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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How did we come to this? How do half of Americans only vote for someone based on whether or not we can kill babies? Does this seem weird to anyone else? Is it even true or are they skewing stats and spitting propoganda to make people care so much about this???

Pretty easy. If raped or if at medical risk, women should be able to abort. I'd argue if already living on gov benefits it should be mandated but I'm a "radical". It's just fucking crazy to me that so many people (Maybe not that crazy since its mostly women) get sent into a blind rage when told they can't kill a baby. Is satan among us?
I mean there's a million other things that matter more. Border for one. Wars overseas for another. The fact those wars are for jews being another. Jews in control of American politics/media/education etc another. There are SO MANY other things that matter more.
abortion is murder, you gravitate to the ethics of fringe cases because you admit the baseline statement is true.

eugenics already solved this problem as well as MANY others.

women have less agency than men, they literally cannot choose to the degree than an average man can. All female choice, especially on issues of consequences, are superseded by a man's choice.

fuck you, if it's not murder, then forced abortions are no different than a fucking haircut. "It's not murder" cuts both ways jackass, it means murderers aren't murdering your unborn baby.

USE IT FOR SOMETHING OTHER THAN FURRY PORN FETISHES. One day artificial wombs will viable and safer than the real thing. Then some lunatic will go into a hospital's artificial womb ward kill the power, ending all these "clumps of cells". That lunatic will be charged with mass murder of children, and everyone will agree. Want to know why?


This has nothing to do with religion, or souls, or fucking magic, it's all plain simple logic that a child could understand if you hadn't aborted them. Low IQ idiots, all of you.
>abortion is murder, you gravitate to the ethics of fringe cases because you admit the baseline statement is true.
I agree. I have not read the rest of your post but I know you will probably say something about my mention for aborting babies from leeches. I stand by what I said it'll get rid of them in some proportion in the long run, specifically niggers. Combined with castrating every repeat offender violent male, we might have like 2% niggers within 50 years.
>women have less agency than men, they literally cannot choose to the degree than an average man can. All female choice, especially on issues of consequences, are superseded by a man's choice.
Agreed. It should be taught in schools why this is the rule so men can take more ownership of how they treat women and women can probably just fuck off from school and become good wives/mothers and call it a day
>fuck you, if it's not murder, then forced abortions are no different than a fucking haircut. "It's not murder" cuts both ways jackass, it means murderers aren't murdering your unborn baby.
>>This has nothing to do with religion, or souls, or fucking magic, it's all plain simple logic that a child could understand if you hadn't aborted them. Low IQ idiots, all of you.
Word, bitch. You get it. Thank you
It's the basic selling of soul for leftists.
Like you have to embrace child murder first, so child grooming is nothing to them after that.
The blind rage is not really at you for pointing it out, but against themselves for accepting child murder.
It institutes in a leftist a psychological split so deep they can't even acknowledge it but TO attack you.
Think what you will of crowder, but throwing a pre natal chart down in front of a leftist woman and asking her to talk about 'health care' of exactly where on the chart the baby should be legal to be executed was telling. The leftist literally could not look at the chart, got mad and left.
>kill a baby because you were raped
>not the rapist
>even though the baby didn't rape you
>the solution for rape is baby murder
Midwitted satanic charlatan.

>black population going down for two decades
>Legalize abortion
>black population goes up like clockwork every year
>proportion stays identical
>jews get all the money from abortion
>sell nigger baby parts, more money
>use money to fake votes for more socialist medicine policy
>Now you're paying jews to abort nigger babies, more every year, forever and ever.

Oy vey you gaaadda keep paying me goy! Da problem will only get worse if you stop paaaayin me GOOOOOOOOYYYYYY
>mandate killing babies if you're poor
You should be killed, rich faggot.
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>hink what you will of crowder, but throwing a pre natal chart down in front of a leftist woman and asking her to talk about 'health care' of
That must have hit a nerve anon, got a link?
Furthermore, I believe that since they sell their basic self respect by being willing to accept child murder, every other leftist principle of nihilism acceptance stems from giving up their self esteem this way.
Whites don't care about cucking to BLM lies because they accept child murder.
Men don't care about cucking to false rape accusations, and the double justice standard because they have accepted child murder.

To accept the murder of a child, is to murder your own innocence, your own sense of self worth. Leftist know that if a child is worth nothing, that has nothing but unused potential, their own potential which is already corrupted is not worth as much as those they advocate to kill for convenience. Every lie they tell themselves is easier than this one to form the basis of the entire corrupt religion.
>>not the rapist
I'm all for killing the rapist in public in front of a crowd but I also would never force a woman to give birth to a nigger against their will
The term is subhuman. You are subhuman for considering abortion a solution to any problem ever. I will not care about racial preservation until like you who look like me but act and think like niggers have been dealt with.
Hell I'm for killing the rapist nigger and his entire bloodline but I suppose you're against that too
It's out there but I'm too lazy to dig for it.
She was sitting in a park at a table by herself. Crowder and beep boop guy.
>all rapists are niggers
>You should be killed, rich faggot.
I'm not rich I'm just not a person who takes rather than gives into our already retarded tax money usage.
I'm not even against welfare and all that for those in true need. I was once a project manager for a construction company. We took on a client with a shitload of section 8 housing in a city where that never belonged but because Obama turned Minneapolis into lil somolia but didn't have enough room, Sioux Falls got a bunch of the overflow.
I will never forget when I showed up one afternoon at about 3 and if I hadn't already been "Radical" it would have turned me. TWO busses full of about 60 niglets who ran out in all directions to ONE apartment complex. We pay them MORE for each niglet shat out. They don't give a shit about living conditions. So they come here for free housing and get paid more for each niglet shat out.
Meanwhile majority of White people care so much about living conditions because we're not 3rd worlders, they want to have kids only when financially set. They have to pay hundreds of thousands over the 18 years of EACH kid they have. So they wait until they are 30 and have a kid or 2. It's fucking MADDENING.
>>all rapists are niggers
Did I say that?
>You are subhuman for considering abortion a solution to any problem ever.
I hope your beautiful White daughter gets raped and impregnated by some feral nigger someday.
Just like how women "Get what they deserve" in liberal shit holes when what their "beliefs" earn them. I'm sure you'll feel the same, right? She should just have the nigger's baby?
Also at page 5 after responding to 3 of you nigger shills we can see /pol/ itself is now shilling for these fucking retards. Great.
>wall of text
You think you have a right to kill poor peoples' babies. You get the rope, baby-killing satanist nigger. Simple as, kike.
>right to kill poor peoples' babies
Only people who rely on the amount of babies shat out as income.
I'd much rather come up with a plan that gives hard working/crime free married couples benefits for having kids. Housing and vehicle credits, tax credits/breaks, etc. I love what I think it was Hungary did where they provided a 0% loan for a starter home. Paid off 25% of it for each kid they had. But I don't want that same plan to go to niggers who just sit around, don't work, and commit crime all day.
Nor do I want it to go to White people who do the same. Or spics, somolians, illegals, etc who do the same.
>Protect women from the consequences of their actions
Outside? Dressed like a whore? Unarmed? Without an armed man escorting you?

