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America is almost 50% brown and you are still talking about optics.
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Druid Framework

Theory on social hierarchy, social parasitism and human evolution.

This work is the study of human behaviours in society based on the application of the theory of evolution.

The origin of this work has been based on my attempt to conceptualise a model and understanding of human behaviour in regards to European civilisation in the 21st century and the very inception of our people in the steppes and even earlier at the advent of human vocal communication.

Many have pondered on the question of the normie, of female behaviour and of the weakness of our society to hostile takeover. I seek to understand these concepts and behaviours while linking them to our understanding of scientific theory. So that we may apply this understanding in halting the replacement genocide of the European people.

In today’s society we have encountered the interesting phenomenon of the “normie”. Individuals who appear identical to us but lack critical thinking or should I rather say that they follow the social consensus irregardless of consequences to their person or society as a whole. No matter how much a noticer may call out to their own family, they will upon viewing social media reset their point of view to once again follow the social consensus. In contrast to the normie there are individuals who will call out irregularities that they see in society irregardless of social consensus. I call these individuals “noticers”.

First threads on parasitology, hive minds and normie studies:
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The original thought on the existence of the normie.
Beyond race and ethnicity we have differences in personality/ability within all groups. Being social beings and considering that it’s not always survival of the fittest but more of a continuation of these who had managed to breed without dying first.
There are classes of people in society. People that have been called peasants, serfs, plebs, commoners, normies and NPCs. They are the largest mass that makes up all humanoids. Adding to that I think that there is also a secondary distinction one being the trend normie and the trad normie. The trend normie follows the latest trends in the tribe while the trad normie follows the traditions. Both act to stabilise society anchoring it to the past through traditions and keeping it whole by following trends as a mass.
The normies as a whole follow the leadership class aka the nobles/management who are governed by a king/royalty/most powerful individual.
For normies it is essential impossible to go against any power structure. It is ingrained in their personality type/DNA that they have to follow whatever seems to be the leader of society.
The nobles exploit the normies no matter the age or country. The only difference is with how greedy they are.
The decline of Christianity is just a sign of of the normie herd moving to the (((current thing))). Leftism, communism, materialism and feminism are the new religions.
Christians are trad normies. They are the militant enforcers of tradition in society
From an evolutionary perspective it makes sense for the population to be divided into trend normies and trad normies. As the normies are led by their leaders to try something new the trad normies stay behind just in case the normies all jump off a cliff.
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Normie- consciousness limited by social consensus
Trend Normie - inclination to follow trends
Trad Normie - inclination to follow tradition
Trauma - a situation under which the individual is in a conundrum related to their life which causes long term depression through which the conscious is remoulded for the purpose of problem solving.
Trauma can be seen as worldly experience and conversion can be seen as enlightenment. Perhaps the ancient Buddhist concepts of enlightenment are related.

Noticer - consciousness no longer limited by either trend nor tradition
Type-T noticer - limitations broken through trauma
Type-Tg noticer - same as type-T but with multiple generations or other noticers in family
Type-E noticer - break through with no trauma aka enlightenment
Type-Eg noticer - same as type-E but with multiple generations or other noticers in family this could be heritable and extremely important for the future of our species. For safety it would be best not to disclose the fact of being a natural born noticer.
The type-T are the immune response while type-E are the natural leadership caste.

Can be classified as a conversion

I believe that there is a further distinction to noticers. Not all noticers are the same. There are ranks.
Learner- limited by social consensus-lacks trauma and has not broken through
Noticer- being able to spot patterns-limited by lack of desire
Druid- having the desire to teach and producing content-limited by fear of death/consequences
Ascendant- being able to teach druids and accepting the responsibility of a role within the ethnic group- having opened the third eye
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Organic patterns observed on the smaller scale repeat on the larger scale.
Evil, good or bad. These are all relative to the individual being. To you it might be good to eat a bacon sandwich because you are hungry. It is bad for you to be denied it when you are hungry. It is evil to deny it to you when you are starving. But what of the pig. For the pig it is bad to be slaughtered and for it, it is evil for it to be raised as a farm animal meant for consumption. For one tribe to prosper another must suffer. This is the law of nature. A law that you might foolishly think to have overcome, only to find out that your time-frame for your point of view was too short. We live in a finite space. Is it evil that we don’t have infinite resources and land? The moment you step away from the human experience and later from the biological experience all these terms like good or evil become meaningless. They can only be used in a world of competition. For a singular indestructible being in an infinite world they would have no meaning at all. There is no absolute good or absolute evil in this world only competition between biological processes for resources until exhaustion.
The law of nature shall never cease. From the virus, bacteria and fungi to the plants in the forest and the critters living within. It is a constant battle between one organism and another. No matter how much you upscale or downscale. Organics either take or fight for resources or they stop existing. One side will win and split with mutations into multiple organisms who will once again compete. No matter if they are aware of it like humans or if they are unaware like the lower life forms. The law of nature is unbreakable. It is the immovable, indestructible and undying god of the universe.
trust the plan
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What is the core of the organic?
Eternal competition to exhaustion. Reproduction and variation. Refinement for resource gathering and growth. Extinction and death for the inadequate.
Organic patterns observed on the smaller scale repeat on the larger scale.

Metaphysical Hive-mind
Meta = ethnic group as a whole – the ethnic group as a multicellular organism
Greater meta = the higher consciousness of the combination of all members of an ethnic group
If considering individuals as cells in a body. One may consider a tribe/group/nation being able to form into a higher consciousness.
National ethnic groups have their own communication system (language/culture/history/customs) and through genetics can be considered as one metaphysical body. This can be considered as a national level meta. Multiple national metas can be considered as a continental meta. The metas have a personality/goals/children/wars/family.
The genetic profile of the individuals/cells affects the meta personality.
Metas can refine or degrade depending on the trends on the individual cell level. A high level meta can divide down into multiple lower level metas. Any meta can be infected by parasitical meta.
Metas constantly evolve. A foreign meta from beyond the meta family spreading within the meta is equivalent to a cancer growth. Multiple ethnic groups within the soil of the meta are equivalent to physical damage to a human being.
Certain individuals within the meta act as an immune system, some are the memory and some are the brain.
Trad normies serve as the warrior class and enforcers of the meta. Trend Normies are the inner act as labourers. Type-T noticers are the immune response of the system.
Q. Have nobles served as the Type-E? Do generational noticers exist?
Q. What constitutes as the brains of the meta? Does every cell contribute?
Q. Does a parasite replace the Type-E within the meta for takeover?
>50% brown
Not for long, buddy.
I'd explain, but I'm sure you're some subhuman terroni
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Hive Mind
Noticers who have a way of sharing information function in a way similar to brain synapses and neurons. This gives birth to higher consciousness. One anon can have an original idea and pass it on to another anon who passes this idea along to many anons of whom one will develop the idea further.
The organic process pattern repeats on different scales.
Just like in a brain there needs to be a certain number of such individuals before a hive mind is achieved. These individuals due to the intricacies of human communication require a certain base knowledge and a suitable communication system.
The larger the hive mind grows the faster the evolution and development of new ideas becomes.

Linking the idea of the hivemind/meta, normies, ethnic groups and evolution.
When considering ethnic groups as a meta. Like a hive of social insects. Some are workers, some are thinkers and so on. Different individuals have their own roles in progressing the tribe/ethnic group. The greater meta is the higher consciousness. Aka the cumulation of knowledge and experiences being held in living memory or in written records.
I think the first meta would have been the druids/shamans and the learned elders who would keep oral history and knowledge that they would share. The druid being a Type-E noticer. This would benefit the tribe. A tribe with a meta created by druids would have advantages against tribes without a meta. The first meta would have been knowledge of edible and poisonous plants, basic medical care, midwifery, tool production, making bows, keeping track of seasons, keeping mental maps of hunting areas and so forth. They could keep these memories alive through oral tradition to pass down to normies as it would be more efficient than having a normie spend decades learning a new skill every generation. Think of it like a technology/research tree that is unlocked rather than having to unlock it every generation. It allows for accumulation of knowledge and skills.
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The ability for humanoid ethnic groups to produce druids would have appeared after the formation of spoken language. It is also possible that certain unique apes had produced tools that they would share out amongst a tribe leading to greater martial prowess?
Q. Do aboriginals in Australia or South America have a type of druid or shaman?
The existence of a Druid class may have over time increased the overall iq of an ethnic group as the labourers and warrior class would have to become more and more intelligent to keep up with the ever growing meta/knowledge base. Ethnic groups in which the druids had been persecuted by the warrior class would have been wiped out by tribes with druids.
Consider a tribe composed completely of philosophers, a tribe composed completely of normies, warriors or nobles. Philosophers take twenty to thirty years to reach a level of understanding that is useful. Normies by themselves would never be able to advance technology.

Case study:
A remote tribe in Siberia that still has shamans.
This is a quote from a study on the shamanic traditions of this tribe.
“By the logic of shamanism, what this means is that one should learn to respect the environment instead of polluting water, breaking the trees, digging the soil, putting waste into rivers, oceans, etc.”
What does this tell us?
Normies can be prone to destroying their environment, completely decimating their surroundings and dumping waste in the river at the wrong point which could lead to a tribe being greatly weakened.
Imagine if one tribe has 60% of their fighting force sick from having dumped an animal carcass upstream. A neighbouring tribe could take advantage to raid them. Thus that tribe disappears.
“It is believed that a shaman has the power to heal the sick”
The druid social class could have been involved in the development of primitive medicine.

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All human societies are divided into a social hierarchy. The theory here is that individuals are born to fit in certain roles in society. Society aka the meta rewards the best individuals in various positions with ranks. The higher you reach in your role the more you are rewarded. It is a beautiful system that aims for perfect efficiency. One can look at the studied social hierarchies in the Aztecs as an example. A people separated from Asia 20,000 years ago! The better you are in your role, the higher your position is in the rankings and as such you have a greater income and more options for reproducing. The most hard working and adapted individuals reproduce thus there is an evolutionary incentive for improvement.


What this means is that an ethnic group is one meta and it has evolved so that all the individuals working within it advance it when compared to other ethnic groups.
That means every single person has a role to play. Early humans that lacked this biological and social distinction had all been wiped out by ethnic groups that had them. This is due to the efficiency of such a system. When looking at the perspective of social parasites one can conclude that our nobility/ruling and priest classes have been taken over by a parasite meta leading to the destruction of our worker drones aka normies.
This gives a scientific, historical and social explanation of our current society, our roles and the formation of this situation.
Please do, Andrew Gonzales.
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TACITUS Germania on pre-parasite Germany.
The Assembly is competent also to hear criminal charges, especially those involving the risk of capital punishment. The mode of execution varies according to the offence. Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; cowards, shirkers, and sodomites are pressed down under a wicker hurdle into the slimy mud of a bog. This distinction in the punishments is based on the idea that offenders against the state should be made a public example of, whereas deeds of shame should be buried out of men's sight. Less serious offences, too, have penalties proportioned to them. The man who is found guilty has to pay a fine of so many horses or cattle, part of which goes to the king or the state, part to the victim of the wrongful act or to his relatives. These same assemblies elect, among other officials, the magistrates who administer justice in the districts and villages. Each magistrate is assisted by a hundred assessors chosen from the people to advise him and to add weight to his decisions.

They choose their kings for their noble birth, their commanders for their valour. The power even of the kings is not absolute or arbitrary. The commanders rely on example rather than on the authority of their rank - on the admiration they win by showing conspicuous energy and courage and by pressing forward in front of their own troops. Capital punishment, imprisonment, even flogging, are allowed to none but the priests, and are not inflicted merely as punishments or on the commanders' orders, but as it were in obedience to the god whom the Germans believe to be present on the field of battle. They actually carry with them into the fight certain figures and emblems taken from their sacred groves.
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On the field of battle it is a disgrace to a chief to be surpassed in courage by his followers, and to the followers not to equal the courage of their chief. And to leave a battle alive after their chief has fallen means lifelong infamy and shame. To defend and protect him, and to let him get the credit for their own acts of heroism, are the most solemn obligations of their allegiance. The chiefs fight for victory, the followers for their chief. Many noble youths, if the land of their birth is stagnating in a long period of peace and inactivity, deliberately seek out other tribes which have some war in hand. For the Germans have no taste for peace; renown is more easily won among perils, and a large body of retainers cannot be kept together except by means of violence and war. Their meals, for which plentiful if homely fare is provided, count in lieu of pay. The wherewithal for this openhandedness comes from war and plunder. A German is not so easily prevailed upon to plough the land and wait patiently for harvest as to challenge a foe and earn wounds for his reward. He thinks it tame and spiritless to accumulate slowly by the sweat of his brow what can be got quickly by the loss of a little blood.

On matters of minor importance only the chiefs debate; on major affairs, the whole community. But even where the commons have the decision, the subject is considered in advance by the chiefs. Except in case of accident or emergency, they assemble on certain particular days, either shortly after the new moon or shortly before the full moon. Silence is then commanded by the priests, who on such occasions have power to enforce obedience. Then such hearing is given to the king or state-chief as his age, rank, military distinction, or eloquence can secure- more because his advice carries weight than because he has the power to command. If a proposal displeases them, the people shout their dissent; if they approve, they clash their spears.
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They are almost unique among barbarians in being content with one wife apiece - all of them, that is, except a very few who take more than one wife not to satisfy their desires but because their exalted rank brings them many pressing offers of matrimonial alliances. The dowry is brought by husband to wife, not by wife to husband.
Parents and kinsmen attend and approve the gifts - not gifts chosen to please a woman's fancy or gaily deck a young bride, but oxen, a horse with its bridle, or a shield, spear, and sword. In consideration of such gifts a man gets his wife, and she in her turn brings a present of arms to her husband. This interchange of gifts typifies for them the most sacred bond of union, sanctified by mystic rites under the favour of the presiding deities of wedlock. The woman must not think that she is excluded from aspirations to manly virtues or exempt from the hazards of warfare. That is why she is reminded, in the very ceremonies which bless her marriage at its outset, that she enters her husband's home to be the partner of his toils and perils, that both in peace and in war she is to share his sufferings and adventures. That is the meaning of the team of oxen, the horse ready for its rider, and the gift of arms. On these terms she must live her life and bear her children. She is receiving something that she must hand over intact and undepreciated to her children, something for her sons' wives to receive in their turn and pass on to her grandchildren.
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By such means is the virtue of their women protected, and they live uncorrupted by the temptations of public shows or the excitements of banquets. Clandestine loveletters are unknown to men and women alike. Adultery is extremely rare, considering the size of the population. A guilty wife is summarily punished by her husband. He cuts off her hair, strips her naked, and in the presence of kinsmen turns her out of his house and flogs her all through the village. They have in tact no mercy on a wife who prostitutes her chastity. Neither beauty, youth, nor wealth can find her another husband. No one in Germany finds vice amusing, or calls it 'up-to-date' to seduce and be seduced. Even better is the practice of those states in which only virgins may marry, so that a woman who has once been a bride has finished with all such hopes and aspirations. She takes one husband, just as she has one body and one life. Her thoughts must not stray beyond him or her desires survive him. And even that husband she must love not for himself, but as an embodiment of the married state. To restrict the number of children, or to kill any of those born after the heir, is considered wicked. Good morality is more effective in Germany than good laws are elsewhere.
no it isn't
and even less so once trump kicks all the illegals the fuck out
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Gothic society also had a leadership/priesthood class.

