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Will the DNC get him to step down? Or are they going to ride the train into oblivion?
they want to get rid of him but he's president and won't let go of it because he's an asshole
this. biden will have to be forced to release his delegates. there is plenty of blackmail.
It's far too late to entertain a replacement.
they'll assassinate Biden and blame it on Trumpists.
There were no surprises during the debate, Biden performed exactly how everyone expected him to.
The political establishment clearly wants a Trump victory, they've been doing everything possible to raise his profile and hype among his base. I guess the official cope will be that "old, white" Biden blew the campaign by refusing to step down.
I think Obama is running the cabal at the moment. He can't replace Biden because he can't guarantee loyalty from a younger candidate once they're in the oval office. His only hope to maintain power is another 4 years with his hand up Bidens ass. The rest of the Party is probably screeching right now but all they can do is cope and seethe because giga nigger Obama is too powerful still.
>It's not too late
>It's never too late
>The political establishment clearly wants a Trump victory

This is incorrect. The establishment wants another slimy Trudeau/Macron/Ardern figure to abuse the citizens and do the bidding of satanic pedophiles.

Trump and Co. will be in prison for life and half of GenZ is going straight into the meat grinder for zog.
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The zio-media will.
Biden don't love the jews enough, so he needs to go.
>and won't let go of it because he's an asshole
I actually want 4 more years of Biden, as I want the American Empire dead.
>The political establishment clearly wants a Trump victory
They want Biden replaced before the election, so let's think Biden is stubborn enough to refuse to step down.
as if Trump will change things. It makes me laugh how some people think a President is that important or has any real power.
>as if Trump will change things.
He will probably suck jewish dick even harder and have marginally less immigrants, but yeah.
I want the US Empire dead and buried, so Biden cheating and then winning is the best outcome. .
If that was the case he would have been replaced long ago and they'd spend time building their new candidate instead of building Trump with frivilous lawsuits.
Yes. He’ll finish his term and they’ll tap a new nominee.
>they'd spend time building their new candidate instead of building Trump with frivilous lawsuits.
This way the Democrat debate on who will replace Biden will fill the zio-media, and starve Trump of attention.
They would have to kill him or incapacitate him now to replace him.
The jews own the media, so they can constantly badmouth Biden until he resigns and release his delegates to elect somebody else.
Trump in power keeps money flowing into the democratic campaign machine.
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>Implying that Biden controls our decides anything
But realistically it’s political suicide. The time for this would’ve been months ago. All the other candidates poll worse vs Trump. The optics would also be terrible if they skipped over Harris. They should just stick with him now and hope this is a distant memory by November.
This, and Trump will also be a helpful lightning rod and scapegoat for israel
Its gonna make them look stupid though because of how much they have been Bigging up Biden.
It would be a complete 180.
Before the debates, they were showing footage of Trump getting off the plane, saying how he looked slow and unstable. Etc.

Im not saying they wont do it they would just lose part of the tiny bit of trust and reputation they have left.
They only need proof of life, they won the last election with Biden in a basement, barely campaigning.
There is supposed to be another debate September 10th
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>The optics would also be terrible if they skipped over Harris. They should just stick with him now and hope this is a distant memory by November.

No one gives a fuck about Harris. Least of all the DNC. They can swap Joe out today and have the rest of this shit memory-holed by next Thursday if they wanted to. And it looks like they want to given the fact that the entire MSM went full knives out less than 12 hours after the debate.

They are going to flip the narrative so hard but it won't matter because they will have false flags and ww3/draft, trump & friends going to prison to distract. No one wanted to vote for Biden, and even fewer want Kameltoe. It's Joever.
They got away with it last time. I think they're dumb enough to try again.
the problem is that "the team" who has taken him this far will be replaced or diminished in power even if they pass the reigns to the current VP -- so they are highly likely to ride this thing til the wheels fall off and he dies in office which is very sad and extreme elder abuse.
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This is why they will pull out their most favorite weapon. The Memory Hole.
I'm sure you'll love how kind and understanding the Chinese and Russians are.
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>This way the Democrat debate on who will replace Biden will fill the zio-media, and starve Trump of attention.

