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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This guy should be the Democratic nominee.

Prove me wrong. You can't.
yeah no. he's currently overseeing the destruction of california.
No one cares. You’ll get big Mike anon or Trump. Can a wise anon of /pol please help me, a 6x boosted vaccine spay talon into my eye and now my eye doesn’t work. Please help!
Spat talked*
Even Democrats outside of California hate this guy. The only reason why Democrats in California vote for him is because 1) white women 2) they don't speak English.
For some reason he is disliked like Kamala. The ONLY choice is Michelle Obama. She would win in a landslide without lifting a finger. Every girl boss in America would go for her, every black and brown would vote for her, every libshit would vote for her. It would be a Reagan style blowout.
He shitted his own state up already, he loves subhumans. This guy sucks beaners off and is the biggest nigger sympathizer in government.
He had a pedofile symbol on the header of his official twitter page and when autistic noticed it he quickly deleted it. He’s one of (((them))) and an absolute devil.
A more realistic solution is putting Kamala at the top of the ticket and Andy Beshear as the VP. Kamala is not popular, but at least she's not senile, so the focus turns back to a referendum on Trump.
The guy looks like a used-car salesman who would sell his own mom a total piece of shit.

And what Bide has done to America, Newsom has done twice as bad in California.
>For some reason he is disliked like Kamala.
The reason is that he fucking decimated California.
No rust belt voters will side with a West Coast champagne Democrat. There that was easy.
>gay faggot op thinks a guy whose pretty hated in his own state has a chance with the rest of America

there is no way, no way in hell, that the Demoshit party will kick the strong and stunning black woman Kamala Harris to the curb and elevate a FUCKING WHITE MALE to the spot. It's just not going to happen, they barely got away with putting Brandon in there, but it will tear the party apart and they know it.
Replacing with Michelle would be an even bigger egregious clown show that they have now lmao
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You shoulld keep up with yank politics better.
Newsom almost got removed with a no confidence vote due to his abysmal handling of covid.
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+ you get Barack back.
Your spam makes me wonder how much my life would improve if I were to filter every bit of media that includes the words anti-semitism or anti-semite. It would be like erasing jews from the internet on a personal level. God damn, that's a good idea. Maybe I could make a chrome extension...
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We need one of the squad. President AOC just imagine dem tiddies in the oval office

Reminder Gavin Newsom is Psycopathic tyrant. Vid rel.

he's the ONLY alternative with a chance. full stop. bar none. not harris, not schiff, abso-fucking-lutely not buttigieg.
>covid schizos hate him and say he's Hitler
Wtf I love Gavin now
Any moderate Democrat has a chance. Trump is almost as unpopular as Biden.
two outcomes:
1. Biden DOES drop out allowing dems to run damage control and put this guy or Michelle Obama in the running
2. Jill Biden refuses to give up power and insists on sleepy Joe running no matter how much democrats sperg out

Either way, it gives them either a fighting chance or fuels the copium tanks for the next 4 years
of course the bong worships the guy with unnaturally white teeth
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He'd lose, his appeal is non existent outside of California. There is a reason he is not the nominee.

You're going to have to accept that Trump is returning in January.
Jill Biden is not going to give up power.
I live here and let me give you the qrd. The guy is a snake in human skin. You know that old tv show 'V' where the good looking aliens are actually rat eating reptiles underneath? It was predictive programming for this guy. AVOID at all costs. You have been warned.
Gavin Newsom's nationwide appeal is that he is White and handsome. He does seem like a bit of a lightweight though, probably because CA is a one-party state. He didn't do that well in that debate with DeSantis, and DeSantis struggled against Chris Christie FFS.
In what ways?

>big Mike anon
Do you mean Mike Pence? He dropped out. I dunno who you mean.
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>Activate plan B
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Lmao i fucking hate that nigga so much
I'm thinking this as well, she needs Joe to remain president as long as their family's court battle is happening, and knowing these heebs they could stretch that out for a while
Newsom's appeal is that he is young, handsome, relatively well spoken and looks presidential. It might not be much but it might be against Trump. I think people are forgetting that Trump still isn't that popular. Newsom has a chance simply because people a lot of people want someone younger and not Trump and who comes across as sane.
Every California governor since 1960 has faced a recall effort. All it takes to force a recall election is a bunch of signatures from the public, it's not like the UK where parliament can put forward a motion of no confidence on the PM.
I looked at that on Wikipedia and he won that vote 62% to 38%

Remember that Brexit only won by 52% to 48%

So Gavin had a 24 point gap, 6 times larger than the gap which Brexit won by.
Exactly. And who else could the Democrats put up? Kamala Harris is not very popular. And they don't really have many other big names.
go visit any california city
>not popular
thats the understatement of the century
Well exactly. So presumably they wouldn't choose her if they did want an alternative to Biden.
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>Any moderate Democrat has a chance
Luck for Trump any moderate democrats have been purged from the party years ago.
All trump has to do then is pick a running mate more black than her and he wins the black vote, she's not really black
fine, he can lose, who cares who loses? people hate democrats.
I would be curious to know what the other recall efforts were about.