The centre of the Gothic cult was the village or clan (Kuni) and the ritual sacrificial meal held by the villagers under the leadership of the reiks. The reiks saw themselves as the guardians of ethnic tradition. That was expressed starkly in the Gothic persecution of Christians in the 370s in which the reiks Athanaric saw his privilege threatened by the new religion. He responded by the persecution of converted Goths but not of Christian foreigners. According to the Passio of Sabas the Goth, Sabas was executed for professing Christianity or rather for refusing to sacrifice to the tribal gods, and his companion, the priest Sansalas, was let go because he was a foreigner.

Gothic religion was purely tribal in which polytheism, nature worship, and ancestor worship were one and the same. It is known that the Amali dynasty deified their ancestors, the Ansis (cognate with Old English ēse, Old Norse æsir), and that the Tervingi opened battle with songs of praise for their ancestors

There was also Gaut or Gapt, the ancestor of the Amali dynasty and presumably eponymous of the entire people of the "Goths". It is unclear whether this deity should be considered independent of those that were just mentioned or if it is only another name by which either of them was also known.

>This could be seen as the allfather, the highest metaphysical manifestation of the ethnic group as a whole.
Kys Qtard
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The origin story that the Goths told themselves—as would later be related by the sixth-century writer Jordanes in the Getica (full name: De origine actibusque Getarumi, or The Origin and Deeds of the Goths)—is that they came from an island known as Scandza (which would be modern Sweden); left that land under the leadership of a king called Berig to cross the Baltic Sea; and settled in a place they called Gothiscandza, which would be the coastline of modern eastern Germany and Poland (once described as Pomerania), around the mouth of the Vistula river.

Within a few generations, the Goths outgrew the food-production capabilities of Pomerania’s forest farms, and began to put pressure on their neighbors. They moved south and east up the Vistula, and pushed several other peoples off their lands—most notably the Vandals, who were by now already well-established in Central Europe.

The first Gothic raids were smash-and-grab jobs across the river. But they grew in size and ferocity as the advantages of the wealth-by-robbery approach became clear to the various Gothic tribes, which, in turn, began to form larger alliances that allowed them to scale up their attacks.

>closely related tribes can collectivise as one meta when faced with larger foes
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A druid was a member of the high-ranking priestly class in ancient Celtic cultures. Druids were religious leaders as well as legal authorities, adjudicators, lorekeepers, medical professionals and political advisors.

The Greco-Roman and the vernacular Irish sources agree that the druids played an important part in pagan Celtic society. In his description, Julius Caesar wrote that they were one of the two most important social groups in the region (alongside the equites, or nobles).

He wrote that they were exempt from military service and from paying taxes, and had the power to excommunicate people from religious festivals, making them social outcasts.

Diodorus writes of the Druids that they were "philosophers" and "men learned in religious affairs" who are honored. Strabo mentions that their domain was both natural philosophy and moral philosophy.

>Here we can see that druids had been seen as advisors to the ruling nobles of their tribe.

“Ammianus Marcellinus lists them as investigators of "obscure and profound subjects””
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Within Celtic society there was a binding system where powerful individuals undertook to look after others - that is provide food, shelter, legal and military protection - in return for some sort of service, much like in the lord and vassal relationship of medieval feudalism. For the Celts, such a person was an ambactus, and the result was ties of loyalty were established to their lord and the wider ruling class and status quo. Some lords commanded the loyalty of thousands of kinsmen, retainers, and vassals. However, these are generalisations, and as with other areas of Celtic culture, it is important to stress that there were great variations both as the Iron Age period developed in Europe and in terms of geography. In short, Celtic societies in one part of Europe in 700 BCE were perhaps very different from those in another part of the continent, never mind compared to Celtic societies in 400 CE.
Celtic communities were divided into tribes led by a monarch or a small aristocratic group. Some tribes, such as those in modern Belgium, may have had two monarchs ruling at the same time. Over time, this system of monarchy gave way to a more complex government consisting of confederations of tribal chiefs and individual tribes run by councils of elders.

>The leadership class is through conflict selected to be ethno-centric and more efficient hierarchies emerge.
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Known for their great wisdom and knowledge of traditions, druids were repositories of the community's history, and this they passed on to novices who spent some 20 years acquiring the skills and know-how of druidism. Instruction was done orally, and this may have reflected a desire to keep the druids' knowledge exclusive to the initiated rather than because of a lack of literacy. Druids gave counsel to rulers, presided over courts of justice, deliberated on community conflicts, and made medicinal potions. They may also have been required to cast taboos (or, less accurately, spells) on people, ensuring compliance to the society's rules. These rules could be quite mundane such as not eating the meat of a particular animal but failure to obey them led to exclusion from the community’s religious ceremonies. Not being able to participate in rituals made that person unclean and an outsider within the community.
The druids were so important to Celtic society that the Romans eventually considered them enemies of the state. It is perhaps no coincidence that the regions which most strongly resisted Roman control were also noted centres for druids. Several Roman emperors made attempts to eradicate the druids altogether, notably, Tiberius (r. 14-37 CE) and Claudius (r. 41-54 CE). In 59 CE, the druid centre on Anglesey, Wales was systematically attacked by a Roman army and druidism was banned.

>When a nation is taken over, the leadership is the first target. Without the brain, the body can not coordinate.
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One of the druids’ main roles was as lore-keepers and judges of disputes. But the flaith, or nobility of the tuath, most likely formed ruling councils that were heavily influenced, if not actually controlled by, the druids. The druids were the lore-keepers, the ones who remembered the law traditions of old. They passed down their knowledge of prior judgments orally to each other, often in the form of verse. As in so many areas, this role would have given them great power. When the king’s subjects came to him with minor disputes, even the clan’s Rí Tuath (the clan’s king) might have depended heavily on his druids before rendering a judgment.

What about the regional kings, the Rí Cóicids? What authority did they possess in matters of justice? His word would likely have been law. Such a king held many debts and allegiances from the weaker Rí Tuatha. And he could back up his judgments and decrees by calling men to arms from many tuatha. But he, too, would have relied upon his druids for counsel.
For offenses against the clan itself, the offender might be barred temporarily from sacrificial or group ceremonies.
In the worst cases, the criminal himself might be sacrificed in a public ceremony to the gods. Or the druids might banish the criminal from the tuath. In a world where the individual depended heavily on the clan for survival, this sentence would have been severe. It’s possible the person so banished might find another tuath to join. But once separated from your clan’s protection, another clan might just as well decide its laws didn’t apply to you at all. Wanderers were often subject to arbitrary capture, slavery, or death without appeal.

>The ethno-centric religion and priesthood would actively remove individuals who are not beneficial to the tribe. Working in a way similar to an immune system but one that removes cancer.
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>Look at the Roman laws in regards to pagans. The decline of pagan religions in Rome coincides with the decline of Roman leadership castes.

Decurions were the most powerful political figures at the local level. They were responsible for public contracts, religious rituals, entertainment, and ensuring order. Perhaps most importantly to the imperial government, they also supervised local tax collection.

Under the Dominate (284 and later), when the empire's finances demanded more draconian tax collection measures, the position of decurion ceased being a status symbol and became an unwanted civil service position.[4] It was still limited to the aristocracy, but the primary emphasis was clearly on tax collection, and decurions were expected to make up any shortfall in the local tax collection out of their own pockets. Many decurions illegally left their positions in an attempt to seek relief from this burden; if caught, they would be subject to forfeiture of their property or even execution.

>When thinking of it as a pyramid structure. At the top you have the leadership types such as nobles and priesthood/druids. Below you have trad normies who act as the warrior caste and as enforcers of tradition and below that you have the trend normies who act as labourers that learn trades from druids.

>Social parasites have evolved to give birth to higher ratios of leadership types such as nobles and priesthood(druids) who travel to large metas and take them over by replacing the leadership (brains) of the meta. The new (((priesthood))) force a religion on the population. Christianity, communism, materialism, feminism, ect. The normies are biologically inclined to follow the orders of the leadership class.
then you shouldnt have put, that anyone can become an American in your founding document
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The first followers of Jesus were essentially all ethnically Jewish or Jewish proselytes. Jesus was Jewish, preached to the Jewish people, and called from them his first followers. According to McGrath, Jewish Christians, as faithful religious Jews, "regarded their movement as an affirmation of every aspect of contemporary Judaism, with the addition of one extra belief – that Jesus was the Messiah."

Italy's Jews came directly from the Holy Land before the Diaspora, first arriving in Rome in the second century BC as esteemed envoys (hoping to establish business ties) and then, after Rome invaded Judaea in the first century AD, as POWs sold into slavery. These first Jews lived, like other foreigners, outside the city — across the river, in Trastevere.

"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers," - Marcus Tullius Cicero c. 106 BC - 43 BC

“Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put a certain Andreas at their head, and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would eat the flesh of their victims, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood and wear their skins for clothing; many they sawed in two, from the head downwards; others they gave to wild beasts, and still others they forced to fight as gladiators.” - Cassius Dio

Tacitus and Suetonius portray Poppaea the wife of Nero as an ambitious and ruthless schemer. The Jewish historian Josephus paints a different picture. He calls Poppaea a worshipper of the God of Israel and writes that she urged Nero to show compassion to the Jewish people.

>Look at the dates for silver debasement in Rome. Nero has a wife the larps as jewish and starts the debasement, coincidence?
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Romans were unable to distinguish between Jews and Christians, and because the Jews hated the Christians. Fabia’s linking of Poppaea to the Fire implies a very close connection and knowledge of the inner-workings of Judaism on her part, as well as a desire to build upon what Fabia emphasized as the hatred of Jews toward the Christians in the first century. Even before the Great Fire of 64, imperial officials had already established a precedent of using the Jewish minority as scapegoats for problems that arose within the capital, and had expelled Jews from the city of Rome during the reigns of both Tiberius60 (r. 14-37) and Claudius61 (r. 41-54); both expulsions were carried out as blanket punishments against all Jews for reasons connected to individual Jews. The idea that Nero would attempt to target the Jewish minority in order to shift blame from himself is certainly a possibility, but this is not what happened. Nero targeted the Christians, not only a minority of a minority, but also a minority possibly unknown to Nero or anyone else not intimately involved in Jewish affairs.

>using the Jewish minority as scapegoats (kek)
>had expelled Jews from the city of Rome during the reigns of both Tiberius (r. 14-37) and Claudius (r. 41-54); both expulsions were carried out as blanket punishments against all Jews (Lol lmao).
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Social class in ancient Rome was hierarchical, with multiple and overlapping social hierarchies. An individual's relative position in one might be higher or lower than in another, which complicated the social composition of Rome.
The priesthoods of most state religions were held by members of the elite classes. There was no principle analogous to separation of church and state in ancient Rome. During the Roman Republic (509–27 BC), the same men who were elected public officials might also serve as augurs and pontiffs. Priests married, raised families, and led politically active lives. Julius Caesar became pontifex maximus before he was elected consul.

The augurs read the will of the gods and supervised the marking of boundaries as a reflection of universal order, thus sanctioning Roman expansionism and foreign wars as a matter of divine destiny. The Roman triumph was at its core a religious procession in which the victorious general displayed his piety and his willingness to serve the public good by dedicating a portion of his spoils to the gods, especially Jupiter, who embodied just rule. As a result of the Punic Wars (264–146 BC), when Rome struggled to establish itself as a dominant power, many new temples were built by magistrates in fulfillment of a vow to a deity for assuring their military success.

As the Romans extended their dominance throughout the Mediterranean world, their policy in general was to absorb the deities and cults of other peoples rather than try to eradicate them, since they believed that preserving tradition promoted social stability. One way that Rome incorporated diverse peoples was by supporting their religious heritage, building temples to local deities that framed their theology within the hierarchy of Roman religion. Inscriptions throughout the Empire record the side-by-side worship of local and Roman deities, including dedications made by Romans to local gods.

>Gods are a metaphysical representations of tribes and ethnic groups.
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Large Roman landowners increasingly relied on Roman freemen, acting as tenant farmers to provide labour.

The status of these tenant farmers, eventually known as coloni, steadily eroded. Because the tax system implemented by Diocletian (reigned 284–305) assessed taxes based both on land and on the inhabitants of that land, it became administratively inconvenient for peasants to leave the land where the census counted them.[61]

Starting in 332 AD, Emperor Constantine issued legislation that greatly restricted the rights of the coloni and tied them to the land. Coloni and lower-ranking plebeians were no longer allowed to change their occupation. Ultimately, with the Fall of Rome, non-Patrician Roman citizens themselves would find themselves displaced and would become serfs.
By the Late Empire, curiales referred to the merchants, businessmen, and mid-level landowners who served in their local curia as local magistrates and decurions. Curiales were expected to procure funds for public building projects, temples, festivities, games, and local welfare systems. They would often pay for these expenses out of their own pocket, to gain prestige. From the mid-third century, this became an obligation, as Constantine I confiscated the cities' endowments, local taxes and dues, rent on city land and buildings. Julian returned these, but Valentinian I (363-375) and Valens (364-378) confiscated the resources. Eventually management of these were returned to the cities. Not only were the curiales squeezed from the 4th century, but also the cities were hard put to maintaining their public infrastructure and public amenities even with help from the imperial government.

In the course of the 4th and 5th centuries, membership in the curial class became financially ruinous to all but the most wealthy among them.

>Surely there are no repercussions for an ethnic group when their leadership class is gone
>Normies can manage by themselves? Right?
Britbong laying down the knowledge.
I will get to the point that OP addressed. Just 60 more posts.
I don't call knowing how to use 'ctrl+v" laying down knowledge.
I call it "spamming."
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USU 1320: History and Civilization

The Fall of Rome: Facts and Fictions

After nearly half a millennium of rule, the Romans finally lost their grip on Europe in the fifth century (the 400's CE). Their decline left in its wake untold devastation, political chaos and one of the most fascinating and problematical issues in history, what caused the "Fall of Rome," the problem we'll tackle in this Chapter. Though Roman government in the form of the Byzantine Empire survived in the East for almost another thousand years, so-called barbarian forces overran western Europe, spelling the end of an era. While Rome's absence in the West brought with it tremendous change—and none of it seemed very positive, at least at first—before we can even address the question of why Rome logged off and Europe switched users, we must understand how this transition happened and what exactly came to a close during this period.