This is what will happen. They are going to ride the hype train and pump everyone up to get some kind of energy on their team. It's going to be like a mini-primary! like a fantasy football game only with politics. They'll have it all wrapped up before the convention.

Hell even getting a pulse in their party would be an improvement at this point.
Kamala has gone all in with Bidens team and on her own she is not popular enough to win. Shes arguably less popular than biden.
Her strengths are her race and gender only.

They haev a lot of people who are more popular than Biden and Kamala but they would need to have an excuse to get rid of Biden AND bypass Kamala.
Bingo. They won't be able to just dump Biden without getting rid of Kamala too, and I have a feeling she isn't going to go peacefully into the night. She's going to try everything she can to get her cold, clammy hands on that oval office seat.
I think it's too late to swap him out 2bh

I think they just pass a bunch of Ukraine money protections and turn focus to 2028
> an asshole
More like a criminal who's bribed by China and blackmailed by Ukraine
No, it isn't. 5 months is enough time. Why wouldn't it be?

The establishment is mad that Biden went against Israel so they are punishing him.
you cant run a full election in that time frame. theres >130 days to election day right now, they can only replace him at the convention anyway. that leaves 100 days to do on ground campaigning, fundraising, debates (if trump even agrees! he agreed to debate BIDEN), tv appearances, online marketing, boots on ground campaigning….

it would be such a hard task to do in such little time. dems would be leaving his replacement to be slaughtered by trump.
if he refuses just remember, this guy is entirely dependent on a nonstop regimen of world class medical care just to keep from sharting himself to death. all they have to do is give him the wrong shot or the wrong pill and do it themselves. he is helplessly at their mercy
captcha: exp3ctsh4rts
Dont forget about Jill. She loves the power just as much as Poop Joe.
They'll probably kill him
It would be a massive flex to have Biden win it all again. So, that's my bet.
i dunno, seems like most biden supporters are really just supporting an anti-trump ticket. it wouldn't surprise me to see them put some younger people in there without as much baggage and pick right back up with the same amount of support
as for rules, they can do whatever the fuck they want as evidenced by certifying impossible and fictional ballot tallies, states allowing endless mail in voting, voting by illegals, refusing audits etc. rules are just something that apply to you not them
The time to do that was last year so the new person could win the primary and it would look clean. To be fair, Biden is so bad that forcing him out now might be better chances for them anyway but it's a tough sell. Remember you would need to find some bullshit way to replace Biden and Kamala.

I honestly do not see how mainstream media or the DNC will ever win elections again for at least the next decade. This isn't like FDR, where nobody had TV's and you could hide him from prying eyes very easily. Everybody can see him in 2 minutes if they want to.

But the big thing is how the DNC ever gets any credibility. If every single DNC rep went to bat for him and refused to criticize him for 4 years and then you see this performance. Remember, this is 1 week of training and probably meth. What is he like without that? How can i trust you to fight for my interests if you cannot even breathe criticism against a geriatric, demented old man for the sake of your career? How can i trust you to fight and risk your career if you wont even admonish an old man. HOW?

I think this debate cemented Republican victories for the next decade. I just do not see how it doesn't. The only rising star on the Left is Newsome. And his record is garbage.
there are tons of domains like this, for various vp matchups etc so not shocking to see. but someone has been thinking about this one for a while at least
Typically I'd agree, only this year doesn't seem to be a normal election year, as in it barely even feels like anyone is campaigning. I've gotten some junk mail and seen some canned Biden ads but that's it, there isn't the same vibe in the air as the previous elections.
It's like this one isn't real or something.
Screencapped this
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>win the primary
that's what i mean though, these parties are just private organizations and they can say
>primary? yeah oh well
and just run whoever they want. they can even do it by their own rules and just have those superdelegates cinch it again like they took it away from sanders despite how people voted. we know it's all theater but this part of it in particular is like a sock puppet show. they can do whatever they want and the states can just decide to allow it if they want to or not
As bad as Dementia Joe is polling he's still the best shot the Democrats have to win in November, I'd be shocked if they replaced him.
Obviously they can do that, but it would look really bad. Don't forget that "defending democracy" is a huge part of the dem campaign too.
all they have to do is say they are defending democracy by doing x-y-z, have the tv channels and websites parrot that, and move on. america is rigor mortised into a bent over position
that's really not going to work. nobody buys the bullshit
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>Will the DNC get him to step down?

fuck you. i want this cadaver serving USA to kikes on golden plate..
hope so but hope is hard to come by when it comes to this political theater bullshit. i wouldn't be surprised if biden stays in, recovers in the betting markets only a little bit, has another terrible debate, then they just announce he got 100 million votes and roll right through and certify that bullshit just like in 2021
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> Or are they going to ride the train into oblivion
Have you EVER seen a boomer admit they weren't good enough?

