshits are clearly mentally unstable. Trump is probably the most liberal Republican on LGBT shit that's ever been.
This is a vaush enjoyer. Vaush regularly rearmongers about trans genocide.
>There is a 41% chance this person An Heroes no matter who wins.

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>deutscher Name
after maybe Hillary voters, Germs are the biggest TDS sufferers on the planet
How is the first post always the best post?
>The liberal threatening suicide again for attention
delete this.
What a pathetic piece of shit, good riddance.
Last time they were all going to join you in Canada. They didn't and they won't kill themselves either.
>the other wants to wipe my kind from the face of the fucking planet

This dude is the only one threatening to end a Trans person's life, like do they even listen to themselves?
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>trans, queer
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It must be because everyone has become a fucking Nazi.
Fuck, I noticed something was up when they refused the vaccine and I tried my best to get them to take it, even tried violence, but to no avail.

THESE FUCKING NAZIS WILL MAKE BIDEN LOSE! We must put them into camps right now and kill them all, otherwise they will kill us for sure.

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Weimar America is not much different than Weimar Germany - and its cause is exactly the same.
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We're allready living in a fascist state,if you call a person with xx chromosomes a woman in a court of law you could go to prison.pic not related.
Why do they get so mad at a scenario that they literally just made up in their heads?
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Owning the heckin libs!
Mental ill drama king.
Do it faggot!! Make a flip!
Unfortunately none of these retarded little shits offed themslves in 2016. They didn’t even move to Canada. If Trump wins you must suffer from their incessant attention-seeking crying. Non-stop toddlers having a meltdown on the cereal aisle cuz mommy won’t buy Cookie Crisp.
Schzophrenic conspiracy theories, these people need to take their meds.
I’m voting for him just for the laughs
Trans, queer AND disabled !!!
I think you might as well just kill yourself anyway.
Why did he hold the flag like this?
These people are hysterical dumbasses and have always been this way. A Republican can cough and they'd hit the floor thinking a gun was going off in their direction.
God I hope more of these retards follow his lead.
I have a question.
>trump wins
>deports all immigrants
>kills all Jews and minorities
>makes women give birth no matter what
>institutes white christian ethnistate
>the punishment for sodomy is death
Assuming all that, will I be able to afford a house working 40 hours a week at whatever the minimum wage is? At this point that is literally all I care about.
You'll have to kill forty niggers a week or else Trump will confiscate your house.
Damn what a hysteric cunt. Vomit. How do they even come up with this shit
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Same as how retards here are convinced jews forcefully injected everyone with poison that's going to kill us in 2 more weeks.
>Trans, Queer, disabled
Oh no, dont do it, you have so much burdenmaxing you live for!
>trans, queer and disabled
All three are virtually the same thing?
It’s just a matter of what but got chopped off.
God I fucking hope Trump wins and these faggots keep their promises. I’d kill to see the mass suicide of all of these degenerate scum.
I wish, sadly the people that say they gonna kill themselves never do.
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>These people live in a delusional fantasy world of their own design.
Goes hand in hand with chopping off your dick and adding fake tits.
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>Trump campaign isnt affiliated with Project 2025
>Trump pandered the most to minorities out of any president ever
>Trump actually stopped trannies from being drafted ironically
>The Executive Branch doesn't grant nor takeaway rights

Literally where is this hysteria coming from?
Man even the glowies on reddit are gay as fuck.
It's funny because leftists always say "I'll go to Canada/Europe/Australia" but never "I'll go to Mexico/Brazil/Africa." Mexico is just as close to us as Canada but they never say they wanna go there hmm wonder why. Why the fuck are they so hell bent on bringing monkeys from those countries here when they won't go live among them? I know exactly where I'd deport libshits to...
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Why do they hate Zion Don that much?
He's pro faggotry there's even a picture of him with the faggot flag
He didn't do a single thing he said and just pardoned Jews and nigger rappers while he married his daughter to his Jewish handler
He even wants to give billions in reparations to niggers, the platinum plan
Zion Don has done much more for shitskins and jews than Joe Pedo
Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is real. Wow. Mainstream media should be ashamed of themselves. Their lies caused it.
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Just like last time?
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>If Drumpfh wins they might kill me so im gonna kill myself

Tranny logic.
>hanging in the balance
If it's that easy to kill yourself you were going to do it anyway
>2016: If Trump wins, I'm leaving the USA
>2024: If Trump wins, I'm going to kill myself
These fucks act like Trump wasn’t already President and really didn’t bother with them, just focused on pumping the economy. Trump doesn’t care about tranny fags.
Whoever started this project 2025 larp is a fucking genius. I wonder if we can preemptively get them all to commit suicide before the election Like telling him it's gonna be a blowout.
>. Trump doesn’t care about tranny fags.
Yeah but if you dont give trannies constant attention, they will die.
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Wow this is my most upvoted post ever, thanks kind strangers!