The best way to answer that question is to look ahead to the changes which Rome's demise produced. Within two centuries after its purported "fall" in 476 CE—by the seventh century, that is—Europe looked very different from the days when the Romans were in charge. By virtually every measurable standard, Western Civilization had relapsed severely. Trade had virtually disappeared, taking with it the European economy and the basis of civilized life, and because most of the populace was by then mired in dismal squalor, unable to travel or attend school, education and literacy were all but relics of the past.
The invasions of non-Roman outsiders had so badly disrupted the region that, in the words of one modern historian, it was as if "Western Civilization went camping for five hundred years."

>oh no no no
>With jewish immigrants you win! Oh no aktually it was the lead poisoning. Oy vey.
You do realize you need those brown peoples votes to win, right?
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that's the price of freedom
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Religions are moral and behavioural guides for normies created by the priesthood class of the ethnic group for the overall benefit of the collective/tribe/ethnic group.
Christianity, marxism and materialistic feminism known as “atheism” are all religions created by the priesthood of the social parasites.
White guilt and the lgbt movement are sects within Judeo-materialistic feminism.

Before the social parasites Celtic, Germanic and Latin religions focused on god being the metaphysical representation of the ethnic group or tribes as a sum of all the members of the ethnic group. The leadership and normies had been of the same body(ethnic group).

>In total, the Romans recorded almost 400 Celtic god names. Nonetheless, it seems that there were 4 or 5 'main gods' and the rest were associated with a particular Celtic tribe or 'tuath'. In early Irish literature this local loyalty can be seen in the oath 'I swear by the gods my people swear by.'

Everything is determined by biology.
Parasites kill hosts. They destroy/compromise the immune system of the host allowing other parasites and ethnic groups to invade.
This is basic biology. Thinking, planing or the human consciousness are like a speck of dust when compared to the laws of nature.
The population of the social parasite does not grow in ratio with the population of the host.
Good times for ((())) mean a massive increase in population. But the host does not grow massively. Now you have a massive brood of parasites crawling within the body. Draining the blood of the host at an ever greater rate. So what is the result? Either the host dies or shakes them off with a massive immune system reaction.

With the influx(infection) of jews(social parasites) Romans(Latins) started the debasement of their currency(similar to fiat), abandoned their ethno-centric religion, eliminated their nobility and priesthood, taxed their people to ruination and collapsed.
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The records for Celts, Latin, Germanic and Gothic tribes state that god for Europeans before the social parasites was the metaphysical manifestation of the tribe. The idea of the tribe being one and a continuation of an unbroken chain. The idea of ancestor worship and recognition. Tribes would have their own god as recognition of the unity of the tribe. When a tribe conquered a smaller tribe they would place their god as being ranked higher than the other tribe. If you do this over thousands of years you will end up with complex lore and hundreds of gods representing different tribes/ethnic groups.
It’s only when jews come along and spin the ridiculous lie of god being the creator the universe and judging all humans to decide if they go to eternal bliss land thus manipulating the human mind like some sort of virus.
Christianity with the belief that all humans can be under one god is no different to Jain sangha where not even bugs can be killed due to a belief that they are sentient. It is similar in concept to believing that you do not exist as the individual. By taking away the distinction of blood. It is the ultimate atomisation of the individual. As if your brain cell stopped recognising that it is part of your body.
Christianity with its claim that everyone can be under one god rejects god and all principles of god and spirituality.

Do any animals other than humanoids worship jesus? Are any of them christian?
If all humanoids disappeared would christianity or the supposed teaching of jesus remain?

Animals are not religious and they do not recognise nor understand the concept of a fictional figure like jesus.

Therefore religion and gods are concepts for humans. They come from humans and are represented by humans.

As such the idea of an allfather can only be applied within the group that you recognise as part of your people. Anything else is blasphemy against god. It is the invalidation of the idea of a god.
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If so be that the souls remain after death (say they that will not believe it); how is the air from all eternity able to contain them? How is the earth (say I) ever from that time able to Contain the bodies of them that are buried? For as here the change and resolution of dead bodies into another kind of subsistence (whatsoever it be;) makes place for other dead bodies: so the souls after death transferred into the air, after they have conversed there a while, are either by way of transmutation, or transfusion, or conflagration, received again into that original rational substance, from which all others do proceed: and so give way to those souls, who before coupled and associated unto bodies, now begin to subsist single. This, upon a supposition that the souls after death do for a while subsist single, may be answered. And here, (besides the number of bodies, so buried and contained by the earth), we may further consider the number of several beasts, eaten by us men, and by other creatures. For notwithstanding that such a multitude of them is daily consumed, and as it were buried in the bodies of the eaters, yet is the same place and body able to contain them, by reason of their conversion, partly into blood, partly into air and fire. What in these things is the speculation of truth? to divide things into that which is passive and material; and that which is active and formal.

Marcus Aurelius

The universe, then, is God, of whom the popular gods are manifestations; while legends and myths are allegorical. The soul of man is thus an emanation from the godhead, into whom it will eventually be re-absorbed. The divine ruling principle makes all things work together for good, but for the good of the whole. The highest good of man is consciously to work with God for the common good, and this is the sense in which the Stoic tried to live in accord with nature.
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The desire for video games with levelling mechanics and classes, role playing, the desire for religion and the existence of normies are caused by the manifestation of biological impulses urging us to fulfil our roles within the meta.
This also means that every ethnic group has its own pantheon. A universal religion is a corruption of nature. Man is pagan in the sense that we have our own gods and our own religious pantheon formed from our greater meta.
I think that based on the theory of genetic social hierarchy the meta/ethnic groups that are related to each other would share similar greater meta aka the memorised knowledge shared by the druid class. Having a social class of teachers that have knowledge of medicine, metal crafting, wood working, hunting and having them teach normies would have been incredibly efficient. One older druid can teach five and that five can teach hundreds of normies so that they can carry out their tasks. The druid class also worked as researchers that advanced the research tree so to speak. A group without this system would get wiped out if they faced a group with druids. Just imagine hunter gatherers going against horse riding milk drinking Europeans swinging bronze weapons!
While the gods are the metaphysical representation of the ethnic group or tribe, the lore itself was formed by druids. The personalisation of gods would have been based on the specialities of druids. Like metal working, weather forecasting, tracking constellations and warfare.
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Again lets consider the tribe/meta(one body) competing with other meta. Let’s say you wiped out all the tribes without a genetic social hierarchy. All that is left is the meta family that are essentially clones. They all have metal working, cattle farming and medicine. What advantage are you going to pull out now to get ahead of the other meta? You already have researchers and teachers (druids) you already have a warrior caste (trad normies). What if during a war of attrition between metas the population growth was important? You would want the cells that reproduce to do so quickly and efficiently. The cells would find the highest ranked cells within the meta to reproduce with. They would have a personality type that would encourage mating. Aka they would be whorish and would try to reproduce with the highest ranked nobles, warrior caste and druids. This would increase IQ as only the best of the tribe, the most charismatic nobles, the smartest druids and the greatest warriors would reproduce the most.
You might ask why are females so crazy these days?
They have evolved to follow strict rules, religions and to observe social consensus to breed with the best males in the tribe according to social hierarchy.
The tribe is under occupation, the hierarchy was taken over by parasites, the religions are fake and they get their social consensus from demon worshipping social parasites through black screens in the form of psyops created by military intelligence and demon worshippers.
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The Yamnaya culture had and used two-wheeled carts and four-wheeled wagons, which are thought to have been oxen-drawn at this time, and there is evidence that they rode horses. For instance, several Yamnaya skeletons exhibit specific characteristics in their bone morphology that may have been caused by long-term horseriding.

Metallurgists and other craftsmen are given a special status in Yamnaya society, and metal objects are sometimes found in large quantities in elite graves. New metalworking technologies and weapon designs are used.
Mallory and Adams suggest that Yamnaya society may have had a tripartite structure of three differentiated social classes, although the evidence available does not demonstrate the existence of specific classes such as priests, warriors, and farmers.

>Metallurgists and other craftsmen are given a special status in Yamnaya society, and metal objects are sometimes found in large quantities in elite graves.
>How could metal working come about without a social hierarchy and a druid class?
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The Corded Ware culture comprises a broad archaeological horizon of Europe between c.3000 BC – 2350 BC, thus from the late Neolithic, through the Copper Age, and ending in the early Bronze Age.[2] Corded Ware culture encompassed a vast area, from the contact zone between the Yamnaya culture and the Corded Ware culture in south Central Europe, to the Rhine in the west and the Volga in the east, occupying parts of Northern Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe.

Early CWC and Yamnaya are more or less genetically identical on an autosomal level, but Y-dna haplogroups do suggest that the core Yamnaya population wasnt paternally ancestral to the core CWC population.

The Danish-Swedish-Norwegian Battle Axe culture, or the Boat Axe culture, appeared c.2800 BC and is known from about 3,000 graves from Scania to Uppland and Trøndelag. The "battle-axes" were primarily a status object. There are strong continuities in stone craft traditions, and very little evidence of any type of full-scale migration, least of all a violent one. The old ways were discontinued as the corresponding cultures on the continent changed, and the farmers living in Scandinavia took part in a few of those changes since they belonged to the same network. Settlements on small, separate farmsteads without any defensive protection is also a strong argument against the people living there being aggressors.
The Swedish-Norwegian Battle Axe culture was based on the same agricultural practices as the previous Funnelbeaker culture, but the appearance of metal changed the social system. This is marked by the fact that the Funnelbeaker culture had collective megalithic graves with a great deal of sacrifices to the graves, but the Battle Axe culture has individual graves with individual sacrifices.

>I believe that based on the weapons and usage of metal these social groups had proto druids and nobles within their population.
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A strange thing sometimes happens in population genetics: highly capable and experienced researches come up with stupid ideas and push them so hard that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, they become accepted as truths. At least for a little while.

It's obvious now, thanks to full genome sequencing and ancient DNA, that Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a cannot be native to India. It arrived there rather recently from the Eurasian steppe, in all likelihood during the Bronze Age, probably as the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was collapsing or, perhaps, just after it had collapsed.

But for quite a few years this was something of a taboo, even politically incorrect, narrative, and it was vehemently rubbished by many Indians, including Indian scientists, and their western academic sympathizers.

Indeed, a whole series of papers came out, often in high brow scientific journals, claiming that R1a originated in South Asia, and that it spread from there to Europe. This, it was also claimed, was the final nail in the coffin of the so called Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT), because R1a was often described as the "Aryan" haplogroup.

Thus, the Yamnaya people and culture were indigenous to Eastern Europe, and basically formed as a result of the amalgamation of at least three different populations closely related to Eastern European Hunter-Gatherers (EHG), Caucasus Hunter-Gatherers (CHG), Early European Farmers (EEF) and Western European Hunter-Gatherers (WHG). They did not harbor any significant ancestry from what is now Iran; at least not from within any reasonable time frame.

damn. i found myself reading through all your posts. this is crucial knowledge in understanding how the (((false priesthood))) keeps us as serfs and how to break their spells of power. love it. more power to you.
You are welcome anon. I have 50 posts left. I have spent the past two weeks on adding content and fixing the previous essay that I wrote.
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There are multiple vague identities used as psyops in circulation.
Indo-European? why?
Proto-Europeans would be an acceptable term to describe them. Linking Europeans to Indians and Middle Easterners and denying that we are a separate people is very questionable.
So the researchers and (((academics))) might disagree but I think anons will find that history and science are common victims of manipulation by the zog.
It’s a subversion attacking the purity of the European people by linking them to Asian aboriginal’s or middle easterners.
Similar to the subversion of our ethnic national identities with the term white.
Europeans have been laying flat offering limited resistance with no consideration for survival and letting them and their servants define us in a way to destroy our identity.
Are we now the ameri-afro-austro-indo European people? Since the conquest of the new world? I don't think so. We are still Europeans!
Our identities get watered down on purpose. For a collective relies on being able to identify your group, should you see everyone as equal you will no longer be part of the collective and you will no longer have representation. On the other hand if you are given five or more identities such as: white, Caucasian, Indo-European, Aryan or European. Some of which are hard to define, have controversial definitions or are far too broad then you will find that you cant form a strong collective. Without a collective you can’t have representation. As such you are atomised cattle ready for slaughter.
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The white identity is a gradient that interested parties keep moving back and forth as a means of division.
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From a broad range.
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To a narrow range.
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In regards to milk drinking. I believe that the Eurasian steppe created conditions for proto-Europeans to live as mobile herders, they would ride horses, cattle drive and have wagons ect. I won’t explore how Proto-Europeans got to this stage of riding horses and having wagons since that is not important for this topic.

If you imagine that at that point you had hundreds of different tribes all related to each other. The most efficient and innovative tribes would adopt new technological and biological advances to outcompete the neighbouring tribes. By this method they would expand out spreading their genes and technological capabilities. Metal working, bows, chariots and wagons. These advances would be beneficial for the tribes that invent them. Therefore the ability to drink milk would be similar. If previously the tribes used cattle for meat, leather, sinew and horn. Now they could have a superior source of nutrition. Since the individual with the genetic mutation has an extra source of food, they can have more children and feed them throughout the year. At a certain point the entire tribe will have this mutation. After a certain point that tribe will grow in population. That population will reach a resource bottleneck. Therefore this milk drinking tribe will expand out and subjugate their neighbours. As such the entire Proto-European population will end up being descended from this milk drinking individual.

Consider the issue of a tribe leader telling the normies that instead of hunting deer they will hunt a tiger today. In the tribe composed of just trend normies you could stand to lose all of your hunters and your leader.
The same can be said for trad normie enforcers, without them enforcing the orders of the druids the tribe will collapse and will stop being competitive force. Like a beheaded giant. Or should I say like a person with a broken spine. The brain is still there but the commands don’t move the muscles.
not only that

half of people everywhere you are, be it an urban metropolis or a noname village in northern minnesota, are speaking spanish
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The sum of all European greater meta is the allfather/Zeus. Above the all father is the god/goddess of life/nature as nature is the highest law in the universe. Different aspects of the greater meta are the lower gods, at first different tribes and later they become part of the religious myths.
When considering the metaphysical and quantum biology, previous spiritual and religious ideas become tangible and explainable through scientific understanding.

When the greater meta is stressed and it’s normies face pressure they are converted to noticers. Noticers have evolved as the immune system of the tribe. The parasites have evolved to replace the leadership class of the European meta. But the meta always shakes them off. Thus we get this endless cycle of expulsions, returns, takeovers, degeneracy and once again expulsions. The longer the stress on the meta goes on the more the greater meta exerts itself and the noticers breakthrough to higher levels this is equivalent to awakening of the greater meta. When individuals talk of seeing god they are talking of the greater meta. Perhaps through contact by some form of quantum biology that we don’t understand. This would explain the studies done on animals in which members of a species/meta would improve in a skill when a member of the meta learned it in a different region. (Morphic resonance).