The choice of Biden himself was ride or die. They will probably run the idiot in 2028 somehow. Or maybe Hillary again. They don't learn, and we'll suffer more fucking Trump because of it. The thing is, half of democrat voters never wanted Biden, they were stuck with him because Trump is simply impossible to choose for anyone not racist and selfish.
>you cant run a full election in that time frame. theres >130 days to election day right now,
In the UK there was a surprise early election date announced on 22nd May. The voting date was set for 4th July
That's 6 weeks from start to finish of announcing a date, campaigning, voting, and new government in office. 6 weeks
Everyone is already bored and tired of it and just wants the vote to happen so it can be over

Why are Americans such colossal retards that everything takes 18 months of campaigning?
In politics everything can change in a week. Everything can change in a DAY
5 months is an eternity in politics

They could replace Biden with a fresh unknown face tomorrow. Immediately new guy's face would be plastered all over the media. "Exclusive interview with the new Democratic candidate for president", "Meet the man who could be your next President", "Who is Dick Dickson, we reveal all here".
In 2 weeks you will be sick of seeing his face and hearing about him
In 4 weeks you won't even remember that Biden was ever going to be on the ticket "dude remember when this could've been Biden v Trump" "Nah Bidens term is ending remember" "No like he was the candidate for 2024 too remember? They even did that weird early debate between him and Trump" "Oh shit yeah I completely forgot about that hahaha can you imagine, Biden would've been wrecked. So glad it was Dick Dickson 2024 for the Dems instead"

America is the only country on earth where you'll hear "it's too late to replace him, the election is only 5 months away. Oh well. Better just wait it out let Trump win again and we can rally behind someone new for 2029"
Why are Americans such pussies? Biden could be off the ticket tomorrow but they'll never do it

DNC should just die. It's literally a troll party now, and the anti-American party of today.
There is not oblivion. He doesn't have to be great of speeches to keep signing normal policy and building infrastructure.
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I'm riding till I die. still voting biden. I hope you understand and sorry if this upsets you but. I'm still gonna vote biden. thanks
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I can support the importation of a billion jheets and 1000 billion for niggers sorry. zion don "i freed the slaves" trump is not my nigga. I'm sticking with my good old boys.
I cannot support. I meant to say
You have to know by this point the world is run by the Elites and administered by intelligence agencies around the world. They are never voted out and can act with impunity. Even if we didn't have a captured media, they can hide everything under 'national security'. Look what happened to JFK when he was going to 'scatter the CIA into the wind'. Trump was/is manhandled by the alphabets and courts.

It matters not who is the 'most powerful man in the world' - lol - the trajectory continues no matter who is at the helm. Politics truly is just Hollywood for ugly people.

Based on all of the western leaders falling on swords of late, the Elites are going to go for maximum chaos. They are all powerful, but don't have the numbers to really do anything in an open war against the people. They can only operate in the shadows or face an overwhelming force. All through history they have whispered in the ear of one group, "that group is the reason for all your problems; kill them". They can't kill us, we actually have to kill ourselves.

The US has been primed for a civil war for the last 2 years. They will start to raise the rhetoric up to November and see if they can get a left v right fight going somehow. The .GOV will crush the most extreme of the right and the left will cheer on martial law. Nobody could lead 'the people' against the government as we have all been so divided - man v woman, gay v straight, trans v everyone, right v left, black v white, etc.

There will be chaos all over the world with many civil wars, skirmishes and also some WW3 tossed in. Foreign troops will crisscross nations as regular troops are hesitant to butcher their own people.

