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>I worked 60 hours a week in the factory
>I had to walk a mile to somewhere I'd never been before to get a job
>I EARNED my pension!
>I had to do a shit job, so why don't you?
>why don't you volunteer or learn a skill, whilst I sit around watching television?
>and stop blaming foreigners, they just want a better life
How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
By learning from them instead of blaming the elderly for your inability to move around in the modern world.
I dont think any of those points are necessarily wrong, but the juice just aint worth the squeeze for any of that shit anymore, simple as
I can't believe they gave people pensions for putting a piece of sheet metal into a machine, hitting the button, moving the stamped sheet metal out, and putting a new sheet in. They did this hundreds of thousands of times, the same exact thing, for hours and hours every shift, day after day, year after year. They never had to learn anything else. Just stamp the sheet metal for 40 years. But apparently working in restaurants or retail aren't real jobs. Not like those Boomer sheet metal jobs down at the GM plant.
>just learn to sell your children’s future for unsustainable prosperity now
>walk dogs as a job
>give a firm handshake, it never fails
>just go into the army (hiring non-white non-males)
>get a shit job (mines closed, factories moved, farms using foreign labour)
>buy a house
>volunteer at volunteer-only organisations, you'll eventually get paid
>I worked 60 hours a week in the factory
True but it was a 2 minute walk their home and they were paid more than current engineers, they always omit this part.
Nigger people
>make children, print infinite money to be paid by said children, then proceed to sell out the country to the brown and the jews.
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>How do you respond to this
With SAGE in all fields. Post pics of your foreskin with timestamp, you divide and conquer kike.
You just show average salary vs mortgage cost size over time and maybe something like the cost of a can of fucking beans over time. And then you move on because you're wasting your time explaining to a geriatric retard when they're just going to vote for the party that gives them the most pension money (the most of your tax contribution in reality) without giving 2 flying fucks about anyone else.
>average salary vs mortgage cost
What do you do for work? How much are you earning? How much is your mortgage payment?
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>bust my ass when I do manual labor work off and on with my brother who does demolition and my dad who is a home builder
>dont have set schedule
>some girl I knew briefly a decade ago condescends and implies im a deadbeat cause im not at 9-5 testing shitty pharma drugs like she is
>ghosts me after asking why she couldn't go on a date with me

im gonna join the clergy i give up
>Post pics of your foreskin
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
>Young man, I had to work a whole TWO WEEKS before I could afford this 5 bedroom 5 bathroom house in the suburbs.
based decision either way
Sorry josh she always knew you were a loser
>How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
Don't even bother with them. They're as retarded as their idol Joe Biden. Their brains are melting like ice cream in the sun.
By shoving a pillow over their face, and holding it there until they are dead.

Despite all of their "accomplishments", the world is a shitty place, and they left a shittier place for their kids. A failure in every way, when they had the world handed to them by jews.

Treat em like foreign niggers, don't feed em, don't listen to them, prevent them from voting vy any means necessary, and when the time comes, make sure they know you'll use their money to fix all the problems they wouldn't.

TBD saves the world
that's cool, but gen z belong in mass graves along with their parents and siblings
>parents bought their house for $48k with a 20% down payment to n 1978
>home is now valued at $650k
>median home price in my state is over $500k
>$500k house is in completely shit, spic and nigger infested area
>$700k house will get me a house in a 50/50 white neighborhood

