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This shit seems very coordinated
No shit, that’s why the debate was before the nomination process. They can’t cheat enough to get this retard a second term.
nah the Dems respect the voters who voted for him. Surely the people defending democracy wouldn't just throw that out and have insiders elect someone else.
It’s all theater. Trump is a Jesuit. They’re all working for Israel.
what tipped you off? was it the CNN panel tripping over themselves to be the first one to call for mutiny, or....
Who will replace him if they do?
This. And also now they can all pretend they didn't know he was retarded, and didn't know he was ruining the country!
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>This shit seems very coordinated
Because it is. (And thank God someone can recognize it.)

The DeepState have always planned to replace Biden before the election (the estimates here on /pol/ were in August). So this is all more kabuki. The asslicking idiots who are most leftists might be surprised, but no one paying attention should be.

The important question now: why are the DeepState sacrificing their "Biden" character and letting Trump win?
Gavin Fagson.
>Trump is a Jesuit.
Jesuits actually hate Trump. Jesuit / vatican satellite was used to remove trump.
Jesuits run drugs and niggers in US, niggers are RC vatican only and the largest growing group . And Trump wants to close borders, which means no more easy drug runs and a lot fewer nigger and brown catholics.
He will have to voluntarily step down, they are too late to do a primary, so he basically has to abdicate the Presidency to Harris who will inherit the de facto nomination at the convention.

I forget how it works when VP's become president as far as who their VP will be. Apparently when Ford took over he had no VP for a while and then there was a nomination process for Nelson Rockefeller (a person who until today, I had no idea was ever the Vice President of the United States.).

Obviously you can't go into an election with no VP so they'll have to rectify that vacancy. I have no clue who that person would be.

Otherwise they do some sort of emergency primary, but that's probably inviting more problems than it's worth.

You'd have to wonder.
Like, only now they're pondering the President's poor performance?
The guy's been gibbled for ages now. Gimmee a break.
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Leftists are all weak men and women incapable of independent rational thought, because they look to the tribe for cues on what to believe because they rely on their tribe to support them. So once any kind of group think or panic starts to set in, it spreads like wild fire. This is the real reason why Leftists are so bug-brained and seem so coordinated.

This is also why they are so blatantly susceptible to propaganda and the false consensus manufactured by the media.
I dont get why you guys only have these 2 options to vote for. Why isnt there like at least 10 candidates to vote for?
I love how everything is planned to you retards instead of realizing that politicians are just retarded.
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kosher theater

Bibi is calling the shots and never forget, Bibi used to sleep in Jared Kushner's bedroom when he visited New York.
Learn to read kike
>Someone who was expected to perform poorly performs very poorly
>People whose career is to strategise, think, and write about political campaigns have already thought about a likely outcome
>Immediately after the likely outcome, which they all anticipated, and which received mass attention, people share those commonly held thoughts on various mediums
>Durrr it’s a conspiracy, there’s no way people with the same views are just responding to the same event in the same way
It’s not a conspiracy, retard. Their guy fucked it up and they’re responding accordingly. That’s like saying it’s ‘too much of a coincidence’ many people open umbrellas when it rains.
too smart for this board
/pol/ has become nu-/x/
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>coordinated!? Pshaw! What are you, some kinda conspiracy theorist?! Those two guys with juish grandkids aren't coordinating on anything! They're bitter rivals!
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Don't say you didn't know all along, that would be lying.
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delet this
The seething from telling lefties their media is admitting that Trump was right about Biden's mental health is glorious.
>the most obviously unscripted live shitshow occurs and everyone is clearly panicking because it was not expected
What would have to happen for /pol/ NOT to think it was a conspiracy?
Remember election night? A pre-recorded acceptance speech got played before an audience of brand new empty trucks.
This entire 4 years has been a fucking joke.
I feel like this is part of the plan to select the person they want. This way they can bypass democrats voting for someone else in a primary situation. Now they create a disastrous situation that leaves everyone hopeless, then they usher in a "savior" of their choosing at the convention. This wont be someone that could have won a primary but it will be the one the powers at be want, for reasons. People will accept it because it will give them hope and re energize them at the last minute.