Not rape.
imagine being against abortion, if anything we should massive encourage abortion in sub saharan africa, christrannisim is a mental disease
If it's not a religious issue why use a loaded terminology from the 10 heckin commandments? Booohooo. They done be a heckin bad because you suddenly changed a word? Lmao. Midwit. Abortion is a stupid issue. First of all, the potential persons being "aborted" are actually better off not existing, otherwise they would have been subject to horrible life in poverty by a single mother. Second, if you believe in the heritability of genes, these people are better off not existing because they would spread their defective genetics unto others.
>Does this seem weird to anyone else?
No? Women dominate this country entirely. No shit everything comes down to only issues stupid holes care about.
>Outside? Dressed like a whore? Unarmed? Without an armed man escorting you?
>Not rape.
Won't go that far but will concede that the definition of rape is too broad and we need to go back into your direction a bit, Mohammad.
>this is the babies' fault and they should be brutally murdered for their parents being leeches
Rope, faggot imbecile.
Hey retard this was meant for you >>472441550
>If it's not a religious issue why use a loaded terminology from the 10 heckin commandments? Booohooo. They done be a heckin bad because you suddenly changed a word? Lmao. Midwit. Abortion is a stupid issue. First of all, the potential persons being "aborted" are actually better off not existing, otherwise they would have been subject to horrible life in poverty by a single mother. Second, if you believe in the heritability of genes, these people are better off not existing because they would spread their defective genetics unto others
Let's start with Shitaly
>if anything we should massive encourage abortion in sub saharan africa,
I agree but alas half the comments hate me for it. I just look at the simple observable facts. More niggers = shittier society.
But to delve further, I don't believe niggers are actually fully human and humanity needs to evolve by dropping the weakest link.
There are a ton of people that feel strongly against abortion but don't want to throw their lives away to take care of the problem. Hundreds of years ago, and probably less, mobs would just gather around the Satanic doctor's office and...do the needful.
>First of all, the potential persons being "aborted" are actually better off not existing, otherwise they would have been subject to horrible life in poverty by a single mother. Second, if you believe in the heritability of genes, these people are better off not existing because they would spread their defective genetics unto others.
So I kind of agree with you on this point to an extent. But I do NOT agree with the fact that society is SO HUNG UP on killing babies that it is the number one issue. This tells me that we have been subverted by jews and need to change our mind. It should be a minor issue for the most part but we've brought it past the rape/harming mother/genetic abomination to people being radical about killing a baby at 9 months, and are seething about the right to do so.
I am fully on board with killing downs babies or whatever because that would only bring pain and struggle upon the parents and there is literally no reason to raise a downie until 25-40 years old until they die.
If you are so dumb that you don't understand 95% of these kids will grow up and become similar to their parents, I can't help you.
>you have a right to play God and murder peoples' babies for being poor
If you make this argument to me in person I will break every bone in your face, satanist.
I agree with you. American working in Germany btw. But you're not seeing the way they view the issue. When you put it like that (should you be able to kill an unborn child if it's an inconvenience?) it makes the answer obvious. But they think of it as first "can I control the processes my body does?" and "do I get to decide what medical procedures I get or does the government". The idea of just not fucking people they don't want a baby with or thinking of it as a real child rather than a parasite or something doesn't even occur to a lot of people. It doesn't help either that there is such a hardline contingent of mostly baptists who say no abortions ever even if you're raped, which is really off putting to different denominations or non religious americans.

>I'd argue if already living on gov benefits it should be mandated but I'm a "radical".
Based. While you're at it take a look at this:

Abortion was legalized in 1973 in the US, the poor/black population especially got shitloads of them, leading to fewer unwanted kids growing up in the ghetto. There was a massive drop in crime in the early-mid 90s when these kids would've been in their late teens and terrorizing the country.
>If you make this argument to me in person I will break every bone in your face, satanist.
A) I'd fuck you up so easily its laughable.
B) Not a Satanist just a realist. YOUR jew bible even tells you niggers aren't human. Let alone genetics and anthropology.
> that it is the number one issue
Focus groups in the 1970s found irrelevant hot button single voter issues and this happened to be one of them. It's used as a wedge to divide people meanwhile get them to ignore real issues which impact their quality of life because it's so heckin important.
blame the rich and their endless pushing of culture war nonsense. nobody cared about any of this until post-2008
The baby didn't rape you. You don't have a right to murder an innocent infant for their parents' actions. You're an immoral and repulsive midwit. No one will ever benefit from your advice and your IQ is below 110.
It's the same pagan blood sacrifice of children as was practiced during the darkest ages. If only more people would become aware of this.
I hate muslims as much as I hate all browns but just because a nigger says the sky is blue doesn't make it green.

Women SHOULDN'T be walking around alone. They ARE property, and no society that grants them significant "modern" rights is going to survive.

I do not concede the way of life whites had for all of human history to the muslims just because they have a faggoty low IQ desert version of it while we abandoned it to our own cultural suicide.
I have a broken hand and I'm going to beat the ever loving fucking shit out of you with one arm. I live in Iowa City, Iowa. Where are you located, baby killer?
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>if it's not murder, then forced abortions are no different than a fucking haircut.