In the recent one, newsom was such an insane authoritarian over covid that even California people in their millions tried to vote him out.
Hes not got a hope in hell in any other state.
That figure doesnt account for election fraud.
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Most haven't gained much traction, but back in 2003 Gray Davis was successfully recalled after an electricity crisis led to a series of blackouts, as well as an increase in car registration taxes. That's how Arnie got in.
I would vote for Arnie just cos it would be cool to have him as governator.
Newsom is from evil family, he's Pelosi's nephew.
We don't need Pelosi crime family here.

>likely run drugs into US,
>Baltimore is a major port where drugs likely landed
>Pelosi's dad and brother were mayors of Baltimore
>kept it nigger infested shithole full of drugs
>California has one of the largest US ports, Los Angeles, where obviously asian drugs land
>becomes nigger and drugs infested shithole
>rinse, repeat
what a faggot like OP
That's so unconstitutional on its face it would never happen.
IF true, and even if it isn't true, it's pandering. Nothing more.
How stupid are you?
Trump holds pizza. Pizzagate confirmed.
He looks like a sleazy criminal used car salesmen with too much gel in his hair.... completely unsympathetic-- so yeah democrats would eat that shit up lol
Sure trade one incompetent lunatic for another.
Great plan, moron.
THIS RIGHT HERE IS THEIR NEW COPE. Paint trump as the pro Jew guy when they're both pro jew
Minorities and women will love this choice, particularly with Kamala as the heir presumptive, and Hillary waiting in the wings, you STUPID BRIT.
Stick to a subject you know, like bad food.
nobody gives a fuck about that lol. they'll just accept it and move on. if anything women would prefer newsom
Gavin Pooscum. Why, poo?
>because I am poo and my brain smol and stuff
>mmm…a turd and it’s just lying there all free & tasty.
Newsom is a huge faggot that has competely destroyed California with his insane policies. No one likes him except boomer women, because they like his hair. California has tried to remove him twice but CA elections are completely rigged
I keep telling you shitlibs they're going to run Wes Moore, but nobody listens.
I hope you're trolling.
Newsome being chosen will infuriate women (who never got over 2016 and that's why they hate Trump so much) and minorities, who will see Kamala as the rightful heir.

If those groups don't turn out in numbers for the Democratic candidate, it's over. And they won't, for Newsome.
>Newsom's appeal is that he is young, handsome, relatively well spoken and looks presidential.
>Gavin Newsom's nationwide appeal is that he is White and handsome.
No homo.
He should because he’s a greasy hatable plastic fuck who ruined everything he touched. Perfect visual representation for modern day liberalism

Two more boosters!
They should absolutely run Newsom because when Democrats eventually lose in November he can be left holding the bag and any future for his political career would be dead in the water.
The Democrat National Convention is in August so theres a small possibility they could select someone else as the nominee. Unless Biden steps down willingly that’s highly unlikely and he’s raised 200 million for his campaign. What happens to all that money?
Never heard of him.
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>Do you mean Mike Pence? He dropped out. I dunno who you mean.
go home tourist
Gavin Noose-Em. Not only does he want to keep the niggers on his plantation, he wants to Noose-Em.
>Newsom's appeal is that he is young, handsome, relatively well spoken and looks presidential. It might not be much

i heard he is Pelosis nephew or some shit
is that true ?
>keep the niggers on his plantation,

no, thats Randy
who the fuck is that? does work in mcdonalds?
how is Gavin Newsome unlike Justin Trudeau?
he's like the American Justin Trudeau.
lots of women will vote for him because he's moderately good looking, even though to us he looks like a used lemon car salesman, which he is.
never underestimate the stupidity of women
No one cares
He is polling worse than Biden, bring him on he is a fucking loser
He isn’t senile that already makes him 1000x better than biden
He should be tortured to death in front of his family for what he has done to us. I have a client who lost his legs because this guy invited a drunk illegal in to steal someone's truck and run him over.
I have a neighbor with scars all over his back, 12 gage discharged by an illegal stealing his truck.
We the people will be torturing gavin to death in front of his family.
Mark my fucking words.
Cali is a pariah state in the minds of a huge swath of the nation I cant see anyone from there in a frontman position on the national stage
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Homelessness and rampant crime coming to a state near you.

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