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Anyone else used to be indifferent towards vaccinations - who have turned strongly against them after COVID & the unethical mandates?

It seemed like a LOT of bullshit. All of the data would have justified vaxxing the 80+ crowd, but there was absolutely no justification on using them for anyone under 50, except if they were making personal sacrifices at great cost to keep the old alive.

From telling the young that "Nobody is safe until everyboomer is safe", to mandating it on college students.

I refused the shots, and I won't be vaccinating my children. It's clear nobody cares to hear about vaccine injury - especially when you see the autistic zoomers running around these days.
It does seem like both of those sides like to post about 'moving on' and forgiveness.

Funny how we never hear about Israel and the Jews forgiving Nazi Germany or Hitler for what he's done.
They will forgive themselves for being tyrannical monsters of the worst caliber. But they will never forgive us for being right.
Covid grandpa spells it all out
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Jesse Dunstan of The Right Stuff podcast group (a fake Alt Right group that lures naive Whites into honeypots) wanted the National Guard to enforce lockdowns with shoot-to-kill orders. He also said "Fuck your small business" to anyone who complained about going bankrupt because of the lockdowns.


The Latinx "former" communist Eric Stryker of TRS and the National Justice Party (NJP, another scam outfit and honeypot) said the Science™ is settled and the clot shot is Safe and Effective.


Meanwhile, Chairman Mike Peinovich of TRS and NJP, who married a B'nai B'rith jewess, says if you think the clot shots are dangerous, you're a fucking moron who needs to shut up:


>This is why I hate, hate, hate stupid covid vaccine shit so much! And I have zero respect for anyone that continues to peddle it, and frankly if I see it in any of my chats I think you're stupid! I think you're fucking stupid! I'm done pretending anymore! When I see you say "sudden death" shit, FUCK YOU! That shit you're falling for was used to totally deep six any ability to maybe control the border and prevent millions more brown people in this country! So enjoy it! Enjoy your stupid fucking memes! That you don't believe someone had a heart attack! Why the fuck wouldn't a nigger have a heart attack?! What you're mad about, because you're dumb, ok I'm sorry, the people that do this are just dumb, you got tricked, and if you did, it's never too late to simply stop!

Remember these names when the time comes to remove traitors from our midst.
buy an ad fucking grifter
>All of the data would have justified vaxxing the 80+ crowd
You're just cunts. If a disease comes along that has more visible symptoms such as the plague you will all be lining up for the vaccine. You were able to dismiss covid because it was a flu virus.
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Influenza and coronaviruses are supposedly different things. Remember how the flu just disappeared for a year while xovod numbers spiked?

Pepperidge farms remembers.
I don't have a medical objection to vaccination, but have become a hard-line opponent of the medical Industry.
You can't forgive them for what they did if they're not sorry.
vaxxies are HELLBOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think anyone blames NPCs for doing what they were forced to do, even if they didn't realise they were forced to do it
>if something completely different happens you'll act differently
Why did you post this?
What part of NO VACCINES don't you understand? None. No shots, no inoculations, no variolations, nothing.
>t. wannabe amish
fuck that. NPCs deserve to burn
from here on forward, same. No vaccines of any kind!
rabies and maybe tecnnus are the only 2 i will ever get
Oooh v-ACK-sie vaxxie heart att-ACK-sie
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>You can't forgive them for what they did if they're not sorry
I'm done with medicine.
Here's a fact about chemo: most oncologists refuse to take it when they get cancer. Psychiatrists also rarely take the medicines they prescribe if they get depressed
let that sink in. They'd rather just die or suffer than take the drugs they want to give you. I'm done. When my number is called, I'm going. No doctors or hospitals.
Anti vax before, more so after.
Im Taking my wife to a funeral today for a 28 year old who died suddenly, not even joking.
kill yourself fucking grifter, hope your death will be slow and painful
you shilled for vaxx until you realised too much competition and anti vaxx gets you more views
now suck my pureblood dick stupid nigger kike faggot for wasting digits like this
im not against vaccines, but MRNA gene therapy slop can go die today and burn in hell and whoever is making promoting and giving permission.
>Psychiatrists also rarely take the medicines they prescribe if they get depressed
this shit damages your brain, you will never be whole again without taking that shit.
been trying to convince my cousin to quit his stupid depression medicine.
Notice how I never said mandate/force/coerce or any of the other bullshit that happened? If some fatass Ameri-boomer is scared and wants to feel safe with a dodgy vaccine that *Might* slightly help them? Let them try - just don't let them push it on others.