I just live in a van. Much cheaper and I can live where I whatever neighborhood I want.
>If you had to endure all these hardships, why can't foreigners do the same in there country? If these hardships are what forged your life into being great , then why should foreigners be granted easier access to said better life? Further, if you endured all these hardships, why are you against making life better for your progeny? If the saying "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit", do you believe yourself to be planting those trees?
Why don’t you just own it and flip the perspective on it? I’m self employed, I work when I need to, not like you, who has to find ways to be worth the pay at your 9-5.
>I'm unemployed and unemployable, live with mom, and spend my days online gooning to tranny porn or bitching about my struggles on social media but in 2 more weeks I'm going to start killing people who are in the 70s and become a raider warlord and take what's rightfully mine!
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>some girl I knew briefly a decade ago condescends and implies im a deadbeat cause im not at 9-5 testing shitty pharma drugs like she is
Don't ever think lowly of yourself. Your labour is skilled and creates an actual product people want.
You don't work a bullshit job that produces nothing and only exists so women can enter the "workforce".
You don't have to play office politics, you don't have to work with women and faggots and middle managers who make their job their whole personality.
Think about getting an asian wife, I'm in a similar position and considering it myself.
Kids today don't respect their elders like every generation did before them. Doesn't bode well for their future.
Pay back the 40 trillion you stole.
I didnt say it putting myself down its hard to tell if she even thinks of it badly she just was wondering my schedule im putting my pessimism spin on it
Yugo commies didnt earn their pensions, im paying for them right now and its still not enough. I love watching retarded yugo commies digging through the trash getting 7 jewro cents for every plastic bottle...lmao
Thats what you get when you depend on government
>Puts your factories overseas
>Imports millions of third worlders to do entry level jobs for pennies
>Gets upset when kids say they cant find a job
one mile 9 minutes right?
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most boomers did work harder, but that doesn't mean they had harder lives. just different lives, harder in some areas. obviously you can exclude richfags, but that's even with today's generations. more people back then were "working-class" whereas now working-class in the true sense with very little if no higher education, doing "dead-end" wageslaving jobs is probably half of that. especially with whites. for 10+years now they will hire a mexican instead of a white for most jobs that don't require any real work history or education requirement. this has in turn made life very difficult for current generations who come from poorer families or who didn't grind in school. it's so much harder to find a stable job that isn't literal slave labor for peanuts, and everythng has gone up price wise. this also adds a demoralization factor that is mostly self-induced, but it's happening. the boomers had an easier second half of life. most already own a home that they easily payed for over their life, and now they sit on a small retirement, but it's enough for a simple old person life that doesn't have a mortgage payment to make. nobody gives a fuck about poor white people in america. really. you are looked at as trash by the core middle-class, even if you've never touched drugs or alcohol, don't have a baby mama, etc. there is quite literally no demographic that gets treated worse. they will hire a middle-class mexican over you every single time, even the so called "trump lovers" in the deep south.
>cant find a job
What sort of experience, education, training, or credentials do you have? How many jobs have you applied to today?
>40 trillion you stole.
What do you do for work and who stole your 40 trillion? Did you try to stop this theft from happening? Have you reported this theft to the police?
Grandpa could support a house, a car, and a family of 3 kids on that factory wage, before Nixon moved all US production overseas and Celler the new york jew opened the floodgates for foreign immigrant-invasion.
whoa now, anon, you're getting awfully close to antisemitism there.
>they will hire a middle-class mexican over you
What line of work are you in that some 60IQ goblin from south of the border who doesn't even speak English is able to produce more value than you in the job market?
>that factory wage
What sort of factory do you work in and how much is your wage? How many children do you have?
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>respond without sounding mad thread #456848
>next stop 452 replies before noon
I agree with everything except the foreigner part. Fuck them. If they want what we got, do it legal. Or don't come. Oh, I dont watch tv either.