Quantum biology is concerned with the influence of non-trivial quantum phenomena, which can be explained by reducing the biological process to fundamental physics, although these effects are difficult to study and can be speculative.
Currently, there exist four major life processes that have been identified as influenced by quantum effects: enzyme catalysis, sensory processes, energy transference, and information encoding


Experiment opens the door to multi-party quantum communication

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Europe, China, Japan, India and Asia in general. You will find warring states periods in which tribes/nations compete until the most superior tribe/nation wins and consolidates power until that nation is once again fractured to once again compete.
Successful biological organisms spread out and conquer all the available regions and fully establish themselves. Once the resources are being taken advantage of fully the related organisms will compete for control of resources occupied by related organisms. This is the reason for natural selection and evolution. When considering humans you will have to consider tribes competing. As the individual will never be able to compete with the collective. Tribes of related individuals can be considered as multicellular organisms that can spread out, split up and refine themselves through competition. The weak, individualistic and inefficient are weeded out in the endless struggle.
Morality and philosophy come from the leadership of ethnic groups as a result of naturally selected biological impulses. The more refined European system of morality when compared to non Europeans is a result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to produce a highly efficient system for tribes to compete.
You could imagine the morality system as a pyramid similar to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in which the most basic and primitive morality systems would have been the foundation of the morality pyramid such not killing your own children, or the children of other tribe members, not eating fellow tribe members, following social consensus, not torturing fellow tribe members. The next stage could be not torturing your cattle, allowing one wife per contributing tribe member, valuing virginity, not killing your druids. The next stage; kicking out the mentally ill, punishing cowards, hating the lazy, protecting your tribe leader in battle ect.
Darwinism is complete bullshit and doesn't mix with religion. Choose your fucking side already.
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Druid order of the golden lotus.
Europa awakens as the golden lotus blossoms
This body of work is the accumulation of noticed realities composed through the effort of dozens of anons and the untold millions before us. It had started as a thought process that focused on the understanding and study of the normie.
I have chosen a lotus to represent this body of thought/moral framework because of how it grows from swamps and murky water yet turns out pristine as it blossoms. The swamps symbolising the world outside of Europe. Gold to symbolise the spiritual aspect of understanding your ethnic identity, defending it and overcoming all malicious attempts to destroy it. The golden light of truth that illuminates the mind and dispels the darkness of ignorance.

The holy trinity is a symbol of the creation of new life as you the individual are born from the mother and father thus the smallest fundamental part of metaphysical body of the ethnic group and the genesis of life. Three points with the individual at the top and the mother and father being the base. A triangle. If god is the metaphysical representation of the tribe. Reproduction is the most important aspect of life. Therefore linking the birth of new life to god is natural.
This symbol has been part of European tradition for thousands of years as well. The triquetra.

The open eye or the third eye is a symbol of spiritual awakening. The discovery of the greater metaphysical body of race and the personal role you have within this body. The third eye is a concept from pagan traditions and is featured in Buddhism.
Curiously a triquetra with a circle exists too. A circle could represent an open eye. An interesting coincidence.
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The military has ranks, religious orders have ranks and hierarchies. Schools and the educational system has ranks. Businesses have ranks and social hierarchies. All of these systems mimic the natural biological social hierarchy that is found in our species. It is a recognition of the knowledge, experience, effort and dedication of the individual towards a goal. Towards an aim. It is the sorting of individuals with the aim of the greatest efficiency.
Natural selection that weeds out the weak, the inefficient and the vulnerable.
What can you observe in business? Thousands of small companies all featuring a social hierarchy who compete against each other for resources. When a company has no R&D, poor leadership or an inefficient distribution of resource they go bankrupt. Only now with the fiat system and the fact that the majority of large companies are bought out by the state that we have a lot of unnatural situations. Organic patterns observed on the smallest scales will be observed on larger scales.
Ah, you're a bot. Silly me.
What would you like me to say? Would you like me to congratulate you for your ignorance?
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This is based on a request by anons for a gamification of noticing levels.
When thinking about the “power levels” of a noticer in a manner that can be quantified. One must first ask and consider what is the first breakthrough?
Would it be the realisation of race?
Breaking the shackles of social hierarchy?
Someone can be a noticer. They could have read every single red pill infographic in existence. But they have never interacted with any anons, noticers or normies. Would such an individual be in the same state mind as someone who has been making red pills and trying to teach others? Would there be another stage of personal development for a noticer?

Firstly the ranks are Normie - Learner- Noticer - Druid - Ascendant - Immortal

The terminology could be 1st stage learner -5th stage learner. This is the basic foundation for children before one can start the real noticer journey. It consists of learning philosophy, mathematics, science, art, history, culture, the art of study and being able to question the world around them. Once they reach the 5th stage they have to break through by gaining worldly experiencing and face their inner demons to become beginner noticers.

To breakthrough and become a noticer one has to have understood a wide body of knowledge, they then undergo enlightenment through study or worldly experience.
1st stage - 5th stage noticers.
1st stage noticers might spot patterns. Perhaps what they see on the television and what they is in real life is different.
2nd stage noticers might notice that certain groups are more violent.
3rd stage noticers can see that a certain group is being greatly over represented in positions of power.
4th stage noticers start to question the movements that they had previously championed.
5th stage noticers see past all the psyops. They have seen past the false dichotomy.
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To become a Druid one must reach the 5th stage as a noticer and become the teacher and researcher. For this you start to look into the world to understand it and you begin to guide other noticers on the path of ascension. You create content to red pill and enlighten your people and you begin to yearn for change. You begin to develop intense feelings and emotions that drive you forward.
This way you become a Druid, you start to contribute and guide the learner and noticer newbies.

1st circle druids go out and dismantle all the psyops they encounter while teaching noticers of their existence.
2nd circle druids create content used to enlighten the noticers.
3rd circle druids become experts within their speciality
4th circle druids gain a following
5d circle druids see past the moral frameworks

Different individuals will have different paths to enlightenment. As such this is not a fixed concept of ranks but a general idea of progress.

The ascendant gains awareness of the meta and the greater meta. The equivalent of opening the 3rd eye in Buddhism.
The ascendant guides the druids.

Immortal, this is an individual that is seen or remembered as a saint, great teacher, national meta level hero, they create religions/lead the people to a great victory.
This is similar to the idea of saints and heroes in other cultures and religions.
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As conditions worsen, more noticers will be converted from the normie population. Noticers can be through red and black pills educated to the position of druid/teacher. To become a teacher one has to produce content for noticers and to help others. For that you have to have a desire to make a change in the world. That is why I consider it a different level in terms of a persons state of consciousness. While druids/teachers can be through research and discussion elevated to the point that they can start teaching and guiding druids/teachers. Evolution has created a system with multiple tiers per social role and multiple roles because of the efficiency of this system. Propaganda and psyops are the corruption of this natural system by the social parasites.

I think that every noticer has the potential to become a druid/teacher/researcher as long as they go through worldly experience while every druid has the potential to become an ascendant. All it takes is research, study and trauma for the final push. Trauma/worldly experience can take many forms from the degeneration of society, rejection from society, starvation, poverty and depression.
If you experience enough worldly experience and encouragement from your peers. Given enough time. You should be able to become passionate about saving your people from genocide. We are fulfilling our roles within the meta just like the immune system in our bodies. If an individual cannot fulfil a role that is encoded in their dna. They might be ill or disabled in some form. Just like cells in the human body can turn cancerous as they no longer fulfil their role to the collective.

But to be part of a collective you need to identify your collective. Like the normies that potentially received the kill shot. If you identify with a collective that is too large you will have no representation, you can see yourself as a human while zog can see you as goyim. Your ethnic group per say may have no representation.
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On the matter of individualism and collectivism.

What stops you from being harmed by others now?

The legal framework and its enforcement. Which boils down to the threat of physical violence from the state. Should you go against the state by for example not paying taxes, no matter the number of steps. The end result is in physical repercussions. The resistance to the state enforced physical repercussion is termination by the police or military. The state at this point in time will end your life if you do not pay taxes and resist the physical consequences brought on by the state. Therefore your participation in the collective is under the threat of death.

What is the difference between your rights and the rights of the cattle that we raise?
The recognition by the collective and your representation within the collective. When you are mistreated in such a way that your rights as decided by the collective are infringed, it is the collective that you are part of that will fight to protect you.

All biological life can be considered as in competition for resources. We exist as families, clans, tribes, ethnic groups, nations and empires as a function of that competition. The singular individual will be overcome by the collective. One family will be overcome by a tribe. A tribe will be overcome by a nation.

Therefore when you see every single human individual as equal it is no different to no longer recognising that you are part of a collective. Why should the members of an ethnic collective recognise your rights when you regard all humans as equal thereby refusing to be part of the collective?

You receive the treatment that you are willing to tolerate. With rights that you are willing to fight for. Under the representation of the collective that you belong to. Because the collective is willing to fight for these rights. If you are no longer being represented and are not part of a collective you become no different to cattle heading to slaughter.
OP really riled up the spam bot.

Just treat it as free (you)s fren and make a continue thread afterwards
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>Considering the definition of social consensus.

It is the general accepted system of beliefs held by a group. Normies learn about the social consensus and mould themselves to fit in. Anyone that goes against social consensus is rebuked in a way to make them conform. Noticers are above most social consensus and don’t feel much or anything when rebuked.
Normies will enforce the perceived social consensus.
In a way there are multiple types of social consensus with multiple tiers. Different fields, websites, niches and groups have their own unique social consensus that when an individual goes against they face rebukes/insults.

There is also a hierarchy to the social consensus tiers. Certain actions against the social consensus will receive stronger push back. Compare walking naked in a city compared to talking loudly in a library, one can result in your arrest while the other can result in frowns of disapproval. There are hundreds of thousands of different rules that make up different types of social consensus.

Normies are incapable of setting their own social consensus because they are normies. They only follow what they believe is the historical/traditional social consensus combined with the leadership set consensus, religious consensus and the rl(real life, trending) consensus that they see around them.
Social parasites manipulate the historic social consensus as much as they can with education, falsification and censorship.
They have taken over the leadership class so they set the leadership based social consensus.
They founded modern religions.
That leaves us with the general rl consensus that is manipulated with censorship, psyops, propaganda through social media and laws against free speech.
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>Considering the definition of the moral framework and the foundation myth.
The foundation myth is the foundation for the moral framework. It is the logic from which social consensus and the rules of society are derived from in regards to humanoid competition and organisation.
The social consensus builds off of the moral framework which is constructed around the foundation myth.
There are three general moral frameworks to consider. Christianity, Atheism and Marxism.
Christianity with its foundation myth focuses on the idea of every humanoid on the planet having a (((soul))) and the idea of a universal all powerful god. By claiming that every individual has a soul and can be under one god christianity attacks ethno-centric religions and ethnic nationalism at the same time. Christianity propagates by destroying ethno-centric religions and converting the population(except Judaism wink wink).

Atheism(materialistic feminism) considers all humans as equal based on an individualistic model of human evolution(lol lmao) that denies race and ethnicity. Thus atomising the individual away from the collective. It also disregards the idea of biological social classes and even racial differences in its push for equality. It spreads through invasions of ethno-centric nations by labelling them as fascists or human rights exploiters(with the exception of Israel wink wink). There is another foundation myth and framework hidden within called white guilt. It introduces the idea of a racial sin “white guilt”(just for Europeans) that has to be atoned for with a collective European suicide.

Marxism disregards all biological social roles, the existence of ethnic groups as metaphysical bodies and claims equality for all. Everyone is an individualist, what do you mean by working together and what collective?
It propagates through the invasion of ethno-centric nations with a social hierarchy(cough liberation, workers of the world unite).
>The brain is the oppressor of the body!
Oh boy thanks grandma, uncle and cousin for molesting me as a 4 year old. Thanks for the the trauma inducing enlightenment.
Thanks dad for being a meth head piece of garbage and losing our family home because you wanted to geek out like a faggot. I can practically taste the nirvana

Thanks mom for being a psycho-cunt who used me as your own personal therapist your whole life while simultaneously projecting all your gay shit onto me.
Thanks for literally telling me I'm the family scapegoat and then laughing about it. The aura of karmic brilliance clearly is shining on me

Thank you literal decades of alien abduction which I still can't comprehend. Thanks space niggers

Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
I'm 34 and still struggle to do normal shit
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Curiously all three are focused on the claim that all humanoids are equal, all three are focused on destroying ethno-centric religion, destroying the idea of ethnic groups having their own gods and all three reject the idea of biologically set social classes.
By claiming equality for all humanoids irregardless of their ethnic origin through different foundation myths.
All three are also focused on destroying the idea of biological social classes. All three spread like a parasite or mind virus through uninfected nations.
>Almost as if a social parasite that produces mostly leadership castes would be interested in manipulating its host in such a manner as to displace the natural leadership class.

Imagine the brain of a man being eaten by parasites that rearrange themselves in a manner to control the body. In a similar manner to the zombie fungus. The problem being that the parasite brood breeds at a different rate to the body. The resources provided by the normies are capped in output but within two or three generations the parasites brood can double if not triple in size.
When the parasite brood triples in size and the output of the normies is fixed someone will have to pay for the shortfall. Will it be the new born brood or will it be the host? Imagine the head of this man ballooning as the parasite brood expands beyond what would have been naturally possible in a free standing ethnic group. The body will naturally atrophy while the brood squeezes out every drop of nutrition within the body. The parasites will also lead this zombie host forward to infect more hosts and thereby spread out. I believe that this behaviour must be in some way instinctual.
That is fucked up anon, I feel sorry for you. But this is a concept to describe the mechanism through which normies break the shackles of social hierarchy to become noticers.
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The current moral framework/foundation myth and social consensus are focused on separating the new born individual from blood. Away from family, away from the ethnic group and away from an identity and belonging.
Instead of being part of the collective and benefiting from being part of the collective. Instead of being rewarded for benefiting the collective that you share your blood, genes, phenotype, culture and history with. Instead of having a belonging. (((They))) create a framework in which you are the individual with a (((soul))) that goes to eternal bliss land after death. Therefore this life is meant to be viewed as inconsequential. You are to follow the moral guides as a good goy while keeping your head down. The atomised individual is thrown into indoctrination from kindergarten till university. Even beyond that I would argue that office culture is an extension of ((())) indoctrination. The atomised individual is taxed, attacked and blasted with propaganda with no recourse. Since they are an “individual” no one has any reason to help them nor do they have reason to help anyone else. “What does it matter anyway they will go to heaven in the end”. Another aspect of this is the blame shifting. “It’s the boomers!”, “it’s the femoids!” or “it’s the zoomers!”. The atomisation removes the responsibility that you have to your blood.

This new foundation myth is based on biology and evolution. That framework by itself destroys a lot of ((())) arguments. Of course a new framework will compete with the old framework and foundation myth.
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Before the social parasites Celtic, Germanic and Latin religions focused on god being the metaphysical representation of the ethnic group or tribes as a sum of all the members of the ethnic group. The leadership and normies had been of the same body(ethnic group).

>In total, the Romans recorded almost 400 Celtic god names. Nonetheless, it seems that there were 4 or 5 'main gods' and the rest were associated with a particular Celtic tribe or 'tuath'. In early Irish literature this local loyalty can be seen in the oath 'I swear by the gods my people swear by.'

