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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do boomers have zero sensitivity to subversion? Meanwhile I have an innate sensitivity to subversion. For example I couldn't finish this shit movie.
People here watch movies because of star power, not because the movies are good. They're actually watching it thinking "God I wish that were me. Look at him. He's making millions off this absolute dogshit movie. How does he do it? Maybe if I watch what he is doing closely enough, I can figure out how to do that too."
Noob, I grew up with Kojima games, I crave subversion!
Boomers had it too good for too long to recognize the dangers ahead.
People like you experienced the last days of a normal, decent society and feel the most the effects of what was lost because your turn at building a life had just begun
I watched this and we don't even understand why the hell the characters are mad about? It's like a bunch of edgy people who complains but never explains what is their issues.
>"My life is so shit, we can buy stuff in supermarkets and we have to work to earn money, oh my god all is shit."
>"My life is so shit, we can buy stuff in supermarkets and we have to work to earn money, oh my god all is shit."
The current generation is doing this. It's like nostalgia, this meme never dies.
Swen, name subversions in Fight Club.
>we don't even understand why the hell the characters are mad about?
>being filtered by fight club
Tue natural search for meaning can’t be found in a society that only teaches materialism

Violence against that system is cathartic and preludes the dawn of better days.
Not that hard to understand
He can’t. This is the testicular cancer support group. He doesn’t have any balls.
>zoomer needs adderall to watch a 2 hour movie
I am so subvertive i fart in this thread while replying to everyone.
A better question to ask anon is why do you care? Why do give a a single fuck what collective boomer think is?

Can anon please help me with my eye! A 6x boosted vaxxie spat talked into my eye and now it’s not working properly. I’m fucked aren’t I. 2 more weeks until I die.
If anything this movie uncover subversion
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Have you ever been in a real fight?
I have the impression that the message of the movie was this but at the same times they try to make it more deeper or more complicate in the most pretentious way ever. I do not understand what they are mad about.

One of the weirdest phrase was "we are a generation of mens raised by single mothers" but most X generations people still had low divorce rares and were raised by two parents, it came after. Is it some kind of predictive programming?
Meaning about what? and what is the problem with materialism if you live in a calm high-trust society?
The problem is that it does so in a hypocritical way

Fight Club is Hollywood material, Brad Pitt is the very face they make fun of in the Calvin Klein scene
television and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
It would be funny if in addition to not watching to the end he never read any spoilers or a plot synopsis, thereby missing the whole point of the movie
Did you catch what the moral of the story was?
>It's like a bunch of edgy people who complains but never explains what is their issues

Oh no, Jaquan Ngbumbu doesn't get it unless it's spelled out for him.
What is subversive about it, OP?
He blows up a bunch of credit card companies and financial institutions at the end of the movie. You idiot.
The people making the subversions are also boomers and speak their language + have decades of experience. In 30 years, you'll also become insensitive to subversion because the ones doing the subversion will be the same age as you.
how did so much antisemitism slip through in movies during the 90s you guys?
>what is the problem with materialism if you live in a calm high-trust society?

How can a society be calm and high-trust if everybody is chasing after material gains and will gladly throw anybody under the bus just so he can progress personally? It's by the way why immigrants started to be shipped into Europe - the elites, fully submerged into materialism - would rather fuck over 80% of society just so they could lower the wages and increase the wages, because money is all they care about.
It's shallow success when you're still just a slave to the system. You're given enough material success to "shut up", but you aren't given any of the real social benefits that humans crave. This is the root of the search for meaning. We want a family, a tribe, a community. In America, we have no families, no tribes, no communities. We have poor anti-social individuals living in ghettos, rich anti-social individuals living in gated communities, and a bunch of people living in purgatory unsure if there's a point to it all.
>People here watch movies because of star power, not because the movies are good.
I've noticed this here too
>hurr its not hollywood so therefore its shit
>increase the wages

increase the rents, I meant.
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Ever heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Modern western society has a design that does not accommodate needs beyond the base of the pyramid. Most men only realize this too late in their lives and that’s when the frustration exposed in the movie comes in

>high trust
Only contractual. Not everything is business related
Yeah it's kind of funny because the faggot author was making a critique on "unchecked masculinity" or some shit but had to go out of his way to make it happen
Who's arm is that?
It was the shifting point when it became obvious that our lives are empty, artificial, and meaningless. People born after that only know the meaningless world, so they don't understand what was being mourned in this movie.
>a calm high-trust society
>The US, in the 90s
The US is higher trust now than in the 90s. We lived through the most violent crime of any living generation. Don't let that spoil your D&C thread though.
Nigger! Zoomers/Millenials literally gave up their basic human rights because of a fucking virus! You can't get more cucked than that!
>america was more violent when it had less spics and other migrants