Edit 2: Thanks for all the witty replies to my comment as well :)

Edit 3: 274 karma, almost at 275!

Edit 4: 275!!

Edit 5: Down to 273 :/

Edit 6: u/jack333666 has mentioned the edits and I just want to say, I don't see anything wrong with thanking the people that made you successful.

Edit 7: 269 now. I don't understand why I'm getting hate.

Edit 8: Stop bullying me. I'm not going to say it anymore.

Edit 9: u/yetibutton You know what? Post it to 4chud or whatever the hell that lsite is. I promise you will get laughed at and kicked out of there. Just because you're jealous that I'm the king of Reddit doesn't give you the right to attack me!!
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project 2025 demands are literally
>we're going to make them stop giving tranny drugs to kids
>we're going to stop letting trannies be in the military cause it's gross

>nooooo we can't groom kids anymoooore I'm gonna kill myself
Your day to day life doesn't change at all with whoever is president. It's just lefty redditor types have no lives and use any opportunity to bitch and moan on the internet because orange man bad. Let them freak out, maybe they'll finally do something about it.
that's it, i'm gonna get out and vote this year
This is what life is like for someone who defines their personality with their sexuality and/or disabilities.

Neither of those are personality traits, yet people have ben conditioned into thinking that sexuality is somehow part of their personality like it's a fucking hobby.
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wtf is project 2025?
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>If trump wins there will be mass suicides

Good, we've been needing a purge for a while now.
>Mass deportations
>Mass suicide of the mentally ill
America might get fixed over night when Trump wins
I wish Trump was the guy they think he is
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The funny thing is you just KNOW they're salivating at the thought of complaining about Trump for another 4 - 8 years. Remember how Trump could tweet anything back then and a million retards would try to be the first to respond with some epic comeback no matter what time of day? Nothing insane will happen if he wins (beyond their own childish outbursts and tantrums), it'll be a bog-standard presidency just like last time.
it was a conservative think tank that redditors claim was fully funded by Trump to install a nazi regime and commit a holocaust
how does a bot commit suicide?
whats it gonna do, unplug the power cord?
source is this glownigger who openly admits she worked (works) for the AG, at some point in the video she even says the federal reserve is a federal institution.

this is who we're dealing with. literal retards.
People don't know what rights means, it's just a random word they throw around without knowing what it means, like nazi, capitalism or fascist.
such a brave chicken
Good, I dislike christkikes, but leftist manage to be even worse than fucking golems.
and that's a good thing
I wasn't going to vote for Zion Don, but you've sold me on it now.
> He wants the genocide of queers.
I missed that in last night's debate. Is this a policy? Are we there yet?
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He would probably kill himself regardless of what happens.
Same old song and dance every 4 fucking years.
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no no, let them panic about
PROJECT 2025 is COMING, get ready.
My vote for Trump === SECURED

Thanks OP!!
or they get weird massive infections in limbs and die.
why do they act like his milquetoast, 8th grade girls softball coach, boomer radio station speeches are calling for killing people? I've listened to like 40 of them and there's zero times he called for murder and mayhem. do they have access to special stuff on patreon or something? I feel gypped.
>party wins
>wants to place their good goys in positions of power
somehow this is news
theyre the ones buying all his merch to destroy
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>predditors updooting romanticised threats of suicide
We're approaching terminal levels of seethe
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I can't read these. I'm sick of having my heart broken again and again.

But I do get a chuckle out of the fact that they now realize that they're better off dead in the USA than alive in Canada.
Fat James Spader?
>Posessed by an evil spirit
Many such cases! Repent and turn to Christ
this narrative doesn't sell anymore after we had 4 years of trump presidency.
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>But I do get a chuckle out of the fact that they now realize that they're better off dead in the USA than alive in Canada.
How can you return to someone that never existed? Makes no sense. You’re MENTALLY ILL.
God one can only hope
Nice try. Still not voting for that kike loving faggot Trump.
>and nothing of value was losy
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these idiots dont realize they already did that with the jab
for fuck's sake
Where do these types get their beliefs from? I see so many who genuinely think Trump is going to turn the country into a totalitarian dictatorship and set up concentration camps. Why and who has been feeding this to them?
>If trump wins there will be mass suicides
Here's to hope.
Same thing happened in 2020 when a bunch of maga killed themselves.
So much winning
Would I ever be fine with trannys and their faggot enablers?
I WAS perfectly fine with it. Totally cool with it. You do you. Used to roll to the best restaurants in the gay part of town. Even went to a gay bar with the gf once. No problem. With your kind It used to be "what happens in the bedroom is nobody else's business" We were all on the same page.