Those aren't needed either. Tetanus immunoglobulin works best if you actually step on a nail, and Rabies immunoglobulin is also very effective for Prophylaxis.

Rabies prophylactically is a tossup - I'd probably do both the vax and IG if the animal tested positive but that's just me.

Gates is very worried about RFK Jr investigating childhood shots. Anyone with any thinking ability should be hesitant on all childhood shots until those tests are done.

Based nip bro. Many Jap doctors were early at warning people. I heard you need to be senior and pay out of pocket in Japan if you want shots this year.

I can feel the whispers asking "it wasn't the vax.... right? I only had 2... But.. But...."

SSRIs and benzos are pretty nasty once you're hooked.
Any vaccine mandated for the sake of work or education is unethical.

The mandatory flu shots to work in healthcare are nearly always 2 steps behind whatever the current strain is and the childhood vaccinations expose children to potential danger for diseases that haven't been spreading for decades.

Aluminum adjuvants have been all but proven to be harmful.

HPV vaccines prevent harmless strains of HPV from being contracted that block the malicious cancer-inducing strains. Japan banned it due to side effects.

It's another case of something that was a good idea that was turned into a massive government-enforced grift so that billions could be made every year.
Yes. Soon, my third one will be born and due to the absolute shitshow around the covid shots they will all grow up completely unvaxxed. At first, my wife wasn't sure but now that she sees how healthy the others are, she's completely on board.
Feels good to be the head of a family of five purebloods
I didn’t understand vaccines before COVID. I thought you just put attenuated virus into a person and magically your body took that virus and made antibodies. The truth is that in order to develop an immune response you need to injure the body. That is why aluminum is inside vaccines. By definition, every vaccine harms you, because without that harm an immune response is impossible.

I’m not sure how I didn’t realize this before but now that I know I will not give a single vaccine to my kids and I feel dumb for giving them any in the first place.
>Anyone with any thinking ability should be hesitant on all childhood shots until those tests are done.
Vaccine hesitancy is through the roof, especially with pregnant mothers and for their kids.
If you're referring to the covid shot, that is not a vaccine.
Actual vaccines are 100% needed especially in children
Absolutely agree.

Aluminum adjuvants are terrible, but how people still tolerate Thimerosal is beyond me.

This is what I keep hearing too. Kids free of any 'tisms, eczema, allergies, ADHD.

Based. Hope your first kids weren't too damaged.

As it should be. I can't imagine anyone going through COVID and still blindly trusting the government. People don't realize if you say 'No' firmly, Doctors and sociopaths will often gain respect in you if you can't be swayed.
Enjoy the aluminum and mercury, faggot.
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Trust has been lost. I'll take my chances with my first children.
When your children die of Polio or meningitis will you regret it, or say, "well at least the vaccine didn't get them!"
Instead of something like aluminum, polyethylene glycol was used in the mRNA covid shots instead.

Polyethylene glycol was used in genetic engineering for years but was experimental for use in vaccines.
That's what worried me, more so than the mRNA constituents.
They still text me every 48 hours and send weekly letters about getting my child vaccinated despite going through the channels to get them to stop. Being going on for nearly a year now. Half tempted to take them to court for harassment at this point. It's almost cult like behaviour for those that push them.
When your child steps on a rusty nail I assume you'll avoid the tetanus vaccine and just hope for the best? Pray maybe?
Or gets bitten by a rabid raccoon? No rabies vaccine and basically guaranteed death? Still better than a vaccine I suppose
Lol enjoy the resurgence of retarded childrens diseases
Are the viruses in the room with us?
It IS cult behavior. I've heard it from doctors that they lie about side-effects for the patient's own good.
Since 1960 - Polio hasn't caused any significant deaths. Meningococcal hasn't either.


Tetanus immunoglobulin - which came out in the 90s. Far safer.
>he thinks it's 1941
You're right, your child's death will be insignificant. Your bloodline should not continue anyway
Yeah it is, 99% of the pushers don't even understand the theory behind it or the contents but by god will they break the law and engage in harassment so they can put their cult juice in your veins. Most humans need to die at this point
I'll buy a lottery ticket every time I refuse a shot. I'm just as likely to become rich as I am to harm my child.