I just hope that it is being done in order to restructure the democrat party and move it back towards the center. Who knows though.
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trust the plan
Lol, your marching orders are still to paint Trump as more pro-jewish than Biden to try to turn off his supporters, huh?
Bro, it's fine, black unemployment will be lower than it's ever been. Even lower than during slavery.
Who are these "insiders"? Don't the NPC Democrat voters get furious that random anonymous powerful people get to throw out tens of millions of their votes and choose someone else at whim? Who the fuck is running the country?
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>just voot
I really doubt that.
Not that it's coordinated, just that they can't cheat enough to win.
At least on the surface, very little was done about the cheating last time.
And in the past 3 years they have been shamelessly importing millions of "voters" who will show up to keep the democrats in.
Only way they could lose is if the jews tell them to throw it to Trump for WW3, which may be the case.
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Hahahaha, what a fag. He has ju grandkids mate. Wipe your chin.
lol hasbara kikes glow and even normies know now
Hopefully Biden cuts all aid to you kikes
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After their boy Bernie got cucked in 2016 you'd think so, huh
Reminder that at the 2016 convention the berniefags were furious and loud so the coordinators turned off the mics over their section and killed the lights, then trotted these fags out to calm everyone down
>you're being ridiculous! just let us install our chosen candidate and SHUT UP!
Shut the fuck in you braindead Protestant cunt
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>le jesuits
its because they cant lie anymore, as if the dam broke and now they can say that they always said he was old
Trump is a kike shill
Kys Jewish nigger
It is
Big Mikes coming
>No shit, that’s why the debate was before the nomination process. They can’t cheat enough to get this retard a second term.
This. One million times this. DNC was ALREADY floating the "we might have to replace Biden" through their shill social media lapdogs. Not the main party, no, they was solidly behind Biden, at least publicly. Last night's debate was just to test the waters and see where the political winds blew. The look of absolutely defeat on the establishment media's faces, plus all the turbo levels of coping and seething online from Biden bros last (they couldn't spin that debacle into gold if they tried) means Biden will "mysteriously" become too sick to continue after the conventions, and they'll whip out some golden boy like Gavin Newsom at the last minute to minimize all the hit pieces that'll pop up in the last months of the election.
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pretty much this, they spent 4 years trying to pretend biden wasn't a senile old man.
last night gave them all an easy out so they can get on the same page.
what i find funny is the people who were so deep into the propaganda that they are legitimately shocked that biden might not be all there.
best comment i saw on it was to the effect of
>people finally saw what normal people have seen for the last 4 years.
who the fuck will the left try to prop up now is the question, kumala is trash, gavin is a faggot, mike obama doesn't have the base they need. they really don't have anyone.
No, honestly we've seen how lazy the DNC gets with its candidates. They would rather wait at the last moment to promote some old stock Lib, Hillary over Bernie in 2016, now Grandpa Joe. They just got cocky thinking they could run the same old playbook from last time, "A vote for Biden is a vote against Trump".
Yeah, everyone knows Biden's retarded. The question is, what are they gonna do about it. This seems like a very plausible solution, if they didn't go for the preventing Trump for running option.
They can't even do this without being disingenuous. It's not his age people are concerned about, it's that he's a drooling, mindless zombie.
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Funny you post that RC fag. A big question for him if you ever cross paths is why he was so adamant to support ukraine whole hog despite the obvious juish scheme unfolding there, trannies and all.
it's not that they can't cheat. they can't cheat in a way that they can sell to the American public. most people believe 2020 was rigged but there was no big smoking gun, and the media blitz against Trump convinced people he wasn't as popular as he actually was. now that we've lived through years of Biden, the support for Trump is real and grass roots.

Biden would have to be the most popular president elected in US history for the second time in a row, and literally nobody, not even lefties, think that's a narrative anyone would believe
>thinking modern politics actually have sides
>not realising all sides are actually just identical
At the moment my read is the DeepState (meaning both D's and R's) plans to neutralize Trump by setting everything on fire before the election, then neutralizing Trump by forcing him to clean up the mess.

This would also allow the Dems to make Newsom their national candidate without any real analysis of his abilities and policies. Spend 4 years criticizing Trump for not fixing all the inherited problems, then be their clear nominee in 2028.

A more blackpilled take is Trump is once again part of the Zionist scam, and will again fool whites into not doing anything.

