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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Oh no no no global south niggers Great Leader has failed in his righteous crusade
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>Lost to a bunch of pirates in the Red Sea

Kys, golem
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I only read news from RT, and of course, ones that are filtered by white and not-paid-shill patriots from chug.
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>mfw even RT is critical of Putin when it's called for, thus proving they have more integrity than western media
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Damn a whole brigade? and not a single pic?
Reminds me of the VDV attack on kiev that somehow no one got a single pic of...
two weeks and russia will collapse trust the plan
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>invading countries and committing war crimes is only good when we do it OK?!
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Urine lost
No refunds
YWNBAW nafo tranny jew
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>Amerimutt news from 1 day ago
>Russia has retreated
>Real new from today
>Russia has actually advanced on every front
Why do they do this
What happened to le grand northern offensive?
So how long until they take Vovchansk, considering Russians report advances in that city for three months every day and even moved troops from Kherson, Zaporizhia and Chasiv Yar there
>no links
what do NAFO pedo shills get out of making this shit up?
>there are too soldier who refuses
Oh ok yeah makes perfect sense totally not a mentally unhinged person talking.
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This is your reminder that when you support Russia, you support a country in which CP is legal and used by the state!
>I only read news from RT
sucks to be (You)
its everydays offensive tho
>you support a country in which CP is legal and used by the state!
>Doesn't know what Ukraine was infamous for.
Come on Vasya, show us what you got.
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Pvt. Chud
Being front row to propaganda makes me think about how much cope was happening in 1945
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Sgt. Shitskin subhuman.
Crawl back to your homeland, Sarjeet, and stop touching white underage girls.
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David is my favorite lolcow of the war
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lol, lmao
>lets just ignore every single war crime committed by the US and the illegal wars started by America just in this century alone
>let's just pretend the US cares deeply for Ukraine and its people
european leaders absolutely love pajeets and they're never going back probably ever unless eurocucks actually rise up and start killing those who are responsible for pajeet invasion
more airborne waves your grace?
>cropped out source
>battalions die upon enemy battalions
>fat retard on reddi- i mean 4chins conditioned to be a freak after being bullied and mentally strained for a decade that thinks gloating over these things are good optics due to other calibers of retards goreposting at him in the past to disturb him
yikes kikes
Some Polishflag schizo (likely a Ukrainian hiding from the draft there) recently tried to convince me that none of the VDV survived the first couple of months and he seemed about as reasonable as you are so it's safe to assume there are no more waves left.
well, a failed landing cut off from armor support linkage behind the lines of a nation whose people now hate you certainly couldn't have ended well
>it was real in my mind
>Some Polishflag schizo
Russian seething of Pollack supremacy will never not amuse me.
Russia, the Africa of Europe.
I think Poland nearly conquering their nation historically really left a mark on the ego.
Why did you fail your Kharkiv offensive???
Aren’t you the red army?
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Yes ziggy, everything is fine. Putin is actually drinking champagne in Kyiv right now!
>that filename
RT is anti-American propaganda. Luckily for the truth, all they have to do is show exactly what is happening.
trips of truth
The Russian’s don’t want to slaughter blond haired blue eyed slave brothers and sisters the Jewish regime in Kiev wants them dead
The Jews in Kiev tortured Coach to death
RIP Gonzalo lira
Is this "the brigade is retreating" or is it "the brigade is being rotated out of the theatre"?
They are two very different things.
It just temporarily satiates their hrt fueled schizophrenia
russian's what, rajesh?
>never forget the embarrassing virgin beaner nigger who provoked white people’s rage in their own country
Holy shit a based Serb? This is the day that we Slaughter the Islamoid kids together?
NAFOid fantasy media.
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When will trannies start spamming pic related but with Vovchansk, so that when Russians inevitably take it, I can edit it and laugh at you?
Your alliance protects them. I want nothing to do with you fags.
>our great offensiev wasn’t a massive failure just another feint with massive casualties ok???
>12 months for the next village
>250k dead russian
>we are winning
okay, keep winning HATO almost lost
Eh, our alliance also kills Dagestanis Syrians and chechens and gives weapons to Israel to annihilate Palestinians
One by one were slaughtering them all and bitch lips knows it
They know we’re a net positive in the war on Islam and that’s why he’s allying with us.
You’re just shy of embracing me as your brother, but you know we are, it’s inevitable.
Ps trannies and faggots should be burned at the stake
still shilling the nonexistent encirclement, i see.
They're not like the rest. They're Indo-European stock but some of them are mixed with Arabs. Good people.
>Dagestanis and Chechens
You aren't killing them on purpose. They're just in the ranks of the Russian army. You've always supported their separatism.
Good, they're scum, but they're getting killed only to make Israel safer.
You cannot be my brother, you encouraged fuckers here to kill our police so they retaliate and you can subdue us into NATO (which Rambouillet shows).
Serbs are very much retarded and they will believe your shit eventually but that's the cattle's problem.
Your "anti-Islamism" so far just exists to make Israel a safer place.
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>WINNING since 2022
>still need more and more money
Needs a "NPC" nametag
2 years 4 months, and like 5 days into the special two weeks operations
I think you meant jihad
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A second decade into a 48-hour anti-terrorist operation.
The vids of Eid from polak cities are nice
The new mosque in krakow looks great
I will visit it soon
Send contact so I can bring you
Islam will save Poland
It really makes sense why ger christcucks fought Nazis, sided with kikes pimping white kids in the streets walking past them on their way to church every Sunday and opposed Hitler and voted against NS
>83rd Airborne.
Where is that place ?
Leaving everything in shambles and moving to the next place to destroy
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>"mmmhh, interesting news, lets check the source real quick"
>According to a well-regarded Ukrainian correspondent who writes under the pseudonym “Nikolaev Vanek"

its complete trash again
where's that mighty Russian army? fucking dead
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Nobody sane would have expected Ukies to genocide themselves over a few km of border lol they should've known what they were heading for the second Zelenskyiv shipped all the jews out
you sound so weak and gay. I would shoot your sort of person if my nation was invaded.
guess you were away the last 15 years when over 50 million illegals invaded your country
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You are already conquered, jew dick.
You stupid faggots find a new cope everytime the Russians make an advance. What’s it going to be when they finally do level the city and push forward? The. What’s the next cope?
alternative reality according to JJulian and Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline
It's just a spetsnaz platoon holding their position in that chemical plant. And the west thinks it's a fucking battalion crammed inside...
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Z bros… wtf is goin on?

ukraine conscripts suddenly become great soldiers
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1000-3000 cripled and killed piggers a fucking day.. not even joking here.
Colombians came out on top in the number of foreign mercenaries killed during the SVO

The Russian military killed Colombian militant Juan Daniel Tangarife Gutierrez. He arrived in Ukraine in early June.

In total, during the NWO period, at least 66 Colombians were eliminated, who overtook the Georgians and took first place among the killed mercenaries of the Kyiv regime from foreign countries.
You wont believe it, bro.
Germans "were winning" almost to the point when Berlin was surrounded.
Germans genuinely believed that they are right, this war is purely offensive and were very surprised when US soldiers started to rally them to "fake" death camps. To bury "fake" bodies of Jews, which were "not harmed" by Nazi regime.
And if you support the Ukraine you support the country where it was recorded.
The BBC reported ukraine lost that village 3 weeks ago
Soooo.....the peace talks from Zelensky was just a ruse?
Not a problem.

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