You do you though - if you want to retard your kid, that's on you.

It makes the hidden authoritarianism in many people make sense after reading about the Milgram experiment.
Look, when they start going back to using heat-killed viruses (which can go wrong), or better yet, start producing mixes of inert viral proteins to trigger a protective immune response, I'll be on board.

There's never zero risk of adverse effects, but modern vaccines use "dirty" adjuvants that commonly trigger auto-immune responses for the sake of saving a few bucks on production.
It's all about the dollarinos for pharma companies, nothing else.
Why don't you show your flag?
Please promise you'll keep vaxxing your kids. Make sure your up to date on your covid shots too. How many are we up to now? 6? 12?

Safe and effective is such bullshit.
>If you're referring to the covid shot, that is not a vaccine.
>Actual vaccines are 100% needed especially in children
It's obvious that given the unethical greed of Big Pharma, the corrupt regulators and the incompetent herd followers that make up the majority of the medical field today that we need a thorough examination of which of the 70+ supposed "vaccines" they push today actually are safe and effective. I would guess about 10%, at most 20%.
I'm not sgainst vaccinations as a concept, they're the reason we're not dying at childhood from all sorts of shit. I just vehemtly oppose forced vaccinations, especially if the juice in question is some rushed garbage for what's not even a threatening virus to begin with.
Furthermore it's my absolute distrust in the governments or NPOs of the world, less the act of vaccinations.
Covid shots aren't vaccines and only a retard would take them.
Kek. That's a first. Using the "No True Scotsman" fallacy for vaccines.
Go ahead. Profit off of the goy mindset. As long as normalfags jab their kids into assburger's there's nothing to fear. Give them tetanus or rabies shots only if needed.
His child's chances of having a severe side effect from the modern polio vaccine are higher than the chances of contracting polio now that it has been nearly eradicated due to vaccines and sanitation.

It's a catch 22.
You keep calling it a vaccine. Just because it's a shot in the shoulder and kikes label it as such does not make it a vaccine.
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My earlier post (>>472455664) still applies to both of you.

It was the exact same marketing they used for thalidomide - can some anon find/post that?

Issue is until there's more transparency, nothing should be trusted. People refusing and demand drying up will force them to go back - if people comply there will never be another placebo controlled study against existing shots.

I guess the kids who survive being unjabbed will need a population of retarded autistic lobotomized servants anyways.
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>Remember how the flu just disappeared for a year while xovod numbers spiked?
There are retards who actually will tell you that the flu was eradicated because of heckin masking while also saying that the coronavirus pandemic went as long as it did because nobody was wearing their heckin masks
>you will never be whole again without taking that shit.
You likely will, but the road to recovery will be tough
after covid, none of my kids will be injected jew juice.
Trump / RFK Jr. - 2024
First, which COVID vaccine? There are about 8 now, including non-RNA ones.
Problem is they're all scam by big Pharma. Same as the others.
No? Preventable illnesses like measles are starting to spread again because people are behaving like retards about vaccines. Measles can destroy your immune system and make it literally forget immunities to old illnesses. Anti-vaxxer culture has to be the dumbest part of white culture, and it's not even close
Go home ESL teacher. Japan only had mRNA, unless you flew abroad.
They are not only defunding & pushing out ethical pillar PIs, papers/grant submissions showing direct connection genes/proteins to Covid/Vaxx/+effects of such are coming back with a score of 0. Meaning the submissions were not even read. This PI was excited as there are exponential questions raised based off the gathered data.
>It's obvious that given the unethical greed of Big Pharma, the corrupt regulators and the incompetent herd followers that make up the majority of the medical field today that we need a thorough examination of which of the 70+ supposed "vaccines" they push today actually are safe and effective. I would guess about 10%, at most 20%.
Expert view here folks.
Take notes.