Lel, I'll remember that
Exceptions for rape, mental defects, health of the mother is widely accepted among conservatives except for ultra religious wing nuts. Enjoy handling snakes and fucking your cousin in a trailer
>Is satan among us?
What do you think? Of course yes and just like in Genesis he is appealing to women first, men will follow because they fear they won't get pussy
>Abortion was legalized in 1973 in the US, the poor/black population especially got shitloads of them, leading to fewer unwanted kids growing up in the ghetto. There was a massive drop in crime in the early-mid 90s when these kids would've been in their late teens and terrorizing the country.
Oh shit I forgot about this. Good pull anon.
>But they think of it as first "can I control the processes my body does?" and "do I get to decide what medical procedures I get or does the government". The idea of just not fucking people they don't want a baby with or thinking of it as a real child rather than a parasite or something doesn't even occur to a lot of people.
I agree brother. We need tax benefits to hard, legal, workers. Housing credits, vehicle credits, etc. Any hard workers who aren't criminals should be encouraged to have more kids who don't commit crime or leech off gov benefits. The rest need to be castrated and or aborted.
>calls a fetus a fully grown baby
Ich könnte dich mit einem einzigen Schlag umbringen, Schwächling.
Most American women are trash these days.
>unable to refute argument
>so I'll punch your shit in nazi
Antifa, the post. You just replaced one word.
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That thumb is the size of my pinky you little bitch and I live in Rapid City. Let's meet at the place famous for some quail egg burger in Sioux City. (I know it smells like shit, is flooded, and its interstates have been under construction since I played baseball there 20 years ago, but its probably close to a mid point. Otherwise we can meet in Sioux Falls)
A fetus is an "unborn child", according to the dictionary. Take your pilpul and get lost, kike.
>Maybe not that crazy since its mostly women) get sent into a blind rage when told they can't kill a baby.
you answered your own question. It's mostly young women seething at being told "no." Also bear in mind the average person doesnt mature much past about age 16. I refuse to believe the average person is really invested in strangers' fetuses
Oh, wir haben einen harten Hund hier drüben
I hate the antichrist. I am an evil seeking missile. By Christ my body is ready.
>It's used as a wedge to divide people meanwhile get them to ignore real issues which impact their quality of life because it's so heckin important.
Would be sweet if so many fucking people weren't so fucking stupid
>blame the rich and their endless pushing of culture war nonsens
To an extent I agree but nowadays I'm to the point of wanting to execute the idiots who fall for it ALMOST as much as your proposed. But not quite.
>I live in Iowa City
wtf i just left there
goofy little place
People arent ready to hear about Carthaginian nobles celebrating and laughing while they roasted their own children just like they aren't ready to hear about all the psychopathic tranny cults that have appeared right before the collapse of nations. No one wants to hear about the Rebis, or Tikkun Olam, no matter how out in the open things get.
No one wants to hear that the romans insisted that the jews worshiped a huge black cube from Saturn either.
>assessing sizes from photographs
Ftm perhaps? Just fly into cedar rapids I'll meet you there. We can livestream it with donos to pay you back.
It is a shithole
I hope a very dark black nigger rapes your daughter and you have a grandson who looks like that sprinter from 10 years ago and you come back to /pol/ and explain how much you love him and are glad he raped your daughter.
Why would a nigger be anywhere near me or my family?
If I knocked that beer out of your hand would you die?
>I hate the Nazis. I am an evil seeking missile. By Reddit, my body is ready.
>If I knocked that beer out of your hand would you die?
No. You would.
>cedar rapids I'll meet you there. We can livestream it with donos to pay you back.
Can't remember where that is, aren't they both quad cities? Also it'd be more fun to have some autist set up a BTC thing where all bettors can bet on one winner and it simply divides the percentage bet per winning side with no juice besides transaction fees. We are insignificant but if it catches on this could be come a great way to bet on shit even if paying 3% juice to some asshole who sets it all up
>What do you think? Of course yes and just like in Genesis he is appealing to women first, men will follow because they fear they won't get pussy
I have gotten a shockingly high number of women to agree with me that THEY are in fact, the devil, in the past couple years using this exact logic. I've even gotten them on board with appealing the 19th
>You have to allow for a system that has not lowered the black population in five decades whereby jews are paid with money stolen from whites to perform regular sacrifice of monkey people, after which they also sell the chunks of nigger for more money.
>or else a tiny, infinitesimal number of non-whores will be raped.

Someone somewhere is going to be struck by lightning, so please give jews infinity dollars right now to stop the lighting from hitting you.
The NAZIs didn't believe in abortion either. Genieße den Arbeitslager, Asozial.
>according to the dictionary
Fuck that shit they'll just change the dictionary. an unborn baby is an unborn baby.
He's a big guy.
No you're thinking of davenport that's like an hour east of me and it's farther from both of us
>Most American women are trash these days.
Young ones are not. I only date 19-22 year olds for about a year or 1.5 years at a time. They are just impressionable. Every one of my exes are openly antisemitic and are more "Politically" sane than 95% of people out there.
For you.
The 19th Amendment was a mistake
The number one voting demographic is women
There is no better feeling than talking some crying slizz into paying to kill the baby inside her. I hope that for you one day anon
Played DE in college. 6'5. I lost a SHITLOAD of weight and am currently a svelte 240. I fight like I'm 5'2 though, scrappiness is not lost to me in that art.
>>Maybe not that crazy since its mostly women) get sent into a blind rage when told they can't kill a baby.
>you answered your own question. It's mostly young women seething at being told "no." Also bear in mind the average person doesnt mature much past about age 16. I refuse to believe the average person is really invested in strangers' fetuses
You're right but its jew propoganda that does this. The women in my life who had multiple kids by 25 are still smoking hot at 35 and happy and genuinely "Good" women.
The ones who never had kids are whores and blown out by now, depressed, and unhappy
I'm 5'10".5 240 but full of surprises and that's all I'll tell you lmao
>Oh, wir haben einen harten Hund hier drüben
All I see when you fuckers type in your language is Er Ist Weider Da

That said, I've been considering taking German lessons because it'd be fucking sweet to understand such a beautifully angry sounding language. Also, I'd love to have my angry outbursts only in German to scare people.

Also lmao I'm just watching the debate replay now and I'm near the end
>you can see he is 6'5 and only two hundred twenty thrid pounds
>he says what he is take a look at what he is
>love to have a driving contest with him
>love to play a round if he can carry his own bag, can you do it
>I am a 6 handicap
Lmao I would beat that 6 handicap by 60 strokes a round and I'm a 20 handicap
he's right
>How did we come to this
i refuse to wear a condom
i refuse to not cum inside her pussy
i refuse to fuck a woman on birth control
i refuse to fuck a woman who uses spermicide
i refuse to fuck a woman who uses a spogue
i refuse to let her take plan b
i refuse to let her give birth
there are millions of men just like me around the world
He said we have a hard dog over here
That's more likely just because the ones who had kids early actually were thinking about the future. They're capable of long term planning so know doing drugs, fucking random niggers, getting tattoos/piercings all negatively affect both the body and the "soul" for all that I don't believe in that garbage.
>You have to allow for a system that has not lowered the black population
But it has not grown, thank god.
Also the people who choose for abortion often times should just never have had kids who will then grow up and have kids like themselves if forced to do so.
But that all said the fact that its such an issue is why I'm against it, its the only reason. Killing babies should not be a number one issue for a sane people.
But THAT said, We should castrate/spay people who show a pattern for committing crime or living off other peoples money.
You're garbage and no one cares what you believe in, faggot
Its just jewish narrative
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Faggots fagged too hard. So hard, in fact, that the gays are even sick of them. Time to cut these left extremists loose. Or boost them 5x more times
Or just don't give them money and put them in prison like a normal person you psycho bloodthirsty old fuck
>I'm 5'10".5 240 but full of surprises and that's all I'll tell you lmao
I will leg lock you like a spider monkey and squeeze the life out of you. I'll honestly probably just poke your eyes or something, smack you on the cheek and congratulate you for being a the cheeky irish son of a bitch who followed through with his promise
Haha grapplers are so cute. It never goes the way with me you expect it too. You're in for a surprise, satan. You got telegram?
i was surprised at how many Muslims were there. Who the fuck is shilling Iowa City, Iowa to middle easterners? WHY
Also fuck potato niggers Im only 10% and I hate mick negroes
And africans lincoln ne is afghanistan too now it's the whole midwest
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Of course it's a controversial issue. On one hand you have all the people that just really, really wants to kill as many babies as possible. On the other hand you have all the people that wants to drown the world in niggers. With either side you lose.
>abortion is the only way to get rid of niggers
Lots of extremely low iq posters here
>The number one voting demographic is women
We need to get rid of that. Especially considering they can't be drafted. Let alone the fact they are retards who do it as a "Power" move and whatever propaganda is on TV that gets them in one direction is more important than actually thinking. Literally 90% of Hil dawg voters were lib women who just thought it would be so revolutionary to have a woman president
>But it has not grown, thank god.
Retard, the black population has gone up like clockwork every year since RVW. You're thinking of the PROPORTION, which has remained more or less static.

That's not the victory you think it is. Always more niggers forever, but not any more "proportional" niggers?