Now with your kind that mantra is out the fucking door and the door is blown off it's hinges into orbit at light speed into another universe. Completely off the rails.

Now it's:
"what happens in the bedroom is the world's business and let me show your third grader the proper way to hold a grown man's penis. We will also teach them about the virtues of suicide if their family doesn't let them go on puberty blocking medication before eventually moving on to bottom surgery or breast removal at the age of 16."

Also taking the fucking social courtesy of calling a "he" a "she" and trying to make it legally binding. Like no IT'S A SOCIAL COURTESY it isn't real. Everyone knows it isn't real.

You got drunk on the power of social progress and took things WAAAY too far.

Then you got drunk on the euphoria of validation of converting others. All the while deep down way way down...deep down beneath the surface YOU KNOW it's a lie. But the power of the lie and imposing it on others feels soooo GOOD. Far too good to willingly give up. So you double down on the lie and continue to spread the illusion to the gullible. With the world's youth and the youngest being the most gullible of all.

YOU .. KNOW... IT'S...A...LIE. ..But all is fair in your mind to further the cause and this movement of power. It's all fair and right because it's about the power of imposing a lie on others and the euphoria this power gives above ALL else. Above truth, morality, family, life, death... the world...all of it. This power that feels so soooo good above everything. It wouldn't feel as good if it wasn't a lie.

So fuck you.
How do people get like this? Trump has already had a term as president and things were fine. These people act like when Trump takes office that the national guard is going to go door to door purging the lgbtq and colored people .
The problem with the black polling is that once a black person votes Trump they lose their blackness, as Biden said previously, so it kind of distorts the picture of things. Yes, Biden will do well with black voters but there won't be nearly as many black voters as before as many formerly black people will vote trump and no longer be black
Back in 2016 the entire propaganda media machine threatened to move to Canada if Trump was elected. Progs are liars.
Tell me out the rabbits George
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hell i might just vote now, this is the motivation i needed.
None. They just catastrophize because they're mentally ill.

As an actual right-winger one of the reasons Trump isn't my favorite is because he's too friendly towards homosexuality. He HASNT endorsed Project 2025, but he SHOULD since all these faggots think he does anyways.

3/4 of reddit is bots.

Exactly. They're mentally ill. They dont understand that none of their political positions are consistent or make any sense.

Yep, Project 2025 is a nothingburger but the Biden/Raytheon campaign is using bots to boost visibility of it because they realize it's an issue that will swing faggots and trannies into their camp and keep them on the reservation.

The way they've managed to psyop the anti-war left into being bloodthirsty warmongerers is entertaining as fuck.
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Last time they all promised to move to Canada. Rolling for mass suicides and deportations.
if only!

so many people said they would move to canada last time and they just stayed and made everybody's life misserable.
Kek i'm convinced there's a far right segment of glowniggers that basically tells lefty trannies on reddit to kill themselves.

>I'm going to kill myself if trump wins!
>Ok! Cool, make sure you set yourself on fire when you do!
All of those "forms of genocide" are being inflicted on working class European/White people at the hands of Jews.

For those of us that are actually far right, Trump was nothing but a disappointment.
>I want Biden to win because I fucking hate Israel

He's just as Pro-Israel as Trump is, if not more so. Trump at least has people like Vivek and Carlson in his ear who are America First.

Biden is surrounded entirely by AIPAC and ADL approved cabinet members. He only panders to the black/arab portion of the left for votes. He will never actually carry out policy that is anti-Israel.

Jews overwhelmingly supported biden in 2020 and will overwhelmingly support him in 2024. Even if Trump panders to Israel and pulls SOME of the orthodox vote, his America First closed border policies scare the Jew.
Good. Less mentally disabled trannies and liberals.
They're so brainwashed.

I've seen trannies post how they'd prefer Romney to Trump because Romney is pro-NATO and Ukraine war. Meanwhile Romney was extremely opposed to LGBTQ anything.

That should show you where the psyop originates from. The Goal was always to turn gay, effeminate, liberal peacenik losers into blood thirsty cannon fodder for the machine, and it largely worked.