It's not coincidence when your kid get Bell's Palsy, or some other strange effect, the day after their vaccine cocktails.
The amount of obvious MIGA retards posting here under Jap flags is ridiculous
Takeda vax is peptide. Just because you're stupid doesn't make me an ESL teacher.
Japan has had vaccine injury scandals dating back to the 60s. You'd know this if you actually read something.
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This marketing?
We were warned. Many such cases.
Australia has had vaccine injury issues too, they've happened to 1/100k people who took the Astrazeneca vaccine, so they simply took it off the market. Only a moron would see that as a reason not to get vaccinated at all
What Trump did, using Covid to raid the national coffers and enrich his Jewish friends... how can I ever forgive that? Why are so many /pol/acks still behind him after that obvious scam?
I ain't even gonna vote this yeah cuz, I be working on my fake black online identity. I can't fw politics fr. Word to my niggers.
JewN has gleefully been optimizing bioweapons on populations since the end of WW2. Imagine the implications.
1/100k sounds like a profane lie.
Did you pull that out of your ass, being facetious, or actually hear that from somewhere?
Even control group statistics are never that low.
Yeah well when one looks at the whole sequence of events how does one NOT think Covid was deliberately "leaked" to force the already ready to go not really vaccinations injections?
Turns out vaccines are fairly safe after all, shocker
And you trust those figures why?

Pic related, daily reminder kiddos. Gee, what could possibly be the cause of wimpier, low-test offspring in Western countries, compared to the previous couple generations? It's like the Jews want to make everybody as defective as they are. Jews are that evil, greedy, and petty -- and everybody knows they run the vaccine companies.
Did Takeda actually have any meaningful uptake in Japan? When did that get approved? My data showed it was mostly (90%+) mRNA used.


The girl has nobody to blame, except her parents.


1/100k people, from the same people who brought you 'safe and effective'.

99% effectiveness turned out to be what... now negative due to ADE and now the variants that escaped the vaccines?

You can't seriously expect people to trust that.
Did you obey or did you resist?

I did not wear the mask or take the shot.
>Did Takeda actually have any meaningful uptake in Japan? When did that get approved? My data showed it was mostly (90%+) mRNA used.
It came to market too late. Nobody is taking any vax anymore, so that's that.
>strongly against them after COVID
I would say yes but I'm quite curious about the herpes vaccine. Do we think that might be genuine or just more big pharma bullshit?
I have no reason not to. Australian government stat reporting via the ABS has always been reliable and apolitical. They still report covid deaths even though it's very inconvenient to the government to admit anyone is still dying. And they match with the British gov stats which were published independently

If something is properly tested, safe, effective and an actual vaccine for a serious disease I don't mind getting it.
But the Covid Vaxx was literally none of that. Also I have no reason to trust any of these pharmaceutical companies with my health.
>Australia has had vaccine injury issues too, they've happened to 1/100k people who took the Astrazeneca vaccine,
>Turns out vaccines are fairly safe after all, shocker

You singled out 1 (one) out of a list of many severe side effects that's also a very specific form of thrombosis (clot).
How about other cardiovascular events?
It gets worse, look into the Valid Act. The purpose is to make the UN/WHO the sole arbitrator of ‘scientific’ information by shutting down independent clinical/non-clinical research. Divisions are meeting with lawyers now.
Effectiveness was eroded due to rapid mutation of the virus causing immunity escape. The household studies from 2020 show 90-ish% resistance against Wuhan strain, pity that strain barely lasted a few months before it mutated into Alpha.

I don't blame vaccine manufacturers for that, they tried their best, especially considering the tight R&D timeline. Coronaviruses have never been considered possible to vaccinate effectively due to how rapidly they mutate. Whatever tech exists now is obviously not good enough.
>posted from my covid internment camp
We must make propaganda illegal again.
They are spending more on propaganda and bribes than on the research.

hard pass on any jew-juices.
>Anyone else used to be indifferent towards vaccinations - who have turned strongly against them after COVID & the unethical mandates?

After covid, (i never took any covid jabs), it has become painfully clear, that a lot of things arent what they seemed to be.

Just to be totally clear, I will never ever, be taking a single more vaccine in my life, and never ever if I can avoid it take any pills of any kind.