>But THAT said, We should castrate/spay people who show a pattern for committing crime or living off other peoples money.
We don't need some absurd system to manage the presence of niggers, we just need to get them all out.
Men are too busy working and providing for their families to give a shit about a probably worthless vote in the first place.
Of course it's not. Right now it's the only thing you got, though. How about starting up a humane sterilization program or something before you ban abortion and flood your country with endless nigs, eh?
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>Afghans in Nebraska
they skipped over all of Europe, London, France, Canada, Australia/NZ, DC, NYC, LA, Chicago etc. to go to bumfuck, the midwest with a bunch of rednecks and tornadoes
>That's more likely just because the ones who had kids early actually were thinking about the future. They're capable of long term planning so know doing drugs, fucking random niggers, getting tattoos/piercings all negatively affect both the body and the "soul" for all that I don't believe in that garbage.
right but I think you responded to wrong post
Or just deport the niggers you weird ass european fuck I vote to send them to Norway
Lmao widerally what da fwip
>put them in prison
Then they get out and have shitty kids for society. If you are a repeat offender, your kids will be too.
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Sure, deport them first, then you can force them to stop aborting their niglets afterwards. You sound thoroughly retarded, if it wasn't for abortion your nigger population would be ten times larger. Your center for pest and disease control agrees.
Black population was slowly decreasing before RVW.
Send them to prison in africa for life then all of you are sick fucks who wanna do weird shit
Niggers abort half their babies in the US. Don't even pretend it doesn't have an impact, you niggerloving BBC aficionado.
Don't care, just not condoning infanticide... ahahaha sorry just still not condoning it
>You got telegram
no they wanted a phone number
>Also fuck potato niggers Im only 10% and I hate mick negroes
What the fuck are you then? The only people who act tough at 5'10 I've ever met besides niggers are the Irish???
>10% and I hate mick negroes
Also fuck you I'm 1/3 Irish.
>norwegians are the new mutt's law
Bruh... you ok?
I know you don't. This isn't about race or reason or anything like this for you. It's about flooding your society with niggers and spics.
>if it wasn't for abortion your nigger population would be ten times larger.
>If it wasn't for jews being paid to kill nigger babies, the funds of which they immediately re-invest in nigger population growth, there'd be niggers everywhere!
Slaughterhouses don't correlate with a lower cow population retard.
Abortion is murder. Life begins at conception. Simple as.
>calling amerifats niggerlovers is mutt's law
Hello newfag.

>if we can just stop niggers from aborting 1/2 niggers then we'll have less niggers!
Another niggerlover amerifatso professing his endless love for endless niggers.
If they are human enough to fuck like third worlders they must be human enough to bare children.
>Niggers abort half their babies in the US
Black population was slowly decreasing before RVW. Your feelings will never erase this fact.

Now instead of having three children, they have three children and ten abortions, retard.
>i was surprised at how many Muslims were there
I used to plow a Dutch Netherlands Reformed girl I met at a wedding somewhere around orange city for a few months and honestly, love of my life I should have married her. The Dutch let the niggers in???
Irish people are a bit shit bro. My anger is most likely from my germanness that or a lifetime of torturous abuse and betrayal but I digress because who gives a fuck nigger? Waa feel sowwy fow me lmao
>Haha grapplers are so cute
Also not normally a grappler but I'm not trying to hurt you anon you are smol. I will treat you like any woman I have to show how much weaker she is than me
Weird ass projection. I hate baby killers and niggers equally though in reality
they all need to hang publicly, along with the NGOs and politicians who shipped them here.
>brings up "BBC"
>this isn't mutt's law
Keep projecting, turbonewfaggot
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>three plus ten is three
No idea if this is some sort of jew holocaust math or just the average amerifatso common core education.
>Another niggerlover amerifatso professing his endless love for endless niggers.
Black proportion of society was slowly decreasing before RVW. How could this be? No legal abortion but the niggers weren't having ten kids a woman? How? How could it be?!?!

It happened dipshit.

Every birth control and sex ed effort has the reverse effect.

More condoms was more STDs.
More Sex ed was more teen pregnancies.

It's all jewish, the results of all of it are well recorded.
>>abortion is the only way to get rid of niggers
I think castration is the best answer. We can let them have africa just pull funding / aid until they die off naturally.
>half of nigs have been aborted since abortion began
>there wouldn't be more niggers if half of niggers hadn't been genocided for decades
Why are you christfag niggerlovers so into lying? Doesn't your jew god prohibit that or something?
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Women are low intelligence, low logic, self centered little cunts. Big children who avoid responsibility and don't want to ever grow up. They expect the system (betas) to take care of them when the alphas refuse them. Fuck these dumb bitches, remove cunts rights.
>I will leg lock you
Wow you little slut.
I am just taking any win I can think of brother but you are right
Haha you're going to be breathing through a tube. What's your discord or something pussy ass faggot weakling brittle boned bitch
>it's ok to murder an innocent child if the child's mother was raped
>it's ok to murder retards
>it's ok to murder an innocent child if the child's mother is unhealthy
Abortion is not a Constitutional issue, making it a state issue, as the Supreme Court has recognized. Fuck you if you don't like it. Make abortion legal in your state if you want to kill babies so badly. But it never belonged in federal law
>Before legal abortion, nigress has three children.
>After legal abortion, nigress has three children and ten abortions

The historical record is fact. All abortions have done is inflate the number of dead babies, not reduce the number of live children per nigress.

That and give a trillion dollars to jews.
>How about starting up a humane sterilization program or something before you ban abortion and flood your country with endless nigs, eh?
This but it honestly doesn't have to be humane. Do the peter griffin skin color chart thing and anything darker than white is "Neuter"
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not hordes of em but yeah, every time i went to the walmart there were at least a few Muslims there. IC is apparently a college town so maybe that has something to do with it. They also have giant black people murals downtown. Bunch of diversity lovers
>>it's ok to murder retards
Obviously. Fucking retard.

So your nigger theory according to your common core niggerology is that niggers are basically responsible people, and when you give them abortions they just abort half their kids for fun. Top fucking kek.

Only sane amerifat in this thread.
It provides a safety net and enables reckless behavior he is objectively correct and you are a coping midwit atheist snownigger
>i just love niggers so much
I know, bro.
This is more reasonable to me than killing babies
>Why are you christfag niggerlovers so into lying? Doesn't your jew god prohibit that or something?
See, this faggot cant help but panic when confronted with cold hard reality. Finally someone's making the anti abortion argument he's not programed to respond to so he's just panicking and hurling his own shit.


>Send them to prison in africa for life then
>at $300k each or whatever the number is
Fuck you. Once they are in for life, just shoot them in the fucking head with a $0.25 22 bullet
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>the COLD HARD REALITY is that we need more niggers
Absolute psycho
Honestly this is most humane for both sides.