Elites will be in NZ with popcorn and 4K video of the carnage.
That's ridiculous. All of the fundraising and get out the vote logistics is just inherited by the new campaign, and the case against Trump has already been made over and over again. If anything having voters not know the Democratic candidate well is a positive in this election where for most voters it is picking the least terrible candidate.
if he resigns he cant pardon Hunter
People on this board follow politics. Maybe 15% of the voting population is actually politically engaged. The vast majority of them are basically (for intents and purposes) retarded though.

They operate like consumers of a junk food. They need to be sold a brand, they need to be marketed-to. You can't just pop up a few months from a national election and say "vote for this guy." They don't even know who the fk Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris actually are kek.

Big Mike might could pull it off on name recognition alone, but he has future political ambitions and he isn't going to blow his load on a rushed job of an election. Big Mike is going to run an organized Big budget campaign in 2028 or 2032. He isn't going to risk getting burned trying to pick up Sloppy-Joe's pieces against Donald fking Trump (who has already slaughtered the political careers of a Bush AND a Clinton).

Time is the major currency in an election. Spending time in critical areas of critical states. Building excitement amongst your base to turn out and vote. You can't just rush that- you need every last bit to win an election. A rushed job for a candidate coming in cold is not going to work. Much less it knee caps excitement when you've got people to buy-into a guy and defend him and then rug pull everyone and say "by the way that guy we told you to vote for- he actually DOES have dementia." It would be a disaster.
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Let's hope they don't succeed in fucking us over this time. I think they're preparing to hunker down and just stymie Trump for four more years then continue as before though.
Also the only one who could actually inherent any "logistics" is Kamala. Tge democratic party (like all parties) is not so much an organization as it is a series of interconnected but distinct political networks and factions. Power struggles are a very real and messy scenario in a vacuum too. The PACs, orgs, ground workers etc. don't just transfer like that unless maybe it was Kamala who is already part of the campaign.

The other issue is that you've had a ton of democratic voters out there defending Joe against claims of dementia and incompetence. Trump voters have been lobbing those claims at them for years now and they have stood hy the man. If you went and rug pulled them after that it would kneecap excitement and turnout. Energy and turnout amongst your own base is the most critical component of a national election by far. 2-3% here or there in turnout amongst a candidates base is crucial to a won or loss. You can't play games with it once you are in this deep.
>Let's hope

Hunter is going to be given a slap-on-the-wrist sentence, Joe (through his campaign/handlers) will pat himself on the back for prosecuting his own family, and then Hunter will not be prosecuted further.
Screencap this post. I have insider information.
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>Shes arguably less popular than biden.
>Her strengths are her race and gender only.

Hey if she fails miserably at politics, she could go star in a new LucasFilm production with those credentials. They love sassy mystery meat women over there.
come on, there's a reason the first debate is before the DNC and RNC for the first time ever, they want joe to go
We are witnessing the end of the Democrat party, he will be the nominee and he will take a much of other democrats down with him
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It's too late imho. They have no choice but to ride the Joepedo. They WRRE testing the waters though- not to get rid of him but to see if they need to lock him down or not.

They will cancel debates, put him in the basement, and go full tilt on trump's prosecutions.
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This is what I'm saying. The media has all but called time of death for Joe Biden less than 12 hours after the debate. 4chins has already gotten a weeks worth of salt harvesting and shitposting in under 24 hours. And by october it won't even matter because spooks will kick off some shitty false flag and blame it on muh russia/china/north korea/hamas