>Gavin Newsom at the last minute to minimize all the hit pieces that'll pop up in the last months of the election

I hope/pray the DNC would be that stupid. It would mean they have no faith in Kamala, which would undermine the current administration for the remainder of the Biden/Harris term, and it's not like you just switch names and everything stays the same. 4 months to start over from scratch (no money, no staff in place, no strategies, nothing) is a recipe for disaster.
More choices=less chances for an isreali puppet cock sleeve. Can't have that in jewnited states of isreal.
media is plural for medium you nonce
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to be fair i have no idea who he is or what his stances are, just agree with that particular statement
jews are on a mission to wipe out the amalakites (white race)
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>Biden would have to be the most popular president elected in US history for the second time in a row, and literally nobody, not even lefties, think that's a narrative anyone would believe
They currently still pretend to believe he got more votes than Obama in either election that he won, which for 4 years has been a crazy thing to me. I don't like Obama but it is undeniable that his campaigns had way more energy and support than Biden's stage-play of one last time around, and this year he doesn't even have one. Shit, neither candidate looks like they're campaigning in the classic sense, we're a few months from elections and it doesn't feel like it.
Someone didn't give the kikes their bombs quick enough and so the humiliation ritual begins!
>deep concerns grow
Don't kid yourself, they'll bet the farm on kamala
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> 85% of the media is owned Jews
> ugh I think this is coordinated
No shit nigger
Wtf I love Biden now
Hey, the detective has solved the case!

The question isn't whether the narrative is pre-decided that Biden is out, it's why TF they are being so blatantly obvious about the narrative being obvious.
Biden's cabinet is a kiked-up mess.
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They're not required by law or anything to ask or have a vote for their person, they can just put them forward. Harris will never see a presidency, that's obvious, she's hated. They would never put her in.
>part of coordinated effort to draw disengaged whites back into the military and into other jewish tricks to which they have become wise; they'll give up the White House for four years if necessary
>they intentionally prepped Biden to fail with some scheme to make the September debate seem like some kind of redemption, closer in time to the election

Pick one.
If they really replace him with Gavin Newsom, the full usurpation of the DNC by a small group of San Francisco Bay Area Dems will be complete. They already control all of California and you see how that's going. It's kind of impressive how ruthless those Bay Area Dems are.
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I have suspected for a while that having an unpopular, brown woman of the police state sending the remaining white men to their deaths over Israel in WW3 is the final jewish humiliation ritual.
We've got one whole separated into two factions. But the division no longer really makes sense when the entire whole is being screwed over by the very upper crust.

As Globalism worsens, and situations deteriorate domestically, the left/right divide makes less sense for the average citizens since they all roughly advocate for the same policies now.
>why TF they are being so blatantly obvious about the narrative being obvious
Satan with the essential question.