>thread starts with "Why"
didn't read + hidden + nigger
Yes, you needed to be there to understand
After reading all of the replies here I think you have all fallen for communist bullshit and that this movie's purpose was this.
Fight Club is the best movie ever made. Is OP a flaming homosexual or what?
Communism is pro governmental control.
The movie is closer to anarchy and primitivism imo
checked. based.
Apparently none of you retards know the first rule of fight club.
>UhHHh HeLp mE I nO cAn WaTcH kInO
It's generation x angst. Kind of cringe, kind of had a point. We're all totally conditioned to modern life at this point where the things they're complaining about don't register as issues anyhow l anymore. Same thing happened with boomer hippies and beatniks complaining about having to conform to societal norms which by today's standards would be idyllic (comfortable but boring job for life, suburban house, nuclear family).
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why do the kikes and kike like people hate this movie so much?
No no, you said high trust society
We had Rodney King and rooftop koreans, that was high trust, right?
This is high trust, right
Like this sort of stuff happens in high trust societies such as Japan every day, right frenchy?
>Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Too complicated. The actual answer is that dvision of labor leads to people doing only one thing that the brain soon stops responding to, leaving them starved of dopamine and melancholic. They're bored.
I bet it's just the feds posting how much terrorism is bad. Don't start a fight club and blow up the big banks, that's a terrorism! Terrorism bad! Don't liberate yourself from jewish money magic. Don't extricate yourself from the debt trap designed to kill goyim. Why would you even complain about your miserable life goyim? Just work your pointless office job where you deny people their insurance money until you kill yourself alone in your apartment and die goyim. That's the message of OP.
What's not to like about a little rebellion and fucking that hot homeless bitch? Lighten up, OP. Sounds like it's subversive to the (((status quo))).
Crime =/= trust
It was higher trust in the 90's. The crime was all black crime and the black areas were much smaller then. It was easy to avoid. Look at videos of people out around town from that time, people are more open and talkative. Now everyone hates everyone. It is much worse now.
The high trust society of 90s America!
You have ALL been brainwashed into thinking the 90s was a bad time in America
You had it GOOD!
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>you can buy everything you want on AMAZON, watch dozens of great TV shows on NETFLIX, relieve your stress on PORNHUB, play all the awesome japanese video games on PLAYSTATION and you're FREAKING telling me life is NOT GREAT!? Like UgH what's wrong with you peoplx.
This is a lie. Nobody in the USA has had it good in my lifetime. It's been nonstop bubble-crashes for my whole life. The economy is always in shambles, inflation is always out of control. Nothing has ever been good or right in my entire lifetime. Nothing was good or right in the USA after the JEwish CIA killed our president JFK and took over the country like fascist dictators in the shadows. We're just slaves being bullied and abused until we inevitably rebel and kill our masters to death.
Amen brother
Black areas. Exactly what I said. Thanks anon.
1.) crime stats are fake
2.) criminality back then was restricted to particular areas

Yea it was worse if you were a nigger living in Harlem. For those of us who are not niggers or spicks, it was a safer and higher trust society back then.
this. it's insane what people used to complain about.
>it's le gommunism

I think you need to re-watch that movie frogbro..
some of the 90s culture was literally 2024 level anti white. A Time to Kill, Green Mile, lots of race hustling cases a la george floyd, all the "punk" stuff like denis leary/george carlin who pretended to be rebels but were just shitlibs. Blackpilled recent stream showed some MTV racism documentary from 1990 that was something you would have seen in the summer of 2020.
It wasn’t weird it was unironically fucking based.
Also it went something like: “We are a generation of men raised by women, I’m thinking is it really another woman that we need”
>It was only safe in my gated community, therefore the 90s was high trust
Ouch, you two might actually be fully retarded
I tried watching "Bodysnatchers" yesterday, for the time - and I was like: geez, the jewery was that bad even in the 70s?
Checked and correct.
>>472454083 It sucks to be a huge hypocrite like you.
>too complicated
Point of the movie is that you need to look like Brad Pit to fuck a woman that looks like Helena Bonham Carter

Its ablackpill movie, i dont know what you guys talk about
Same with Breakfast Club

I didn't think it was a cool movie at all. It was just promoting bad social values the whole time.

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