They have to kick off WW3 because there will be a global revolution and elites getting fed into farm equipment if they don't.
I would like to discuss this further.
A little exaggerated but yeah, they cannot rely on Joe to win a race- they will need some sort of ace to disrupt and guarantee they can get his non-verbal corpse across the line. They relied on covid last time, so it will be something of that caliber (but not identical). War is risky in this atmosphere it may backfire. False flags come to mind. Pushing prosecution of Trump further will be a major card I think. They have to jail trump it is the only way they know this. It is too late to replace Joe unless they off him maybe in a false flag. I think in this debate they were gaging early whether they needed to take a gamble on something big or not.
Seriously if Trump wins all your conspiracies are out the window. ((they)) easily could've picked better candidates until Trump died or went to jail.
They will put whoever they want and you will like it, and 1 month later they'll magically make some votes like they do with your dollars.
You seem to be under the impression that President Dementia wasn't installed in 2020 and that they can't install him again.
what's wrong with you?
Better than you shits for sure. China nor Russia is not flying spy planes here like is Arizona, or have tens of bases full of niggers and homos, ot steal everything to fund degeneracy and war. Jews in the 50's did that, but their kids left for US.
>They operate like consumers of a junk food. They need to be sold a brand, they need to be marketed-to
Which is why most of them just look for the "Republican" or "Democrat" label and tick whatever name has that next to it. The name is only an issue when, like Biden, it becomes so bad it starts actively hindering you
>A rushed job for a candidate coming in cold is not going to work. Much less it knee caps excitement
Actually it's the opposite. A fresh new face is a boost in campaigning. People aren't sick to death of hearing about them yet, and opponents haven't had years to dig up dirt on them and plant attack lines in the public consciousness like "sleepy joe"
Here in the civilised world it's well known that a new candidate can add life to a flagging campaign and energise people. They experience a honeymoon period and are seen as fresh and new like Obama 2008
Americans don't know it because for some reason you fucks never replace anyone ever. Americans literally need a 2 term limit cos they're so retarded they'll just keep putting the same candidate forward over and over again otherwise. Muh incumbent

Rabbis on suicide watch

>Americans don't know it because for some reason you fucks never replace anyone ever
We have like three political dynasties and none of them will just fucking die off already. At this point it's like complaining that you have a royal family and wondering why nobody ever picks a non-royal to be king. I hate it too, bong-anon.
The other anon is right. You're not strictly wrong about a fresh face being potentially energizing, but Americans are slow and you need time for name recognition. The election is not even half a year away. If you replace Biden with some literal who, that will kill all turnout on the democrat side and result in a disaster for them.
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>War is risky in this atmosphere it may backfire
I think this is actually the preferred end goal. GenZ is turning out to be fairly based and right wing, real resistance to Globohomo is beginning to form with Trucking, Farming, Working class. Boomers and Jews are finally getting some of the blame for the absolute dog shit state of affairs. If they don't find a good enough reason to start global festivities, all of the above are going to tear the elites to pieces and feed them to livestock and harvest the methane to run the trucks.

>They have to jail trump it is the only way they know this.
I've chalked this up as inevitable. They've imprisoned so many Trump orbiters and supporters, it's only a matter of time. They need him out of the way for the other shenanigans to work.

>It is too late to replace Joe unless they off him maybe in a false flag.
I think this is also plausible. Joe is putting up a fight and I think the MSM/DNC was hoping he'd bow out gracefully, but it looks like they're going to have to do it the hard way.

I'm just too pessimistic and cynical to think that they've done all this to fumble and waste it all this close to the completion of their Great Reset utopia. People are getting suicided left and right. Big names on the right are getting maximum penalties or federal pound me in the ass prison sentences. They can almost taste their bug laced protein surveillance techno-feudal state. What's a few more dead bodies between now and november anyways?
War is coming. They want white southern boys to fight like they always do throughout US history. They will only fight for Trump. That’s why they want Trump to win now.
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Call me crazy but I don't think that's a reasonable thing to expect. I don't mean that they *don't* think that, I'm sure they do, what I mean is that they're dumb to expect that. I'll vote Trump and I'm never going to war, I'm certainly not the only one who feels that way. It'd take a lot more than "okay here's Trump again" to get the average man to pick up a gun and go kill in a foreign theater for nebulous reasons, I just don't think we're going for it. They want us to, but nah bruv.
>that will kill all turnout on the democrat side
Biden is already doing that
New face will energise the people who just held their nose and voted Biden to keep Trump out in 2020 who are now getting cold feed in 2024 because "fuck Biden looks old though"

Again you underestimate how quickly people get used to new faces
Blanket wall to wall media coverage of a new unknown Dem candidate you've never heard of, I guarantee after 2 weeks you'll be sick of the sight of their face
Imagine the 2016 Trump level of media coverage but on a Dem
Did people know who Obama was before 2008?
The Sleepy Joe ads write themselves at this point

Now that Kamala is being thrust into the spotlight, is America really going to vote for either her or an unelected shadow council to run the show once dementia terminal 7 kicks in?
The first debate had bad terms for Trump because the DNC knew he was desperate for attention but would probably reject because of the terms.