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hes been recharged
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I genuinely can't believe they tapped her for VP slot after Gabbard dragged her carcass around on stage during the primary debate. Also reminder that dismantling Kamala live is what ended Gabbard's career and got her labeled a "russian asset" by Hillary like 2 days later. Last I saw of her she was on JRE talking shit, and Harris is technically the VPOTUS.
Clown world.
It seems so. CNN didn't give Biden special treatment needed because they wanted to him to fail to justify replacing him. 2 seconds after the debate every liberal talking head was knifing Biden in the back and amplifying panic among the Democrat base. This is bad news for Trump because anyone other than Biden will be much more difficult.
Jesus you're a retard.
Ha, yea Biden is not stepping down.
He's way too arrogant to ever do so.
All this is honestly just dems in panic mode.
The kikes in charge still desperately want Biden though, they don't have another drooling sock puppet like him.
Amalek is R haplogroup
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>can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee?
Only if he withdraws from the race himself.
He already has secured the delegates for the convention to be affirmed as their candidate. He won the Democrat primaries by a landslide.
The delegates from each state that he won in the primaries are obliged to vote for him at the convention (similar to how the presidential electoral college works).
Knowing Biden's character he will not withdraw from the race willingly. It would require the party to threaten him with withholding campaign funding for him to withdraw
It seems like a standard persuasion trick.
>Do you want this STINKY old dog turd???
>Or this nice ham sandwich for only 3.99!
Why did they do debate before the conventions which usually never happens?
>The delegates from each state that he won in the primaries are obliged to vote for him at the convention (similar to how the presidential electoral college works).
Not in the Dem primaries, that's what fucked Bernfags over in 2016. They can toss their votes wherever they want at the last minute.
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This is all theater. The current Biden actor was told to make an ass of himself on stage. Trump will "win" a narrow victory to make his followers feel triumphant before they're shipped off to war
>some golden boy like Gavin Newsom
That would be a horrible choice. Nobody wants the US to be run like California, it would take like 2 days to come up with a years worth of anti Newsom propaganda
Yeah we just need to get back to the good ol' days of rampart unrestricted capitalism, if only Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom weren't so concerned with black people and more concerned with making money
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Hey look Ma, a retard!.
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Another genius
The point is, why would they put Biden up there in the first place? There's gotta be a hundred better candidates that are equally controlled.
Yeah it's clear the kikes want Biden out because he's not playing ball on Israel enough. They'll let Trump win this time and have Gavin win 2028
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Everyone keeps saying this and it seems ludicrous to presume 50%+ of the country will just agree to ship out to war because Trump is in charge.
>Thanks for voting for me now go to war
"lol no"
It's that simple
Joe's a company man. He's been in the game for 50 years, senator of a state known for being a corporate tax haven, flip flopping on every possible issue in order to get ahead. He's as loyal of a yes man as it gets. He was never the smartest or most charismatic, but he was a guy you know would do what he is told and fall in line and he's always wanted to be president so they let him be the puppet. Now the dementia is just getting too out of hand for them to hide any longer.
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Stop nooticing things goy.
Anyone else remember the "High Level Insider" threads from 2016?
Nobody in the media uses "media" as the plural form because uneducated Americans like you struggle to understand it as anything other than a collective noun. If you think I didn't know that and wasn't dumbing down for burgers like you, you're deluded.
>A masonic order created in 1099
That's retarded. Freemasonry didn't exist back then. The sovereign order of Malta is a continuation of the Knights Hospitallier, which was a military order of knights who fought in crusades and defended Europe from Islam. The jesuits are members of an entirely religious order, created in a different century and place, and they have nothing to do with the sovereign order of Malta or any other chivalrous/military order. That image is full of errors and false claims that only take about ten seconds to check.
Kamala has been very, very patient, but I don't think she can remain so much longer, if Biden doesn't step down she will go gull cobra on his ass and gobble him the fuck up

Everything has been completely out-in-the-open FUCKED for the last 4.5 years.
This cycle of UBER fuckery started in 2001 in September. The towers were a part of a high ritual meant to affect things for the next 100 years.
This is just the beginning.

This. Turns out people saying the debate was the test were correct. Biden failed.
>Nobody in the media uses "media" as the plural form
That's exclusively what they do, "the media" is a collective term, a plural. Nobody says "the medias". Are you even english? What are you doing in those nice people's country Ahmed?
There is no fixing the rot in this jewish totalitarian state.
We rocking with Pete buttigeig cause we need a president that sucks cock and gets fucked in the ass, where my fellow peteophiles?
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Its all fake
Biden is faking it to avoid prosecution. It started with the secret documents case.
I figured it was because Biden was fading fast and they wanted the debates early so he would have the best chance in not pooping himself on stage.
Checked and you're definitely wrong. They're doing this on purpose, they want to lose while looking like they're trying. Everything is fucked, they destroyed it and now they want to hand off the flaming bag to Trump. He won't be able to fend off the endless onslaught of kikes in the cabinet and around him when he comes back and he will be bogged down and completely fail. This is to destroy him, watch.
The moment the debate was over CNN was ripping Biden apart instead of covering for him like they did for the past 4 years. Completely planned. Question is, who are they going to drag out in Bidens place? Hillary? Kek. Dems have NO ONE.
A nominee can be replaced by a group of delegates. There are no constitutional or otherwise legally binding terms stating that the nominee must remain the nominee. There are internal rules, which would probably lead to a lawsuit if they weren’t followed. The DNC requires a meeting and vote from 350 delegates while the RNC uses 150.

The delegates are chosen internally, and obviously they wouldn’t want to ruffle feathers and go against the party. And the party wouldn’t risk removing someone popular, as it would cause internal strife and many voters would just stay home (which was the case with Trump and the Republican “never Trump” faggots).