After GWOT burnout everyone on the right is done fighting AIPAC's wars for them, but the leftoid Trannies will gladly go Slava Ukraini because orange man bad.
>kills all Jews

Yeah, generally without the Jews the economy would be favorable to working families.
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Not true at all, I am a patient advocate at the VA and was forced to take the experimental vaccine because of Biden, Trump would not have coerced federal employees to do it, he said he disagreed with Biden. But Biden did it. So right out the gate you’re wrong.
I'm unvaxxed and had my rights taken away and it actually stopped my suicidal thoughts for the first time in a long time (I did do a lot of bitching though)
>If trump wins there will be mass suicides
Ah shit. God damn it.
They finally found a way to get me to the polls, its over bros, I'm gonna voooote
how are these people real?
I wish
trannies are such drama queens. Everyone is out to get them, they are THE most opressed "people" in the entire history of the planet.
Just take of that dress, everybody knows youre a dude, bro

>trans, queer, and disabled

Migrants will continue to leech of the system, taking up hospital space, social security, disability, housing, continuing to suppress wages...that could all be going to zim and zyr healthcare but of course ze has to be a leftist. All leftists should be staunchly opposed to illegal immigration. It's completely contradictory to everything the left believes in. Having a serf class pouring through the floodgates working for nickles picking berries is the most capitalistic thing imaginable. Marx himself even talks about how Irishmen were suppressing English wages. Western leftists are so fucking retarded and brainwashed. It has to be a psyop.
The right to you know; you know, like what I'm sayin heheh
>Western leftists are so fucking retarded and brainwashed
no religion means you need to fill the morality gap with something and that something ends up be politics. which means being wrong in politics means being morally wrong which is unacceptable and thus they can't back down or concede on ANYTHING, they can only double-down
Trump said he would have to move to Israel if he lost.
As above, so below. Let us use meme magic to make it so.
All historical evidence points to and all historians agree Jesus Christ was a real person who walked the earth, if you disagree you can't believe any person existed during antiquity
Good. Entertainment.
Suicide weekend? -Q

Trust the plan.
>two white men
Oh, how tolerant of you.
With any luck they blow themselves up at an antifa prep session and fix two problems at once.

What on earth makes these idiots think their life is relevant either way depending on who wins? Trump won't do anything to them. Biden won't do anything for them. It's narcissistic delusion.
Lmao. Just go and put balls back on me. Eunuchism is as old as civilization and men infested by Abrahamic relgion kvetching over it has been a thing since the invention of christcucks.
Kill all niggers. All niggers are gay rapists.
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>All leftists should be staunchly opposed to illegal immigration. It's completely contradictory to everything the left believes in


Watching Unions openly simp for illegal immigration is mind blowing.
a penis
Based lol, Trump 2024! Imagine being so powerful your mere existence sends people into a suicide frenzy hahahahaha

God damn this takes me back, thanks Anon
...and that's a good thing!
Least delusional ReddiTranny
>He wants the genocide of queers
If only that were true
Link me to this post. You can’t because it’s fake af
Tasty oldfag pasta.
correct. problem will solve xheyself
I wasn't going to vote for Trump, but now I am.
I forget, what was this originally about? Killary? Comrade Bernie?
Killary iirc
me reading that post

its wild cuz like the only population in the world that has decreased for the last 20 years is white americans, literally the overall population, not percentage, there are less white americans today than 20 years ago.

some people say this, and dems literally clap and cheer.

but in their minds, trump is straight up going to murder every beaner, arab, and queer on the planet. mind you, beaners arabs, and queers are growing 50% every year.

like its such an insane fantasy world they live in. all they have ever done is win, yet they act like eternal victims.

nobody even gave a fuck about trannies until they started targeting children. like wtf.
just when I had all the reasons to vote for trump, they give me one more lmao
>orange stooge who did absolutely nothing? None of his promises, nothing for white people, he was a huge fuckoff nothing.

U mad and dumb.. top kek.
Eff pee bee pee.
you mean youve decided to move your suicide up on your schedule
Do a flip.
good news looking forward to it
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Can I get an awoo for the 41%
It's hysteria. The current entity wearing the face of the thing once known as "the left wing" encourages this hysteria and relies upon it to continue its own existence. There are no more big generic non class related social dragons left to slay, so the power structures left behind by left wing politics when it was relevant have to come up with nonsense to keep people hooked and those structures propped up.
It's funny, notice any time people bring up the real issues they get accusations of populism from the left, but those issues are the real issues and the charade cannot continue
>My kind

Just move to Canada like everyone else that does when they don't like the projected winner of the whatever upcoming election is going on at the time.

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