What they didn't figure was that negative attention really couldn't have hurt Trump any further, and in the end Biden sunsetted live on national TV

At this point it's the Biden team that will be desperate to debate again. Desperate to pump Biden full of stimulants and show he isn't senile or low energy

Trump should either refuse the next debate or ask for a bunch of concessions the Biden team will balk at (drug tests, health screenings, etc).

It is all guessing for now. But based on the narrative the media has set ...

All other nations of the world are fully disarmed and captured, but the US has 400 million guns in 150 million hands that can use them. Between veterans + hunters + militia it is fair to say 35 million Americans "can handle themselves". Their own military couldn't control them if they wanted to mobilize. You always see the B2 or Predator drone meme "what will your AR do?", but planes have to land and operators live in the community. If day one of a Civil war or peasant uprising all of the power grid went down, the ability to control the citizens is very diminished. The communications/surveillance grid goes down and that favors the people that every weekend 'like' to sit in the bush and camp with no power and a loaded gun. The left like to talk big, but if their iPhone went off they start pissing themselves.

The only way to overtake the US is to do it from within. That means "the right wing" need to start the fight. It makes sense them rolling out these Patriot types that are obviously feds - 100 guys all in shape, ya right - to commit the mother of all false flags. The Gov gets tanks on the streets and removes anyone that pops off. They will let left v right battles go and see if they will kill each other, but it wouldn't be a fair fight. If they could remove 10% of the most armed and ready right wingers many of the rest would comply with the required martial law - "for our own safety". The left will be too busy enjoying the right wing beat down that they realized a commie style martial law is here to stay. They then just have to do small false flag 'flare ups' to justify the tanks on the street. The evil white right wing male will take the blame, but the government will be able to move forward their plans under the fog of war.

Once the US is under control, the west falls quickly. The UK, AUS, CAN, NZ are all disarmed already and pretty obedient.
>I'll vote Trump and I'm never going to war, I'm certainly not the only one who feels that way.

What the left fails to realize and somehow cannot conceptualize is that the right does not "Follow" or "Worship" Trump as a leader. The right is wielding Trump as a weapon against the establishment that was tone deaf to their redress of grievances for decades. It's a subtle difference in semantics, but it has massive ramifications that they aren't able to factor in to their war game.

Trump has one job. Smash the game to bits. If he can't do it, they will find someone who can. The right isn't going back to "vote muh values and principles" until the game has regained something of a fair competition again.

Because of this, Jews, Trump and the Uniparty will be extremely confused when the white man still declines war even if the call comes from one of their own.

Forcing a draft is the only way the elites can mitigate a possible global rebellion.
>New face will energise the people
It won't. Most people aren't engaged enough into politics. Swapping out Biden right now is too late and most people will not even bother to show up. You can't put an unknown at the top of the ticket. It just doesn't work.

>Did people know who Obama was before 2008?
Obama had a full election cycle to raise awareness and make himself known.
The latter I hope. It's gonna be absolute cinema if he gets another term.
>What the left fails to realize and somehow cannot conceptualize is that the right does not "Follow" or "Worship" Trump as a leader. The right is wielding Trump as a weapon
Well put, I won't be sad about breaking my hammer smashing something to bits so long as the job gets done, I can always get a new hammer.
Actually some states have to have a name on the ballot 90 days before election day, so technically they have about 40 days to replace him.
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The left are attacking "Orange Cheeto Hitler" thinking that he is some how the mastermind big baddie of their era, while not realizing that Trump is a tool. A symptom. A Salvo. By destroying Trump, they think they destroy the movement, not knowing that it was never about him. But he sure is a damn good weapon to wield. Like a reliable AK-47, can be fired when wet, covered in sand, rusty, or beat to piss and run over by track vehicles.