t. a old boomer speaking for thousands of other boomers
>foreigners are harder workers than whites
it's not about those types of beaners. the east coast and deep south have been FLOODED by 2nd and 3rd generation mexican-americans from the west coast, colorado, and texas. black people are already outnumbered by them in most places. they have taken over. and that's not even counting the illegals. the illegals even get payed decent in general labor jobs. like I said, not everyone could afford to go to college, and maybe didn't have the foresight to grind early in highschool or trades because they had parents who also worked dead end jobs and didn't really do anything to lecture them on the mistakes they made. it's a vicious cycle. if your parents are fucked up, there is a high probability that you will be fucked up or on the verge of being fucked up. with as much competition as there is now, it just makes it even harder to be a "breakthrough" case like in some hallmark movie. even if you have a decent job that's stable. have a car issue... bank account depleted. have a medical issue... bank account depleted. you are constantly behind and saving up only lasts until the next string of bad luck. while some people are complaining about mortgage prices, others don't even think about that shit because they're worried about ending up on the street.
>I worked 60 hours a week in the factory
I'm more productive and get more work done.
>I had to walk a mile to somewhere I'd never been before to get a job
The only reason I have a job is because I had someone on the inside.
>I EARNED my pension!
Would if I could.
>I had to do a shit job, so why don't you?
I do.
>why don't you volunteer or learn a skill, whilst I sit around watching television?
My leisure time is the only thing that keeps me from blowing my brains out.
>and stop blaming foreigners, they just want a better life
I am the foreigner.
>How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
I take responsibility for ruining the next generation but you will never take responsibility for the one you ruined.
>What sort of experience, education, training, or credentials do you have?
My parents had no experience at the start of their careers and failed school.
I have a degree, various pieces of training and certificates.
One of us had a job for life at the drop of a hat.
>How many jobs have you applied to today?
20. I would have applied for more but there were no new ones posted I can commute to or don't require senior experience (read: connections) only a boomer would have.
>ot everyone could afford to go to college, and maybe didn't have the foresight to grind early in highschool or trades
Wow, I really feel bad for all those people who did fucking nothing with their lives and are having a hard time competing for McJobs. Perhaps a few of us can get together and try to un-fuck some of these people who refuse to help themselves.
Well I'm sure if you spend more of your time on 4chan and r-antiwork bitching about how your failure in life is your grandparents' fault you'll be able to network with some successful people who can vouch for you in professional circles and help you find gainful employment.
I get it. It's hard to understand. Especially when you have a family safety net and things like having to pay your own phone bill and car insurance at 16 are abstract. A small loan of a good start is only for the elite classes.
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>about how your failure in life
Through family I've been to various wine & dine occasions that have had me rubbing shoulders with the richest in my country. Simply coincidence that we've made friends with scions of those who randomly succeeded, or were destined to from inheritance.
I sound like one of them, I talk like one of them.
It is not enough. Connections are not simply knowing something. It's having something they want. It's being a middleman between other connections.

A boomer who worked in a factory has no connections. A boomer who was a manager in a factory has connections. A boomer who worked in a council has connections. That is who those jobs are for.
A wage slaver cannot network.
>just get a job with connections
The last person to hold said job hasn't moved up the ladder yet due to medicine keeping the highest on the ladder alive still, and their replacement is a blood relative or a box ticker. I'm neither.