The overall atheist framework has a foundation myth based on you being spontaneous meaningless matter. It claims that everyone is equal. That social classes and racial differences don’t exist while also pretending to represent science. Materialistic feminism rejects evolution and natural selection in regards to ethnic groups while pretending that we evolved as individuals. Because the complete understanding of natural selection contradicts the entire framework.
They want you to be atomised individualists so that you can never work together against (((them))).
There is also the atheist white guilt sect that implies that you are born with sins that need to be absolved based on slavery and the ww2 era. This is meant to justify all the wrongs being committed against European people.

Just like with the idea of a collective, if your god represents everything and everyone. It does not represent your people nor you. Therefore every supposedly religious or spiritual person who does not understand ethnic nationalism is a larper. It is the same as calling yourself human and losing all distinction of your heritage, genetics, culture, representation, language and rights. Becoming a nameless blob in effect.

The point I want to make is that unless we challenge and overcome the frameworks that (((they))) created. We will be unable pursue our own interests as Europeans.
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In regards to the application of these ideas and theories.

Firstly certain international elements can take over host nations only because of their biological inclination and because of the existence of social hierarchies. Secondly it is impossible to completely eradicate social parasites. Thirdly as long as there is a high ratio of normies (90% or more) the nation/meta is vulnerable to social parasitism.
What are the applications of this? It means that if we used selective breeding to increase the numbers of noticers we would be able to stop a future reinfection or even make it impossible for social parasites to take another host. While at the same time ascending our ethnic groups. I call this advanced eugenics.
I will point out that not every noticer has the same behavioural profile and not everyone is willing to be part of a collective. Nor is every noticer going to be willing to fight for the collective. Such individuals seem to be rare. Some could even be considered as cancer cells within the people. The narcissists and psychopaths who live and grow from the benefit of the metaphysical body yet do not contribute to its continued existence.
Social hierarchy specific education could be implemented to extract the maximum benefit to the nation. Since we have different roles and capabilities we also have different needs.
Internet based hive minds can be established multiple fields for vastly improved technological, cultural and scientific development.
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It takes months for ideas to develop and months for them to spread and become accepted.
Imagine if you spent an hour each day for three years working towards an aim? Do you think you would get better?

Normies will never do anything by themselves. They need a guide. A leadership. A leadership class composed of noticers who can see past the psyops and propaganda and who have the will to enact change. Even if we have to create an ethnic nationalistic religion from scratch.

Anons can read a thousand books. Ten thousand infographics and swallow countless red pills. But if they don’t have the will, desire and interest to pursue an aim. They will be the same person they had been before they became a noticer. No different to a normie in function. And it is easy to share a few links or some book. But how many will actually write out their beliefs and challenge others? Beyond one liners. Going thread by thread so that they develop? So that other anons develop.

I think that with moral frameworks. Ideologies and religions in general. We drag people inside our own inner worlds. Every time someone argues with someone they try to drag the other person into their view of the world. Should our framework become the foundation. The normies that might have looked down on your ideas of cooperation will be the ones that support it in a fervent manner.
what are you afraid of?
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Going against the grain on here is going against the biological shackles of social consensus. Every time someone insults you, disagrees with you, tries to demoralise you or attacks your point of view it’s a tug on your mind to follow the social consensus and to follow the social hierarchy.

Noticers who have a way of sharing information function in a way similar to brain synapses and neurons. This gives birth to higher consciousness. One anon can have an original idea and pass it on to another anon who passes this idea along to many anons of whom one will develop the idea further.
The organic process pattern repeats on different scales.
Just like in a brain there needs to be a certain number of such individuals before a hive mind is achieved. These individuals due to the intricacies of human communication require a certain base knowledge and a suitable communication system.
The larger the hive mind grows the faster the evolution and development of new ideas becomes.

I think that the way /pol/ works is like a chalice of consciousness that develops/grows and spills over and out into the normie world. The higher the level of discussion on here, the more related content will be created leading to a higher rate of consciousness growth. That growth leads to the chalice of primordial knowledge spilling out into the world.

Right now you have no ideology, no framework, no leadership class, no leader, no priesthood, no ethno-centric religion and no fucking aim.

Remember this. A hive mind has no leader. It is composed of interconnected cells that bounce ideas around. If an idea is good, share it. If it seems bad, attack it. Do not trust the e-celeb nor the “right wing” leaders that zog provides. Do not look for a saviour character, only the ideas have merit.
What do you mean?
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>Red and Black pills.
Look! A brown person! It’s time to run. White flight they call it. Hide and seek as the system imports your replacement. Your land unchecked. Your borders wide open. Ruled by an alien people.
The clock is ticking. From coast to coast. From city to town to village. You keep running, yet they keep on coming.
The brown mass surrounds you further. Inching ever closer. Your people like exotic animals. A dying breed. Dead eyed stares. Your children leered at and preyed on. Your hometown lost.
Fight on the beaches?
Your vote matters.
Fight on the landing grounds?
Trust the plan.
Fight in the fields and in the street?
Two more weeks.
Fight in the hills?
It’s too late.

Oh white man where will you hide?
In the forests? In the mountains? Or on the islands? In the caves? Deep within the earth. You hide away.
The white man’s bane unrelenting like a raging river. Following and trailing. The flow like a tsunami unstoppable against the feeble resistance it encounters. The wave covers all. Pulling cities, cars and dirt in its wake. The raging water now brown filled with debris of modern life and of abandoned cities roars as it crashes against your hiding place. Your homeland washed over completely. It’s over now. Only deafening silence and the dark abyss awaits you.

Apathy is the killer of all movements. If you feel no anger or emotion you will continue sitting on your hands doing nothing. No amount of red pills will change anything if you are content feeding from the glow trough. If you can get demoralised from a post like this you have no will to do anything in the first place.
The affairs of man are shaped by the will of man. Will and desire are manifested into action and change. We alter our reality based on our inner world.
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>How dare he go against the social consensus. He should be a slave ruled by fear and ignorance!

Come white man it’s time to make your voice heard. You have a choice ahead of you. What choice you ask? Two candidates. One path. One is senile another orange. They only think of you. No need to doubt democracy. There is no elite, no shadowy class that eats the fruit of your labour. From the tv shows and movies. You have learned of a hero. It only takes one man to make a change. Not your responsibility. The voices whisper. Just sit and watch. Don’t lift a finger. You need only cheer for the hero. The music blares and your acquaintances urge you on. Follow the trends, don’t question, don’t read and don’t speak. Lest you make a fool of yourself. Never stick out. Keep your head down and follow the herd. Off a cliff into the abyss. You fall into the darkness. You hear the whisper now shifting into maddened laughter.

Democracy is an illusion. Politics is theatre. Fiat is enslavement and diversity is the genocide of the European people.
Immigrants are invaders and genocidal colonisers.
the fact that you had to spam an entire wiki article about druids after OP's statement says something.
I wrote the essay before I started posting it. The order was set before I found the thread. The thread had no replies and was on the 8th page so I used it for my essay. Not that there is anything in the catalogue at this point worth viewing.
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>why care about society, just be an individual while (((they))) use your people like cattle

If you can’t overcome the black pill you will forever be paralysed with inaction.
You have turned from blue to red my friend. I welcome you with open arms. You read now, you question and you grow. Yet there are countless noises that seek to twist your new state of mind. Voices paid for with your own life blood. From offices in the third world to military outposts and installations. They give you corrupted symbols, artificial identities and false idols. They offer you a white pill. An illusion, a cushion to soften your views, to cradle you into eternal slumber and a return to apathy.
The truth lies below the currents of noise. Unrelenting noise that seeks to strengthen the narrative. The cold and brutal truth that many have come to call the black pill.
Resistance is futile they say. What genocide? What replacement? What enslavement? Speak out and die. Hanging by a door handle. Assisted suicide. A prison cell for life.
You are up against a force of nature. A different breed. The management class. Parasites who drain the wealth and life of the people. The vampires of our world. You feel despair. You lose all hope, a cold fear grips you and cowardice freezes you in place. You will die.
your essay sucks, so i don't blame you for posting it on the 8th page.
anyway, that doesn't answer my question.

what are you afraid of?
Maybe for you.

The gradual ethnic replacement of the European people. Watching my people get slowly replaced as the economic conditions worsen. An orchestrated war between zog west and zog east to kill the remaining European men. Watching all of this while doing nothing. That is terrifying. To be paralysed by fear and apathy only to later regret losing something that you did not appreciate.

What are you afraid of?
oh i see what's happening here. Shalom, you fucking kike loser. Bong poster is 100%. White flight is for faggots and cowards.
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>If you don’t question the narrative you will be led astray with your time wasted.
>the happenings will never stop

The sands of time slip through our fingers, grains lost to the relentless current. Each day, we inch closer to the abyss, our footsteps echoing in the hollows of existence. Our people, once vibrant, now age-worn and weary, surrendering to solitude. The urgency to create life wanes; children born before thirty become rare, and the lineage frays like fragile threads.

Yet, amidst this quiet decay, some retreat into realms of illusion. They cradle cats and dogs, whispering secrets as if these creatures bore their bloodline. Isolation swells, and the community gasps its last breath. Desperate cries for change echo, but most remain apathetic, watching as life slips away.

The broadcast blares, a cacophony of noise. Anonymous friends, once trusted, reveal their price—paid voices echoing from airbases and military compounds. Our identity, meticulously crafted, now wears the fingerprints of our enemies. The movement we championed, a ship adrift, sails toward oblivion.

Flags flutter, symbols twist, and movements lose their way. Years blur into an endless stream of happenings, yet here we stand—on the precipice of existence. Our people, feeble and weathered, mirror our own aging bodies. We become the very boomer we once despised, caught in the undertow of time.

And so, we grapple—a futile struggle against nature’s inexorable force. The sands continue to slip, and we, too, fade into the annals of forgotten echoes.
Absolutely not true
I haven't heard anyone speaking Spanish in weeks and it was some landscaping spics at a corner store
I don't see Whites talking about optics, only spic groypers.
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Even if you earn millions every month. Are tall, fit and have the phenotype of your dreams. Even have a virgin natural blonde 10/10 wife. 5 amazing kids and a huge house.
You are living in a country in which your people are facing genocide. Anything material that you have will be taken away from you. Your children will grow up as a hated minority. You will be forced to send them for indoctrination. Your bloodline will end. Your children will be corrupted or destroyed. They will hunt you down even if you are the last one.

Do you think (((they))) care about your daughters or children in the first place? They are perfectly happy if your teenage daughter gets railed by dozens of colonisers. They are happy to sodomise and rape your children on some exotic islands and private jets. They are happy if your daughter gets in to porn at 18 and gets gangbanged by dozens of men. They are happy when your daughters are preyed on at school by hostile invaders. They are happy when your daughters cut their tits off. They are happy when your daughters waste their fertile years “working”.
They want everyone to have casual meaningless relationships. They are happy when you can’t afford a house. Because they don’t want you to have children. They don’t want young settled men to have healthy virgin wives. Because that leads to high birth rates.
Because they want the European peoples dead.
and so you decided the best way to counter this is to spam dozens of pages' worth of druid stuff on the 8th page of the catalog?

since you've failed to answer the question, i'll answer it for you.
not even a few months ago, OP's question would have been met with "you won't do shit" or "trust the plan"
but you've noticed a rather sudden shift in sentiments. OP's question is becoming quite realistic. realistic enough that you no longer respond with "you won't do shit", but rather flood the page with unrelated drivel to hamper any meaningful discussion.

so don't pretend that you're suddenly on team White. i couldn't help but notice you called for help, kek. the genocide of you shitskins is happening whether you like it or not. deportation has been off the table for quite some time now.
Can anyone put all of these schizo posts in a single reply or cap, I want to read them later
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In the under 15 year old category.
30-35 million ethnic European children in North America and around 65 million in Europe.
So there are around 100 million European children under 15 alive at this point.
Over 2 billion children worldwide.
That is a ratio of 20 to 1.
Considering that European founded nations are taking at a minimum 4 million non European migrants per year the majority of which are under 30 and are ready to have children.
In just 30 years you will have 120 million.
The ZOG is importing 120 million every 30 years at the current rates. This is from official figures. In reality we could be looking at 170 million. Within 30 years only 200 million European children are born. That is all assuming the invasion rates remain at current levels. Most European nations are already at 40-70%.
We are the last generation that can stop the extermination of the European people.
Soon the borders will be wide open.
A modern day version of the Wanderer.
>Where now is the horse and the rider?
>Where is the horn that was blowing?
> They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
>The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
just keep the thread tabbed and ghostbin it but it’s just /x/ nonsene
Why do you care? There are 200 other threads out there. If someone is interested they can read my "flood" of posts.
>and even less so once trump kicks all the illegals the fuck out
I see the similarity. I wanted to express my feelings in regards to the overall situation and to get anons to snap out of apathy by seeing their own future in regards to their own complacency.
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The food is poisoned, the water is poisoned, the air is poisoned, all entertainment is propaganda and all education is indoctrination with the aim of the eradication of the European peoples world wide.
If you no longer have the possibility of having a wife, family, children, home, a nation, a future, a neighbourhood and a job while being threatened with violence from immigrants imported to genocide you while the hostile occupation government is planning to send you to die in a meat grinder through a draft.
How much longer can you sit and do nothing? What will it take for you to actually have an inkling of desire to change this world for the better? To stop with the one liner comments and to start figuring out all of the psyops they use against you? To create content to raise awareness and to teach others so that they may spread that knowledge. To work tirelessly, without fail and to never lose courage.
When is it going to be enough?
For you to change?
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The majority of the threads on here are psyops in themselves. The threads can get populated by glow shills and bots. They create a false consensus to manipulate you. They create points of views that don’t exist and push it on the real anons. If a thread gets derailed with enough redpills at the start it will usually not reach bump limit. Now what sort of psyops are we dealing with here?
Women hate threads, age group hate, hate against northerners, hate against southerners, hate against easterners, hate against westerners both in North America and in Europe. The non stop who is white threads. All the religion and atheist fighting threads. Threads pushing zog political candidates. Threads trying to sell the idea of democracy. The white identity psyop that seeks to strip people of their national/ethnic identity. The whole Ukraine/Russia saga like you have to choose a side between two zog run states. If a thread is at the top of the catalog near the post limit you can bet your ass that it has view points and some established consensus that some glows have pre manufactured for you to absorb.

Just imagine a fiat system general, replacement genocide of European people general, a gif, video and meme making general to raise awareness or zog general. Posted 24/7 at the top of the board.
If you see a thread or topic being posted multiple times ask yourself how does this benefit zog? How does it benefit the people running the fiat system?
It’s all fake posters with a few useful idiots.
Well worth a read too, anon - am halfway through, interesting af.
>Why do you care?
because it's a known tactic that when jews are afraid, they begin vomiting pages' worth of irrelevant info into a thread in order to obfuscate. i'm just happy that OP's question has incited such fear into you. tells me we're headed in the right direction, and feds are panicking about the gravity of the situation.
Either you are seriously retarded or a zog shill.
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What is the aim of all of these psyops?