All metaphors aside. It's the elites game to lose. The rest of us have nothing to gain if they win. Bugs, pods, fake meat, geo-locked golf carts in 15 minute cities is not negotiable for me. So kikes better back the fuck off before we start finding better weapons.
>unless maybe it was Kamala
And that's by far the most likely scenario for a replacement

>The other issue is that you've had a ton of democratic voters out there defending Joe against claims of dementia and incompetence
>If you went and rug pulled them after that it would kneecap excitement and turnout
No, his age was always a concern with democratic voters and swapping him out will only energize people. He's not like Trump where you have a sizable base that loves him. It's true the dems will take a hit by admitting that their incumbent president is not up to the task, but that's the reality they have to face right now.
Except he was never the outsider that they are portraying him as. It was all a ruse to get you to support one side. He's a bung and you're the bunghole.
Pucker up.
>What the left fails to realize and somehow cannot conceptualize is that the right does not "Follow" or "Worship" Trump as a leader.
My personal favorite bit is the part where leftist mocked Trump getting booed at his own rally over vaccines while simultaneously accusing MAGA of being in a cult.
Kamala is abyssal and liked even less than Biden.
Trump voters largely hate the GOP and view him as merely using red team because you cannot run as an independent (they say you can but we all know better). The GOP clearly hates him and the feeling appears to be mutual. If his presence crashes the party, good, I want both parties dissolved and their membership barred from ever holding office anywhere ever again. The GOP/DNC need to join the Whigs in historical obscurity, it's time they both just go the fuck away.
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Obama isn't running shit. He's a puppet like the rest of them. The real people who run things are the super pacs and think tanks, which are controlled by billionaires and large investment companies like Blackrock
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remember all this smack you're talking when they swear in Newly minted Democrat president who-ever-the-fuck, next January and Trump & Co are rotting in prison as they ramp up the next psyop false flag to send you and your kids to war.

But also ramping up Globohomo daily duties like unlimited nigger importation, war of attrition on housing, buying up all physical assets and renting them back at extortionate pricing, overt taxation, and continued sabotage of food production and critical transportation infrastructure.
Objectively speaking, Kamala is disliked less than either Trump or Biden. There are approval rating polls that show this. She is not popular, but she doesn't have to run on her own merits. She represents the democrats, she is facing Trump, and she is not senile. That's enough to give her at least a 50-50 chance.
Why would they need to campaign? They'll just cheat the election. Anyone who thinks Biden won by such a large amount is willfully blind at this point considering how he barely campaigned or did anything at all.
I think the same. It would usher Harris into another job she's not qualified for.
"You think Biden got more votes than Obama? Really?" <----never gets a satisfactory answer from leftists
According to this, she's sitting at 39% approval which is lower than Trump and Biden currently but sure they're all within a cunt's hair of each other so one more poll could flip the order. The point is that she is at least as massively disliked as Biden.
Approval: 39.4% Disapproval: 49.4%

Approval: 38.6% Disapproval: 57.9%

Approval: 38.2% Disapproval: 56.0%
30 million more people voted in 2020 compared to 2012 that's how you fucking moron.
Obama was first elected in 2008 anon.
Please remove your memeflag so I can see what foreign national I'm talking to.
They fudge numbers. If you look at RCP averages, Trump and Biden are higher. But as I've said, they are all within a cunt's hair of each other anyway and Kamala is not capable of being some kind of knight to save the democrats.
This is the most likely outcome. Biden stubbornly clings to power and Trump gets like 320 electoral votes
Are you preparing your personal competency in Militia?
There are bad rumors, some with serious substantiation, that there has been Ballot Tampering, Vote Fraud, and Vote Stuffing in US elections recently.
Are you getting prepared to make arrests if you find crimes?
It's not about recruitment directly, it's about setting acceptable conditions for america to be openly belligerent on behalf of the regime.
Like G.W. Bush, Trump will take the heat while lefties bemoan "muh republicans" and rightoids retardedly support wars of aggression.
His wife is the pitbull (((they))) need to neuter. But they've dealt with her kind before. I hope they keep Biden in, as we should all.
The "American Empire" is referring to the jewish aberration of globalism. The other thing is the might of western white people coming together against opposing forces like a potential revival of asiatic bolshevism or alien shit. America going potty is not a good thing in that regard, and it does no good to wish it like that. Otherwise we'd be in a system of actual slavery oncemore.

The important thing is that people are seeing more of the truth now and getting on with it.
>Trump should either refuse the next debate or ask for a bunch of concessions the Biden team will balk at (drug tests, health screenings, etc).

Valid points Anon
The real question is, "Who owns Vanguard?"
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Biden 2024
If you don't know to vote for Trump or Biden than you ain't Black.

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