And even more honestly, niggers look forward to prison because it makes them feel accomplished. This would eliminate that pride as well which would make them reconsider acting like niggers and going to prison in the first place.
Make it an open air jungle prison then build a wall around it and let them fend for themselves
I only vote based on environmental protections. So as much as they’re annoying I can only vote democrat. That being said, a gob of cells that may become a person isn’t a person. The only legit argument the anti abortion crowd has is that late term abortions are bad and should be illegal outside of medical necessity.
>So your nigger theory
observation of historical fact. No theory involved. No hypothetical, no possibilities, fact. RVW was a lifetime ago. It's effects are absolute and clear. We can compare the black population, the births per mother, the percentage of them in society, from before and after RVW across several generations. Legalizing abortions not only had no limiting effect, it had a BAD effect.

It is a FACT. Abortion did not reduce the rate of growth of nigger populations, it actually increased it somewhat.
This is an iron clad fact and no amount of your bitching changes it.
>public meltdown because someone knew the pre-and-post abortion legalization stats instead of just saying "dead niggers makes jesus sad" like he expected them to
>abortion becomes legal
>niggers start aborting half their kids like on a conveyor belt
Top kek, the fucking cope.

It's very simple, christcuck niggerlover. Aborting white kids should obviously be illegal. Aborting niggers should not only be encouraged, it should be mandatory. If you disagree with this and this isn't your policy then you're anti-white and a niggerloving faggot. Simple as.
My number one issue is Israel. Why is it hard to find 1 person to denounce them as ally. Just admit theyve never done anything worth promoting
>never bring up christianity or even argue the morality of Abortion
>he cant stop shrieking about christians

Sorry we went off your script, retard.
>from my germanness
Should be 6'0+ then
>lifetime of torturous abuse and betrayal
If beyond NPCs and gov and is your parents I'm genuinely sorry and hope you work it out
>Waa feel sowwy fow me lmao
Don't fell sowwy but feel for ya brother. Been there.
>ABORTION: The Number ONE Issue Voters Care About
Doubt. Not with the current economic climate and rampant crime.
Yeah, no, don't even pretend this isn't about breeding endless niggers for rabbi Yeshuah for you, faggot. Stop lying. Stop pretending.
They started getting pregnant more because of no fear of consequences you illiterate arctic saami laplander nigger
>niggers think about consequences
>The Number ONE Issue Voters Care About
Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
>Abortion illegal
>Nigger numbers going down slowly
>Abortion legal
>Nigger numbers going up steadily
Gotta keep paying the nigger-culling guild (coincidentally the same people who brought the niggers to the country and provide them with free food and legal representation), they have your best interests at heart.
You're nothing but a lanky clumsy oaf and a massive sniper target. I am apex ideal male soldier height. Cope, slenderman. Thanks for your sympathy though lol
>Maybe if I keep shrieking about christianity they'll stop reminding me that the experiment has been tried and has been a massive failure

abortion did not lower the black population or reduce it's rate of growth or it's proportion of society. Since RVW the black population has only gone up.
>killing half of niggers = more niggers
I mean, either you're retarded or you're a jew. Anyways, you should obviously have been aborted.
>raging midwit rant the post
Shoot me an email smoltard
>killing half of niggers = more niggers
The numbers are the numbers, your desire for them to be different does not make them so.
Opening the enterprise of killing nigger babies did in fact not reduce the number of niggers, their proportion, or anything to do with them.

Sorry, but the universe did not begin with RVW, we can observe the results of implementing it compared to the decades before it.
>"Why is abortion such a big topic? "
>Proceeds with conservative pearl clutching talking points about muh babies and satan.
Well there you have the answer to your question. A lot of people either don't agree with the premise that they are even babies or believes women's autonomy supersedes the life of the baby. It really can't be that difficult to understand why it is so hotly debated and divisive.
It's not the#1 issue by a long shot.
Imagine you getting shot in the back of the head and buried in the woods
They put them there to change voting demographics.
>46 posts

We get it. You are a jew who wants to murder babies and you will lie and miss represent whatever it takes.
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The name of the game is slipping away from social issues toward societal nothingburgers.

The thing is our political leaders do not have any delta left to maneuver, because our countries aren't sovereign anymore. All our sovereignty have been sold out to jewish financiers a long time ago. This is where lies the real power, where are decided the decisions who truly matter for our future.

Since our politician puppets are on said financiers' payroll, they can't challenge the current order, so the best they can offer is to declare fake outrage for supposedly needed reform over... total nothingburgers nobody fucking cares about. Just like abortion. Or faggot marriage. Or trannoid rights. Or juneteenth. And all this kind of D&C virtue signaling who cost strictly nothing to implement, or for the following administration to dismantle.
Meanwhile the ultra elite keep vampirizing 99% of the wealth, the kikes keep being in charge of our currencies, and our people keep being genocided.

I can't believe i've to give such an 101 answer after 150 posts, but scrolling down i've only seen complete plebbiniggers retards falling for this bullshit Esau gambit, proving how utterly useless /pol/ became after the 2016 invasion. 95% of the ppl left here are mental midget redditard shitskins & glowniggers.
>This is more reasonable to me than killing babies
Probably why it is not on a single bill, anywhere. How long before we see career criminals and leeches of society forced to be castrated? How long before we even talk about it?

How bad will we let our lives get before we become ungovernable and bring this shit up ourselves because no politician will touch it?
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If you're against abortion, don't have one. Stop trying to legislate what other people can do with their bodies.
>Fascist flag
>Leg locks turn you on
You guys are such faggots its unreal
Lmao fucking rekd faggot
>>it's ok to murder an innocent child if the child's mother was raped
Yes its very okay to abort a niglet from a raped White woman
>>it's ok to murder retards
What the hell is the point of not doing so
>>it's ok to murder an innocent child if the child's mother is unhealthy
If she's going to face death in bearing the child I'm fine with aborting. If she's that unhealthy she'll probably die soon anyway
Why not just execute them at that point though weird ass nigga?
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Want a party serious about anti-abortion and moreso prolife policies? Consider the American Solidarity Party.

>But throw away votes are wasting your vote!
No, it's not. Third parties have more focused ideologies and they're a clear bellwether for the large, umbrella parties like the Democrats and Republicans. As soon as one gets big enough, they begin to adopt those ideas.

Notice the Democrats sudden hard shift on green policies? Thank Jill Stein. She got 1.5 million votes, possibly costing Hillary Clinton the election. The Democrats have started adopting green policies, and the Green Party inturn shrunk by 2/3 in 2020. Was this a loss for the Green Party? Absolutely not. It was never a vote for Green Candidates, but a negotiation with one of the larger parties to recognize their ideas as valid, and they won.