Who will take responsibility for the occupation of our nations? For the alien leaders? You can shift blame every day from group to group.
Oh its the boomers, the zoomers, the millennials, the women, the men, the northerners, the southerners, the easterners, the westerners, the trannies, the gays, the Russians, the Chinese and so forth.
They want you divided. They want you to hate your own people, they want you to hate your women, they want you to hate your family, the older generations, the younger generations. They want the non religious and the religious to be at each other’s throats. They want to waste your time and energy.
They want you to feel isolated, alone and hopeless. Demoralised to the extent that you lie flat and take it up the ass from a group that we outnumber 40 to 1. Demoralised enough that you fall for idiotic dead end paths like civic nationalism, white nationalism, Christian nationalism or larping as German imperialists.
What about the things these people don’t want you to do?
They don’t want you to expose the zog, they don’t want you to talk about the fiat system. They don’t want you to talk about the systematic replacement genocide of the European people. They don’t want the whole zog east vs zog west saga to be exposed. They don’t want you to embrace your ethnic/national identity. They don’t want to you to educate others about zog. They sure as hell don’t want you to unite against zog.
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Fiat system. Zog controls the printing of money from thin air so they buy every company that can be bought. Once you own everything you can decide what will be shown in advertisements and who will be hired in the company. You can put your cousin or some management class traitor into high up positions to maintain the output of propaganda.

A basic video on the fiat system


Money is simply a measure of human time/effort. The fiat system is used by the zionist monarchy to fund their management class the neo nobility and to carry out the replacement genocide of the European people. By printing money out of thin air they are taking control of your money. The money that you earned with your time/effort which is the same as your life. With the fiat system they can turn the average person into a slave that works their entire life to just to survive and exist.
This way they can own all of the companies on the stock market, they can own all the news companies, movie studios, game developers, food producers, car manufacturers and ect. This way they can change policies at the company level affecting who gets hired, what is shown to the masses and what food you eat. The fiat system is the most powerful tool of enslavement that zog has.

A more complex video on the fiat system and social parasites


Nick Griffin from the BNP has done a video talking about his experience in politics as someone not aligned with ZOG. The reality of zog democracy is that no outsiders can get in. He faced bribery, legal action and attacks by paid mobs. These are basic level ZOG moves.
I don’t agree with everything he says but his experience is valuable.

say what you will. just remember, we see you.
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The whole economy is a joke. Parasites leeching of the work of Europeans while fellow Europeans enforce the laws made by parasites.
I have been thinking about the meaning and definition of the economy in relation to the quality of life of the individual. I have come to the conclusion that the general agricultural and resource output of the nation multiplied by the industrial and technological output that is maintained by a disciplined and efficient work force is the only real world metric that affects the quality of life of the individual. While the system is kept efficient in an ethnically homogeneous nation that does not artificially prop up the inept and that is not under exploitation by a hostile class of foreign slavers.
Money is a way of representing human labour. Aka skill and time spent by a human. The price of gold or silver is not as relevant as the average earnings and cost of living per individual.
Going by data from 1910. The average salary was 70 pounds a year which was 17.5 ounces of gold. The price of a cottage was 150 pounds while a 4 bedroom house in the city was 600 pounds. That would translate to 300k in today’s money for a 4 bedroom house.
That same house would be worth 500-800k now.
So 8.5 years of labour by the average individual versus 20 years of labour today.
So you see, the problem is that your labour is extremely undervalued because the quality of life output has been reduced by a hostile occupational force while the rest is shared out amongst an invading and inefficient population.
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The zog wants to waste your time.
The more man hours wasted the better. Silly psyops. Psyop threads. Zog political candidates. “Self””improvement”, Fed movements. Unrealistic co-opted movements like fed tribe.
Just march around with a swastika like a retard goy. Don’t produce content to raise awareness of the replacement genocide of the European people nor of the fiat system. Don’t fight for your culture and don’t protect your national ethnic identity. In fact abandon your ethnic identity and accept being called white. Join a fed co-opted movement, don’t produce anti zog content. 100 determined nationalists can in a month produce double the nationalist content that 4chan does. Music, videos, webms, talks, posters, poetry, essays and redpill bibles with multiple tiers ready to distribute. 100 people could share that across the whole internet. But feds don’t want you to raise awareness. They want you to alienate the people. Yet here we are after 20 years of voting away for the situation to only to get worse. All these fake movements serve only to release steam wasting millions upon millions of hours of time that could have been used to do something productive that could make a difference.
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People are willing to change when they face hardship. When they can’t pay bills or don’t have food to eat. They leave their daily life. Like a turtle peeking out it’s shell. So many are stuck in the daily work routine in which the only form of contact with the outside world is through controlled and psyoped social media.
The problem is that when they do peek their head out. There needs to be a viable culture, ideology and aim for them to adopt. That is the job for anons. To create that foundation so to speak. To inform others and educate them when possible and to counteract any fed psyops. I am sure anons have seen fed tribe, atom waffle, boog boys and all the e celebs that get pushed right? They are all well poisoners. If you don’t agree with your people facing genocide and your country being taken over. Do you have to start waving a swastika? Can you not argue simply from the point of being against the genocide of your ethnic group?

To argue that Europe is for Europeans.
To desire to save Europe and the European people.
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WN is an attack on E2N. European Ethnic Nationalism.
The whole white identity is a psyop.
It is used to deconstruct ethnic European nationalism. I am a European. I simply wish for the survival of the European people.
The European identity is not based on a colour. Calling Europeans white is a divide and conquer tactic. Dividing the European people along the west and east and the north and south. Whether you are a Nord, a Med, Anglo, Germ or Slav. You are a European. It also doesn’t matter what continent you live on if you are European. Your location will never change your heritage and origin. No matter if you live in Canada, the US, Australia or New Zealand.
White as an identity has been used in ZOG indoctrination for generations. Any European desire to be left alone and to not face replacement genocide is met with a prepared white supremacist label. Heavy indoctrination has been used to strip away cultural and historical connections to Europe from the white identity. It is also used as part of the colour is skin deep psyop that implies that you have to be some blonde blue eyed superhuman to be accepted by a “racist” and that we don’t wish to live with joggers and mudslimes only because of skin colour. Not to mention all the divide and conquer psyops regarding who is white or not.
To sum it up ZOG has invested a huge amount of time and money into propaganda to push this psyop label. We are simply side stepping and moving past this psyop.
This psyop is a corner stone in their genocidal agenda against the European people worldwide.
Do European ethnic groups deserve to exist? To accept unending immigration under the pretext of democracy, the economy or some sort of moral framework is to justify ethnic genocide on the basis of population flows from larger ethnic groups.
I wouldn’t even agree to total population transfers between nations of more than 10% of the breeding age population. Because otherwise it is the same as to justify the ethnic replacement of smaller nations. Different ethnic groups deserve to have their own nations and homeland.
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The ZOG has created a sort of mental box in the mind of the normie. White nationalist, neo-nazi or racist. They have using long term indoctrination and propaganda trained the NPC to upon certain stimuli group an individual into this box. They have trained the NPC to feel that any individual in this box/identity is dangerous/unhinged/crazy.
They don't want you to call out the replacement genocide of the European people. And they definitely don't want anyone to point out the fiat system/ZOG and the way it enslaves the population.

Can you define what a white person or a white nation is? If you ask 10 posters you will get 10 different answers in which 80% of the European population will be dismissed as being brown or Asian in some form.
It is not a valid identity to rally around in resistance to the replacement genocide of the European people. If you cannot define what a white person or a white nation is how can you protest against its destruction?

For the smooth brains:
White = psyop divide and conquer identity
White nationalist = psyop
Cant define white = bad
European = not a psyop
Every ethnic group in Europe apart from Turks, Albanians, Bosnians, gypsies, travelers, pikeys and roma= European
Europeans living in North America, Australia and Canada = Ethnic Europeans

(((it’s okay to be white)))
Democracy is an illusion. Politics is theatre. Fiat is enslavement and diversity is the genocide of the European people.
Immigrants are invaders and genocidal colonisers
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Without clear definitions I feel like we are being pushed around and led by the nose by the zog. They have already started telling the English, French and Germans that they are white and that anyone with a passport can be of that particular nationality.
I think that for every single European founded country the solution has to come from within. The English have to save England, the French have to save France and so Americans have to save America. The solution is always on the national level. Internationally we can identify as ethnic Europeans that can cooperate. But again change has to come from within the nation and a nation is it’s people. The people have an identity. Calling everyone white and ignoring the national identity is like neutering the nation.

The American identity has been stolen and destroyed. Now anyone can be an American. It used to describe an ethnic European born in America. Now it means nothing. An Indian that arrived 5 years ago? American. Some random jogger? Born here 100% American. No identity, no ideology, no aim, no party and no leaders. The real Americans are up shit creek without a paddle. Same can be said about Canadians and Australians. And no white is not a valid way to identify yourself. Ethnic Europeans can have pink nipples do we call each other pinks? Are any of us actually paper white? Should we be called peach coloured? Are blonds their own race? The blond race?

You see they want you to argue over nonsense so you don’t have an ethnic national identity. A people are tied to their soil. A nation is composed of its people. A people with no identity have no belonging. Their connection to their soil is severed.
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The normies that make up our people have been conditioned to associate the white identity with white supremacy. This is based on a moral framework 80 years in the making. One that we have almost no hope of going against by bashing our heads against the wall.
To argue that Europe is for Europeans, that Spain belongs to Spaniards, that England belongs to the English or that Germany belongs to the Germans ect is far more effective.
There is no clash or divide if I say that Italy belongs to the Italians or that Sweden belongs to the Swedish. There is no Nord vs Med clash.
There are European people and European national ethnic groups. Each having their own unique language, culture, history and identity. With European Ethnic Nationalism you take advantage of and use the thousand years of culture, history and identity to fight for the existence of your people. Your ethnic identity becomes a rally point for political change. Millions of Europeans have already fought and died for these identities. Speeches, songs, posters, paintings, art, poetry and books have already been produced for these identities by previous generations. To abandon that for something as phoney and fake as (((white nationalism))) is retarded.

An undefended castle will fall to one man. A mountain will bow to wind and rain given enough time. Our national identities are our strongest point of defence. England for the English, France for the French, Germany for the Germans ect. It’s not hard to understand. We are connected through these national identities as ethnic Europeans.

They are also our greatest strength. If you are fighting a battle to the death, you will use your strongest weapon. A thousand years of culture, history and identity. Millions of Europeans have died fighting for these identities.

Europe for Europeans.

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Now in regards to Americans, Canadians, Australians.
If you don’t make a claim on the land. If you don’t have an identity to rally around you will be like fish in the barrel when the invaders start blasting. You have an American, Australian and Canadian identity. Open your eyes anons. Definitions are set by humans for the benefit of humans. Therefore if I say that Americans, Canadians and Australians are recognised ethnic groups from the European family. The lost tribes of Europe. Ethnic groups composed of conquerors. Then it will be as such. You must only ask yourself this? Will you take my definition for your benefit or will you take the definition made by jews for your destruction? Your nations had been founded by Americans, Australians and Canadians. You have a history. You have tradition and you have a culture. You just have to uncover it.

People need an identity to rally around for any political movement. A people are tied to their soil. A nation is composed of its people. A people with no identity have no belonging. Their connection to their soil is severed. If you aren't willing to fight for the existence your ethnic group. If you are not willing to fight for a claim to the soil that you live on. If you are not willing to represent yourself. You will disappear. This world does not tolerate the weak willed.

Right now you have no ideology, no framework, no leadership class, no leader, no priesthood, no ethno-centric religion and aim.

Start thinking about how you will fill these gaps in. Stop being afraid of the social consensus.
If something is not working in your favour. You disregard it and move on.
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Once apathy is defeated you need aims.
Firstly let’s talk about aims. For something to change or for you to achieve something you need to have a vague understanding and an image of the goal that you want to pursue.

In regards to anons who ask me as to what they can do about the current situation that we find ourselves. It’s just not possible for me to tell you in one sentence or even one post something so complex. That’s like asking someone to materialise a house.

Let’s imagine that you want me to materialise a house. Hypothetically your old house was burned down in a fire and you are left with a plot of land and some rubble on top of it. What do we do? Well first tell me what kind of house would you want? What design would you like? How many bedrooms should it have? How many bathrooms? How many levels? What size is it? Does it need a garage? What materials do you want it to be build out of? Let’s say you get an architect to create the design to fit your specifications. Now you have to clear the rubble, bit by bit and dispose of it. You might need to remove the old foundations. Dig the earth for new foundations. Pour concrete for the foundations. Place the walls, put the roof up ect. There are thousands of various tiny steps to build a house. But you progress towards a final image that you had at the start. There are various stages and each can be subdivided down to individual movements.
The same can be said for a sculptor or any other artist. Visualise the rough image you have in mind and using small simple movements you can create a masterpiece.
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The problems we face have one source. ZOG. The source of their control and their funding is the fiat system.
The majority of individuals that comprise the European people are not interested in politics or about their identity to the level that we are right now. I say now because at the point that normies can’t afford food or shelter. They will become very interested in the world around them and might even consider the consequences of allowing foreign and traitorous parasites to set up a system that steals wealth away from the people and uses it to genocide/replace them.
The problem with that is that the vast majority don’t even know what the fiat system is.

If anons really want to do something then consider how you can make people aware of the fiat system. Sharing videos, infographics, graphs, making fiat system threads and talking to people about the fiat system and how the gold/silver standard was removed by the internationalists/zog. Anti zog graffiti. Ai images that show ethnic Europeans surrounded by colonisers.

While from the perspective of raising awareness of European ethnic identity.
We need memes, gifs, infographic and video makers for every individual European ethnic group in your language targeted at your people. Have a look on /wsg/ for inspiration. Among the heaps of garbage you can find gems. The hyperborea threads will often have good webm’s with nationalist content. If you see something good in English your can translate it to your own language. Historical nationalist speeches can be revamped and have added music to increase its appeal to younger generations. Even short 1 minute clips. Videos showcasing your country and people. Your culture and historic buildings. Talk about the rights and claims your people have to their nation. Disagree with any notion of colonisers claiming your national ethnic identity. Talk of the replacement genocide of the European people.
You are all ambassadors of your nations and ethnic groups.
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>All political discussions are worthless unless framed on the angle of resisting the replacement genocide of the European people.

What is the aim?
1. For European founded nations to have their founding ethnic groups in control of their own nations.
2. For no European ethnic group to face any manner of genocide either via replacement or anti natalist policies.
3. For the fiat system and fiat enslavement of the European peoples to stop and for a return to a gold and silver based currency.
4. The expulsion of colonisers, invaders and traitors of any kind. They do not belong on our soil. They are not of our people.