I’m not saying the timing isn’t suspicious. I just think it has nothing to do with the nomination process (which officially finished weeks ago, with Biden having won enough delegates sometime around March).
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>I dont get why you guys only have these 2 options to vote for. Why isnt there like at least 10 candidates to vote for?
There is more than two candidates. It's just that the vast majority of Americans refuse to vote for someone that they don't believe has a chance of winning.
>That would be a horrible choice. Nobody wants the US to be run like California, it would take like 2 days to come up with a years worth of anti Newsom propaganda
I wouldn't put it past the Dems to go for broke to draft Big Mike. Obama is still this generation Dems JFK that makes all the women's panties damp, and dumbasses would sell their mothers souls if it meant a third term for Barack.
>Hillary? Kek. Dems have NO ONE.
>newfags first political babby

Listen up newfag, that’s how the news cycle is. It lets the magatards get their moment of glory, builds up their hopes, like the retarded kid that gets the selfie with the cheerleader, and slowly realizes it was all a joke.
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It's Joever!
They tried cheating in 2016 and failed. You ever wonder why Hillary never legally challenged the election and instead paid for that made up Steele dossier? Had an actual audit been ran it would have revealed a shit ton of coordinated cheating for Hillary and would have lost the bitch her popular vote win as well have killed the establishment’s chances of ever stealing another election.
I wish they would go with big mike, that would be hilarious and a guarentee defeat. One thing news will never acknowledge is that white women have to work around black women too sometimes and let me tell you...White women would likely not vote for sheboon. It would be absolute victory for Israel Don.
yeah election fortification at least has to be semi-realistic looking, you couldn't have him win after a shit show like that
>earliest debate in presidential history, two months before the Democrat convention
>CNN moderators go uncharacteristically easy on Trump, allowing the dementia patient to hang himself in front of the world
>unified calls among the DNC and its media propaganda apparatus for Biden to step down

If you can't see this shit is all scripted at this point then I can't help you. There's literally 0% chance Biden will be on the ticket in November.
It's going be the best importer of brown they have, Gavin Newsom
Oh they don't give a fuck about that. These demons are shameless.
Newsom just came out and said he was still behind Biden and against replacing him.
Get fucked. He might not be the solution to our (((problems))) but at least he makes libs cry.
Dem leadership had to show the world that biden is unfit for office because no one serious bothered to run against biden for the nomination. They need him replaced as the nominee.
He's not even on the ballot in some states as the convention is after the deadline for a nominee, kek.
Shit I guess I have to vote Biden now, gee shucks.
Get shot.
Of course they could cheat him in. What are you, some kind of election denier?
If Biden doesn't run is he still the president? I made a bet 3 years ago he wouldn't finish his term.
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What do you mean? Biden is fine. He's always been like this. He's just in his golden years. He takes his time choosing his words sometimes, unlike Trump. He has deep thoughts and stares into a space every once in a while. It's actually a nothing burger. The same headlines exist for trump -- for the past decade.
>so he basically has to abdicate the Presidency to Harris who will inherit the de facto nomination at the convention.

No. He can remain president and not be the candidate. There's very little in the way of laws governing political parties and they can do whatever they want in regards to candidates. How the people in that party react can be a problem, but still not a legal issue.
That's why it would be perfect for America. TDD
Sure there is. Just need a handy dandy firearm.
Oligarchs hate moving parts, like they have in Europe.
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> its real
No, they did the debate now because Biden was polling poorly and they were hoping that he could do well like he did 4 years ago to then kill any chance Trump had. But the reverse happened. Don't assume coordination when the real answer is that these guys all think alike.
the demon rats pulled the lawfare card with their shananingans kangaroo court
keep in mind that the rules were written by dead white man (tm), and thus not a concern for the modern globohomo hydra
>I wish they would go with big mike, that would be hilarious and a guarentee defeat. One thing news will never acknowledge is that white women have to work around black women too sometimes and let me tell you...White women would likely not vote for sheboon. It would be absolute victory for Israel Don.
These people voted for Bidum even when Kamala said she believed he was a sexual abuser. Don't put it past feminists to hold their nose and vote Dem. These women WILL forget all the chimp outs they've personally witnesses if it means a woman in the Oval Office.
that might be so he can say "well, i wanted biden, but i guess i can be prez instead"
This is exactly it. Earliest debate in history. This was the plan all along. Even though nothing Biden did last night was out of the norm for how he’s been acting the last 4 years
>Shit, neither candidate looks like they're campaigning in the classic sense, we're a few months from elections and it doesn't feel like it.
The damning part is Trump being dragged to all these show trials IS his campaign.
He's constantly on the news, he's constantly speaking out about how he's being treated badly, everything is still about him.
It's why the only semi-intelligent thing the left ever did for a while was to ignore Trump. Just let him suffocate from the lack of attention
But then they missed those TDS ratings
>"I didn't want this, you all are forcing me"
Type of shit, both Trump and Biden were kinda doing it last night as well.
>They need him replaced as the nominee
They always have. Their only focus in 2020 was "stop Trump." That's very different than "elect our candidate."