Vote American Solidarity.
Fuck off, satan.
>Fuck you if you don't like it. Make abortion legal in your state if you want to kill babies so badly. But it never belonged in federal law
makes me wonder how different things would be if all the retards realized the president literally has nothing to do with wamanz rights. Like wipe that off the board and how many votes would be changed? But they are too stupid to understand that
You can't tell the future. Stop playing God, nigger.
>If you're against murder, don't commit one
Feel free to attempt the abortion yourself without any medical assistance, faggot.
>We get it. You are a jew who wants to murder babies and you will lie and miss represent whatever it takes.
Nope just drunk and bored and also you should see my tiny nose. INCREDIBLE for the size of my head. Just a cute little nose to go with my "Pretty green eyes" as people say.
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>Only sane amerifat in this thread.
Fuck you buddy I only became fat 2 years ago and plan on going back to not fat here soon
jesus thats like denver airport types of eerie if you've ever been there
What an effeminate superficial vain image-obsessed and obvious latent homosexual
>Why not just execute them at that point though w
So what if we give them the option:
>Career criminal
>Free trip to Africa with no sentence
>Accept your 3rd Assault and Robbery sentence of 12 years (probably be let out in 4 though) but either way be sterilized.
This applies to all criminals btw
>your world revolves around what random insignifigant specks in the universe consider "sane"
>not based on what pleased God, the Father, the Creator and Master of the universe
Definitely ngmi
fuck kikes I agree
240 lbs
lmao I wish I could laughing face emoji you right now
Also I said 6'0 so I'm kinda right on the money you little btich
There couldn't be a better demonstration of how right wing pro abortion people don't actually give a fuck about the children or their fate than this post.

You want to force kids to be born to parents that didn't want them and/or can't afford them, entirely because you are severely autistic and can only think in shades of absolute black and white.
Whatever happens to the kids after they're born doesn't matter to you, much less whatever happens to the parents of those kids.

Maybe autism is more common among right wing people, it would explain how dogmatically following ideology in black and white terms with a complete lack of empathy, understanding, or concern for the suffering and harm it might inflict on so many people, is such a persistent running theme in right wing policy.
Your powers are weak, nigger.
I'm half an inch below the average height you illiterate fucking mongoloid
Nope just shit the women I've plowed throughout life have told me. Also I smell REALLY good to the point of those bitches stealing clothes off my floor. Must be rough to be a stinky nigger
it's beyond obvious /pol/ has a reddit fag/femininist bitch infestation. KYS
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>Imagine you getting shot in the back of the head and buried in the woods
I am here with you before I beat the shit out of you to double team this kike
HOW can you have compassion and empathy if you boil lobsters alive and theoretically if they had a mind they might suffer for 0.5 seconds? Because I do not have compassion for lobsters specifically. Yes, it is that easy. Does that make me bad? No. It makes me inconsistent, which is good. And I imagine you yourself are just as arbitrary. Because arbitrary works. What good does "ethical consistency" serve? Nothing, it's just a philosophy debate gotcha used by genuinely autistic mental masturbators to feel good about themselves.
>ou are a jew
>tiny nose
>not nasal voice
I denounce the talmud and hate all kikes
I'm surprised Tranny kids didnt come up in debate.
Waiting on your emai you son of a bitch. Charity fight for the plebs of /pol/
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Its simple. Thanks to the 80/20 rule (now 90/10) Women arent aborting because they arent fucking Sub5s anymore, they are carrying Chad's children.

They wont abort Chad's abandoned children, thats where all of you come in. Step up guys.
Honestly just cutting aid to and trade with africa would drop their population by 99%
>>If you're against murder, don't commit one
I honestly feel I am not against murder of certain bad people / leeches of society at this point. How do we start
wtf do you mean by this? You can tell when a White woman raped by a nigger is going to have its kid
You can tell when a kid is going to be retarded pretty early on
If mom can't handle a birth might as well abort before she dies eh? (<1%?)
No there's absolutely under no circumstances any reason to abort a child. I want Total abolition. I want the same rights for the unborn as for born people. It's murder. Mother's are to be held accountable and punished. I'm talking death penalty. To change the culture drastic laws needs to be put in place. It needs to be taught that it is a human life worth protecting.
>I'm half an inch below
>having to consider myself a little bitch
>I honestly feel I am not against murder of certain bad people / leeches of society at this point. How do we start
Killing someone who deserves it is not murder.
so you as an american don't want niggers to abort niglets? How?

you waterloo fuck I have not received an email. Lets do this itll be fun
>Killing someone who deserves it is not murder.
Where are you from, I like you
The ocean.


I hope I live to see faggots buried up to the neck at the water line at low tide.
It was banned in 19th century in US. In continental Europe it was banned in 16th century, before it depended on local law, ranging from death penalty to nothingburger.
Just because you're a dysgenic loser faggot who should kill themselves doesn't mean we should kill babies, Nigel
Now say Tuesday and bottle of water
Then hang yourself
Only thing i dont get about abortion why its okay go kill the baby as long it is inside of you but the moment its outside its not okay
Why draw the line there? Why not at heartbeat that makes more sense
>Must sacrifice their bodily autonomy
Keep your legs closed whore
Nice that doesn't mention the baby's bodily autonomy. Women who support abortion or who have had one should be enslaved
imagine if all men would practise semen retention. abortion and niggers would disappear, porn and jews would disappear, civilization, non-roid-freak masculinity and order would return.
don't come into wombs if you can't take care of the baby.
>I hope I live to see faggots buried up to the neck at the water line at low tide.
me too but still no email
America is the new Carthage, baby-sacrifice political rituals included.
E Michael Jones remarks about this. Once a woman has had an abortion, she's a leftist for life because she cannot reconcile the act of killing her unborn child. Instead of introspection and asking God for forgiveness, they become jannisarries for radical leftist, imploring other women to make the same mistake and join them in misery.
I asked the same question, rhetorically. I've just never given a shit about aborted babies and don't understand why pro-lifers are so passionately invested in something that hasn't even lived long enough to develop an ego. Why don't we just sterilize any woman who has had an abortion? It would save time, money, and lives.
Medical care for blacks is subsidized by the government.

That's the taxes of the white middle class flying into the pockets of jewish doctors so that they can farm niggers to kill their children and sell the parts for more money.
>life begins at conception, abortion is murder
>women should be able to have an abortion if the father of the child raped the mother, because uhhh
what's the actual argumentation for this popular position?
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because Democracy now doesn't mean 51% get to decide but instead it's the one who screams the loudest, even if he only represents a fraction of the people. That's the reason why we have fag parades and trannys in schools, why cities burn when one of the 13% gets mistreated by the cops and why women can shi(f)t whole election cycles if we try to supress their urge to whore around.

Each and every one of these groups will have the biggest meltdowns on social media and on the tv and since a majority of modern men are castrated cucks they'll just nod in approval and allow it all to happen. That's literally it.
"Pro life" is an obvious fraud
Abort all liberal, nigger, Kike, and Russian babies. Rest will be carried to full term, with rare exceptions of course.
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Abortion should not be a choice
Giving birth should be a privilege
who cares what vooters think
OK ok ok I get it u want more Niggers.
Aborting Niggers makes a society safer
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The abortion debate is 100% about:


It's conflict that determines every aspect of society, not just the lives of babies.
Every single person who says abortion is murder has a BBC fetish, No exceptions whatsoever
They are masonic faggots that want more nigger slaves and unlivable conditions for their own women, end of. Its not hard to understand...
Ok boomer
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>human life begins at conception
>murder is the unlawful/immoral taking of a human life
>it's immoral to intentional kill an innocent human being
>unborn children are innocent
>therefore, abortion is murder
Interesting, face the wall
you want to try to dismantle the reasoning i presented, or just erotic roleplay with me? fucking faggot.
incest rape babies must be culled
if a pregnant women is murdered, the murderer is charged with double homicide
because this planet and especially this country are kikemade
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>If raped or if at medical risk, women should be able to abort. I'd argue if already living on gov benefits it should be mandated
yeah we cant even talk about abortion as an act of war because its an act of war against us by the jews and carried out by traitorous bitches
because it's the only topic kids ever debate in school. If you went to a school that was >70% muslims, rest black, and you being one of the 2 only whites, you'd realize how everyone brownoid/negroid is religious and takes anti-abortion stance each time, and then threatens to beat you up after class
>abortion is murder

How can anybody in 2024 still believe that killing people isn't the most virtuous thing possible?
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>Pretty easy. If raped or if at medical risk, women should be able to abort

The most retarded shit ever. You are only giving women another reason to falsely accuse men.
Abortion is a dilemma. I'm fine with it on a surface level, but removing reproduction from the reproductive drive is bound to have complications for our species moving forward.