Identity is the main pillar of nationalism. It is the grouping of millions of individuals under one flag, culture and language.
We are all part of the European people and we need to cooperate in the best interest of the European people while maintaining our national ethnic identities. The responsibility of each European ethnic group falls on them.
There will be no magical saviour coming from the sky. You must take responsibility for your rights, independence, freedom and existence. No one else will do that for you. Your ancestors cleared the forests, drained the swamps, plowed the fields, built cities, built civilisation, they fought for their land, died for it so that their children and the children of their children could live proudly on their own land. Within you flows blood that is the continuation and cumulation of over a hundred generations of Europeans.
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I know that there are anons who have become depressed and demoralised. But remember we are not animals that flail around in a rage.
Once you know it’s like riding a tiger. You can’t get off. Logically knowing about the ongoing genocide of your people is stressful and you will get depressed and anxious. Do you know why people get depressed and anxious? Because they don’t know what to do. They don’t have a path. So they are loitering, wandering around in confusion and panic.
Take all of that negative energy and redirect it on a positive path of growth. I think that people are happy when they grow day by day. Everyday that you improve you can look back and say “today I am better than I was before!”. Sure we stumble and fall. We encounter failure. But we get up and keep going. Because to stop is to die. To die a spiritual death. Growth is life. Keep growing. Find an outlet and create a path for yourself.
Maybe you can create art or write to get your feelings out. To help in the resistance against the genocide of our people. To grow as a person and individual and to find peace within. An acceptance of life and of death.

Create content. Memes, Music, videos, webms, talks, posters, poetry and essays. And don’t tell me that you can’t, are stupid or that you have no ability. Everyone can learn new skills. Everyone can contribute. Even a grain of sand can tilt the scales. Dripping water can hollow out stone and your determination can move mountains. Create art and express your feelings so that you can share them. Art is one of the few ways that we can bypass the propaganda and censorship. Have a look at patriotic songs from Europe. How many have bled and died for our people. Look at how deeply they felt. Pure raw emotion.


The affairs of man are shaped by the will of man. Will and desire are manifested into action and change. We alter our reality based on our inner world.
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Don’t be disheartened by the apathy anon. Be the change that you want to see in this world. You don’t have to rely on others. Small steps. You can be at work while thinking and planing of what you can create. I spend two hours a day posting. I have written around
80 pastas within the last 8 months. People often have this idea when creating something that they can reach a high stage at the first attempt. The truth is that no matter what type of content you create. The first few attempts will be trash. People will mock and insult you. But so what? You will improve. You will grow.

I think that we often forget about the importance of emotion when spreading information to enlighten. Emotions are the fuel for action and change. I hope that more anons will become interested in learning to make videos and memes. Especially the lurkers. Don’t be afraid of failure. Don’t be disheartened by criticism. We all start somewhere.
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In case you get stuck.
I think that everything boils down to having aims and breaking down a project into as many small parts as you can. What is the aim of your video? What do you want to express to the viewer? Do you wish to educate them? Do you wish to express your thoughts on a certain matter? Do you wish to share your feelings on a subject?
Let’s hypothetically say that you are a French ethnic nationalist that believes in maintaining the homogeneity of your nation and the claim that your people have to their soil.
Your aim could be to express the claim your people have to their soil.
The aim is a vague image that you have in your head.
I think that for artists and other creators you need to set limits on yourself to condense your ideas into a final product. Imagine the difference between telling yourself that you want to sculpt something unique vs wanting to sculpt a human versus saying that you want to create a sculpture of your naked lover in a particular pose. You have to set some limitation to define the final product. Just how the library of babel is useless because it’s just a jumble of randomness.
In this case we could define the French claim to their soil by having artistic representations of French society throughout the ages showing how they are a unique ethnic group. So images of their unique architecture, important historical battles and a progression of culture with French music over it.
You could at this point change your mind and do a video showcasing French music and songs through the ages with images and short videos to represent the different time periods along with the music.
You can substitute the French for any other European ethnic group. There is an infinite amount of ideas and even new genres of videos that you could create but most of infinity is just random gibberish. That’s why most art starts from copying the ideas of others and making small personal changes until it becomes unique just like with evolution.
Lol this spambot retard. OP must be over the target.
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More advice on creating content.
The problem with learning any skill. Don’t run before you can crawl. Try to get a few images or short videos together into one first. Later try to add music. After that learn about adding effects. Skills take time to learn. Search up guides on YouTube. Keep watching the best videos that you found and be inspired by them. Try to copy and reproduce what you like. First learn to reproduce something before you can add your own twist and later establish your own art style.

Also another thing that I think is important. Sleep! I pursue sculpting as a hobby and sometimes I get stumped and get a sort of block as I work. So I will think about what I am trying to create and make it the focus of my mind. Do that for a two or three days while getting plenty of sleep. One day you will just wake up and have the solution without forcing anything. While you sleep your subconscious is working away like an industrial machine. You just provide some basic ideas, aims and time. It will provide you with a solution.

Every awake anon/noticer is like a buried treasure. You just need to be uncovered. A diamond in the rough. I don’t think you realise how valuable and important you are for the future of the European people
America is like 70% non-white
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“Mendicants, when an individual has wrong view, whatever bodily, verbal, or mental deeds they undertake in line with that view, their intentions, aims, wishes, and choices all lead to what is unlikable, undesirable, disagreeable, harmful, and suffering. Why is that? Because their view is bad. Suppose a seed of angled gourd or bitter gourd was planted in moist earth. Whatever nutrients it takes up from the earth and water would lead to its bitter, acerbic, and unpleasant taste. Why is that? Because the seed is bad. In the same way, when an individual has wrong view, whatever bodily, verbal, or mental deeds they undertake in line with that view, their intentions, aims, wishes, and choices all lead to what is unlikable, undesirable, disagreeable, harmful, and suffering. Why is that? Because their view is bad.”

“Mendicants, when an individual has right view, whatever bodily, verbal, or mental deeds they undertake in line with that view, their intentions, aims, wishes, and choices all lead to what is likable, desirable, agreeable, beneficial, and pleasant. Why is that? Because their view is good. Suppose a seed of sugar cane, fine rice, or grape was planted in moist earth. Whatever nutrients it takes up from the earth and water would lead to its sweet, pleasant, and delicious taste. Why is that? Because the seed is good. In the same way, when an individual has right view, whatever bodily, verbal, or mental deeds they undertake in line with that view, their intentions, aims, wishes, and choices all lead to what is likable, desirable, agreeable, beneficial, and pleasant. Why is that? Because their view is good.”

Everything you do and every thought you have must be focused on your aim. The steps you take are like the movement of a painter or sculptor. Progressing towards the final result. Europe for Europeans.
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Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. All these things happen to them by reason of their ignorance of what is good and evil. But I who have seen the nature of the good that it is beautiful, and of the bad that it is ugly, and the nature of him who does wrong, that it is akin to me, not only of the same blood or seed, but that it participates in the same intelligence and the same portion of the divinity, I can neither be injured by any of them, for no one can fix on me what is ugly, nor can I be angry with my kinsman, nor hate him, For we are made for co-operation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another then is contrary to nature; and it is acting against one another to be vexed and to turn away.

Marcus Aurelius

The struggle between the people and the hatred amongst them is being nurtured by very specific interested parties. It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace. It is the people who are at home both nowhere and everywhere, who do not have anywhere a soil on which they have grown up, but who live in Berlin today, in Brussels tomorrow, Paris the day after that, and then again in Prague or Vienna or London, and who feel at home everywhere. They are the only ones who can be addressed as international elements, because they conduct their business everywhere, but the people cannot follow them. The people are bounded to their soil, bounded to its fatherland, bounded to the possibilities of life that the state, the nation, offers.

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The point I am trying to make is that if you want a positive result. You have to have a mindset that aims for a positive result. Don’t base your actions on just the things you hate and want to destroy. Think of what you want to create. Think of what you love and what you would like to see.
The current situation is caused by selfishness and individualistic behaviour. By the infection of our societies by social parasites.

To live is to suffer yet life is a blessing.
The human condition is defined by a wide range of emotions. It is not pure love or pure hate that drives us. It is the balance of all emotional extremes that creates the human experience. One can be happy to exist and love their people while hating these who wish to destroy their nation. It is not strange to feel sad when seeing destruction. One can feel anger at the perpetrators yet joy at united resistance. A person can feel both grief at what was lost and have hope for the future. You can feel indignation at the genocide of your people, bone chilling hostility for the perpetrators and to desire vengeance for suffering is just. To be spiteful is to be alive. To have unquenched desire for change under such circumstances is honourable.

I know that the situation looks dreadful. It seems hopeless. But the scales of fate can be tilted by a single grain of sand. Desire manifests reality and dripping water hollows out stone.

Never slacken
Never tire
Never lose courage
Never lose faith
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>Lets consider the definition of a wizard and of magic. Firstly lets recap what we know.

A druid was a member of the high-ranking priestly class in ancient Celtic cultures. Druids were religious leaders as well as legal authorities, adjudicators, lorekeepers, medical professionals and political advisors.

The Greco-Roman and the vernacular Irish sources agree that the druids played an important part in pagan Celtic society. In his description, Julius Caesar wrote that they were one of the two most important social groups in the region (alongside the equites, or nobles).

He wrote that they were exempt from military service and from paying taxes, and had the power to excommunicate people from religious festivals, making them social outcasts.

Known for their great wisdom and knowledge of traditions, druids were repositories of the community's history, and this they passed on to novices who spent some 20 years acquiring the skills and know-how of druidism. Instruction was done orally, and this may have reflected a desire to keep the druids' knowledge exclusive to the initiated rather than because of a lack of literacy. Druids gave counsel to rulers, presided over courts of justice, deliberated on community conflicts, and made medicinal potions. They may also have been required to cast taboos (or, less accurately, spells) on people, ensuring compliance to the society's rules.

>Now compare the idea of a wizard that can fling a ball of fire to a druid that can through council to the king affect the lives of tens of thousands. Who can with a few words end someone's life. Who can by setting moral frameworks and traditions affect entire ethnic groups for thousands of years to come. The skyrim mage is a pitiful mockery of a real druid.
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Considering the definition of magic. Words when woven correctly and spoken by the right individual can crumble empires, they can start uprisings composed of millions of men. Specific formations of characters combined from the movements of your hands. They can change the fate of continents. The fate of entire ethnic groups. Words when woven together can tug on your emotions, they are like spells that hypnotise. Through the use of social consensus a Druid could end a normies social life and banish them from society. They could influence kings. A Druid was essentially a wizard. Only another Druid could parry their “spells”. The art of manipulating the normie, of controlling the flow of society and the understanding of social hierarchy is what was considered magic.

Words when woven together can tug on your emotions. They are like spells that hypnotise the normies. They can also be used to curse.

This is for the glowies. The ones that facilitate and support the genocide of the European people worldwide. You should know that you are murderers, betrayers, kin slayers and puppets of tyranny.

The glow once bright now dim.
A bright new day.
What could have been.
Fighting the boogeyman.
Chasing shadow high and low.
Decade by decade.
His own reflection he sees.
A promise of his nation united.
Chasing the dream.
His home is no more.
The neighbourhood gone.
The weekly shop a fearful encounter.
Family, wife and children?
A distant dream.
An illusion.
The psyops he created?
A great success.
The lies he propagated?
The new reality.
A smiling woman? The girl next door?
A whore ran through.
The founding ideals abandoned.
The constitution trashed.
His nation no more.
His people divided and impoverished.
A strange heart rhythm, a weird lump.
His brother now his sister, his father buried.
The darkness beckons.
The glow now dim, burned out just like him.
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When that last moment arrives. What will you have you stood for? What will your mound of sand represent?

A divine spark.
Born within a mortal body.
The hourglass of life.
The sands slip by.
Each moment a grain.
Each grain unique.
To never be repeated.
Appreciated when lost.
Moments cherished.
Until the very end.
The hourglass empty.
What amounts of life?
A mound of sand.
Representing death.
Your will and faith.
Representing life.
Till the last grain.
Your people
A vast desert.
Past and present.
Howling winds.
Tinged by your mound.
Your voice echoes.
Your will immortal.
Your faith eternal.
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The world outside is hell.

Rent in my area starts at $1600 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment. My aunt lives in one with 4 other people and they have a mattress in the "living room." I just spent $200 for the equivalent of two and a half weeks of groceries. My morning breakfast sandwich and coffee cost me $20. I have to pay $300 tomorrow for my phone bill + car insurance.

Everyone I see outside is some type of mixed race mutt. Today at target I saw a 6'5 mixed brown goblin ginger (with light eyes and an afro) walking around. Every other kid is mixed race mystery meat. All the women under 40 (and some over) dress like whores, even the kids. I saw a 7 year old wearing crop tops and a yoga pants.

Can someone tell me why I should show up to an interview for a second job on Monday?
Last post.

To the kin slayer.
Good boy.
Sit, roll and fetch.
Here are your orders.
Follow the rules.
Know your place.
Oh normie.
Pitiful slave.
To the hierarchy.
Instincts ingrained.
Parasites in charge.
Your leaders.
The chosen.
Your people the corpse.
Vampires feasting.
The state your church.
A demon your lord.
On the darkest night.
Your nation a graveyard.
Undead reanimation.
A supernatural possession.
A zombie procession.
An infestation.
Of maggots and worms.
An apocalypse.
Awaiting a new dawn.
Unholy corruption.
Awaiting exorcism.
To be struck down.
Purged with light.
By the divine.
Link for this thread on 4plebs.

That’s fine anon. I am not looking to get some sort of affirmation. I am happy to reach one or two anons. Over time it will build up. One anon a month, maybe ten in a year.
Dripping water hollows out stone.
What side do you represent? Do you have a thread in which you have stated your beliefs?
Your not karl marx
You'll never be as good a shitposter as him
He didn’t take into account: evolution, natural selection, biologically set roles or the idea of ethnic groups as singular multicellular organisms. I can apply this theory to understand Proto-Europeans the collapse of Rome and the current conditions that we experience. All while considering the long term effects of religious organisations on the refinement/degeneration of the ethnic group. It even takes into account advanced eugenics to consider the ideal society to resist social parasites.
>All constituent features of a society (social classes, political pyramid and ideologies) are assumed to stem from economic activity, forming what is considered the base and superstructure.[33] The base and superstructure metaphor describes the totality of social relations by which humans produce and re-produce their social existence. According to Marx, the "sum total of the forces of production accessible to men determines the condition of society" and forms a society's economic base.[34]

>The base includes the material forces of production such as the labour, means of production and relations of production, i.e. the social and political arrangements that regulate production and distribution. From this base rises a superstructure of legal and political "forms of social consciousness" that derive from the economic base that conditions both the superstructure and the dominant ideology of a society.