Do you have any real advice? I'd take real advice. But I imagine you're not actually successful yourself.
>having to pay your own phone bill and car insurance at 16 are abstract.
I've been working since I was 14.
I have a friend who is an actual black nigger who grew up in St Louis, his mom died when he was young and then his dad started using him as a fleshlight. Later when he got older he got strung out on crack and his dad would just give him crack to let him fuck him in the ass.
Today that guy has a job, a home, a daughter in who's life he participates and is generally a productive member of society and a net contributor.
What's your sad sack story that you can't get out of your own way?
>A small loan of a good start
I know guys who came from well off families that became losers and guys who grew up in section ape with crackwhore single moms who are wildly successful. How fucking old are you? At any point will you have any agency in what happens to you in life? Are you even white?
>calls OP divide and conquer
>spends the rest of the thread repeating OP's points unironically
> anecdotal success story
lol. you're either a larper or a boomer with that thought process.
>boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
OK, it's people born in the 1940s holding you back. Got it. So what's your plan? They'll all be dead in the next 10-20 years then who are you going to blame for your troubles?
>Do you have any real advice?
Figure out a product or service that people want and figure out how to provide it for them. If all else fails join the military, that's traditionally been the last house on the block for degenerates or people who lack the self discipline to get their shit together.
>I imagine you're not actually successful yourself.
I'll admit I've wasted a lot of time when I was younger that I regret, but I'm doing pretty good now. I own a home and some land, a successful small business that demands less and less work the more I invest in it, some nice toys, enough put by that I'll be able to retire comfortably and in a good position to survive a year or two if civilziation completely stopped tomorrow.
You're not going to like it when I say it took a lot of hard work and sacrifice to get here though.
Do you have any vision for your future? Where you'd like to be? Do you think every minute of every day how you can get there, or are you busy bitching and making excuses and demoralizing yourself by getting into social media echo chambers full of demoralized losers?
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>OP's points
What point do you feel I'm trying to make here?
>don't question authority or the status quo
>Just work harder and pull up those bootstraps
Pick as much cotton as you want. A slave will never take the place of the master by working harder.
at this point if anyone over 50 lies to you about the economy and tells you diversity is a good thing, and you are white, you need to beat them to within an inch of death or kill them. The economic policies of this country are genociding white people. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for the law. Ignorance of the reality is true too. They are not being real with you, you are being genocided and therefor, traitors before enemies.
Who is enslaving you, comrade?
Show your flag, Chaim
>you can't blame dead people for creating the world you now live in
>just create a product or service in an advanced economy where the market is saturated with corporations and regulations that are hostile to startups except for illicit trades
>just join the military (military uses a private recruiter with orders to cut recruitment as no wars are planned, female and brown/black candidates are allowed as it looks good and there aren't many of them)
>I'm a success, that's why I come to /pol/ every day
>Do you think about how you can get somewhere? Why are you thinking about how not to get there? Recognising routes to failure isn't how you succeed! Recognising how people succeed isn't dependent on their personal ability or choice, is wrongthink, chud! Work harder to earn the same as someone who didn't even have to work!
It's you millennials and zoomers who love foreigners so much. If we wanted them, we would have had them a long time ago. You guys vote for open borders parties, then blame us.
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Well it's good to know that 20 years from now when you've taken zero action to improve your lot in life you'll still be able to blame the children of WW2 vets.
I'm wrapping up work for the day and going to go have some lunch. Enjoy your loser circle jerk.
>tell recruiters white men don't want to serve ZOG and die for Israel
>recruiters are confused and move on to non-whites
>get mad that they aren't recruiting whites
>they make commercials to attract white males again
>tell them you won't enlist because there are too many non-whites
Okay boomer.
>You guys vote for open borders parties, then blame us.
In my country, the border was opened in the '50s, then widened in the '70s, then slammed open in the '90s.
The earliest Millennials were not able to vote until the 2000s. For some zoomers, this year's election will be their first vote.
The Conservative party, who has imported more people than this island has seen over its entire history, is not voted for by anyone beyond the Boomer and Gen X generations.
Zoomers are more right wing and nationalistic than any generation since the world wars.
I'm sorry Biden, but you should go live in a home so you're properly taken care of.
>tell recruiter you want to serve
>they say "That's nice dear, but non-whites are better"
>they hire the non-white
>adverts now ask for whites again
>go to recruiter
>"That's nice dear, but non-whites are better"
You are doing great anon, just marry a hispanic girl and make many castizo babies with her.
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I hate boomers and their retarded crabs in a bucket mentality. You know what jews do for their children? Set them up with 100k investment money on their bar mitzvah. Jews are successful and whites are not because Jews have a strong in group preference and set their children up for success.
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>I'm unemployed and unemployable, live with mom, and spend my days online gooning to tranny porn or bitching about my struggles on social media but in 2 more weeks I'm going to start killing people who are in the 70s and become a raider warlord and take what's rightfully mine!
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>How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
Everyday you went to work, you came home to a poorer nation.
You werent working, you were indebting.
This is a fact
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Right but that didnt happen tho

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