That is a clever insight actually. Crime & Punishment shows the consequences of committing murder in a human. However you reason with it, deep inside you see reality. Alex Jones was involved with a lot of abortions when he was young and it caused a moral quandary for himself that he resolved through repentance. The other option is to double down. But then you lose part of yourself.

There is something similar happening in the hospitals (particularly with old people). Medical staff are deliberately overdosing them on drugs like Midazolam and then pretending it was killing. Often the patient is coerced and the family members are complicit (some to just go along with the authority, some for inheritance, all sorts). This is a moral compromise that has to be contended with.

When you are born you are clearly you, it is things like this that can deviate a person from them self. People double down or acknowledge the reality.
>pretending it was not a killing**
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>Does this seem weird to anyone else?
Not anymore.
Women are the ones that always vote on everything.
And it shows you that there is no reason to give a fuck about the west anymore.
Every shity law was voted in by them.
And now we have the west we have now.
It just says that even politics is not for men anymore.

I'm out when the most important talking point on CNN is a Jewish practice.
I'm done.
The posts on twitter saying it was A jewish religious right set me straight.

We got people being killed by the million now, and all women can think about is killing their own babies
This whole vote thing is not for me.
Even though men have suffered with all the stupid things women voted for?
Women don't care as long as they got theirs.

Now that the Female draft is here, not a care in the world about men.
Fuck that.
>abortion is murder,
So is war.
Women could not give a shit about that do they?
I don't even know if the law is the best way to solve the issue because there's just so much nuance to each circumstance where someone might feel they need to kill the baby. Like there are some situations that pretty much anyone would empathize and understand a lady making that decision like if there's a deformity or her own life or both of their lives are at risk. But those situations seem relatively rare and I think it's a tragedy that it's been normalized to kill the baby because the lady has some anxiety about the situation. That should be seen as extremely shameful and nobody ought to want to touch that woman with a ten foot pole but the sad fact is that those kind of irresponsible and childish women are rewarded the most by men.
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good question
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>I don't even know if the law is the best way to solve the issue because there's just so much nuance
Weird how that Nuance goes away when women have to be drafted.
All of a sudden, killing is wrong.

Honestly, I don't care anymore.
There replacements will be ready soon.
A little longer for artificial wombs.
Women can have as many abortions they want.
Fuck it.
Women sided with Jews to murder babies. I get eugenic stuff like rape and disease. But going full talmud?

Why not just not have risky sex?
And you're a Jew. Abort the baby and kill the rapist.
War is not murder dude
Babylonian canaanite jews murder babies like you projecting kike idiot
nobody cares about that issue for choosing their president but a bunch of single unmarried women
CNN had a bunch of shitty questions last night
i asked, i care
>CNN had a bunch of shitty questions last night
agree with this though.
>what are you going to do about the scary climate crisis?
give me a break
You girls are adorable. Let's go!!!
wait... do you really think black lives matter? You fall for jew tricks? They are not the same species as a human.
It's called "change my mind abortion" or something like that
It’s because either they, or someone close to them (sister, friend) has had an abortion.
Me and my gf argued about it one day, and I realized she is so adamant about it because her sister had one at 16.
We eventually agreed to disagree, but I had to change my stance and say “victims of rape, medical issues, AND women under 18 because she was getting very very upset about it. However she agrees that once they’re 18 they’re old enough. Apparently 2 years makes a huge difference….
But yeah that’s why.
,>if at medical risk, women should be able to abort
Just c section that nigga outta there
>It's a tube baby
It's not viable ergo the procedure doesn't qualify as abortion.
>If raped
punishing the child for the sins of the Father. Dumbass faggot.
>It’s because either they, or someone close to them (sister, friend) has had an abortion.
>Me and my gf argued about it one day, and I realized she is so adamant about it because her sister had one at 16.

This shit is like a gang initiation. 'Make one's bones'


So much is like that in life, and each new generation get the choice to reject the morality of the previous for that very reason.
it's not murder, your entire post reeks of "i'm a woman hating incel", 63% of the country disagrees with you, kill yourself, seethe you fucking ugly incel faggot
It's already defined by law as murder. Kill a pregnant women, and it's double murder every single time.
Making it illegal to have an abortion...
Won't stop abortions.
Never did.

Why are women often traumatized by abortion if it is meaningless?

Also, why does sex matter? If some dude is pure whilst you have degraded yourself, are you not actually jealous of the dude? 'incel' is based af, they didn't fall for the social pressure.
wtf are these replies >>472441644 >>472442382 >>472443265 >>472446643 >>472454788 >>472466481
redditurd raid? if you don't want a child to be born, why have sex in the first place? there are even morning after pills if you were stupid enough to not use condoms.
close your legs and stfu you dumb niggers
>It's already defined by law as murder. Kill a pregnant women, and it's double murder every single time.
good. i literally DO NOT care about muh consistency, because women have more value than murderers. simple as.
>Why are women often traumatized by abortion if it is meaningless?
it's a traumatizing, invasive procedure
>'incel' is based af, they didn't fall for the social pressure.
embarrasing levels of cope
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>it's not murder,
then its warfare or self defense because it cant be negligence
>your entire post reeks of "i'm a woman hating incel",
pussy whipped faggot
>63% of the country disagrees with you,
theyre gay
>kill yourself, seethe you fucking ugly incel faggot
drop dead bitch
>if you don't want a child to be born, why have sex in the first place?
because hundreds of thousands of years of evolution are telling you to. it's ok if you're an incel and cannot understand this. you write like a child btw.
>then its warfare or self defense because it cant be negligence
it's a medical procedure between a women, her body, a medical proffesional, and a non-sentient non-human fetus
human > fetus
every time
>pussy whipped faggot
>theyre gay
oh you're a child hahaha my bad
>drop dead bitch
>because hundreds of thousands of years of evolution are telling you to
wrong answer faggot. the right answer is to build a resume so you can fuck a better bitch later and get her to carry your children
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>tl;dr: women
abortion =/ murder
>being a man is so hard waaaaah
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>medical procedure between a women, her body, a medical proffesional, and a non-sentient non-human fetus
yeah no its deliberate killing of a human and if youre going to lie about it instead of justifying it youre a bitch
This discussion is pretty strange when we have billions of grown people walking this earth that wish to die but have to do it via an illegal and gruesome way. But yes, let's prioritize infants or whatever.
>number one issue
Only with retarded white women who think being promiscuous and not planning for safe sex is their inherent “right” to use abortion as birth control.
It’s insane, even my wife’s friends who have had kids and NO abortions are perpetually riled over this gay shit. Women are absolute retarded children.
human =/ fetus
i know this makes you emotional but facts are facts
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how about lets prioritize the removal of reproductive rights from women and the return of womens reproduction to the loving care of their husbands and fathers
fetus' have no thoughts or conscience and they are not human. try again.
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youre the one being an emotional faggot bitch looking for a way you can kill a baby without forthrightly acknowledging that youre killing a baby
a human fetus is human. not feline or bovine, human.
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>[i] have no thoughts or conscience and [am] not human.
i'm not emotional at all, you sound like you're seething though lol
>kill a baby
you can keep saying it outloud but it won't make it true, it's not a magic spell. a fetus is not a baby. have a nice day incel
honestly a funny image but my point stands, fetus' have no conscience and are not humans, and we will never prioritize them over an adult human woman.
>Waaaaaaahhh you don't get to punish an innocent child because of the actions of their parents
>t, a religious retard whose God did the EXACT SAME THING
fetus is latin for "little one," it's interchangeable with baby.
when women don't want to murder their pre-born child in the womb they will call it a "baby" too.
We live in a nightmare dystopia cyberpunk hell world.
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yeah youre the one with the word magic of if i call the baby at this stage of its development a foetus it means i can kill it without acknowledging that im killing a baby
thats why i keep calling you a bitch
when a man kills a baby he acknowledges what hes doing
>it's a traumatizing, invasive procedure