Fuck them all, and the vaccines werent vaccines.
Globalism inevitably leads to global pandemics. Everything about the response to this mild pandemic shows the path the world is on will kill us all. The idea of restricting air travel, the actual vector was considered heresy while everything else was restricted.
Australia did actually stop all air travel for 1yr6 months which I have a lot of respect for our gov doing. So did China, NZ, Japan, and a bunch of SEA countries

The rest of the west just gave no fucks though, which is disappointing. Covid may have had a 2% death rate but what happens when there's one with 10 or 20%?
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This is all you need to read. If any of you are planning on having children, a must read.
>Coronaviruses have never been considered possible to vaccinate
That's because the common cold, including covid, is a nothing burger. Yet the 'experts' still went along with lockdowns, people losing their jobs unless they underwent experimental gene therapy, concentration camps in some countries. For a cold. Fuck you all, you all lost any ounce of credibility you had. You're not experts, you're fucking retards.
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>covid is the common cold
very low IQ post
yep.. never a fan of vaxxes, but still went along.No more though, after the Covid shitshow.. never any vax again for me or the family..
We call corona viruses colds, it was a cold, you fucking retarded frauds.
Imagine destroying free travel and rights over a flu that didn't kill anyone without comorbities

Cuck I bet you also approve the covid concentration camps
Very no iq post.
>Hitler for what he's done.
Hitler literally did nothing wrong, Nationalist socialist Germany was a great nation.
The kikes are responsible for fucking up everything, every single time.
I think lots of Herpes flareups, especially shingles are likely caused by the vaccine damaging the immune system, causing latent viruses to flare up.

Many such cases with HIV too....

Weird how Paxlovid was Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir - which was also used at some point in the past for HIV.

Were the covid shots "Safe and Effective"? If it wasn't both safe and effective, you shouldn't trust your source.

>The purpose is to make the UN/WHO the sole arbitrator of ‘scientific’ information by shutting down independent clinical/non-clinical research.

Any specific sections of the Valid Act for this?

I remember the Quarantine Camps (Concentration-esque camp style housing) in Australia, and the police hunting down those who dared try escape.

You'd have to shut down the CIA/NSA/5-Eyes machine.


Based Nordic bros.

Excellent book. There's also hundreds of pages online if you want to fact-check the book, or continuing your own research.

Did you take the boosters? Sorry to hear you were coerced.

I'd say it was as bad as the flu for me when I had Alpha and Delta, Omicron was a runny nose.
Potential power is always worth more than expended power, for a virus or any agent. If covid killed 20% in a few months it wouldn't establish itself as endemic.
This time the virus was probably made in a lab and wasn't supposed to kill but become endemic like it did. There's probably a variant in your body right now. The worst case scenario is that it's a bootstrapper providing easy access to your body for future engineered viruses.
>Viruses don't exist.

>All vaccines are toxic.

>Covid tests, facemasks, and vaccines had graphene hydroxide razor nano-tech.

>It was all and still will be 5G weaponized radiation which is absorbed by heavy metals. Seasonal flu ceased to exist out of a sudden.
>The worst case scenario is that it's a bootstrapper providing easy access to your body for future engineered viruses.
There's already piles of evidence that this is the case, but everyone is ignoring it

The worst case for the vaccines is they were part of the same plan. The fact that they had no effect on the infection rates mildly implies that's the case. It could also just be incompetence and greed.
But I know of a whole single old person who died from it and an old friend who had drug and alcohol problems also died from the very harsh cold virus that hospitals were getting $15k per patient for treating.

The first words out of my mouth when someone first mentioned the deadly coronavirus was, "oh, it's a cold." Then she went on to tell me about how it kills 1/10 who contract it.

Should have trusted my first instinctual and logical reactions because I eventually got tricked into thinking it was extremely deadly too.
I work in a team of about 30 and I have plenty of friends. I've asked all of them if they know anybody who died.
Not one person knows of a person who died. Think of that. Combined, we must know thousands of people in our social spheres, and not one death.
I dont go to the dentist anymore because they last offered to cut my gums to "show more teeth" how about no you fuckin weirdos.
I will never let my children be vaxxed and I will never take any shot ever again. Fuck the flu shot fuck the h1n1 bullshit fuck all that cancer disguised as a cure. You fucks showed your nose too much.
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>After COVID - Never Again.

Bit ungrateful, don't you think?

We should all be praising all those vaccines we got when we were kids, because the autism we got from those is what's protected us from getting the covid jab.
>I will never let my children be vaxxed
Future darwin award winner here
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>Future darwin award winner here

Of course it's a retard from prison island saying that.
That meme is funny because Djokovic lost several grand slams because of that decision and sat at home seething in 2022 while Nadal won the AO
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
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yeah definitely, i didn't know about the lack of testing and absence of liability prior to covaxx

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