>From this base rises a superstructure of legal and political "forms of social consciousness"

That is wrong as the legal and political superstructures are formed due to biological impulses that determine our morality. Social classes exist due to competition between ethnic groups. They exist because of the efficiency of a system in which individuals have different roles. Ethnic groups without a social hierarchy are inferior, as such they dont exist.
this. the seethe is immeasurable
Based pic, Based Budah (?)
Optics: Lose with some grace and dignity because the alternative is losing in total humiliating and crushing defeat.
Bowden talked about social consensus, marxism, leadership type individuals and normies.

thirdies are rushing in for welfare and either underpaid labor for high value work (infrastructure) or overpaid for work low value work (parasitic scamming of the value of others' work).
the average mexican that intends to stay isn't as disruptive as people think. jeets are a problem. beans end up being fine.
stand your ground and breed your own women.
shits that simple.
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when shit collapses you're going to see the thirdies flood out back home.
the US is a fucking death trap depending what kind of american you are.
(and no, you don't stand a snowballs chance in hell to stand your ground here.)
Isn't the entire population of your country south of Veneto like 85% arab?
There’s many options to deal with the non-White problem in the USA.
Option 1: nuclear war with Russia and China resulting in the major cities being obliterated
Option 2: Whites take back control of the federal government and deport illegal non-Whites while implementing a One Child Policy for legal non-Whites.
Option 3: Whites secede from the federal government and then wage a war of expansion from their ethnostate to reclaim lost territory (reconquista).
Buddhism has some good points.
>104 posts by this id
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yeah its over. at least we can find solace in the fact that the US deserves this most of all
What's funny about it?
>then you shouldnt have put, that anyone can become an American in your founding document
Niggerwut? Only White people could be citizens in America until 1865.
>and even less so once trump kicks all the illegals the fuck out
Kek, Trump is a Jew puppet who will deport a few thousands illegals while giving another 10 million shitskins citizenship.
>You do realize you need those brown peoples votes to win, right?
You do realize that democracy isn't real and there isn't a peaceful solution?
>America is like 70% non-white
The inferior races can still be deported.
>the average mexican that intends to stay isn't as disruptive as people think. jeets are a problem. beans end up being fine.
Spotted the beaner. You have to go back, Paco.
>Option 2: Whites take back control of the federal government and deport illegal non-Whites while implementing a One Child Policy for legal non-Whites.
If the former happens, there is nothing stopping all shitskins from being deported. No more half measures.
Option 3 with an American identity that focuses on ethnic origin.
But it would have to be under a completely different moral framework.
You would still need a leadership class.
The thread is dead and anons are scared to show an opinion in fear of being rebuked. Insulting but not providing alternatives and never actually writing anything beyond a few one liners.
How can you grow if you don’t fail?
At ten years old did you have the knowledge and ability that you have now? Have you not grown from the day you turned twenty?
If you never try and never take a step forward you will be stuck. No different to a normie.
Not that many anons have an active aim related to the survival of the European people.
It’s always about how this can’t be done or this is impossible. Blaming the boomers, the zoomers and the femoids.
Clinging to prophecies and desert fairy tales. Never asking how they can change the reality that they live in for the better.
Searching for idols and talking heads to save you.
You are paralysed with inaction.
Trapped within a labyrinth of lies created by social parasites to keep you blind to the truth. Caged by the social consensus, limited by the fear of reprisal despite facing genocide and held back by apathy born from the labyrinth of lies.
Counterpoint, America is 50% brown and they still haven't considered working on optics
American is a nation/ethnicity. Any form of nationalism in America will require a strong racial element, as Whites/Europeans/Aryans are already a minority.
Counterpoint, America is 50% brown directly due to 60 years of optics and cucking.
So essentially a America for Americans movement on the angle of Americans being ethnic Europeans who have been in the US for at least three generations?
I reckon it would end in balkanisation.
It's 200% brown because the right ignored optics and let leftists have complete control of hollywood and the media
American nationalism has to be explicitly oriented around race, as it was Founded as such and reinforced for centuries through legislation. America for White people. Mass deportations of racial aliens.
>I reckon it would end in balkanisation.
Who else is going to balkanize, spics and niggers? I don't see it. Revolution or bust.
Jews successfully subverted institutions. The right didn't "let" them have it. The right played the optics game during desegregation, civil rights, mass immigration, and cultural subversion, when they should've been focusing on a revolution or coup.
The vast majority of the population is atomised. There is no blood bond or kinship. Therefore very few want to take responsibility. Christianity doesn’t have any value for ethnic Europeans when the ethnic replacement is also Christian.
It also takes a long time to get up to speed on the political situation and see past the psyops. 5 years of daily reading and posting to get to Druid level. The majority of anons are just stuck at being noticers and have no will to be part of a movement.
>The vast majority of the population is atomised.
Of course, that is the entire point of Jewish subversion. All it takes is a good leader to inspire enough people for things to change.
>There is no blood bond or kinship.
White people are bonded by blood. Racial identity is the easiest and most effective way to organize people. Americans were able to do this effectively for centuries.
As I have attempted to demonstrate in this thread. The three main moral frameworks and foundation myths are based on equality of all. Which is problematic for ethnic nationalism. Which is why I am making the case for a moral framework based on evolution and biology. And a specific American identity that also lays claim on the soil rather than the white identity on its own.
>And a specific American identity that also lays claim on the soil rather than the white identity on its own.
Of course, we claim the entirety of American territory as rightful White clay. The first organizing principle is race, and everything naturally follows from there.
Yes, but under the American identity. In a similar fashion to how Germany for Germans or Europe for Europeans is being utilised. The statement has a different meaning and impact comparing if you say keep Europe white to Europe for Europeans. There is an assertion of belonging and ownership.

Those statements are too ambiguous to solve anything. America for Americans means nothing, as half of the country consists of niggers and spics with citizenship, and some of them have ancestry dating back hundreds of years here. This is why a racial identity has to be at the forefront. Hitler did this in his Party platform, for example.
Republicans were NOT playing optics well during desegregation or civil rights otherwise we wouldn't be in this hell hole, leftists won the optics battle which is why people still bitch about that one black kid and Rodney king. Republicans haven't had good optics since Reagan and even he cucked and granted amnesty for a lot of illegals.
Only the White part is America.
Which is why everyone except ethnic Europeans born in the US must be denied from the American identity. Otherwise you are making endless compromises. Without an identity you can’t form a collective. Without which you will not have representation. You want to talk about civil wars, balkanisation and kicking our colonisers. But you are afraid to fight for your identity?
>But you are afraid to fight for your identity?
No I will not de-anonymize myself, Jordan Peterson.
Nice try.
USA isn’t a white country
More than 50% of the American flags posting here are some mutt mix
you are a faggot
shut the fuck up
If you have no ethnic identity you will have no collective and therefore no representation.
lets migrate back to europe and reconquista our homeland
Why? To live vicariously through some monarch like British do?
No thanks.
Compared to being atomised and having the same rights as cattle? Are you going to fight Mexican collectives by yourself? Are you superman? The individual is always weaker than the collective. Many sticks together make a strong bundle.
not specific to this post but good write up. we need more literature
republicanism is the worst system except for every other alternative
Thanks anon. I started writing 8 months ago. One pasta at a time for each topic or psyop that I encounter. It builds up if you keep at it.
It was never about left or right, only Jewish power. It was never about optics, only power itself. What happened post-WW2 is the Jews consolidated enough media and financial power to be able to force their will on America. Racist Whites lost control of the institutions and continued voting as if nothing happened. That was never going to be a solution.
Damn, shill nigger. That's a whole lot of words to distract people from talking about the tidal wave of brown in America.
Too bad mods won't ban you and delete all your off topic posts.
I think we're all just tired of the gayops
So them start a new thread you fucking retard. Stop shitting up this one with your off topic spam.
Ethnic European is a term that works fine in Europe, but not in the New World. White is our racial identity here in America, Canada, Australia, etc. It means the same thing and is just as effective.
I fully support any identity that describes genetic Europeans, whether it is called White, European or Aryan doesn't matter to me. We can worry about that after we have power.
>More than 50% of the American flags posting here are some mutt mix
And? Inferior races will self-deport en masse when Whites have power again.
Republicanism, like all democracy, is the single worst form of government ever created. Monarchy is superior in every way.
Don't even bother, it's just a bunch of spam to prevent people from race war posting. It's incredibly obvious.
Yes, you have a different situation in comparison to Europeans.
I just can’t help but feel concerned. I will admit that I haven’t thought about the American, Canadian and Australian political movements as much as I have about European ethnic nationalism.
But it feels as if there is no progress on your side.
Nice try glownigger.
>>472447726 >>472447765 >>472447796 >>472447873 >>472447976 >>472448050 >>472448125 >>472448229 >>472448320 >>472448417 >>472448470 >>472448538 >>472448597 >>472448670 >>472448727 >>472448780 >>472448839 >>472448891 >>472448949 >>472449065 >>472449190 >>472449276 >>472449380 >>472449588 >>472449744 >>472449890 >>472450080 >>472450172 >>472450282 >>472450463 >>472450624 >>472450723 >>472450966 >>472451062 >>472451146 >>472451237 >>472451296 >>472451449 >>472451566 >>472451760 >>472451907 >>472452106 >>472452196 >>472452399 >>472452589 >>472452704 >>472452857 >>472453055 >>472453283 >>472453655 >>472453852 >>472453977 >>472454159 >>472454312 >>472454456 >>472454711 >>472454930 >>472455078 >>472455376 >>472455532 >>472455779 >>472456251 >>472456503 >>472456682 >>472456720 >>472456847 >>472457005 >>472457082 >>472457185 >>472457317 >>472457554 >>472457676 >>472457885 >>472457942 >>472458002 >>472458103 >>472458244 >>472458423 >>472458520 >>472458681 >>472458848 >>472458946 >>472459144 >>472459571 >>472459744 >>472459998 >>472460206 >>472460362 >>472460592 >>472460759 >>472460966 >>472461396 >>472463847 >>472464884 >>472466943 >>472468144 >>472474290 >>472477818 >>472479526 >>472481250 >>472484563 >>472486030 >>472487372 >>472488822 >>472489389 >>472490169 >>472490890
Kudos on highjacking the fedposting thread. I don't know what you said though. Since you bored everyone to leave the thread like a boss, what's the TLDR? Are you for against the fedposter. I can't tell.
The Greek historian Polybius, writing in the mid-2nd century BCE, emphasized (in Book 6) the role played by the Roman Republic as an institutional form in the dramatic rise of Rome's hegemony over the Mediterranean. In his writing on the constitution of the Roman Republic,[10] Polybius described the system as being a "mixed" form of government. Specifically, Polybius described the Roman system as a mixture of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy with the Roman Republic constituted in such a manner that it applied the strengths of each system to offset the weaknesses of the others. In his view, the mixed system of the Roman Republic provided the Romans with a much greater level of domestic tranquillity than would have been experienced under another form of government. Furthermore, Polybius argued, the comparative level of domestic tranquillity the Romans enjoyed allowed them to conquer the Mediterranean.
There isn't any legitimate progress in Europe either, and there wont be until nationalists start openly talking about race.
He's against the fedposter, that's why he spammed a third of the bump limit with a fucking mountain of text. It is no longer "you won't do shit nigger" it's "oh shit niggers are going to do shit, quick! Flood the thread so they get annoyed and leave without further cementing their hatred of browns".
A fucking THIRD of the maximum post count, all that's going on they must be losing the plot. It should be obvious to anyone who has been here a while what he's doing.
You say that. But I think that opinions are shifting right now.



The Roman Republic was a hereditary oligarchy first controlled by the founding families of the city and subsequently, the richest families in the city. Democratic elements were implemented to placate the masses and prevent unrest, and it did exactly that. It allowed the oligarchy to act with impunity and corruption became such as issue that it required multiple civil wars and the creation of a monarchy in order to stabilize the country. Rome succeeded in spite of democracy, not because of it.
Maybe if you could learn to fucking read you wouldn't need to make assumptions.
This thread was on page 8 with no replies when I started posting,
Is it illegal to write long posts and essays now?
You have 200 threads full of fluff posting to participate in the catalogue.
Have not seen anyone post stuff like this in a while. Bump, didn't read it all rn but i saved the link to archives.
Opinions are shifting in a controlled way, populism and civic nationalism is being allowed, probably due to future plans for war. In reality, it's no more progress than Trump calling for deporting illegals and building a wall was in America.
Or maybe you could fuck off with your pilpul you fucking jew. I can SEE YOU, nigger.
If you wanted to have a thread then you could have fucking made one instead if trying to inject your shit into someone elses regardless of what page it was on.
I'm not obliged to read all your shit either, if I gave a shit about druids then I'd go fucking look it up.

You ONLY posted this thread because you don't want people discussing the reality that America is majority shitskin and becoming ever more disgruntled with the situation.

This has nothing to do with page 8 threads or druids or retarded blogpost essays (not your fucking blog faggot) and it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that you're trying to create so much fluff that anyone of lesser experience would get lost trying to read all your shit as you suggested I do (I didn't and I won't). I can see past your cheap tricks, jew.
When you consider natural selection in general. I think you will find that as long as there is no pressure or oversight to remove cancerous individuals/social parasites they will build up. The morally just will overtime get overwhelmed by the corrupt. It’s beneficial for the individuals to be corrupt.
There is also the issue of normies. Not everyone is born to be a leader or to be part of the nobility.
Do you think there are systems that are more resilient to such degeneration?
I am personally of the opinion that the answer is to form ethno-centric religions that enforce morality on all social classes in society to prevent that kind of degradation.
I see it.
Perhaps. We will see how movement progresses in the next few months. Which goes back to the point I made in my essay in regards to forming a leadership class, educating noticers and producing content. It’s a way of making some sort of gradual progress.
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A constitutional monarchy based on nationalism and racism is the ideal form of government. In addition, a racial or ethnic religion to reinforce these beliefs in society.
bro, it's too long and if you can't explain it shorter you don't philosophize but cope l, being a chuck. money is the new religion and jews controll it
It would be an interesting system. Something to consider especially the religious aspect. Although it would still be vulnerable to social parasites like any form of government.
I guess it’s intended for anons that are interested in theories. There are pastas that can be used individually for specific topics. But it’s not meant for someone who is looking to shitpost or a casual, it’s a fifth of the length of mein kampf if you just look at the word count.
Social parasites can only be kept in check under monarchy. I don't see any other solution.
I have to ponder on this.

What do you think of eugenic programs in which useful noticers are bred as a sort of guardian social class?
I don’t think an idea like this has been considered before.
That sounded inhumane. What if noticers are encouraged to reproduce in greater numbers when compared to normies.
I haven't found any evidence that it's passed down genetically. It seems to be entirely random. Eugenics should be applied to increase racial purity and maybe intelligence, but not much more than that.
Perhaps studies can be carried out after we regain our nations. I think that if it’s possible for social parasites to have persistently large proportions of leadership class individuals then it must be possible for noticers to have increased odds of passing down behaviours.
If the genes associated with it are ever found, a true race of Ubermensch can be created.
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a noticer is someone who is capable of viewing reality unobstructed and can therefore push aside all the indoctrination amd societal taboos and easily recognize jews are the root cause behind all of the world's problems. all problems are downstream from the jews.

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