Nah, often they just take a pill and evacuate the 'clump of cells' at home. Why are they traumatized?

>>'incel' is based af, they didn't fall for the social pressure.
>embarrasing levels of cope

>fetus is latin for "little one," it's interchangeable with baby.
oh SHIT. OH NO. an english word derived from another language. i'm SO FUCKED.
>when women don't want to murder their pre-born child in the womb they will call it a "baby" too.
idk what point you think you were trying to make but you failed. people use a lot of words. it doesn't change reality. a fetus isn't a baby or a human. a woman's life/decisions/ideas/opinions are infinetly more important.
Just determine what day the little fetus cunt becomes sentient being and then set the abortion cut-off point a few days prior.
the only people who invoke religion in the topic of abortion are atheists, not one bible verse has been posted in this thread.
"murdering babies is wrong" is a statement from religious worldviews that atheists typically agree with except in this instance for some reason. see: >>472455239 for non-religious argumentation.
>a [human] fetus isn't human
what is it then? equine? porcine?
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yeah that's not a baby.
>when a man kills a baby he acknowledges what hes doing
internet tough guys went out of style in the mid 2000's

Have you ever taken part in an abortion? Do you feel conflicted, hence why you are so fired up?
>human beings look ugly and weird at the earliest stages of development, therefore it's not immoral to murder them
hope for your sake this line of thinking doesn't actually catch on
>Just determine what day the little fetus cunt becomes sentient being and then set the abortion cut-off point a few days prior.
99% of the pro-choice crowd agrees, but rightoids will twist the narrative and lie (as they do) and claim that we are OK with abortions after the 4th year or whatever fucking bullshit they spout. total rightoid death
>Why are they traumatized?
ask a women or look it up? also i love that you KNOW that women are traumatized, which goes against the "women have 5 abortions per week then go clubbing and have orgies" narrative that incels cry over. lol.
>Have you ever taken part in an abortion?
no. i just hate incels and rightoids, because their entire worldview is framed through the hate they have towards women. they are repulsive, weak, pathetic "men"
>human beings look ugly and weird at the earliest stages of development, therefore it's not immoral to murder them
i never said that but go on
>hope for your sake this line of thinking doesn't actually catch on
hilarious, coming from the "total nigger death", "kill all jews" crowd that is obsessed with fascism and kiling non-whites simply for being non-white LMAO. yeah we all hope that line of thinking doesn't catch on you incel fuck
>claim that we are OK with abortions after the 4th year or whatever fucking bullshit they spout.
who is "we?"
lots of secular ethicists and proponents of abortion have said this
>pro abortion
>if rape
yes, free and killing the rapist later. if she lies she gets her abortion but goes to prision.
>if consensual
yes but not free.
>>Why are they traumatized?
>ask a women or look it up? also i love that you KNOW that women are traumatized, which goes against the "women have 5 abortions per week then go clubbing and have orgies" narrative that incels cry over. lol.

I know someone in my family that had one. It is a sensitive issue. It obviously carries a kind of trauma that sits there ready to rear its head, not easy to speak about casually.

I also know someone that had one and now they are older and cannot have kids.

I think it is the kind of thing that society tells you its nothing to go into but after it happens and perhaps years later it has potential to cause a psychological schism, you can't go back in time.
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haha cool. well the fact is, liberals arent wrong. you forthrightly want to fuck, sacrifice your offspring to satan, and lie about it, and far be it from me to tell you not to
>i never said that but go on
i know, that was implicitly what the image you posted was arguing.
>hilarious, coming from the "total nigger death", "kill all jews" crowd
i'm actually more a tourist here and don't think like that, fuck /pol/
ok Mohammed
The problem is not black babies being born it's letting their parents come here to begin with. The aborting black children argument is a low iq cope. The problem is they are here in the first place. Oh and killing an innocent child is wrong despite the race. If it wasn't then you wouldn't be white. It's not complicated. Whites need to understand our race isn't weak we are kind, this is a strong trait and beneficial to our race and our species. We need to stop this godless heathen stupidity. For example both Beethoven and William Blake were born to extreme poverty and degenerative parents. If you think abortions should only be for "x" youre missing the point of why it's wrong to begin with. A fetus doesn't scare me, godless immoral pagans who let niggers and kikes set up shop and then say we should kill their children do. Go back to your wooden idols cheldean scum ask them to get up and help you.
They should care about circumcised penises. Getting rid off a retarded dessert cult should be your first priority.
>>Have you ever taken part in an abortion?
>no. i just hate incels and rightoids, because their entire worldview is framed through the hate they have towards women. they are repulsive, weak, pathetic "men"

I am just saying that an abortion is not something to take lightly and that people are traumatized by it. Think of the reality of it, the baby.

Also, the left have been throwing innocent men to the wolves for the last 10 years. That is harming people. Now this abortion issue comes in, am I supposed to advocate it? I wouldn't want to take part it in it myself, that is what I know for sure. I see people traumatized by it, why?
>you forthrightly want to fuck
it's never been easier to get laid. if you can't, it's a skill issue, and a MASSIVE one
>sacrifice your offspring to satan
satan doesn't exist, you're a grown adult (presumably), you should know better right now. you are not going to mold society based on your beliefs in fairy tales.
total schizo death
total christfag death
total incel death
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"If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school, you're fucked."
>an abortion is not something to take lightly and that people are traumatized by it.
true. only rightoids spout this "WOMEN GET DAILY ABORTIONS FOR FUN" bullshit. it's literally bullshit.
>left have been throwing innocent men to the wolves for the last 10 years.
lol what
>I see people traumatized by it, why?
ask a woman or look it up already

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