So they cheated enough to steal the election, but like the dog that catches the car - now wtf do they do for the next election cycle? The thing they insisted won the election sure as hell wasn't going to win another one.

The plan was *always* to use the "Biden" character like a free play at a game: distract from 4 years of kike-driven destruction, then jetison all the "Bidens" and simply announce a new face.
>The important question now: why are the DeepState sacrificing their "Biden" character and letting Trump win?

So he can boost conscription numbers and send more ppl to die in a war. You a need someone who looks rw for that. Conscripting under Biden would be a disaster, at least under Zognald they get all the cuckservatives.
>Biden would have to be the most popular president elected in US history for the second time in a row, and literally nobody, not even lefties, think that's a narrative anyone would believe
Those same political scientists that Biden kept bragging about last night that put Trump as the "worst president ever" also have Biden in the top 10. Think about the nakedly partisanness of that for a second. Even if you're a Dem shill who thinks Biden is doing a good job, how can you justify him being in the top 10 presidents of all time?
Damn son, you have a brain
Yeah, this. They knew before the debate that Biden was cooked. This was a planned hit job. Biden’s out, Newsom or Harris is in
they're gaslighting the public to make trump the president
very suspicious. they are up to something.
they'll probably make trump the scapegoat for WW3- which will get worse in the next 4 years.
would be a good way to meet the deadline for the great reset by 2030.
the braindead public will see trump as the worst president in history.
they'll be more wary of white males and more open to globohomo.
very good steps to enslave the cattle
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If democrats replace Biden with a fresh young new face who is more centrist then they will have a very high chance to win.
What are you saying? That they’d ignore the rules and NOT replace Biden, ensuring a Trump victory?
There are 2 problems with this
1) Biden’s already got the delegates, they can’t replace him unless he voluntarily agrees to step aside. Trying to force him out with 25A or something would be terrible fucking optics and would immediately lose the Dems the election
2) Who can they replace Biden with? Rust belters aren’t going to vote for the governor of California, Harris is even dumber and more unpopular than Dementia Joe, Hillary is a sad joke, Michelle Obama would be rightly criticized as a nepotism hire with no actual experience
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>thinks this is all governed by a system rather than scheming

They don't care. The pieces are set. You won't do shit.
And the prize is the control of the American Kleptocracy. To loose to the Republicans would be bad enough, to loose to Trump means the phones stop ringing altogether. Given the fantastic charges of the lawfare against Trump, the man might actually be clean. How ridiculous is that?
You underestimate the muttmerican need for goyslop.
I believe they were kinda out into a corner, remember what the first impeachment trial was over? It was Trump asking for Biden’s corruption to be investigated (in Ukraine no less). The dems ran “trying to interfere with the presidential election”, and made every other candidate drop out. Joe went from dead last to the only candidate in about a week to justify the impeachment trial, which still didn’t even work, and landed them with Biden being the candidate. Maybe they thought they could handle it, I’m not sure. But during 2018-9 dems were on the back foot and making a lot of knee jerk decisions like that.
Wonder what they're playing hot-potato for..
Devils advocate would say that when Obama was elected politics here were way less tribal as they are now and the intense controversy ever since has led to increased voting, another interesting thing I haven't seen is the population voter turnout adjusted for population inflation, since as the population goes up, total votes will invariably rise as well, there's been a 10% pop increase since Obamas first election.
The tribalisn kicked in DURING Obama's presidency. We got the Henry Louis Gates arrest, the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown shootings, all of which Obama publicly commented on ("racist cop arresting a black profesor!", "if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon!," etc) blaming everything on racism at every turn and helping to ignite the BLM movement and reinvigorating protest movements.
People forget that prior to the 2020 summer of love, the 2014-15 protests were the biggest demonstrations we've had on racial violence since the 1960s, and leftist organizations like Antifa and ANSWER really got a foothold on national discussions. From that point on, if you supported police and law and order your were a bootlicking fascist; if you supported prison reform and defunding police, you were on the right side of history.

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