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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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thoughts on witch burning edition
I'm all for burning jews, freemasons and warlocks
unreasonably cruel. fine, chop their heads off or something, but this....this is one of the worst ways to kill someone.
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but shes so beautiful...
>another roastie stabbed to death.
what if she killed your kid?
I'm not advocating for it but you must admit even the threat of it would of kept them in line
>would of
should have*
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>should have*
would have*
I don't really care how it gets done.
It's easier to understand if you stand next to the stake.
Based and redpilled
give it a go then
Care to correct that post?
Give needs a capital letter and you forgot the full stop.
>Care to correct that post?
nah im right
>Give needs a capital letter and you forgot the full stop.
nah its fine
i dont recall these 'wtiches' ever doing anything like that, but if they did then just fucking kill them. i'll leave whatever else the deserve in Gods hands without dirtying my own.
That's not what you said earlier.
How do you think I found out
Were you upwind or downwind?
you're not a witch apologist are you?
yeah because if I didnt correct "would of" I'd have 3-5 plebbitors being as tedious as you are being now
>yeah because if I didnt correct "would of" I'd have 3-5 plebbitors being as tedious as you are being now
Bullshit. No one gives a fuck if you make a mistake. We all do it. Just let it go. Anyone that harps on about it is a cunt not worth bothering about.
The entire point I'm making is stop correcting something so trivial. It is worse than letting it slide.
>you're not a witch apologist are you?
no, i just dont believe in cruel and unusual punishments. get the criminals killed quickly and then feed them to the dogs or whatever. i dont consider it my job to torture anybody.
>Anyone that harps on about it
oh like you're doing now?
anon I...
let it slide d00d
A little known fact: men were burned for witchcraft as well, though less commonly. Around 10-15% of those executed for witchcraft were men.
Ok well, you do you.
Keep replying to yourself and pointing out your problems.
I'm going to bed.
Don't need it anymore, when they injected themselfs with the graphene vaxx.
Nah I think Australians are smart enough to know the real enemies are you anti-Vaxxxer chud scum. We'll burn you fuckers
thoughts on abortion?
pointing out your flaws is based and humilitypilled
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Goes back to Gulveig and the first war.
not in MY thread bucko
>thoughts on abortion?
its definitely ending a human life and should be looked at in that context. the only justified situation is one where the life of the mother is in danger because then its self defense.
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fair enough
post it
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its the best i can do at the moment after throwing it around for a while. theres just no reasonable or honest way to deny the humanity of the unborn. so far as race goes i just wish they weren't in our countries in the first place. THAT was the mistake.
I was only asking to see if you had a witch like response
I havent really disagreed with anything youve said at all
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The kind of people who burned witches are the kind of people who wore masks and got vaccinated
Witch burners in the 1600s would do whatever a tv and a pfizer dick hardening pill pharmaceutical company tell them to do
I wish I had a big panting on my wall with a witch burning. Might pay for that at some point.
false equivalency
becasue you are an addled discord zoomer, let me explain something to you
There was never a witch burning in England. EVER
there was 3 witches burned in the Salem 'witch trial' hysteria
Number of witches burned in history?
approximately 8
It all jewish fairy tales so the jew feels safe
>becasue you are an addled discord zoomer
I've been here longer than you I bet
rest of your post sounds interesting though
post anything you can on these claims
The Celts will inherit the Earth
oh no, not a witch at all. Reformed Christian all the way. Not wishing to commit others to the flames doesn't mean that i agree with them.
i tend to agree with this. its just one more thing grossly exaggerated to try make Christians look bad.
yeah it makes sense but I'd like to see something that backs up his claims
The burning at the stake thing was a Scotish thing derived from Medieval Roman stuff
And it wasn't just witches, basically any crime.
Wales killed 5 witches in all of human history, and England never burned one at the stake
I am pretty sure Salem never 'burned' them either.
Remains after an execution were often burned.
But the trope of the poor misunderstood waman tied to a pole and set of fire for being a 'witch' i absolute bullshit
this leaf gets it
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as a satanist i must say that burning women to death (witches or not) ...is gay.
more christians were burned by other christians than any witches. they were just more inclined to physical punishments back then.
sounds plausible
>as a satanist
shut up faggot
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>hates women so much he wants to see them burn
>calls me a faggot
like I said I'm not advocating for it
faggot SIMP
>as a satanist
honorary jew huh?
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>he fell for the satanists are jews meme
you got a lot to learn boy
simp satanist edgelord/10
you're a scawny little mixed race thing that smokes bongs I bet kek
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you mean how Satanism was introduced as a meme religion to be a scapegoat for jews?
You think it too 1960 years for someone to think "I think I love Satan, and will worship Molech"
You are a gullible retard.
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>baseless personal attacks
1. you simped for foids whilst posting porn like a brown
2. no cunt that looks after himself physically is a satanist tryhard
3. every edgetard I've known smokes cones like its going out of fashion
ah yes the jewish man named lavey simply invented satanism
>numbered dot points
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I've absolutely done you
>ah yes the jewish man named lavey simply invented satanism
correct. satanism is a meme religion. the only true satanist is the jew

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